Biography of Arkady Dvorkovich . Where is Dvorkovich now, what does he do, where does he live and work? Biography of Arkady Dvorkovich

Name: Dvorkovich Arkady Vladimirovich. Date of birth: March 26, 1972. Place of birth: Moscow, USSR.

Childhood and education

Arkady Dvorkovich was born in March 1972 into an intelligent family. His mother, Galina Lvovna, worked as a design engineer, his father, Vladimir Yakovlevich, was an international chess arbiter, chairman of the panel of judges of the Russian Chess Federation. Arkady Vladimirovich is Jewish by nationality.

Arkady has a brother, Mikhail, who is six years younger than him. Mikhail Dvorkovich is currently a successful Russian businessman and the founder of the New Business association of entrepreneurs.

Arkady Dvorkovich graduated from Moscow school No. 444 with in-depth study of mathematics, computer science and physics.

After graduating from a special school, Arkady Dvorkovich entered Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov to the Faculty of Economics. One of Dvorkovich’s classmates was the future businessman Ziyavudin Magomedov. In 1994, Arkady Vladimirovich graduated from high school and received a diploma in economic cybernetics. In the same year he graduated from the Russian School of Economics.

Dvorkovich received his master's degree in economics from the private American Duke University in 1997.

Political activity

After graduating from university, Dvorkovich began his career at the Ministry of Finance. There, Arkady Vladimirovich was hired as a consultant to an economic expert group that deals with problems of public finance and macroeconomics. His career quickly gained momentum. So, in three years he “grew” to the post of scientific director of EEG.

In 2000, Dvorkovich, on the recommendation of Chubais, became an expert at the Center for Strategic Research, from where many employees of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation later came. At the Center, Arkady Vladimirovich worked under the leadership of German Gref and was part of a group developing the country's budget and tax policies.

In 2000, German Gref received the post of Minister of Economic Development and almost the next day he appointed Dvorkovich as his adviser. A year later, Dvorkovich became Gref’s deputy. In this position, he headed the departments of macroeconomic analysis and finance, as well as the banking department in the Investment Policy Department.

Since 2004, Dvorkovich worked as head of the Expert Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation. This division is engaged in the preparation of expert opinions, analytical reports and other necessary materials.

With Dmitry Medvedev's victory in the 2008 Russian presidential elections, Dvorkovich was appointed as his assistant.

In 2006, Arkady Vladimirovich joined the leadership of the Russian Football Union, but a year later he switched to his father’s sports discipline - chess. And in 2007, Dvorkovich took the post of vice-president of the Russian Chess Federation. During his leadership, a new team came to the Russian Chess Federation, which achieved good success: the National Cup was revived, children's competitions were created, and chess life in the country intensified significantly. In 2009, he left the post of vice-president of the Russian Chess Federation.

In 2008, Dvorkovich was entrusted with the post of responsible for contacts with colleagues from foreign countries and preparation for the G8 summit.

According to the presidential order, Dvorkovich was one of the participants in the development of the Skolkovo project. In 2010, he joined the board of trustees of the Skolkovo Foundation.

In the spring of 2012, by decree of President Putin, Dvorkovich was appointed Deputy Prime Minister of Russia. Dvorkovich coordinates issues in the field of fuel and energy complex, industry, transport, agriculture, communications, science, biotechnology and innovation.

In June 2015, Dvorkovich joined the board of directors of Russian Railways OJSC as chairman. In the same year, Arkady Dvorkovich took over the post of Chairman of the NES Board of Directors, replacing Maxim Boyko, who headed the board of directors of the university for more than 10 years.

For his professional achievements, the statesman was repeatedly awarded honorary state awards. Among them: the Order of Honor, the Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, and the Medal for Contribution to the Creation of the Eurasian Economic Union.

According to the income statement for 2016, Dvorkovich earned 24.7 million rubles, his wife Zumrud Khandadashevna earned 60.5 million rubles.

The family owns several apartments, 2 cars, a land plot of 4800 sq.m. and several parking spaces.

Personal life

Arkady Dvorkovich is married. Just at the very height of his career in 2000, he married Lezgin Zumrud Rustamova, who at that time was the Deputy Minister of Property Relations of the Russian Federation.

She currently works as Deputy General Director of the Russian mining company Politmetal and is a member of the board of directors of a number of large Russian companies. It should be noted that the politician’s wife works in structures where oligarch Suleiman Kerimov owns a large part of the assets.

The Dvorkovich family has three sons: Pavel, Vladimir and Denis.

Arkady Vladimirovich is fluent in English and German.

In his free time he plays hockey, football, skiing and, of course, enjoys playing chess.

Arkady Dvorkovich is a young, promising and far-sighted Russian politician who from 2012 to 2018 was the “right hand” of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Dvorkovich’s professional “portrait” is characterized by features that allowed him to actively participate in the development of the country’s economy for 15 years, oversee the fuel and energy complex and the entire real spectrum of the Russian economy, and head commissions for monitoring Russian food markets and transport.

At the same time, he was considered one of the few government officials who had the ability to explain in a language understandable to foreigners what was really happening in Russia and initiate economic projects that were supported by the head of the Russian Federation.

Dvorkovich Arkady Vladimirovich was born on March 26, 1972 in Moscow in the family of the famous chess grandmaster Vladimir Yakovlevich Dvorkovich and design engineer Galina Lvovna. He became the youngest child of his parents - the eldest son Mikhail, who is currently a successful entrepreneur, was brought up in the family. From childhood, the future Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation showed interest in the exact sciences, since his father, a chess player, taught his children from birth to think logically and think through their actions several steps ahead.

To develop analytical skills in their son, Arkady’s parents sent him to study at specialized physics and mathematics school No. 444. After graduating from school, the future economist entered a prestigious university and became a student at Moscow State University. Lomonosov. While studying at the Faculty of Economic Cybernetics, Dvorkovich felt a boundless thirst for knowledge, so he found the strength to graduate from the Russian School of Economics in parallel with the university.

After graduating from university, Arkady Vladimirovich consolidated his knowledge at the American Duke University, where in 1997 he was awarded a master's degree in economics.


The political biography of Arkady Dvorkovich after graduation is continuously connected with the economic development of Russia. Having become a certified economist, he began his working career at the Ministry of Finance, where he was hired as a consultant to the economic expert group. In a short time, Arkady Vladimirovich managed to prove his high professional skills and take the post of general director and scientific director of EEG. At that time, Dvorkovich was involved in forecasting budget revenues, providing assistance to the macroeconomic policy department of the Ministry of Finance, and also took an active part in negotiations with the IMF.

Already in 2000, the future Deputy Prime Minister of Russia went to work at the Center for Economic Development, from where many officials of the country's Ministry of Economic Development later left. Literally six months later, Dvorkovich received the position of adviser to the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, who then received the portfolio, and in 2001 he became his deputy.

At the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the visionary economist supervised the department of finance and macroeconomic analysis, as well as the banking department in the investment policy department. Having demonstrated his professionalism in his position, Arkady Vladimirovich in 2004 was appointed head of the expert department of the President of the Russian Federation, who ruled until 2008 inclusive.

After Dmitry Medvedev took over as head of the Russian Federation in 2008, Dvorkovich was appointed his assistant, in which position his responsibilities from his previous job essentially did not change. Along with his work in the government, since 2007, Arkady Vladimirovich was the vice-president of the Russian Chess Federation, dealing with the development of children's chess in the country and the economic support of this process.

In 2009, he was forced to resign and leave the Russian Chess Federation, as the Russian President opposed combining government positions with posts in sports federations.

Also in 2008, Arkady Dvorkovich was entrusted with the post of Russian Sherpa, in which he represented the Russian president in the G7 international club. In 2009, the political economist was included in the working group for the development of the Skolkovo innovation center.

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

In 2012, after Vladimir Putin’s victory in the presidential elections and the appointment of Dmitry Medvedev to the post of Prime Minister of Russia, Dvorkovich became Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and the “right hand” of the head of the Cabinet of Ministers. This stage of Arkady Vladimirovich’s career is associated with the economic crisis in the country and the introduction of Western economic sanctions.

The achievements of Arkady Dvorkovich as Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation are difficult to overestimate. He, together with the government team, quickly find a way to resist the countries that support them, doing this with benefit for the development of domestic production.

True, not all proposals initiated by Dvorkovich find support in the government, but many of the politician-economist’s projects are approved by the country’s leading officials. For his professional achievements, the politician was repeatedly awarded honorary state awards.

In June 2015, Arkady Dvorkovich was appointed to the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Russian Railways. In this position, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation led a group of highly professional managers whose competence included developing long-term strategic goals for one of the largest transport companies in the world and conducting an audit of the railway monopoly.

Personal life

Arkady Dvorkovich's personal life is as successful as his career. In 2000, at the dawn of his political rise, the economist married Lezghin Zumrud Rustamova, whom he met on the sidelines of the Russian government. At that time, Dvorkovich’s wife held the post of Deputy Minister of Property Relations of the Russian Federation and, due to the nature of her service, often overlapped with Arkady Vladimirovich. In the marriage, Dvorkovich had three sons - Pavel, Vladimir and Denis, born in May 2015.

In addition to the politics and economics of Russia, Arkady Vladimirovich is fond of playing chess and takes an active part in the chess life of the country, continuing the work of his father, who died in 2005. He gives particular preference to the game "kriegspiel", considered the most "perverted" form of chess, since during the game the players do not see each other's pieces and moves.

In addition to chess, Arkady Dvorkovich devotes his free time to hockey, football and alpine skiing. He also pays attention to foreign languages, so he is fluent in English and German, which allows him to freely dialogue with Western colleagues.


Arkady Dvorkovich's income for 2014 amounted to 5 million 703 thousand rubles, and his wife Zumrud Rustamova - 49 million 809 thousand rubles. The Dvorkovich family also owns 3 land plots with a total area of ​​13.5 thousand sq.m., a residential building, 3 apartments (2 of which are registered in the name of their sons) with a total area of ​​almost 300 sq.m.

According to the declaration, both spouses have Lexus RX 330 and LX 570 cars, which are registered to Zumrud Rustamova.

Arkady Dvorkovich now

On March 18, 2018, they took place, in which Vladimir Putin won again. After taking office, Vladimir Putin offered the position of prime minister to Dmitry Medvedev. On May 18, he was announced to journalists. Arkady Dvorkovich did not retain his position as Deputy Prime Minister.

Immediately after his resignation, Dvorkovich was elected co-chairman of the board of the Skolkovo Foundation.


A. Dvorkovich was born on March 26, 1972. in Moscow in the family of a famous chess arbiter Vladimir Dvorkovich.

1994 – graduated from the Faculty of Economics Moscow State University majoring in economic cybernetics, studied in the same course with the future leader of the Summa group. In 1994 became a member of the economic expert group at Ministry of Finance of Russia, went through all stages - from consultant to general director and scientific leader of the expert group.

1997 – A. Dvorkovich graduated Duke University(USA), received a master's degree in economics. 2000 – co-authored “Russia’s Economic Strategy in the First Decade of the 21st Century,” prepared under the auspices of the foundation "Liberal Mission"(the leaders of the fund are the former Deputy Chairman of the Government of the RSFSR Yegor Gaidar and former Minister of Economy of Russia Evgeniy Yasin). In 2000 became an expert at the Center for Strategic Research, headed by the future Minister of Economic Development and Trade and head of Sberbank.

2001 – A. Dvorkovich appointed deputy head MRET, supervised the departments of macroeconomic analysis and finance, the banking department in the investment policy department. It was here that he met his future wife Zumrud Rustamova.

In November 2001 A. Dvorkovich was included in the board of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties and the board of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics.

April 2004 – A. Dvorkovich took the position of head of the expert department of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, engaged in expert and analytical work on financing the activities of the head of state and his administration, preparing expert and analytical materials for the president, and examining national projects.

July 2006 – Member of the Presidium of the Council under the President of Russia for the implementation of priority national projects. June 2007 – Member of the Government Council on Nanotechnologies chaired by the First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov.

September 2007 – became a member of the Presidential Council for the development of physical culture and sports, preparation and holding of the XXII winter Olympic Games in Sochi.

After the victory Dmitry Medvedev in the presidential elections A. Dvorkovich in May 2008. was appointed assistant to the head of state, then - presidential representative for affairs of the group of leading industrial states and relations with representatives of the leaders of the G8 countries.

In June he joined the supervisory board of the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom". Since 2010 member of the trustee fund "Skolkovo".

In May 2012 After V. Putin’s victory in the presidential elections, A. Dvorkovich took the post of Deputy Prime Minister in the government of D. Medvedev, overseeing the entire real sector of the economy. It was reported that A. Dvorkovich will become the curator of the Russian fuel and energy complex instead of. However, the former Deputy Prime Minister managed to defend this sector, essentially leaving A. Dvorkovich out of work: D. Medvedev’s ally was entrusted with only operational issues of the industry.

In June 2012 A. Dvorkovich headed the government commission on transport, and in September of the same year he left the supervisory board of Rosatom.

In August 2015, after resignation from the post of head Russian Railways, Dvorkovich, as , was named among the contenders for this position. However, in the end the corporation was headed Oleg Belozerov.

Touches to the portrait

A. Dvorkovich – First Class Actual State Councilor of Russia, President Guilds of Investment and Financial Analysts. Speaks English and German. Since February 2010 heads the supervisory board Russian Chess Federation.

In April 2010 made a proposal to raise retirement age. According to A. Dvorkovich, the population is “morally ready for such changes.” In January 2011 suggested canceling student scholarships. In June 2011 announced that the government could carry out more decisively and at an accelerated pace privatization program.


Spouse: Zumrud Rustamova, former Deputy Minister of Property Relations of the Russian Federation (2000-2004), Vice President Siberian Coal Energy Company(2004-2006), since 2006 – Deputy General Director of a mining company "Polymetal". They are raising their sons Pavel and Vladimir.

Brother - Mikhail Dvorkovich, a well-known businessman involved in PR and communications, founder of the association of entrepreneurs "New Business". In 2005 – vice president MDM Bank. Collaborated with a notorious entrepreneur Sergei Polonsky. In December 2012 S. Dvorkovich announced the creation of a party "Free Russia", which has not marked any high-profile initiatives over the past year.

Financial interests

According to the income statement for 2012, A. Dvorkovich earned a little more than 5 million rub., while his wife - 78.5 million rub. Most of the profit came from the sale of Polymetal shares. In addition, the family owns a plot of land and a shared ownership apartment with an area of ​​63.5 m2. Finally, they have two Lexus cars.


A. Dvorkovich is known for his strained relations with the former Deputy Prime Minister and head of Rosneft I. Sechin.

A. Dvorkovich’s “chess addictions” backfired on him: in 2010. he actively lobbied for the extension of powers Kirsana Ilyumzhinova as FIDE President. In May 2010 ex-world chess champion, and now a member and deputy of the State Duma Anatoly Karpov in an open letter he actually accused A. Dvorkovich of a raider takeover of the Russian Chess Federation.

In November 2010 A. Dvorkovich harshly criticized the leader Rosmolodezh, founder of the movement. The activist proposed replacing physical education in schools with “healthy lifestyle skills lessons,” the Deputy Prime Minister called the initiative a “nightmare.”

In 2011 A. Dvorkovich spoke negatively about V. Putin’s nomination for president from the party. “Yes, there is no reason to rejoice,” he wrote on his microblog. He explained his absence from the party congress as follows: “It is better to play hockey in the small sports arena of Luzhniki.”

In January 2012 A. Dvorkovich was convicted of violating Traffic rules in the center of Moscow. The official admitted his guilt and announced that the driver had already written an explanatory note, and he himself drew conclusions from this.

In May 2013 a funny incident happened at the entrance to the presidential residence "Bocharov Ruchey". The security did not want to let the car with A. Dvorkovich through, because the official was not on the list. The Deputy Prime Minister had to call his immediate superior, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, and after a short conversation with A. Dvorkovich’s security, they still let him through.

In May 2013 The media caught A. Dvorkovich opposing the adoption of a law dedicated to strengthening state control over the circulation of precious metals. Journalists saw in lobby Deputy Prime Minister the hand of his wife Z. Rustamova.

Arkady Dvorkovich is a young, promising and far-sighted Russian politician who from 2012 to 2018 was the “right hand” of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

As a child, Arkady Dvorkovich showed promise in chess. At one time it even seemed that he would follow in the footsteps of his father, a grandmaster and famous chess judge.

And although Arkady Dvorkovich never became a chess player, he managed to use his remarkable mind, as they say, to the fullest.

After graduating from a special mathematical school, Arkady studied at Moscow State University, at the Faculty of Economics. His specialization was mathematical modeling in economics. It was very difficult to study there, many of his fellow students dropped out of the university, fortunately the nineties were very difficult, when you could make a fortune with lightning speed and just as quickly lose it.

But Arkady Dvorkovich was in no hurry to quit his studies. With his “chess” mind, he understood that quick “combinations” could not lead to anything good.

Arkady Dvorkovich and EEG

In 1994, having barely received a diploma from Moscow State University, Arkady Dvorkovich got a job at the Economic Expert Group (EEG) under the Ministry of Finance. This group, in addition to forecasting budget revenues, provided assistance in the ongoing work of the Department of Macroeconomic Policy of the Ministry of Finance and took part in negotiations with the IMF. In three years, Dvorkovich went from consultant to CEO of EEG, while also managing to study in the USA, at Duke University.

After Arkady Vladimirovich Arkady Dvorkovich headed the EEG, its functions expanded significantly. The group began to engage in medium-term forecasting of the economic situation, prepare presentations for international rating agencies and prospectuses for all Eurobond issues for investors.

The head of the EEG in those years was repeatedly praised by Yegor Gaidar, and Yevgeny Yasin, who held the positions of Minister of Economy and Minister without Portfolio in the nineties, called Dvorkovich nothing more than a “smart boy.”

Thus, Arkady Vladimirovich Arkady Dvorkovich found himself in good standing with all the venerable liberals who “ruled” the economy in those days. Among those who praised him was Anatoly Chubais himself, who even recommended Dvorkovich to the director of the Center for Strategic Research, German Gref.

German Oskarovich not only took Arkady Dvorkovich as an expert, but also instructed him to participate in the development of a new economic program for the government.

In 2000, Gref became Minister of Economic Development and Trade. Literally the next day, he made Arkady Vladimirovich Arkady Dvorkovich his adviser. A year later, Arkady Dvorkovich was appointed deputy minister in charge of the Departments of Macroeconomic Analysis and Finance, as well as the banking department in the Investment Policy Department.

In this position, he took an active part in the development of the “Economic Strategy of Russia in the first decade of the 21st century,” as well as the preparation of measures to “monetize” benefits and introduce a flat tax scale.

Arkady Dvorkovich in the Presidential Administration

In 2004, Arkady Vladimirovich Arkady Dvorkovich went to work in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, becoming the head of the Expert Department. This department provides expert and analytical work on financing the activities of the head of state and his administration, prepares expert and analytical materials for the President, and also coordinates the development and examination of national projects. In a word, the new range of responsibilities was quite extensive and very serious.

Rolling up his sleeves, Arkady Dvorkovich took his new position seriously and remained in the leadership chair on Old Square for four whole years.

Arkady Dvorkovich and Medvedev

In 2008, Dmitry Medvedev became President of the Russian Federation. The new head of state liked the young head of the Expert Directorate with an intelligent face, who also had great ambitions, and he appointed him as his assistant. Soon Arkady Vladimirovich became one of Dmitry Anatolyevich's most trusted persons.

In this position, Arkady Vladimirovich Dvorkovich was remembered for “sleeping through” the 2008 financial crisis. Thus, in July of this year, he publicly stated that shares of Russian companies on stock exchanges are “undervalued,” so “the RTS and MICEX will rise in the coming weeks and months.”

Three months later, the RTS index fell from 1928 to 549 points, and the MICEX index from 1492 to 513 points. In November, Arkady Dvorkovich made another public statement that the Russian budget “is not threatened by a deficit in the coming months,” but even if one occurs, the domestic economy “will continue to grow at a high rate.” But 2009 became a budget deficit, with a drop in GDP of 7.9%.

Typically, assistants and advisors who miss the mark with their forecasts are fired. However, Arkady Vladimirovich Dvorkovich remained in his post for the entire term of Medvedev's presidency, from time to time becoming involved in various scandals. In particular, he put forward the initiative to deprive and cancel scholarships for students, advising them to work part-time after studying as laboratory assistants and librarians.

His other ideas, such as increasing the retirement age by five years, using funds from the Pension Fund to buy out Rusnano bonds and attracting foreign scientists to the “miracle science city” Skolkovo near Moscow through the accelerated construction of golf clubs and restaurants there, can only be called extravagant it is forbidden.

Arkady Dvorkovich and chess

In addition to advice and assistance to the President of the Russian Federation, Dvorkovich did not forget about his childhood hobby - chess. He dreamed of becoming the head of the Russian Chess Federation, but he did it so rudely and assertively that he forever ruined his reputation among chess players, who had previously treated him quite well in memory of his father.

Thus, Arkady Vladimirovich Dvorkovich openly lobbied for the extension of his powers as FIDE President. He also managed to completely fall out with a number of leading Russian grandmasters, including former world champion Anatoly Karpov. But still, Dvorkovich never headed the chess federation, being content with the post of chairman of its supervisory board.

Despite these minor troubles, Arkady Vladimirovich really enjoyed being an assistant to the President of the Russian Federation. Therefore, he dreamed of Dmitry Medvedev's second presidential term. The news that Vladimir Putin will run in the 2012 elections came as a very unpleasant surprise for him. He even allowed himself an uncharacteristic breakdown, speaking negatively about this event on his Twitter and pointedly not appearing at the United Russia congress, noting that at the Small Luzhniki Sports Arena (where the congress was held) “it is better to play hockey” .

Arkady Dvorkovich in the Government of the Russian Federation

In 2012, after Vladimir Putin’s victory in the presidential elections and the appointment of Dmitry Medvedev to the post of Prime Minister of Russia, Dvorkovich became Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and the “right hand” of the head of the Cabinet of Ministers. This stage of Arkady Vladimirovich’s career is associated with the economic crisis in the country and the introduction of Western economic sanctions.

The achievements of Arkady Dvorkovich as Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation are difficult to overestimate. He, together with the government team, quickly find a way to resist the “sanctions war” with the United States and the countries supporting them, doing this with benefit for the development of domestic production.

True, not all proposals initiated by Dvorkovich find support in the government, but many of the politician-economist’s projects are approved by the country’s leading officials. For his professional achievements, the politician was repeatedly awarded honorary state awards.

In June 2015, Arkady Dvorkovich was appointed to the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Russian Railways. In this position, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation led a group of highly professional managers whose competence included developing long-term strategic goals for one of the largest transport companies in the world and conducting an audit of the railway monopoly.

Zumrud Rustamova

Evil tongues say that such a craving for the privatization of state property lies in Arkady Vladimirovich’s love for his wife Zumrud Rustamova. This worthy lady worked for a long time in the public service, where she even held the post of Deputy Minister of Property Relations, but in recent years she has been working on the boards of directors of such serious structures as "", "Rosagroleasing", Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, Sheremetyevo Airport.

Dvorkovich is not only an exemplary family man, but also a loyal friend. This can be confirmed, in particular, by an old friend of Arkady Vladimirovich from his student days. In particular, the Summa Group, co-owned by Magomedov, became the owner of 50% minus one share of the United Grain Company (UZK), the largest Russian structure responsible for intervention grain funds.

At the same time, such market titans as the Kuban agricultural holding, affiliated with Oleg Deripaska’s Basel group, and one of the world’s largest agricultural traders, the American company Bunge Ltd, planned to take part in the auction. However, without further ado, they were removed from participation in the competition, and the complaints they filed with the Government of the Russian Federation remained unanswered.

The childhood of Arkady Dvorkovich

Arkady was born into a famous family of chess players. His mother was a design engineer, and his father was a famous international chess arbiter. From childhood, his father taught his son to calculate possible scenarios in advance and to think logically. It was he who chose the school for Arkady. Dvorkovich studied mathematics in depth at school No. 444 in Moscow.

Childhood friends recall that Arkady liked playing football more than chess, but he always said that training the mind and logic was more important than training the legs.

After school he entered Moscow University. In 1994, Arkady graduated from two educational institutions simultaneously - the University and the Russian School of Economics. He later confirmed his diploma at Duke University (USA), where he received a master's degree in economics.

Career of Arkady Dvorkovich in the Russian Government

The year he graduated from the University, he began his career at the Ministry of Finance, working in the economic group as a consultant. After some time, Dvorkovich became the general director, and then the scientific director. This was the beginning of his career.

In 2000, Arkady Vladimirovich became an adviser to the minister for economic development, and a year later he received the position of deputy minister. At that time, this post was held by German Gref.

He worked as the head of the presidential expert department since 2004, and in the spring of 2008 he became assistant to the president. According to the presidential order, Dvorkovich was one of the participants in the development of the Skolkovo project.

Speaking about the project, he stated that innovation centers are planned to be located in many regions of the country, and foreign cities will play the role of a central link. It will be several more years before Skolkovo starts operating at full capacity, but it is quite possible that some projects will start operating sooner.

Anatoly Bykov about the torn shoes of Arkady Dvorkovich

According to his statement, the government's task is to create a well-functioning network of innovation centers. It is planned that international and leading universities of the country, as well as various research centers, will also be components of this chain. This way it will be possible to get results in many places in Russia.

In the spring of 2012, he began overseeing the fuel and energy complex as Deputy Chairman of the Government. At the moment it is Dmitry Medvedev.

It should be noted that not all of his proposals and opinions are reflected and supported in government policy, however, some proposals are supported by both the president and the prime minister of the country.

“Strokes to the Portrait” by Arkady Dvorkovich

Alexey Mukhin, who is the general director of the Center for Political Information, speaks of Arkady Vladimirovich as an intellectually developed and comfortable person, a person with a good education.

The rector of the Russian Economic School, Sergei Guriev, said that Dvorkovich is that rare representative of power who can explain to foreigners in a language they understand what is really happening in Russia.

Arkady Dvorkovich Family clan of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

In 2010, Anatoly Karpov made a statement in an open letter that, in his opinion, Dvorkovich carried out a raider takeover of the Russian Chess Federation. He explained that the Supervisory Board of the Russian Chess Federation in May 2010 decided to nominate Karpov for the post of President of the Russian Chess Federation. It turns out that Dvorkovich opposed this decision. Arkady Vladimirovich himself explained this by saying that such a decision was made without his participation, so he considered it illegal.

Dvorkovich, speaking about the business of his brother Mikhail and the business in which his wife Zumrud Rustamova works, explained a possible conflict of interest. According to him, if such a conflict arises, he will be forced to contact the conflict of interest commission, and as a result, a specific decision will be made. Arkady Vladimirovich explained that he tries to avoid even the possibility of any conflict of interest in his work, trying not to deal with issues that are in any way related to those areas of business in which his wife works, holding senior positions in large corporations.

When asked whether his brother Mikhail would be in the position he occupies if not for the high position of Arkady Dvorkovich himself, he replied that he considers his brother a very energetic and talented person, which many see. Dvorkovich said that his brother, without his participation and influence, is able to achieve high results in his work and career.

Personal life of Arkady Dvorkovich

Dvorkovich's wife is Zumrud Rustamova. Their wedding took place in 2000. They are raising two sons - Vladimir and Pavel. Zumrud was once the Deputy Minister of Property Relations.

Dvorkovich, continuing his father's work, takes part in chess life in his free time. He prefers playing Kriegspiel. This is a very rare and, as many consider, “perverted” form of chess. During a chess game, players do not see each other's pieces or moves.

Besides chess, his hobbies are hockey, football and alpine skiing.

One of Arkady Vladimirovich’s closest friends is Vladimir Solovyov (TV presenter).

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