Everything was going to be fine. Why can’t you say “Everything will be fine!”? Change is happening right now. Nothing is certain. You are free

Everything will be fine, the main thing is to believe!

Stop wasting time worrying!

Smile! Everything will be alright, I've asked.

Everything will be fine, because it cannot be any other way!

Everything will be fine wherever you go!

Everything will be not just good, but much better! Necessarily! Don `t doubt!

Just as spring comes after winter, so joy will follow sadness. Everything will be fine!

A person is a product of his thoughts. For it becomes what he thinks about most of the time!

Everything will be fine! Believe in yourself and you will make it!

Wherever you are, tell yourself: Since I am here, everything will be fine!

Sometimes, in some strange way in life, everything works out on its own!

Everything will be fine: theoretically... logically... deductively... whatever!

It may be bad now, but then everything will be fine. You just need to survive, wait, and then everything will work out. Necessarily!

Everything will be fine! Live actively, think positively!

If you wake up thinking that something good will happen today, it will happen.

And you know, it will still be there. The south wind will still blow and conjure spring and turn over the memory.

Never regret anything - everything is for the better!

When it seems to a person that everything is going wrong, something wonderful tries to enter his life.

Believe, everything will come true! Everything will be awesome!

There is always the sun behind the clouds. Yes! Everything will be fine!!! Despite everything...

To see a rainbow you have to survive the rain! Everything will be fine!

If you feel really bad, find someone who is worse off and help him. You will feel much better!

If you have been offended, use the magic rule of the three Ps: understand, forgive, bury.

Never take revenge on anyone. All will be! It’s good for us, but for them it’s just as they deserve!

Believe me, all troubles will go away... Misfortunes also get tired, and tomorrow will be a happy day!

The train goes to the final station “Success” with all stops: Failure, Apathy, Betrayal, Mistakes, Actions... Success.

Everything will be as it should! Everything passes... this too will pass... everything will be fine!

Happiness is when you don’t have to lie that you feel good.

A strong person is not one who is doing well. This is the one who is doing well no matter what. You are stronger than you think!

Everything that happens happens on time. This is the best it could be!

The end of something bad is always the beginning of something good.

Don't be sad... everything will be fine, life is full of pleasant moments!

Don't worry and don't be sad! The best is yet to come!

Everything will be fine in the end. If it's still not good, it's not the end.

Everything will be as you dream, just wait. Remember, sugar is at the bottom.

No eclipse lasts forever. Don't lose heart, everything will be fine!

The sun in the sky is good, but the sun in the soul is more important. Take care of your sun!

Look at your problems from a different angle! Relax, everything will be fine!

Everything will be fine! And even yesterday’s mistakes will benefit you!

I found the mood to be lucky. Yesterday everything was fine, but today it’s better!

Things to do for today: stand in front of the mirror, straighten your shoulders, raise your head, smile and tell yourself: “Everything will be fine!”

Go to the “Settings” of your soul, open the “Status” folder, check the “Happy” box and forget the password!

Everything will be fine, because bad doesn’t suit me!

Everything will be fine, because I want it that way and that’s the way it should be!

It is important to have a person next to you who will hug you and say: everything will be fine. And it's you!

No one will feel good around you while you feel bad alone with yourself.

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“There is a phrase that has cost me the most grief, pain and disappointment in my life.

It goes like this: “Everything will be fine”

Now I won’t even say at what point in childhood this strange belief was drilled into my head that everything in life must certainly be good. The family is happy. Friends are wonderful. The work is interesting. Money is plentiful. And if not everything is good, then it’s your own fault. Because everything is good in your life, of course, it could have been and even should have been, but you failed, although, of course, you could have been smarter, more prudent, more purposeful, or at least luckier.

But, you know, here's an amazing paradox. How to make sure everything goes well for you is a topic on which tens of thousands of books have been written and thousands of lectures given. Quantity teaching materials on this topic many times exceeds, for example, everything written about how to build complex architectural structures. But the most complex architectural structures are successfully erected, but for some reason everything in life stubbornly does not become good.

As soon as I managed to improve one part of my life, I immediately earned black eyes and bumps in some other.

I was getting the job done, but things were getting worse at home. I was fixing up houses and running out of money.

And again I had a reason to blame myself and consider my current life only a preparation for that ideal, “fingerless” life, where everything will finally be fine and to which I will definitely get there. This continued until one day I did not understand what was not in the books and what they did not tell me about in lectures.

Bumps and black eyes in life do not happen as a result of our mistakes, shortcomings or sins. They happen because getting a black eye is the most important, necessary and absolutely obligatory part of existence.

We live to develop. Fingal is a development tool.

Man invented the fire thanks to the cold. And while he managed to ignite it for the first time, he earned many burns and black eyes.

The man invented the roof thanks to the rain. And while I managed to build it for the first time, I received a lot of black eyes and bumps.

If it were not for these problems, as well as the bumps and black eyes earned while trying to solve them, there would be no development that a person received thanks to the search for how to get rid of these problems. Unpleasantness, discomfort is a trigger that launches our development mechanism, and a black eye is its obligatory condition, without which we are unable to rise to the next level.

Everything will be fine - we lie to each other as usual

And then we bashfully hide our bumps and black eyes, because we think that we could do without them.

It was impossible! If you think about it, everything good that comes to us usually begins with black eyes. Therefore, you should be proud of the bumps and black eyes you get from life.”

(C) Vladimir Yakovlev

When you turn to the wizard Sergei Loginov, miracles are inevitable! With the correct formulation of the problem and request, everything will really be fine!

I don’t really understand the dissatisfaction of the “free” public in this vein. I’m not trying to offend or anger anyone now, but I’m just thinking in general. Well, that is. if we talk from the position of liberal views (no, I’m not saying that liberals are bad, that’s not what we’re talking about):
1. Freedom of speech. Almost anything can be voiced today. You simply turn on the TV - there are liberals talking, there are communists, there are soilists, there are Westerners. In general, I can say almost any nonsense out loud, and the state will not do anything to me. Well, today specifically. Formulate the main thing adequately, and everything is ok.
2. Freedom of action. Also, in general, spin what you want. Are monopolies, cruel market rules and annoying freedom of action of other participants already addressed to you? Well, this is very European and American. (It’s also surprising when they swear about corruption and the venality of everything and everyone - in the MARKET. The market is a question of price, not honor, justice or anything else.)
3. Freedom of movement. If I don’t like what’s happening here, I took my feet in my hands and threw myself down, for example. Moreover, judging by the “news on TV” and on “these Internets of yours,” some citizens, along with themselves, also calmly take out impressive amounts of capital, which is like a rare bonus in our world.
4. Not solidarity and not “brotherhood” of the civilian population among themselves. This is what Glukhovsky voices as the “stuckness and constriction” of the population. It’s not tightness, it’s “my house is on the edge,” it seems to me. It is always there in conditions of general competition. Every man for himself, as it were. They don’t invest much in the “business”, not because they are “modest”, but because they simply have not yet learned how to cleverly deceive each other, it’s a matter of time before they take a closer look/adjust to each other.
And here I am philistine with a simple mind I think about it, yes, and I find it difficult to even immediately figure out in which of the “correct countries that everyone refers to” the same kind of anarchy exists in these matters. Personally, this doesn’t seem so good to me on some points, due to my rather left-wing preferences, but why doesn’t this seem like a success to fellow citizens of free, liberal views? This is what they fought for, if I understand correctly? What they organized perestroika for is correct? The power they wanted, the course they wanted. And “freedom”, right now, in this moment- You really can eat it with your ass. Well, Glukhovsky writes that “freedom” is no longer the main thing, the people are already “squeezed”, as it were. Doesn't this mean that "they" won their battle for "freedom", which was the most important thing for them when it all began? Those. This is their success, they have reached certain peaks and are moving on, to other issues, because these issues have already been resolved. Be happy when you win. Why are your faces so sour? You achieve your goal, you succeed.
It is clear that in matters of “freedom” our government has not yet mastered it and is weak on its feet in comparison with “these countries that everyone refers to.” Time will pass, she will get used to it, and such “freedom” will no longer exist. It will not happen precisely because we will finally become “like America” or “like Europe.” Those. “We’ll live well” from the point of view of these fellow countrymen of ours.
Damn, they were so sad, as if they wanted to sit on the Christmas tree without getting ripped off. It’s like, “we fought for it, but when it started to work out, it turned out that it wasn’t as cool as we imagined.” And if I quietly, remembering my thoughts, whisper, “Guys, maybe try to the left then, since you tried it here and were disappointed?” - so they will throw stones at me then. Why? Yes, because this “dissatisfaction” is ostentatious, apparently, but in fact, people in the team of winners today are striving to realize their success even more widely.
Prilepin, if you look at the situation like this, he writes adequate things. From the point of view of those who advocate “freedom”, in their coordinate system it is good/bad - people began to live better. They fought for "freedom" and they got it. They fought for certain values, and they implement them and promote them. I don't see any fatal problems for liberals. Well, the only thing that can cause them concern is the "white" gin, with religions and all that - but they themselves released it, in fact, let them curb it themselves now.

Respect to Glukhovsky as a prerequisite for the appearance of the Metro game - a very cool universe, I just dragged myself along. I read all the books, but I didn’t really share the author’s ideological messages, it was just aesthetically pleasing. Thanks anyway, interesting work.

Everything will be fine in Russia!... 7 reasons to stay in Russia.

This material is addressed to people who are regularly visited by the impulse “It’s time to get out.” Dear citizens, it’s too early to pack your bags. Everything will be fine in Russia!

1) “Prophetic” reason

Many Orthodox elders, both Russians and Athonite, predicted the great future of Russia at the “end of times.” Almost all the prophecies of the saints agree that Rus' will regain its former greatness and even become a new ark. We will quote here a quote from St. Lawrence of Chernigov, a Russian saint and seer: “...there will be a spiritual explosion! And Russia, together with all the Slavic peoples and lands, will form a powerful Kingdom. He will be cared for by the Orthodox Tsar, God's Anointed One. Thanks to him, all schisms and heresies will disappear in Russia. Persecution of Orthodox Church will not be. The Lord will have mercy on Holy Rus' because it already experienced the terrible pre-Antichrist time. Even the Antichrist himself will be afraid of the Russian Orthodox Tsar-Autocrat. And all other countries, except Russia and the Slavic lands, will be under the rule of the Antichrist and will experience all the horrors and torments written in Holy Scripture. In Russia there will be prosperity of faith and rejoicing, but only for a short time, for the Terrible Judge will come to judge the living and the dead.”

2) “Transcendental” cause

In 1902, the famous American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce fell into a trance and saw the following picture. Cities on the west and east coasts of the United States lie in ruins; Japan went completely under water, and Great Britain - half. Where are the floods, where are the volcanoes and earthquakes, where are the epidemics... And only the territory of Russia represented an island of prosperity in this devastation. Casey pondered his terrible vision for a long time and came to the conclusion that all the destruction would occur in the 21st century due to a global natural disaster that would hardly affect the territory of Western Siberia, which would become a new ark, from where a new revival of civilization would begin. It is interesting that, according to the clairvoyant, the harsh Siberian climate in the 21st century will soften significantly: along with pine cones, mangoes, bananas and pineapples will grow here.

Of course, Casey's vision looks exotic, but it is worth considering it carefully - this American clairvoyant predicted the start of two world wars, the creation of the state of Israel, the independence of India, the assassination of John Kennedy and much more.

3) “Freshwater” reason

Scientists have calculated that, probably, in 25 years the world will face a severe “freshwater” crisis associated with an acute shortage of fresh water. Most likely, within 10 years water will become a commodity commodity, like oil. So, Russia is the richest freshwater power, possessing almost half of all the world's water reserves. Baikal alone represents 20% of water reserves.
In this regard, let’s remember one simple logical chain and remember it every time we are tempted to leave our homeland: “Water is life! Russia is water! Russia is life!”

4) “Arctic” reason

As you know, the Arctic ice is rapidly melting. On the one hand, this is not very good for the polar fauna, but on the other, it opens up new economic prospects for our country. According to estimates Russian Ministry natural resources, the ice-free territory claimed by Russia could contain up to 586 billion barrels of oil. For comparison: all currently proven oil reserves Saudi Arabia, the world's main oil supplier, account for only 260 billion barrels. In other words, we won't be left without pants.

In addition, the melting of glaciers in the Arctic opens up new prospects for shipping. For example, a route through the Arctic (future “non-Arctic”) ocean would reduce the distance between Rotterdam and Yokohama from 11,200 nautical miles (the length of the current voyage through the Suez Canal) to 6,500 - by more than 40%. That is, freeing the Arctic territory from ice will radically change the current structure of world trade. In favor of Russia, of course, which has the largest coastal territory in the Arctic.

5) “Geopolitical” reason

Thanks to his geographical location and in the vastness of Russia is the only country in the world that cannot be completely occupied. For example, the German Kaiser Bismarck, as well as other great military strategists, constantly reminded us of this.
We cannot be driven into a corner: we can only be pushed a little away from the borders. And then we will catch our breath, gain strength and chase the enemy to “Paris and Berlin.”

6) “Collective” reason

The Russian people are distinguished by collectivism. The feeling of a single collective may be in a latent, dormant state for many decades, but in the most difficult hour, we, Russians (and only we) can quickly mobilize at the most terrible moment into a “single Russian soul” and survive the misfortune. That's how it was in Patriotic War, it was so during the Great Patriotic War, it will always be so... The future promises to be difficult: new wars, new cataclysms, and it is better to survive the challenges of history with our native people, whom the Lord has endowed with amazing vital immunity.

7) “Soulful” reason

In Russia they say, “where you were born, you are useful there.” And it is not just words. The Russian person is distinguished by a subtle mental structure that will never make him his own either in the pragmatic West or in the “relaxed” East. Ethnopsychologists say that immigrants from Russia have the hardest time socializing in Western countries - the “Russian gene” is very resistant to all the benefits of European civilization. Even “inveterate” Westerners, having left “Rashka,” begin to suffer from bouts of nostalgia, because only with a Russian person can they have a heart-to-heart talk. And we don’t know any other way.