Socrates thoughts and sayings. Socrates - quotes, sayings and aphorisms of great people. Famous quotes and sayings of Socrates

Socrates - ancient Greek philosopher, whose teaching marks a turn in philosophy - from consideration of nature and the world to consideration of man. His activity is a turning point in ancient philosophy. With its method of analyzing concepts and identifying positive qualities man with his knowledge, he directed the attention of philosophers to important human personality. Socrates is called the first philosopher in the proper sense of the word. In the person of Socrates, philosophizing thought first turns to itself, exploring own principles and techniques.

Representatives of the Greek branch of patristics drew parallels between Socrates and Christ.

Socrates was the son of the sculptor Sophroniscus and the midwife Phenareta; he had an older maternal brother, Patroclus, who inherited his father’s property. Born on the 6th Fargelion on an unclean day of the Athenian calendar, Socrates became a “pharmakom”, that is, a lifelong priest of the health of the Athenian state without salary, and in archaic times could be sacrificed by the verdict of the national assembly in order to solve problems that arose social problems. In his youth he studied the arts with Damon and Conon, listened to Anaxagoras and Archelaus, knew how to read and write, however, he did not leave any compositions behind him. He was married for the second time to a woman named Xanthippe and had several sons from her, the youngest of whom was seven years old at the time of the philosopher’s death. He distinguished himself in a number of battles and was an example of personal courage as an Athenian hoplite militiaman. He led the life of an Athenian parasite and a beggar sage and never left Attica. He was famous as an invincible debater and unmercenary, who refused expensive gifts and always went to old clothes and barefoot. He was ridiculed as a sophist and a paid teacher of eloquence in Aristophanes' comedy "Clouds", at the performance of which he stood up, inviting the audience to compare himself with the actor.

“Socrates’ interlocutors sought his company not in order to become orators..., but in order to become noble people and fulfill their duties well towards their family, servants, relatives, friends, the Fatherland, and fellow citizens.”

Socrates believed that noble people would be able to govern the state without the participation of philosophers, but, in defending the truth, he was often forced to take an active part in public life Athens. He took part in the Peloponnesian War - he fought at Potidaea, at Delia, at Amphipolis. He defended the strategists condemned to death from the unfair trial of the demos, including the son of his friends Pericles and Aspasia. He was the mentor of the Athenian politician and commander Alcibiades, saving his life in battle.

After the establishment of a dictatorship as a result of the activities of Alcibiades, Socrates condemned the tyrants and sabotaged the activities of the dictatorship. After the overthrow of the dictatorship, citizens, angry that when the Athenian army abandoned the wounded commander-in-chief and fled, Socrates saved the life of Alcibiades, in 399 BC. e. Socrates was charged with the fact that “he does not honor the gods whom the city honors, but introduces new deities and is guilty of corrupting youth.” As a free Athenian citizen, Socrates was not executed by the executioner, but took poison himself.

If the trouble you are talking about can be avoided, then why are you complaining? And if it is inevitable, then what’s the point of complaining?


The less a person needs, the closer he is to the Gods.

Hunger is the best seasoning for food.


There is no beauty where there is no good and useful.


This is surprising: every person can easily say how many sheep he has, but not everyone can say how many friends he has - they are so not worth it.


Without friendship, no relationship between people has value.


The fulfillment of our strongest desires is often the source of our greatest sorrows.


A grumpy wife is for me what restive horses are for riders: just as they, having overcome the restive ones, easily cope with the rest, so on Xanthippe I learn how to deal with other people.

Get married no matter what. If you get caught good wife- you will become an exception, if bad - you will become a philosopher.


Wasn't my whole life a preparation for defense?

There are so many things you can live without!


Health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing.


Evil person harms others without any benefit for himself.


I know that I don't know anything, but others don't know that either.

There is much more risk in acquiring knowledge than in buying food.

All I know is that I don't know anything.


“I,” said Agathon, “cannot argue with you, Socrates.” Let it be your way.
- No, my dear Agathon, you are not able to argue with the truth, but arguing with Socrates is a simple matter.


False words are not only insidious in themselves, but also infect the soul with evil.


I eat to live, and other people live to eat.

It is easier for people to hold hot coals on their tongues than to hold a secret.


Young people should look in the mirror more often: beautiful, so as not to disgrace their beauty, ugly, so that education can brighten up the ugliness.


Human wisdom is worth little or nothing.

To be below oneself is ignorance, and to be above oneself is nothing but wisdom.


It is better to die courageously than to live in shame.


Just as one person enjoys caring for his land, another enjoys caring for his horse, so I enjoy becoming a better person every day.


The sun has one drawback: it cannot see itself.


It is better to be exposed to injustice than to commit it yourself.


He who has an honest way of thinking and a sharp mind is happy.


The creator in his works must express the state of his soul.


As long as I have the breath and the ability, I will not stop philosophizing.


You eat best when you are not thinking about a snack, and you drink best when you are not expecting another drink: the less a person needs, the closer he is to the gods.

What kind of person, being a slave to pleasure, will not pervert his body and soul?

There is sun in every person. Just let it shine.

on other topics

“I wish you every good thing, O men of Athens, and I love you, and I will obey God rather than you, and, as long as I have breath and ability, I will not stop philosophizing, persuading and convincing each of you whom I meet.” , saying the same thing that I usually say: O best of men, citizen of the city of Athens, the greatest of cities and most famous for wisdom and strength, are you not ashamed that you care about money so that you have as much of it as possible, Do you not care or think about fame and honors, but about rationality, about truth and about your soul, so that it can be as good as possible?”

To be content is our natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty.

Do what you want, you will still repent.

Be content with the present, but strive for the best.

If a donkey kicked me, would I sue him?

There is only one good - knowledge and only one evil - ignorance. Wealth and nobility do not bring any dignity - on the contrary, they bring only bad things.

Speak so I can see you.

When the word does not hit, then the stick will not help.

Those who want to act look for opportunities; those who don’t want to act look for reasons.

We must even accept the ridicule of comedians: if they are right, then this will correct us, if not, then this does not concern us.

Was my own cloak fit to live in, but not fit to die in?

Nothing over the top

It is surprising that sculptors of stone statues strive to give the stone the likeness of a person, and do not think about not being like the stone themselves.

A good start not a small thing, although it starts with a small thing.

What I understood is great; which I probably didn’t understand either: only, really, for such a book you need to be a Delian diver.

“You are dying innocently,” his wife told him; he objected: “Would you like it to be deserved?”

Socrates can be considered the founder of European philosophy. He was the first to talk about the need to change man as such and his way of life. Before him, philosophers talked about the nature of the world, built various “scientific” conclusions, but he made a 180-degree turn and, most importantly, affirmed what happens inside a person.

Some interesting facts about the life of Socrates:

— Approximate date of birth 469 BC, date of death 399 BC.

— Was married twice. The first wife of Xanthippe, whose malice was legendary and on whom Socrates honed his unshakable patience. The second is Myrta. In total he had three children (sons).

— He was the first to teach the art of rhetoric. Moreover, he did not demand payment from students.

— Socrates was the teacher of Plato, an equally famous and outstanding ancient Greek philosopher. But their lifestyles were different. Socrates was primarily interested in practical side philosophy, morality of lifestyle and behavior, and Plato - theoretical models.

- Like Christ, he did not make any records of his speeches and teachings. And I didn’t read much at all. All his famous quotes and sayings were later recorded by his students, mainly Xenophon of Athens and Plato.

— He had an extremely highly developed intuition with which he measured all his actions. If a purely rational matter seemed 100% correct, but intuition opposed it, Socrates refused it. And this happened regularly.

— He ate exclusively simple, cheap food (again, like Christian monks), and rarely and in small quantities, tried to abstain from sex, walked barefoot and exercised regularly physical exercise. Which ultimately made his health unusually strong and his spirit persistent. This was part of his “philosophical life” program.

— At one time I was engaged in the trading “business”, buying and reselling goods.

— He was such a strong speaker that in the end the Tyrants even forbade him to teach his art.

— The Pythia prophetess said the famous quote that “Socrates is above all in his wisdom.”

— Socrates received beatings not only at home from Xanthippe, but also from those defeated in verbal disputes. Also, for the sake of training, he went to seedy places where he was insulted by women of easy virtue.

— Didn’t like to travel (perhaps this was part of his practice of a philosophical lifestyle).

— Socrates gratefully rejected the generous gifts of his friends, considering independence to be a higher good.

“Of the visible blessings of life, I valued friends most of all.”

— I wasn’t shy about learning something new. So in his old age he studied the art of playing the lyre.

— When he was about to drink poisonous hemlock (as a death sentence imposed by the court), his friend Apollodorus offered him a beautiful cloak to die in. “Is it really that my own cloak was fit to live in, but not fit to die in?” - said Socrates.

Famous quotes and sayings of Socrates

Without good mutual feelings, communication between people is of no use.

Self-education is a difficult task, but there is nothing more important in life than the reasonable education of yourself and your loved ones.

The clear distinction between what is beneficial and what is harmful is the root of wisdom.

/This quote parallels the statement recognizing knowledge as the greatest asset of man./

The word of a virtuous person is durable and worth a lot. In his cases, loud promises and oaths are completely unnecessary.

Every decent person should be guided in his actions by a simple criterion - whether what I am going to do is fair and whether it will bring benefit to people.

When a person is attentive and careful about his health, he cannot find a doctor who can determine better than him what is good for his health.

Wisdom is the greatest blessing, stupidity is the greatest misfortune.

If you want to get married, get married. With a good wife you will be happy, with a bad wife you will learn to philosophize.

So that I understand what kind of person you are, speak up!

Just as you cannot heal your eyes without taking care of your head, you cannot heal your body without taking care of your soul.

Is it possible to be healthy in body and spirit while remaining a slave to pleasure?

/What ruins our health if not a passionate attachment to gluttony and sex?!/

If you want to change the world,
Rework yourself first.

Why live in shame and disgrace?
It is better to choose death.

Girlish love is much more dangerous than male enmity. The more pleasant it is, the worse the poison.

People see wealth, pleasures and luxury as sources of happiness. But it seems to me that the absence of desires is true happiness, that’s where divine delight lies. Therefore, the person who needs the least amount of goods to live is the happiest.

Fire is fueled by the wind, and passion is fueled by proximity.

What is done in a hurry is rarely done well.

I consider the richest to be the one who needs the least.

A good friend is worth more than any treasure.

/In this quote, Socrates says that friends can replace money, but friends' money cannot./

The less a person needs,
The closer he is to the gods.

/Free quote. He spoke, of course, not in poetic form./

People live to eat, but I eat to live.

The best time to eat is when you are hungry.

For me, an obnoxious wife is the same as wild stallions for riders. Having defeated them, they can easily cope with others. So, in communication with Xanthippe, I am learning the art of interacting with other people.

Health is not everything - but without it, everything is nothing.

Be happy with what you have. But strive for the best.

The realization of our most passionate desires often leads to our greatest troubles.

/IN modern religions There are many quotes with a similar meaning. There is even a folk wisdom - “Be afraid of your desires.”/

Deception is not only disgusting in itself, but it also has a detrimental effect on a person’s soul.

Experiencing evil yourself is better than doing it yourself.

To become knowledgeable, be inquisitive.

There are so many different things in the world,
Easy ones you can live without!

/An aphorism calling us to moderation, as opposed to consumer culture. Apparently 2.5 thousand years ago it flourished quite well./

Wealth and fame do not make a person better. And sometimes even the opposite.

“Your beloved fellow citizens condemned you to death.”
- Well, nature condemned them to death themselves.

It’s funny that we are not too lazy to look for a missing slave, but leave the search for virtue to the mercy of fate.

Every person can easily say how many sheep he has, but not everyone can say how many friends he has - they are so not valuable.

A good start is not a small thing, even if it starts with a small thing.

/Reminds me of the saying that a long journey begins with one small step./

When he was informed that someone was speaking ill of him. "That's because he wasn't taught to speak well."

When Antisthenes turned so as to expose the holes in his cloak, he said to Antisthenes: “Through this cloak I can see your vanity.”

When someone told him that Antisthenes was born from a Thracian woman, Socrates replied: “Did you think that such a noble man could only be born from full citizens?

/Quote indicating that Socrates was a tolerant person (during the time of flourishing slavery). And his devotion to democratic values ​​is reliably known./

Mathematics should be studied only to such an extent as to be able to use it in everyday life and trade.

One day Socrates invited rich guests to dinner, and Xanthippe was ashamed of her dinner. “Don’t be afraid,” he said, “if they are decent people, they will be satisfied, but if they are empty, then we don’t care about them.”

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1. I know that I don't know anything

2. Speak so I can see you

3. We do not live to eat, but we eat to live.

4. It is better to die courageously than to live in shame

5. There are so many things in the world that I can do without!

6. What I understood is wonderful, from this I conclude that the rest that I did not understand is also wonderful

7. The sun has one drawback: it cannot see itself.

8. The less a person needs, the closer he is to the gods

9. Whoever wants to move the world, let him move himself!

10. A good start is not a small thing, even if it starts with a small thing

11. Education is a difficult matter, and improving its conditions is one of the sacred duties of every person, for there is nothing more important than the education of oneself and one’s neighbors

12. There is only one good - knowledge and only one evil - ignorance

13. Knowledge is a virtue

14. The highest wisdom is to distinguish between good and evil

15. Wisdom is the queen of heaven and earth

16. People find it easier to keep a hot coal on their tongue than a secret.

17. A good advisor is better than any wealth.

18. Good people should be trusted by word and reason, and not by oath

19. Kindness does not come from owning many things; on the contrary, only kindness transforms a person’s possessions into dignity

20. Without friendship, no communication between people has value.

21. It would be good for a person to examine himself: how much he is worth to his friends, and to try to be as valuable as possible

22. A woman’s love should be feared more than a man’s hatred. This is poison, all the more dangerous because it is pleasant

23. Flames are ignited by the wind, and attraction is ignited by proximity.

24. Beauty is a queen who reigns for a very short time

25. Whether you marry or not, you will still repent.

26. Marriage, to tell the truth, is evil, but a necessary evil.

27. Get married no matter what. If you get a good wife, you will be an exception, and if you get a bad one, you will become a philosopher.

28. In clothes, try to be elegant, but not dandy; the sign of grace is decency, and the sign of panache is excess

29. When the word doesn’t hit, then the stick won’t help

30. What kind of person, being a slave to pleasure, will not pervert his body and soul?

31. He is richest who is satisfied with little, for such contentment testifies to the wealth of nature

32. I want to use full body exercises to make him more balanced.

33. The best seasoning for food is hunger

34. If a person takes care of his own health, then it is difficult to find a doctor who would know better what is beneficial for his health than he does.

35. You cannot heal the body without healing the soul

36. The fewer desires I have, the closer I am to the gods

37. Nothing can hurt good man neither in life nor after death

39. Win friends not with empty laziness, but with sincere words of love

40. Just as one person derives pleasure from caring for his land, another from caring for his horse, so every day I enjoy becoming a better person.

41. Look into your own souls and find in them the spark of truth that the gods have placed in every heart and from which only you yourself can fan the flame

42. It is impossible to live better than spending your life striving to become more perfect.

43. Nature has endowed us with two ears, two eyes, but only one tongue, so that we look and listen more than we speak

44. Human perfection is a state of mind

45. Since we don’t know what death is, it’s illogical to be afraid of it.

46. ​​Man as a thinker is the measure of all things. If you think, you are free!

47. If you are inquisitive, you will be knowledgeable

48. If with friends, looking through the treasures of ancient men, which they left for us in their writings, we come across something good and borrow it, then we consider it a great profit for ourselves

49. An angry person harms others without any benefit to himself.

50. Just as you cannot begin to treat the eye without thinking about the head, or treat the head without thinking about the whole body, you cannot treat the body without treating the soul.

51. Young people should look in the mirror more often: beautiful, so as not to disgrace their beauty, ugly - so that education can brighten up the ugliness

52. Pleasure, luxury - this is what you call happiness, but I think that not wanting anything is the bliss of the gods, and therefore needing only a little is an approach to this highest happiness

53. Drunkenness does not give rise to vices: it reveals them. Happiness does not change morals: it emphasizes them

54. A sculptor must express a state of mind in his works

55. Also beware that people, noticing your disrespect for your parents, do not begin to despise you together, and that you are left completely without friends, because as soon as they notice your ingratitude towards your parents, no one can be sure that, having done good deed to you, will receive gratitude

56. Never prefer stupidity of your own invention to practical advice.

57. What is done hastily is rarely done well

58. It’s better to work without specific purpose than doing nothing

59. The only thing that every honest person should be guided in his actions is whether what he does is fair or unfair, and whether it is the act of a good or evil person

Socrates, (ca. 469–399 BC), ancient Greek philosopher who did not leave behind a single written

It is not very easy to find a job for which you will not hear reproaches; It is very difficult to do anything without making a mistake.

No one can learn anything from a person they don't like.

A good advisor is better than any wealth.

The sun has one drawback: it cannot see itself.

Speak so I can see you.

The flame is kindled by the wind, and attraction by proximity.

If you are inquisitive, you will be knowledgeable.

The less a person needs, the closer he is to the gods.

What person, being a slave to pleasure, will not pervert his body and soul?

It is impossible to live better than by spending your life striving to become more perfect.

The best seasoning for food is hunger.

Marriage, if we tell the truth, is an evil, but a necessary evil.

Whether you marry or not, you will still repent.

Those who want to do it look for a way, those who don’t want to do it look for a reason.

Without it, no communication between each other has any value.

Wealth and nobility do not bring any dignity.

To be below oneself is nothing but ignorance, and to be above oneself is nothing but wisdom.

In your clothes, try to be elegant, but not dandy; the sign of grace is decency, and the sign of panache is excess.

If I could climb highest place in Athens, I would raise my voice and declare: “My fellow citizens, why do you turn over and scrape every stone to accumulate wealth, and care so little for your children, who will one day inherit everything?”

If a person takes care of his own health, then it is difficult to find a doctor who would know better than himself what is good for his health.

An evil person harms others without any benefit to himself.

Whoever is not struck by a word will not be struck by a stick.

It is better to be courageous than to live in shame.

Young people should look in the mirror more often: beautiful - so as not to disgrace their beauty, ugly - so that education can brighten up the ugliness.

You cannot heal the body without healing the soul.

She gave us two, two ears, but only one tongue, so that we would look and listen more than we spoke.

There are so many things you can live without!

A sculptor in his works must express the state of his soul.

It is surprising that sculptors of stone statues strive to give the stone the likeness of a person, and do not think about not being like the stone themselves.

A good start is not a small thing, although it starts with a small thing.

The fewer desires I have, the closer I am to the gods.

What a strange thing pleasure is! How amazingly it has merged with its apparent opposite - pain! Together they do not want to come to a person, but if a person pursues and overtakes one of them, then the other almost inevitably comes to him; you might think that these are two bodies with one head.

This is amazing: every person can easily say how many sheep he has, but not everyone can say how many friends he has, they are so worthless.

I eat to live, and other people live to eat.

I know that I don't know anything.