Effective phrases and sentences. “The price with all possible surcharges and maximum discount is...”. Use rhyme in slogans to attract customers

Best phrases for sales - this is a help, a small highlight when communicating with a client.

Establishing contact with an alternative question

Our first phrase is to greet and establish contact with store visitors. It consists of two parts.

Should I give you a hint or would you like to take a look?

This alternative question, which solves an important problem. Firstly, the phrase allows you to cut off those visitors who did not intend to purchase something. Perhaps the visitor came only because he has a lot of free time, which he decided to while away in your store. And we can avoid wasting time on such a person.

Secondly, this question does not put pressure on or irritate those visitors who were planning to purchase something. People don't like having something forced on them. The question described above does not put pressure on the visitor. We give the client enough options from which he can choose.

If the visitor decides to look, then we say the second part:

Okay, look. WHEN you have questions, PLEASE contact me. FINE

If a visitor needs help, he should contact the seller who initiated the contact. In the second part of the phrase we use the word WHEN. We are not saying IF, such a production will be more “programming”. We also add MANDATORY - which can be something of an obligation. And when questions arise, the client will contact him himself. And at the end we use GOOD - this will give the phrase the category of instructions, pushing the potential buyer to act.

What else

This is a simple phrase that is very often used in retail. It is short, native (natural), but at the same time very good. Having decided on the buyer’s main request, we ask:

What else?

We're not saying ANYTHING ELSE. This is already a closed question that can be answered yes or no. When we say WHAT ELSE, this is an open question and it will be more difficult to answer in monosyllables. At the same time, the buyer has an idea of ​​what else needs to be taken.

Rate it on a 10-point scale

This phrase is used to start luring a client away from a competitor. It is based on the fact that consumer expectations are usually higher than what they actually receive. There is always dissatisfaction with the current situation. Let's study this situation:

In this way, we study dissatisfaction with suppliers of goods or services. Sellers and sales managers in a variety of fields often act in a similar way.

Everybody knows…

The human subconscious is quite naive. When we say the phrase EVERYONE KNOWS, what happens in our head? Something like this dialogue: I treat everyone and if everyone knows, then I know too. Which means it's true.

Alternatively, EVERYONE IS TALKING. The meaning is the same, the subconscious tells us that we are all and we must believe in it.

There is an old saying...

Hearing such a phrase, a person is ready to believe what follows these words. Our subconscious tells us that these words are worth believing:

There is an old saying - good shoes helps create good first impression(if we sell shoes)

After the words THERE IS ONE OLD PROVERB, any words can come. These words will carry a lot of weight.

It would be nice…

This is a rhetorical question with a hidden hint - YES. We ask how potential client would refer to the benefit that comes from our product or service.

Wouldn't it be nice to have shoes that lasted for a long time?(when selling shoes)

We don't say this is profitable or this a good choice. We suggest suggesting how great it is to use the benefits of the product. We are not addressing logical thinking client, but to his subconscious. The subconscious is always more naive than logical thinking.

We formalize

It's not even a phrase, it's just a long word. But this important word is the point in the presentation. Without a clear conclusion, our presentation becomes free consultation. If we understand that we have told all the arguments, then we put an end to it:

Are you satisfied with everything? Shall we arrange it?

09:15 13.02.2015

In this article you will read

  • How to attract customers' attention. Ten magic phrases

Whether you are selling in a retail store or online, the art of communicating with potential buyers is very important. In sales, those proposals that sound sincere and natural, and not far-fetched and stereotyped, are effective. Our selection includes ten phrases that will help you attract customers' attention.

10 magnet phrases to attract customer attention

1. “Are you already taking part in our promotion?”

This question arouses curiosity and a desire to get something else for the same money. Usually the client begins to clarify what promotion is about we're talking about and how to take part in it. The advantage of the phrase is that the seller changes places with the client: now the client himself asks questions, he is more involved in the communication process.

Example. In our chain of coffee shops, Coffee Like, this question is used to attract the attention of customers and talk about the promotion “The sixth glass of the same delicious cappuccino is free. No cards - just a phone number."

2. “For each recommendation, we will give you bonuses, which can be used on your next purchase. What do you think?"

The technique is suitable for promoting products of mass demand. The value of the question is that it performs two functions at once: it encourages the client to come again and offers him a way to provide a pleasant service to his friends.

Example. In the tourist direction we have introduced the following system: the client receives bonuses from his purchase, then recommends us to friends. Both the client and the person recommended by him receive bonuses at the same time. If another one comes from the second client, then the first buyer, the second, and the third receive bonuses. Thanks to this, the number of repeat requests has almost doubled.

3. “If you need to consult with your wife to make sure that your choice is correct, we can contact her right now by phone. Please tell me the telephone number for contact"

The best response is in a situation when the client begins to refer to the need to consult with close people (I note that working with such an objection is always very difficult, negotiations often reach a dead end in this case). The trick to the proposed answer is that it helps to find out the true reason for the client’s doubts and continue the conversation.

Example. Our employees working in tourism use this phrase when one of the spouses communicates with them, who does not make decisions, but only collects information. In order not to let such a client go to other agencies, managers immediately contact the wife or husband and agree final version for booking.

If the seller demonstrates sincere interest in the answer, such an appeal will help to position the interlocutor for a more open dialogue.

Example. As a young entrepreneur from Izhevsk, I resorted to this question to establish contacts with influential people. Usually, upon hearing such a request, they listened much more attentively to the interlocutor.

5. “We are currently assessing the quality of service and, in gratitude for your feedback, we would like to give you a small gift”

Gifts always evoke a positive response. This technique will help not only strengthen loyalty, but also find out customer opinions about the product and correct possible shortcomings.

6. “The price with all possible surcharges and maximum discount is...”

This phrase eliminates all possible questions about discounts. It needs to be said when other points have already been clarified. In this way we bypass the objection to lowering the price.

Example. Our managers sell tours without discounts. When choosing a hotel, they take into account all the wishes of tourists and before naming the price, they say: “The price with all possible additional payments and the maximum discount is...” After about 50% of clients no longer remember the discount, assuming that it has been taken into account.

7. “Do I understand correctly: now the main thing for you is to get the maximum quality of services for the minimum price?”

In this way, the seller demonstrates interest in the client's needs. You can mention the specific features of the product or service being sold, and the technique will work even more effectively.

Example. When we opened the first hostel, few of the clients knew what it was. Therefore, we did not offer “a bed in a hostel,” but “a cozy overnight stay for a minimal price.” People wanted to get the most Better conditions, spending the least amount of money. Within a month the hostel was completely occupied.

8. “By the way, we are having an interesting event soon. Participation is free. Shall I reserve a seat for you?”

This scheme works great with expensive products. The customer gets the opportunity to get to know the brand without feeling obligated to buy anything.

Example. We used this technique when promoting an educational service for entrepreneurs. More than 1000 people gathered for a free event in Izhevsk; 200 of them subsequently purchased the training program.

9. “I have ideas on how you can get additional benefit from the service”

You can put all your cards on the table at once or gradually give the client pleasant opportunities during the dialogue.

Example. We use this technique in tourist destinations. Additional benefits there can be anything: from discounts to branded coins for throwing into the sea. Recently, a large client hesitated for a long time, choosing between two travel agencies, and ultimately chose us after we offered him a private taxi transfer from the train station to the airport (included in the price of the product).

  • Sales department standards: step-by-step development and implementation algorithm

10. “Have you noticed that in today's market, fast companies eat up slow ones? Therefore, I propose to meet this week and discuss matters in detail. How about Tuesday?

Each client perceives what he hears differently, but no one wants to be eaten and therefore agrees to the meeting.

Example. We used this technique to attract investors and potential franchisees. Thus, in less than two years we were able to establish cooperation with 400 franchisees. The holding's total turnover for the first half of 2014 amounted to more than 300 million rubles.

Phrases for sellers

Using the right phrases for salespeople can make all the difference, especially at the beginning of a conversation. You will never have another chance to form the right impression. Either you will successfully start communication, and your phrase will help you make contact, or communication will not take place, and your commission will go away along with the buyer. The seller’s phrases to the buyer should evoke a desire to continue the conversation, and not look for a reason to refuse it.

Below we provide a list of sales consultant phrases that are undesirable for use, because they have long acquired the form of a “tired cliché”, are perceived negatively by customers, and can often cause irritation. In some cases, these phrases will work if a person urgently needs something or if he came to buy something good mood. But more often than not, using these phrases will incur anger, boredom, or create a negative image in the buyer's mind.

List of unwanted seller phrases:

How can I help you?

Should I give you some advice?

If you have any questions, please contact me (phrase to turn off the buyer)

Are you interested in something? (“No, I just stand there for half an hour and look at the shop window!” Think again about what is better to ask in such a situation)

Good afternoon My name is Max. I . How can I... (the buyer did not listen to the end and had already fallen asleep)

Hello, my name is Maxim, I will be your seller! (a phrase that is too presumptuous; besides, this is how waiters most often establish contact)

I can advise you... (ready to advise, then be ready to answer for the advice!)

What amount are you expecting?

But how then to start a conversation? Are there any correct phrases seller and examples of working expressions that help establish contact? Yes, there are such phrases! And they work best when they are tailored to your store, assortment and the characteristics of each specific sales consultant.

A big role in the use of words at the beginning of a conversation with a buyer is played by mentality, culture, and habitual forms of communication, which may differ from each other even in neighboring cities, not to mention different countries. We invite you to get acquainted with the list of phrases that sellers use in different countries of the world. Your task is to think about which phrases are suitable for your store’s customers and which are definitely not!

Phrases from a sales consultant for all occasions:

  • Good afternoon It's great that you came to us!
  • Welcome to the most hospitable store!
  • Could you help us? We want to put new carpet here. Which of these designs do you like best?
  • (Walk by holding several small boxes in your hands.) Could you do me a favor? Please fix the top box. You know, if one falls, then all of them will fall.
  • I noticed that your daughter has pierced ears. I also have a girl about her age. She dreamed about it so much
  • I I see you wearing a jacket with the name of a rock band. Would you have been to their concert yesterday?
  • May I ask you? Do you think women prefer to receive candy or flowers on Valentine's Day?
  • I noticed you left the hairdresser. Which barber do you get your haircut from?
  • It's very hot outside today, isn't it?

  • Twins! Twice the hassle, twice the joy! How old are they?
  • How did you celebrate yesterday's holiday?
  • What a gorgeous dress! How long do you think it took to sew on all those sequins?
  • You have a wonderful French braid. How long did it take?
  • Someone was in today McDonald's ! Your children also constantly ask for McDonald's? Mine are asking.
  • It is impossible to believe that it has not rained for so long. Have you already started storing water for future use?
  • I see you are wearing a Zenit T-shirt" Do you think they will win the decider?
  • I spent the whole day in this store. What do you hear about the launch of the shuttle?
  • Three days off are coming. How's the traffic on the street?
  • Great tan! Is your skin color like this or have you just returned from vacation?

  • Did you watch the Oscars broadcast last night?
  • Oh, these are new model skis! Where will you try them?
  • You bought so many books in the bookstore. What books did you buy?
  • May I ask your opinion? The buyer has just ordered this model. Do you think we should order it too?
  • Oh my God, plaster! What happened to your hand?
  • We had a little argument here. When do you think is the best time for us to put up holiday decorations in the store?

Contrary to popular stereotypes, men also love sweets, and they also love... with their ears!

Everything you read can be used not just in an already established relationship, but also as a reason for a successful acquaintance.

If you use “magic phrases” in a conversation and in a relationship with a man, your communication will become much more pleasant.

What is feminine strength?

The fact that a man is a hunter and needs to be attracted through provocations, manipulation, some kind of games, inaccessibility and a complete mystery is nothing more than stupid.

And red lipstick short skirts, aggressively sexual bow - catches, but does not delay. Completely different qualities help to evoke strength in a man, a state in which he wants to be next to you. Softness, tenderness, purity, calmness.

One of the manifestations of female wisdom is the ability to speak correctly with a man:

  • shut up in time;
  • listen more than talk (in a ratio of approximately 80 to 20%);
  • speak to his masculine qualities;

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve known him for a long time or whether you have a candy-bouquet personality. I am sharing one of the recipes on how to become an ideal interlocutor for him and make a man fall in love with you.

So, 7 magic phrases that will charm any man:

1. HIS name

Even old Carnegie said that there is no more pleasant music for a person than his name.

Without “bunny-fish-bear-airplane”, but normally - by name. It’s better just like him (Lesha can be Alex, Sasha can be Shurik, Svyatoslav can be Saint). The more often you use his name in conversation, the easier you will win him over.

2. Thank you... and forgive me

And learn to apologize and admit your guilt if you were wrong. This is the skill of a wise and mature person. For example, for being too busy, for arguing or not listening to his opinion, or for anything - there will always be mistakes.

Such seemingly small things have a significant impact on the relationship between a man and a woman. Do you often forget to be grateful? Confess in the comments.

3. You're right!

I’ll repeat it again and keep doing it until everyone remembers.

If something goes wrong, the two of you cannot come to an agreement, you quarrel and the temperature rises to aggressive - tell him that he is right!

This is not manipulation - this is the ability not to escalate the conflict, but to resolve it.

It doesn’t matter whether you think his beliefs are complete nonsense, his decision is stupid. With this phrase you recognize him as a man, which means you give primacy. Who was right and wrong will be decided by the situation.

And then, this is not a reason to nag him afterwards with “I told you so.” Such moments squeeze out all the juice drop by drop from even the most harmonious relationships.

Another modification is “you are a man, it’s up to you to decide.” And you fall silent. It will immediately cool down and your battle will get a second wind. And then in a calm dialogue you convey your thought to him - and look at the reaction.

4. You are the most...

This is the best thing a man can hear from a woman addressed to him. Believe me, it’s even nicer than “I love you.”

The strongest, smartest, gentle, caring - the main thing is that it is fair and on time. Flattery is inappropriate here, because the falseness is immediately felt.

Modifications - “you are my hero” (if he saved you in some situation, even the most trivial one), “you are just a genius” (if you solved some problem), “you are so smart!”, “What would I do without you?” I did!”

There is no man in the world who would not melt from these words. And there is no woman who would not find something to admire in HIM.

Modification: “You are so courageous!” and you already confirm that you see and appreciate his masculine qualities in him.

Did he open doors for you? Gave you your favorite flowers? Did you help me solve an issue? A real man, definitely! Tell him about it.

Do not be stingy with emotions and pleasant words - this is harmful for a woman. Show your imagination.

5. I admire you

Modification: “I’m proud of you!”, “I’m delighted with how you... (set up the laptop, fixed the TV, nailed the shelf, fixed the cornice...)”! It’s also good to say it after phrase No. 4 (depending on the situation).

“This is necessary. I would never have thought of it!”, “You can do this so well! I couldn't do it for anything."

There is a fair belief: men do not love those they admire. They love those who admire them.

6. I believe in you!

Modification: “You can handle it”, “I’m sure you’ll make the right decision.” By doing so, you make it clear that...

And this is very important for a man! Respect and trust are things that are more important to representatives of the stronger sex than love.

If a man is in difficult situation, stress, in unpleasant circumstances - the best way to support him is to say such a phrase. Sincerity will be accepted as a sign of love. All these points are very closely related.

Such care and support is priceless.

7. I want you!

In the right doses, place and time it's a real turn-on. And of course, it’s flattering.

It is important for him to feel desired, sexy, a hero, about whom you are crazy, with whom you get pleasure. So don't be shy!

Not in one word...

Addressing a man correctly, building communication with him correctly is very important. But this is only one aspect of the relationship. It all depends on what state you are in when you say this, how you sound, and how the man feels next to you in general.

Just memorizing phrases is not enough to make a man fall in love. Upgrade yourself as a woman in every sense (appearance, manners, clothes, beliefs, behavior, psychological condition etc.) – it is necessary in a complex, and not just verbally.

Is yours,
Yaroslav Samoilov.

Tell me which one is yours favorite dish? Describe it. How about potatoes sizzling in a frying pan with butter and onions? Or juicy chicken, fried until crispy and with garlic? Yes OK. The dishes are imaginary, but the salivation is real. This is Magic power the influence of words on our consciousness.

But, as you understand, you can influence in different ways. After all, if you don’t like fried potatoes or chicken, then my example is unlikely to inspire you. Also in sales. Some words may evoke unpleasant associations in the client. Why create unnecessary resistance? Such words have no place in our vocabulary.

Sales Vocabulary

Sales and selling are the first words that should be forgotten. They don’t like sellers, but they are afraid of sales. Everyone loves to buy, and no one likes to be sold to. For the client, sales are pressure and manipulation. So stop selling, help buy. Become a consultant, an assistant, and don’t sell, but recommend and offer. A consultation or recommendation does not oblige the client to purchase, and he feels much more comfortable.

Sale => offer, consultation
Sell ​​=> recommend, offer
Buy, buy => acquire, acquire
Purchase => acquisition

Another reason why people don't like sales is parting with money. Everyone loves money, but not many people like to spend it.

“Price”, “cost”, “expenses”, “expenses” - these words tell the client one thing: they will have to say goodbye to money.

All people love to possess, own and invest. Turn the sale into an investment that brings dividends to the client, talk not about price and costs, but about investments. As a last resort, talk about the amount; it is perceived more neutrally.

Price, cost, costs, expenses => investments, investments
Payment, contribution => investment
It costs => it will, it turns out, it amounts to
Price => amount

Is the sale accompanied by a contract in your company? If so, then such concepts as “agreement”, “contract” or “documents” should be handled very delicately.

Agreements and contracts raise concerns and oblige you to something, and they also need to be read. By the way, make sure that your agreement is in a readable font - small font is alarming to the client.

Instead of concluding a contract or agreement, offer to confirm the agreement or agree on papers. The word “agreement” does not contain a threat and is perceived as confirmation of cooperation.

And note, not to sign, but to confirm; you can, of course, say “endorse”, but this is in especially official cases.

I would especially like to dwell on such a word as “deal”. It has a negative connotation and evokes thoughts of something not entirely honest, just remember the common expression “a deal with the devil.” Isn't it better to offer cooperation instead of a deal?

Agreement, contract, documents => papers, agreement
Deal => cooperation
Conclude a deal => conclude an agreement, agree on papers
Sign => accept, approve, confirm, endorse

Forget about “NOT”

The use of the particle “not” gives an additional negative connotation to our speech. In addition, our consciousness does not perceive this particle. So, when the mother asks the child: “Don’t play around,” the baby hears only “Play around” and continues to play around. Think about what your client hears when you tell him: “inexpensive”, “not bad”?

But there can’t be an “if”

When you use the “if” conjunction in negotiations with a client, you are setting a condition for him. The client does not like having conditions dictated to him, and this should be taken into account. Your speech will not seem so categorical if you replace “if” with “when”. Feel the difference:

If we make an agreement...
When we make an agreement...

At the same time, “if” can be used to push the client to purchase, for example:

There is only a white kettle on display, but if you take it, I will bring you a black one from the warehouse.

The client owes nothing

Is it appropriate to say that the client does not owe you anything? Just in case, check yourself whether you are sinning by using words with a hint of obligation: “must”, “obliged”, “necessary”.

Must, obliged, necessary => should

Words that help you sell

Opportunity, you, benefit, achieve, ideal, investment, maximum, sweet, reliable, victory, useful, advantage, pleasant, productive, joy, decisive, agreement, save, satisfy, smile, success, character, good, valuable.

Who to tell and who to show

When communicating with a client, listen to what he says, what words he uses to express his thoughts and feelings. By observing the client, you can determine which method of perception is a priority for him.

For example, if a client uses in his speech such words and phrases as “clear”, “look”, “apparently”, “obviously”, “I see it like this”, then you have a visual person - a person who comprehends the world with his eyes.

He needs not to be told, but to be shown and drawn bright prospects.

A client who listens attentively, with a good rhythmic or melodic voice, perceives all information by ear (auditory). To convince him, words are needed, he attaches great importance to them.

You can say: “Just listen...”

The perception of the world through aromas and touch is characteristic of kinesthetics.

When it is important for the client that it is soft, comfortable, pleasant, environmentally friendly, comfortable, it is better for him to immediately give the product in his hands to touch, touch, feel.

By understanding how your client perceives information, you will always select the right words And The best way for their transfer.