Kids ear piercing. When can a girl's ears be pierced? Features of ear piercing for older children

  • Daytime nap
  • Hysterics
  • All parents want to see their children older and more beautiful, and therefore it is not surprising that mothers and fathers of girls (and sometimes boys!) have a question at what age it is safe to pierce a child’s ears.

    This question is often addressed to Dr. Komarovsky, a pediatrician of the highest category and a TV presenter.

    Best age

    Dr. Komarovsky claims that medicine in general does not impose any strict restrictions on the timing of ear piercing. But most doctors still do not consider it wise to pierce a child’s ears before he is one year old.

    Thus, the question of when to pierce a girl’s ears should be decided exclusively within the family circle. IN different families their ideas about what is acceptable. Some pierce their daughter’s ears just a few months after her birth, believing that this way they save the child from unnecessary stress, because children of a conscious age are afraid of such manipulations. Others postpone this moment until adolescence, when the girl consciously makes a choice and asks to have her ears pierced.

    Evgeniy Komarovsky emphasizes that earlobe piercing is a minor, but still traumatic manipulation. Therefore, when making a family decision, it is imperative to take into account that the procedure can have unpleasant consequences: inflammation, infection, suppuration, swelling.

    Quite often you can hear the opinion that what younger child, the less psychological trauma he will get. To some extent this is true. But there is also an impressive “army” of medical specialists who claim that it is best to pierce your ears after 3 years.

    The arguments are as follows:

    • after three years of age, local and general immunity becomes stronger, and therefore healing proceeds faster;
    • up to the age of three, it is difficult for a child to control his own actions - the baby will cling to earrings, touch them with clothes, toys, which can lead to injury to the earlobe;
    • earrings can come unfastened, the child is able to pull them into his mouth and choke; after 3 years, children are less inclined to try everything;
    • the younger the child, the stronger the allergic negative reaction to the materials from which they are made may be. Jewelry.

    When making a decision, Komarovsky advises adhering to the principles of reasonableness. Unfortunately, most often the mother is driven not by the desire to make the child healthier and better, but by the need to conform to the norms of society. If the neighbor's girl has had her ears pierced since the first months, then why not get her own daughter pierced?

    In order to prevent the substitution of values ​​and interests, Komarovsky still recommends patiently waiting for the moment when the child himself asks for earrings. This will be his personal and completely conscious choice.

    The piercing technique is the same at any age; it makes absolutely no difference to the piercer how old or months old the child is, whose parents decided to pierce the child’s ears.

    Evgeniy Olegovich points out that there are certain Scientific research, which indicate that piercing a daughter’s ears after the age of ten is fraught with the formation of unsightly scars on the earlobe. Sometimes parents try to speed things up just because they have also heard about similar effects of late piercing. In practice, research is not confirmed - and girls whose ears were pierced in adolescence, and girls who decided to do this after coming of age do not complain about scars on their lobes.

    The right attitude to the choice of time and place

    If pediatricians are not advisors in matters of age, then pediatricians do not stand aside and give recommendations regarding the choice of the appropriate day and place for the procedure. These are issues of child safety, and Komarovsky advises taking them very seriously.

    To avoid negative consequences Following simple recommendations will help.

    • At the time of the manipulation, the child must be completely healthy. If you are teething, have a runny nose, cough, or there are signs of diathesis, you need to solve these problems first so as not to overload the child’s immune system with another task.
    • It is better if the important day is scheduled for the beginning of autumn or the second half of spring. In winter, the child wears hats and scarves, which can cling to jewelry, which increases the risk of earlobe injury. In summer it is hot and dusty, there is a possibility of infection and infection joining the wound.
    • You should not pierce a girl’s ears at home yourself. It is best to contact special offices or clinics that provide piercing services. Parents should make sure that the clinic or office is clean, the instruments are sterile, and that the specialist is able to give detailed and detailed recommendations on how to care for the lobes after a piercing. If, apart from the price list for services, the office cannot provide anything, it is worth finding another one, Evgeniy Komarovsky is sure.

    All this, combined with careful ear care after the procedure, should reduce the risks of possible complications.


    Modern children are spared the pain of having their earlobes pierced with a thick gypsy needle, as happened with their grandmothers during their youth. Today, puncture is a very quick and almost painless procedure, in some cases bloodless.

    Today there are three main ways to do ear piercing:

    • you can use a silent device - the “stapler” STUDEX SYSTEM 75 (which is optimal for small children who won’t even have time to get scared);
    • use the so-called pistol, which is noisier, but also quite fast and safe;
    • in the old fashioned way, agree to a manual puncture using special piercing needles.

    Most often, parents give preference to the first two methods; they naturally cost more, but fully meet the goal - to pierce the baby’s ears quickly, painlessly, without blood and suffering, fright and long subsequent healing.


    Piercing needle

    Stapler STUDEX SYSTEM 75

    How to care?

    You need to bathe your child no earlier than 3-4 days after the puncture, so that bacteria or viruses do not get into the wound with water. You can wash the girl, but you need to make sure that during this water procedure water did not get into the wounds on the earlobes. Swimming in a river or sea, or in a public pool, is prohibited for the entire first month after piercing.

    It is important to ensure that the child does not sweat during games, activities, and walks. Sweat is salty and aggressive environment, its entry into a wound that is in the healing stage can be painful for the child.

    The girl must be carefully combed, her hair cannot come into contact with the injured lobes. It is best to collect them in a ponytail or bun. It is allowed to change the earrings that were installed at the time of the puncture to others after about a month and a half - the edges of the wound should tighten and heal completely.

    Your child’s earlobes should be treated three times a day. For home treatment, ordinary hydrogen peroxide, which is found in every home medicine cabinet, is quite suitable. Do not use compounds containing alcohol. It is enough to drop peroxide in front and behind the inlet hole and turn the earring back and forth several times (if the earrings are “studs,” then clockwise and back). If there is no peroxide, Miramistin and Chlorhexidine are suitable. If the wound begins to become inflamed and fester, it can be treated with antibiotic ointment, for example, Levomekol.

    Make sure that the child does not touch the earlobes with his hands or touch the earrings.

    2013-09-26 Andrey Dobrodeev

    Many young parents do not know at what age to pierce their girls’ ears, and do it too early.

    In this article we will look at what age girls should get their ears pierced, all the pros and cons.

    What are parents guided by when they go to pierce their 6-month-old daughter’s ears? Let's find out...

    I didn't do much analysis, and what do you think? The majority of parents pierce their daughters' ears at 6 months and motivate this by saying that with earrings a girl can be distinguished from a boy. Others want their child to be more beautiful. Still others argue that it is better to pierce the ears now rather than later (the child will quickly forget about the pain and will touch the ears less).

    What do doctors say about this?

    Doctors do not recommend piercing the ears of a child under 3 years old. You will ask why? The answer is: up to three years of age, cartilage is forming in a child’s ears, which are connected to the muscles of the face, eyes, teeth and tongue, so you should not touch the nerve endings in a child’s ears before the age of 3, so as not to cause harm.

    If you nevertheless decide to pierce your daughter’s ears, then you need to contact a specialist - a cosmetologist who already has extensive practice, and not go to the first salon you come across. A child’s ears only need to be pierced using a special gun; firstly, this procedure is not expensive, and secondly, it is safe (there is less chance that an infection will get in and infection will begin).

    How to properly pierce a child's ears?

    Ask your friends and acquaintances where they got their daughters' ears pierced, find out if the salon is good, and then go where there is more good reviews. The specialist will examine the child’s ears, then treat them with alcohol and place marks where the earrings will be. Using a special gun, into which stud earrings are pre-inserted, he will make a puncture. All your daughter now has earrings :)

    How to care for your child's pierced ears?

    It is necessary to treat the puncture sites with hydrogen peroxide and then alcohol twice a day. If redness, swelling appear, or the child begins to complain of pain at the puncture sites, consult a doctor immediately!!!

    After the child’s ears have healed (after 2 - 3 months), you can purchase earrings from natural materials(gold Silver).

    Do not insert simple cheap earrings into your daughter; it is better to leave studs, as simple earrings may cause allergies and the puncture site may become inflamed.

    This is where I will end this article. Health to you and your children!

    And we got our ears pierced!!! Hooray!!! In the post when to pierce a little princess' ears, I wrote that I want to pierce my daughter’s ears when she herself wants it, when putting on earrings will be an event for her, a real holiday. So, at the end of winter, my three-year-old princess began to ask me to put earrings on her, but alas, I could not satisfy her desire.

    Then, the daughter put something on her ears herself - imagining that she had real earrings and pierced ears. Over time, the baby’s desire did not disappear and I decided that it was time for us to go to a cosmetologist and make the long-awaited holes in the ears, and of course, put on real earrings.

    Some important points

    So, I know a few things for sure about ear piercing:

    • it doesn't hurt and it's fast;
    • this needs to be done by professionals;
    • First, it is better to wear earrings made of medical steel - this way the wounds will heal faster, and then wear gold and other metals.

    I had no idea how to choose a salon and cosmetologist.

    The first thing that came to mind was: medical cosmetology center, or beauty salons, of which there are many - they all provide the services I need, but I have not heard reviews about any of them. I decided to use the services of one lady, who was strongly recommended to me by almost all the mothers I knew, and separately. They praised the same cosmetologist, his professionalism and ability to work with children, in short they sang odes. There was also the opportunity to order the services of this cosmetologist at home - in a home environment the child is calmer and he is not so scared.

    So I decided to use the service of calling a cosmetologist at home. We tried several times to arrange a meeting at our home, but it didn’t work out. And yesterday it didn’t work out again, but we weren’t too upset, and we went to her salon ourselves. This turned out to be the right decision.

    In the cabin

    The daughter behaved very confidently in the presence of beautiful aunts, she was interested in everything. Her aunts told her that getting her ears pierced doesn’t hurt at all, and then she can wear beautiful earrings.

    And here we must give credit to the cosmetologist - she really spoke to her daughter in such a way that she didn’t understand when they pierced her first ear, when they pierced the second - she squeaked a little and immediately ran to the mirror to spin around and show off the earrings in her ears.

    She was very encouraged by the compliments from the women present, I think at home she would have been less delighted - after all, there are no beautiful women there with compliments :)

    How does the procedure work?

    Now let's get down to business. Some mothers will be interested How does the procedure of pinning the ears of a small child work?

    1. First, we were given the choice of future earrings - there were so many of them, we couldn’t decide on the choice. We decided - we took it with the “pearl”.
    2. The cosmetologist assessed the child’s earlobe, measured something with a ruler and placed dots at the site of the future puncture.
    3. I disinfected my ears.
    4. The child sits down next to the mother, the mother holds her hands and head - at this time one and then the other ear is pierced.
    5. The earrings are put on immediately - at the moment of puncture, immediately after that the latch is put on.
    6. The puncture sites are lubricated with some kind of gel.

    A silent gun was used during the ear piercing procedure - this is really important. A click can scare a child, he can jerk sharply, etc. - there is no need for extra noise here. At the moment of the puncture, the beautician spoke to the girl and said that a mosquito had flown in and bit her in the ear. 🙂

    My daughter was very positive about this procedure, so she did not cry, did not twitch or scream. She really wanted earrings! I advise you not to set up your child for the fact that it will hurt - say that it will sting a little and that’s all, but there will be earrings in the ears.

    After piercing

    1. Do not remove earrings for one month under any circumstances.
    2. Wash your ears with chlorhexidine digluconate solution twice a day. More precisely, drop this solution on one side and the other of the puncture, and twist the earring a little from behind.
    3. Do not wash your hair for two days after the puncture procedure.

    I will convert the cost of the procedure into euros - from 6 to 8 euros
    The cost of the rinsing solution is 0.50 euros

    Not expensive - I think everyone can afford it. I am truly satisfied with the services provided and am glad that I listened to the mothers I know.

    I'll report back in a month about how our ears are healing.

    Many mothers will be interested in reading your story of “ear piercing” - share with us!

    Dr. Komarovsky's advice on when to pierce a child's ears

    Most mothers dream of having their little child's ears pierced. But when it comes to this, they begin to doubt the correctness of their decision, and even more so, at what time is it better to pierce the child’s ears. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully prepare for this procedure.

    Is it possible to pierce a child's ears?

    Why pierce a child's ears? In each individual case, the issue is resolved individually. No one will really give you a definite answer. The mother herself can answer this question if the child is still small. Therefore, all aspects of this issue should be considered in more detail.

    There are two completely opposite opinions about piercing the ears of young children:

    • it is not harmless;
    • There is no need to worry about the results of the piercing if the operation is carried out professionally and subsequent ear care is observed.

    There are no pros, except perhaps the desire of mothers to turn their daughters into beauties. The only positive thing about piercing the ears of babies is the child’s complete fearlessness.

    Negative points:

    • puncture wounds (this action is a surgical intervention) have every chance of causing infection;
    • these wounds add stress to the child’s body in babies;
    • while playing, a child can catch an earring and injure himself;
    • the pierced place can change or move as the child grows up;
    • most earrings contain nickel (a metal that causes allergies in children);
    • piercing the ears with a disinfected needle is outdated, as there is a risk of infection, especially when performing the procedure at home.

    Inflammation of the wound after piercing a child's ears photo

    All this can be avoided if your baby is pierced in a cosmetology salon and follows the recommendations of cosmetologists with medical education and adhere to precise care after this procedure.

    Doctors' opinion. Progressive medicine does not approve of piercing children's ears. Located on the auricle a large number of points acting as “reflexogenic zones”. They have a connection with the eyes, facial muscles, tongue, inner ear, teeth, and brain function. Therefore, the child’s vision, growth, development may be impaired, and headaches may occur.

    Contraindications for ear piercing for children:

    • health difficulties (ear disease, blood disease, neurological problems, diabetes, severe allergies, skin diseases);
    • teething;
    • graft;
    • travel, as wounds heal more slowly on the way;
    • the first months of attending kindergarten;
    • recent infectious illness (at least two weeks);
    • serious weakening of the immune system.

    If in any doubt, consult your pediatrician, who will advise the most the right time for ear piercing.

    What time of year is best to pierce a child's ears? Professionals advise piercing a child’s ears during the cooler months of the year, that is, in the fall or spring. In summer, infection can get into the wounds, and in winter, the ears will heal poorly, since the cap will interfere with their recovery. Remember that the time of year is not the main consideration when it comes to ear piercing.

    At what age is it best to pierce a child's ears?

    If a mother decides to pierce her daughter’s ears in early age, it is worth thinking about the fact that the baby does not yet know how to control her own actions. She will forget about the recently performed procedure and may accidentally snag an earring while playing, changing clothes, or simply going to bed, injuring her earlobe or damaging it.

    Health workers do not recommend piercing the ears of a child under three years of age, especially a newborn.

    The child is just beginning to adapt to his new world, and ear piercing will cause additional stress.

    Starting from the age of three, girls already understand that they need to take care of their ears and should not pull them. Not all babies have a chance to easily survive the healing of pierced ears.

    Is it possible to pierce a child's ears at one year of age? Psychologists do not agree with the opinion of doctors and advise piercing the ears of a child up to 1 year old, or at most up to 1.5 years old. At this age, children instantly forget pain and fear from their memory; they do not remember the unpleasant memories associated with ear piercing and their healing.

    Is it possible to pierce a child's ears if he has a runny nose? There is no special prohibition, but any disease can cause complications. Due to a weakened immune system, healing of the wound may be delayed, and festering ears will have to be treated longer. You may also need to change earrings or stop wearing them altogether.

    Which moon is best to pierce a child's ears?

    Influence lunar phases on the body is especially noticeable in childhood and old age. Best choice for ear piercing favorable days in the sign of Libra on the waning moon - these are phases 3 and 4. Surgical interventions are not recommended in the sign of Aries.

    What day is the best day to pierce a child's ears? There are favorable days for operations, including ear piercing.

    Favorable time to pierce a child's ears:

    • 1 - 5 lunar days– piercing of the earlobe, insertion of tunnels or bridges is allowed, but it is not recommended to pierce the helix of the auricle or mucous membranes;
    • 6th lunar day - you can perform manipulations on the ear and wrist, but only for children over 7 years old;
    • 7 - 8, 10-14, 16-22, 24 - 28 lunar days - all types of punctures are carried out;

    Not favorable days:

    • 9, 15, 23, 23 lunar day.

    Where can I get my child's ears pierced?

    It is prohibited to perform surgical procedures at home. Non-sterile equipment can cause blood poisoning; an inexperienced specialist is fraught with consequences and health problems.

    Where is the best place to pierce a child's ears? To pierce a child’s ears beautifully and harmlessly, you should use the services of a special salon or cosmetology clinic. Salons where children's ears are pierced are licensed and certified. The office must be equipped and regularly quartzed. All hygiene and sanitation standards must be strictly observed, equipment is certified, and instruments are disinfected and sterile.

    Preparation for the procedure:

    • vision examination by a pediatric ophthalmologist;
    • visiting an allergist: find out if there is a possible allergy to nickel, which is contained in many jewelry;
    • have the girl examined by other doctors to determine the limitations of ear piercing;
    • wash the child’s hair before piercing to prevent inflammation;
    • choose earrings carefully: they should be light, made of precious metals, yellow or White gold with thin temples and a simple but reliable lock;
    • choose the most suitable salon or cosmetology office, consult a cosmetologist who will do the piercing for your child, read the reviews;
    • ask what kind of gun they will use to pierce: the most acceptable option is a silent disposable “gun”.

    How do you pierce a child's ears?

    In the past, ear piercing was done with an ordinary needle: first the piercing was done, and then a thread or earring was put on. This procedure was very painful. Currently, ears are pierced in specialized salons or beauty salons using a “gun”.

    The ear piercing process is carried out in stages:

    • Before ear piercing, a professional examines the child to identify contraindications. It is advisable to show your child to a professional in advance so that he can determine the time of ear piercing based on the child’s state of health and age;
    • piercing a child's ears with a gun is painless, quick and convenient. Disposable needles – stud earrings – are inserted into the device. The whole procedure happens quite quickly: the “gun” attaches the earrings to the child’s ear with one click. The needle must be disposable in a separate package. The instrument must be processed and the puncture site disinfected;
    • after the piercing procedure, check the holes for symmetry;
    • Consult a specialist on how to care for pierced ears. Find out how long the wounds will heal, how to take care of them, what you can and cannot do.

    How to pierce a child’s ears with a pistol video:


    Every mother wants her daughter to be a little princess: beautiful dresses, colored hairpins, bows, headbands and, of course, gold children's earrings in the ears...

    From a medical point of view, it is not recommended for children under three years of age to have their ears pierced. Firstly, there is a risk of infection, and secondly, as the child grows, it may turn out that the punctures are asymmetrical. But at the same time, you shouldn’t delay piercing your child’s ears: according to recent studies, after 11 years of age, the risk of developing keloid scars at the piercing site increases.

    From the point of view of parental convenience, the most convenient option- pierce children's ears when the child himself can take care of the wound in the earlobe.

    And child psychologists believe that the sooner, the better. Small child(up to 1.5 years) is not afraid of the procedure and is able to quickly forget about the pain. When your daughter grows up, you will have to wait for her conscious desire to pierce her ears, and at that age the pain will be remembered longer. And where is the guarantee that your daughter will notify you of her desire to get her ears pierced? What if, instead of going to the salon, she asks her friend to pierce her earlobes with a needle (okay, if sterilized)?

    ✔Ear piercing procedure

    Ears are usually pierced without pain relief, because the pain-killing injection is more painful than the entire piercing process. To reduce pain, your child may be given a children's pain medication before the procedure.

    You need to get your ears pierced in a specialized salon or beauty salon with a good reputation. One-day salons attached to hairdressing salons are not suitable for this! Should you get ear piercings? experienced master- not a cosmetologist, not a hairdresser, but a professional piercer with experience working with children, who will not only make the procedure as safe and painless as possible, but will also recommend optimal care behind pierced ears.

    Before piercing your child's ears, check if he is allergic to the metal from which the earrings are made. Many parents believe that earrings made of precious metals (gold, silver) or surgical steel are a guarantee that complications will not arise. In fact, they contain impurities, in particular nickel. This is what you may be allergic to; as a result, healing will be delayed and inflammation will begin. And even years after healing, such earrings can cause itching and inflammation of the punctures. Earrings should be thin, light, with a secure lock. The master will recommend the optimal shape of earrings.

    Most often, ears are pierced with a special device - a “gun”. He instantly “pierces” the earlobe with a “stud” earring. Before the procedure, you should ask about the thickness of the earring needle (the thicker it is, the more painful it will be to pierce) and the sound that the “gun” makes (if the gun is silent, the child will not even have time to get scared).

    Another thing to pay attention to is sterility! The master must work in disposable sterile gloves. The needle and gun must also be sterile, and the earlobe must be treated with alcohol or another antiseptic before piercing.

    ✔Exclude allergies

    Eliminate the possibility of allergic reaction. Most earrings (even gold ones) contain nickel, which can cause allergies in children, manifested in irritation and inflammation of the earlobes. This, in turn, can lead to serious problems: bacteria accumulate in areas of inflammation, causing severe suppuration.

    If you did not take this point into account and did not first consult with an allergist, and irritation has already made itself felt, be sure to treat the inflamed earlobes with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.

    ✔How to care for pierced ears

    A specialist will advise you on caring for your ears after a piercing. General rules care is regular treatment of punctures with antiseptics (preferably those that do not contain alcohol - for example, hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine). During the first month, it is not advisable to go to the pool, swim in open water, or use other people's mobile phones.

    Before the piercing procedure, it is necessary to wash your hair so that dirty hair does not serve as a factor for inflammation, and after piercing the ears, it is better for the child to wear short haircut or hair tied in a ponytail.
    It is not recommended to remove earrings for two to three weeks. It is quite difficult for small children to fulfill this requirement: earrings cause discomfort to children and they constantly strive to take them off. Adults need to be extremely careful, because when trying to remove jewelry, children can tear it out of their ears, thus causing earlobe ruptures and bleeding.

    Another important point, which parents should remember: earrings should not be left in a visible place, because children under 4 years old may swallow them or insert them into their respiratory tract while playing. Therefore, when removing earrings, it is strongly recommended to hide them in a place inaccessible to children.

    ✔Contraindications for ear piercing

    Chronic ear diseases
    allergies in severe forms
    traumatic brain injuries
    blood diseases
    neurological disorders