Honored Geologist. Historical figures (continued) V t Podshibyakin, discoverer of the largest gas-bearing provinces

Podshibyakin Vasily Tikhonovich - General Director of the Yamal Production Geological Association for Oil and Gas Exploration of the Main Tyumen Production Geological Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Geology.

Born on January 1, 1928 in the village of Nikitskoye, Volovsky district, Tula province, now Volovsky district, Tula region. Russian. From a peasant family.

In 1941 he graduated from the 7th grade of high school. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he worked on the railway, in 1943 he resumed his studies and in 1945 he graduated from vocational school No. 8 at Uzlovaya station in the Tula region. Since 1945, he again worked at the railway depot of the Uzlovaya station as an assistant driver, and during these years he graduated from evening school. In 1951 he left for Moscow and entered college.

In 1956 he graduated from the Moscow Petroleum Institute named after I.M. Gubkina. Since 1956, he worked in the Narym oil exploration expedition of the Zapsibneftegazgeologiya trust (Tomsk region): assistant drilling foreman, from the same 1956 - senior engineer, senior foreman, from 1959 - head of exploration. Since 1959 - head of the Nizhnevartovsk deep drilling party in the Surgut complex geological exploration expedition (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug). Since 1960 - chief engineer of the Berezovsky complex geological exploration expedition (Novosibirsk).

Since 1961 - head of the Narykar oil and gas exploration expedition (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug). Since July 1963 - head of the Taz oil and gas exploration expedition. Since 1967 - Manager of the Geological Trust for Oil and Gas of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Tyumen Region. Since 1971 - head of the Urengoy geological exploration expedition. From 1976 until the end of his life - head (from 1981 - general director) of the Yamal Production Geological Association for Oil and Gas Exploration of the Main Tyumen Production Geological Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Geology (since 1992 - OJSC Yamalneftegazgeologiya).

A leading specialist in the field of oil and gas geology. In the first years of work in the North, he participated in the study of the Igrim and Shukhtungor groups of gas fields, and in the exploration of the Tazovskoye field. Later, as the head of the expedition, trust and association, he himself led a large-scale comprehensive study of the subsoil of Western Siberia. Under his leadership or with his direct participation, 36 natural gas fields were discovered in the Yamalo-Nenets District, including Zapolyarnoye, Tambeyskoye, Medvezhye, Yamburgskoye, Novoportovskoye, Urengoyskoye. All these deposits were also carefully explored and prepared for industrial development.

For great services in the discovery and exploration of oil and gas fields in the Tyumen region by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated December 7, 1983 Podshibyakin Vasily Tikhonovich awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.

Member of the CPSU (until 1991). Member of the Yamalo-Nenets District Committee of the CPSU. Member of the bureau of the Purovsky and Tazovsky district committees of the CPSU of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Deputy of the Yamalo-Nenets District Council of Workers' Deputies. Since 1994 - deputy of the State Duma of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug of the 1st convocation.

Lived in the city of Urengoy, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Died on May 20, 1997. He was buried in the city of Tyumen at the Chervishevsky-1 cemetery.

Awarded the Order of Lenin (12/7/1983), two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (07/4/1966, 10/11/1979), and medals.

"Honored Geologist of the Russian Federation" (1997). "Discoverer of the Deposit" (1970).

Lenin Prize (1970).

A street in the city of Salekhard, the administrative center of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, is named after the Hero; a monument to V.T. is installed on this street. Podshibyakin (2005).

Vasily Tikhonovich Podshibyakin was born on January 1, 1928 in the village of Nikitsky, Volovsky district, Tula region. His grandfather served as an orderly for Nicholas II, and his father, Tikhon Afanasyevich, was one of the first chairmen of the collective farm. The family had five children, including Vasily.

At the age of five, Podshibyakin was accepted into school, where in 1941 he completed eight classes.

From 1943 to 1945, he studied to become a machinist at vocational school No. 8 in Uzlovaya, Tula region. After graduating from college, he worked as an assistant driver on the railway. He studied at evening school, and in 1951 he entered the Moscow Petroleum Institute named after Academician Gubkin. I passed the entrance exams with flying colors. He studied with passion and wrote several scientific student papers.

After defending his thesis, he asked to be sent to Siberia. Having become a mining engineer, he worked in the north of the Tomsk region in Narym, developing Berezovo. He started as an assistant drilling foreman. In 1956 he was appointed senior engineer of the Narym oil exploration, and in 1958 he became its head.

In 1959, oil exploration, headed by V.T. Podshibyakin, was relocated to the Tyumen region on the banks of the middle Ob. In the same 1959, he headed the Nizhnevartovsk party of the Surgut complex expedition.

In 1963, V. T. Podshibyakin was appointed head of the Tazovskaya oil exploration expedition, and since February 1967 he has been the manager of the Yamalo-Nenets Geological Exploration Trust for oil and gas.

With his participation, the Igrimskaya and Shukhtungorsk groups of gas fields were drilled, and exploration of the Tazovskoye and Urengoyskoye fields was carried out. Under his leadership, 36 gas fields were discovered in the Yamalo-Nenets District, including Zapolyarnoye, Tambeyskoye, Medvezhye, Yamburgskoye, Novoportovskoye, Urengoyskoye.

On April 21, 1970, the Committee for Lenin and State Prizes in the field of science and technology under the Council of Ministers of the USSR awarded V. A. Abazarov, G. P. Bogomyakov, I. Ya. Gira, L. N. Kabaev, K. V. Kavalerov, A. G. Kraev, B. N. Kryuchkov, V. P. Maksimov, O. A. Moskovtsev, I. I. Nesterov, S. A. Orudzhev, V. T. Podshibyakin, F. K. Salmanov, V. G. Smirnov, V. V. Sobolevsky, A. D. Storozhev, Yu. B. Fain, V. Yu. Filanovsky-Zenkov Lenin Prizes in 1970 “for the discovery of large and unique natural gas fields in the northern regions of Western Siberia, effective exploration them and the preparation of industrial reserves."

In 1971, in connection with the liquidation of the trust, he was appointed head of the Urengoy oil exploration expedition. In 1976, Vasily Tikhonovich was appointed head of the Yamal production geological association for oil and gas exploration "Yamalneftegazgeologiya" of the Main Tyumen Production Geological Directorate. Until 1997, Podshibyakin was the permanent leader of this association.

For his services in the discovery and exploration of oil and gas fields in the Tyumen region in 1981, Vasily Tikhonovich was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

He was elected to the State Duma of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

That heroic era - the era of the development of Yamal, the era of the discovery of the largest oil and gas fields in the Arctic, how the indigenous peoples of the North perceived this time - is very well said in the poems of the famous Khanty poet, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Roman Rugin. He responded to the landing of the first landing of explorers in Novy Urengoy with the poem “Fire-Breathing Land,” dedicated to the Lenin Prize laureate, Hero of Socialist Labor Vasily Tikhonovich Podshibyakin.

He was buried in Tyumen at the Chervishevsky cemetery, to the right of the main entrance, not far from the grave of Yu. G. Ervie. On the monument, as a testament to future generations, the motto is embossed: “Go forward, search and do not give up!”, which Vasily Tikhonovich Podshibyakin himself followed throughout his life.


On October 15, 2005, a monument was erected in Salekhard to the pioneer of oil and gas Yamal, Vasily Podshibyakin. One of the streets and a microdistrict of this city bears his name.


  • Hero of Socialist Labor (1983).
  • Order of Lenin (1983).
  • Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1966, 1979).
  • Winner of the Lenin Prize (1970).
  • Honored Geologist of the Russian Federation.

“Geologist is a specialty that is not only necessary and very important for the state, but also very beautiful, proud and romantic. This is especially characteristic of our harsh polar Yamal, which became known to the whole world thanks to you - the pioneer geologists who discovered huge deposits of hydrocarbons in Yamal" - these wonderful words begin the congratulation of Vasily Tikhonovich Podshibyakin by the head of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District Internal Affairs Directorate V.G. Burned in connection with a significant date - the 20th anniversary of the creation of Yamalneftegazgeologiya.

Vasily Tikhonovich played a huge role in the development and further prosperity of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and in the life of the city of Salekhard. One of the streets of the district capital is named in honor of Podshibyakin; in 2000, his bust was erected in the city - thus the memory of this wonderful man is immortalized in Salekhard. Unfortunately, Vasily Tikhonovich is no longer alive, but the results of his work still bring and will continue to benefit people.

Vasily Tikhonovich Podshibyakin was born on January 1, 1928 in the village of Nikitskoye, Volovsky district, Tula region - the central estate of the collective farm that was just created in those years. N.K. Krupskaya. His grandfather served as an orderly for Nicholas II, and his father was one of the first chairmen of the collective farm. Tikhon Podshibyakin had five children, so Vasily’s childhood, although not easy, was fun. At the age of five, his parents brought him to a village teacher, who gladly accepted the smart boy into school. In 1941, Vasily graduated from the eighth grade. During the war, I witnessed how the Nazis burned houses and estates. Then the whole village raised the farm: both old men and women worked from dawn to dusk, and children and teenagers did not lag behind the adults. On the advice of his father and mother, in 1943 Podshibyakin entered vocational school No. 8 in the city of Uzlovaya, Tula region, and wanted to become a machinist. Teaching was easy for Vasily, and upon graduation (1945) he turned out to be one of the best students. Assigned to work as an assistant to the famous driver Konstantin Yakovlevich Zolotarev. At the insistence of the same Zolotarev, Podshibyakin will later enter evening school, but for now the work is exhausting. Their locomotive No. 202865 FD roamed without rest around the Tula land, the Moscow region, and later throughout Ukraine, delivering various cargoes needed by the cities and villages that were rising from the ruins of the war. Vasily Tikhonovich traveled around Russia for five years as an assistant driver, and then settled down: the earth called. Podshibyakin was the son of a hereditary peasant, so he remained faithful to the land, but decided to study it more thoroughly and deeply.

In the blizzard northern region

A geologist found dormant gas.

And gas entered the houses of Yamal

Breath of fiery earth.

L.V. Laptsui

After finishing evening school, Podshibyakin and his friend moved to Moscow to study further. In 1951, Vasily Tikhonovich submitted documents to the Moscow Order of the Red Banner of Labor Oil Institute named after Academician Gubkin. I passed the entrance exams very well. Vasily studied with great interest and did not miss a single lecture or seminar. With great enthusiasm, he discovered more and more secrets of the structure of the earth, the origins of the birth of oil and gas deposits in its depths. Podshibyakin’s choice of topic for his graduation project was not an easy one: he undertook to develop a technology for drilling a six-thousand-meter shaft (the depth of the drilling was a record for that time) - they intended to build such a well in Uzbekistan. He had been in those places as a student, knew the working conditions, and studied the structure of the strata. And I was very happy to hear the conclusion of the experts: his data and calculations can be used in practice. Vasily graduated from the institute in 1956, receiving the specialty of a mining engineer for drilling oil and gas wells.

After his thesis defense, they offered Podshibyakin, then the author of several scientific student papers, to stay at one of the Moscow research institutes, but he refused and asked to be sent to Siberia: in those years this was the ultimate dream. The young drilling engineer’s request was granted only after the fourth application. Without even stopping to say goodbye to his family, Vasily, with two suitcases filled with books and three hundred rubles in his pocket, went to his place of work. In Novosibirsk, where the geological trust was located, Podshibyakin was assigned to oil exploration as an assistant driller. From Novosibirsk he was sent to the north of the Tomsk region, to Narym, the place of exile of many eminent revolutionaries. Stalin, Sverdlov, and Kuibyshev once served their sentences here. It was in Narym that the young specialist first had to become a foreman in rig construction. The rig was built ahead of schedule, reliably and even, as Podshibyakin thought, beautifully. “The first drilling rig was better than all the subsequent ones that were installed in different places,” Vasily Tikhonovich would later remember. In 1956, Vasily Tikhonovich was appointed senior engineer of the Narym oil exploration. And from 1958 to 1959 he was its boss. There, in Narym, Podshibyakin was accepted as a candidate member of the Lenin Party. In 1959, Vasily Tikhonovich found himself in the middle Ob region. The first oil was found not far from Megion. After some time, he was appointed head of the Tazovskaya geological exploration expedition, but he did not immediately agree to this. While I was thinking about it, it was too late to refuse. In Tazovsky, Vasily Tikhonovich lived in a hostel in a tiny room. The only privilege is the ability to use a gas stove. There were completely uninhabited places on the peninsula. Hundreds of people worked there, but lived in small ravines, and even several families. Life was difficult then, but amicably, they provided for themselves with everything. They caught fish, stocked up on potatoes, flour, and vegetables. Now the village of Gaz-Sale is located there. Sale - translated from Nenets - cape, and gas without any translation - the gas that they found then. It was thanks to the efforts and perseverance of Vasily Tikhonovich that such a wonderful village was born. “He has two talents from God,” colleagues said about Podshibyakin, “one as a geologist, and the other as a leader.”

On August 22, 1959, Podshibyakin headed the Nizhne-Vartovsk party of the Surgut complex expedition. At first, they drilled “empty” exploration and reference wells: there was no oil. The situation with security was poor; the swamps did not freeze even in the most severe cold, and it was impossible to drag heavy blocks of the drilling rig through them. They stood idle more than they worked. Podshibyakin decided to purchase a narrow-gauge railway, along the rails of which blocks of drilling rigs and other equipment can be transported. But the commission banned this type of transportation, since there were no guarantees of the safety of such work and the discovery of deposits as a result of drilling wells. And soon the geological party was disbanded “due to the futility of this area.” But in the future, geologists will still deliver a drilling rig to this place and drill a well, the first in the now famous Samotlor. After the disbandment of the geological party, Podshibyakin was offered to go to Berezovo, where large-scale exploration work for natural gas deposits was taking place. From 1960 to 1961, Vasily Tikhonovich worked as chief engineer and then head of a geological exploration expedition in Berezovo. Several underground gas storage facilities were discovered there.

In 1963, Podshibyakin was appointed head of the Taz oil exploration expedition. The area where the village of Tazovsky is located was remote and harsh at that time. Subsequently, the Tazovskaya oil exploration party was transformed into the Tazovskaya oil exploration deep drilling expedition, which was on an independent balance sheet and was self-supporting. The expedition was based in the village of Novaya Mangazeya, Tazovsky district, Yamalo-Nenets national district. In December of the same 1963, a gas torch ignited in the polar night sky. The geologists spent a lot of effort before the first fountain began to flow, but the joy they experienced rewarded all their efforts and difficulties. And soon twelve gas fountains broke out in the Tazovskoye field. It became clear: a gas-bearing province had been discovered. Still, the wonderful profession of a geologist is a profession that brings warmth, light, and joy into people’s homes.

In February 1967, Podshibyakin was appointed manager of the Yamalo-Nenets Geological Exploration Trust for Oil and Gas.

In 1971, Vasily Tikhonovich was appointed head of the Urengoy oil exploration expedition, since the geological exploration trust was liquidated. Podshibyakin worked in Urengoy until 1976 and left behind a remarkable legacy. Thanks to him, residential buildings, hospitals, a kindergarten and even a gym appeared in Urengoy. Almost the entire expedition played sports, volleyball was especially popular. Vasily Tikhonovich was also an excellent volleyball player, which was greatly facilitated by his height. For the first time, new methods of developing underground storerooms, used in the Medvezhiy fields, were put into practice there, in Urengoy, but in a more improved form. Many automated plants have appeared to purify natural gas from impurities.

Having said goodbye to Urengoy in 1976, Vasily Tikhonovich was appointed to a new place of work - the head of the Yamal production geological association for oil and gas exploration "Yamalneftegazgeologiya" of the Main Tyumen production geological department. Then it became a state enterprise, and after corporatization, Yamalneftegaz JSC appeared, which was in charge of only three geological exploration expeditions. Podshibyakin headed this society until 1997, the last year of his life. Until the end of his days, Vasily Tikhonovich remained faithful to his work. Judging by the document, which was compiled by the General Director of the State Enterprise “Yamalneftegazgeologiya” to the head of the administration of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug L.S. Bayandin, reporting on production and economic activities for the first quarter of 1992, in the early 90s, the oil and gas industry experienced great difficulties: wage arrears, a reduction in funding for geological exploration, and a reduction in the number of employees. But, despite all the above factors, the enterprise fulfilled the plan to increase liquid hydrocarbon reserves by 110%. The impact of corporatization on the enterprise can be determined by the following quotes from the minutes of the production meeting: “The form of ownership has been changed. There is no need to count on the state budget for support this year and subsequent years”; “The joint stock company is in a difficult financial situation. We have a huge debt in payments to the local budget and in wages.” The amount that the organization owed for payments was about sixty billion rubles, but both the state and other organizations owed the Yamalneftegazgeologiya enterprise more than one hundred and fifty billion rubles. “We will provide more oil and gas, of better quality, at lower costs!” - all the works of Vasily Tikhonovich were aimed at translating such slogans into reality. It remains a mystery why then the state did not show its interest in geological exploration in time, why it did not support it during a difficult period.

Vasily Tikhonovich had to overcome many difficulties. There were both victories and failures in his work, but he courageously overcame all obstacles. He had to be reprimanded more than once. But more often I heard words of gratitude that were deserved by exorbitant work and patience. Podshibyakin was a strong-willed and stubborn man, with a strong character and an “iron grip.” Vasily Tikhonovich did a lot of good both for the residents of the city of Salekhard and for the residents of the entire autonomous region. The significance of this person on a global scale is great, because our oil and gas are exported to many countries around the world.

Thanks to the professional knowledge, courage and prudence of Podshibyakin, as well as thanks to the work, perseverance and patience of geologists, 36 gas fields were discovered in the Yamalo-Nenets District: Bovanenkovskoye, East-Tarkosalinskoye, Etypurovskoye, En-Yakhinskoye, Kruzenshternskoye, Tambeyskoye, Medvezhye, Novoportovskoye, Pestsovoye, Urengoyskoye, Kharasaveyskoye, Yuzhno-Russkoye, Yamburgskoye; More than 30 trillion cubic meters of gas have been explored. Vasily Tikhonovich Podshibyakin is one of the organizers of exploration work in the Berezovsky gas-bearing region. With his participation, the Igrimskaya and Shukhtungorskaya groups of gas fields were drilled, under his leadership, exploration of the Tazovskoye and unique Urengoyskoye gas fields was carried out, geophysical work was carried out in this area, which made it possible to discover large oil and condensate deposits.

Podshibyakin worked in elected bodies: he was elected as a member of the bureau of the Purovsky, Tazovsky districts, the Yamalo-Nenets District Committee of the CPSU, a deputy of the Yamalo-Nenets District Council of Workers' Deputies, and a deputy of the Duma of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. Over the years of his career, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1966, 1979), the medal “For the development of subsoil and the development of the oil and gas complex of Western Siberia” (1981), the anniversary medal in connection with the 100th anniversary of the geological service “For merits in subsoil exploration" (1983). In 1983, V.T. Podshibyakin was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal, and in February 1997, by Decree No. 137 of the President of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the title “Honored Geologist of the Russian Federation.” Podshibyakin, for the revival of the Cossacks, by order of the ataman of the Tyumen LKV No. 55 dated November 29, 1993, in honor of the 411th anniversary of the Siberian Cossack Army, was promoted to the rank of military foreman. Vasily Tikhonovich Podshibyakin died on May 20, 1997.

Podshibyakin devoted more than 40 years of his working life to the development of the oil and gas industry in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, of which for the last 20 years he lived and worked in the capital of the district - the city of Salekhard. At one time, the Podshibyako “Yamalneftegazgeologiya” was truly gigantic. 30 thousand people worked on an area of ​​700 thousand square kilometers, across which hundreds of workers’ “points” were scattered. Vasily Tikhonovich created an entire district in Salekhard for workers and employees of his organization. Residential buildings, a kindergarten “Kristallik”, a store, a canteen, a sports and fitness complex, the “Kharasavey” hotel, a children's creativity center and the Yamalneftegazgeologiya building itself were built. As a result, almost everything belongs to the city municipality. The most important thing is that so far everything that V.T. has created. Podshibyakin, benefits the residents of the wonderful city of Salekhard, which is growing and developing thanks to people like Vasily Tikhonovich.

Vasily Tikhonovich Podshibyakin was born in the village of Nikitsky, Volovsky district, Tula region. Tikhon Afanasyevich was one of the first collective farm chairmen. The family had five children. At the age of five, Vasily was accepted into school, and in 1941 he completed eight classes.

From 1943 to 1945, he studied to become a driver at vocational school No. 8 in the town of Uzlovaya, Tula Region, after which he worked as an assistant driver on the railway. He studied at evening school, and in 1951 he entered the Moscow Petroleum Institute named after Academician Gubkin. I passed the entrance exams with excellent marks. He studied with passion and wrote several scientific student papers.

After defending his thesis, he asked to be sent to Siberia. Having become a mining engineer, he worked in the north of the Tomsk region in Narym, developing Berezovo. He started as an assistant to a drilling foreman. In 1956 he was appointed senior engineer of the Narym oil exploration, and in 1958 its head.

In 1959, oil exploration, headed by V.T. Podshibyakin, was relocated to the Tyumen region on the banks of the middle Ob. In the same year, he headed the Nizhnevartovsk party of the Surgut complex expedition.

In 1963, V. T. Podshibyakin was appointed head of the Tazovskaya oil exploration expedition, and from February 1967 - manager of the Yamalo-Nenets Geological Exploration Trust for oil and gas.

With his participation, the Igrimskaya and Shukhtungorsk groups of gas fields were drilled, and exploration of the Tazovskoye and Urengoyskoye fields was carried out. Under his leadership, 36 gas fields were discovered in the Yamalo-Nenets District, including Zapolyarnoye, Tambeyskoye, Medvezhye, Yamburgskoye, Novoportovskoye, Urengoyskoye.

On April 21, 1970, the Committee for Lenin and State Prizes in the field of science and technology under the Council of Ministers of the USSR awarded V. A. Abazarov, G. P. Bogomyakov, I. Ya. Gira, L. N. Kabaev, K. V. Kavalerov, A. G. Kraev, B. N. Kryuchkov, V. P. Maksimov, O. A. Moskovtsev, I. I. Nesterov, S. A. Orudzhev, V. T. Podshibyakin, F. K. Salmanov, V. G. Smirnov, V. V. Sobolevsky, A. D. Storozhev, Yu. B. Fain, V. Yu. Filanovsky-Zenkov Lenin Prizes in 1970 “for the discovery of large and unique natural gas fields in the northern regions of Western Siberia, effective exploration them and the preparation of industrial reserves.”

In 1971, in connection with the liquidation of the trust, he was appointed head of the Urengoy oil exploration expedition. In 1976, Vasily Tikhonovich was appointed head of the Yamal production geological association for oil and gas exploration "Yamalneftegazgeologiya" of the Main Tyumen Production Geological Directorate. Until 1997, Podshibyakin was the permanent leader of this association.

For his services in the discovery and exploration of oil and gas fields in the Tyumen region in 1981, Vasily Tikhonovich was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

He was elected to the State Duma of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

That heroic era - the era of the development of Yamal, the era of the discovery of the largest oil and gas fields in the Arctic, how the indigenous peoples of the North perceived this time - is very well said in the poems of the famous Khanty poet, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Roman Rugin. He responded to the landing of the first landing of explorers in Novy Urengoy with the poem “Fire-Breathing Land,” dedicated to the Lenin Prize laureate, Hero of Socialist Labor Vasily Tikhonovich Podshibyakin.

He was buried in Tyumen at the Chervishevsky cemetery, to the right of the main entrance, not far from the grave of Yu. G. Ervie. On the monument, as a testament to future generations, the motto is embossed: “Go forward, search and do not give up!”, which Vasily Tikhonovich Podshibyakin himself followed throughout his life.

On October 15, 2005, a monument was erected in Salekhard to the pioneer of oil and gas Yamal, Vasily Podshibyakin. One of the streets and a microdistrict of this city bears his name.

Yamal loaf

(from a conversation with journalists in May 1966)

V.T. Podshibyakin: “The only thing that keeps us here is oil and gas. If there were no deposits, I would have given up a hundred times on this Arctic North a long time ago and left. Can you imagine (!): the entire future gas industry will be here, only here. Nowhere else...

The time will come, and I will remember this conversation, so that some people don’t say, well, we... And they, in order not to get into this jungle, gave a forecast of only 300 billion cubic meters. All over our area. According to their estimates, the Tazovskaya area has Cenomanian reserves of 108 billion m3, Zapolyarnaya – 135. A total of 243 billion m3. Gennady Bystrov and I specifically calculated our forecast. For Zapolyarny alone we give 1 trillion 450 billion and plus 250 billion for Tazovsky. Total 1 trillion. 700 billion m3. And if we now get gas at Kharbeyskaya-Russkaya, as it is called, well, then we will immediately separate ourselves from the Tyumen residents and create our own administration (laughter).

...Our deposits here are not stratified, but massive, like a village loaf. And look what happens: the Tazovskoye field is filled with gas to the extent of part of this loaf, and the Zapolyarnoye field is filled almost to the very base. The same goes for Kharbeyskoye. A single gas-bearing area, or province, or region. Damn it, I don’t know what to call it... There is no such name.

We will have six trillion cubic meters of reserves here. Just like that! And I guarantee it. Although such numbers can make your head explode. Honestly.

There were so many parties working in Berezovo, for so long... I worked there too. In total, we have protected 185 billion cubic meters of gas reserves there. True, the whole historical value is that Berezovskoye was the first deposit. But the main thing is here! It is known that harsh natural conditions will not allow processing to be organized here. Who will build here and why?! Therefore, all this gas must be taken from here. We can provide the center of the country with energy for a hundred years to come. Ten branches are supposed to lead from here, but in actual plans there are only two with a diameter of one and a half meters. Gas will go to Leningrad. Italy is asking for 10 billion cubic meters, the countries of the socialist community... There is enough gas for everyone. But these are the first three fields so far, one might say, they have only just got here... Only twenty wells have been drilled.

In order to strengthen the work, the Tazovskaya geophysical expedition was organized. The new enterprise will be based in the village. Tazovsky, with a huge scope of work along the entire Tazovsky shaft and, probably, in two or three years we will go to the Gydan Peninsula. There are also many interesting places for geologists based on magnetic surveys...

No, my dears, I’m not leaving here anywhere... They say heroic people work here. Nobody knows how we work here. Honestly, I'm telling you. Each of our workers, I’m not talking about engineering and technical workers, each of our workers should have a monument erected. There are eight hundred people working on the expedition.

Now, of course, everything is fine. But the first year when we arrived, it was very difficult. We didn't expect much. Firstly, we encountered permafrost. Both during the construction of settlements and during the movement of drilling rigs. It's a very difficult matter. We started laying out this village, brought in equipment, and everything started flowing for us. And they relocated all winter. We lost a year for construction. We lost a whole year. Permafrost. When we break the top, protective layer, everything floats away. Below is pure ice. And the result is a sliding surface, as if smeared with soap. Here, five thousand meters of drill pipes lay here. And everything went down. But they weigh more than two hundred tons. It was carried down like on a skid. We have to fight. The piles with shields are drilled... Until we squeeze the water out of it from the top layer - this is the result. We drain it - and then the soil is dense, and the cars move smoothly. The houses are mostly on stilts. Piles are drilled five meters deep, and all our buildings stand on them.

...The climate here is really harsh. The past year has been especially surprising. The frosts were 45 degrees with wind for two months in a row. It was a terrible winter. And now there is no snow, not a single blizzard. True, for us it was luck, because we launched transport in all directions and worked only on cars.

I have already said that the North is inhabited by young people, twenty, twenty-five year olds. Now we are planning to build an indoor gym for young people. Next year we will build a greenhouse, there should be a new dairy farm. We will make sure that people have normal living conditions in our harsh region.

...We were building “number 12” on Tazovskaya Square. It was a heroic construction. People were up to their waists in the tundra nyasha. We carried the entire drilling rig on ourselves, without tractors or machinery. Not a single type of transport was used, but the drilling rig, however, was made. Nobody left. The eighth drilling rig was built in the same way, now the twenty-fifth polar one is the same. An ignorant person will say that you can’t work like that. And our guys work and don’t whine.

Seismic parties work - the same thing. Polar night, cold, but they work and exceed plans and deliver quality. We have old-timers here - the young master Pogodaev, he worked as a driller and recently returned from a course. Now I have drilled two wells with great acceleration. Smart, nice guy... Our foreman Yuri Georgievich Tretyakov, namesake of the head of the Hervieu department. He’s also a fighting guy, he knows how to light people up. Rytov, Komsomol leader at his drilling site. He recently returned from a drilling course, and his shift is working great...

The most interesting time, the most interesting place, the most interesting people!


Prepared based on materials from the book “Energy of Yamal”.

Podshibyakin Vasily Tikhonovich(January 1, 1928 - May 20, 1997) - Soviet geologist, head of the Yamalneftegazrazvedka trust. Participated in the discovery of large and unique natural gas fields in the northern regions of Western Siberia, including the world's largest Urengoy gas field.


Vasily Tikhonovich Podshibyakin was born on January 1, 1928 in the village of Nikitsky, Volovsky district, Tula region. His grandfather served as an orderly for Nicholas II, and his father, Tikhon Afanasyevich, was one of the first chairmen of the collective farm. The family had five children, including Vasily.

At the age of five, Podshibyakin was accepted into school, where in 1941 he completed eight classes.

From 1943 to 1945, he studied to become a machinist at vocational school No. 8 in Uzlovaya, Tula region. After graduating from college, he worked as an assistant driver on the railway. He studied at evening school, and in 1951 he entered the Moscow Petroleum Institute named after Academician Gubkin. I passed the entrance exams with flying colors. He studied with passion and wrote several scientific student papers.

After defending his thesis, he asked to be sent to Siberia. Having become a mining engineer, he worked in the north of the Tomsk region in Narym, developing Berezovo. He started as an assistant drilling foreman. In 1956 he was appointed senior engineer of the Narym oil exploration, and in 1958 he became its head.

In 1959, oil exploration, headed by V.T. Podshibyakin, was relocated to the Tyumen region on the banks of the middle Ob. In the same 1959, he headed the Nizhnevartovsk party of the Surgut complex expedition.

In 1963, V. T. Podshibyakin was appointed head of the Tazovskaya oil exploration expedition, and since February 1967 he has been the manager of the Yamalo-Nenets Geological Exploration Trust for oil and gas.

With his participation, the Igrimskaya and Shukhtungorsk groups of gas fields were drilled, and exploration of the Tazovskoye and Urengoyskoye fields was carried out. Under his leadership, 36 gas fields were discovered in the Yamalo-Nenets District, including Zapolyarnoye, Tambeyskoye, Medvezhye, Yamburgskoye, Novoportovskoye, Urengoyskoye.

On April 21, 1970, the Committee for Lenin and State Prizes in the field of science and technology under the Council of Ministers of the USSR awarded V. A. Abazarov, G. P. Bogomyakov, I. Ya. Gira, L. N. Kabaev, K. V. Kavalerov, A. G. Kraev, B. N. Kryuchkov, V. P. Maksimov, O. A. Moskovtsev, I. I. Nesterov, S. A. Orudzhev, V. T. Podshibyakin, F. K. Salmanov, V. G. Smirnov, V. V. Sobolevsky, A. D. Storozhev, Yu. B. Fain, V. Yu. Filanovsky-Zenkov Lenin Prizes in 1970 “for the discovery of large and unique natural gas fields in the northern regions of Western Siberia, effective exploration them and the preparation of industrial reserves.”

In 1971, in connection with the liquidation of the trust, he was appointed head of the Urengoy oil exploration expedition. In 1976, Vasily Tikhonovich was appointed head of the Yamal production geological association for oil and gas exploration "Yamalneftegazgeologiya" of the Main Tyumen Production Geological Directorate. Until 1997, Podshibyakin was the permanent leader of this association.

An excellent specialist in his field, a brilliant organizer and business executive, who never reached into his pocket for a sharp word in disputes with his superiors and knew how, like no one else, to get his associates to do a good deed...

V. D. Tokarev, A. P. Lidov. The era of Hervieu. - Moscow: Siburgeo, 2009. - 366 p.

For his services in the discovery and exploration of oil and gas fields in the Tyumen region in 1981, Vasily Tikhonovich was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

He was elected to the State Duma of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

That heroic era - the era of the development of Yamal, the era of the discovery of the largest oil and gas fields in the Arctic, how the indigenous peoples of the North perceived this time - is very well said in the poems of the famous Khanty poet, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Roman Rugin. He responded to the landing of the first landing of explorers in Novy Urengoy with the poem “Fire-Breathing Land,” dedicated to the Lenin Prize laureate, Hero of Socialist Labor Vasily Tikhonovich Podshibyakin.

O Motherland! You sent us brothers, They found the magic keys, And in the vast expanses of Yagel moss they revealed to us the treasures of the Earth. Probably the sky with a cloudy canopy raised a gas fountain above the world. And the horizon, which was behind the forest, shifted beyond the distant ocean.

Rugin R.P. Fire-breathing region // Samotlor. - Tyumen, 1975. - P. 3-6.

He was buried in Tyumen at the Chervishevsky cemetery, to the right of the main entrance, not far from the grave of Yu. G. Ervie. On the monument, as a testament to future generations, the motto is embossed: “Go forward, search and do not give up!”, which Vasily Tikhonovich Podshibyakin himself followed throughout his life.


On October 15, 2005, a monument was erected in Salekhard to the pioneer of oil and gas Yamal, Vasily Podshibyakin. One of the streets and a microdistrict of this city bears his name.


  • Hero of Socialist Labor (1983);
  • Order of Lenin (1983);
  • Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1966, 1979);
  • Lenin Prize laureate (1970);
  • Honored Geologist of the Russian Federation.