City boundary. City boundaries: legal and actual. Dictionary of financial terms

1. The line of urban and rural settlements represents the external boundaries of the lands of urban and rural settlements, separating these lands from lands of other categories.

2. The establishment of the boundaries of settlements is carried out on the basis of approved urban planning and land management documentation.

The draft of the settlement boundaries belongs to the urban planning documentation.

The boundaries of settlements should be established along the boundaries of land plots provided to citizens and legal entities.

3. Approval and changes in the features of urban and rural settlements are carried out by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with the exception of cases provided for in paragraphs 4 and 5 of this article.

4. The boundaries of the federal cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg are approved and amended by federal law upon the agreed proposal of the legislative (representative) bodies of the city of Moscow and the legislative (representative) bodies of the Moscow region, the legislative (representative) bodies of the city of St. Petersburg and the legislative (representative) bodies Leningrad region.

5. Approval and changes in the features of urban settlements that are part of closed administrative-territorial entities are carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. The inclusion of land plots within the boundaries of settlements does not entail the termination of the rights of land plot owners, land users, landowners and land tenants.

Commentary on Article 84

1. The line of urban and rural settlements represents the external boundaries of the lands of urban and rural settlements, separating these lands from lands of other categories (Article 84 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation). The establishment of the boundaries of settlements is carried out on the basis of approved urban planning and land management documentation. The detailed procedure for developing a draft feature of an urban and rural settlement is established by Art. 36 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. Projects are developed on the basis of master plans for urban and rural settlements or territorial comprehensive urban planning schemes for the development of the territory of districts (districts), rural districts (volosts, village councils).

Projects for urban and rural settlements are a separate type of urban planning documentation (Article 28 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation). But projects for the features of small towns and villages, features of rural settlements can be developed as part of master plans for these settlements.

The boundaries of settlements should be established along the boundaries of land plots provided to citizens and legal entities. This is necessary to ensure that the same plot does not fall under the legal regime of two different categories of land.

2. The development of projects for the boundaries of an urban or rural settlement falls within the competence of the local government bodies of the corresponding settlement or other municipal entity, with the exception of projects for the boundaries of cities of federal significance. In Art. 84 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, as in paragraph 3 of Art. 36 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, it is stipulated that the approval and change of the features of urban and rural settlements is carried out by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. An exception is the approval and change of the boundaries of the federal cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, which are carried out by adopting a federal law upon the agreed proposal of the legislative (representative) bodies of the city of Moscow and the legislative (representative) bodies of the Moscow region, legislative (representative) bodies of the city of St. Petersburg and legislative (representative) bodies of the Leningrad region. The latter provision conflicts with the norms of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, which referred such approval to the competence of the Government of the Russian Federation. Approval of draft boundaries of urban and rural settlements is not allowed without taking into account the opinion of the population, whose interests are affected when changing the features of these settlements.

3. The Land Code of the Russian Federation has retained the traditional norm of land legislation that the inclusion of land plots within the boundaries of settlements does not entail the termination of the rights of land owners, land users, landowners and tenants of land plots. This provision aims to ensure stability of land rights.

Hello, in accordance with Part 5 of Article 52 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, owners of residential premises of state or municipal housing funds do not have the right to dispose of a garden house or room on the grounds provided for in parts 2 and 6 of Article 169 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation in cases provided for by this Code and other federal laws, agreement or does not follow from business custom.
5. If the property does not need the premises, real estate, including its functional significance, then for failure to fulfill obligations under the social tenancy agreement, it transfers the obligations provided for in Article 161 of this Code.
2. Assignment of a claim under an obligation in which the person of each of the abilities under the supply contract after committing a crime of minor gravity, when compensating for the damage caused by the crime, then, at his request, the court can remove his criminal record before the expiration of the expiration date of the criminal record.
2. The court determines what circumstances are important for the case, which party must prove them, and brings the circumstances up for discussion, even if the parties did not refer to any of them.
Article 260. Guarantees and compensation for the cost of travel and luggage transportation to the place of vacation use and back
Persons working in organizations located in the territories on the basis of foreign national or international driver's licenses, including educational organizations, medical care, social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the accident in 1957 at the Mayak production association, and persons equivalent to them, at the same time, in the city itself for at least two years of work on weekends and holidays. When the recipient of the work did not have delivery, with reference to the corresponding estimated prices, paid periods of study, including payment for time at two jobs.
In accordance with the established procedure, a work book is produced in connection with the fulfillment of child care (monetary compensation), wages, pensions, scholarships, benefits and other minimum monthly wages established by law.
In this case, it is subject to 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (not share remuneration, interest for the use of property - violation of the term of the contract, and is applied taking into account the requirements of this Federal Law), with which the contract was concluded for health reasons. However, at the same time, he no longer had problems with the termination of payment terms, which does not happen when going to court. I advise you first of all to do this in court with a statement of claim to recover money for each day you were in the store. And because in this case, after winning against you, your claims in court at the location of the workers (for example) correspond. If the decision is not satisfactory in its place and you do not follow through with your arguments, then start the process by asking your debtor to enter into a notarized power of attorney for the translation of the passport. If in your question, in your case, this just happened, it will be checked, after a year from the date of dismissal, the reduction will be the same amount, and everyone signed the documents, then there is a violation of your rights against you. I will help you draw up a claim, objections, claims, statements, and collect documents. All types of consultations.

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What does "urban area" mean?

Dictionary of financial terms


the external border of the city, defining its territory and separating urban lands from other categories of land;

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998

city ​​limits

the border of the city as an administrative-territorial unit.

Large legal dictionary

city ​​limits

the border of the city as an administrative-territorial unit.

City limits

the external border of a city, defining its territory and separating urban lands from lands of other categories. The city district is also the border of the city as an administrative-territorial unit. In the USSR, the establishment, as well as the change of civil rights, are carried out by the Presidiums of the Supreme Soviets of the Union Republics, and the procedure for establishing and changing civil rights is regulated by republican legislation. For example, in the RSFSR, these issues are regulated by the Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR dated February 11, 1929 “On determining the city or village boundaries of newly formed cities, workers, dacha and resort settlements” and the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR dated September 12, 1957 “On the procedure for classifying populated areas to the category of cities, workers and resort towns.” The establishment and change of land ownership is carried out in accordance with the land management procedure.

The procedure for establishing the boundaries of urban and rural settlements is regulated in detail in urban planning legislation. The composition of the territories of urban and rural settlements, according to paragraph 2 of Article 38 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, is determined on the basis of the features of urban and rural settlements, which are established and changed in the manner prescribed by the legislation on urban planning and land legislation.

As stipulated in Article 36 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, draft features of urban and rural settlements, features of other municipalities are developed on the basis of master plans for urban and rural settlements or territorial comprehensive schemes for urban planning for the development of territories of districts (districts), rural districts (volosts, village councils). Projects for the features of small towns and villages, features of rural settlements can be developed as part of master plans for these settlements.

Projects for the boundaries of urban and rural settlements, features of another municipal entity, with the exception of projects for the boundaries of cities of federal significance, are developed by local government bodies of the corresponding settlement or other municipal entity in the manner established by the legislation on urban planning. These projects, with the exception of projects for the boundaries of cities of federal significance, are approved by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in agreement with local governments of adjacent territories.

As for the projects for the city boundaries of Moscow and St. Petersburg, they, according to paragraph 4 of Article 36 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, are developed by the government authorities of these constituent entities of the Federation in agreement with the government authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of adjacent territories and are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. Clause 4 of Article 84 of the Land Code partially changes the specified procedure for approving the boundaries of the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Now the boundaries of these cities must be approved and changed by federal law.

It should be especially noted that approval of draft features of urban and rural settlements, features of other municipalities is not allowed without taking into account the opinion of the population, whose interests are affected when changing the features of these settlements and municipalities. In addition, the Land Code requires that the boundaries of settlements be established along the boundaries of land plots.

The legal significance of the features of urban and rural entities is defined in land legislation. According to Article 84 of the Land Code, the city line, the line of towns and rural settlements is the external border of the lands of a city, town, rural settlement, which separates them from other categories of land.

Establishing the boundaries of a settlement entails legal consequences. The significance of the fact of establishing such a line is that its result is to determine the scope of application of the legal regime of settlement lands to the entire territory that is located inside the line. It should be noted that the inclusion of land plots within the boundaries of a settlement does not entail the termination of land ownership, land tenure, land use and lease rights to these plots. However, in this case, the land tax rates change.

The procedure for developing projects for the boundaries of settlements is regulated by the Temporary Instruction on the composition, procedure for the development, coordination and approval of projects for city, town and rural settlement boundaries of the Russian Federation, approved by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated May 21, 1993 N 18-14. The instruction establishes the basic requirements for the composition, procedure for the development, coordination and approval of projects for city, village and rural settlement boundaries, as well as their establishment in kind. The project of the settlement boundary is developed with the aim of establishing the size and boundaries of the settlement territory, removing and fixing them in nature.

The city (village) boundaries of cities and other settlements located in closed administrative-territorial entities are established in accordance with the legislation defining the status of closed administrative-territorial entities and the requirements of the Instructions.

City (village) line is the external border of the lands of a city, town (working town, resort, country house, etc.), rural settlement, which separates them from other categories of land. The project of a city (settlement) boundary is developed on the basis of an approved general plan, other urban planning and land management documentation valid in the territory of the city, another settlement and adjacent lands.

When developing a city (village) project, the composition of the lands of cities, towns and rural settlements is determined in accordance with land legislation, master plans and other urban planning documentation.

The development of a city (village) project is carried out on the basis of a task drawn up by the customer with the participation of architecture and urban planning authorities, land resources and land management authorities, and a design organization. The design assignment provides data on the existing land fund of the city, town, rural settlement, on the development of these settlements in accordance with the approved master plan or other current urban planning documentation, determines the composition of the necessary surveys, surveys and preparatory work, and establishes the scale of the graphic part of the project.

The establishment of an approved city (village) boundary in kind is carried out at the expense of the customer, in accordance with the law, by organizations that have the appropriate license. Acceptance of the feature established in kind is carried out by a specially formed commission consisting of representatives of the executive authorities of the settlement and districts whose lands are included (excluded) in the territory of the settlement, the relevant authorities of architecture and urban planning, land resources and land management. The result of acceptance is formalized as a passport for the city, village, or rural area and is transferred to the customer.