GOST 21.501 80 architectural solutions, working drawings. Terms and Definitions

GOST 21.501-2011

Group Zh01


System of design documents for construction


System of design documents for construction. Rules for execution of the working documentation of architectural and construction solutions

OKS 01.100.30

Date of introduction 2013-05-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Open Joint Stock Company "Center for Methodology of Standardization and Standardization in Construction" (JSC "CNS")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Conformity Assessment in Construction (MNTKS) (Minutes dated December 8, 2011 N 39)

Country code by

abbreviated name


MK (ISO 3166)

national authority

countries according to MK (ISO

government controlled




Ministry of Urban Development


Construction Agency

and housing and communal services




Ministry of Construction and

regional development


Department of Architecture,


construction and

urban planning policy

Ministry of regional



Construction and

architecture under the Government



Ministry of Regional

development, construction and housing and communal services

4 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 11, 2012 N 485-st entered into force as a national standard of the Russian Federation on May 1, 2013.

5 INSTEAD GOST 21.501-93

Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the monthly published index “National Standards”.

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annually published information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards"

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the composition and rules for preparing working documentation for architectural and structural solutions for buildings and structures for various purposes, as well as working documentation for construction products.

The composition and rules for preparing working documentation for design solutions for metal building structures are established in GOST

21.502 .

requirements for drawings GOST 2.113-75 Unified system of design documentation. Group

and basic design documents GOST 2.306-68 Unified system of design documentation.

Designations of graphic materials and rules for their application on drawings GOST 21.101-97 * System of design documentation for construction.

Basic requirements for design and working documentation

* GOST R 21.1101-2009 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST 21.110-95 System of design documentation for construction.

Rules for fulfilling the specifications of equipment, products and materials GOST 21.113-88 System of design documentation for construction.

Designations of accuracy characteristics GOST 21.201-2011 System of design documentation for construction.

Conventional images of elements of buildings, structures and structures GOST 21.205-93 System of design documentation for construction.

Symbols of elements of sanitary systems GOST 21.502-2007 System of design documentation for construction.

Rules for the implementation of design and working documentation of metal structures

GOST 82-70 Hot-rolled broadband universal steel. Assortment

GOST 103-2006 Long-rolled hot-rolled strip products. Assortment GOST 5781-82 Hot rolled steel for reinforced concrete reinforcement

designs. Technical specifications GOST 6727-80 Low-carbon steel cold-drawn wire for

reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures. Technical specifications GOST 8510-86 Hot-rolled unequal steel angles.

Assortment GOST 13015-2003 Reinforced concrete and concrete products for

construction. General technical requirements. Rules for acceptance, labeling, transportation and storage

GOST 14098-91 Welded connections of reinforcement and embedded products of reinforced concrete structures. Types, designs and sizes

GOST 21780-2006 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Accuracy calculation

GOST 23009-78 Prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures and products. Symbols (brands)

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards on the territory of the state according to the corresponding index of standards compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

The following terms with corresponding definitions are used in this standard:

3 . 1 drawings of architectural solutions: Drawings of a building or structure,

reflecting the author's concept of the object with a comprehensive solution of spatial, planning, functional and aesthetic requirements for it, recorded in the form of a contour symbolic image of load-bearing and enclosing structures.

3 . 2 design drawings: Drawings showing, in the form of conventional images, building structures (reinforced concrete, stone, metal, wood, plastic, etc.) used in buildings or structures, and their relative placement and connection.

3.3 building construction: A part of a building or structure that performs certain load-bearing, enclosing and (or) aesthetic functions.

3.4 construction product: A product intended for use as an element of buildings, structures and construction structures.

3 . 5 building structure element: An integral part of a prefabricated or monolithic structure.

3 . 6 construction material: Material, including piece material, intended for the manufacture of building products and the construction of building structures of buildings and structures.

4 General provisions

4.1 Detailed documentation of architectural and structural solutions, as well as construction products, is carried out in accordance with the requirements GOST 21.101 and this standard.

4.2 Conventional graphic images of elements of buildings, structures and building structures are taken according to GOST 21.201.

4.3 Graphic designations of materials in sections, sections and on facades, and also the rules for their application are adopted in accordance with GOST 2.306.

4.4 Elements of sanitary systems (baths, sinks, toilets, etc.), depending on the scale of the drawing, are depicted in a simplified manner, taking into account their design features, or with conventional graphic symbols in accordance with GOST 21.205.

4.5 Alphanumeric designations (brands) of elements and building structures of buildings (structures), as well as construction products, are made up of the letter designation of their type and serial number. The designation of the type of element, structure and product consists of a conventional letter designation of their name. Letter designations for names of structures and products are accepted according to relevant standards, for example according to GOST 23009.

The serial number of the element, structure and product is assigned within the type designation, starting with one.

Example - B1; B2, PR1

For grades of monolithic reinforced concrete and concrete structures, designations with the additional index “m” are accepted.

Example - Bm1, PRm1; PRm2

4.6 The drawings of architectural and structural solutions indicate the accuracy characteristics of the geometric parameters of buildings, structures, structures and their elements according to GOST 21.113.

Requirements for the accuracy of the functional geometric parameters of buildings, structures and structures must be linked with the requirements for the accuracy of manufacturing products (structural elements), laying out axes and installing structural elements by calculating the accuracy according to GOST 21780.

4.7 Working drawings (on images of foundations, walls, partitions, ceilings) indicate openings, grooves, niches, nests and holes with the required dimensions and references.

Table 1

Image name

1 Architectural solutions:

Floor plans (except technical), sections,

1:50; 1:100; 1:200; 1:400;

Roof, floor, technical floor plans

Fragments of plans, facades

2 Design solutions:

Layout diagrams of structural elements

1:100; 1:200; 1:400;

Fragments and sections to layout diagrams

structural elements

Nodes to element layout diagrams


Types, sections and sections of concrete elements

1:20; 1:50; 1:100

and reinforced concrete structures, diagrams


Structural nodes

1:5; 1:10; 1:20; 1:50

3 Product drawings

Note - The image scale is selected from the recommended range depending on the size of the building and the saturation of the images in the drawing.

5 Architectural solutions

5.1 General requirements

5.1.1 The working documentation of architectural solutions includes working drawings intended for construction and installation work (the main set of working drawings of the AP brand), as well as, if necessary:

- specification of equipment, products and materials;

- questionnaires and dimensional drawings carried out in accordance with the data of equipment suppliers;

- local estimate.

5.1.2 The main set of working drawings of the AP brand includes:

- floor plans, including the basement, technical underground, technical floor and attic;



- floor plans (if necessary);

- roof plan;

- layout diagrams of elements of prefabricated partitions*,

- layout diagrams of elements for filling window and other openings*;

* Layout diagrams of metal elements of prefabricated partitions and filling of window openings are carried out as part of working drawings of metal structures. Layout diagrams for elements of prefabricated reinforced concrete partitions are usually made as part of the main set of working drawings of reinforced concrete structures.

- remote elements (nodes, fragments);

- specifications for layout diagrams.

5.2.1 Included in the general data on working drawings, in addition to the information provided GOST 21.101, include a statement of finishing of premises in Form 1 of Appendix A (in the absence of a basic set of working drawings of interiors and if this is provided for in the design assignment).

5.2.2 In general instructions, in addition to the information provided GOST 21.101, give:

Level of responsibility of the building (structure); - category of building (structure) according to explosion and fire protection

dangers; - degree of fire resistance of the building (structure);

Structural fire hazard class of the building; - functional fire hazard class of the building;

Fire hazard class of building structures; - estimated service life of the building (structure); - characteristics of wall and insulating materials*;

Instructions for installing waterproofing and blind areas*; - instructions for the exterior finishing of a building (structure)*;

* Provided if there are no corresponding instructions on the drawings.

Instructions on measures during work in winter; - instructions on measures to ensure the protection of premises from noise,

vibration and other influences.

5.3 Floor plans

5.3.1 When executing a floor plan, the position of the imaginary horizontal secant The cut planes are taken at the level of the window openings or at 1/3 of the height of the depicted floor.

IN In cases where window openings are located above the cutting plane, sections of the corresponding walls are located along the perimeter of the plan at the level of the window openings.

5.3.2 The floor plans are marked with:

a) coordination axes of the building (structure);

b) dimensions determining the distances between the coordination axes and openings, the thickness of walls and partitions, marks of areas located at different levels, and other necessary dimensions;

c) lines and designations of sections. The cutting lines are drawn, as a rule, in such a way that the cut includes openings of windows, external gates and doors, staircases, elevator shafts, balconies, loggias, etc.;

d) positions (marks) of elements of a building (structure), filling of openings of gates and doors (except for those included in panel partitions), lintels, stairs, etc.

Positional designations of gate and door openings are recommended to be indicated in circles with a diameter of 5-7 mm;

e) designations of nodes and fragments of plans;

f) names of premises, their area, categories of explosion and fire hazard (except for residential buildings).

The area is marked in the lower right corner of the room and underlined. The category of the premises in terms of explosion and fire hazard is indicated under its name in a rectangle.

For residential buildings, if necessary, the plans indicate the type and area of ​​apartments, and it is recommended to provide information in accordance with Figure 1.

Figure 1. Type and area of ​​apartments

Picture 1

It is allowed to list the names of premises, their area and categories in the explication of premises in Form 2 (Appendix A). In this case, instead of the names of the premises, their numbers are indicated on the plans. For residential buildings, explication of premises, as a rule, is not carried out;

g) boundaries of the movement zones of technological cranes (if necessary);

i) location of sanitary equipment (if necessary).

5.3.3 Built-in premises and other areas of the building (structure), for which separate drawings are made, are depicted schematically with a solid thin line showing load-bearing structures.

5.3.4 Platforms, mezzanines and other structures located above the cutting plane are depicted schematically with a thin dash-dotted line with two dots.

5.3.5 Examples of building floor plans are shown in Figures B.1 and B.2 (Appendix B).

5.3.6 For buildings with walls made of bricks or small blocks, masonry plans are made, if necessary.

The masonry plan shows the layout of walls, partitions, columns, pillars and other elements built from brick or small blocks, window and door openings, openings, ventilation ducts and chimneys, niches, grooves, etc. Staircases, elevator shafts, balconies, loggias are schematically depicted with solid thin lines.

The masonry plan contains information in accordance with listings a)-e) 5.3.2, indicates areas of masonry reinforced with reinforcing meshes and rods, and provides instructions on the placement of meshes and rods in the masonry. In addition to the masonry plan, a plan of lintels is made, on which the positions (marks) of lintels in the places where they are laid are indicated.

5.3.7 For floor plans:

- list of jumpers according to Form 3 (Appendix A);

- specifications for filling elements of window, door and other openings, prefabricated partitions, lintels, marked on plans, sections and facades - according to Form 7 or 8 of Appendix G GOST 21.101;

- other statements at the discretion of the developer (for example, a list of holes for utilities).

5.3.8 Examples of the list and specification of jumper elements are shown in Figures B.1 and B.2 (Appendix B).

An example of the specification of elements for filling openings is shown in Figure B.3 (Appendix B).

5.4 Sections and elevations

5.4.1 Contour lines of structural elements in a section are shown as a solid thick main line, visible contour lines that do not fall into the section plane are shown as a solid thin line.

5.4.2 The following is applied to sections and facades:

- coordination axes of a building (structure), passing in characteristic places of the section and facade (extreme, at expansion joints, load-bearing structures, in places of height difference, etc.) with dimensions determining the distances between them (only on sections), and the total distance between the extreme axes;

- marks characterizing the location of elements of load-bearing and enclosing structures in height;

- dimensions and height references of openings, holes, niches and sockets in the walls

And partitions shown in sections;

- positions (marks) of building (structure) elements not indicated on the plans;

- designations of nodes and fragments of sections and facades.

The facades also indicate the types of filling of window openings and the materials of individual sections of walls that differ from the main materials. It is allowed to indicate the types of window openings on floor plans.

On the sheet showing the facades, if necessary, provide a list of facade finishing according to Form 9 of Appendix A. In this case, positional designations of the types of facade finishing are indicated on leader lines in circles with a diameter of 6-8 mm.

5.4.3 Examples of sections are shown in Figures D.1-D.3 (Appendix D), facades and their fragments - in Figures D.1-D.2 (Appendix D).

5.5 Floor and roof plans

5.5.1 The following is applied to the floor plans:

- coordination axes: extreme, at expansion joints, along the edges of areas with various design and other features and with dimensional references of such areas;

- floor slope designations;

- type of floors Numerical designations of floor types are placed in equilateral triangles with a height 8-10 mm;

- marks in places where floors differ.

The walls of a building (structure) and partitions on floor plans are depicted as a solid thick main line.

The floor plans indicate the elements of the building (structure) and devices that affect the floor structure (gate and door openings, expansion joints, channels, ladders, etc.), the boundaries of areas with different floor structures.

Expansion joints are depicted by two thin solid lines, the boundaries of floor sections are shown by dotted lines.

5.5.2 Floor plans may be combined with floor plans.

5.5.3 For the floor plans, an explication of the floors is made in form 4 (Appendix

An example of a floor plan is shown in Figure E.1 (Appendix E).

5.5.4 The following is applied to the roof plan:

- coordination axes: extreme, at expansion joints, along the edges of sections of the roof (roof) with various design and other features, with dimensional references to such sections;

- roof slope designations;

- marks or schematic cross-section of the roof;

- positions (brands) of roofing (roof) elements and devices.

The plan of the roof (roof) indicates expansion joints with two thin lines, parapet slabs and other elements of the roof (roof) fencing, funnels, deflectors, ventilation shafts, fire escapes, and other elements and devices that are not practical to indicate and mark on other drawings.

5.5.5 A specification is drawn up for the roof (roof) plan in form 7 GOST 21.101, which records the elements and devices of the roof (roof).

5.5.6 An example of a roof plan is shown in Figure G.1 (Appendix

5.6 Layout diagrams of elements of prefabricated partitions, filling of window and other openings

5.6.1 The layout of elements of prefabricated partitions (except for reinforced concrete panels), filling of window and other openings is carried out taking into account the requirements of 6.3.

5.6.2 It is allowed to combine the layout of elements of prefabricated partitions with floor plans.

An example of the arrangement of elements of prefabricated partitions is shown in Figure I.1 (Appendix I).

5.6.3 The arrangement of elements for filling window openings is drawn up for each type of filling. A continuous filling between two adjacent coordination axes is counted as filling of the same type.

When panels with filled openings are supplied as a set, the layout of the filling elements is not followed.

5.6.4 An example of the arrangement of elements for filling window openings is shown in Figure K.1 (Appendix K).

5.7 Specification of equipment, products and materials

5.7.1 The specification of equipment, products and materials (hereinafter referred to as the specification) for the main set of working drawings of the AR brand is carried out and designated according to GOST 21.110 taking into account the additional requirements of this standard.

5.7.2 If the industrial building has attached or built-in parts in which auxiliary premises are located, then the specification is drawn up in parts:

Production part; - auxiliary part.

If a residential building has attached or built-in parts to accommodate enterprises and public institutions, then the specification is also drawn up in parts:

Residential part; - auxiliary part.

The name of each part is written as a heading in the column “Name and technical characteristics” and underlined.

5.7.3 If necessary, the specification or its parts specified in 5.7.2 are further divided into sections:

The underground part of the building (structure); - the above-ground part of the building (structure).

If it is necessary to allocate resources for individual structural parts of the building, then each section is divided into subsections:

Walls, partitions (except reinforced concrete); - floors; - roof (roof).

When dividing the sections of the specification into the indicated subsections, the equipment provided for in the main set of working drawings of the AR brand, as a rule, is separated into an independent subsection with the name “Equipment”.

5.7.4 Equipment, building elements, structures (products) and materials in sections (subsections) are recorded in groups in the following sequence:

Equipment; - elements for filling openings (gates, door and window blocks, including

including with opening mechanisms, louvered grilles, etc.); - jumper elements; - elements of prefabricated partitions;

Other elements of the building (structure); - basic materials.

IN the specification does not include certain types of products and materials (bolts, nuts, washers, dowels, nails, etc.), the nomenclature and quantity of which are determined according to the current technological and production standards when performing construction and installation works.

5.7.5 The following units of measurement are accepted in the specification:

- equipment, products (building elements) - pcs.;

- coating materials, protection (for example, roofing felt, roofing felt, dry gypsum sheets*, linoleum, window glass, fabrics, mesh, rolled sheet metal, ceramic tiles, parquet, including piece parquet, parquet panels, slabs

wood fiber*, particle boards* - m;

* If necessary, used as products indicating the technical characteristics and quantity in pieces.

Insulating materials, fillers (for example, mineral wool,

crushed stone, gravel, rubble stone, sand, concrete) - m; - other materials (for example, cement, asbestos, building lime,

bitumen, mortar, asphalt concrete) - kg (allowed - t).

6 Design solutions

6.1 General requirements

6.1.1 The working documentation for design solutions includes:

- working drawings intended for construction and installation work (the main set of working drawings of design solutions);

- working documentation for construction products;

- local estimate (if necessary).

Brands and names of the main sets of working drawings of design solutions are assigned according to GOST 21.101 depending on the type of building structures.

6.1.2 The main set of working drawings for design solutions includes:

- general data on working drawings;

- layout diagrams of structural elements;

- specifications for layout diagrams of structural elements.

The working drawings of monolithic reinforced concrete structures additionally include:

- reinforcement schemes for monolithic reinforced concrete structures;

- statement of steel consumption for monolithic structures in Form 5 (Appendix A).

6.2 General data on working drawings

6.2.1 The general data on working drawings of design solutions includes information provided GOST 21.101.

When carried out as part of the main set of drawings of foundations and pile foundations, the general data additionally includes a fragment of a layout plan with plotted axes of a building or structure, the position of engineering-geological workings (wells, pits, sounding points, etc.), lines of engineering-geological sections and etc.

6.2.2 As part of the general instructions given as part of the general data on working drawings, in addition to the information provided GOST 21.101 include:

Information about the loads and impacts adopted for the calculation of the structures of a building or structure;

Information about soils (foundations), the level and nature of groundwater, freezing depth*;

Instructions on measures to prepare preparations for foundations and on special conditions for the work*;

* They are given if they are not included in the technical requirements for the layout of foundation elements.

Information on measures for anti-corrosion protection of structures (in the absence of the main set of working drawings of grade AZ);

Instructions on measures when carrying out work in winter.

6.3 Layout diagrams of structural elements

6.3.1 On the layout diagram of structural elements (hereinafter referred to as the layout diagram), structural elements and connections between them are indicated in the form of conventional or simplified graphic images.

6.3.2 The layout diagram is carried out for each group of structural elements related to the conditions and sequence of construction work.

1 Layout of foundation elements and foundation beams

2 Layout of basement wall blocks (layout of basement block walls)

3 Layout of columns, column connections, crane beams

4 Layout of trusses (beams)

5 Layout of wall panels and partitions

6.3.3 Layout diagrams are made in the form of plans, facades or sections of the corresponding structures with a simplified image of the elements.

Put into effect by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 11, 2012 N 485-st

Interstate standard GOST 21.501-2011


System of design documents for construction. Rules for execution of the working documentation of architectural and construction solutions

Instead of GOST 21.501-93

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the composition and rules for preparing working documentation for architectural and structural solutions for buildings and structures for various purposes, as well as working documentation for construction products.

The composition and rules for preparing working documentation for design solutions for metal building structures are established in GOST 21.502.

2 Normative references

GOST 2.109-73 Unified system of design documentation. Basic requirements for drawings

GOST 2.113-75 Unified system of design documentation. Group and basic design documents

GOST 2.306-68 Unified system of design documentation. Designations of graphic materials and rules for their application in drawings

GOST 21.101-97*(1) System of design documentation for construction. Basic requirements for design and working documentation

GOST 21.110-95 System of design documentation for construction. Rules for fulfilling the specifications of equipment, products and materials

GOST 21.113-88 System of design documentation for construction. Accuracy Characteristic Designations

GOST 21.201-2011 System of design documentation for construction. Conventional images of elements of buildings, structures and structures

GOST 21.205-93 System of design documentation for construction. Symbols for elements of sanitary systems

GOST 21.502-2007 System of design documentation for construction. Rules for the implementation of design and working documentation of metal structures

GOST 82-70 Hot-rolled broadband universal steel. Assortment

GOST 103-2006 Long-rolled hot-rolled strip products. Assortment

GOST 5781-82 Hot-rolled steel for reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures. Specifications

GOST 6727-80 Cold-drawn low-carbon steel wire for reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures. Specifications

GOST 8510-86 Hot-rolled steel angles, unequal. Assortment

GOST 13015-2003 Reinforced concrete and concrete products for construction. General technical requirements. Rules for acceptance, labeling, transportation and storage

GOST 14098-91 Welded connections of reinforcement and embedded products of reinforced concrete structures. Types, designs and sizes

GOST 21780-2006 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Accuracy calculation

GOST 23009-78 Prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures and products. Symbols (brands)

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards on the territory of the state according to the corresponding index of standards compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

The following terms with corresponding definitions are used in this standard:

3.1 drawings of architectural solutions: Drawings of a building or structure that reflect the author’s concept of an object with a comprehensive solution of spatial, planning, functional and aesthetic requirements for it, recorded in the form of a contour conventional image of load-bearing and enclosing structures.

3.2 drawings of constructive solutions: Drawings showing, in the form of conventional images, building structures (reinforced concrete, stone, metal, wood, plastic, etc.) used in buildings or structures, and their mutual placement and connection.

3.3 building structure: Part of a building or structure that performs certain load-bearing, enclosing and (or) aesthetic functions.

3.4 construction product: A product intended for use as an element of buildings, structures and building structures.

3.5 element of a building structure: An integral part of a prefabricated or monolithic structure.

3.6 building material: Material, including piece material, intended for the manufacture of building products and the construction of building structures of buildings and structures.

4 General provisions

4.1 Detailed documentation of architectural and structural solutions, as well as construction products, is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 21.101 and this standard.

4.2 Conventional graphic images of elements of buildings, structures and building structures are accepted in accordance with GOST 21.201.

4.3 Graphic designations of materials in sections, cuts and on facades, as well as the rules for their application are accepted in accordance with GOST 2.306.

4.4 Elements of sanitary systems (baths, sinks, toilets, etc.), depending on the scale of the drawing, are depicted in a simplified manner, taking into account their design features, or with conventional graphic symbols in accordance with GOST 21.205.

4.5 Alphanumeric designations (brands) of elements and building structures of buildings (structures), as well as construction products, are made up of the letter designation of their type and serial number. The designation of the type of element, structure and product consists of a conventional letter designation of their name. Letter designations for names of structures and products are accepted according to the relevant standards, for example according to GOST 23009.

The serial number of the element, structure and product is assigned within the type designation, starting with one.

Example - B1; B2, PR1

For grades of monolithic reinforced concrete and concrete structures, designations with the additional index “m” are accepted.

Example - Bm1, PRm1; PRm2

4.6 The drawings of architectural and structural solutions indicate the accuracy characteristics of the geometric parameters of buildings, structures, structures and their elements in accordance with GOST 21.113.

Requirements for the accuracy of the functional geometric parameters of buildings, structures and structures must be linked with the requirements for the accuracy of manufacturing products (structural elements), laying out axes and installing structural elements by calculating the accuracy according to GOST 21780.

4.7 On the working drawings (on images of foundations, walls, partitions, ceilings) openings, grooves, niches, nests and holes with the required dimensions and references are indicated.

Table 1

Image name

1 Architectural solutions:

1.1 Floor plans (except technical), sections, facades

1:50; 1:100; 1:200; 1:400; 1:500

1.2 Plans for roofing, floors, technical floors

1.3 Fragments of plans, facades

2 Design solutions:

2.1 Layout diagrams of structural elements

1:100; 1:200; 1:400; 1:500

2.2 Fragments and sections for layout diagrams of structural elements

2.3 Nodes for layout diagrams of structural elements

2.4 Types, sections and sections of elements of concrete and reinforced concrete structures, reinforcement schemes

1:20; 1:50; 1:100

2.5 Structural units

1:5; 1:10; 1:20; 1:50

3 Product drawings

Note - The image scale is selected from the recommended range depending on the size of the building and the saturation of the images in the drawing.

5 Architectural solutions

5.1 General requirements

5.1.1 The working documentation of architectural solutions includes working drawings intended for construction and installation work (the main set of working drawings of the AP brand), as well as, if necessary:

Specification of equipment, products and materials;

Questionnaires and dimensional drawings carried out in accordance with the data of equipment suppliers;

Local estimate.

5.1.2 The main set of working drawings of the AP brand includes:

Floor plans, including basement, technical underground, technical floor and attic;


Floor plans (if necessary);

Roof (roof) plan;

Layout diagrams of elements of prefabricated partitions*(2),

Layout diagrams of elements for filling window and other openings*(2);

Detail elements (nodes, fragments);

Specifications for layout diagrams.

5.2 General information on working drawings

5.2.1 The general data on working drawings, in addition to the information provided for by GOST 21.101, includes a statement of finishing of premises in Form 1 of Appendix A (in the absence of the main set of working drawings of interiors and if this is provided for in the design assignment).

5.2.2 In general instructions, in addition to the information provided by GOST 21.101, the following is given:

Level of responsibility of the building (structure);

The degree of fire resistance of the building (structure);

Structural fire hazard class of the building;

Functional fire hazard class of the building;

Fire hazard class of building structures;

Estimated service life of the building (structure);

Characteristics of wall and insulating materials*(3);

Instructions for installing waterproofing and blind areas *(3);

Instructions for exterior finishing of a building (structure) * (3);

Instructions on measures during work in winter;

Instructions on measures to ensure the protection of premises from noise, vibration and other influences.

5.3 Floor plans

5.3.1 When creating a floor plan, the position of the imaginary horizontal sectional plane is taken at the level of the window openings or at 1/3 of the height of the depicted floor.

In cases where window openings are located above the cutting plane, sections of the corresponding walls are located along the perimeter of the plan at the level of the window openings.

5.3.2 The following is indicated on the floor plans:

a) coordination axes of the building (structure);

b) dimensions determining the distances between the coordination axes and openings, the thickness of walls and partitions, marks of areas located at different levels, and other necessary dimensions;

c) lines and designations of sections. The cutting lines are drawn, as a rule, in such a way that the cut includes openings of windows, external gates and doors, staircases, elevator shafts, balconies, loggias, etc.;

d) positions (marks) of elements of a building (structure), filling of openings of gates and doors (except for those included in panel partitions), lintels, stairs, etc.

Positional designations of gate and door openings are recommended to be indicated in circles with a diameter of 5-7 mm;

e) designations of nodes and fragments of plans;

f) names of premises, their area, categories of explosion and fire hazard (except for residential buildings).

The area is marked in the lower right corner of the room and underlined. The category of the premises in terms of explosion and fire hazard is indicated under its name in a rectangle.

For residential buildings, if necessary, the plans indicate the type and area of ​​apartments, and it is recommended to provide information in accordance with Figure 1.

It is allowed to list the names of premises, their area and categories in the explication of premises in Form 2 (Appendix A). In this case, instead of the names of the premises, their numbers are indicated on the plans. For residential buildings, explication of premises, as a rule, is not carried out;

g) boundaries of the movement zones of technological cranes (if necessary);

i) location of sanitary equipment (if necessary).

5.3.3 Built-in premises and other areas of the building (structure), for which separate drawings are made, are depicted schematically with a solid thin line showing load-bearing structures.

5.3.4 Platforms, mezzanines and other structures located above the cutting plane are depicted schematically with a thin dash-dotted line with two dots.

5.3.5 Examples of building floor plans are shown in Figures B.1 and B.2 (Appendix B).

5.3.6 For buildings with walls made of bricks or small blocks, masonry plans are made, if necessary.

The masonry plan shows the layout of walls, partitions, columns, pillars and other elements built from brick or small blocks, window and door openings, openings, ventilation ducts and chimneys, niches, grooves, etc. Staircases, elevator shafts, balconies, loggias are schematically depicted with solid thin lines.

The masonry plan contains information in accordance with listings a)-e) 5.3.2, indicates areas of masonry reinforced with reinforcing meshes and rods, and provides instructions on the placement of meshes and rods in the masonry. In addition to the masonry plan, a plan of lintels is made, on which the positions (marks) of lintels in the places where they are laid are indicated.

5.3.7 For floor plans:

List of jumpers according to Form 3 (Appendix A).

Specifications for filling elements of window, door and other openings, prefabricated partitions, lintels, marked on plans, sections and facades - according to form 7 or 8 of Appendix Z GOST 21.101;

Other statements at the discretion of the developer (for example, a list of holes for utilities).

5.3.8 Examples of the list and specification of jumper elements are shown in Figures B.1 and B.2 (Appendix B).

An example of the specification of elements for filling openings is shown in Figure B.3 (Appendix B).

5.4 Sections and elevations

5.4.1 Contour lines of structural elements in a section are shown as a solid thick main line, visible contour lines that do not fall into the section plane are shown as a solid thin line.

5.4.2 The following is applied to sections and facades:

Coordination axes of a building (structure), passing in characteristic places of the section and facade (extreme, at expansion joints, load-bearing structures, in places of height difference, etc.) with dimensions determining the distances between them (only on sections), and the total distance between the extreme axes;

Marks characterizing the location of elements of load-bearing and enclosing structures in height;

Dimensions and height references of openings, holes, niches and slots in walls and partitions shown in sections;

Positions (marks) of building (structure) elements not indicated on the plans;

Designations of nodes and fragments of sections and facades.

The facades also indicate the types of filling of window openings and the materials of individual sections of walls that differ from the main materials. It is allowed to indicate the types of window openings on floor plans.

On the sheet showing the facades, if necessary, provide a list of facade finishing according to Form 9 of Appendix A. In this case, positional designations of the types of facade finishing are indicated on leader lines in circles with a diameter of 6-8 mm.

5.4.3 Examples of sections are shown in Figures D.1-D.3 (Appendix D), facades and their fragments - in Figures D.1-D.2 (Appendix D).

5.5 Floor and roof plans

5.5.1 The following is applied to the floor plans:

Coordination axes: extreme, at expansion joints, along the edges of areas with various design and other features and with dimensional references to such areas;

Designations of floor slopes;

Type of floors. Digital designations of floor types are placed in equilateral triangles 8-10 mm high;

Markings where floors change.

The walls of a building (structure) and partitions on floor plans are depicted as a solid thick main line.

The floor plans indicate the elements of the building (structure) and devices that affect the floor structure (gate and door openings, expansion joints, channels, ladders, etc.), the boundaries of areas with different floor structures.

Expansion joints are depicted by two thin solid lines, the boundaries of floor sections are shown by dotted lines.

5.5.2 Floor plans may be combined with floor plans.

5.5.3 For the floor plans, an explication of the floors is drawn up in Form 4 (Appendix A).

An example of a floor plan is shown in Figure E.1 (Appendix E).

5.5.4 The following is applied to the roof (roof) plan:

Coordination axes: extreme, at expansion joints, along the edges of sections of the roof (roof) with various design and other features, with dimensional references to such sections;

Designations of roof slopes;

Markings or schematic cross-section of the roof;

Positions (brands) of elements and devices of the roof (roof).

The plan of the roof (roof) indicates expansion joints with two thin lines, parapet slabs and other elements of the roof (roof) fencing, funnels, deflectors, ventilation shafts, fire escapes, and other elements and devices that are not practical to indicate and mark on other drawings.

5.5.5 For the roof (roof) plan, a specification is drawn up in Form 7 GOST 21.101, in which the elements and devices of the roof (roof) are recorded.

5.5.6 An example of a roof plan is shown in Figure G.1 (Appendix G).

5.6 Layout diagrams of elements of prefabricated partitions, filling of window and other openings

5.6.1 Layout diagrams for elements of prefabricated partitions (except reinforced concrete panels), filling of window and other openings are carried out taking into account the requirements of 6.3.

5.6.2 It is allowed to combine the layout of elements of prefabricated partitions with floor plans.

An example of the arrangement of elements of prefabricated partitions is shown in Figure I.1 (Appendix I).

5.6.3 The arrangement of elements for filling window openings is drawn up for each type of filling. A continuous filling between two adjacent coordination axes is counted as filling of the same type.

When panels with filled openings are supplied as a set, the layout of the filling elements is not followed.

5.6.4 An example of the arrangement of elements for filling window openings is shown in Figure K.1 (Appendix K).

5.7 Specification of equipment, products and materials

5.7.1 The specification of equipment, products and materials (hereinafter referred to as the specification) for the main set of working drawings of the AR brand is carried out and designated in accordance with GOST 21.110, taking into account the additional requirements of this standard.

5.7.2 If the industrial building has attached or built-in parts in which auxiliary premises are located, then the specification is drawn up in parts:

Production part;

Auxiliary part.

If a residential building has attached or built-in parts to accommodate enterprises and public institutions, then the specification is also drawn up in parts:

Residential part;

Auxiliary part.

The name of each part is written as a heading in the column “Name and technical characteristics” and underlined.

5.7.3 If necessary, the specification or its parts specified in 5.7.2 are additionally divided into sections:

The underground part of the building (structure);

The above-ground part of the building (structure).

If it is necessary to allocate resources for individual structural parts of the building, then each section is divided into subsections:

Walls, partitions (except reinforced concrete);

Roof (roof).

When dividing the sections of the specification into the indicated subsections, the equipment provided for in the main set of working drawings of the AR brand, as a rule, is separated into an independent subsection with the name “Equipment”.

5.7.4 Equipment, building elements, structures (products) and materials in sections (subsections) are recorded in groups in the following sequence:


Elements for filling openings (gates, door and window blocks, including those with opening mechanisms, louvered grilles, etc.);

Jumper elements;

Elements of prefabricated partitions;

Other elements of the building (structure);

Basic materials.

The specification does not include certain types of products and materials (bolts, nuts, washers, dowels, nails, etc.), the nomenclature and quantity of which are determined according to current technological and production standards when performing construction and installation work.

5.7.5 The following units of measurement are accepted in the specification:

Equipment, products (building elements) - pcs.;

Coating materials, protection (for example, roofing felt, roofing felt, dry gypsum sheets*(4), linoleum, window glass, fabrics, mesh, rolled sheet metal, ceramic tiles, parquet, including piece parquet, parquet panels, fiberboards*( 4), particle boards*(4) – m 2;

Insulating materials, fillers (for example, mineral wool, crushed stone, gravel, rubble stone, sand, concrete) – m 3 ;

Other materials (for example, cement, asbestos, building lime, bitumen, mortar, asphalt concrete) - kg (allowed - t).

6 Design solutions

6.1 General requirements

6.1.1 The working documentation for design solutions includes:

Working drawings intended for construction and installation work (the main set of working drawings of design solutions);

Working documentation for construction products;

Local estimate (if necessary).

Brands and names of the main sets of working drawings of design solutions are assigned according to GOST 21.101 depending on the type of building structures.

6.1.2 The main set of working drawings for design solutions includes:

General data on working drawings;

Layout diagrams of structural elements;

Specifications for layout diagrams of structural elements.

The working drawings of monolithic reinforced concrete structures additionally include:

Reinforcement schemes for monolithic reinforced concrete structures;

Statement of steel consumption for monolithic structures according to Form 5 (Appendix A).

6.2 General information on working drawings

6.2.1 The general data on working drawings of design solutions includes the information provided for by GOST 21.101.

When carried out as part of the main set of drawings of foundations and pile foundations, the general data additionally includes a fragment of a layout plan with plotted axes of a building or structure, the position of engineering-geological workings (wells, pits, sounding points, etc.), lines of engineering-geological sections and etc.

6.2.2 The general instructions given as part of the general data on working drawings, in addition to the information provided for by GOST 21.101, include:

Information about the loads and impacts adopted for the calculation of the structures of a building or structure;

Information about soils (foundations), the level and nature of groundwater, freezing depth * (4);

Instructions on measures to arrange preparation for foundations and on special conditions for the work * (4);

Information on measures for anti-corrosion protection of structures (in the absence of the main set of working drawings of grade A3);

Instructions on measures when carrying out work in winter.

6.3 Layout diagrams of structural elements

6.3.1 On the layout diagram of structural elements (hereinafter referred to as the layout diagram), structural elements and connections between them are indicated in the form of conventional or simplified graphic images.

6.3.2 The layout diagram is carried out for each group of structural elements related by the conditions and sequence of construction work.

1 Layout of foundation elements and foundation beams

2 Layout of basement wall blocks (layout of basement block walls)

3 Layout of columns, column connections, crane beams

4 Layout of trusses (beams)

5 Layout of wall panels and partitions

6.3.3 Layout diagrams are made in the form of plans, facades or sections of the corresponding structures with a simplified image of the elements.

6.3.4 The following is indicated on the layout diagram:

Coordination axes of the building (structure), dimensions defining the distances between them and between the extreme axes, dimensional reference of the axes or surfaces of structural elements to the coordination axes of the building (structure) or, if necessary, to other structural elements, other necessary dimensions;

Markings of the most characteristic levels of structural elements;

Positions (brands) of structural elements;

Designations of nodes and fragments;

Data on permissible installation loads.

On sections of the foundation or pile foundation of a building or structure, lines of geological sections are drawn, delimiting layers of soil with different geological characteristics.

6.3.5 Identical positions (marks) of sequentially located structural elements on the layout diagram may be applied only at the ends of the row, indicating the number of positions.

6.3.6 The layout of wall panels with a multi-tier arrangement of panels within a floor is carried out in the plane of the walls in the view, with a single-row arrangement - in plan.

6.3.7 In the name of the layout diagram, if necessary, information is provided that determines the position of the structure in the building (structure). It is allowed to assign serial numbers to layout diagrams.

Example - Layout of floor elements at elevation. +7, 200 between axes 1-15, V-G (diagram 1)

6.3.8 Marks are placed on the layout diagram for installation in the design position of structural elements that have an asymmetrical arrangement of embedded products and other distinctive features.

6.3.9 The technical requirements for the layout diagram provide, if necessary, instructions on the installation procedure, embedding of seams, and requirements for installation connections.

6.3.10 Examples of the layout of elements of prefabricated structures are shown in Figures L.1-L.6 (Appendix L).

6.3.11 If a monolithic reinforced concrete structure consists of several elements (beams, slabs, etc.), each of which is subject to separate reinforcement schemes, then these elements are assigned positional designations or marks that indicate on the layout diagram of the elements of the monolithic reinforced concrete structure in accordance with picture 2.

The layout diagram additionally indicates the formwork dimensions of the structural elements (slab thickness, girder height, cross-section of beams, columns, etc.).

6.3.12 On the reinforcement diagrams of monolithic reinforced concrete structures the following is applied:

The outlines of the structures are a solid thick main line;

Coordination axes of the building (structure);

Reinforcement and embedded products - a very thick solid line (1.5-2 times thicker than a solid thick main line);

Positions (brands) of reinforcement and embedded products;

Dimensions that determine the position of reinforcement and embedded products, and the thickness of the protective layer of concrete;

Clamps to ensure the design position of the reinforcement (if necessary);

Instructions on the method of connecting reinforcing bars.

6.3.13 On reinforcement diagrams, the following simplifications are used, if necessary:

a) frames and meshes are depicted with a contour in accordance with Figure 3;

b) to ensure correct installation of asymmetrical frames and meshes in the design position, only their characteristic features (diameter of rods of different diameters, etc.) are indicated in accordance with Figure 4;

c) if a reinforced concrete structure has several sections with evenly spaced identical frames or meshes, then their contours are drawn on one of the sections, indicating the position numbers and, in brackets, the number of products for this position. In the remaining areas, only positions are indicated and in brackets - the number of products of this position in accordance with Figure 5;

d) in areas with separate rods located at equal distances, one rod is depicted indicating its position on the leader line flange, and under the leader line flange - the pitch of the rods in accordance with Figure 6.

If the pitch of the rods is not standardized, then next to the designation of the rods the number of rods is indicated in parentheses in accordance with Figure 7;

e) when depicting a frame or mesh, identical rods located at equal distances are applied only at the ends of the frame or mesh, as well as in places where the pitch of the rods changes. In this case, under the flange, leader lines indicating the position of the rod indicate their pitch in accordance with Figure 8;

f) the reinforcement of elements crossing the depicted element is usually not indicated (see Figure 9);

g) in a complex reinforcement scheme, it is allowed to indicate positions at both ends of the same reinforcement product or a separate rod in accordance with Figure 9;

i) the dimensions of the bent rods are indicated along the outer edges, and the dimensions of the clamps - along the inner edges in accordance with Figure 10.

6.3.14 Working drawings of reinforcement and embedded products developed for monolithic reinforced concrete structures as independent documents are not included in the main set of working drawings, but are recorded in the “Attached Documents” section of the list of reference and attached documents.

6.3.15 It is allowed not to make drawings for simple parts directly included in the monolithic reinforced concrete structure, but to provide all the necessary data for their manufacture in the specifications and, if necessary, place images of these parts on the drawing of the monolithic structure. If there is a large number of parts, the data necessary for their manufacture is given in statements in Form 6 (Appendix A).

An example of filling out the statement is shown in Figure M.1 (Appendix M).

6.4 Specifications for layout diagrams of structural elements

6.4.1 Specifications for the layout of structural elements are drawn up according to forms 7 or 8 of Appendix to GOST 21.101.

6.4.2 The specification for the layout of prefabricated structures is filled out in sections:

Elements of prefabricated structures;

Monolithic areas;

Steel and other products.

6.4.3 The name of each section and subsection of the specification is indicated as a heading in the “Name” column and underlined.

6.4.4 The specification of a monolithic structure consisting of several elements, each of which is subject to a separate reinforcement scheme, is compiled in sections for each element.

6.4.5 The names of sections of a monolithic structure include the brand of the element and, separated by a dash, the number of elements per monolithic structure.

1 Beams Bm1 - 2 pcs.

2 Plate PM1 - 1 pc.

7 Working documentation for construction products

7.1 General requirements

7.1.1 The working documentation for a construction product generally includes a specification, an assembly drawing, drawings of parts and, if necessary, technical specifications.

7.1.2 When executing a group working document for products, products of the same name, uniform configuration and having common design features are combined into one group.

7.1.3 Variable dimensions that are not the same for all designs covered by one image are marked with letter designations, the number of which should, as a rule, be no more than three.

7.1.4 If necessary, a test diagram, design diagram, or their load-bearing capacity are provided with product drawings.

7.1.5 On the assembly drawing of the product or on its schematic representation, indicate, if necessary, the places where the markings and images of installation marks applied to the product are indicated, in accordance with GOST 13015.

An example of applying an installation mark is shown in Figure 11.

7.1.6 An installation mark to indicate the orientation of the product in the structure is applied in accordance with Figure 12.

7.1.7 The technical requirements on the assembly drawing of the product indicate:

Requirements for finishing the surface of the product, including, if necessary, the category of the concrete surface of the product according to GOST 13015. Areas of the surface that require special treatment are marked as shown in Figure 13, indicating the dimensions that determine the position of these areas;

Other product quality requirements;

7.1.8 In addition to views, sections and sections, assembly drawings of reinforced concrete products include reinforcement diagrams.

Reinforcement schemes for reinforced concrete products are carried out in relation to 6.3.12 and 6.3.13.

7.1.9 On the drawing of the reinforced concrete product, a statement of steel consumption is provided in Form 5 (Appendix A). An example of filling out a steel consumption sheet is shown in Figure H.1 (Appendix H).

7.1.10 Specifications for products are carried out in accordance with Form 7 GOST 21.101.

Group specifications for products are carried out according to form 8 GOST 21.101.

Recording of assembly units and materials in the relevant subsections of the specification for the product is carried out in accordance with 6.4.2.


1 In the “Designation” column, the product specifications provide only designations of products and, if necessary, parts in accordance with 7.2.

2 In the “Name” column, for parts for which drawings have not been issued, indicate the name, material and other data necessary for manufacturing, in accordance with the instructions for forms 7 and 8 in Appendix A.

3 The column “Unit mass, kg” for parts for which drawings have been issued is not filled in.

7.1.11 It is allowed to combine the specification with the assembly drawing, regardless of the sheet format.

7.1.12 For products (reinforcement, embedded, connecting, etc.) consisting only of parts, a specification is drawn up in Form 7 (Appendix A), in the case of a group method of making drawings of such products - in Form 8 (Appendix A).

An example of a group drawing on a grid is shown in Figure A.1 (Appendix P).

7.1.13 As part of the working drawings of reinforced concrete structures, it is allowed to make working drawings of metal products, the list of which is given in Appendix R.

7.1.14 Each drawing of a construction product or release of drawings of construction products, when completed as a separate release, is recorded in the “Attached Documents” section of the list of reference and attached documents, which is included in the general data on the working drawings of the corresponding main set.

7.2 Designation of construction products

7.2.1 The product designation is also a designation of its specification.

7.2.2 The designation of the product and its specifications include the designation of the corresponding main set of working drawings with the addition of the code “I” and its serial (positional) number through a dot or a dash of the product brand.

1 845-5-AR.I2

2 845-5-KZh.I-B1

7.2.3 Reusable products may be designated without reference to the construction site and the brand of the main set of working drawings. In this case, the design organization assigns the product designation.

7.2.4 The designation of the product assembly drawing includes the product designation and document code.

1 845-5-AR.I2SB

2 845-5-KZh.I-B1SB

7.2.5 The designation of technical specifications for the entire group of products includes the designation of the corresponding main set of working drawings with the addition of the code “I” through a dot and the document code through a dash.

Example - 845-5-KZH.I-TU

If the technical specifications are developed for a group of products of the same name, then before the document code they additionally indicate (through a dot) the brand of products of this group.

Example - 845-5-KZH.I-B.TU

7.2.6 When executing a group working document for products, each design is assigned an independent designation.

The execution designation includes the general designation of products drawn up in one group working document and the execution number.

7.2.7 The serial number of the execution is established within the general designation, starting from 01, and is separated from the general designation by a dash.

1 845-5-KZh.I-B2-01

2 845-5-KZh.I2-01

A performance accepted conditionally as the main one is assigned only a general designation, without a serial number of the performance in accordance with 7.2.2.

7.2.8 Parts for which separate drawings are not made are not assigned designations.

7.2.9 In the case of repeated use of drawings of construction products by the organization that developed and approved these drawings, they are recorded in the “Attached Documents” section of the list of reference and attached documents without changing the designation.

7.2.10 An example of a product drawing is shown in Figure C.1 (Appendix C).

7.2.11 When more than three product drawings are completed for the corresponding main set of working drawings, it is recommended to complete them in the form of a separate issue.

The release "Drawings of construction products" is assigned a designation consisting of the designation of the corresponding main set of working drawings and, through a dot, the code "I".

Example - 845-5-KZH.I

The first page of the issue is the title page, which is made according to Form 15 GOST 21.101.

7.2.12 After the title page of the release of drawings of construction products, the content is placed, which is carried out in accordance with GOST 21.101.

Example - 845-5-KZH.IS

7.3 Application of working drawings of standard products

7.3.1 If, according to the conditions of use of the working drawings of a standard product, it is necessary to make changes to them (for example, to provide for the installation of additional embedded products, making holes), then as part of the working documentation of the building (structure) for this product additional working documentation must be made, taking into account the following requirements:

A typical product is depicted in a simplified manner;

The image of a typical product shows only those elements and dimensions that relate to changes. If necessary, other dimensions are applied (for example, the total length and width of the product), given in the working drawings of a typical product, which are marked with the sign “*”, and in the technical requirements on the drawing they indicate: “* Dimensions for reference”;

The specification of the changed product records the standard product as an assembly unit and other products installed during the change;

Columns "Pos." and "Kol." for a standard product do not fill in; in the “Designation” column indicate the designation of the specification for the standard product, in the “Name” column - its name and brand.

7.3.2 The modified product is assigned an independent brand, which includes the brand of the standard product and an additional index.

Example - 1K84-1a,

where 1K84-1 is the brand of a standard product;

a is the index assigned to the modified product.

7.3.3 An example of a drawing of a typical product with additional embedded products is shown in Figure T.1 (Appendix T).


*(1) GOST R 21.1101-2009 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

*(2) Layout diagrams of metal elements of prefabricated partitions and filling of window openings are made as part of working drawings of metal structures. Layout diagrams for elements of prefabricated reinforced concrete partitions are usually made as part of the main set of working drawings of reinforced concrete structures.

*(3) Provided if there are no corresponding instructions on the drawings.

*(4) If necessary, used as products indicating the technical characteristics and quantity in pieces.

*(5) Provided if they are not included in the technical requirements for the layout of foundation elements.

Forms of statements, explications and specifications and features of their implementation

Form 1 - Statement of finishing of premises

A.1 In the list of finishing of premises:

The number of columns is determined by the presence of interior elements to be finished;

The finishing areas of premises are calculated according to the relevant regulatory documents.

A.2 The dimensions of the table graphs are determined by the developer.

Form 2 - Explication of premises

A.3 In the explication of the premises indicate:

In the "Room number" column - the room number. For non-residential buildings (administrative, household, public, industrial) with more than one floor, it is recommended to indicate the numbering of premises in three-digit or four-digit numbers, consisting of the floor number and the serial number of the premises within the floor.

Example - 101, 102, 1111, 1112

In the "Name" column - the name of the premises (technological area);

In the column "Area, m2" - the area of ​​the room;

In the column "Category of premises" - the category of the premises according to explosion and fire hazard. The category is indicated for all types of premises of industrial buildings and for premises of public buildings in which the presence of flammable substances and materials is provided.

A.4 The dimensions of the graphs, if necessary, can be changed at the discretion of the developer.

Form 3 - List of jumpers

Form 4 - Explication of floors

A.5 The floor descriptions indicate:

In the column "Room number" - the number or name of the premises;

In the column "Floor type" - designation of the floor type according to the working drawings;

In the column “Data of floor elements (name, thickness, base, etc.), mm”, when using a standard floor design, only additional data is provided.

The remaining columns for the explanation of floors are filled in in accordance with their name.

A.6 The dimensions of the graphs, if necessary, can be changed at the discretion of the developer.

Form 5 - Statement of steel consumption

End of statement

A.7 In the subheadings of the column of the steel consumption sheet, the class of reinforcement or grade of rolled steel and the corresponding standards or technical conditions are indicated. Below indicate: for reinforcing steel - diameter, for profile steel - profile designation.

A.8 The list does not include standard products - dowels, bolts, washers, etc.

Form 6 - List of Parts

Form 7 - Specification for a product consisting of parts only

Form 8 - Group specification for a product consisting only of parts

A.9 The specifications indicate:

In the column "Pos." - positions (brands) of structural elements, installations;

In the "Product brand" column - the product brand. It is allowed to indicate the name of the product;

In the column "Pos. Det." - position numbers of parts in the product;

In the "Name" column - parameters, material and other data necessary for the manufacture of parts. To record a number of parts that differ in size and other data, the common part of the name of these products or materials with the designation of the specified document can be written down once in the form of a common name (heading). Under the general name, only their parameters and dimensions are recorded for each of the specified products and materials;

In the column "Count." - number of details;

In the columns “Unit weight, kg”, “Weight of 1 unit, kg”, “Product weight, kg” - weight in kilograms. It is allowed to give mass in tons, but indicate the unit of mass.

A.10 The dimensions of the specification graphs, if necessary, can be changed at the discretion of the developer.

Form 9 - Facade finishing sheet

A.11 In the facade finishing sheet indicate:

In the column "Position of finishing" - positional designation of the type of facade finishing;

In the column “Name of facade element” - data corresponding to the name of the column;

In the column "Name of finishing material" - the name of the finishing or paint and varnish material, its brand or type according to the standard or specifications and the designation of the standard or specifications;

In the column “Name and number of the color standard or color sample” - the name of the color of the finishing or paint and varnish material accepted according to the relevant standard or specifications and its number according to the color standard card file. If there is no color number according to the color standards card in the standards or specifications, the color number is not entered in the column;

In the "Note" column - additional information, for example, a link to an album of color samples.

A.12 The dimensions of the table graphs are determined by the developer.

Appendix B

Examples of building plans

Appendix B

Examples of execution of statements and specifications of elements

Figure B.2 - Example of specification of jumper elements



Col. along the facades

Unit weight, kg


Louvre grilles

Door blocks

Gate 3, 6x3, 6

Note - In the "Note" column, additional data is provided, for example, the height of the opening.

Figure B.3 - Example of specification of elements for filling openings

Appendix D

Examples of building sections

Cut 1-1

Cut 2-2

Cut 1-1

Appendix D

Examples of building facades

Facade 10-5

Appendix E

Example of a floor plan

Appendix G

Example of a roof plan

Appendix I

An example of the layout of elements of prefabricated partitions

GOST 6727-80

GOST 5781-82

GOST 103-2006

GOST 8510-86

Figure H.1

Appendix P

An example of a group drawing on a grid

Product brand


Weight of 1 child, kg

Product weight, kg


1 Fittings according to GOST 5781.

2 Maximum deviations from the dimensions of rods and outlets ±2 mm.

Figure A.1

Appendix P

Approximate list of metal products for which working drawings are made as part of the working documentation for reinforced concrete structures

R.1 External metal stairs with a width of no more than 1.0 m.

R.2 Stringers of stairs with reinforced concrete steps and landings.

R.3 Fencing: on the roof, platforms, openings, pits, stairs (reinforced concrete, metal).

R.4 Shields over channels up to 1.0 m wide with a load of no more than 20 kPa (2000 kgf/m2).

R.5 Shields over openings (for example, monolithic) with an area of ​​up to 2 m 2 with a load of no more than 20 kPa (2000 kgf/m 2).

R.6 Designs of canopies with a distance of no more than 1.5 m.

R.7 Metal elements of reinforced concrete structures (for example, individual metal beams, connecting products, anchors, outlets between reinforced concrete slabs, metal waterproofing of walls, profiled flooring used as formwork).

R.8 Other metal products, structures, the parameters of which are similar to those listed in R.1-R.7.

Appendix C

An example of a drawing of an individual product

Appendix T

An example of a drawing of a typical product with additional embedded products

WITH design documentation system
for construction






The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Open Joint-Stock Company “Center for Methodology of Standardization and Standardization in Construction” (JSC “CNS”)

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee TC 465 “Construction”

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Conformity Assessment in Construction (MNTKS) (Minutes dated December 8, 2011 No. 39)

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Country code according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national construction management body




Ministry of Urban Development


Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services




Ministry of Construction and Regional Development

Russian Federation

Department of Architecture, Construction and Urban Development Policy of the Ministry of Regional Development


Agency for Construction and Architecture under the Government




Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 11, 2012 No. 485-st, it was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on May 1, 2013.

Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the monthly published index “National Standards”.

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annually published information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments - V monthly published information index “National Standards”. In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”

GOST 21.501-2011


System of design documents for construction


System of design documents for construction.
Rules for execution of the working documentation of architectural and construction solutions

Date of introduction- 2013 -05 -01

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the composition and rules for preparing working documentation for architectural and structural solutions for buildings and structures for various purposes, as well as working documentation for construction products.

The composition and rules for preparing working documentation for design solutions for metal building structures are established in GOST 21.502.

2 Normative references

This standard uses references to the following standards:

4.3 Graphic designations of materials in sections, sections and on facades, as well as the rules for their application, are accepted in accordance with GOST 2.306.

4.4 Elements of sanitary systems (baths, sinks, toilets, etc.), depending on the scale of the drawing, are depicted in a simplified manner, taking into account their design features, or with conventional graphic symbols in accordance with GOST 21.205.

4.5 Alphanumeric designations (brands) of elements and building structures of buildings (structures), as well as construction products, are made up of the letter designation of their type and serial number. The designation of the type of element, structure and product consists of a conventional letter designation of their name. Letter designations for names of structures and products are accepted according to relevant standards, for example according to GOST 23009.

The serial number of the element, structure and product is assigned within the type designation, starting with one.

Example- B1; B2, PR1

For grades of monolithic reinforced concrete and concrete structures, designations with the additional index “m” are accepted.

Example- Bm1, PRm1; PRm2

4.6 The drawings of architectural and structural solutions indicate the accuracy characteristics of the geometric parameters of buildings, structures, structures and their elements in accordance with GOST 21.113.

Requirements for the accuracy of the functional geometric parameters of buildings, structures and structures must be linked with the requirements for the accuracy of manufacturing products (structural elements), laying out axes and installing structural elements by calculating the accuracy according to GOST 21780.

4.7 On the working drawings (on images of foundations, walls, partitions, ceilings) openings, grooves, niches, nests and holes with the required dimensions and references are indicated.

Table 1


1 Architectural solutions:

1.1 Floor plans (except technical), sections, facades

1:50; 1:100; 1:200; 1:400; 1:500

1.2 Plans for roofing, floors, technical floors

1:200; 1:500

1.3 Fragments of plans, facades

1:50; 1:100

1.4 Nodes

1:10; 1:20

2 Design solutions:

2.1 Layout diagrams of structural elements

1:100; 1:200; 1:400; 1:500

2.2 Fragments and sections for layout diagrams of structural elements

1:50; 1:100

2.3 Nodes for layout diagrams of structural elements

1:10; 1:20

2.4 Types, sections and sections of elements of concrete and reinforced concrete structures, reinforcement schemes

1:20; 1:50; 1:100

2.5 Structural units

1:5; 1:10; 1:20; 1:50

3 Product drawings

1:5; 1:10; 1:20

Notes e - The image scale is selected from the recommended range depending on the size of the building and the saturation of the images in the drawing.

5 Architectural solutions

5.1 General requirements

5.1.1 The working documentation of architectural solutions includes working drawings intended for construction and installation work (the main set of working drawings of the AP brand), as well as, if necessary:

Specification of equipment, products and materials;

Questionnaires and dimensional drawings carried out in accordance with the data of equipment suppliers;

Local estimate.

5.1.2 The main set of working drawings of the AP brand includes:

Floor plans, including basement, technical underground, technical floor and attic;



Floor plans (if necessary);

Roof (roof) plan;

Layout diagrams of elements of prefabricated partitions *;

Layout diagrams of elements for filling window and other openings * ;


* Layout diagrams of metal elements of prefabricated partitions and filling of window openings are made as part of working drawings of metal structures. Layout diagrams for elements of prefabricated reinforced concrete partitions are usually made as part of the main set of working drawings of reinforced concrete structures.

Detail elements (nodes, fragments);

Specifications for layout diagrams.

5.2 General information on working drawings

5.2.1 The general data on working drawings, in addition to the information provided for by GOST 21.101, includes a statement of finishing of premises in the application form (in the absence of the main set of working drawings of interiors and if this is provided for in the design assignment).

5.2.2 In general instructions, in addition to the information provided by GOST 21.101, the following is given:

Level of responsibility of the building (structure);

The degree of fire resistance of the building (structure);

Structural fire hazard class of the building;

Functional fire hazard class of the building;

Fire hazard class of building structures;

Estimated service life of the building (structure);

Characteristics of wall and insulating materials *;

Instructions for installing waterproofing and blind areas *;

Instructions for the exterior finishing of a building (structure) * ;


* Provided if there are no corresponding instructions on the drawings.

Instructions on measures during work in winter;

Instructions on measures to ensure the protection of premises from noise, vibration and other influences.

5.3 Floor plans

5.3.1 When creating a floor plan, the position of the imaginary horizontal sectional plane is taken at the level of the window openings or at 1/3 of the height of the depicted floor.

In cases where window openings are located above the cutting plane, sections of the corresponding walls are located along the perimeter of the plan at the level of the window openings.

5.3.2 The following is indicated on the floor plans:

a) coordination axes of the building (structure);

b) dimensions determining the distances between the coordination axes and openings, the thickness of walls and partitions, marks of areas located at different levels, and other necessary dimensions;

c) lines and designations of sections. The cutting lines are drawn, as a rule, in such a way that the cut includes openings of windows, external gates and doors, staircases, elevator shafts, balconies, loggias, etc.;

d) positions (marks) of elements of a building (structure), filling of openings of gates and doors (except for those included in panel partitions), lintels, stairs, etc.

Positional designations of gate and door openings are recommended to be indicated in circles with a diameter of 5 - 7 mm;

e) designations of nodes and fragments of plans;

f) names of premises, their area, categories of explosion and fire hazard (except for residential buildings).

The area is marked in the lower right corner of the room and underlined. The category of the premises in terms of explosion and fire hazard is indicated under its name in a rectangle.

For residential buildings, if necessary, the plans indicate the type and area of ​​apartments, and it is recommended to provide information in accordance with the figure.

Picture 1

It is allowed to list the names of premises, their area and categories in the explication of premises in the form (Appendix). In this case, instead of the names of the premises, their numbers are indicated on the plans. For residential buildings, explication of premises, as a rule, is not carried out;

g) boundaries of the movement zones of technological cranes (if necessary);

i) location of sanitary equipment (if necessary).

5.3.3 Built-in premises and other areas of the building (structure), for which separate drawings are made, are depicted schematically with a solid thin line showing load-bearing structures.

5.3.4 Platforms, mezzanines and other structures located above the cutting plane are depicted schematically with a thin dash-dotted line with two dots.

5.3.5 Examples of building floor plans are shown in the figures and (Appendix).

5.3.6 For buildings with walls made of bricks or small blocks, masonry plans are made, if necessary.

The masonry plan shows the layout of walls, partitions, columns, pillars and other elements built from brick or small blocks, window and door openings, openings, ventilation ducts and chimneys, niches, grooves, etc. Staircases, elevator shafts, balconies, loggias are schematically depicted with solid thin lines.

On the masonry plan, information is indicated in accordance with listings a) - e), designate areas of masonry reinforced with reinforcing meshes and rods, and provide instructions on the placement of meshes and rods in the masonry. In addition to the masonry plan, a plan of lintels is made, on which the positions (marks) of lintels in the places where they are laid are indicated.

5.3.7 For floor plans:

List of jumpers in form (Appendix).

Specifications for filling elements of window, door and other openings, prefabricated partitions, lintels, marked on plans, sections and facades - according to form 7 or 8 of Appendix Z GOST 21.101;

Other statements at the discretion of the developer (for example, a list of holes for utilities).

5.3.8 Examples of the list and specification of jumper elements are shown in the figures and (Appendix).

An example of the specification of elements for filling openings is shown in the figure (Appendix).

5.4 Sections and elevations

5.4.1 Contour lines of structural elements in a section are shown as a solid thick main line, visible contour lines that do not fall into the section plane are shown as a solid thin line.

5.4.2 The following is applied to sections and facades:

Coordination axes of a building (structure), passing in characteristic places of the section and facade (extreme, at expansion joints, load-bearing structures, in places of height difference, etc.) with dimensions determining the distances between them (only on sections), and the total distance between the extreme axes;

Marks characterizing the location of elements of load-bearing and enclosing structures in height;

Dimensions and height references of openings, holes, niches and slots in walls and partitions shown in sections;

Positions (marks) of building (structure) elements not indicated on the plans;

Designations of nodes and fragments of sections and facades.

The facades also indicate the types of filling of window openings and the materials of individual sections of walls that differ from the main materials. It is allowed to indicate the types of window openings on floor plans.

On the sheet showing the facades, if necessary, provide a list of facade finishing according to the application form. In this case, positional designations of the types of facade finishing are indicated on leader lines in circles with a diameter of 6 - 8 mm.

5.4.3 Examples of making sections are shown in the figures - (Appendix), facades and their fragments - in the figures - (Appendix).

5.5 Floor and roof plans

5.5.1 The following is applied to the floor plans:

Coordination axes: extreme, at expansion joints, along the edges of areas with various design and other features and with dimensional references to such areas;

Designations of floor slopes;

Type of floors. Numerical designations of floor types are placed in equilateral triangles with a height of 8 - 10 mm;

Markings where floors change.

The walls of a building (structure) and partitions on floor plans are depicted as a solid thick main line.

The floor plans indicate the elements of the building (structure) and devices that affect the floor structure (gate and door openings, expansion joints, channels, ladders, etc.), the boundaries of areas with different floor structures.

Expansion joints are depicted by two thin solid lines, the boundaries of floor sections are shown by dotted lines.

5.5.2 Floor plans may be combined with floor plans.

5.5.3 For the floor plans, an explication of the floors in form is made (Appendix).

An example of a floor plan is shown in the figure (Appendix).

5.5.4 The following is applied to the roof (roof) plan:

Coordination axes: extreme, at expansion joints, along the edges of sections of the roof (roof) with various design and other features, with dimensional references to such sections;

Designations of roof slopes;

Markings or schematic cross-section of the roof;

Positions (brands) of elements and devices of the roof (roof).

The plan of the roof (roof) indicates expansion joints with two thin lines, parapet slabs and other elements of the roof (roof) fencing, funnels, deflectors, ventilation shafts, fire escapes, and other elements and devices that are not practical to indicate and mark on other drawings.

5.5.5 A specification is drawn up for the roof (roof) plan in Form 7 GOST 21.101, in which the elements and devices of the roof (roof) are recorded.

5.5.6 An example of a roof plan is shown in the figure (Appendix).

5.6 Layout diagrams of elements of prefabricated partitions, filling of window and other openings

5.6.1 The layout of elements of prefabricated partitions (except reinforced concrete panels), filling of window and other openings is carried out taking into account the requirements.

5.6.2 It is allowed to combine the layout of elements of prefabricated partitions with floor plans.

An example of the arrangement of elements of prefabricated partitions is shown in the figure (Appendix).

5.6.3 The arrangement of elements for filling window openings is drawn up for each type of filling. A continuous filling between two adjacent coordination axes is counted as filling of the same type.

When panels with filled openings are supplied as a set, the layout of the filling elements is not followed.

5.6.4 An example of the arrangement of elements for filling window openings is shown in the figure (Appendix).

5.7 Specification of equipment, products and materials

5.7.1 The specification of equipment, products and materials (hereinafter referred to as the specification) for the main set of working drawings of the AR brand is carried out and designated in accordance with GOST 21.110, taking into account the additional requirements of this standard.

Production part;

Auxiliary part.

If a residential building has attached or built-in parts to accommodate enterprises and public institutions, then the specification is also drawn up in parts:

Residential part;

Auxiliary part.

The name of each part is written as a heading in the column “Name and technical characteristics” and underlined.

5.7.3 If necessary, the specification or its parts specified in , are additionally divided into sections:

The underground part of the building (structure);

The above-ground part of the building (structure).

If it is necessary to allocate resources for individual structural parts of the building, then each section is divided into subsections:

Walls, partitions (except reinforced concrete);


Roof (roof).

When dividing the sections of the specification into the indicated subsections, the equipment provided for in the main set of working drawings of the AR brand, as a rule, is separated into an independent subsection with the name “Equipment”.

5.7.4 Equipment, building elements, structures (products) and materials in sections (subsections) are recorded in groups in the following sequence:


Elements for filling openings (gates, door and window blocks, including those with opening mechanisms, louvered grilles, etc.);

Jumper elements;

Elements of prefabricated partitions;

Other elements of the building (structure);

Basic materials.

The specification does not include certain types of products and materials (bolts, nuts, washers, dowels, nails, etc.), the nomenclature and quantity of which are determined according to current technological and production standards when performing construction and installation work.

5.7.5 The following units of measurement are accepted in the specification:

Equipment, products (building elements) - pcs.;

Coating materials, protection (for example, roofing felt, roofing felt, dry gypsum sheets *, linoleum, window glass, fabrics, mesh, rolled sheet metal, ceramic tiles, parquet, including piece parquet, parquet boards, wood-fiber boards *, wood-based boards chip * - m 2 ;


* If necessary, they are used as products indicating the technical characteristics and quantity in pieces.

Insulating materials, fillers (for example, mineral wool, crushed stone, gravel, rubble stone, sand, concrete) - m 3 ;

Other materials (for example, cement, asbestos, building lime, bitumen, mortar, asphalt concrete) - kg (allowed - t).

6 Design solutions

6.1 General requirements

6.1.1 The working documentation for design solutions includes:

Working drawings intended for construction and installation work (the main set of working drawings of design solutions);

Working documentation for construction products;

Local estimate (if necessary).

Brands and names of the main sets of working drawings of design solutions are assigned according to GOST 21.101 depending on the type of building structures.

6.1.2 The main set of working drawings for design solutions includes:

General data on working drawings;

Layout diagrams of structural elements;

Specifications for layout diagrams of structural elements.

The working drawings of monolithic reinforced concrete structures additionally include:

Reinforcement schemes for monolithic reinforced concrete structures;

Statement of steel consumption for monolithic structures according to form (Appendix).

6.2 General information on working drawings

6.2.1 The general data on working drawings of design solutions includes the information provided for by GOST 21.101.

When carried out as part of the main set of drawings of foundations and pile foundations, the general data additionally includes a fragment of a layout plan with plotted axes of a building or structure, the position of engineering-geological workings (wells, pits, sounding points, etc.), lines of engineering-geological sections and etc.

6.2.2 The general instructions given as part of the general data on working drawings, in addition to the information provided for by GOST 21.101, include:

Information about the loads and impacts adopted for the calculation of the structures of a building or structure;

Information about soils (foundations), the level and nature of groundwater, freezing depth * ;

Instructions on measures to arrange preparation for foundations and on special conditions for the work *;


* They are given if they are not included in the technical requirements for the layout of foundation elements.

Information on measures for anti-corrosion protection of structures (in the absence of the main set of working drawings of grade A3);

Instructions on measures when carrying out work in winter.

6.3 Layout diagrams of structural elements

6.3.1 On the layout diagram of structural elements (hereinafter referred to as the layout diagram), structural elements and connections between them are indicated in the form of conventional or simplified graphic images.

6.3.2 The layout diagram is carried out for each group of structural elements related by the conditions and sequence of construction work.


1 Layout of foundation elements and foundation beams

2 Layout of basement wall blocks (layout of basement block walls)

3 Layout of columns, column connections, crane beams

4 Layout of trusses (beams)

5 Layout of wall panels and partitions

6.3.3 Layout diagrams are made in the form of plans, facades or sections of the corresponding structures with a simplified image of the elements.

6.3.4 The following is indicated on the layout diagram:

Coordination axes of the building (structure), dimensions defining the distances between them and between the extreme axes, dimensional reference of the axes or surfaces of structural elements to the coordination axes of the building (structure) or, if necessary, to other structural elements, other necessary dimensions;

Markings of the most characteristic levels of structural elements;

Positions (brands) of structural elements;

Designations of nodes and fragments;

Data on permissible installation loads.

On sections of the foundation or pile foundation of a building or structure, lines of geological sections are drawn, delimiting layers of soil with different geological characteristics.

6.3.5 Identical positions (marks) of sequentially located structural elements on the layout diagram may be applied only at the ends of the row, indicating the number of positions.

6.3.6 The layout of wall panels with a multi-tier arrangement of panels within a floor is carried out in the plane of the walls in the view, with a single-row arrangement - in plan.

6.3.7 In the name of the layout diagram, if necessary, information is provided that determines the position of the structure in the building (structure). It is allowed to assign serial numbers to layout diagrams.

Example- Layout of floor elements at elevation. +7,200 between axles 1-15.V-G (scheme 1)

6.3.8 Marks are placed on the layout diagram for installation in the design position of structural elements that have an asymmetrical arrangement of embedded products and other distinctive features.

6.3.9 The technical requirements for the layout diagram provide, if necessary, instructions on the installation procedure, embedding of seams, and requirements for installation connections.

6.3.10 Examples of the layout of elements of prefabricated structures are shown in the figures - (Appendix).

6.3.11 If a monolithic reinforced concrete structure consists of several elements (beams, slabs, etc.), each of which is subject to separate reinforcement schemes, then these elements are assigned positional designations or marks that indicate on the layout diagram of the elements of the monolithic reinforced concrete structure in accordance with pattern

Figure 2

The layout diagram additionally indicates the formwork dimensions of the structural elements (slab thickness, girder height, cross-section of beams, columns, etc.).

The outlines of the structures are a solid thick main line;

Coordination axes of the building (structure);

Reinforcing and embedded products - a very thick solid line (1.5 - 2 times thicker than a solid thick main line);

Positions (brands) of reinforcement and embedded products;

Dimensions that determine the position of reinforcement and embedded products, and the thickness of the protective layer of concrete;

Clamps to ensure the design position of the reinforcement (if necessary);

Instructions on the method of connecting reinforcing bars.

a) frames and meshes are depicted with a contour in accordance with the figure;

b) to ensure correct installation of asymmetrical frames and meshes in the design position, only their characteristic features (diameter of rods of different diameters, etc.) are indicated in accordance with the figure;

Figure 4

c) if a reinforced concrete structure has several sections with evenly spaced identical frames or meshes, then their contours are drawn on one of the sections, indicating the position numbers and, in brackets, the number of products for this position. In the remaining areas, only positions are indicated and in brackets - the number of products of this position in accordance with the figure;

Figure 5

d) in areas with separate rods located at equal distances, one rod is depicted indicating its position on the leader line flange, and under the leader line flange - the pitch of the rods in accordance with the figure.

Notes f - Distribution fittings (item 6) should be laid within positions 1 and 2 at the top, within positions 3 - 5 at the bottom.

Figure 6

If the pitch of the rods is not standardized, then next to the designation of the rods the number of rods is indicated in parentheses in accordance with the figure;

Figure 8

e) when depicting a frame or mesh, identical rods located at equal distances are applied only at the ends of the frame or mesh, as well as in places where the pitch of the rods changes. In this case, under the flange, leader lines indicating the position of the rod indicate their pitch in accordance with the figure;

f) the reinforcement of elements intersecting the depicted element, as a rule, is not indicated (see figure);

Figure 9

g) in a complex reinforcement scheme, it is allowed to indicate positions at both ends of the same reinforcement product or a separate rod in accordance with the drawing;

Figure 10

i) the dimensions of the bent rods are indicated along the outer edges, and the dimensions of the clamps - along the inner edges in accordance with the figure.

6.3.14 Working drawings of reinforcement and embedded products developed for monolithic reinforced concrete structures as independent documents are not included in the main set of working drawings, but are recorded in the “Attached Documents” section of the list of reference and attached documents.

6.3.15 It is allowed not to make drawings for simple parts directly included in the monolithic reinforced concrete structure, but to provide all the necessary data for their manufacture in the specifications and, if necessary, place images of these parts on the drawing of the monolithic structure. If there are a large number of parts, the data necessary for their manufacture is given in statements in the form (Appendix).

An example of filling out the form is shown in the figure (Appendix).

6.4 Specifications for layout diagrams of structural elements

6.4.1 Specifications for the layout of structural elements are drawn up according to forms 7 or 8 of Appendix to GOST 21.101.

Elements of prefabricated structures;

Monolithic areas;

Steel and other products.

6.4.3 The name of each section and subsection of the specification is indicated as a heading in the “Name” column and underlined.

6.4.4 The specification of a monolithic structure consisting of several elements, each of which is subject to a separate reinforcement scheme, is compiled in sections for each element.

6.4.5 The names of sections of a monolithic structure include the brand of the element and, separated by a dash, the number of elements per monolithic structure.


1 Beams Bm1- 2 pcs.

2 Plate PM1- 1 PC.

7 Working documentation for construction products

7.1 General requirements

7.1.1 The working documentation for a construction product generally includes a specification, an assembly drawing, drawings of parts and, if necessary, technical specifications.

Working drawings of construction products (hereinafter referred to as products) are carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.109, GOST 2.113 and taking into account the additional requirements of this standard.

7.1.2 When executing a group working document for products, products of the same name, uniform configuration and having common design features are combined into one group.

7.1.3 Variable dimensions that are not the same for all designs covered by one image are marked with letter designations, the number of which should, as a rule, be no more than three.

7.1.4 If necessary, a test diagram, design diagram, or their load-bearing capacity are provided with product drawings.

7.1.5 On the assembly drawing of the product or on its schematic representation, indicate, if necessary, the places where markings and images of installation marks applied to the product are applied, in accordance with GOST 13015.

An example of applying an installation mark is shown in the figure.

Figure 11

7.1.6 An installation mark to indicate the orientation of the product in the structure is applied in accordance with the figure.

Figure 12

7.1.7 The technical requirements on the assembly drawing of the product indicate:

Requirements for finishing the surface of the product, including, if necessary, the category of the concrete surface of the product according to GOST 13015. Areas of the surface that require special treatment are marked, as shown in the figure, indicating the dimensions that determine the position of these areas;

Figure 13

Other product quality requirements;

7.1.8 In addition to views, sections and sections, assembly drawings of reinforced concrete products include reinforcement diagrams.

Reinforcement schemes for reinforced concrete products are carried out in relation to and.

7.1.9 On the drawing of the reinforced concrete product, a statement of steel consumption is provided in the form (Appendix). An example of filling out a steel consumption sheet is shown in the figure (Appendix).

7.1.10 Specifications for products are carried out according to form 7 GOST 21.101.

Group specifications for products are carried out according to form 8 GOST 21.101.

Recording of assembly units and materials in the relevant subsections of the specification for the product is carried out in accordance with.


1 In the “Designation” column, the product specifications provide only designations of products and, if necessary, parts in accordance with.

2 In the “Name” column, for parts for which drawings have not been issued, indicate the name, material and other data necessary for manufacturing, in accordance with the instructions for the forms and in the appendix.

3 The column “Unit weight, kg” for parts for which drawings have been issued is not filled in.

7.1.11 It is allowed to combine the specification with the assembly drawing, regardless of the sheet format.

7.1.12 For products (reinforcement, embedded, connecting, etc.), consisting only of parts, a specification is drawn up according to the form (Appendix), with a group method of making drawings of such products - according to the form (Appendix).

An example of a group drawing on a grid is shown in the figure (Appendix).

7.1.13 As part of the working drawings of reinforced concrete structures, it is allowed to make working drawings of metal products, the list of which is given in the Appendix.

7.1.14 Each drawing of a construction product or release of drawings of construction products, when completed as a separate release, is recorded in the “Attached Documents” section of the list of reference and attached documents, which is included in the general data on the working drawings of the corresponding main set.

7.2 Designation of construction products

7.2.1 The product designation is also a designation of its specification.


1 845 - 5 - AR.I2

2 845 - 5 - KZH.I - B1

7.2.3 Reusable products may be designated without reference to the construction site and the brand of the main set of working drawings. In this case, the design organization assigns the product designation.

7.2.4 The designation of the product assembly drawing includes the product designation and document code.


1 845 - 5 - AR.I2SB

2 845 - 5 - KZH.I - B1SB

7.2.5 The designation of technical specifications for the entire group of products includes the designation of the corresponding main set of working drawings with the addition of the code “I” through a dot and the document code through a dash.

Example - 845 - 5 - KZH.I - THAT

If the technical specifications are developed for a group of products of the same name, then before the document code they additionally indicate (through a dot) the brand of products of this group.

Example - 845 - 5 - KZH.I - B.TU

7.2.6 When executing a group working document for products, each design is assigned an independent designation.

The execution designation includes the general designation of products drawn up in one group working document and the execution number.

7.2.7 The serial number of the execution is established within the general designation, starting from 01, and is separated from the general designation by a dash.


1 845 - 5 - KZH.I - B2 - 01

2 845 - 5 - KZH.I2 - 01

A performance accepted conditionally as the main one is assigned only a general designation, without a serial number of the performance in accordance with.

7.2.8 Parts for which separate drawings are not made are not assigned designations.

7.2.9 In the case of repeated use of drawings of construction products by the organization that developed and approved these drawings, they are recorded in the “Attached Documents” section of the list of reference and attached documents without changing the designation.

7.2.10 An example of a product drawing is shown in the figure (Appendix).

7.2.11 When more than three product drawings are completed for the corresponding main set of working drawings, it is recommended to complete them in the form of a separate issue.

The release “Drawings of construction products” is assigned a designation consisting of the designation of the corresponding main set of working drawings and, through a dot, the code “I”.

Example - 845 - 5 - KZH.I

The first page of the issue is the title page, which is made according to form 15 GOST 21.101.

7.2.12 After the title page of the release of drawings of construction products, the content is placed, which is carried out in accordance with GOST 21.101.

Example - 845 - 5 - KZH.IS

7.3 Application of working drawings of standard products

7.3.1 If, according to the conditions of use of the working drawings of a standard product, it is necessary to make changes to them (for example, to provide for the installation of additional embedded products, making holes), then as part of the working documentation of the building (structure) for this product additional working documentation must be made, taking into account the following requirements:

A typical product is depicted in a simplified manner;

The image of a typical product shows only those elements and dimensions that relate to changes. If necessary, other dimensions are applied (for example, the total length and width of the product), given in the working drawings of a typical product, which are marked with the sign “*”, and in the technical requirements on the drawing they indicate: “* Dimensions for reference”;

The specification of the changed product records the standard product as an assembly unit and other products installed during the change;

Columns "Pos." and "Col." for a standard product do not fill in; in the “Designation” column indicate the designation of the specification for the standard product, in the “Name” column - its name and brand.

7.3.2 The modified product is assigned an independent brand, which includes the brand of the standard product and an additional index.

Example- 1K84- 1a,

where 1K84- 1 - standard product brand;

A- index assigned to the modified product.

7.3.3 An example of a drawing of a typical product with additional embedded products is shown in the figure (Appendix).

Figure B.1 - Example of a plan for a one-story industrial building

Figure B.2 - Example of a floor plan for a residential building

Appendix B

Notes e - The cross-sectional diagram can be supplemented with marks of the bottom of the jumpers and the orientation of the location of the jumpers in relation to the coordination axes.

Figure B.1 - Example of a list of jumpers




Col. per floor

Unit weight, kg







Figure B.2 - Example of specification of jumper elements




Col. along the facades

Unit weight, kg









OGD 18.12-2


OGD 18.18-2


OGD 18.18-2

OGD 24.18-2


OGD 24.12-2

Louvre grilles

3453 - 1 - KZH.I5





Door blocks

The text is provided for informational purposes only and may not be current.
The printed edition is fully updated as of the current date.




The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Open Joint-Stock Company “Center for Methodology of Standardization and Standardization in Construction” (JSC “CNS”)

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee TC 465 “Construction”

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Conformity Assessment in Construction (MNTKS) (Minutes dated December 8, 2011 No. 39)

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Country code according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national construction management body



Ministry of Urban Development


Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services



Ministry of Construction and Regional Development

Russian Federation

Department of Architecture, Construction and Urban Development Policy of the Ministry of Regional Development


Agency for Construction and Architecture under the Government



Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 11, 2012 No. 485-st, it was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on May 1, 2013.

5 INSTEAD GOST 21.501-93

Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the monthly published index “National Standards”.

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annually published information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments- V monthly published information index “National Standards”. In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”

1 area of ​​use. 3

3 Terms and definitions. 4

4 General provisions. 4

5 Architectural solutions. 5

5.1 General requirements. 5

5.2 General data on working drawings.. 6

5.3 Floor plans. 6

5.4 Sections and facades.. 8

5.5 Floor and roof (roof) plans 8

5.6 Layout diagrams of elements of prefabricated partitions, filling of window and other openings. 9

5.7 Specification of equipment, products and materials. 9

6 Design solutions. 10

6.1 General requirements. 10

6.2 General data on working drawings.. 11

6.3 Layout diagrams of structural elements. eleven

6.4 Specifications for layout diagrams of structural elements. 15

7 Working documentation for construction products. 16

7.1 General requirements. 16

7.2 Designation of construction products. 17

7.3 Application of working drawings of standard products. 19

Appendix B (for reference) Examples of building plans. 23

Appendix B (for reference) Examples of execution of statements and specifications of elements. 24

Appendix D (for reference) Examples of building sections. 25

Appendix E (for reference) Examples of building facades. 27

Appendix E (for reference) Example of a floor plan. 29

Appendix G (for reference) Example of a roof plan. 29

Appendix I (for reference) An example of the arrangement of elements of prefabricated partitions. thirty

Appendix K (for reference) An example of the arrangement of elements for filling a window opening. 31

Appendix L (informative) Examples of the implementation of layout diagrams for elements of prefabricated structures. 31

Appendix M (for reference) Example of filling out a list of parts. 34

Appendix H (for reference) Example of filling out a steel consumption sheet. 35

Appendix P (for reference) An example of a group drawing on a grid. 35

Appendix P (informative) Approximate list of metal products for which working drawings are made as part of the working documentation for reinforced concrete structures. 36

Appendix C (for reference) An example of a drawing of an individual product. 36

Appendix T (for reference) An example of a drawing of a typical product with additional embedded products. 37

GOST 21.501-2011


System of design documents for construction


System of design documents for construction.
Rules for execution of the working documentation of architectural and construction solutions

Date of introduction- 2013 -05 -01

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the composition and rules for preparing working documentation for architectural and structural solutions for buildings and structures for various purposes, as well as working documentation for construction products.

The composition and rules for preparing working documentation for design solutions for metal building structures are established in GOST 21.502.

2 Normative references

GOST 2.109-73 Unified system of design documentation. Basic requirements for drawings

GOST 2.113-75 Unified system of design documentation. Group and basic design documents

GOST 2.306-68 Unified system of design documentation. Designations of graphic materials and rules for their application in drawings

GOST 21.101-97 * System of design documentation for construction. Basic requirements for design and working documentation

* GOST R 21.1101-2009 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

GOST 21.110-95 System of design documentation for construction. Rules for fulfilling the specifications of equipment, products and materials

GOST 21.113-88 System of design documentation for construction. Accuracy Characteristic Designations

GOST 21.201-2011 System of design documentation for construction. Conventional images of elements of buildings, structures and structures

GOST 21.205-93 System of design documentation for construction. Symbols for elements of sanitary systems

GOST 21.502-2007 System of design documentation for construction. Rules for the implementation of design and working documentation of metal structures

GOST 82-70 Hot-rolled broadband universal steel. Assortment

GOST 103-2006 Long-rolled hot-rolled strip products. Assortment

GOST 5781-82 Hot-rolled steel for reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures. Specifications

GOST 6727-80 Cold-drawn low-carbon steel wire for reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures. Specifications

GOST 8510-86 Hot-rolled steel angles, unequal. Assortment

GOST 13015-2003 Reinforced concrete and concrete products for construction. General technical requirements. Rules for acceptance, labeling, transportation and storage

GOST 14098-91 Welded connections of reinforcement and embedded products of reinforced concrete structures. Types, designs and sizes

GOST 21780-2006 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Accuracy calculation

GOST 23009-78 Prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures and products. Symbols (brands)

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards on the territory of the state according to the corresponding index of standards compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

The following terms with corresponding definitions are used in this standard:

3.1 drawings of architectural solutions: Drawings of a building or structure that reflect the author’s concept of an object with a comprehensive solution of spatial, planning, functional and aesthetic requirements for it, recorded in the form of a contour symbolic image of load-bearing and enclosing structures.

3.2 design drawings: Drawings showing, in the form of conventional images, building structures (reinforced concrete, stone, metal, wood, plastic, etc.) used in buildings or structures, and their relative placement and connection.

3.3 building construction: A part of a building or structure that performs certain load-bearing, enclosing and (or) aesthetic functions.

3.4 construction product: A product intended for use as an element of buildings, structures and construction structures.

3.5 building structure element: An integral part of a prefabricated or monolithic structure.

3.6 construction material: Material, including piece material, intended for the manufacture of building products and the construction of building structures of buildings and structures.

4 General provisions

4.1 Detailed documentation of architectural and structural solutions, as well as construction products, is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 21.101 and this standard.

4.2 Conventional graphic images of elements of buildings, structures and building structures are accepted in accordance with GOST 21.201.

4.3 Graphic designations of materials in sections, cuts and on facades, as well as the rules for their application are accepted in accordance with GOST 2.306.

4.4 Elements of sanitary systems (baths, sinks, toilets, etc.), depending on the scale of the drawing, are depicted in a simplified manner, taking into account their design features, or with conventional graphic symbols in accordance with GOST 21.205.

4.5 Alphanumeric designations (brands) of elements and building structures of buildings (structures), as well as construction products, are made up of the letter designation of their type and serial number. The designation of the type of element, structure and product consists of a conventional letter designation of their name. Letter designations for names of structures and products are accepted according to the relevant standards, for example according to GOST 23009.

The serial number of the element, structure and product is assigned within the type designation, starting with one.

Example- B1; B2, PR1

For grades of monolithic reinforced concrete and concrete structures, designations with the additional index “m” are accepted.

Example- Bm1, PRm1; PRm2

4.6 The drawings of architectural and structural solutions indicate the accuracy characteristics of the geometric parameters of buildings, structures, structures and their elements in accordance with GOST 21.113.

Requirements for the accuracy of the functional geometric parameters of buildings, structures and structures must be linked with the requirements for the accuracy of manufacturing products (structural elements), laying out axes and installing structural elements by calculating the accuracy according to GOST 21780.

4.7 On the working drawings (on images of foundations, walls, partitions, ceilings) openings, grooves, niches, nests and holes with the required dimensions and references are indicated.

Table 1

Image name

1 Architectural solutions:

1.1 Floor plans (except technical), sections, facades

1:50; 1:100; 1:200; 1:400; 1:500

1.2 Plans for roofing, floors, technical floors

1.3 Fragments of plans, facades

2 Design solutions:

2.1 Layout diagrams of structural elements

1:100; 1:200; 1:400; 1:500

2.2 Fragments and sections for layout diagrams of structural elements

2.3 Nodes for layout diagrams of structural elements

2.4 Types, sections and sections of elements of concrete and reinforced concrete structures, reinforcement schemes

1:20; 1:50; 1:100

2.5 Structural units

1:5; 1:10; 1:20; 1:50

3 Product drawings

Note - The image scale is selected from the recommended range depending on the size of the building and the saturation of the images in the drawing.

5 Architectural solutions

5.1 General requirements

5.1.1 The working documentation of architectural solutions includes working drawings intended for construction and installation work (the main set of working drawings of the AP brand), as well as, if necessary:

Specification of equipment, products and materials;

Questionnaires and dimensional drawings carried out in accordance with the data of equipment suppliers;

Local estimate.

5.1.2 The main set of working drawings of the AP brand includes:

Floor plans, including basement, technical underground, technical floor and attic;


Floor plans (if necessary);

Roof (roof) plan;

Layout diagrams of elements of prefabricated partitions *;

Layout diagrams of elements for filling window and other openings * ;

* Layout diagrams of metal elements of prefabricated partitions and filling of window openings are carried out as part of working drawings of metal structures. Layout diagrams for elements of prefabricated reinforced concrete partitions are usually made as part of the main set of working drawings of reinforced concrete structures.

Detail elements (nodes, fragments);

Specifications for layout diagrams.

5.2 General information on working drawings

5.2.1 The general data on working drawings, in addition to the information provided for by GOST 21.101, includes a statement of finishing of premises in Form 1 of Appendix A (in the absence of the main set of working drawings of interiors and if this is provided for in the design assignment).

5.2.2 In general instructions, in addition to the information provided by GOST 21.101, the following is given:

Level of responsibility of the building (structure);

The degree of fire resistance of the building (structure);

Structural fire hazard class of the building;

Functional fire hazard class of the building;

Fire hazard class of building structures;

Estimated service life of the building (structure);

Characteristics of wall and insulating materials *;

Instructions for installing waterproofing and blind areas *;

Instructions for the exterior finishing of a building (structure) * ;

* Provided if there are no corresponding instructions on the drawings.

Instructions on measures during work in winter;

Instructions on measures to ensure the protection of premises from noise, vibration and other influences.

5.3 Floor plans

5.3.1 When creating a floor plan, the position of the imaginary horizontal sectional plane is taken at the level of the window openings or at 1/3 of the height of the depicted floor.

In cases where window openings are located above the cutting plane, sections of the corresponding walls are located along the perimeter of the plan at the level of the window openings.

5.3.2 The following is indicated on the floor plans:

a) coordination axes of the building (structure);

b) dimensions determining the distances between the coordination axes and openings, the thickness of walls and partitions, marks of areas located at different levels, and other necessary dimensions;

c) lines and designations of sections. The cutting lines are drawn, as a rule, in such a way that the cut includes openings of windows, external gates and doors, staircases, elevator shafts, balconies, loggias, etc.;

d) positions (marks) of elements of a building (structure), filling of openings of gates and doors (except for those included in panel partitions), lintels, stairs, etc.

Positional designations of gate and door openings are recommended to be indicated in circles with a diameter of 5 - 7 mm;

e) designations of nodes and fragments of plans;

f) names of premises, their area, categories of explosion and fire hazard (except for residential buildings).

The area is marked in the lower right corner of the room and underlined. The category of the premises in terms of explosion and fire hazard is indicated under its name in a rectangle.

For residential buildings, if necessary, the plans indicate the type and area of ​​apartments, and it is recommended to provide information in accordance with Figure 1.

Picture 1

It is allowed to list the names of premises, their area and categories in the explication of premises in Form 2 (Appendix A). In this case, instead of the names of the premises, their numbers are indicated on the plans. For residential buildings, explication of premises, as a rule, is not carried out;

g) boundaries of the movement zones of technological cranes (if necessary);

i) location of sanitary equipment (if necessary).

5.3.3 Built-in premises and other areas of the building (structure), for which separate drawings are made, are depicted schematically with a solid thin line showing load-bearing structures.

5.3.4 Platforms, mezzanines and other structures located above the cutting plane are depicted schematically with a thin dash-dotted line with two dots.

5.3.5 Examples of building floor plans are shown in Figures B.1 and B.2 (Appendix B).

5.3.6 For buildings with walls made of bricks or small blocks, masonry plans are made, if necessary.

The masonry plan shows the layout of walls, partitions, columns, pillars and other elements built from brick or small blocks, window and door openings, openings, ventilation ducts and chimneys, niches, grooves, etc. Staircases, elevator shafts, balconies, loggias are schematically depicted with solid thin lines.

The masonry plan contains information in accordance with listings a) - e) 5.3.2, designates areas of the masonry reinforced with reinforcing meshes and rods, and provides instructions on the placement of meshes and rods in the masonry. In addition to the masonry plan, a plan of lintels is made, on which the positions (marks) of lintels in the places where they are laid are indicated.

5.3.7 For floor plans:

List of jumpers according to Form 3 (Appendix A).

Specifications for filling elements of window, door and other openings, prefabricated partitions, lintels, marked on plans, sections and facades - according to form 7 or 8 of Appendix Z GOST 21.101;

Other statements at the discretion of the developer (for example, a list of holes for utilities).

5.3.8 Examples of the list and specification of jumper elements are shown in Figures B.1 and B.2 (Appendix B).

An example of the specification of elements for filling openings is shown in Figure B.3 (Appendix B).

5.4 Sections and elevations

5.4.1 Contour lines of structural elements in a section are shown as a solid thick main line, visible contour lines that do not fall into the section plane are shown as a solid thin line.

5.4.2 The following is applied to sections and facades:

Coordination axes of a building (structure), passing in characteristic places of the section and facade (extreme, at expansion joints, load-bearing structures, in places of height difference, etc.) with dimensions determining the distances between them (only on sections), and the total distance between the extreme axes;

Marks characterizing the location of elements of load-bearing and enclosing structures in height;

Dimensions and height references of openings, holes, niches and slots in walls and partitions shown in sections;

Positions (marks) of building (structure) elements not indicated on the plans;

Designations of nodes and fragments of sections and facades.

The facades also indicate the types of filling of window openings and the materials of individual sections of walls that differ from the main materials. It is allowed to indicate the types of window openings on floor plans.

On the sheet showing the facades, if necessary, provide a list of facade finishing according to Form 9 of Appendix A. In this case, positional designations of the types of facade finishing are indicated on leader lines in circles with a diameter of 6 - 8 mm.

5.4.3 Examples of sections are shown in Figures D.1 - D.3 (Appendix D), facades and their fragments - in Figures D.1 - D.2 (Appendix E).

5.5 Floor and roof plans

5.5.1 The following is applied to the floor plans:

Coordination axes: extreme, at expansion joints, along the edges of areas with various design and other features and with dimensional references to such areas;

Designations of floor slopes;

Type of floors. Numerical designations of floor types are placed in equilateral triangles with a height of 8 - 10 mm;

Markings where floors change.

The walls of a building (structure) and partitions on floor plans are depicted as a solid thick main line.

The floor plans indicate the elements of the building (structure) and devices that affect the floor structure (gate and door openings, expansion joints, channels, ladders, etc.), the boundaries of areas with different floor structures.

Expansion joints are depicted by two thin solid lines, the boundaries of floor sections are shown by dotted lines.

5.5.2 Floor plans may be combined with floor plans.

5.5.3 For the floor plans, an explication of the floors is drawn up in Form 4 (Appendix A).

An example of a floor plan is shown in Figure E.1 (Appendix E).

5.5.4 The following is applied to the roof (roof) plan:

Coordination axes: extreme, at expansion joints, along the edges of sections of the roof (roof) with various design and other features, with dimensional references to such sections;

Designations of roof slopes;

Markings or schematic cross-section of the roof;

Positions (brands) of elements and devices of the roof (roof).

The plan of the roof (roof) indicates expansion joints with two thin lines, parapet slabs and other elements of the roof (roof) fencing, funnels, deflectors, ventilation shafts, fire escapes, and other elements and devices that are not practical to indicate and mark on other drawings.

5.5.5 For the roof (roof) plan, a specification is drawn up in Form 7 GOST 21.101, in which the elements and devices of the roof (roof) are recorded.

5.5.6 An example of a roof plan is shown in Figure G.1 (Appendix G).

5.6 Layout diagrams of elements of prefabricated partitions, filling of window and other openings

5.6.1 Layout diagrams for elements of prefabricated partitions (except reinforced concrete panels), filling of window and other openings are carried out taking into account the requirements of 6.3.

5.6.2 It is allowed to combine the layout of elements of prefabricated partitions with floor plans.

An example of the arrangement of elements of prefabricated partitions is shown in Figure I.1 (Appendix I).

5.6.3 The arrangement of elements for filling window openings is drawn up for each type of filling. A continuous filling between two adjacent coordination axes is counted as filling of the same type.

When panels with filled openings are supplied as a set, the layout of the filling elements is not followed.

5.6.4 An example of the arrangement of elements for filling window openings is shown in Figure K.1 (Appendix K).

5.7 Specification of equipment, products and materials

5.7.1 The specification of equipment, products and materials (hereinafter referred to as the specification) for the main set of working drawings of the AR brand is carried out and designated in accordance with GOST 21.110, taking into account the additional requirements of this standard.

5.7.2 If the industrial building has attached or built-in parts in which auxiliary premises are located, then the specification is drawn up in parts:

Production part;

Auxiliary part.

If a residential building has attached or built-in parts to accommodate enterprises and public institutions, then the specification is also drawn up in parts:

Residential part;

Auxiliary part.

The name of each part is written as a heading in the column “Name and technical characteristics” and underlined.

5.7.3 If necessary, the specification or its parts specified in 5.7.2 are additionally divided into sections:

The underground part of the building (structure);

The above-ground part of the building (structure).

If it is necessary to allocate resources for individual structural parts of the building, then each section is divided into subsections:

Walls, partitions (except reinforced concrete);

Roof (roof).

When dividing the sections of the specification into the indicated subsections, the equipment provided for in the main set of working drawings of the AR brand, as a rule, is separated into an independent subsection with the name “Equipment”.

5.7.4 Equipment, building elements, structures (products) and materials in sections (subsections) are recorded in groups in the following sequence:


Elements for filling openings (gates, door and window blocks, including those with opening mechanisms, louvered grilles, etc.);

Jumper elements;

Elements of prefabricated partitions;

Other elements of the building (structure);

Basic materials.

The specification does not include certain types of products and materials (bolts, nuts, washers, dowels, nails, etc.), the nomenclature and quantity of which are determined according to current technological and production standards when performing construction and installation work.

5.7.5 The following units of measurement are accepted in the specification:

Equipment, products (building elements) - pcs.;

Coating materials, protection (for example, roofing felt, roofing felt, dry gypsum sheets *, linoleum, window glass, fabrics, mesh, rolled sheet metal, ceramic tiles, parquet, including piece parquet, parquet boards, wood-fiber boards *, wood-based boards chip * - m 2 ;

* If necessary, used as products indicating the technical characteristics and quantity in pieces.

Insulating materials, fillers (for example, mineral wool, crushed stone, gravel, rubble stone, sand, concrete) - m 3 ;

Other materials (for example, cement, asbestos, building lime, bitumen, mortar, asphalt concrete) - kg (allowed - t).

6 Design solutions

6.1 General requirements

6.1.1 The working documentation for design solutions includes:

Working drawings intended for construction and installation work (the main set of working drawings of design solutions);

Working documentation for construction products;

Local estimate (if necessary).

Brands and names of the main sets of working drawings of design solutions are assigned according to GOST 21.101 depending on the type of building structures.

6.1.2 The main set of working drawings for design solutions includes:

General data on working drawings;

Layout diagrams of structural elements;

Specifications for layout diagrams of structural elements.

The working drawings of monolithic reinforced concrete structures additionally include:

Reinforcement schemes for monolithic reinforced concrete structures;

Statement of steel consumption for monolithic structures according to Form 5 (Appendix A).

6.2 General information on working drawings

6.2.1 The general data on working drawings of design solutions includes the information provided for by GOST 21.101.

When carried out as part of the main set of drawings of foundations and pile foundations, the general data additionally includes a fragment of a layout plan with plotted axes of a building or structure, the position of engineering-geological workings (wells, pits, sounding points, etc.), lines of engineering-geological sections and etc.

6.2.2 The general instructions given as part of the general data on working drawings, in addition to the information provided for by GOST 21.101, include:

Information about the loads and impacts adopted for the calculation of the structures of a building or structure;

Information about soils (foundations), the level and nature of groundwater, freezing depth * ;

Instructions on measures to arrange preparation for foundations and on special conditions for the work *;

* They are given if they are not included in the technical requirements for the layout of foundation elements.

Information on measures for anti-corrosion protection of structures (in the absence of the main set of working drawings of grade A3);

Instructions on measures when carrying out work in winter.

6.3 Layout diagrams of structural elements

6.3.1 On the layout diagram of structural elements (hereinafter referred to as the layout diagram), structural elements and connections between them are indicated in the form of conventional or simplified graphic images.

6.3.2 The layout diagram is carried out for each group of structural elements related by the conditions and sequence of construction work.


1 Layout of foundation elements and foundation beams

2 Layout of basement wall blocks (layout of basement block walls)

3 Layout of columns, column connections, crane beams

4 Layout of trusses (beams)

5 Layout of wall panels and partitions

6.3.3 Layout diagrams are made in the form of plans, facades or sections of the corresponding structures with a simplified image of the elements.

6.3.4 The following is indicated on the layout diagram:

Coordination axes of the building (structure), dimensions defining the distances between them and between the extreme axes, dimensional reference of the axes or surfaces of structural elements to the coordination axes of the building (structure) or, if necessary, to other structural elements, other necessary dimensions;

Markings of the most characteristic levels of structural elements;

Positions (brands) of structural elements;

Designations of nodes and fragments;

Data on permissible installation loads.

On sections of the foundation or pile foundation of a building or structure, lines of geological sections are drawn, delimiting layers of soil with different geological characteristics.

6.3.5 Identical positions (marks) of sequentially located structural elements on the layout diagram may be applied only at the ends of the row, indicating the number of positions.

6.3.6 The layout of wall panels with a multi-tier arrangement of panels within a floor is carried out in the plane of the walls in the view, with a single-row arrangement - in plan.

6.3.7 In the name of the layout diagram, if necessary, information is provided that determines the position of the structure in the building (structure). It is allowed to assign serial numbers to layout diagrams.

Example- Layout of floor elements at elevation. +7,200 between axles 1-15.V-G (scheme 1)

6.3.8 Marks are placed on the layout diagram for installation in the design position of structural elements that have an asymmetrical arrangement of embedded products and other distinctive features.

6.3.9 The technical requirements for the layout diagram provide, if necessary, instructions on the installation procedure, embedding of seams, and requirements for installation connections.

6.3.10 Examples of the layout of elements of prefabricated structures are shown in Figures L.1 - L.6 (Appendix L).

6.3.11 If a monolithic reinforced concrete structure consists of several elements (beams, slabs, etc.), each of which is subject to separate reinforcement schemes, then these elements are assigned positional designations or marks that indicate on the layout diagram of the elements of the monolithic reinforced concrete structure in accordance with picture 2.

Figure 2

The layout diagram additionally indicates the formwork dimensions of the structural elements (slab thickness, girder height, cross-section of beams, columns, etc.).

6.3.12 On the reinforcement diagrams of monolithic reinforced concrete structures the following is applied:

The outlines of the structures are a solid thick main line;

Coordination axes of the building (structure);

Reinforcing and embedded products - a very thick solid line (1.5 - 2 times thicker than a solid thick main line);

Positions (brands) of reinforcement and embedded products;

Dimensions that determine the position of reinforcement and embedded products, and the thickness of the protective layer of concrete;

Clamps to ensure the design position of the reinforcement (if necessary);

Instructions on the method of connecting reinforcing bars.

6.3.13 On reinforcement diagrams, the following simplifications are used, if necessary:

a) frames and meshes are depicted with a contour in accordance with Figure 3;

b) to ensure correct installation of asymmetrical frames and meshes in the design position, only their characteristic features (diameter of rods of different diameters, etc.) are indicated in accordance with Figure 4;

Figure 3

Figure 4

c) if a reinforced concrete structure has several sections with evenly spaced identical frames or meshes, then their contours are drawn on one of the sections, indicating the position numbers and, in brackets, the number of products for this position. In the remaining areas, only positions are indicated and in brackets - the number of products of this position in accordance with Figure 5;

Figure 5

d) in areas with separate rods located at equal distances, one rod is depicted indicating its position on the leader line flange, and under the leader line flange - the pitch of the rods in accordance with Figure 6.

Note - Distribution fittings (position 6) should be laid within positions 1 and 2 at the top, within positions 3 - 5 at the bottom.

Figure 6

If the pitch of the rods is not standardized, then next to the designation of the rods the number of rods is indicated in parentheses in accordance with Figure 7;

Figure 7

Figure 8

e) when depicting a frame or mesh, identical rods located at equal distances are applied only at the ends of the frame or mesh, as well as in places where the pitch of the rods changes. In this case, under the flange, leader lines indicating the position of the rod indicate their pitch in accordance with Figure 8;

f) the reinforcement of elements crossing the depicted element is usually not indicated (see Figure 9);

Figure 9

g) in a complex reinforcement scheme, it is allowed to indicate positions at both ends of the same reinforcement product or a separate rod in accordance with Figure 9;

Figure 10

i) the dimensions of the bent rods are indicated along the outer edges, and the dimensions of the clamps - along the inner edges in accordance with Figure 10.

6.3.14 Working drawings of reinforcement and embedded products developed for monolithic reinforced concrete structures as independent documents are not included in the main set of working drawings, but are recorded in the “Attached Documents” section of the list of reference and attached documents.

6.3.15 It is allowed not to make drawings for simple parts directly included in the monolithic reinforced concrete structure, but to provide all the necessary data for their manufacture in the specifications and, if necessary, place images of these parts on the drawing of the monolithic structure. If there is a large number of parts, the data necessary for their manufacture is given in statements in Form 6 (Appendix A).

An example of filling out the statement is shown in Figure M.1 (Appendix M).

6.4 Specifications for layout diagrams of structural elements

6.4.1 Specifications for the layout of structural elements are drawn up according to forms 7 or 8 of Appendix to GOST 21.101.

6.4.2 The specification for the layout of prefabricated structures is filled out in sections:

Elements of prefabricated structures;

Monolithic areas;

Steel and other products.

6.4.3 The name of each section and subsection of the specification is indicated as a heading in the “Name” column and underlined.

6.4.4 The specification of a monolithic structure consisting of several elements, each of which is subject to a separate reinforcement scheme, is compiled in sections for each element.

6.4.5 The names of sections of a monolithic structure include the brand of the element and, separated by a dash, the number of elements per monolithic structure.


1 Beams Bm1- 2 pcs.

2 Plate PM1- 1 PC.

7 Working documentation for construction products

7.1 General requirements

7.1.1 The working documentation for a construction product generally includes a specification, an assembly drawing, drawings of parts and, if necessary, technical specifications.

7.1.2 When executing a group working document for products, products of the same name, uniform configuration and having common design features are combined into one group.

7.1.3 Variable dimensions that are not the same for all designs covered by one image are marked with letter designations, the number of which should, as a rule, be no more than three.

7.1.4 If necessary, a test diagram, design diagram, or their load-bearing capacity are provided with product drawings.

7.1.5 On the assembly drawing of the product or on its schematic representation, indicate, if necessary, the places where the markings and images of installation marks applied to the product are indicated, in accordance with GOST 13015.

An example of applying an installation mark is shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11

7.1.6 An installation mark to indicate the orientation of the product in the structure is applied in accordance with Figure 12.

Figure 12

7.1.7 The technical requirements on the assembly drawing of the product indicate:

Requirements for finishing the surface of the product, including, if necessary, the category of the concrete surface of the product according to GOST 13015. Areas of the surface that require special treatment are marked as shown in Figure 13, indicating the dimensions that determine the position of these areas;

Figure 13

Other product quality requirements;

7.1.8 In addition to views, sections and sections, assembly drawings of reinforced concrete products include reinforcement diagrams.

Reinforcement schemes for reinforced concrete products are carried out in relation to 6.3.12 and 6.3.13.

7.1.9 On the drawing of the reinforced concrete product, a statement of steel consumption is provided in Form 5 (Appendix A). An example of filling out a steel consumption sheet is shown in Figure H.1 (Appendix H).

7.1.10 Specifications for products are carried out in accordance with Form 7 GOST 21.101.

Group specifications for products are carried out according to form 8 GOST 21.101.

Recording of assembly units and materials in the relevant subsections of the specification for the product is carried out in accordance with 6.4.2.


1 In the “Designation” column, the product specifications provide only designations of products and, if necessary, parts in accordance with 7.2.

2 In the “Name” column, for parts for which drawings have not been issued, indicate the name, material and other data necessary for manufacturing, in accordance with the instructions for forms 7 and 8 in Appendix A.

3 The column “Unit weight, kg” for parts for which drawings have been issued is not filled in.

7.1.11 It is allowed to combine the specification with the assembly drawing, regardless of the sheet format.

7.1.12 For products (reinforcement, embedded, connecting, etc.) consisting only of parts, a specification is drawn up in Form 7 (Appendix A), in the case of a group method of making drawings of such products - in Form 8 (Appendix A).

An example of a group drawing on a grid is shown in Figure A.1 (Appendix P).

7.1.13 As part of the working drawings of reinforced concrete structures, it is allowed to make working drawings of metal products, the list of which is given in Appendix R.

7.1.14 Each drawing of a construction product or release of drawings of construction products, when completed as a separate release, is recorded in the “Attached Documents” section of the list of reference and attached documents, which is included in the general data on the working drawings of the corresponding main set.

7.2 Designation of construction products

7.2.1 The product designation is also a designation of its specification.

7.2.2 The designation of the product and its specifications include the designation of the corresponding main set of working drawings with the addition of the code “I” and its serial (positional) number through a dot or a dash of the product brand.


1 845 - 5 - AR.I2

2 845 - 5 - KZH.I - B1

7.2.3 Reusable products may be designated without reference to the construction site and the brand of the main set of working drawings. In this case, the design organization assigns the product designation.

7.2.4 The designation of the product assembly drawing includes the product designation and document code.


1 845 - 5 - AR.I2SB

2 845 - 5 - KZH.I - B1SB

7.2.5 The designation of technical specifications for the entire group of products includes the designation of the corresponding main set of working drawings with the addition of the code “I” through a dot and the document code through a dash.

Example - 845 - 5 - KZH.I - THAT

If the technical specifications are developed for a group of products of the same name, then before the document code they additionally indicate (through a dot) the brand of products of this group.

Example - 845 - 5 - KZH.I - B.TU

7.2.6 When executing a group working document for products, each design is assigned an independent designation.

The execution designation includes the general designation of products drawn up in one group working document and the execution number.

7.2.7 The serial number of the execution is established within the general designation, starting from 01, and is separated from the general designation by a dash.


1 845 - 5 - KZH.I - B2 - 01

2 845 - 5 - KZH.I2 - 01

A performance accepted conditionally as the main one is assigned only a general designation, without a serial number of the performance in accordance with 7.2.2.

7.2.8 Parts for which separate drawings are not made are not assigned designations.

7.2.9 In the case of repeated use of drawings of construction products by the organization that developed and approved these drawings, they are recorded in the “Attached Documents” section of the list of reference and attached documents without changing the designation.

7.2.10 An example of a product drawing is shown in Figure C.1 (Appendix C).

7.2.11 When more than three product drawings are completed for the corresponding main set of working drawings, it is recommended to complete them in the form of a separate issue.

The release “Drawings of construction products” is assigned a designation consisting of the designation of the corresponding main set of working drawings and, through a dot, the code “I”.

Example - 845 - 5 - KZH.I

The first page of the issue is the title page, which is made according to Form 15 GOST 21.101.

7.2.12 After the title page of the release of drawings of construction products, the content is placed, which is carried out in accordance with GOST 21.101.

Example - 845 - 5 - KZH.IS

7.3 Application of working drawings of standard products

7.3.1 If, according to the conditions of use of the working drawings of a standard product, it is necessary to make changes to them (for example, to provide for the installation of additional embedded products, making holes), then as part of the working documentation of the building (structure) for this product additional working documentation must be made, taking into account the following requirements:

A typical product is depicted in a simplified manner;

The image of a typical product shows only those elements and dimensions that relate to changes. If necessary, other dimensions are applied (for example, the total length and width of the product), given in the working drawings of a typical product, which are marked with the sign “*”, and in the technical requirements on the drawing they indicate: “* Dimensions for reference”;

The specification of the changed product records the standard product as an assembly unit and other products installed during the change;

Columns "Pos." and "Col." for a standard product do not fill in; in the “Designation” column indicate the designation of the specification for the standard product, in the “Name” column - its name and brand.

7.3.2 The modified product is assigned an independent brand, which includes the brand of the standard product and an additional index.

Example- 1K84- 1a,

where 1K84- 1 - standard product brand;

A- index assigned to the modified product.

7.3.3 An example of a drawing of a typical product with additional embedded products is shown in Figure T.1 (Appendix T).

Forms of statements, explications and specifications and features of their implementation

Form 1 - Statement of finishing of premises

A.1 In the list of finishing of premises:

The number of columns is determined by the presence of interior elements to be finished;

The finishing areas of premises are calculated according to the relevant regulatory documents.

A.2 The dimensions of the table graphs are determined by the developer.

Form 2 - Explication of premises

A.3 In the explication of the premises indicate:

In the “Room number” column - the room number. For non-residential buildings (administrative, household, public, industrial) with more than one floor, it is recommended to indicate the numbering of premises in three-digit or four-digit numbers, consisting of the floor number and the serial number of the premises within the floor.

Example - 101, 102, 1111, 1112

- in the “Name” column - the name of the premises (technological area);

In the column “Area, m2” - the area of ​​the room;

In the column “Cat. premises" - category of premises according to explosion and fire hazard. The category is indicated for all types of premises of industrial buildings and for premises of public buildings in which the presence of flammable substances and materials is provided.

A.4 The dimensions of the graphs, if necessary, can be changed at the discretion of the developer.

Form 3 - List of jumpers

Form 4 - Explication of floors

A.5 The floor descriptions indicate:

In the column “Room number” - the number or name of the premises;

In the column “Floor type” - designation of the floor type according to working drawings;

In the column “Data of floor elements (name, thickness, base, etc.), mm”, when using a standard floor design, only additional data is provided.

The remaining columns for the explanation of floors are filled in in accordance with their name.

A.6 The dimensions of the graphs, if necessary, can be changed at the discretion of the developer.

Form 5 - Statement of steel consumption

A.7 In the subheadings of the column of the steel consumption sheet, the class of reinforcement or grade of rolled steel and the corresponding standards or technical conditions are indicated. Below indicate: for reinforcing steel - diameter, for profile steel - profile designation.

A.8 The list does not include standard products - dowels, bolts, washers, etc.

Form 6 - List of Parts

Form 7 - Specification for a product consisting of parts only

Form 8 - Group specification for a product consisting only of parts

A.9 The specifications indicate:

In the column "Pos." - positions (brands) of structural elements, installations;

In the “Product brand” column - the product brand. It is allowed to indicate the name of the product;

In the column “Pos. children." - position numbers of parts in the product;

In the “Name” column - parameters, material and other data necessary for the manufacture of parts. To record a number of parts that differ in size and other data, the common part of the name of these products or materials with the designation of the specified document can be written down once in the form of a common name (heading). Under the general name, only their parameters and dimensions are recorded for each of the specified products and materials;

In the column "Count." - number of details;

In the columns “Unit weight, kg”, “Weight of 1 unit, kg”, “Product weight, kg” - weight in kilograms. It is allowed to give mass in tons, but indicate the unit of mass.

A.10 The dimensions of the specification graphs, if necessary, can be changed at the discretion of the developer.

Form 9 - Facade finishing sheet

A.11 In the facade finishing sheet indicate:

In the column “Pos. finishing" - positional designation of the type of facade finishing;

In the column “Name of facade element” - data corresponding to the name of the column;

In the column “Name of finishing material” - the name of the finishing or paint and varnish material, its brand or type according to the standard or specifications and the designation of the standard or specifications;

In the column “Name and number of the color standard or color sample” - the name of the color of the finishing or paintwork material accepted according to the relevant standard or specifications and its number according to the color standard card file. If there is no color number according to the color standards card in the standards or specifications, the color number is not entered in the column;

In the “Note” column there is additional information, for example, a link to an album of color samples.

A.12 The dimensions of the table graphs are determined by the developer.

Appendix B

Examples of building plans

Figure B.1 - Example of a plan for a one-story industrial building

Figure B.2 - Example of a floor plan for a residential building

Appendix B

Examples of execution of statements and specifications of elements

Note - The cross-sectional diagram can be supplemented with marks of the bottom of the jumpers and the orientation of the jumpers in relation to the coordination axes.

Figure B.1 - Example of a list of jumpers

Figure B.2 - Example of specification of jumper elements



Col. along the facades

Unit weight, kg


Louvre grilles

3453 - 1 - KZH.I5

Door blocks

Gate 3.6´3.6

Note - In the “Note” column, additional data is provided, for example, the height of the opening.

Figure B.3 - Example of specification of elements for filling openings

Appendix D

Examples of building sections

Figure D.1 - Example of a cross-section of a one-story industrial building

Figure D.2 - Example of a cross-section of a multi-storey industrial building

Figure D.3 - Example of making a section of a residential building

Appendix D

Examples of building facades

Figure D.1 - Example of a facade and a fragment of a facade
industrial building

Figure D.2 - Example of a façade of a residential building

Appendix E

Example of a floor plan

Figure E.1

Appendix G

Example of a roof plan

Figure G.1

Appendix I

An example of the layout of elements of prefabricated partitions

Figure I.1

Appendix K

An example of the arrangement of elements for filling a window opening

Figure K.1

Appendix L

Examples of layout diagrams for prefabricated structure elements

Figure L.1 - Layout of foundation elements and foundation beams

Figure L.2 - Layout of columns and crane beams

Figure L.3 - Layout of coating slabs

Figure L.4 - Layout of wall panels

Figure L.5 - Layout of wall panels, partitions and others
elements of a residential building

Figure L.6 - Layout of columns, crossbars and floor beams at elevation. ...

Appendix M

Example of filling out a list of parts

Figure M.1

Appendix H

An example of filling out a steel consumption sheet

Steel consumption sheet, kg

Item brand

Prestressed reinforcement class

Reinforcing products

Embedded products

Class fittings

Class fittings

Rental stamps

GOST 5781-82

GOST 5781-82

GOST 6727-80

GOST 5781-82

GOST 103-2006

GOST 8510-86

Figure H.1

Appendix P

An example of a group drawing on a grid

Product brand


Weight of 1 child, kg

Product weight, kg

16-A400 / = 3050

8A-A240 / = 650

12-A400 / = 2150

10-A400 / = 1550

16-A400 / = 3500

16-A400 / = 3400

16-A400 / = 3050

12-A400 / = 2500

12-A400 / = 2400

12-A400 / = 2050


1 Fittings according to GOST 5781.

2 Maximum deviations from the dimensions of rods and outlets ±2 mm.

Figure A.1

Appendix P

Approximate list of metal products for which working drawings
performed as part of the working documentation for reinforced concrete structures

R.1 External metal stairs no more than 1.0 m wide.

R.2 Stringers of stairs with reinforced concrete steps and landings.

R.3 Fencing: on the roof, platforms, openings, pits, stairs (reinforced concrete, metal).

R.4 Shields over channels up to 1.0 m wide with a load of no more than 20 kPa (2000 kgf/m2).

R.5 Shields over openings (for example, monolithic) with an area of ​​up to 2 m 2 with a load of no more than 20 kPa (2000 kgf/m 2).

R.6 Designs of canopies with extension no more than 1.5 m.

R.7 Metal elements of reinforced concrete structures (for example, individual metal beams, connecting products, anchors, outlets between reinforced concrete slabs, metal waterproofing of walls, profiled flooring used as formwork).

R.8 Other metal products, structures, the parameters of which are similar to those listed in R.1 - R.7.

Appendix C

An example of a drawing of an individual product

Figure C.1

Appendix T

An example of a drawing of a typical product with additional
embedded products

Figure T.1

Key words: execution rules, working documentation, architectural solutions, drawings of building structures, general data on working drawings, layout diagrams of structural elements, building products

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The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Open Joint-Stock Company “Center for Methodology of Standardization and Standardization in Construction” (JSC “CNS”)

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee TC 465 “Construction”

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Conformity Assessment in Construction (MNTKS) (Minutes dated December 8, 2011 No. 39)

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Country code according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national construction management body



Ministry of Urban Development


Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services



Ministry of Construction and Regional Development

Russian Federation

Department of Architecture, Construction and Urban Development Policy of the Ministry of Regional Development


Agency for Construction and Architecture under the Government



Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 11, 2012 No. 485-st, it was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on May 1, 2013.

Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the monthly published index “National Standards”.

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annually published information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments- V monthly published information index “National Standards”. In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”

1 area of ​​use. 3

3 Terms and definitions. 4

4 General provisions. 4

5 Architectural solutions. 5

5.1 General requirements. 5

5.2 General data on working drawings.. 6

5.3 Floor plans. 6

5.4 Sections and facades.. 8

5.5 Floor and roof (roof) plans 8

5.6 Layout diagrams of elements of prefabricated partitions, filling of window and other openings. 9

5.7 Specification of equipment, products and materials. 9

6 Design solutions. 10

6.1 General requirements. 10

6.2 General data on working drawings.. 11

6.3 Layout diagrams of structural elements. eleven

6.4 Specifications for layout diagrams of structural elements. 15

7 Working documentation for construction products. 16

7.1 General requirements. 16

7.2 Designation of construction products. 17

7.3 Application of working drawings of standard products. 19

Appendix B (for reference) Examples of building plans. 23

Appendix B (for reference) Examples of execution of statements and specifications of elements. 24

Appendix D (for reference) Examples of building sections. 25

Appendix E (for reference) Examples of building facades. 27

Appendix E (for reference) Example of a floor plan. 29

Appendix G (for reference) Example of a roof plan. 29

Appendix I (for reference) An example of the arrangement of elements of prefabricated partitions. thirty

Appendix K (for reference) An example of the arrangement of elements for filling a window opening. 31

Appendix L (informative) Examples of the implementation of layout diagrams for elements of prefabricated structures. 31

Appendix M (for reference) Example of filling out a list of parts. 34

Appendix H (for reference) Example of filling out a steel consumption sheet. 35

Appendix P (for reference) An example of a group drawing on a grid. 35

Appendix P (informative) Approximate list of metal products for which working drawings are made as part of the working documentation for reinforced concrete structures. 36

Appendix C (for reference) An example of a drawing of an individual product. 36

Appendix T (for reference) An example of a drawing of a typical product with additional embedded products. 37

System of design documents for construction


System of design documents for construction.
Rules for execution of the working documentation of architectural and construction solutions

Date of introduction- 2013 -05 -01

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the composition and rules for preparing working documentation for architectural and structural solutions for buildings and structures for various purposes, as well as working documentation for construction products.

The composition and rules for preparing working documentation for design solutions for metal building structures are established in GOST 21.502.

2 Normative references

4.3 Graphic designations of materials in sections, sections and on facades, as well as the rules for their application, are accepted in accordance with GOST 2.306.

4.4 Elements of sanitary systems (baths, sinks, toilets, etc.), depending on the scale of the drawing, are depicted in a simplified manner, taking into account their design features, or with conventional graphic symbols in accordance with GOST 21.205.

4.5 Alphanumeric designations (brands) of elements and building structures of buildings (structures), as well as construction products, are made up of the letter designation of their type and serial number. The designation of the type of element, structure and product consists of a conventional letter designation of their name. Letter designations for names of structures and products are accepted according to relevant standards, for example according to GOST 23009.

The serial number of the element, structure and product is assigned within the type designation, starting with one.

Example- B1; B2, PR1

For grades of monolithic reinforced concrete and concrete structures, designations with the additional index “m” are accepted.

Example- Bm1, PRm1; PRm2

4.6 The drawings of architectural and structural solutions indicate the accuracy characteristics of the geometric parameters of buildings, structures, structures and their elements in accordance with GOST 21.113.

Requirements for the accuracy of the functional geometric parameters of buildings, structures and structures must be linked with the requirements for the accuracy of manufacturing products (structural elements), laying out axes and installing structural elements by calculating the accuracy according to GOST 21780.

4.7 On the working drawings (on images of foundations, walls, partitions, ceilings) openings, grooves, niches, nests and holes with the required dimensions and references are indicated.

Table 1

Image name

1 Architectural solutions:

1.1 Floor plans (except technical), sections, facades

1:50; 1:100; 1:200; 1:400; 1:500

1.2 Plans for roofing, floors, technical floors

1.3 Fragments of plans, facades

2 Design solutions:

2.1 Layout diagrams of structural elements

1:100; 1:200; 1:400; 1:500

2.2 Fragments and sections for layout diagrams of structural elements

2.3 Nodes for layout diagrams of structural elements

2.4 Types, sections and sections of elements of concrete and reinforced concrete structures, reinforcement schemes

1:20; 1:50; 1:100

2.5 Structural units

1:5; 1:10; 1:20; 1:50

3 Product drawings

Note - The image scale is selected from the recommended range depending on the size of the building and the saturation of the images in the drawing.

5 Architectural solutions

5.1 General requirements

5.1.1 The working documentation of architectural solutions includes working drawings intended for construction and installation work (the main set of working drawings of the AP brand), as well as, if necessary:

Specification of equipment, products and materials;

Questionnaires and dimensional drawings carried out in accordance with the data of equipment suppliers;

Local estimate.

5.1.2 The main set of working drawings of the AP brand includes:

Floor plans, including basement, technical underground, technical floor and attic;


Floor plans (if necessary);

Roof (roof) plan;

Layout diagrams of elements of prefabricated partitions *;

Layout diagrams of elements for filling window and other openings * ;

* Layout diagrams of metal elements of prefabricated partitions and filling of window openings are carried out as part of working drawings of metal structures. Layout diagrams for elements of prefabricated reinforced concrete partitions are usually made as part of the main set of working drawings of reinforced concrete structures.

Detail elements (nodes, fragments);

Specifications for layout diagrams.

5.2 General information on working drawings

5.2.1 The general data on working drawings, in addition to the information provided for by GOST 21.101, includes a statement of finishing of premises in Form 1 of Appendix A (in the absence of the main set of working drawings of interiors and if this is provided for in the design assignment).

5.2.2 In general instructions, in addition to the information provided by GOST 21.101, the following is given:

Level of responsibility of the building (structure);

The degree of fire resistance of the building (structure);

Structural fire hazard class of the building;

Functional fire hazard class of the building;

Fire hazard class of building structures;

Estimated service life of the building (structure);

Characteristics of wall and insulating materials *;

Instructions for installing waterproofing and blind areas *;

Instructions for the exterior finishing of a building (structure) * ;

* Provided if there are no corresponding instructions on the drawings.

Instructions on measures during work in winter;

Instructions on measures to ensure the protection of premises from noise, vibration and other influences.

5.3 Floor plans

5.3.1 When creating a floor plan, the position of the imaginary horizontal sectional plane is taken at the level of the window openings or at 1/3 of the height of the depicted floor.

In cases where window openings are located above the cutting plane, sections of the corresponding walls are located along the perimeter of the plan at the level of the window openings.

5.3.2 The following is indicated on the floor plans:

a) coordination axes of the building (structure);

b) dimensions determining the distances between the coordination axes and openings, the thickness of walls and partitions, marks of areas located at different levels, and other necessary dimensions;

c) lines and designations of sections. The cutting lines are drawn, as a rule, in such a way that the cut includes openings of windows, external gates and doors, staircases, elevator shafts, balconies, loggias, etc.;

d) positions (marks) of elements of a building (structure), filling of openings of gates and doors (except for those included in panel partitions), lintels, stairs, etc.

Positional designations of gate and door openings are recommended to be indicated in circles with a diameter of 5 - 7 mm;

e) designations of nodes and fragments of plans;

f) names of premises, their area, categories of explosion and fire hazard (except for residential buildings).

The area is marked in the lower right corner of the room and underlined. The category of the premises in terms of explosion and fire hazard is indicated under its name in a rectangle.

For residential buildings, if necessary, the plans indicate the type and area of ​​apartments, and it is recommended to provide information in accordance with Figure 1.

Picture 1

It is allowed to list the names of premises, their area and categories in the explication of premises in Form 2 (Appendix A). In this case, instead of the names of the premises, their numbers are indicated on the plans. For residential buildings, explication of premises, as a rule, is not carried out;

g) boundaries of the movement zones of technological cranes (if necessary);

i) location of sanitary equipment (if necessary).

5.3.3 Built-in premises and other areas of the building (structure), for which separate drawings are made, are depicted schematically with a solid thin line showing load-bearing structures.

5.3.4 Platforms, mezzanines and other structures located above the cutting plane are depicted schematically with a thin dash-dotted line with two dots.

5.3.5 Examples of building floor plans are shown in Figures B.1 and B.2 (Appendix B).

5.3.6 For buildings with walls made of bricks or small blocks, masonry plans are made, if necessary.

The masonry plan shows the layout of walls, partitions, columns, pillars and other elements built from brick or small blocks, window and door openings, openings, ventilation ducts and chimneys, niches, grooves, etc. Staircases, elevator shafts, balconies, loggias are schematically depicted with solid thin lines.

The masonry plan contains information in accordance with listings a) - e) 5.3.2, designates areas of the masonry reinforced with reinforcing meshes and rods, and provides instructions on the placement of meshes and rods in the masonry. In addition to the masonry plan, a plan of lintels is made, on which the positions (marks) of lintels in the places where they are laid are indicated.

5.3.7 For floor plans:

List of jumpers according to Form 3 (Appendix A).

Specifications for filling elements of window, door and other openings, prefabricated partitions, lintels, marked on plans, sections and facades - according to form 7 or 8 of Appendix Z GOST 21.101;

Other statements at the discretion of the developer (for example, a list of holes for utilities).

5.3.8 Examples of the list and specification of jumper elements are shown in Figures B.1 and B.2 (Appendix B).

An example of the specification of elements for filling openings is shown in Figure B.3 (Appendix B).

5.4 Sections and elevations

5.4.1 Contour lines of structural elements in a section are shown as a solid thick main line, visible contour lines that do not fall into the section plane are shown as a solid thin line.

5.4.2 The following is applied to sections and facades:

Coordination axes of a building (structure), passing in characteristic places of the section and facade (extreme, at expansion joints, load-bearing structures, in places of height difference, etc.) with dimensions determining the distances between them (only on sections), and the total distance between the extreme axes;

Marks characterizing the location of elements of load-bearing and enclosing structures in height;

Dimensions and height references of openings, holes, niches and slots in walls and partitions shown in sections;

Positions (marks) of building (structure) elements not indicated on the plans;

Designations of nodes and fragments of sections and facades.

The facades also indicate the types of filling of window openings and the materials of individual sections of walls that differ from the main materials. It is allowed to indicate the types of window openings on floor plans.

On the sheet showing the facades, if necessary, provide a list of facade finishing according to Form 9 of Appendix A. In this case, positional designations of the types of facade finishing are indicated on leader lines in circles with a diameter of 6 - 8 mm.

5.4.3 Examples of sections are shown in Figures D.1 - D.3 (Appendix D), facades and their fragments - in Figures D.1 - D.2 (Appendix E).

5.5 Floor and roof plans

5.5.1 The following is applied to the floor plans:

Coordination axes: extreme, at expansion joints, along the edges of areas with various design and other features and with dimensional references to such areas;

Designations of floor slopes;

Type of floors. Numerical designations of floor types are placed in equilateral triangles with a height of 8 - 10 mm;

Markings where floors change.

The walls of a building (structure) and partitions on floor plans are depicted as a solid thick main line.

The floor plans indicate the elements of the building (structure) and devices that affect the floor structure (gate and door openings, expansion joints, channels, ladders, etc.), the boundaries of areas with different floor structures.

Expansion joints are depicted by two thin solid lines, the boundaries of floor sections are shown by dotted lines.

5.5.2 Floor plans may be combined with floor plans.

5.5.3 For the floor plans, an explication of the floors is drawn up in Form 4 (Appendix A).

An example of a floor plan is shown in Figure E.1 (Appendix E).

5.5.4 The following is applied to the roof (roof) plan:

Coordination axes: extreme, at expansion joints, along the edges of sections of the roof (roof) with various design and other features, with dimensional references to such sections;

Designations of roof slopes;

Markings or schematic cross-section of the roof;

Positions (brands) of elements and devices of the roof (roof).

The plan of the roof (roof) indicates expansion joints with two thin lines, parapet slabs and other elements of the roof (roof) fencing, funnels, deflectors, ventilation shafts, fire escapes, and other elements and devices that are not practical to indicate and mark on other drawings.

5.5.5 A specification is drawn up for the roof (roof) plan in Form 7 GOST 21.101, in which the elements and devices of the roof (roof) are recorded.

5.5.6 An example of a roof plan is shown in Figure G.1 (Appendix G).

5.6 Layout diagrams of elements of prefabricated partitions, filling of window and other openings

5.6.1 Layout diagrams for elements of prefabricated partitions (except reinforced concrete panels), filling of window and other openings are carried out taking into account the requirements of 6.3.

5.6.2 It is allowed to combine the layout of elements of prefabricated partitions with floor plans.

An example of the arrangement of elements of prefabricated partitions is shown in Figure I.1 (Appendix I).

5.6.3 The arrangement of elements for filling window openings is drawn up for each type of filling. A continuous filling between two adjacent coordination axes is counted as filling of the same type.

When panels with filled openings are supplied as a set, the layout of the filling elements is not followed.

5.6.4 An example of the arrangement of elements for filling window openings is shown in Figure K.1 (Appendix K).

5.7 Specification of equipment, products and materials

5.7.1 The specification of equipment, products and materials (hereinafter referred to as the specification) for the main set of working drawings of the AR brand is carried out and designated in accordance with GOST 21.110, taking into account the additional requirements of this standard.

5.7.2 If the industrial building has attached or built-in parts in which auxiliary premises are located, then the specification is drawn up in parts:

Production part;

Auxiliary part.

If a residential building has attached or built-in parts to accommodate enterprises and public institutions, then the specification is also drawn up in parts:

Residential part;

Auxiliary part.

The name of each part is written as a heading in the column “Name and technical characteristics” and underlined.

5.7.3 If necessary, the specification or its parts specified in 5.7.2 are additionally divided into sections:

The underground part of the building (structure);

The above-ground part of the building (structure).

If it is necessary to allocate resources for individual structural parts of the building, then each section is divided into subsections:

Walls, partitions (except reinforced concrete);

Roof (roof).

When dividing the sections of the specification into the indicated subsections, the equipment provided for in the main set of working drawings of the AR brand, as a rule, is separated into an independent subsection with the name “Equipment”.

5.7.4 Equipment, building elements, structures (products) and materials in sections (subsections) are recorded in groups in the following sequence:


Elements for filling openings (gates, door and window blocks, including those with opening mechanisms, louvered grilles, etc.);

Jumper elements;

Elements of prefabricated partitions;

Other elements of the building (structure);

Basic materials.

The specification does not include certain types of products and materials (bolts, nuts, washers, dowels, nails, etc.), the nomenclature and quantity of which are determined according to current technological and production standards when performing construction and installation work.

5.7.5 The following units of measurement are accepted in the specification:

Equipment, products (building elements) - pcs.;

Coating materials, protection (for example, roofing felt, roofing felt, dry gypsum sheets *, linoleum, window glass, fabrics, mesh, rolled sheet metal, ceramic tiles, parquet, including piece parquet, parquet boards, wood-fiber boards *, wood-based boards chip * - m 2 ;

* If necessary, used as products indicating the technical characteristics and quantity in pieces.

Insulating materials, fillers (for example, mineral wool, crushed stone, gravel, rubble stone, sand, concrete) - m 3 ;

Other materials (for example, cement, asbestos, building lime, bitumen, mortar, asphalt concrete) - kg (allowed - t).

6 Design solutions

6.1 General requirements

6.1.1 The working documentation for design solutions includes:

Working drawings intended for construction and installation work (the main set of working drawings of design solutions);

Working documentation for construction products;

Local estimate (if necessary).

Brands and names of the main sets of working drawings of design solutions are assigned according to GOST 21.101 depending on the type of building structures.

6.1.2 The main set of working drawings for design solutions includes:

General data on working drawings;

Layout diagrams of structural elements;

Specifications for layout diagrams of structural elements.

The working drawings of monolithic reinforced concrete structures additionally include:

Reinforcement schemes for monolithic reinforced concrete structures;

Statement of steel consumption for monolithic structures according to Form 5 (Appendix A).

6.2 General information on working drawings

6.2.1 The general data on working drawings of design solutions includes the information provided for by GOST 21.101.

When carried out as part of the main set of drawings of foundations and pile foundations, the general data additionally includes a fragment of a layout plan with plotted axes of a building or structure, the position of engineering-geological workings (wells, pits, sounding points, etc.), lines of engineering-geological sections and etc.

6.2.2 The general instructions given as part of the general data on working drawings, in addition to the information provided for by GOST 21.101, include:

Information about the loads and impacts adopted for the calculation of the structures of a building or structure;

Information about soils (foundations), the level and nature of groundwater, freezing depth * ;

Instructions on measures to arrange preparation for foundations and on special conditions for the work *;

* They are given if they are not included in the technical requirements for the layout of foundation elements.

Information on measures for anti-corrosion protection of structures (in the absence of the main set of working drawings of grade A3);

Instructions on measures when carrying out work in winter.

6.3 Layout diagrams of structural elements

6.3.1 On the layout diagram of structural elements (hereinafter referred to as the layout diagram), structural elements and connections between them are indicated in the form of conventional or simplified graphic images.

6.3.2 The layout diagram is carried out for each group of structural elements related by the conditions and sequence of construction work.


1 Layout of foundation elements and foundation beams

2 Layout of basement wall blocks (layout of basement block walls)

3 Layout of columns, column connections, crane beams

4 Layout of trusses (beams)

5 Layout of wall panels and partitions

6.3.3 Layout diagrams are made in the form of plans, facades or sections of the corresponding structures with a simplified image of the elements.

6.3.4 The following is indicated on the layout diagram:

Coordination axes of the building (structure), dimensions defining the distances between them and between the extreme axes, dimensional reference of the axes or surfaces of structural elements to the coordination axes of the building (structure) or, if necessary, to other structural elements, other necessary dimensions;

Markings of the most characteristic levels of structural elements;

Positions (brands) of structural elements;

Designations of nodes and fragments;

Data on permissible installation loads.

On sections of the foundation or pile foundation of a building or structure, lines of geological sections are drawn, delimiting layers of soil with different geological characteristics.

6.3.5 Identical positions (marks) of sequentially located structural elements on the layout diagram may be applied only at the ends of the row, indicating the number of positions.

6.3.6 The layout of wall panels with a multi-tier arrangement of panels within a floor is carried out in the plane of the walls in the view, with a single-row arrangement - in plan.

6.3.7 In the name of the layout diagram, if necessary, information is provided that determines the position of the structure in the building (structure). It is allowed to assign serial numbers to layout diagrams.

Example- Layout of floor elements at elevation. +7,200 between axles 1-15.V-G (scheme 1)

6.3.8 Marks are placed on the layout diagram for installation in the design position of structural elements that have an asymmetrical arrangement of embedded products and other distinctive features.

6.3.9 The technical requirements for the layout diagram provide, if necessary, instructions on the installation procedure, embedding of seams, and requirements for installation connections.

6.3.10 Examples of the layout of elements of prefabricated structures are shown in Figures L.1 - L.6 (Appendix L).

6.3.11 If a monolithic reinforced concrete structure consists of several elements (beams, slabs, etc.), each of which is subject to separate reinforcement schemes, then these elements are assigned positional designations or marks that indicate on the layout diagram of the elements of the monolithic reinforced concrete structure in accordance with picture 2.

Figure 2

The layout diagram additionally indicates the formwork dimensions of the structural elements (slab thickness, girder height, cross-section of beams, columns, etc.).

6.3.12 On the reinforcement diagrams of monolithic reinforced concrete structures the following is applied:

The outlines of the structures are a solid thick main line;

Coordination axes of the building (structure);

Reinforcing and embedded products - a very thick solid line (1.5 - 2 times thicker than a solid thick main line);

Positions (brands) of reinforcement and embedded products;

Dimensions that determine the position of reinforcement and embedded products, and the thickness of the protective layer of concrete;

Clamps to ensure the design position of the reinforcement (if necessary);

Instructions on the method of connecting reinforcing bars.

6.3.13 On reinforcement diagrams, the following simplifications are used, if necessary:

a) frames and meshes are depicted with a contour in accordance with Figure 3;

b) to ensure correct installation of asymmetrical frames and meshes in the design position, only their characteristic features (diameter of rods of different diameters, etc.) are indicated in accordance with Figure 4;

Figure 3

Figure 4

c) if a reinforced concrete structure has several sections with evenly spaced identical frames or meshes, then their contours are drawn on one of the sections, indicating the position numbers and, in brackets, the number of products for this position. In the remaining areas, only positions are indicated and in brackets - the number of products of this position in accordance with Figure 5;

Figure 5

d) in areas with separate rods located at equal distances, one rod is depicted indicating its position on the leader line flange, and under the leader line flange - the pitch of the rods in accordance with Figure 6.

Note - Distribution fittings (position 6) should be laid within positions 1 and 2 at the top, within positions 3 - 5 at the bottom.

Figure 6

If the pitch of the rods is not standardized, then next to the designation of the rods the number of rods is indicated in parentheses in accordance with Figure 7;

Figure 7

Figure 8

e) when depicting a frame or mesh, identical rods located at equal distances are applied only at the ends of the frame or mesh, as well as in places where the pitch of the rods changes. In this case, under the flange, leader lines indicating the position of the rod indicate their pitch in accordance with Figure 8;

f) the reinforcement of elements crossing the depicted element is usually not indicated (see Figure 9);

Figure 9

g) in a complex reinforcement scheme, it is allowed to indicate positions at both ends of the same reinforcement product or a separate rod in accordance with Figure 9;

Figure 10

i) the dimensions of the bent rods are indicated along the outer edges, and the dimensions of the clamps - along the inner edges in accordance with Figure 10.

6.3.14 Working drawings of reinforcement and embedded products developed for monolithic reinforced concrete structures as independent documents are not included in the main set of working drawings, but are recorded in the “Attached Documents” section of the list of reference and attached documents.

6.3.15 It is allowed not to make drawings for simple parts directly included in the monolithic reinforced concrete structure, but to provide all the necessary data for their manufacture in the specifications and, if necessary, place images of these parts on the drawing of the monolithic structure. If there is a large number of parts, the data necessary for their manufacture is given in statements in Form 6 (Appendix A).

An example of filling out the statement is shown in Figure M.1 (Appendix M).

6.4 Specifications for layout diagrams of structural elements

6.4.1 Specifications for the layout of structural elements are drawn up according to forms 7 or 8 of Appendix to GOST 21.101.

6.4.2 The specification for the layout of prefabricated structures is filled out in sections:

Elements of prefabricated structures;

Monolithic areas;

Steel and other products.

6.4.3 The name of each section and subsection of the specification is indicated as a heading in the “Name” column and underlined.

6.4.4 The specification of a monolithic structure consisting of several elements, each of which is subject to a separate reinforcement scheme, is compiled in sections for each element.

6.4.5 The names of sections of a monolithic structure include the brand of the element and, separated by a dash, the number of elements per monolithic structure.


1 Beams Bm1- 2 pcs.

2 Plate PM1- 1 PC.

7 Working documentation for construction products

7.1 General requirements

7.1.1 The working documentation for a construction product generally includes a specification, an assembly drawing, drawings of parts and, if necessary, technical specifications.

Working drawings of construction products (hereinafter referred to as products) are carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.109, GOST 2.113 and taking into account the additional requirements of this standard.

7.1.2 When executing a group working document for products, products of the same name, uniform configuration and having common design features are combined into one group.

7.1.3 Variable dimensions that are not the same for all designs covered by one image are marked with letter designations, the number of which should, as a rule, be no more than three.

7.1.4 If necessary, a test diagram, design diagram, or their load-bearing capacity are provided with product drawings.

7.1.5 On the assembly drawing of the product or on its schematic representation, indicate, if necessary, the places where markings and images of installation marks applied to the product are applied, in accordance with GOST 13015.

An example of applying an installation mark is shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11

7.1.6 An installation mark to indicate the orientation of the product in the structure is applied in accordance with Figure 12.

Figure 12

7.1.7 The technical requirements on the assembly drawing of the product indicate:

Requirements for finishing the surface of the product, including, if necessary, the category of the concrete surface of the product according to GOST 13015. Surface areas requiring special treatment are marked as shown in Figure 13, indicating the dimensions that determine the position of these areas;

Figure 13

Other product quality requirements;

7.1.8 In addition to views, sections and sections, assembly drawings of reinforced concrete products include reinforcement diagrams.

Reinforcement schemes for reinforced concrete products are carried out in relation to 6.3.12 and 6.3.13.

7.1.9 On the drawing of the reinforced concrete product, a statement of steel consumption is provided in Form 5 (Appendix A). An example of filling out a steel consumption sheet is shown in Figure H.1 (Appendix H).

7.1.10 Specifications for products are carried out according to form 7 GOST 21.101.

Group specifications for products are carried out according to form 8 GOST 21.101.

Recording of assembly units and materials in the relevant subsections of the specification for the product is carried out in accordance with 6.4.2.


1 In the “Designation” column, the product specifications provide only designations of products and, if necessary, parts in accordance with 7.2.

2 In the “Name” column, for parts for which drawings have not been issued, indicate the name, material and other data necessary for manufacturing, in accordance with the instructions for forms 7 and 8 in Appendix A.

3 The column “Unit weight, kg” for parts for which drawings have been issued is not filled in.

7.1.11 It is allowed to combine the specification with the assembly drawing, regardless of the sheet format.

7.1.12 For products (reinforcement, embedded, connecting, etc.) consisting only of parts, a specification is drawn up in Form 7 (Appendix A), in the case of a group method of making drawings of such products - in Form 8 (Appendix A).

An example of a group drawing on a grid is shown in Figure A.1 (Appendix P).

7.1.13 As part of the working drawings of reinforced concrete structures, it is allowed to make working drawings of metal products, the list of which is given in Appendix R.

7.1.14 Each drawing of a construction product or release of drawings of construction products, when completed as a separate release, is recorded in the “Attached Documents” section of the list of reference and attached documents, which is included in the general data on the working drawings of the corresponding main set.

7.2 Designation of construction products

7.2.1 The product designation is also a designation of its specification.

7.2.2 The designation of the product and its specifications include the designation of the corresponding main set of working drawings with the addition of the code “I” and its serial (positional) number through a dot or a dash of the product brand.


1 845 - 5 - AR.I2

2 845 - 5 - KZH.I - B1

7.2.3 Reusable products may be designated without reference to the construction site and the brand of the main set of working drawings. In this case, the design organization assigns the product designation.

7.2.4 The designation of the product assembly drawing includes the product designation and document code.


1 845 - 5 - AR.I2SB

2 845 - 5 - KZH.I - B1SB

7.2.5 The designation of technical specifications for the entire group of products includes the designation of the corresponding main set of working drawings with the addition of the code “I” through a dot and the document code through a dash.

Example - 845 - 5 - KZH.I - THAT

If the technical specifications are developed for a group of products of the same name, then before the document code they additionally indicate (through a dot) the brand of products of this group.

Example - 845 - 5 - KZH.I - B.TU

7.2.6 When executing a group working document for products, each design is assigned an independent designation.

The execution designation includes the general designation of products drawn up in one group working document and the execution number.

7.2.7 The serial number of the execution is established within the general designation, starting from 01, and is separated from the general designation by a dash.


1 845 - 5 - KZH.I - B2 - 01

2 845 - 5 - KZH.I2 - 01

A performance accepted conditionally as the main one is assigned only a general designation, without a serial number of the performance in accordance with 7.2.2.

7.2.8 Parts for which separate drawings are not made are not assigned designations.

7.2.9 In the case of repeated use of drawings of construction products by the organization that developed and approved these drawings, they are recorded in the “Attached Documents” section of the list of reference and attached documents without changing the designation.

7.2.10 An example of a product drawing is shown in Figure C.1 (Appendix C).

7.2.11 When more than three product drawings are completed for the corresponding main set of working drawings, it is recommended to complete them in the form of a separate issue.

The release “Drawings of construction products” is assigned a designation consisting of the designation of the corresponding main set of working drawings and, through a dot, the code “I”.

Example - 845 - 5 - KZH.I

The first page of the issue is the title page, which is made according to form 15 GOST 21.101.

7.2.12 After the title page of the release of drawings of construction products, the content is placed, which is carried out in accordance with GOST 21.101.

Example - 845 - 5 - KZH.IS

7.3 Application of working drawings of standard products

7.3.1 If, according to the conditions of use of the working drawings of a standard product, it is necessary to make changes to them (for example, to provide for the installation of additional embedded products, making holes), then as part of the working documentation of the building (structure) for this product additional working documentation must be made, taking into account the following requirements:

A typical product is depicted in a simplified manner;

The image of a typical product shows only those elements and dimensions that relate to changes. If necessary, other dimensions are applied (for example, the total length and width of the product), given in the working drawings of a typical product, which are marked with the sign “*”, and in the technical requirements on the drawing they indicate: “* Dimensions for reference”;

The specification of the changed product records the standard product as an assembly unit and other products installed during the change;

Columns "Pos." and "Col." for a standard product do not fill in; in the “Designation” column indicate the designation of the specification for the standard product, in the “Name” column - its name and brand.

7.3.2 The modified product is assigned an independent brand, which includes the brand of the standard product and an additional index.

Example- 1K84- 1a,

where 1K84- 1 - standard product brand;

A- index assigned to the modified product.

7.3.3 An example of a drawing of a typical product with additional embedded products is shown in Figure T.1 (Appendix T).

Forms of statements, explications and specifications and features of their implementation

Form 1 - Statement of finishing of premises

A.1 In the list of finishing of premises:

The number of columns is determined by the presence of interior elements to be finished;

The finishing areas of premises are calculated according to the relevant regulatory documents.

A.2 The dimensions of the table graphs are determined by the developer.

Form 2 - Explication of premises

A.3 In the explication of the premises indicate:

In the “Room number” column - the room number. For non-residential buildings (administrative, household, public, industrial) with more than one floor, it is recommended to indicate the numbering of premises in three-digit or four-digit numbers, consisting of the floor number and the serial number of the premises within the floor.

Example - 101, 102, 1111, 1112

- in the “Name” column - the name of the premises (technological area);

In the column “Area, m2” - the area of ​​the room;

In the column “Cat. premises" - category of premises according to explosion and fire hazard. The category is indicated for all types of premises of industrial buildings and for premises of public buildings in which the presence of flammable substances and materials is provided.

A.4 The dimensions of the graphs, if necessary, can be changed at the discretion of the developer.

Form 3 - List of jumpers

Form 4 - Explication of floors

A.5 The floor descriptions indicate:

In the column “Room number” - the number or name of the premises;

In the column “Floor type” - designation of the floor type according to working drawings;

In the column “Data of floor elements (name, thickness, base, etc.), mm”, when using a standard floor design, only additional data is provided.

The remaining columns for the explanation of floors are filled in in accordance with their name.

A.6 The dimensions of the graphs, if necessary, can be changed at the discretion of the developer.

Form 5 - Statement of steel consumption

A.7 In the subheadings of the column of the steel consumption sheet, the class of reinforcement or grade of rolled steel and the corresponding standards or technical conditions are indicated. Below indicate: for reinforcing steel - diameter, for profile steel - profile designation.

A.8 The list does not include standard products - dowels, bolts, washers, etc.

Form 6 - List of Parts

Form 7 - Specification for a product consisting of parts only

Form 8 - Group specification for a product consisting only of parts

A.9 The specifications indicate:

In the column "Pos." - positions (brands) of structural elements, installations;

In the “Product brand” column - the product brand. It is allowed to indicate the name of the product;

In the column “Pos. children." - position numbers of parts in the product;

In the “Name” column - parameters, material and other data necessary for the manufacture of parts. To record a number of parts that differ in size and other data, the common part of the name of these products or materials with the designation of the specified document can be written down once in the form of a common name (heading). Under the general name, only their parameters and dimensions are recorded for each of the specified products and materials;

In the column "Count." - number of details;

In the columns “Unit weight, kg”, “Weight of 1 unit, kg”, “Product weight, kg” - weight in kilograms. It is allowed to give mass in tons, but indicate the unit of mass.

A.10 The dimensions of the specification graphs, if necessary, can be changed at the discretion of the developer.

Form 9 - Facade finishing sheet

A.11 In the facade finishing sheet indicate:

In the column “Pos. finishing" - positional designation of the type of facade finishing;

In the column “Name of facade element” - data corresponding to the name of the column;

In the column “Name of finishing material” - the name of the finishing or paint and varnish material, its brand or type according to the standard or specifications and the designation of the standard or specifications;

In the column “Name and number of the color standard or color sample” - the name of the color of the finishing or paintwork material accepted according to the relevant standard or specifications and its number according to the color standard card file. If there is no color number according to the color standards card in the standards or specifications, the color number is not entered in the column;

In the “Note” column there is additional information, for example, a link to an album of color samples.

A.12 The dimensions of the table graphs are determined by the developer.

Appendix B

Examples of building plans

Figure B.1 - Example of a plan for a one-story industrial building

Figure B.2 - Example of a floor plan for a residential building

Appendix B

Examples of execution of statements and specifications of elements

Note - The cross-sectional diagram can be supplemented with marks of the bottom of the jumpers and the orientation of the jumpers in relation to the coordination axes.

Figure B.1 - Example of a list of jumpers



Col. per floor

Unit weight, kg


Figure B.2 - Example of specification of jumper elements



Col. along the facades

Unit weight, kg


Louvre grilles

3453 - 1 - KZH.I5

Door blocks

Gate 3.6´3.6

Note - In the “Note” column, additional data is provided, for example, the height of the opening.

Figure B.3 - Example of specification of elements for filling openings

Appendix D

Examples of building sections

Figure D.1 - Example of a cross-section of a one-story industrial building

Figure D.2 - Example of a cross-section of a multi-storey industrial building

Figure D.3 - Example of making a section of a residential building

Appendix D

Examples of building facades

Figure D.1 - Example of a facade and a fragment of a facade
industrial building

Figure D.2 - Example of a façade of a residential building

Appendix E

Example of a floor plan

Figure E.1

Appendix G

Example of a roof plan

Figure G.1

Appendix I

An example of the layout of elements of prefabricated partitions

Figure I.1

Appendix K

An example of the arrangement of elements for filling a window opening

Figure K.1

Appendix L

Examples of layout diagrams for prefabricated structure elements

Figure L.1 - Layout of foundation elements and foundation beams

Figure L.2 - Layout of columns and crane beams

Figure L.3 - Layout of coating slabs

Figure L.4 - Layout of wall panels

Figure L.5 - Layout of wall panels, partitions and others
elements of a residential building

Figure L.6 - Layout of columns, crossbars and floor beams at elevation. ...

Appendix M

Example of filling out a list of parts

Figure M.1

Appendix H

An example of filling out a steel consumption sheet

Steel consumption sheet, kg

Item brand

Prestressed reinforcement class

Reinforcing products

Embedded products

Class fittings

Class fittings

Rental stamps

Figure H.1

Appendix P

An example of a group drawing on a grid

Product brand


Weight of 1 child, kg

Product weight, kg

16-A400 / = 3050

8A-A240 / = 650

12-A400 / = 2150

10-A400 / = 1550

16-A400 / = 3500

16-A400 / = 3400

16-A400 / = 3050

12-A400 / = 2500

12-A400 / = 2400

12-A400 / = 2050


2 Maximum deviations from the dimensions of rods and outlets ±2 mm.

Figure A.1

Appendix P

Approximate list of metal products for which working drawings
performed as part of the working documentation for reinforced concrete structures

R.1 External metal stairs no more than 1.0 m wide.

R.2 Stringers of stairs with reinforced concrete steps and landings.

R.3 Fencing: on the roof, platforms, openings, pits, stairs (reinforced concrete, metal).

R.4 Shields over channels up to 1.0 m wide with a load of no more than 20 kPa (2000 kgf/m2).

R.5 Shields over openings (for example, monolithic) with an area of ​​up to 2 m 2 with a load of no more than 20 kPa (2000 kgf/m 2).

R.6 Designs of canopies with extension no more than 1.5 m.

R.7 Metal elements of reinforced concrete structures (for example, individual metal beams, connecting products, anchors, outlets between reinforced concrete slabs, metal waterproofing of walls, profiled flooring used as formwork).

R.8 Other metal products, structures, the parameters of which are similar to those listed in R.1 - R.7.

Appendix C

An example of a drawing of an individual product

Figure C.1

Appendix T

An example of a drawing of a typical product with additional
embedded products

Figure T.1

Key words: execution rules, working documentation, architectural solutions, drawings of building structures, general data on working drawings, layout diagrams of structural elements, building products

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