What does the Muslim name Darina mean? The meaning of the name Darina is interpretation. Name in history: famous and successful people

Name Daria (in modern version Darina) has become almost the most popular female name that parents have given to their children born in the current 21st century. Wikipedia does not suggest finding full information by name, which is why it is collected in this article. It is indicated how a girl is baptized, if she is summer, autumn (autumn), winter (winter, December) and called by a diminutive.

Darina meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, Islam, Muslim, when is the day of the angel

The Orthodox choose the name Daria for Darina at baptism, which means “gift.” Muslims have their own version of this name, which sounds like Daria, in Islam - like Darin.

The meaning of the name Darina and her fate, health, origin of the name, profession

The name Darina or Daria means “gifted” among the Slavs. Translated from Persian, Daria means “ruler of kindness” or “pearl,” and from Irish means “short,” “rocky.”

The fate of a woman named Darina cannot be called easy. She gets married later than her peers, and family relationships do not always fold smoothly.

Daria is reputed to be a good housewife, you feel comfortable in her company, but sometimes she can flare up for no reason if something is not to her liking.

Usually Daria does not complain about her health, but there are periods when she teeters on the brink of death, which she manages to overcome thanks to her love of life.

Daria has a highly developed sense of responsibility, she has excellent intuition and “masculine” endurance. Women with this name make excellent law enforcement officers, psychotherapists and businesswomen.

Darina meaning of the name, compatibility, character, secret of the name

For a girl named Daria, a guy named Alexander, Dmitry, Ivan, Evgeniy and Sergey is ideal. But it’s better for Daria to stay away from Alexei, Oleg, Fedor and Semyon, since their union is futile and will only cause pain for both.

How is wife Daria characterized by positive side- She is a good housewife and a caring mother. Possessing good organizational skills, this amazing and inquisitive woman knows how to distribute responsibilities among all family members in such a way that there is time for rest and leisure.

Darina meaning of the name Khigir

A distinctive feature of Darina is her determination. She is confident in her abilities, knows what she wants and does not strive to achieve exorbitant goals.

Daria loves family and adheres to family traditions.

The meaning of the name Darina in the calendar

Darin's name is not in the Saints. A name consonant with it is mentioned - Daria and Daria.
This is the martyr Daria of Rome and canonized martyr Darius Zaitsev and Darius Timolin.

Meaning of the name Darina by letter

The name Darina consists entirely of the so-called “golden” letters, which are easily pronounced in the languages ​​of peoples all over the world. This is one of the “ideal” names, when after the consonant there is a vowel sound, giving the syllables and the word as a whole a harmonious and pleasant sound.

For boys and girls with patronymic Dasha, Alexandrovna, Elena, Marina Vladimirovna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Anatolyevna, Vitalievna, Vladislavovna, Viktorovna, Valerievna, Denisovna, Nikolaevna, Olegovna, Daria Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Eduardovna, Yuryevna, Andreevna, Alekseevna, Antonovna, Vladimirovna, Vasilievna, Vadimovna, Evgenievna, Igorevna, Maksimovna, Mikhailovna, Romanovna, Sergeevna, Gennadievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Pavlovna, Petrovna, Romanovna, Ruslanovna, Stanislavovna a dream book in love portends good luck.

In the comments you can find out what it sounds like in Ukrainian, Tatar (in the Tatar language), from Arabic, from Greek, from Latin, in Japanese, in all languages, different languages a woman's name is complete and short. The horoscope for Capricorn, Gemini, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Leo, Aries, Scorpio, Taurus is presented separately, the name day for the zodiac sign is painted for the child, girls in childhood have and detailed interpretation in verse. Suggested full meaning Slavic, church, Orthodox, according to church calendar name, name color, characteristics and much more.

Milana. A whole millennium passed before the name, fashionable among aristocrats of that time, regained popularity and girls of the 21st century began to be called by it...

For women and men Indicates stagnation or unwillingness to change, which causes depression. Practicing lucid dreaming This option is not valid...

Name Darina came to us from Persia. There, Darius was the name of the mighty conquering king. From his name came the female name Darina. Literally translated, it means “winner.” Synonyms for “Darina” are the names Daria, Theodora. In Russia the name is extremely rare. The “Daria” option is more common, although it began to be used after the fashion for old names returned.

Some linguists interpret the meaning of the name “Darina” as “gift of God.”

Darina - character traits

Darina is growing as a leader. She is the soul of any team. She has many talents, she is creative and harmonious personality.

Baby Darina will always play leading roles in children's plays. Her teachers will be touched by looking at her doll face and angelic appearance. With his natural beauty, Darina is also unusually relaxed in her thoughts, judgments and actions. At any age, she is a well-mannered and morally stable person. Since Darina always strives to act at her own discretion, it is difficult for her to turn away from her chosen path. She is not a follower, but a leader. Therefore, Darina often becomes the center of everyone’s attention in the team.

A growing girl begins not only to think about her career, which is certainly important to her, but also to take a closer look at opposite sex. In her imagination, an image of the way of life that she would like to achieve in the end has long been formed. In her opinion, she should have a good education, Good work And good husband with whom he can live his whole life in love and harmony.

Darina does not expect mercy from fate; she does everything possible to make her dreams come true. Darina is able to predict events, she often has prophetic dreams. Having once shared her assumptions with someone, she can quickly move into the category of psychics and clairvoyants. Her natural instinct is so developed that Darina practically never gets into trouble. It can prevent many unwanted events. Minor incidents, of course, happen to everyone, but these are rather the exception to the rule.

Darina will perform well in natural sciences, her path is a connection with living nature, people, and she also adapts perfectly to the world of art. Darina loves everything beautiful. She is especially fascinated by music. She can compose and perform her own works.

For complete happiness, Darina needs a faithful and devoted man. Of course, being a bright and extraordinary personality, Darina attracts many men. However, she knows exactly who she needs. She will not waste her time on fleeting connections, and certainly will not reciprocate the feelings of a collector of women’s hearts. She will find her only friend, protector, lover, who will make up her family happiness.

Darina - name compatibility

Alexander will be the most suitable for Darina for marriage. Both names represent victory and winners, so such a union is destined to be eternal and productive. Darina does not have frivolous relationships. But in order not to get burned, she needs to be wary of Sergei, Denis, Valery and Mikhail.

Darina - famous people who bore this name

Darina Saidazimova is a model.

Darina Shmidt is a modern director, screenwriter, and artist.

Darina - interesting facts about the name

Darina first appeared on screens in a duet with Dima Bilan. Today professionals from foreign countries work with Darina. She is so original and talented that one can consider great luck her creative union with professionals from Sweden. Darina is quickly gaining popularity not only in Russia, but also in Europe.

Darina's birthday

Darina's birthday

Saints: St. Martyr Daria.

The meaning of the name Darina

Darina means "strong".

Origin of the name Darina

It makes sense to start analyzing the mystery of the name Darina with its origin. This is a derivative of the name Daria. The history of the name Daria has ancient Persian roots. Daria - “strong, conquering”, another variant of the name of the Persian king Darius.

Characteristics of a name according to L. Tsymbalova

As a child, Dasha does not create problems for her parents. This is a happy child. Attractive, intelligent, balanced, always friendly, she good friend, which is rarely envied. Studying during her school years or later at a university is not very difficult for her, because she has perseverance, responsibility, hard work, a great neatness, although she is a little slow.

Dasha is flexible and persistent, although she is insecure and uncommunicative. She loves noisy children's fun, but she will not be the first to approach a group of peers. She is able to lead her friends and can stand up for herself.

Dasha is quick-witted and expresses herself accurately and wittily. Teachers see her as their assistant.

Daria likes to stay at home and is somewhat lazy, which is why she has few gentlemen in her youth. Daria does not start a family for a long time. She is unsure of herself and her feminine charm.

Daria is faithful to her husband, trusts him as herself. She is the leader in the family. Daria is a good housewife.

What does the name Darina mean according to E. Grushko and Yu. Medvedev

In accordance with the interpretation of the name Darina according to E. Grushko and Yu. Medvedev, the owner of this name is very smart, she grasps everything on the fly. And although she lacks perseverance and hard work, her fate turns out well. She has good taste and great imagination. She has a sharp tongue, often falls in love, and is extremely charming.

Characteristics of the name Darina according to B. Khigir

According to the description of the name Darina according to Higir, this is a sweet but restless girl who causes her parents a lot of trouble and worry with her frequent colds and poor appetite. He studies poorly at school, doesn’t stay long on homework, and gets tired quickly. However, if the question concerns rest, Darina will not be recognized. Having matured, she enjoys sports (tennis, swimming, for example), and no longer has any health problems.

The character of the name Darina is such that by the time she reaches adulthood she becomes a charming girl with beautiful figure which she is proud of. She knows her worth and can be demanding and capricious. Darina is prone to jealousy, can get angry over little things, and when she is in a bad mood, it is better not to catch her eye. Being her true friend is quite difficult.

Derivatives of the name Darin.

Variants of the name Darina: Daria, Daria.

Diminutive names for Darin: Daryushka, Daryukha, Darena, Darinka, Daresha, Dasha, Dashunya, Dashuta, Danya.

Name Darina (Daria) in different languages:

  • Name Daria in English: Daria
  • Name Daria in Czech: Darja
  • Name Daria in Italian: Daria
  • Name Daria in Polish: Daria

Famous Darins (Darias).

· Dasha Smokovnikova, or Daria Dmitrievna Telegina, is A.N.’s favorite heroine. Tolstoy in his novel “Walking Through Torment”.

· St. Martyr Daria- wife of St. Martyr Chrysanthus (? – 283), who secretly accepted the faith of Christ in Rome.

  • Daria Fikelmon (1804–1863) wife of the Austrian envoy to Russia.
  • Daria Leonova (1834–1896) Russian singer (contralto), soloist of the Mariinsky and Bolshoi theaters.
  • Daria Dontsova (1952) writer of ladies' detective stories.
  • Daria Poverennova (1972) film actress.

The name Darina is one of the most mysterious and unpredictable. Its origin is associated with different cultures, no one knows for sure whether it is independent or is a diminutive form of names similar to it. Parents who choose him for their child should be prepared for a life full of surprises, because the impulsive Darina is a bright and extraordinary person.

History of the name

This name has no nationality and no single history. It is found in the east and west, and is equally popular among Muslims and Orthodox Christians. The origin of the name Darina is not precisely established. By different versions he may have Slavic and Greek, Persian and Irish roots:

  1. It is not difficult to understand how the name Darina is translated from the Old Church Slavonic language, because it is based on words such as “gift”, “to give”. It means gifted by fate, bestowed by life, which is why long-awaited children “begged from God” were often called this name.
  2. In the Greek version, the meaning of this name is “strong”, “victorious”.
  3. The Persian history of the name begins with the reign of the great king Darayavaush, better known as Darius I. It consists of two parts and is translated as good-natured, possessing good.
  4. In Ireland the name Darren or Darin refers to a low rock. Originally this name was masculine. It was believed that a boy wearing it would be able to withstand difficulties and become a reliable support for his family.

The name Darin has many analogues in different languages ​​- de Durin (France), Darina (England, Italy), Dario (Spain), Darina (Ukraine), Dariusz (Poland).

The pagan name Darina is not Orthodox, it is not in the calendar and at baptism girls are most often given the name Dariya in honor of St. Darius of Rome. This may be why some sources mistakenly believe that Daria is full name, and Darina is only its diminutive form. Briefly, Darina is called: Darena, Rina, Darka, Dara, Daryushka.

Girls with this name can celebrate angel day several times a year. Both Daria and Darina celebrate their name days on March 14, April 4, June 30 and August 18.

The fate of the girl named Darina is influenced by the meaning of the name and its character. On the one hand, Daria is distinguished by her concentration and determination. She is calm, calculating and always confident that she is right. On the other hand, she can be called a “person of mood.” Darina is impulsive and emotional, loves everything new and is capable of committing reckless, meaningless actions in a fit of feelings.

IN childhood Darinka is sociable and energetic. Because of her curiosity and cheerful, active nature, she rarely sits still. The girl likes active games, she usually goes in for sports and achieves quite good results.

Dasha's parents should pay increased attention to her health. Typically, children with this name are prone to allergies and respiratory diseases.

Darina is sweet, cheerful, and feels great among her peers. But at the same time, she will never let herself be offended, and approaches the choice of friends with all seriousness, showing childish rationalism and caution.

Having matured, Darina becomes calmer and more balanced, although she still prefers an active lifestyle. It is very important for Daria to always be the best in everything. She gives great importance to his appearance and strives to look perfect in any situation.

Despite her high self-esteem, Darina is charming and kind. She is selfless and sincerely wants to help everyone around her.

Female name Daria or Darina endows its owner with femininity and charm. The girl attracts men to her, but at the same time Darina is in no hurry to get married. Only a determined and self-sufficient person can become her chosen one.

Work should bring Darina moral satisfaction. The girl does not strive to make a career, is not afraid of layoffs, and will easily refuse a highly paid position if it seems boring and uninteresting to her. Darina will feel most comfortable by choosing the following specialties:

  • assistant manager;
  • assistant secretary;
  • tourism manager;
  • restaurateur;
  • cosmetologist;
  • translator;
  • teacher.

Darina's innate sense of duty, accuracy and responsibility evoke respect from her colleagues. Management appreciates her for her conscientiousness and diligence.

When interpreting fate, it is important to take into account the season of birth. People born at the same time of year have similar habits and the same interests. The characteristics of the name Darina largely depend on the time of her birth.

During the winter months, people are born with pronounced leadership qualities. They more often than others occupy leadership positions, from where they move forward up the career ladder.

Despite the similarity of names, winter Daria is completely different from summer or spring. Each girl has her own character and attitude in life.

The answer to the question of what the name Darina or Dasha means for a girl depends on the constellation that patronizes her and its natural element:

  • fire;
  • Earth;
  • air;
  • water.

People belonging to fire signs, emotional and temperamental.

Aries are determined and assertive. They persistently move towards their goals and almost always carry out their plans. Thanks to these qualities, Darina-Aries is successful in almost all endeavors - both in business and in her personal life.

Born under the sign of Leo, Darina has active and energetic natures. They will easily step over moral principles if they understand that it is beneficial for them.

Dasha the Sagittarius is a passionate girl with strong energy and an irrepressible thirst for life. She loves to travel, she is attracted to everything new and unknown. Darina is flighty and fickle, but despite this she maintains warm, friendly relations with everyone.

For earthly zodiac constellations The well-being and tranquility of the family comes first.

Darins, born under the sign of Taurus, are cautious and suspicious. The only people they trust are family members. Such girls rarely achieve great heights in the service, but they perfectly realize themselves in the role of mother and wife.

Refined, educated, with an analytical mind, Darina the Virgo does not like noisy society, preferring peace, comfort and silence.

Darina Capricorn is suspicious and vulnerable. She reacts painfully to criticism, experiences failures acutely, but, not wanting to seem weak, tries to restrain her emotions. Therefore, from the outside the girl looks calm and balanced.

Air signs of the zodiac are characterized by a cheerful and carefree character.

Darina is a twin sociable girl with with an open soul, slightly naive and frivolous. She cannot stand loneliness, loves noisy companies and always tries to be the center of attention.

Libras are friendly and peaceful, have a subtle sense of humor and infect everyone with their optimism. Darina-Libra is always ready to help, listen and support with advice to everyone who needs it.

Sweet and courteous Darina-Aquarius easily makes new acquaintances, but at the same time does not forget about old friends. She does not remember evil and quickly forgets about the insults caused, attracts people with her sincerity and selflessness.

The element of water is composure, slowness and stubbornness.

The Cancer girl is serious, thoughtful, sometimes overly demanding of herself and others. She is a reliable friend and an excellent partner, because distinctive feature Darin, born during this period, is honesty and commitment.

Scorpio girls are stubborn and distrustful. These are strong personalities with complex character. They make good leaders, but Darins, born under the constellation Scorpio, are rarely happy in life. family life.

Pisces are shy, dreamy and a little phlegmatic. They are much more comfortable in their illusory world; reality frightens and worries Darin-pisces. They surround their family with care and attention, and try to avoid communication with strangers.

Interaction of first name with patronymic

A correctly selected patronymic not only enhances the energy of the name, but also protects and protects the person throughout life. It smooths out negative traits character and enhances positive traits, influences fate and plays the role of a talisman. When choosing a name for a child, it is worth finding out the characteristics of his future middle name. They must interact harmoniously and complement each other.

In the name of Darina good compatibility with the following middle names:

  1. Andreevna.
  2. Sergeevna.
  3. Olegovna.
  4. Dmitrievna.
  5. Antonovna.

In this combination, the name Darina is revealed most fully. Although there are some nuances here too. The patronymic “Antonovna” or “Andreevna” is more suitable for girls whose zodiac signs belong to the elements of fire or air. Darina Olegovna and Sergeevna - best options for those born under the water constellation. Dmitrievna is closest to the element of earth, because people bearing the name Dmitry are under the protection of the goddess of agriculture and fertility Dimetra.

The same name and patronymic are not able to enhance each other’s characteristics. The connection between the first name and patronymic in such combinations is fragile, and the person’s energy field is weakened.

The middle name Alexandrovna has an ambiguous influence on Darina’s fate. On the one hand, she is a romantic, charming girl with a fine spiritual organization. On the other hand, she is unbalanced and inconsistent, unnecessary and careless.

Darina is a strong, euphonious name with positive energy. It belongs to enthusiasts and fighters for justice. These are optimists with an open soul, striving to give everyone their warmth and love, to make the world a better and kinder place.

Meaning of the name Darina: This girl's name means "gifted."

Origin of the name Darina: There are several versions of the origin of the name. The name Darina is translated as “gift”, “gifted” from Old Church Slavonic. In addition, there is a similar meaning of the name Darina - “rocky mountain”. And it was formed from Darren, common among the Irish. According to the third version, the name Darina is of Persian origin and is an analogue of Darayavaush, consisting of two words (dara - “possessing” and vaush - “good”, “kind”). After the revolution of 1917, Dayana appeared as an analogue of the name. By the way, today Darina and Daria are also considered synonymous.

Diminutive form of name: Daryushka, Daryukha, Darena, Darinka, Daresha, Dasha, Dashunya, Dashuta, Danya.

What does the name Darina mean: Beautiful and smart Darinochka is surrounded by friends and fans. She loves traveling and chooses a profession related to travel: journalist, tour operator, tour guide, photographer, or simply travels in her free time.

Angel Day and patron saints named: Darin's name does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox calendars.

Zodiac: Taurus, Libra.

Characteristics of the name Darina

Positive features: The name Darina largely determines the number 5, indicating independence and spiritual freedom. As a rule, such people value their accumulated experience, do not seek to listen to outside advice, love traveling and often even organize it themselves.

Negative features: In childhood, a child with this name can cause a lot of problems for parents, as he has an overly restless character.

Character of the name Darina: A constant change of environment is extremely important for her - internal anxiety pushes her towards this. Also, the number 5 symbolizes a nature full of enthusiasm, and this also applies to Darina. At the same time, it is very good if the energy emitted by Darinka is directed toward achieving her goals.

As for friendship, getting close to Darinochka in this regard is very problematic. Often, a certain distance still remains between a girl and her friends, even despite Darinka’s openness. A girl with this name, as a rule, does not listen to any advice from friends and does everything in her own way. At the same time, being an extrovert, the person with the name is ready to share her thoughts and help her comrades. She can be especially caring towards older people.

Darina and her personal life

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Darina promise happiness in love? The young girl is a real beauty. She knows this very well. Family is of particular importance to her. However, she chooses her lover very carefully. He will subsequently be jealous and tormented by whims. It is important for the man who will be next to Darinka to know that if the woman he loves is in a bad mood, it is better not to touch her. This girl is quite capricious, and only a calm, patient and loving person. If she carefully approaches the issue of choosing a chosen one, then, indeed, she will be able to find happiness in marriage.

At home, a woman named Darina often torments her husband with whims, but her cheerful husband suggests going somewhere and the resentment dissipates.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Darinka has a philosophical mindset and the ability to think analytically. She also has such wonderful qualities as cheerfulness, wit and resourcefulness. However, this is precisely why those with the name Darina strive for change, and this prevents them from assessing the real prospects of any business, gives great value planning the future, etc.

Business and career: The girl always takes up any task with enthusiasm, but rarely brings what she starts to its logical conclusion. And in order to achieve success in anything, Darinochka needs circumstances to develop in a certain way, and only then she herself will use her charm and begin to interact with others to achieve her goal.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Darin: A girl with this name gets tired quickly when she does her homework, but she loves to have fun. She plays tennis, swimming and other sports. At the same time, Darinka manages to cope with health problems precisely thanks to such activity.

Darina's fate in history

What does the name Darina mean for a woman’s destiny?

    History knows the personality of Darina Shmidt - an artist, director, screenwriter and animator.

Darina in different languages ​​of the world