Border guards what are they doing? Border slang. How do they become border guards?

Many schoolboys have dreamed of wearing green shoulder straps since childhood. Where can you get an education today and what new specialties have appeared? Colonel Igor Kovalenko, deputy head of the training department - head of the vocational education department of the State Border Committee, talks about this.

- Igor Vladimirovich, the 2016 entrance campaign is just around the corner. What are its features?

We can say that it has already begun. Let the boys and girls have not yet passed centralized testing and have not even fully decided on the choice of military specialty. But this is the peculiarity of the profession: each applicant for the officer rank is required to go through a kind of “filter” in the form of preliminary and final professional selection and only after that go through the stages of the entrance campaign on a par with an ordinary applicant.

- What is professional selection and what does it include?

This is a special procedure, the purpose of which is to determine a person’s suitability for military service and a specific specialty. We must understand that our service requires resistance to stress, a combination of determination and reasonable caution, the ability to instantly navigate complex and dangerous situations and, of course, physical endurance. The test will have to be completed twice: at the stages of preliminary and final professional selection. For example, during a professional psychological examination, specialists assess the candidate’s expected level of adaptation to the conditions of military service, his success in mastering a military specialty, and predict his future development. The degree of endurance and strength is determined during the passing of physical training standards.

The best of the best will get a chance to become a border guard officer. But those who did not pass the competition should not be upset: there are other ways. Firstly, all the young men upon completion of work admissions committee receive an offer to join the service under a contract. In the future, having positive characteristics, a young man can graduate from any educational institution in a civilian specialty related to the military, and earn the right to be appointed to an officer position. Secondly, you can go for an urgent military service and after a year submit a report for admission: in this case, the legislation guarantees young man privileges.

- Which educational institutions train future border guard officers?

The flagship is the Border Guard Institute. Every year, at least one hundred highly qualified professionals graduate from the walls of this institution in four main specialties: border service, border control, operational activities, and ideological work. These are comprehensively trained officers.

In the interests of the border service authorities, officer training is also carried out by the Belarusian State University, the Belarusian National Technical University, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics and, naturally, the Military Academy and the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Among the innovations is the specialization " Computing systems and networks special purpose"at the military faculty of BSUIR. Also for the first time, at our order, at the military transport faculty of the Belarusian state university transport officers will be trained in the specialty “Management of units of transport troops”: the direction “restoration and construction of transport communications”. In general, officers are trained in 35 specialties in 11 institutions higher education Belarus and 9 universities in Russia.

- Do you plan to give up studying at Russian universities?

The creation of our own Institute of Border Service, the extensive capabilities of the Ministry of Defense, military faculties in civilian universities allowed us to significantly reduce training in educational institutions Russia. For example, this year we are completing our training at the Moscow and Golitsyn Border Institutes. But in certain specialties, where the need for personnel is insignificant, it is not economically feasible to conduct training in Belarus. It's about about “piecemeal” specialists in scarce specialties, the quality of whose training is confirmed by an annual order. Today, the leadership of the State Border Committee has made a decision to train officers at the Kaliningrad Border Institute, Cherepovets Higher Military engineering school radio electronics and the Naval Polytechnic Institute of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Navy "Naval Academy".

I would like to emphasize that educational institutions in Belarus have accumulated a wealth of experience in teaching various disciplines of a technical or humanitarian nature. Where there is already an experienced teaching staff, it is enough to increase the military component. Our colleagues from the Ministry of Defense provide us with invaluable assistance in this regard, allocating quotas for the training of officers for the border service at military faculties. Thanks to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of emergency situations border guard cadets are trained at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and at the Command and Engineering Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Everyone probably knows about the Minsk Suvorov Military School. How is your pre-university education system developing?

Of all the cadet schools operating in the country, probably the closest to our specifics is Minsk City Cadet School No. 2. It was created on the initiative of the State Border Committee, cadets wear a green cap and green shoulder straps. It is important that the director is a border guard officer who is in the reserve, Igor Sigismundovich Reut. Four years within the walls cadet school give children undoubted advantages when entering universities.

- Do foreign colleagues show interest in our education system?

Interest in it is growing among representatives of the CIS countries, the UAE, and Asia. Currently, the Border Service Institute is implementing contracts for the training of military personnel of the People's Liberation Army of China and the Border Service of the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan. Last year, service dog breeding specialists from Uzbekistan were trained.

And lastly: do the professional qualities of graduates satisfy their commanders on the border or are there any complaints?

The assessment should be given not so much by commanders as by citizens of Belarus and other states. The border guard is the first to greet guests of our country, and he is the last person foreigners see when leaving. This means that the impression of the state largely depends on it. During the training period, the cadets constantly remember this and during their service, I am sure they will worthily represent our beloved Belarus.

Mikhail GLADKY.

PV were integral part USSR Armed Forces. The direct leadership of the PV was carried out by the KGB of the USSR and the Main Directorate of the PV subordinate to it. Consisted of border districts, separate formations, special units and educational units. establishments.

The main responsibilities of the border troops include:

  • ensuring rules for maintaining the state border;
  • suppression of illegal changes in the location of the state border on the ground;
  • repel an armed invasion;
  • monitor compliance by citizens and organizations with the regime of the state border, border zone, and passage across the state border;
  • cross the border individuals and cargo in accordance with the law;
  • provide, where necessary, support to the customs service, air defense troops, and state security agencies;
  • identify and detain border violators, suppress attempts to illegally cross the state border;
  • ensure the fulfillment of the state’s international obligations on issues of regime and border protection.

see also

  • Border Service of the Federal Security Service of Russia

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what “Border Guard” is in other dictionaries:

    Border sentry, border guard, border guard, border guard, border guard, border guard, border guard Dictionary of Russian synonyms. border guard noun, number of synonyms: 8 border guard (6) ... Synonym dictionary

    BORDER GUARD, border guard, husband. A soldier in the border guard troops. Our glorious border guards keep the borders of our homeland locked. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    BORDER GUARD, huh, husband. A soldier of the border troops. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    border guard- noun Fast. ex: vernacular; soulful; conc.; m.r.; 2 cl. Border guards2 vigilantly guard the borders of our Motherland. LZ A serviceman of troops assigned to protect state borders. Word-formation analysis, Morphemic analysis: To increase... ... Morphemic-word-formation dictionary

    M. Serviceman in the border guard troops. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

    Border guard, border guards, border guard, border guards, border guard, border guards, border guard, border guards, border guard, border guards, border guard, border guards (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

    border guard- border guard, and... Russian spelling dictionary

    border guard- (2 m); pl. border guards, R. border guards... orthographic dictionary Russian language

    "BORDER GUARD"- zhur. Border. Russian troops. Published since 1906. (From the beginning of the First World War until 1939 it was not published.) At present. time his theme is the border, its people, their problems. Distributed by subscription. Ord. Kr.... ... Military encyclopedic dictionary

    A; m. A soldier of the troops intended to protect borders. P. caught the offender... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Border Guard, Pavel Mamontov. The fragile peace concluded between the Colonies after a bloody war is about to collapse. A brief moment of respite Green City used to gather strength and repel a new threat - on...

A soldier in the border guard troops is a prestigious and responsible profession. Which person is it suitable for? this type activities? What needs to be done in order to be able to defend the borders of the Motherland? will tell you a little more about the border service than you already know.

Not everyone is suitable for the role of defenders of the boundaries of the state: educational establishments conduct a thorough selection among applicants. The health status and physical fitness of applicants are assessed, and professional and psychological selection is carried out (assessment of military-professional orientation and individual psychological qualities). Of course, one cannot do without the usual tests for applicants in the form of CT.

Honesty, discipline, resistance to stress, the ability to make quick decisions and work in a team are important personal characteristics fighter. The everyday life of a border guard is not monotonous: one day he struggles with routine, the next he resolves a situation in which people’s lives are in danger. Only a person who is steadfast in spirit and strong in body will be able to adapt to service in such conditions.

Monument to border guard soldiers in Grodno. Photo by Boris Mavlyutov

He must know state laws and regulations that govern the border service, and understand the technology of document verification. To communicate you will need knowledge of psychology and foreign languages.

The main task of the border guard is to ensure that nothing illegal happens at a distance between border points. If it is a land border, it is usually patrolled on foot or by vehicle. If the border passes by sea, then floating vehicles and air equipment are used.

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Burtseva Svetlana
Lesson on patriotic education"Introduction to the Border Guard Service"

Program content: To consolidate children's knowledge that in peacetime our country is protected by the Russian army, to introduce children to the border guard service, to cultivate patriotic feelings based on familiarization with the military traditions of our people. Foster a sense of pride in warrior-defenders.

Equipment: Painting “Border Security”, geographical map of Russia.

Preliminary work: conversation “Our Army”, drawing “Soldiers”, conversation about the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Vocabulary work: border, state, border guard, control strip.

GCD move

Educator: Guys, recently our people celebrated the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day, and you and I talked about how our army courageously defended its Motherland. But even in peacetime there is an army. Why is an army needed in peacetime? (Children's answers) Many of you correctly said that in peacetime in the army, soldiers are taught to defend their country if it is attacked by an enemy. Soldiers train to become strong, they learn to shoot and use new military equipment.

Educator(exposes geographical map) How many of you know what this is? (Children's answers) This is a map. It is marked different countries. How do you find out which country is located? (Children's guess)

Educator: One country is separated from another by a border. This is the border of our country - Russia. (Show the border with a pointer) Show the border of Russia. (Call a few children and help them point along the Russian border)

Educator: Now show the borders of other countries (Children show the borders of other countries, and the teacher tells them the names of the countries - France, Germany, etc.)

Educator: Do you think it is easy to pass from the territory of one state to the territory of another? (Children's guess)

Educator: Of course, you can’t just go from one country to another, because all countries guard their borders. Who guards the borders, do you think?

Children: Soldiers, military.

Educator: What do you call the military who guard the border of their state?

Children: Border guards. (If the children do not answer, the teacher himself names this word and invites the children to repeat it in chorus and individually)

Educator: Border guards in all countries protect the borders of their state. Do you think it's easy to do this? What do you know about the work of border guards? (Children's answers)

Educator: Now we will look at a picture that will help you find out how border guards guard the border of our Motherland. (Exhibit the picture “Border Security” and give the children time to look at it independently) Who do you see in this picture?

Children: Border guards.

Educator: Why did you decide that these were border guards?

Children: They are dressed in military uniforms and have machine guns.

Educator: Let's take a closer look at the border guards. Why do they have such a spotted shape?

Children: So that they are not noticeable.

Educator: What else do they have in their hands besides machine guns?

Children: Bag, dagger.

Educator: What do you think is in the bag? (Children's guess) There is a first aid kit in this bag. What can be in a first aid kit? (Children's assumption) Yes, there may be a bandage, cotton wool, various medicines. Why do border guards need all this?

Children: children's answers.

Educator: We looked at the uniform of the border guards, but all military personnel can be dressed like this. What told you that this picture depicts border guards? (Children's guess)

Educator: And what is it?

Children: Pillar.

Educator: This is a border pillar. Such pillars stretch along the entire border. It is painted with red and green stripes, and at the top is the country's coat of arms. What do you see behind the border guards?

Children: A plowed strip, similar to a field.

Educator: Yes, this is really a plowed strip, it’s called a control strip. Listen to the word and tell me why this control and trace strip is needed? (Children's guesses)

Educator: The control strip runs along the entire border. Every morning a tractor drives by and plows it open. If someone from the other side of the border, from a neighboring state, crosses this control strip, then traces will remain on it. Border guards go out on patrol, walk along the border and very carefully inspect the control strip so as not to miss traces left by violators. Repeat the new word - control strip. (Children repeat the word in chorus and individually)

Educator: Who else do you see in the picture?

Children: A dog.

Educator: What is she doing.

Children: Helps border guards, pulls along, follows the trail.

Educator: What scent did the dog smell?

Children: The one that remained on the control strip.

Educator: Who do you think could have left traces on the control strip?

Children: Violators, spies.

Educator: Could animals have left traces?

Children: Yes

Educator b: If there are animal tracks, will the border guards follow these tracks? (Children's assumption) Border guards must check whether the tracks were really left by animals. After all, violators can wear animal prints on their hands and feet and cross the border to confuse the border guards. Think about how the pursuit of the violator could take place? (To guide the plot - border guards were chasing real trespassers; at the end of the chase, border guards discovered that a real bear had crossed the border)

Educator: What would you call this painting?

Children: “An incident at the border”, “Mistakes by border guards”, “Border security” (Choose the title that best suits this picture)

Educator: So, guys, we learned how border guards carry out their difficult service. What should a border guard be like? (Children's assumption) Yes, border guards must be strong and resilient in order to be able to detain a violator. After all, sometimes you have to chase him for a long time and enter into a fight with him. Border guards must be very alert to notice that someone has crossed the border. Border guards must be able to train their assistants – dogs. They must be able to shoot. Therefore, to become like this, they need to study and train a lot.

IN caregiver: Do you think border guards can be called defenders of the Fatherland?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Border guards are the first to meet enemy troops when they cross the border. They, like all military personnel, are defenders of the Fatherland. Now I will read you a story by V. Korzhikov about border guards.

At the end of the GCD, children share their impressions of what they read.

The creative project was prepared as part of an inter-district competition dedicated to the Day of Employees of State Security Agencies of the Russian Federation

Prepared by: 3rd grade student Victoria Finashina

Topic: Dedicated to border guards.


1. Introductory part. Formulation of the problem

2. Main part. Creative project.

3. Riddle.

4. The meaning of the word “border guard”.

5. History of border troops. Ancient Rus'.

6. During the Great Patriotic War.

7. Modern border troops.

8. Border guard assistants.

9. We are proud of our fellow countrymen - border guards.

10. Future defenders of the Motherland.

11. Who doesn’t dream of becoming a border guard?

12. Drawings, photos, essays.

13. List of used literature.


Project type : creative

By number of participants : personal

By duration : mini project

Implementation period : november

Project participants : students, teacher, parents, head of the school museum.

Target: I wanted to find out who the border guards were and which school graduates served in the border troops.

Tasks: Collect information from different sources about border guards. Systematize the acquired knowledge.

Ask classmates for help: drawings, essays, poems.

Meet personally with fellow countrymen - border guards.

Prepare the received material for participation in the competition, for use of the material in class.

To foster respect and a sense of pride for the defenders of our Motherland.

Reproduction of the main stages of the project

    Selecting a topic.

    Defining project goals.

    Development of the main stages of the project.

    Exhibition of drawings, essays, photographs.

Project issues: Find out more information about border guards.

Project product: presented the collected and processed information in the form of a presentation for the regional competition and for classmates.

Practical significance of the work: In the process of developing this topic, I learned the meaning of the word “border guard”, who the first border guards were and at what time, about modern border guards and loyal assistants of the border guards, and most importantly, I personally met the border guards - fellow countrymen who served in the border troops. I feel great pride for their courage, bravery, love for their Motherland, for their people. While the real defenders of the Motherland are serving on our border, our border is locked!

My presentation is dedicated to summing up the project “Dedicated to the border guards.” I acted as a historian, I was a reporter and a journalist when I questioned our fellow countrymen who served in the border troops, and talked with the head of the school museum. My mother, teacher, and classmates helped me in this project. I learned a lot of new and interesting things from various sources. I present my work in the form of an oral journal.

1 page. Who is he?

This is a border guard.

Page 2. What does this word mean?

Border Guard servicemanborder guard;

Border – located or occurring near the border;

Border – dividing line between territories, border

(from the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov.)

Page 3. From the history of border troops. Ancient Rus'.

Legends that have survived to this day have preserved the name of one of these defenders of the Fatherland, the first border guard - the hero Ilya Muromets.

Page 4. During the Great Patriotic War.

Marshal Georgy Zhukov famously said:
“I have always been calm about those sections of the front that were entrusted to the border guards.”

5 page. Modern border troops.

The Border Service is a structural unit of the Russian FSB.

6 page. Border guard assistants.

These are loyal dogs, German Shepherds.

7 page. I serve Russia.

Russian warrior
On eternal watch
By plane,
On the ship.
He guards
Peaceful sea
Peaceful sky
Peace on earth.

I. Gamazkova.

8 page. We are proud of our fellow countrymen - border guards.


Konstantin Viktorovich

R Born on December 4, 1979 in the village of Alekseevka, Krasnoznamensky district .

In 1998, he was drafted into the ranks of the Russian Army in the Federal Border Troops as a private.


Evgeny Alexandrovich

born in the village of Novokolkhoznoe, served in the border troops.

In 2003, while on duty at the outpost with his

colleague participated in the arrest of violators

borders - groups of Hindus .

9 page. Future defenders of our country.

10 page.

While real defenders of the Motherland serve on our border, our border is locked!


1. Children's book "Spring"

2. Materials from the personal archive of Evgeniev K.V.

3. Ozhegov’s Dictionary.

4. Materials from the school museum.

5. Internet sites:APMVReporteR. RU

    Children's book "Spring"