Russian diet for weight loss menu. Russian diet: menu options. Grandma's recipes for weight loss

The Russian diet is a type of low-calorie diet. The diet developed by Russian nutritionists deserves attention.

Duration diets are designed for two month. During this time the creators guarantee loss weight up to three kilograms. It should be noted that the Russian diet compared to many other diets, composed with a reasonable approach, it takes into account the physiological features of the human body. The Russian diet involves long-term use of the proposed nutritional system. This feature can be considered a disadvantage, and at the same time, an advantage of this diet. Depending for that what purposeYou put in front of you.

If you want to lose weight quickly and are not interested in long-term results, then this diet is not suitable for you.

If you intend get stable and long lasting result, and at the same time not experience psychological discomfort, maintain excellent health and good health in this case the Russian diet this is exactly what you need. The basis of the Russian diet is a low-calorie diet. Consequently, the diet contains many restrictions and exceptions. First of all, the nutritional system of this diet completely excludes carbohydrate consumption. Basic ban refers to sugar, sweets, ice cream, jam, all kinds of confectionery and baked goods.

The second number on the list of restrictions is consumption of animal fats, Russian nutritionists recommend replace them in the diet on unrefined vegetable fats. Consumption of unrefined vegetable fats first cold pressed very good for health. Restrictions also apply to quantitative salt consumption. Therefore, from the diet excluded the following products: pickles, All smoked sausages, brisket, salty and spicy dishes. As an alternative to spicy dishes, the diet suggests eating sauerkraut, which is also extremely healthy.

Nutritionists recommend excluding any alcoholic beverages during the diet.

In their opinion, alcohol is a powerful catalyst for obesity. Allowed Russian products include: fresh vegetables, fruits and berries in unlimited quantities, steamed or boiled low-fat meats, poultry, sea fish, stewed vegetables. Unlimited allowed drinking regime, diet recommends natural coffee, natural teas unflavored and herbal teas, natural juices no added sugar.

Nutritionists offer approximate weekly menu which you you can adjust at your discretion, but at the same time, without going beyond recommendations and daily allowance calorie content diet.

Weekly menu of the Russian diet by day.

First day

For breakfast: one hundred grams of boiled fish fillet, one hundred and fifty grams of vegetable side dish of boiled carrots, canned peas, sauerkraut, unsweetened natural black coffee (one cup).

For second breakfast: a large cup of low-fat natural yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese (100 g), green apple.

For lunch: a portion of vegetarian borscht with beans, stewed vegetables (150 g), apple compote (one glass).

For dinner: one hundred grams of steamed fish fillet, two small baked potatoes, a cup of hot green tea (do not sweeten).

Second day

For breakfast: two hundred grams of shredded white cabbage, green peas, onions and herbs, season with any vegetable oil. A large cup of brewed black coffee beans.

For second breakfast: a cup of low-fat kefir.

For lunch: boiled veal (100 g) with chopped boiled carrots, one glass of fresh apple juice.

For dinner: one hundred grams of baked fish fillet, two small baked potatoes, one orange.

The third day

For breakfast: one soft-boiled egg, one piece of rye bread. A large cup of natural brewed coffee.

For second breakfast: one hundred grams of buckwheat porridge with chopped fruit.

For lunch: boiled poultry breast (150 g), two apples, one orange.

For dinner: a portion of vinaigrette without potatoes with a dessert spoon of mustard oil, one glass of fresh apple juice or compote.

Fourth day

For breakfast: one glass of low-fat kefir, one rye bread.

For second breakfast: a plate of chopped fresh vegetables and herbs, season with a dessert spoon of mustard oil.

For lunch: boiled beef fillet (one hundred grams), a plate with chopped pickled white cabbage, green peas and onions (150 g).

For dinner: a portion of vegetable soup in low-fat meat broth, fresh carrot salad (100 g) chopped on a grater, season with low-fat natural yogurt.

Fifth day

For breakfast: three tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese. A large cup of natural brewed coffee.

For second breakfast: choice of any two citrus fruits, two medium apples and one glass of orange juice.

For lunch: one hundred grams of boiled lean poultry breast, finely chopped fresh cabbage seasoned with lemon juice and vegetable oil, one glass of fresh orange juice.

For dinner: baked lean fish fillet (150 g), one hundred grams of currants and gooseberries. A cup of warm green tea (not sweetened).

Sixth day

For first breakfast: one hundred grams of boiled veal, a large plate of side dish of shredded sauerkraut, green peas and onions.

For second breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (100 g);

For lunch: a portion of vegetable soup with mushroom or low-fat meat broth, a slice of bran bread.

For dinner: one hundred grams of boiled lean pork, a side dish of boiled grated beets with chopped prunes, herbal tea.

Seventh day

For first breakfast: a portion of buckwheat porridge, seasoned with a dessert spoon of May honey. A large cup of natural brewed coffee.

For second breakfast: fill a plate with assorted chopped fresh fruits with low-fat natural yoghurt.

For lunch: one hundred grams of boiled fish fillet, garnish with chopped fresh vegetables and herbs, season with linseed oil.

For dinner: one hundred grams of grilled chicken breast, two baked jacket potatoes, one green apple or one glass of fresh apple juice.

Losing weight up to 6 kg in 14 days.
The average daily calorie content is 930 Kcal.

Many nutritionists are convinced that only food that has a close connection with a person’s homeland can bring real benefits to the body. Based on this statement, the Russian diet was developed. You can stick to it for a short period of time (a week or two if you want to get rid of a couple of extra pounds) and even for two whole months, after which the weight loss reaches 7-10 kilograms. Of course, the result of losing weight is individual for everyone. Some people can boast of losing as much as 20 kilograms. As a rule, people who have significant excess body weight lose weight this much.

Russian diet requirements

A distinctive feature of the Russian diet is that it does not require the presence of strictly defined foods in the diet. It is worth paying attention only to certain food prohibitions. How strictly to refuse the food listed below (say a strong “no” or simply reduce its amount in the diet as much as possible) is up to you. So, in list of non-recommended products includes: sugar and any products containing it, fat, mayonnaise, mustard and other fatty and high-calorie sauces, smoked foods, flour (you can eat a piece or two of rye or black bread a day), alcohol, store-bought seasonings.

If you follow this weight loss technique for up to two weeks, you can completely stop consuming salt. But if you follow the rules of the Russian diet for a longer period of time, it is better to still use salt, only in moderation. A good habit of adding salt to food just before eating, and not during cooking, will help you avoid oversalting your dish.

Other foods not included in the above list are allowed to be eaten. Of course, try to choose the most healthy and not very fatty foods. And don't overeat. If you eat too much food, you can gain weight even while on a diet.

It is recommended to eat 4 times a day. Organize your eating routine so that it consists of three main meals and a snack (between breakfast and lunch or between lunch and dinner). It is better to refuse any food 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Try not to eat more than 200 grams of food at a time and eat at approximately equal intervals. Do not include monotonous foods on the menu. The body must receive a sufficient amount of the right proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Don't forget to drink clean water. Tea and coffee are allowed to be consumed empty.

Undoubtedly, physical activity will improve diet results. Sports are especially important for those who are planning significant weight loss. Otherwise, the skin may simply sag. Don't be lazy, do at least basic exercises in the morning. And if you manage to visit the gym and, in the absence of contraindications, play sports more actively, your body will be doubly grateful.

Don't forget about the name of the diet. Supplement the protein components of the menu (lean meat, fish, cottage cheese, kefir) with gifts of nature (vegetables, fruits, berries) that grow in your area. And it’s better not to communicate with overseas edible “aliens” often. Products born in their native territory will certainly be more useful.

Porridges should be present on your table; it is better to consume them without additives. But leave the leading place in the menu for the protein component, fruits, vegetables, berries. Vegetable salads can be pampered a little with vegetable oils. But you should not heat-treat the oil. By doing this you will not only increase its calorie content, but also kill all its beneficial properties.

After leaving the diet, if it did not cause you discomfort, you can continue to eat, following the basic principles of diet. Just increase your caloric intake a little and, if desired, allow yourself food indulgences (but not very often).

Russian diet menu

Day 1
Breakfast: a piece of boiled or baked fish; a couple of tablespoons of sauerkraut (you can add green peas to it); tea, coffee or compote.
Snack: low-fat cottage cheese with apple pieces (you can add a teaspoon of natural honey).
Lunch: a portion of lean borscht; a little cabbage stewed in the company of carrots; tea.
Dinner: steamed fish fillet and a couple of baked potatoes; tea.

Day 2
Breakfast: salad of fresh white cabbage, green peas and onions; coffee or tea.
Snack: a glass of low-fat kefir.
Lunch: beef stroganoff and grated boiled carrots; compote.
Dinner: boiled fish and boiled potatoes; apple and tea.

Day 3
Breakfast: a portion of buckwheat porridge with pieces of pears and plums; compote.
Snack: boiled egg; Rye bread; tea or coffee.
Lunch: boil or bake chicken fillet (it’s better to get rid of the skin first); For dessert, eat a couple of small apples.
Dinner: vinaigrette and a glass of compote or freshly squeezed juice.

Day 4
Breakfast: a piece of rye bread and a glass of kefir.
Snack: salad of any vegetables, sprinkled with a little vegetable oil.
Lunch: a piece of boiled lean meat and a couple of tablespoons of sauerkraut with green peas.
Dinner: a bowl of vegetable soup with meat broth; a little grated carrots, lightly seasoned with vegetable oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Day 5
Breakfast: cottage cheese with a teaspoon of honey or your favorite jam; a glass of compote or tea.
Snack: pear and apple salad.
Lunch: boiled or baked beef; salad of white cabbage and various greens; a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice or compote.
Dinner: fish cooked in the oven; a handful of berry mix from black currants and gooseberries; tea.

Day 6
Breakfast: boiled chicken fillet; 2 tbsp. l. sauerkraut; tea or coffee.
Snack: a portion of low-fat cottage cheese, to which you can add any finely chopped fruit or a handful of berries.
Lunch: a bowl of vegetable soup cooked in low-fat mushroom or meat broth; a piece of black or rye bread.
Dinner: lean pork fillet; grated beets with several prunes; tea.

Day 7
Breakfast: buckwheat with 1 tsp. natural honey; tea or coffee.
Snack: salad of slices of plums, pears and apples.
Lunch: baked fish fillet; cucumber and tomato salad.
Dinner: a couple of boiled potatoes and a slice of baked chicken; an apple or a glass of freshly squeezed juice (compote).

Contraindications of the Russian diet

  • The Russian diet has no strict contraindications. If you feel good, it should only be for the good.
  • Taking into account the recommendations of the attending physician, people who have any diseases or health conditions that require special nutrition should introduce the rules of this diet into their lives.

Advantages of the Russian diet

  1. The menu of the Russian diet is hearty, varied and appeals to many.
  2. If you do not cut down your diet too much, your body will not be harmed, and, moreover, your health will improve. After all, it is known that proper nutrition has a beneficial effect on the functioning of our organs and systems. It is unlikely that you will encounter feelings of hunger, weakness and other unpleasant companions of many weight loss methods.
  3. As a rule, if you don’t frankly abuse junk food, the weight after a diet does not return for a long time. The technique teaches you how to eat properly and, most likely, after completing it, you yourself will not want to stuff your body with fatty and high-calorie foods. After all, during a diet, it adapts to a new working mode, and, accordingly, our taste preferences change.
  4. The Russian diet also has a positive effect on metabolism. Metabolic processes are normalized, and this increases the chances of maintaining the results obtained by losing weight.
  5. The good news is that on the Russian diet you don’t need to buy any unusual, expensive, hard-to-find products. The diet is based on food that is sold in almost any store or market. You can grow many products yourself if you have a garden.

Disadvantages of the Russian diet

  • Determining the shortcomings of the Russian diet is very subjective. For example, nutrition experts consider slow rates of weight loss to be an advantage. But for those people who want to quickly lose weight, gradual long-term weight loss can be considered a disadvantage.
  • Not everyone may have the strength and patience to control their diet for quite a long time.
  • The rules of the Russian diet still require a certain amount of time to prepare food, which may not appeal to people who are not familiar with cooking or those who are simply very busy.

Repeated implementation of the Russian diet

It is better not to resort to repeating the Russian diet (if you have been on it for more than a month) for the next three months.

The essence of the Russian diet

The Russian diet menu is varied, tasty and satisfying. Those who are losing weight are unlikely to feel hungry, because they can enjoy borscht, vegetable soup, sauerkraut, vinaigrette, meat, compote, porridge and much more. No harm will be done to the body. At the end of the diet, there is no desire to fill your stomach with everything edible.

The duration of the diet is at least 2 months. The weight will not decrease rapidly. The scales will move by the end of 2-3 weeks. During the diet, the body’s functioning will improve, ensuring proper absorption of food in the future. The diet guarantees the fixation of the result, because the body is accustomed to all the innovations.

All the delights of Russian traditional cuisine will support you on the way to a slim figure. The advantage of the diet is its balance. During the diet, the body will adapt to a new type of nutrition and change its taste.

By the end of the second month, the number on the scales will be 7-10 kg less than before. However, the result is strictly individual: some reviews indicate a loss of 15-20 kg during the diet.

The following foods have been added to the list of prohibited foods:

Fried, smoked products,

Fast food,

Confectionery and flour products, sweets, ice cream, chocolate, candies,

Alcoholic drinks,

Carbonated sweet water,

Salt, mustard, pepper, sauces (especially hot and fatty), mayonnaise. And everything else is permitted.

How long does the Russian diet last?

The duration of the Russian diet is about two months. The time period, of course, is considerable, but after familiarizing yourself with the menu of this diet, you will understand that you simply will not be able to die of hunger, and losing a couple of unnecessary kilograms will be easy.

Russian diet menu

The first day

Breakfast first. Boiled fish (100 g), a portion of sauerkraut salad, green peas and boiled carrots (150 g), a cup of unsweetened black coffee.

Second breakfast. Boiled meat (150 g), a portion of cottage cheese with a small percentage of fat (100 g) and two large apples for dessert.

Dinner. Vegetable soup, a portion of cabbage stewed with carrots. For dessert – apple compote without added sugar.

Dinner. Boiled potatoes (2 pcs.), boiled fish (150 g) and a cup of black tea.

Second day

Breakfast first. A serving (200 g) of vegetable salad made from fresh white cabbage, green peas and onions. The salad can be seasoned with vegetable oil. A cup of unsweetened black coffee.

Second breakfast. One glass of low-fat yogurt or kefir.

Dinner. A little beef stroganoff (100 g), boiled carrots and a glass of apple compote.

Dinner. Boiled fish (150 g), boiled potatoes (2 pcs.), one orange for dessert.

Day three

Breakfast first. Soft-boiled egg (1 pc.), one piece of dried black bread and a cup of unsweetened black coffee.

Second breakfast. A serving of buckwheat porridge (100 g).

Dinner. Boiled poultry (150 g), for dessert - two apples and one orange.

Dinner. A portion of vinaigrette seasoned with vegetable oil (200 g), a glass of apple compote.

Day four

Breakfast first. A glass of low-fat kefir with one piece of dried bread.

Second breakfast. A serving of salad made from any raw vegetables (at your discretion).

Dinner. A serving of boiled meat (100 g) and vegetable salad (150 g) from sauerkraut, green peas, boiled carrots.

Dinner. A bowl of vegetable soup, 100 g of fresh carrots, grated and seasoned with sour cream or vegetable oil.

Day five

Breakfast first. A small portion of cottage cheese (100 g) and a cup of unsweetened black coffee.

Second breakfast. Fruit (two apples and two oranges) and a glass of fresh orange juice.

Dinner. A serving of fresh white cabbage, seasoned with lemon juice (150 g), one sausage and juice from one orange.

Dinner. A serving of fried fish (100 g), 200 g of any berries (for example, 100 g of gooseberries and red currants) and a glass of still mineral water.

Day six

Breakfast first. A serving of boiled meat (100 g) and sauerkraut (100 g).

Second breakfast. A serving of low-fat cottage cheese (100 g).

Dinner. A plate of soup cooked with mushrooms, and with it one piece of black bread.

Dinner. Portion of pork (200 g). It can be boiled or stewed. Beetroot salad with the addition of a couple of prunes and a cup of black tea.

Day seven

Breakfast first. A serving of buckwheat porridge (100 g) and one tablespoon of honey.

Second breakfast. Salad from any fruit (150 g).

Dinner. A serving of boiled fish (100 g) and vegetable salad of your choice, dressed with vegetable oil (150 g).

Dinner. A portion of boiled meat (100 g), boiled potatoes in their jackets (2 pieces) and a glass of compote or apple juice.

All subsequent weeks you repeat this menu from the first to the seventh day.

The effectiveness of the Russian diet

This diet is classified as long-term and allows you to gradually, without much stress on the body, lose about 7-10 extra kilograms of weight. The kilograms will not return to you at lightning speed after completing the course. Because the body will already be accustomed to a more restrained diet.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Russian diet

During the entire time you follow this diet, you can not only lose weight, but in addition to everything else, change your gastronomic habits. Let us remember that two months is a considerable period of time during which you can get used to a more gentle diet. You will get used to eating small portions, which will help reduce the volume of your stomach. In the future, the body will independently be saturated with a small amount of food, and you will not feel the desire to eat a “set lunch”. You will also wean yourself off sweets, flour products and other delicacies that carry virtually no benefit, but only extra calories.

Although the diet is long-term, its menu is designed in such a way that you do not have to go hungry. You will not be tormented by thoughts of stealing something quietly from the refrigerator while no one is looking. In addition, the set and quantity of products offered will not harm your health and stomach in particular.

Another advantage of the Russian diet is that the menu sometimes allows you to prepare vegetable salads and soups from any products that you like.

Among the disadvantages of the Russian diet is the fact that the extra pounds will leave your sides and stomach with obvious reluctance and after some time. For some people, it will be normal to see at least small changes in weight only after two to three weeks of starting the diet. As a rule, we want to see results from a diet within a couple of days, not weeks. Therefore, this diet is for people with a lot of patience. Many may not be able to withstand a few days of dieting, which will not have the desired effect, and will return to their normal diet.

Also note that eating four meals a day involves some difficulties if you work and eat in the office and do not go home during your lunch break. Strict prescriptions and calculated doses of products can lead to a dead end. After all, not every person will agree to prepare their lunch in advance every day for a long time, pack it in small bowls and jars to take with them to work.

Russian diet for weight loss: rules, menus, recipes

Russian diet: menu, recipes for weight loss

Rules of the Russian diet:

It is necessary to reduce the usual portion size to 150-200 g, and eat 4-6 times a day;
It is recommended to drink 1.5 liters or more of pure water without gas;
You can create your own menu yourself using the examples below.

Strict Russian diet for 3 days

To lose up to 4 kg in 3 days, you need to drink only skim milk all this time:
First day: drink 250 g every 2 hours;
Second day: drink a glass of milk once every 1.5 hours;
Third day: drink milk every hour.

Russian diet for 14 days: menu

This option is used most often by those who want to lose up to 8-10 kg in 2 weeks:
We have breakfast with a salad of boiled carrots, baked fish, tea or coffee without sugar;
For lunch we eat 2 apples, 100 g of cottage cheese and 150 g of boiled meat;
We have lunch with vegetarian borscht and a salad of stewed vegetables, drink compote;
We have dinner with baked potatoes in their jackets (3 pieces) and boiled fish.

Russian diet for 7 days: minus 10 kg

To quickly get rid of 10 kilograms, you can use this example menu:
We have 100 g of cottage cheese for breakfast, wash it down with tea;
For lunch we eat a pear or an apple;
We have lunch with vegetable salad;
We have an afternoon tea or compote;
We have dinner with 100 g of boiled meat and a portion of sauerkraut.

Russian diet for men

The problem of excess weight often affects men, and in this case it is necessary to strictly limit your diet for 2 weeks:
We have breakfast with cabbage salad and a cup of coffee;
For lunch we drink 250 g of kefir;
We have lunch with a couple of apples and a piece of boiled chicken breast;
We have an afternoon snack with juice or compote;
We have dinner with vinaigrette and apple juice.

Russian diet for the winter

This diet was created not for weight loss, but to strengthen the immune system, because in the cold season the body needs this most of all:
We have breakfast with a steamed omelet, sauerkraut salad, and drink coffee;
For lunch we drink a glass of fermented baked milk;
We promise chicken soup, vinaigrette and a slice of bread;
We have an afternoon snack with two baked apples with honey;
We have dinner with baked potatoes and boiled fish.
Russian diet: recipes

Vinaigrette recipe:

Boil potatoes, carrots, beets, peas, beans;
Peel and chop the vegetables, chop the onions, chop the pickles, mix everything with sauerkraut;
Salt, add vegetable oil, sprinkle with herbs and mix.

Recipe for lean green borscht:

Bring to a boil and salt the water;
Boil the eggs;
Chop the potatoes, onions, eggs and herbs, throw them into the pan;
Add black pepper, sorrel and herbs;
Boil until done.

Vegetable salad recipe:

Cut the zucchini, pour in vegetable oil and lemon juice, marinate in this sauce for 15 minutes;
We tear the mint and spinach with our hands and place them on the bottom;
Grind onions, chicken meat and nuts, grate cheese;
Mix everything.

Russian diet for effective weight loss

Due to the satiety and lack of need for fasting, nutritionists consider this technique safe and effective. The thing is that her diet is carefully balanced, so she allows you to lose weight without harm to the body.

Exit from the Russian diet

Quitting the Russian diet takes no more than one week

In the first 4 days, we increase calorie content by 250 Kcal;
On the remaining days we introduce 1 new dish.

Results of the Russian diet

The results of the Russian diet can be compared with the most popular nutrition systems:

Smooth weight loss;
Normalization of metabolism;
Increased immunity and good health.

To prevent the kilograms from returning in the future, you will have to limit the consumption of sweets and fatty foods, otherwise the weight may increase several times and quite quickly.

To answer the question posed, let's start by noting that the diet was called Russian not at all because it contains traditional Russian dishes, for example, pancakes or cabbage soup. Not at all. It’s just that the authors of this diet were Russian nutritionists. Therefore, this diet for weight loss has become famous in all countries of the world, like the Russian diet.

To tell the truth, the Russian diet necessarily includes borscht, vinaigrette, sauerkraut, and compote. But the essence of the diet is hidden elsewhere. While on the diet, you should limit your intake of animal fats, carbohydrates and sugar. Only vegetable fats can be consumed. And the restrictions include liquids and salt. All hot seasonings (mustard, hot pepper, mayonnaise), salted and smoked foods (herring, marinades, canned vegetables, sausages, etc.) are strictly prohibited in the Russian diet, and, as in many other diets, all sweets (chocolate, sweets, baked goods, ice cream). The consumption of any alcoholic or alcohol-containing drinks is also completely excluded.

The foundation of the Russian diet is vegetables, their decoctions and vegetable soups, boiled low-fat meat, and fruits.

The Russian diet is designed for two months. At the same time, you will achieve a reliable result - your weight will decrease from seven to ten kilograms. Over such a long period of diet, your body will get used to proper nutrition, which will give you the opportunity not to gain excess weight again, but to remain in good shape for a long time.

The Russian diet will have to be repeated weekly. That is, each new week will repeat the previous one.

Weekly diet of the Russian diet

First day:

  • Breakfast - 100 gr. boiled is better than sea fish, 150 gr. sauerkraut, 50 gr. green peas and 50 gr. boiled carrots. You are also allowed to drink one cup of brewed natural coffee for breakfast, but without added sugar.
  • After two to three hours you can have a second breakfast. It can consist of 150 gr. boiled veal meat, 100 gr. low-fat cottage cheese and two small apples.

    If you are not tormented by a strong feeling of hunger, then you can skip the second breakfast. This will make the weight loss process more effective.

  • Lunch - a portion of lean borscht, cabbage and carrots no more than 150 grams, and a glass of apple compote. There is a limitation here - all compotes are simply decoctions of certain fruits. It is strictly not recommended to add sugar to them.
  • Dinner - a piece of boiled fish, a couple of boiled potatoes, green tea without sugar.

Second day:

  • Breakfast - salad with peas and onions from fresh cabbage, black coffee or tea without sugar.
  • Second breakfast - one glass of low-fat kefir.
  • Lunch - 100 gr. stewed meat with boiled carrots, compote.
  • Dinner - a piece of boiled fish, a couple of boiled potatoes, an apple or orange.

The third day:

  • Breakfast - a boiled egg, a slice of black or gray bread, coffee or tea.
  • Second breakfast - 100 gr. buckwheat porridge with dried fruits.
  • Lunch - 150 gr. boiled poultry, apple or orange.
  • Dinner - vinaigrette with vegetable oil, apple juice or compote.

Fourth day:

  • Breakfast - kefir - one glass.
  • Second breakfast - vegetable salad with olive or sunflower oil.
  • Lunch - boiled meat, salad with sauerkraut, peas and onions.
  • Dinner - vegetable soup, salad of fresh grated carrots with vegetable oil.

Fifth day:

  • Breakfast - 150 gr. low-fat cottage cheese, coffee.
  • Second breakfast - apple, orange or juice.
  • Lunch - a piece of boiled meat, cabbage, tea with lemon.
  • Dinner - a piece of boiled or baked fish, half a glass of black currants, a glass of mineral water.

Sixth day:

  • Breakfast - 100 gr. boiled meat and sauerkraut.
  • Second breakfast - cottage cheese - 100 gr.
  • Lunch - vegetable soup, a slice of black bread.
  • Dinner - boiled beef, 100 gr. boiled beets, prunes, green tea.

Seventh day: breakfast - buckwheat porridge with a spoon of honey.

  • Second breakfast - fruit salad - 150 gr.
  • Lunch - boiled fish and vegetable salad with vegetable oil.
  • Dinner - boiled poultry, a couple of boiled potatoes, an apple or juice.

A positive feature of this diet is that it is not a starvation diet, which means it will not put your body under stress. And this will have a great effect on your health.