Discharge from the vagina. Vaginal discharge. Causes of mucus discharge in women

Beli- pathological discharge from the female genital organs. Normal physiological secretions are not abundant, do not cause irritation of the skin and mucous membranes. Beli - excessive and unusual discharge: watery, milky white, yellow-green, with an unpleasant odor, etc. Appearing on the external genitalia, they cause discomfort, sometimes itching, burning. Beli indicate a disease of the reproductive system or a general disease.

Allocations in the norm and in diseases

Normally, vaginal discharge is not abundant, mucous, may be slightly cloudy due to the admixture of epithelial cells, if you use the same daily pad during the day - the leucorrhoea on it may be slightly yellowish in color. The nature and amount of discharge depends on the day of the menstrual cycle: in the middle of the cycle, when ovulation approaches, they become similar in consistency to egg white, more abundant than usual, more alkaline. The amount of discharge during sexual arousal increases, especially during intercourse. Normal discharge does not cause discomfort, does not cause unpleasant sensations: itching, burning and irritation of the genital organs. If you take a smear, then it will not have an increased number of leukocytes, and sticks will prevail from the flora.

The smell of fresh vaginal discharge is practically absent, the smell appears when bacteria multiply in them.

Whites have various causes, but most often they are associated with gynecological diseases, mainly of an infectious nature. Any abnormal discharge may be a sign of a genital infection and should be seen by a doctor immediately.

The nature of the discharge Norm or deviation
Norm Options
Transparent stretching, mucous, similar to egg white, often abundant in the middle of the cycle, the period before ovulation norm
Creamy or jelly-like scanty discharge in the second half of the cycle norm
Creamy or jelly-like increasing discharge in the last days of the cycle norm
Transparent, white or slightly yellowish, clots in the first hours after unprotected intercourse, when sperm enters the vagina norm
Abundant white liquid in the morning after unprotected intercourse norm
Creamy, white, scanty discharge after sex with a condom or without ejaculation in the vagina "worked out" vaginal lubrication, norm
Scarlet red bloody, worse at the onset of menstruation, first day norm
Discharge with blood, scarlet bloody streaks in the middle of the cycle (between menstruation) - happens soon after ovulation in the middle of the cycle norm variant
Liquid whitish light, milky, during pregnancy, usually worsens with increasing duration the norm, if they do not irritate the external genitalia and do not have an unpleasant odor
Sucrose, discharge pink as diluted blood, like "meat slops" lochia after childbirth, normal
Constants that do not change during the cycle, with the exception of the period of menstruation occur when a woman takes hormonal contraceptives or suffers from infertility and does not have inflammatory processes in the vagina
Scarlet discharge- with blood
Scarlet bloody leucorrhoea a few days before menstruation cervical erosion, endocervicitis
Scarlet spotting during pregnancy detachment of the fetal egg or placenta, the threat of termination of pregnancy
Scarlet spotting after intercourse microcracks in the vagina formed during intercourse, cervical erosion, cervicitis.
After an abortion, there may be spotting, different in quantity and color. After 1 week be sure to consult a gynecologist and conduct a control ultrasound
White highlights

Infection or inflammation. Diagnosis is based on smear and ultrasound.

White mucus or clear mucus with white streaks at the end of the cycle, before menstruation erosion of the cervix, cervicitis (inflammation of the cervical canal). The secretion of mucus is somehow related to the cervix
White cheesy or kefir-like leucorrhoea, white films or plaque between the labia majora and labia minora, on the clitoris, usually in combination with a bready or sour-milk odor thrush (candidiasis). Associated symptoms: itching, discomfort in the genital area - but these signs may not be. The diagnosis is made on the basis of a gynecological examination by characteristic secretions and smear results.
White or slightly greenish, grayish in color, peeling off in films, usually in combination with a fishy smell vaginal dysbiosis (gardnerellosis)
Yellow, yellow-green leucorrhea

bacterial infection. Treatment based on smear results.

Yellow or green bubbling frothy discharge sexually transmitted infection (trichomoniasis, etc.). The diagnosis is based on a smear.
Yellowish or greenish profuse leucorrhoea acute bacterial infection in the vagina, acute adnexitis (inflammation of the ovaries), acute salpingitis (inflammation in the fallopian tubes)
Purulent discharge, green, thick, combined with mucus, aggravated by exertion, after stool purulent cervicitis
Brown highlights

Any brown discharge is an admixture of blood. But this blood has time to clot, so we can assume that it is from the uterus or ovaries. With severe or prolonged bleeding whites, it is necessary to do a biopsy of the endometrium (the lining of the uterus) to rule out endometritis (inflammation of the uterus) or other pathology of the uterus.

If there is too much bleeding during menstruation, an ultrasound scan is necessary to assess the condition of the internal genital organs. Such bleeding can be symptoms of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, then with a normal thickness of the endometrium (the lining of the uterus), curettage (this is the name of this procedure) may not be required. If the cause of bleeding is hypertrophy (increase in thickness) of the endometrium, polyps of the endometrium or cervix, then curettage must be done. This will stop the bleeding and allow a histological examination to rule out a more serious pathology.

Brown dark spotting at the end of the cycle before menstruation (daub) or long after menstruation pathological process in the uterus (endometriosis, polyp or endometrial hyperplasia, etc.). Normally, only spotting is allowed no more than 2 days before and 2 days after menstruation.
Daubing during pregnancy, including in the early stages old detachment of the fetal egg or placenta, which was a few days or even a week ago. During pregnancy, bleeding should not be normal!
Daubing in the first months of taking hormonal contraceptives norm variant
Sucrose, discharge pink as dilute blood, like "meat slops", but with an unpleasant odor, usually before and after menstruation chronic endometritis, chronic endocervicitis.
Brown leucorrhoea in the middle of the cycle may be a sign of progesterone deficiency, hyperprolactinemia, or polycystic ovary syndrome, such conditions cause infertility and require treatment
Discharge in large clots during menstruation bending of the cervix, violation of blood clotting - a tendency to thrombosis, hypovitaminosis of B vitamins, a pathological process in the uterus (polyp, endometriosis, fibroids). Also, such discharge occurs if a woman has an intrauterine device.
Liquid watery discharge that turns dirty on the pad, before and after periods chronic endometritis, chronic endocervicitis

Discharge before menstruation

The condition of the flora and secretion of the vagina depends on hormonal changes during the various phases of the cycle, so the color and consistency of the discharge may change before menstruation, it may become more cloudy, yellowish or white and more abundant (feeling of constant moisture), more viscous. But if their character persists even after menstruation, especially if vaginal itching or pain in the lower abdomen joins these symptoms, you should consult a gynecologist.

Bloody (brown) discharge may normally appear a day or two before the onset of heavy menstrual bleeding. If the spotting precedes menstruation for more than 2 days, or brown, pink, red-brown discharge appears in the middle of the menstrual cycle, this most likely indicates a disease.

Brown discharge before menstruation can signal: hormonal disorders, the presence of any infections (in particular with endometritis - inflammation of the endometrium), hematological diseases, adeomyosis. Very often, such phenomena accompany endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial polyps.

In particular, in combination with other symptoms (pain during menstruation, prolonged more than 7 days, heavy periods with clots), brown leucorrhea are signs of endometriosis.

Discharge after menstruation

At the end of menstruation, blood clotting increases, blood is released more slowly, has time to clot, and therefore, discharge and blood clots have a darker color, they can be brown. If they don't smell, that's fine. If there is a smell, then it is necessary to take a smear and PCR tests for chlamydia, gardnerella, mycoplasma and ureaplasma, herpes, CMV.

If blood appears a few days after your period or if your period lasts more than 7 days, a pregnancy test should be done to rule out an ectopic pregnancy or threatened abortion.

Beli during pregnancy

Discharge during pregnancy usually increases if it does not have an unusual smell, does not cause itching, this is usually normal

Bloody, brown discharge during pregnancy- a very unfavorable symptom. This is a sign of threatened miscarriage. Other diseases are more likely to have nothing to do with it. Increased bleeding on the days of the expected menstruation is possible.

The color of the discharge may also be yellowish. Limit sexual activity during this period to avoid the threat of termination of pregnancy.

White leucorrhoea during pregnancy is most often a sign of thrush. Sufficiently abundant, but not changed in color and consistency, leucorrhoea may indicate the presence of Escherichia coli in them. Frequent during pregnancy and bacterial vaginitis. In these cases, treatment is also necessary.

The discharge of the mucous plug in late pregnancy before childbirth can also be mistaken for leucorrhoea (the plug liquefies and gradually flows out, can flow quite profusely, sometimes even confused with amniotic fluid leakage), but this is a normal discharge if you are more than 37 weeks pregnant.

Discharge after childbirth

Normally, spotting after childbirth disappears after 3 weeks, a maximum of a month. Otherwise, an inflammatory process in the uterus can be suspected, which requires examination and treatment.

Beli after the installation of the IUD

Bleeding and "daubing" is a complication of the IUD and usually stops 2-3 weeks after insertion. Scanty spotting in the intermenstrual period is also a side effect of this method of contraception. If a gynecological examination and ultrasound did not reveal a pathology of the location of the spiral in the uterus, then blood loss can be reduced by prescribing gestagens or prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors.

The spiral quite often leads to profuse prolonged menstruation with large blood loss. With the development of anemia (anemia), the spiral is removed. If you feel well, you can try 2-3 days before the start of menstruation to drink decoctions of nettle, water pepper, yarrow, cinquefoil, 50 ml 3 times a day; pure extract from water pepper, viburnum red 40 drops 4 times a day - until the end of menstruation, massage of the nipples of the mammary gland for 3 minutes 3 times a day, after consultation with a doctor - dicynone and cotarnin.

Discharge after intercourse

Contact spotting after sexual intercourse may be the result of a pathology of the cervix (detected during a gynecological examination) or pathology of the uterus itself - polyps, hyperplasia, fibroids, etc. To find out the reasons, it is necessary to do an ultrasound scan at different periods of the cycle, you may need functional diagnostic tests.

Traditional methods of treating leucorrhoea.

Treatment is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease, the clinical symptom of which was leucorrhoea. Douching, baths, suppositories with medicines are prescribed locally. Prevention consists in observing the rules of personal hygiene and regular visits to the gynecologist.

Beli is not an independent disease, it is only a symptom, most often of infectious diseases of the reproductive system, therefore, to treat the cause, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

Folk remedies that alleviate discomfort with whites:

    Pour 100 g of pine buds with 10 liters of boiling water, hold on low heat for 30 minutes and leave for 1 hour. Take hot baths with leucorrhoea. You can use pine extract.

    Pour 2-4 tablespoons of St. John's wort 2 liters of water, boil for 20 minutes, strain. Use for douching.

    Take 20 g of yarrow herb, sage leaf and rosemary leaf, as well as 40 g of oak bark, pour a mixture of 3 liters of boiling water, put on a small fire and keep covered for 5 minutes. Cool and strain through cheesecloth, folded in several layers. Use for douching with itching.

Recipes for the treatment of whites from Vanga

    Girls at this time need to walk less, especially in the cold, and eat better.

    With watery whites from anemia, you need to drink an infusion of periwinkle grass. Pour three pinches of periwinkle grass with a glass of water, insist and drink a little. It is also good to drink a glass a day of juice of barberry and viburnum berries.

    It is useful to drink 2 - 3 cups a day of a decoction of yarrow flowers or wild strawberry roots.

    Chew white acacia flowers more often, swallowing their juice.

    Hot baths with pine needles or their extracts also work well. It is extremely important to abstain from sexual intercourse during the entire treatment.

    For whites, douching with a decoction of immortelle flowers - 1 tablespoon per glass of water. Drink this decoction 0.5 cup 3 times a day an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

    Pour 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort with a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, strain. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day.

    A decoction of the leaves of the stone fruit should be taken for leucorrhea and other gynecological diseases. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day.

    Yarrow herb - 20 g, sage leaf - 20 g, rosemary leaf - 20 g, oak bark - 40 g. Collection pour 3 liters of water, boil for 30 minutes, strain. Do 2 vaginal douches daily.

    Knot grass (complete) - 5 parts, nettle leaf - 3 parts, oak bark - 1 part, chamomile flowers - 1 part. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 1 liter of hot water, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes over low heat, let cool, strain. Use for douching and vaginal tampons.

    For garlic irrigation, a concentrated decoction is used. After the broth is a little infused, add 1 tablespoon of apple or garlic vinegar. It is best to irrigate over an empty basin, without removing the container from the hip further than 0.5 meters. Irrigation should be done slowly and gently, with room temperature water, for half an hour. Irrigation is contraindicated for pregnant women.

    It is necessary to wash the genitals twice a day with carbolic soap, add a little potash to the water. Apply lead water compresses or a cloth smeared with boron vaseline to the genital gap.

    Take 50 g of wintergreen leaves and stems for 0.5 l of vodka. Infuse for two weeks in a dark place, filter, store in a dark bottle. Apply in the form of lotions.

    Make lotions from the infusion - 20 g of thick-leaved bodan root in a glass of boiling water.

The appearance of abnormal vaginal discharge ALWAYS indicates the presence of a disease and requires immediate contact with a gynecologist. In no case do not douche before a visit to the doctor, your douching will only make it difficult to diagnose the cause of whiteness and treatment. Any folk home remedies are not intended to treat the disease that caused the discharge from the vagina, but to alleviate the discomfort and itching caused by the discharge itself. Even if you do not douche, vaginal discharge may stop on its own, which means that the disease has passed into the chronic stage and is almost asymptomatic, but with damage to the internal genital organs.


The presence of vaginal discharge is considered normal. Thanks to the secretion of the mucous membrane of the vagina, the internal and external genital organs get rid of mucus, bacteria, dead cells of the epidermis, blood residues after menstruation. White discharge in women warns of malfunctions in the reproductive system. The amount, smell, color, consistency of secretion may change periodically, depending on various factors. Let's try to figure out the causes of mucous whites, which of them are the norm for the body of a healthy woman.

Causes of whiteness from the vagina

Many of the fair sex are interested in the origin of the clear, watery secretion from a woman's vagina. Let's try to cover this topic in as much detail as possible. According to experts, there are many reasons for the appearance of white discharge in women. The determining "culprits" of the occurrence of leucorrhea are considered to be the natural processes of physiology, infectious diseases. Vaginal secretion is normally odorless. If a bad aroma is felt, this is one of the first signals of health problems.

With smell

Unpleasantly smelling white discharge in girls and women of reproductive age indicates the presence of bacteria in the genitals. Often the following factors become the sources of such troubles:

  • Thrush or urogenital candidiasis. The causative agent of this ailment is the Candida fungus. The main symptoms of the disease are considered to be strong discharge of a curdled consistency, which is characterized by severe itching and burning in the vagina. Leucorrhea caused by thrush has a sour, pungent odor.
  • Itching in the vagina and white discharge causes dysbacteriosis (bacterial vaginosis) of the genital organs - a breakdown in the relationship of various beneficial microbes. Vaginosis is characterized by abundant, sometimes frothy discharge of a gray tint. The disease is recognized by the repulsive "aroma" of whites, similar to the smell of fish.
  • The next obvious reason for the appearance of purulent, thick, foamy discharge of a greenish color is the disease trichomonas colpitis. It is dangerous and requires urgent medical attention.
  • Often, white, copious discharge in girls or women becomes a sign that elementary proper hygiene of the genitals is not observed. This leads to the rapid multiplication of bacteria, plus serious diseases of the female reproductive organs.

Without smell

Often, odorless whites stand out for the following reasons:

  • The vaginal secretion takes on a more liquid, watery consistency, becoming more abundant during ovulation (the stage of the menstrual cycle when a mature egg is released from the ovaries).
  • Thick white discharge, odorless and itchy, accompanies sexual intercourse. The vagina produces a natural lubricant for easy entry of the male genital organ inside. Thanks to this, partners will not feel discomfort during intercourse.
  • The amount of white non-dangerous discharge in women increases during the period of bearing a child. This is a necessary measure to effectively protect the fetus and mother from infection in the body.
  • Sometimes whites are provoked by the use of intrauterine devices, creams, similar contraceptives.

Why white discharge appears

If clear or white mucous discharge appears before menstruation, during sexual intimacy or during pregnancy, then this should not be cause for concern. Such a reaction of the body is characteristic. If whites cause discomfort, have an unpleasant odor, change color, then you should definitely consult a doctor. Atypical discharge indicates diseases that are best treated at an early stage.

Before menstruation

White discharge in healthy women is observed during the menstrual cycle. Natural leucorrhoea is created using the secret of the genital organs, assists in moisturizing them, and blocks the appearance of harmful bacteria. If there is no infection in the body, then the discharge is transparent, whitish in color, and moderate in amount. The consistency of leucorrhoea often varies, depending on the hormonal level and secretion activity.

White discharge without itching, burning, odors, which have a slightly cloudy color - this is the standard. In this way, the vagina gets rid of dead skin cells. Smearing whites before the onset of menstruation can notify the appearance of pathology. If the discharge is viscous, curdled, accompanied by a delay in menstruation, then you should immediately contact a gynecologist for advice.

During pregnancy

White discharge during pregnancy refers to a normal reaction of the body, which occurs due to an increase in the amount of hormones and increased blood circulation in the vaginal area. If whites are abundant, then it is better to refuse to wear tight clothes (synthetics) for the duration of the baby's bearing. It is advisable to more carefully monitor personal hygiene, use daily pads. Such vaginal discharge does not affect childbirth, the condition of the unborn child.

Sometimes white-yellow discharge appears in early pregnancy, which in some cases serve as a signal of vaginal infectious diseases and similar ailments. The most common ailments in pregnant women include fungal infections that cause leucorrhea of ​​an atypical color. Allocations outside the norm are found in venereal diseases. If it is found that the vaginal secretion does not correspond to natural whites, then you should immediately undergo a medical examination. An easy, fast healing process is guaranteed.

During or after intercourse

The amount of secretion secreted by the vagina during and after sexual intercourse always increases if the woman does not have problems with urogenital function. Vaginal leucorrhoea plays the role of a lubricant that helps to avoid discomfort and pain when a man inserts the penis into the vagina. But, if the female secretion released during arousal changes color, texture or acquires an unpleasant odor, a doctor's consultation will not be superfluous.

Such signs are harbingers of sexually transmitted diseases and not only. For example, cheesy, white and too strong vaginal discharge indicate the appearance of thrush. Symptoms of a very unpleasant and dangerous disease - trichomoniasis are greenish or yellow vaginal secretion of a foamy consistency and severe itching. Do not risk your health and start the disease. Immediate treatment will help achieve a quick recovery.

What vaginal discharge is considered normal

Normal vaginal discharge includes:

  • vaginal secretion of a non-abundant nature;
  • clear white vaginal secretion;
  • odorless leucorrhoea (they have only a barely perceptible, specific aroma, individual for each woman);
  • a secret that does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs;
  • discharge that does not cause pain, burning and discomfort in general.

What diseases are indicated by white discharge

As mentioned earlier, white mucous discharge from the vagina of a healthy woman does not differ in a special color and smell. Periodically, the density of secretion changes, which in some situations signals the appearance of diseases.


Vaginal discharge, which has a dense, creamy consistency, indicates the likelihood of harmful microbes entering the female body. The sooner the disease is detected, the more likely it is to get rid of its development and avoid the characteristic consequences. The source of the appearance of atypical strong whites is often fungal, viral, bacterial ailments (less often more serious diseases requiring surgery). The most common "culprits" of such secretions are thrush, infections of the urethra.


Fluid vaginal secretion is considered normal only during ovulation or the luteal period. Permanent watery discharge with whitish streaks can serve as symptoms of an inflammatory process in the cervical canal or its erosion. A white liquid with a bad odor and a yellow-green tint indicates the possible appearance of trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea and similar diseases.


In the case of mucous secretions, there are two options: the norm or a signal of illness. In what situation is it necessary to seek medical help? If the whites do not stop throughout the entire menstrual cycle and resemble a stretching, dense snot, then you should urgently consult a specialist. Often, mucous secretion with an unpleasant odor, the appearance of which begins to itch and itch the vagina, indicates infection with chlamydia, trichomoniasis, vaginosis, thrush, gonorrhea.

Reasons for the appearance of an uncharacteristic mucous secretion that are not related to infection:

  • dermatitis of the vulva;
  • polyps on the cervix;
  • foreign objects in the vagina (for example, part of a tampon or pad);
  • malignant formations of organs of the reproductive system.

Abundant and curdled

White abundant discharge of a curdled consistency is not considered normal, they confirm the presence of serious health problems. Main reasons:

  • Cheese leucorrhea, distinguished by the smell of sour milk, is the first sign of the development of candidiasis (thrush). This ailment occurs due to the inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa caused by a fungus.
  • The odorless "cottage cheese" of a yellow hue informs about inflammation of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or damage to the appendages by a bacterial infection. Acute forms of adnexitis, salpingitis or oophoritis are accompanied by copious secretions, chronic stages, on the contrary, are small.
  • Green and yellow-green leucorrhea are signs of trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis, colpitis, inflammation of the urethra, urinary system.

Which doctor to contact

Often, women who find themselves with atypical vaginal discharge do not know which doctor to go to for a consultation. Such information is very important. Timely detected and cured disease is an excellent insurance against complications and health problems in the future. If the vaginal secretion smells unpleasant, looks strange, plus there is discomfort in the genitals, then you should immediately contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. The doctor will be able to identify the exact cause of the appearance of uncharacteristic discharge and prescribe therapy with vaginal suppositories, tablets.

Video: what does white discharge mean in women

We recommend to consolidate the result from the information read above and watch the video. After watching the video, it will become more clear where the discharge comes from and what their role is in the body. The gynecologist will tell you about the types of leucorrhoea, the main causes of their appearance, the diagnosis of diseases, preventive measures and the cases in which medical care is needed. Timely consultation with a gynecologist and competent therapy will help you quickly get rid of the ailment.

Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Discharge of different colors, from white to yellow and brown, is one of the frequent reasons for girls and young girls to visit a gynecologist and an equally popular topic for discussion on medical websites and women's forums. The lack of knowledge about the causes of white discharge on shorts leads to the fact that we begin to intensively use intimate hygiene products, self-medicate at home, having read "useful tips" on the Internet or having heard a lot of friends. As a result, the number of daily pads used is gradually increasing, the discharge goes on and does not decrease or even increases ...

Hoping to solve the problem in this way is at least naive. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that discharge and smell do not necessarily mean a problem in the intimate area and are a sign of a serious illness. To begin with, you should understand which of them are the norm, and which ones may indicate a problem with the genitals.

Why does a girl have discharge?

Is this good or bad? The fact is that their education at childbearing age is the norm. They are a normal physiological phenomenon for the body. The amount and nature of the secretions and their traces in the girl's panties and, accordingly, their colors and smells depend on the composition of the vaginal microflora, which is largely determined and regulated by the hormonal background. Therefore, for different girls, the discharge goes and smells differently.

What discharge is normal

  • quantity - from 1 to 4 ml per day (spot diameter on a daily pad is from 1 to 5 cm);
  • consistency - thick;
  • color - from transparent to whitish;
  • structure - homogeneous (like not very thick sour cream) and / or small lumps;
  • smell - from complete absence to slightly sour;
  • itching, irritation - absent.

In this case, these discharges from a girl are considered the norm. Sometimes the amount of vaginal discharge may increase. This usually occurs in the following cases - during the period of ovulation, before the onset of menstruation, during pregnancy, while taking hormonal drugs, with an IUD in the uterus, with sexual arousal.

Thus, normal discharges are usually not felt by girls and they should not cause discomfort in the vulva, have an unpleasant odor and uncharacteristic color on the pad or underwear.

Discharge from virgins

Can there be discharge from virgins (brown, white-yellow, mucous with bloody inclusions), with a smell from the vagina and itching on the outside? The answer to this question is positive. The question is different - what is the nature of the discharge, its type - physiological, i.e. which is normal or pathological. What do certain discharges mean in teenage virgins at 14-16-18 years old, we described above. But if we talk about the possible reasons why vaginal discharge occurs in virgins, for example, at 20 - 25 or 30 years old, then the options may be different. This may be a violation of the vaginal microflora, hormonal failure and dysfunctional bloody secretion from the uterus. But it can also be a manifestation of a sexual infection that has got into an intimate place in one way or another (an attempt at sexual intercourse, masturbation or petting with dirty hands, the use of unclean dildos, etc.). Learn more about discharge in teenage girls at the following link, their causes and what to do if they are present.

Medical advice.

With the advent of menstruation, the general recommendations for a teenage girl are the same as for an adult woman: a mandatory, once every six months, visit to a gynecologist, strict adherence to the rules of intimate and personal hygiene, and, if necessary, timely diagnosis and treatment. Allocations from virgins are also an occasion to visit a female specialist.

Bad discharge

Vaginal discharge, which causes various unpleasant sensations in a girl and is not the norm, is called "leucorrhoea".

Beli (abnormal white discharge in girls)- Excessive or unusual discharge from the genitals, causing itching, burning and a feeling of wetness. They constantly leave yellow, white-cream, brown and/or dark spots on panties or panty liners, with a specific, unpleasant odor, sometimes perceptible even at a distance. By nature they are:

  • abundant whites;
  • Brown;
  • yellow, thick;
  • purulent and profuse;
  • greenish;
  • with an unpleasant odor, etc.

Brown discharge in girls from the vagina mean the following. Since they have such a color due to the admixture of coagulated blood, their appearance at the wrong time is almost always a symptom of some gynecological pathology. At the age of 15-16-17-18 years, they can talk about the failure of menstrual function. Dark or light brown discharge before and after menstruation can cause erosion, rupture of the ovarian capsule during ovulation, an interrupted ectopic pregnancy, a foreign body in the vagina, etc.

Yellow discharge (with or without odor) most often go to those girls and young women who have caught some kind of infection. They are the main symptom of colpitis - inflammation of the vagina. The reason is the entry of microbes into the genital tract, for example, trichomonads, gonococci, pathogenic mycoplasmas in association with opportunistic agents, candida. Moreover, the infection can get both sexually, including during sexual games without penetration into the vagina, and in some cases by contact-household. And the appearance of copious yellow discharge in a virgin girl does not mean that it is impossible for her to have an infectious agent!

Vaginal discharge may be the only complaint, but is often accompanied by other symptoms of distress (pain in the lower abdomen, slight burning sensation when urinating, menstrual irregularities, pain during intimacy, etc.).

What to do, how and what to treat

Given the variety of causes that cause such symptoms, it is highly undesirable to self-medicate at home and postpone a visit to a good gynecologist. After all, for example, constant brown spotting in girls, especially outside the period of menstruation, can be a sign of inflammation in the appendages, endometriosis, or the presence of a polyp in the uterus. White cheesy with the smell of sour milk, a crumbly coating on the external genitalia - talk about thrush. White discharge on underpants and an odor in an intimate place that resembles the smell of "stale fish" - often vaginal dysbacteriosis. Green, yellow discharge mixed with mucus and blood streaks - the presence of genital infections ...

What should be done in this case? If you have similar complaints of foul-smelling, strong discharge, discomfort in the intimate area, pain in the lower abdomen and / or when urinating, please contact our clinic. After a comprehensive study of complaints, an analysis of the possible causes of their occurrence, a full comprehensive diagnosis, our gynecologist will make the correct diagnosis, prescribe effective treatment and monitor its result. To determine exactly how to treat discharge and how to get rid of their marks on underpants, testing will help, which we will discuss later.

Excretion tests

What kind of examination should be done if you are concerned about "bad" discharge and smell in the intimate area? Analyzes and examination by a gynecologist in our clinic will help to identify the cause of these unpleasant phenomena and find the best way to get rid of them. To diagnose possible causative agents of inflammation, girls need to be tested for infections, namely:

  1. Smears for flora and purity;
  2. PCR analysis for "hidden" infections;
  3. Bacteriological culture of the vaginal flora with the selection of antibiotics;
  4. Florocenosis (useful analysis, given according to indications);
  5. Blood tests (syphilis, HIV, hepatitis - according to indications);
  6. And, of course, the inspection on the chair.


One of the indicators of a woman's health is the characteristic of her sexual secretion. Discharge during sex is a complex process conceived by nature itself. What they should be in the norm, and what is considered a pathology - more in this article.

Features of female discharge during arousal

Almost all sexual partners observe vaginal moisture during intimacy, and with an increase in sexual desire, it increases.

What is released in women when excited?

In everyday life, the secretion that appears during sex is called lubricant. It is a transparent liquid mucus, odorless and homogeneous in consistency. The described substrate consists of liquid and cellular components, which are the secretion of the glands of the epithelium of the vagina and the uterine cavity, leukocytes and various microorganisms.

How much mucus should be normal?

Usually female lubrication is allocated up to 5 ml per day. The amount of fluid with excitation increases significantly due to the rush of blood to the walls of the vagina and stimulation of the gonads. Discharge during arousal in girls can be excessively plentiful or, conversely, scarce. Sometimes the largest number of them.

What is female lube for?

This secret performs many functions. With the help of it, sex becomes more comfortable, easy insertion and sliding is provided. The sticky composition helps to reduce the ingress of foreign microorganisms, creating a protective barrier against germs and infections.

During the fertile period in the fair sex, this fluid adapts the composition, creating a favorable environment for spermatozoa, thus promoting conception.

White discharge during sex (like a cream)

Often, ladies notice thick white discharge during and after sex. Many describe it using the phrase "like a cream".

On medical forums, no one can really explain the nature of such a secretion, and many users advise visiting a clinic and getting tested. However, experienced gynecologists argue that white creamy discharge should not frighten a woman if they do not have an unpleasant odor, they are of a homogeneous consistency, and are not accompanied by uncomfortable sensations such as burning, itching and pain during urination. This feature, according to experts, is characteristic of mucus on certain days in the menstrual cycle.

The fact is that throughout the cycle, the level of hormones is constantly changing, the amount of estrogen increases and decreases. The action of these substances determines the nature of female secretion. In addition to the vagina, mucus is produced by the uterus, the so-called cervical fluid.

Its main function is to help transport sperm to the egg. Figuratively speaking, this is a seed storage, the environment of which is favorable for him and allows him to survive in the conditions of the acidic microflora of the vagina.

How does secretion change during intercourse for a month?

The characteristic of vaginal mucus depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle in which sexual intimacy occurred.

At its beginning, there is very little mucus, it is transparent in color and rather watery. Its function at this stage is the barrier that it forms in the cervical canal (the so-called cervical plug), which prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the uterus.

When ovulation approaches, the amount of estrogen increases, which affects the work of the whole organism, in particular, the reproductive system and the properties of vaginal mucus. The vaginal secretion becomes profuse, thick, viscous and alkaline. Has a pronounced smell of egg white, cream or white.

After ovulation, mucus is again produced in a minimal amount.

The nature of vaginal mucus and cervical fluid can even tell you what stage of fertility a woman is in and whether conception is possible.

To calculate the most suitable days for fertilization, you should pay attention to the signs and types of sexual mucus:

  1. With the presence of scant discharge and dryness in the vagina, conception is impossible (immediately after the critical days and before them).
  2. Sticky and sticky mucus, which dries quickly on the fingers, can only minimally contribute to the survival of sperm.
  3. with odorless sex, they will tell you about the approach of ovulation and an increase in the chances of getting pregnant.
  4. The period of ovulation is characterized by the release of a white viscous liquid resembling egg white. Greatest chance of conception.
  5. Then the estrogen level goes down, which makes the CL less able to store and transport the male seed.

These allocations may also change due to other factors. The transferred stresses and diseases on the legs, hormonal imbalance, taking medications, including hormonal, antibiotics, allergic reactions, infectious diseases and gynecological pathologies can change the description of the mucus secreted during sex.

Heavy discharge during sex

A secret secreted in a significant amount, as a rule, does not indicate pathology. In addition, the amount of discharge will help you navigate the likelihood of conception by the vaginal method. It involves the following actions: the introduction of 2 fingers into the vagina (deep enough), the subsequent extraction and determination of the presence of fluid.

Strong discharge during sex can indicate ovulation, as well as trouble in the intimate environment, so this method works only in the absence of pathologies and diseases.

Pathologies and diseases

The cause of excessive lubrication in a girl when excited can be some violations.

A common disease that manifests itself in excessive discharge is bacterial vaginosis. During and after sex there is sticky copious mucus, yellow, green or off-white in color with a rotten smell of fish. During sexual intercourse, discomfort in the form of burning and itching may appear.

The curdled consistency, white color and kefir smell will indicate a fungal disease Candidiasis, also known as thrush.

Sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea often explain the significant leakage of fetid fluid of different colors during intimacy.

Natural causes of heavy white discharge in women after intercourse

A similar secretion may result from the mixing of vaginal secretions and the man's semen. Sometimes it has a yellowish tint and a proteinaceous smell, similar to a chicken egg. Usually this mucus does not cause discomfort. Genital discharge is quite abundant and indicates the completion of sexual intercourse by ejaculation in the vagina.

Often, hypersensitivity becomes the cause of strong female discharge when white is excited. In this case, the symptom cannot be attributed to pathology; rather, it is a phenomenon of a psychological and emotional nature.

Scanty discharge during sex

Sometimes there is no lubrication at all, which is a consequence of the problem. Perhaps the acid-base balance is out of order or the microflora is disturbed. Most often, the cause is hormonal failure, which is why vaginal dryness is often found in menopause.

A woman's careful and attentive attitude to her health will help to avoid many problems, prevent serious and minor violations at their initial stage of development. You can notice changes in women's health by the nature of the secreted mucus from the genital organs, since it is mucus that is an indicator of pathological changes and the reason for a visit to the gynecologist.

Types of mucus secretions in women

Mucus from the vagina is inherent in everyone. This is a characteristic feature of the woman's body. As a rule, various types of mucus from the vagina are normal and have an understandable origin.

Normal discharge has the following features:

  1. They can be transparent, white or red in color;
  2. Do not cause redness, itching or burning;
  3. Have no smell;
  4. Have a small amount;
  5. Pass asymptomatically - in the absence of temperature, pain and discomfort.

It should be noted that the norm is when a small amount. Abundant discharge should be a wake-up call for a woman.

The mucous fluid as a whole is a sign of the normal functioning of the woman's appendages. This is a standard figure for any age range.

Starting from the 1st month of life, each representative of the weak half of humanity has mucus discharge, which is caused by hormonal changes. In the first month of life, mucus is a residual effect of the destruction of maternal hormones.

To the maturation of their own sex hormones, mucus appears again - more often, during puberty.

As a rule, the production of mucus falls in the period a year before the onset of menstruation. By the age of 8, the mucus is like rice water with a sour smell.

As soon as the menstrual cycle begins to be established, the discharge will become cyclical, their appearance changes. In the first half of the cycle, mucus is usually moderate, but by the second phase, its consistency thickens.

It is customary to divide selections depending on their type:

  1. White. They can also be called whites. The causes of their occurrence can be vaginitis, colpitis, adnexitis. Their appearance is also observed when taking oral contraceptives, with stagnation in the pelvic region, with violation of the rules of personal hygiene, as well as with a sedentary lifestyle;
  2. Transparent. They depend on the amount of hormones in the body, as well as on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Their presence indicates the work of the ovaries. The composition of such secretions includes cell fragments and lymph transudate, as well as microorganisms, mucus from the cervical canal and residues from the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  3. Mucous. Such discharge is not a pathology until it has a color and smell. Otherwise, it is necessary to pass a comprehensive analysis and consult with your doctor;
  4. Watery.

With normal development, discharges that do not require intervention by a specialist can be:

  1. Scanty, in the form of a creamy or jelly-like substance. Inherent in the second phase of the cycle;
  2. Transparent discharge, inherent in the phase before ovulation;
  3. Mucus with bloody streaks - inherent in the period after ovulation.
  4. Creamy mucous clots - inherent before menstruation;
  5. White clots - when taking oral contraceptives;
  6. Pink ichor - lochia, inherent in the postpartum period;
  7. Creamy discharge during unprotected intercourse or when using a condom. Such secretions are odorless and do not cause itching.

Discharge in the form of mucus in women: causes

There can be many reasons for the occurrence of discharge. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between secretions according to the type of their consistency, as well as depending on the smell and color. So it is customary to distinguish:

You should also know that mucus is the norm for:

  • first sexual contact;
  • when changing sexual partner;
  • when excited before sexual intercourse, as well as during unprotected intercourse.

White may stand out:

  • in the presence of a foreign object in the vagina;
  • with advanced diabetes mellitus;
  • with the development of polyps;
  • in the presence of other benign formations in the uterus;
  • with erosive wounds of the cervix, as well as cervicitis, salpingoophoritis, adnexitis;
  • with the development of a malignant process in the uterine cavity.

It is noteworthy that the cancerous process in the uterus passes under the transparent and watery discharge. At the same time, such discharge has an unpleasant odor, with a small admixture of blood.

The inflamed endometrium, as well as the cervical mucosa, can develop mucus with a thin, watery consistency. In this case, the surface of the gasket will be dirty.

Why are copious clots of mucus secreted in women

Mucus is produced in the cervix by a special gland. As a rule, such production has a specific smell. Depending on the hormonal background and the work of the ovaries, as well as the menstrual cycle, the consistency of the secretions and their nature also vary.

Abundant clots of mucus are a cause for concern, as this is a fact that confirms the presence of various kinds of microorganisms in the vagina. In parallel with the release of clots, pain, burning or itching may occur.

It has been confirmed by numerous studies that the penetration of opportunistic microorganisms into the microfoolora of the female vagina is expressed by the presence of abundant mucus secretion. Such microorganisms are prone to rapid reproduction, respectively, sensations may change every day.

Quite frequent "guests" are:

  1. Mushrooms from the Candida series;
  2. Gardinella.

Their presence entails the development of thrush and dysbacteriosis.

What to do with mucus discharge in women

It is very important to be attentive to your health and pay attention to every little thing. If you find any discharge that differs from the norm, you should contact a specialist. Especially if the appearance of such secretions is accompanied by symptoms.

Treatment and prevention

Therapy of abundant discharge and mucus from the vagina involves a visit to a gynecologist, who, based on the examination, will make a diagnosis.

Self-treatment, as a rule, does not lead to good results, since it is not complex and systematic. Most often, such an irresponsible approach leads to poor health, as well as the development of many complications.

In the treatment of infections most often include such measures:

  1. Douching. At the same time, appropriate preparations or herbal preparations are used;
  2. The use of special baths;
  3. Taking oral medications, the action of which is intended to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms;
  4. The use of suppositories vaginally.

An examination by a gynecologist involves checking for four degrees of purity:

  1. The first degree involves checking for the presence of pathogens, the reaction must be acidic, its predominance in the vagina of lactobacilli, in the absence of pathogens;
  2. In the second degree, the number of leukocytes should be no more than 10, against this background, the indicators of latobacilli should be lowered. Pathogens are present and the reaction is acidic.

The first and second degrees are a sign of a woman's health, confirm the absence of pathologies.

The next two degrees are pathology:

  • At this stage, the environment becomes alkaline, while pathogenic conditional pathogens can be detected, the level of leukocytes is increased;
  • The fourth degree characterizes the abundance of leukocytes, pathogens. Dederlein sticks and lactobacilli are completely absent.

A timely appeal to a specialist will allow you to stop the disease at the initial stage, which means ridding the genitals of inflammation in a short period.

As a rule, timely and competent therapy reduces the excreted mucus, and also eliminates unpleasant symptoms.

Moderate mucus secreted from the genitals of a woman is the norm and part of the physiological process in the body.

An increase in its quantity, a change in its consistency and smell is a cause for concern that requires consultation with a specialist. The first signs of pathology must be considered by a gynecologist.

It is important to be attentive to health and minimize the ingress of microorganisms into the genitals - follow the basic rules of personal hygiene, visit the gynecologist systematically, identifying various pathologies in the early stages. Undergo, if necessary, systematic courses of therapy.

For more information on which discharge can be considered pathological, see the following video.