The magic of money to repay the debt. Black magic for debt repayment. Magic in difficult situations

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about how magic spell quickly repay debts from the debtor. I think many people are familiar with the situation when you help out a person, lend money, and then getting your money back becomes a real problem. IN practical magic There are such rituals for quick debt repayment, and they work very effectively. In Black Book, you can choose ways to repay debt that work gently, affecting that part that we call conscience. There are also harsh rituals that terrorize the debtor and force him to return what he took.

IN runic magic There are also very interesting and full-fledged rituals of influencing an object in order to repay the debt. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, consider it advisable to combine warlock techniques and the path of Runes. The result can be quite inspiring. This material presents several effective conspiracies to force a person to repay a debt.

How do conspiracies work to force the debtor to quickly repay the debt?

First, let's make a detailed analysis of the situation related to debt collection. There are two sides: the creditor and the debtor. Let's consider the case from the position of the creditor in a magical way, of course. From the point of view of witchcraft, lending is a thankless and punishable task. Money does not come to a person so that he can give it to others. If he does this, it means he doesn’t need money. By choosing the “give” path, a person chooses not to have money. Living Energy money is released, as if dispersed in space.

From the debtor's perspective, the same situation looks completely different. The phenomenon of the connection between the debtor and the creditor is that the debtor, under the influence of monetary energy, enters an altered state of consciousness, encountering the temptation not to repay the debt. This stems from the need to give back your money, although you took someone else’s. Therefore, debtors, as a rule, do not repay their debts.

This means that in order to return what was given to another, one should turn to the practice of money magic, but it is not enough read powerful money return conspiracies, thereby affecting only the debtor, i.e. on one side of the conflict. It is necessary to influence both aspects – the lender and the debtor.
The magician's actions in relation to the one who gave the money should be aimed at increasing material well-being. Rituals must be performed to attract and fill cash flow. Turning to the second party to the conflict - the debtor, the magician persuades him to painlessly part with the money, or, turning to strong conspiracies for a person to repay the debt, harshly forces him to do this through instilling feelings of guilt, fear, or by launching a snake of events leading to a situation when a debtor is forced to repay his debt.

When you do this yourself - read conspiracies to return money from an organization or from an individual, take this point into account. Doesn't matter legal or an individual is the debtor, the algorithm of actions will be the same. The work must be carried out comprehensively. For example, the management of a debtor company can be instilled with the idea that parting with money and returning it to the creditor is not forced, but mutually beneficial. You can influence by gently awakening the debtor’s conscience, but if necessary, more aggressive and effective actions to extract the borrowed money are possible.

If you read a white magic conspiracy to repay a debt, turn to black magic or to Runes, that’s not the point, because the work will be built exactly according to the described scheme. Of course, each egregor works differently, but the essence remains the same. In witchcraft, the result is important, and only that.

How to read white magic spells for money back

If to solve a problem you turn to the Powers of the Christian egregor, then before independent reading money back spells, prayer appeal to representatives of the Forces that patronize merchants and are associated with the financial aspect. For example, pray to St. John the Merciful to improve your financial situation. This prayer must be read daily at dawn or during sunset.

Then you can carry out a ceremony to force the debtor to return the money.

And here's a simple one magical ritual force quickly repay the debt. For a magical ritual you need a piece of black bread and salt. Heavily salt the bread and say over it: “I add salt to your life, servant of God (name)”. Take the bread to the debtor’s doorstep, leave it there and read the words of the spell 3 times to quickly repay the debt:

“As this bread is salty, so will the food of my debtor, God’s servant (name), be salty. You won’t be able to drink water, you won’t forget about your debt, return everything you took from me. You can’t sleep at night, you can’t sleep during the day, so be it. Amen".

An independent conspiracy to give back money - to repay a debt in a swamp

This black conspiracy to repay a monetary debt must be read after midnight. You can do it at home, but you will achieve a greater effect if you perform a magical ritual at a forest crossroads, or near a swamp. For self-witchcraft you need:

  • wax candle
  • photo of the debtor

A photograph is taken to facilitate visualization, but you can work without it, with a mental image of the object.

Light a candle and read the most powerful conspiracy to return a large sum of money three times:

“I will get up without crossing myself, I will go without blessing, from door to door, from gate to gate. I’ll walk along the road, turn off the road onto the path, follow that path into the dense forest, find a quicksand swamp in the forest, and in that swamp lies a bone slab. I’ll go up to the bone slab and call the three demon sisters: grief, melancholy, fierce misfortune. Three demon sisters will come out from under the bone slab: grief, melancholy, fierce misfortune, and they will ask: “Who called us, who raised us?” I will come closer to them, bow lower, tearfully ask all three: “You, three demon sisters: sadness, melancholy, fierce misfortune, do not be angry with me. I called you, I raised you, I listened to my grief. Listen to my grief too. Go, three sisters, three demons: grief, melancholy, fierce misfortune, to my debtor (name). Find him, attack him, attack him, overwhelm him, my debtor. Twist him, bend him, beat him, trample him, tear him with your teeth, horns, claws, tear him, instruct him, force him, return his debt to me, give me what is mine, or he will not see peace. You are my debtor, what you owe me, I know, and what I know, I take from you. Three demon sisters: sadness, melancholy, fierce misfortune, break, twist my debtor, so that he roars, whines, squeals, yells and squeaks, knows no peace until he pays off his debt to me, until he pays me all his debts, until will not repay his debts to me. Three demon sisters: sadness, melancholy, fierce misfortune, crush my debtor. The word is the key, the deed is the lock, three demon sisters are on my debtor’s doorstep, and in each side of him. I can’t finish it, I can’t redo it, I can’t fix it, I can’t debug it, no one can ever settle my case until the debtor gives me what he owes, and I know that debt, and I’m collecting that debt, the three demon sisters help me with that. . I put the lock under a bone slab, I throw the keys into the shifting swamp, my work is strong, strong and irrevocable. Amen".

I recommend reading the plot for 3 nights, after the last reading at the crossroads. The money ritual has positive reviews from practicing magicians. The effect is really good, and for some, perhaps this is the most strong conspiracy to repay a monetary debt. I repeat, there are many methods for solving this problem.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

A strong conspiracy to return money - how to force the debt to be repaid yourself

A powerful ritual for a debtor to repay a debt has a harsh effect on a person. To work you need to prepare:

  • fresh bull heart
  • new knife
  • a piece of natural fabric

Place your heart on the cloth in front of you and, plunging a knife into it up to the hilt, read the following words of the conspiracy so that the person will repay the debt:

“I stop the life and blood and breath of my debtor (name). Until he returns my money, let the body of my debtor rot. The key is the sky, the lock is the earth. Truly spoken."

Without removing the knife from your heart, wrap it in linen and throw it at the cemetery gate or at a crossroads. If you have a serious problem with repayment, the debtor is stubborn and won’t give you the money he took from you, try strong ritual black magic. Perhaps it will turn out to be the most powerful conspiracy to return money to the debtor. Each person needs to choose their own effective conspiracy, to . This has already become a banality, since this fact is known to every practicing magician. Independent conspiracies to force a person to repay a debt– just like medicines: some are suitable for some, others are suitable for others. You need to find exactly the one that will be effective specifically in your case.

And I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, remind you: you should perform rituals on others only after you have installed magic shields for yourself. Bloodlines and family members should also be taken care of, since there is always a risk of getting a kickback after aggressive influence.

An effective home plot to pay off debts soon

If you are lost and don't know which one read a plot to repay a debt, try this one with red threads. To conduct a witchcraft ritual yourself, you need to have:

  • new spool of red thread
  • debtor's handkerchief (or any thing as a binding to an object)
  • stone

The witchcraft ritual is carried out at noon on the shore of the reservoir. Find a medium-sized stone, tie something to it with threads, and throw the tied stone into the water. When the stone sinks to the bottom, look at the place where the water closed.

And read the plot 4 times to force a person to repay the debt:

“How heavy the stone pulls to the bottom, so that my debtor (name)’s soul aches, groans, does not give him peace either on a clear day or dark night until I get mine back. Be according to this, according to my word.”

On the Black Moon, read conspiracies against the debtor to repay the debt

  • On the Black Moon (before the new moon), light a candle at sunrise. Stand at the east window and read the independent conspiracy to give back money three times:

    “I am sending a note to my debtor (name). Let this account burn and bake him, drive him into corners, break bones. Let my debtor (name) not eat, sleep, or drink until he repays the debt to me. Let it be so"

  • With the advent of the Black Moon, and 3 evenings in a row, burn aspen torches, whispering into the smoke:

    “As a torch burns, so you, my debtor, (name) will smolder and burn. You won’t fill it with water until you pay me back. Exactly"

  • To perform a home ritual, take a photo of the debtor and a black candle. Light a candle, place the photo on the table and, holding it, say a strong spell 9 times to quickly repay the debt:

    “On the sea-ocean there is a house of fire. It doesn’t wash away with water and doesn’t get blown away by the wind. An invisible man sits in it; he has no arms, no legs, no strength. So I drink the strength from the debtor (name), release the blood from him, take out his heart, close his eyes. Until you pay me back. And if you don’t give it up, you’ll consign your body to the grave. My words cannot be washed away with water, as they say, so be it. Amen"


    An effective plot to prevent people from asking for loans

    Learn to refuse when they ask you for a loan, so that later you don’t have to run after the debtor, and not be punished twice: by your debtor, who does not return the money, and by the Forces, who decided that the money, since you give it away, is . To hide yourself from those asking for a loan, use tricks that act in such a way that you will not be considered as a lender. And here is an example of such a magical cape.

    Wait until the night of the full moon. Take in left hand black flaming candle, raise it above your head, and then slowly lower it down, at the same time turning clockwise, as if drawing a spiral around yourself, and at the same time read the spell so as not to ask for a loan:

    “I look, but I am invisible, I speak, but I am inaudible. Whoever comes to me with a request will not find me. Truly."

Often the debtor is in no hurry to return borrowed banknotes to the owner, in which case magic can help - a strong spell to repay the debt. The ritual will make the borrower suffer from remorse and soon he himself will look for you in order to return the borrowed funds.

Rules for conducting return money rituals

The conspiracy to give back money has to do with household magic. Each of them requires following certain rules that have existed for many centuries. If the subtleties are not observed, the meaning of the ritual and its power are lost.

Before resorting to magic, ask the borrower several times when he plans to repay the loan. If there is no result of the promises, you can start a conspiracy, taking into account the following:

  • any ritual related to money is performed on the waxing moon. During this period, the chance of making a profit is very high.
  • It is not recommended to turn to black magic, even if you owe too much and are not going to pay it back.
  • Use only white spells that do not have a negative effect.
  • if after the actions taken the money was returned, be sure to thank the debtor in your thoughts and sincerely wish him happiness.
  • If possible, pray for the person repaying the debt in order to smooth out the negativity that was directed towards him.

By following these simple rules, you will not harm anyone, and the debt repayment plot will soon take effect.

The simplest conspiracy to return money affects a leisurely debtor on a subconscious level. It can cause mental anxiety, a person is overcome by fear and melancholy.

A strong conspiracy to return money, carried out using a black ritual, entails dire consequences.

An irresponsible person who loves to live at the expense of others will begin to feel an incomprehensible desire to see her benefactor.

The debtor's body will behave unpredictably: his hands will itch, and touching the money will cause a burning sensation, as if touching a hot iron. The creditor himself, who uses such a strong conspiracy to repay the debt, will also face similar troubles in the future.

Some people prefer to use .

There are several options for conducting the ritual. They contain objects on which ritual words will be read.

Hex on matches

If you choose this spell, prepare an unused matchbox, a saucer and a new candle (taken from the church) for execution. Light it up late in the evening. While pronouncing the ritual text, “revive” the match with fire.

Fire-light, help with your heat to make him return the favor! So that the servant of God (name) would be tormented by sorrowful thoughts and torment, so that every penny of his hands would be given to me! Make sure I get the return soon!

Place a burning splinter on a saucer, then light another one. Continue the ritual, repeating the spell many times until the last match burns out. Collect the resulting ashes and store them until the debt is repaid.

Coin spell

If the person who took a loan from you - close person, which you do not intend to harm, you can use an easy conspiracy to get rid of debts for a coin. To perform it you will need a white coin of medium denomination. She should be buried under a spruce tree early in the morning, saying three times:

I will bury a coin in the earth so that the debt taken by the servant of God (say his name) will be returned to me. To force him to give back everything he took. As soon as the debt is returned to the owner, I’ll dig up the change and forget all the grievances against the debtor!

After reading the magic words, go home. Call the debtor within the next week to remind them about the money. Will be back soon. When this happens, dig up the coin and keep it for yourself.

Debt repayment plot on potatoes

After sunset, take a potato. Smooth, without eyes or flaws. Cut into two parts: rub your palms with one, and rub the saucer with the other, where you place the coin. Say a spell:

I take what’s mine and leave someone else’s. My copper, slave (name of the debtor) to me, is clean from me.

The coin needs to be placed between the parts of the potato, pressed and secured by tying it with thread white. At the same time say: “On the hills and mountains, under stones and holes, water flows, starchy juice. Debt will flow to me, ringing coins. For the slave (name), the debt is empty, the coins are extra. For me - sonorous, for the wallet full. As the sun hides, the slave (name of the borrower-debtor) will have copper coins. He’ll bring it to me, he won’t borrow it.”

Place the charmed potato on the same saucer in the center of the table and wait for the debtor to return what was borrowed. To pay off a perfect little witchcraft, a coin must be given to the one who borrowed the money, saying: “For the debt, so that there is money.”

A conspiracy to repay a debt on potatoes can be done once every three to four months, otherwise the losses will overtake the performer himself.

Conspiracy to repay the debt

In the evening, light a candle (green) and read the prayer words.

My money, come back to me! From someone else's home, from someone else's wallet, to my abode, to me. Let the debtor (by name) not live in peace, let the money not be spent, but only thoughts about me and the debt overcome. This will continue until he returns the goods due to me. Amen.

Extinguish the wick and hide the candle in a dark place. This must be repeated every evening until the debt is repaid.

Hex on brooms

The ritual is suitable if a neighbor is in debt or an insolvent individual lives nearby.

For the ceremony, prepare two brooms, one of which must be frayed and used; the other is new.

First, carefully sweep the borrower’s threshold, saying the phrase:

I sweep with a good broom and sweep away my money!

After that, walk along the old threshold. After breaking off a couple of rods and throwing them on the floor, say the following:

I leave a thin broom near your house to prevent you from sleeping. So that thoughts of guilt in front of me torture the debtor and let other people’s money flow out of the house!

Having finished reading, you can go home. If everything was done correctly, the amount will be returned in no more than a month. When you receive them, try to think well of the person who used your money for two or three evenings in order to cleanse yourself of the effects of magic.

Many have found themselves in a situation where someone borrowed a certain amount of money from you or borrowed an item, but is in no hurry to return it. Persuasion and threats do not help; the debtor only shrugs or avoids you. Even if everything has already been tried, there are several magical ways get yours. The most effective are conspiracies for debt repayment.

Select what you are interested in:

How do such conspiracies work?

In such rituals, the main force is some pressure on the conscience and subconscious of the debtor. If there is even a drop of this feeling in him, then, undoubtedly, even a mild conspiracy will bring success. In the opposite situation, when you are sure that he has no conscience, then choose more effective way. A conspiracy to repay a debt will cause a person to fear punishment and desire to return the money to you.

Many people have a question: do such manipulations belong to white magic? The answer is yes. The fact is that you are not trying to harm, but only want to force the person to return what rightfully belongs to you.

If the debtor is a friend or family member

Often in life there are situations when the borrower is a relative or close friend. It is difficult to refuse in this case, but it will be much more difficult when he does not want to repay the monetary debt. The thought of legal recovery from a loved one is frightening; the method of threats disappears by itself. How to force a person to return what he took, while maintaining a good relationship with him?

Many people are afraid of the power of magic; in such cases, softer rituals can be used. Although such readings for refunds are more of a domestic nature and , Despite their power, they are harmless.

  • Order a prayer service for the health of the one who offended you, mentally imagining how he returns the debt to you.
  • On the full moon, sit in a circle of lighted candles purchased in a church shop, there should be an odd number of them. Place a vessel of water in front of each candle and read the following prayer:

    “Lord Almighty, You take care of your slaves here on earth, so give the opportunity to the slave (name of the one who owes) a house full of wealth, like vessels full of water. Lord, you light the way for us, so help Your servant (name) find his way to me and repay his debt in the near future, decorate his path with bright light.”

  • Light a candle for health in the church and pray that the welfare of the one who forgot to return his dog to you will increase.

To quickly repay the debt

There are many rituals dedicated to this topic, but none, even the most powerful, will be effective if it is not supported by faith.

Ritual with the debtor's thing

In order for the debtor to return the borrowed amount to your family, you should take his thing, sprinkle it with holy water, and dry it. And also banknotes, preferably large ones, put in a red, new wallet, wrap everything in an envelope in a little thing and hide in the south-eastern part of your house, while saying:

“As this wallet is rich, so will my debtor be rich. And when it is fulfilled, let him not hesitate to repay the debt. My words have enormous power!”

Ritual with ordinary brooms

For this purpose, you should buy one small broom, sprinkle it with holy water and say:

“I give you magical power so that money will return to my house. My speeches are strong!” The second one will be shabby and used.

With the purchased, new “tool”, at early dawn one should sweep towards the entrance in front of the borrower’s threshold, saying:

“I sweep with a broom, I get my money back from you.”

Pull a couple of twigs from a decrepit broom and throw them unnoticeably under the door:

“I use an old broom to disturb your sleep and instruct your conscience. So that she torments you until you repay my debt to the last ruble. Let other people's money go from this yard to the yard of the one who borrowed it for you. My words are as hard as stone.”

The most powerful spell for the new moon

The incantation is pronounced on the waning moon. IN last days month, you need to, looking at the leaving moon over your left shoulder, say the following words:

“The white moon leaves and returns back to the sky. Let mine (name the amount of money, or the thing that was taken from you) return to me.”

Repeat three times, then immediately go to bed. After the thin crescent of the waxing moon (new moon) appears, you need to perform the second part of the ritual. Looking over your left shoulder again, say these words:

“The glorious month already returned, and that means (debtor’s name) will definitely return the money to me.”

Spell on a photo card and a green candle

To return your property, you need to buy a scarf, an aluminum cross and a string from the church shop. You will also need large bills, green candle, which symbolizes prosperity. Take a photo of the person who borrowed it and light a candle. In the photo he should be in a great mood. Place the photograph under the moonlight falling through the window, after placing a scarf under it. Place the cross on the bill, carefully place the bill across the photo, the cross will be straight.

“As the new moon grows, so would the servant of God (name) grow richer from day to day. Let riches flow to him, like moonlight through my window, from all sides. So that he would not have any more debts to me, but would return everything within the next time. As she said, so be it forever!”

Verbal conspiracy to return money

Without any attributes, personal items or photographs, you can simply read the following plot while biting your tongue.

“Just as I rejoice and rejoice at the thought that the debt will be returned to me, so the servant of God (name) would rejoice and rejoice when it is returned to me. May there be strength in my words. Amen".

“Those who owe me money (names), may they have the strength to earn it. Let money always be in their home. My words are hard as stone! Amen!".

Here is a positive affirmation aimed at your employers in case... Mentally read to yourself while looking at the manual or those who issue it.

“Our company is constantly making good money. Our directors are always kind and generous to their subordinates. Accountants are happy to give us our salaries on time! I always receive my salary on time. Let it be so". You can do a conspiracy with a photograph of the director.

Any oral conspiracy is read several times a day, on the road, at work. It is also recommended to do this at home with a lit green candle. In general, it is advised to always have it at home and use magical power more often.

If you want to quickly repay your debt, you need to believe as much as possible in what you are doing. Surrender to the ritual with all your heart. But it should be remembered that the one who borrows may return the loan with a negative mood or, even worse, wishes. You need to take it carefully, mentally repeating the following words:

“I love you with all my heart. You are dear to me and you can always rely on me! You are kind, you are good, you are rich, you have done a good deed. You easily part with money because you have a lot of it! You only want the best for me."

After leaving, wash your face with water and walk around the perimeter of the apartment with a candle, “burning out” all the negative energy.

Consequences of debt conspiracies

The rituals given here will not have any consequences for you and the one who borrowed from you (except that he will have to give back what he took). After all, you take yours, you wish the borrower only goodness and prosperity, how else will he be able to return the money? There is another ritual that is performed with the help of a black wax doll and, but it should only be used by professionals, as it can greatly harm both parties. If you think that you cannot correctly and accurately carry out the rituals described above yourself, you should contact specialists.

In conclusion about the consequences

Often people do not know which moon to read conspiracies to repay a debt. All rituals are best performed on a waxing or full moon; it signifies profit. A decreasing one takes away funds, even borrowed money, you may not get what you want back.

Money lent without a receipt can be difficult to return, but perhaps the main thing is to believe in the power of your words. You can use this method as often as needed. The rituals given here will not have bad consequences, since they relate to white magic. If you think that you are doing something bad, wish more good to the one who offended you and then only positive energy will return to you.

All rituals concerning material goods belong to household magic. Most often, such witchcraft is resorted to by those who are desperate to improve their financial condition or collect money owed. Prayers and conspiracies to repay debt - extreme, but effective measure, which you should turn to if all other options have already been tried.


Rules of money magic

Basic rules of money magic:

  1. Don't try to gain financial stability at the expense of people.
  2. Do not tell strangers about witchcraft for money. People around you will not take you seriously and will laugh, or maybe try to harm you.
  3. For rituals performed for material benefits, use only personal amulets and attributes. Do not take other people's accessories - they will not help, but will only harm.
  4. Magic is associated with monetary energy, so a positive attitude has a direct bearing on the effectiveness of the ritual.
  5. Set realistic goals: you won’t be able to become a millionaire, but you can improve financial condition is quite real.
  6. Confidently say prayers and spells, thinking about every word.
  7. When you repay a debt, mentally thank the person with prayer and kind words.
  8. If the prayer to the saint worked and the debtor returned the money, order a prayer service in the church in honor of the one to whom you addressed.

Conspiracies and prayers for debt repayment

Rituals of household magic will help you get back lost money. The most in a simple way collecting debt at home is considered orthodox prayer. You can read it anywhere, thinking about the debtor and God.

The text of the prayer is:

Lord, help the servant of God (borrower’s name) come to his senses. Instill in him bright thoughts, you cannot plot intrigues with close people and hide from them. Repay (name) for his deeds, and help him return the money to us. Save and preserve the sinful soul. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

If the employer deceived you and did not want to pay wages, brooms will help you get the money: old and new.

Once you have them in your hands, proceed as follows:

  1. Break off a twig from each broom.
  2. Sweep the boss's door.
  3. Hit the door frame with an old rod and read a prayer for the employer to return the money: “I’m planning a good deed, I’m taking my money!”

You can receive money from the debtor as quickly as possible by performing a magical ritual with an icon and a strong spell.

For the ceremony you will need:

  • black scarf;
  • personalized icon with the name of the debtor;
  • mirror.

Having prepared all the attributes, proceed as follows:

  1. Cover the table with a cloth.
  2. Place the mirror with the reflective side down.
  3. Place the icon on top.
  4. Hold your palms over the icon and read the spell: “Give me back (name) that you took. Otherwise, troubles and illnesses will take away all your blessings, and you will not have peace and good luck for centuries. Strong word, its foundation is firm.”

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer

The soothsayer’s grandmother, who lives in Siberia, helps with a proven spell on a thing. Take any borrower item and say the words of the spell.

As soon as the servant of God (name of the debtor) thinks of deceiving and not paying his debts, his strength and agility will immediately leave him. The soul will be filled with scabs after abscesses. Heartburn and cramps will be a punishment. (name) will not be happy as long as my money is with him.

The item should be quietly thrown back to the owner.

Stepanova's conspiracy

For powerful conspiracy For Stepanova’s fortune tellers, it’s not easy to get the ingredients, but when the ritual works, the borrower will bring the money without a reminder.

To punish a debtor you will need:

  • three needles;
  • three pinches of ash;
  • three tablespoons of salt;
  • three feathers of any bird;
  • three pieces of hair from three dogs;
  • three scraps from different cats;
  • dark fabric;
  • a piece of dry soap;
  • knife with black handle.

Having obtained all the components of the ritual, we make the following lining:

  1. From fabric we cut out a square the size of a hand - a pentacle.
  2. We write the name of the debtor with soap.
  3. We put needles, ash, salt, feathers, dog and cat hair into a pentacle.
  4. Using a knife, mix all the ingredients counterclockwise and read the plot.

Burn, glow, pain, itch. Day to night and night to light. And an hour, and a minute, and a moment, and all the time. In the heart, in the lungs, in the ribs, in the mouth, in the eyes. Neither the enemy, nor the grandmother, nor the sorcerer, nor the sorcerer will relieve that pain. (borrower's name) will be ill and curse the white light. Neither drink nor eat for a long time until he repays his debt.

Hide the lining in the debtor's house or at the entrance.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

When asking for help from a saint, you need to give up selfishness and pride, do not blame the debtor and do not wish him harm. Remember that a financial test was sent by God to harden the soul.

A prayer for repayment of debts and getting rid of loans to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is presented below.

O all-good Father Nicholas, shepherd and teacher of all who flow by faith to your intercession and call upon you with warm prayer, quickly strive and deliver the flock of Christ from the wolves that are destroying it, and protect every Christian country and save with your holy prayers from worldly rebellion, cowardice, invasion foreigners and internecine warfare, from famine, flood, fire, sword and vain death. And just as you had mercy on three men imprisoned, and you delivered them from the king’s wrath and the beating of the sword, so have mercy on me, in mind, word and deed, in the darkness of sins, and deliver me from the wrath of God and eternal punishment, as through your intercession and With the help of His mercy and grace, Christ God will give me a quiet and sinless life to live in this world and will deliver me from this place, and will make me worthy to be with all the saints. Amen.

Prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

The appeal to Spyridon of Trimythous among Orthodox Christians is considered one of the most effective. You can pray to this saint if there is a delay in receiving money.

O blessed Saint Spyridon! Beg the mercy of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us for our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy. Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and God for our peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all spiritual and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander.
Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant us forgiveness for many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future, so that we may continually send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Spirit Holy, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.

You can watch the address to the saint in the video. Filmed by the Sviatoslav Makieiv channel, with subtitles.

Prayer of gratitude after debt repayment

Don’t be angry with the person who repaid the debt: even if he didn’t do it on time, he still repaid it. The debtor did not keep someone else's property to himself, and it is worth thanking him.

I'm letting you go today, and tomorrow. God saw you (name of the debtor) too, he is a judge. I (my name) am honest, merciful and pious. Let it be so!

Say these words to yourself when the money is returned, but next time think about whether to borrow money from him or not.

Rituals to get money back

You can force a person to give money that they do not want to return using both white and black magic.

The most effective rituals for returning money:

  • ritual with a chair;
  • coin spell;
  • ritual with matches for the full moon;
  • candle spell;
  • ritual with bath brooms.

Ritual with a chair

Will help you get your money back old chair or a stool.

The ritual is performed as follows:

  1. We break off the leg without the help of tools, with bare hands.
  2. We put the seat outside the threshold of the apartment.
  3. We recite the spell three times over the broken leg.

The belief works and does not fail. Those who do not repay their debts are driven into the coffin by fate. (debtor's name) himself will suffer, nothing good will come of it. If (name) does not repay the debt to me, then the devil will take him with him. Belief is the law!

After these words, break the leg into chips and scatter them along the road.

Coin spell

For an easy conspiracy that will not harm the person who took the loan, you will need a white metal coin.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. The coin should be buried under the spruce tree at dawn, saying: “I am burying the coin to repay the debt. So that the money comes back, for a long time. As soon as the debt is returned to me, I will forget all the insults and will not be offended.”
  2. Within three days, call the debtor and remind him about the loan.
  3. Soon he will repay the entire debt, and you dig up the coin. Keep it for yourself as a talisman.

Ritual with matches for the full moon

To perform the ritual on the full moon you will need:

  • Matchbox;
  • a new candle bought at church;
  • saucer.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Seeing the round face of the moon, open the window and say: “Darkness of the night, light of the moon. I urge you to collect the debts and return the money given. Just as the moon is full, let my pockets be filled with money. Amen".
  2. Light each match and place it on a saucer.
  3. While they are burning, say the spell several times in a row: “The flame is red, clean, help me repay my debts. So that (the name of the debtor) would torment his conscience and torture him with bitter thoughts until he gives everything back. I want to get results quickly."
  4. Hide the candle stub and match ashes. When the debt is repaid, you can throw away the remains of the ritual.

Candle spell

A spell for 40 candles will help if you need urgent debt repayment. Candles (40 pieces) must be purchased in the temple and lit at night. Read the prayer until the last candle goes out.

On the fifth day I will leave the yard without crossing myself. I will begin to bury the debts and represent the debtor’s grave. I sing the funeral service for my enemy, I forget the vile one. I trust the debtor’s heavenly powers. If debts are not repaid to me, then my soul will go underground and will not return.

The ritual will begin to take effect quickly, the debtor will apologize for the delay.

Ritual with bath brooms

Ordinary brooms (old and new) will help you force your money back. It is better to perform the ritual if the debtor lives nearby.

During the full moon, do this:

  1. Go to the debtor's house.
  2. Use a new broom to sweep debris away from his door.
  3. Say the first part of the spell: “The broom is new, green, helps, returns money.”
  4. Use an old broom to sweep the threshold.
  5. Break off three twigs and leave them in place.
  6. The final stage is the reading of the main spell. Don't get angry or be intolerant. After completing the ritual, the debt will be returned within a month.

Brooms should be spoken like this:

Old broom at the entrance, bring me a lot of money. What you took, turn it back, until you give it back, watch out! If you don't sleep, you'll burn in hell! Your conscience will torment you; you need to give away other people’s money!

Prayers and spells to pay off debts

Powerful prayers for paying off a loan are read:

  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Xenia of Petersburg;
  • Spyridon of Trimifuntsky.

To pay off your debt you can also do the following:

  • ritual with a wallet;
  • ritual with candles.

Nicholas the Wonderworker

This saint really worked miracles during his lifetime, so even now believers rush to turn to him for help in prayer. You need to address Nicholas the Wonderworker regularly, preferably saying words in front of his icon.

O all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, sinful and sad, in this life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me, the accursed one, beg the Lord God, Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment; May I always glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen.

Prayer of Xenia of St. Petersburg

It will help to pay back the borrowed money. The saint will only help with sincere repentance, so sincerely regret that you cannot pay the money to the creditor on time.

O holy all-blessed mother Ksenia! Having lived under the protection of the Most High, led and strengthened by the Mother of God, having endured hunger and thirst, cold and heat, reproach and persecution, you have received the gift of clairvoyance and miracles from God and are resting in the shadow of the Almighty. Now the Holy Church, like a fragrant flower, glorifies you. Standing at the place of your burial, before your holy image, as if you were alive and present with us, we pray to you: accept our petitions and bring them to the throne of the merciful Heavenly Father, as you have boldness towards Him, ask for eternal salvation for those who flow to you, for good deeds and our undertakings are a generous blessing, deliverance from all troubles and sorrows. Stand before our All-Merciful Savior with your holy prayers for us, unworthy and sinners. Help, holy blessed mother Xenia, to illuminate the infants with the light of holy baptism and seal the gift of the Holy Spirit, to educate boys and girls in faith, honesty, fear of God and grant them success in learning; Heal the sick and ailing, send down love and harmony to families, honor monastics to strive for good deeds and protect them from reproach, strengthen pastors in the strength of the Holy Spirit, preserve our people and country in peace and tranquility, for those deprived of communion of the Saints in the dying hour Christ's Mysteries beg. You are our hope and hope, quick hearing and deliverance, we send thanks to you and with you we glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

It is to this saint, more often than to others, that people who dream of financial well-being. In order for money to appear to repay the debt, you need to pray and read the prayer presented below.

O all-blessed Saint Spyridon, great servant of Christ and glorious miracle worker! Stand in Heaven before the Throne of God with the face of an Angel, look with your merciful eye at the people standing here and asking for your strong help. Pray to the compassion of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us according to our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy! Ask us from Christ and our God for a peaceful and serene life, mental and physical health, earthly prosperity and all abundance and prosperity in everything, and may we not turn the good things given to us from the generous God into evil, but into His glory and the glorification of your intercession ! Deliver all who come to God through undoubted faith from all spiritual and physical troubles. from all yearnings and devilish slander! Be a comforter to the sad, a physician to the sick, a helper in times of adversity, a protector to the naked, a protector to widows, a protector to the orphans, a nourisher to the baby, a strengthener to the old, a guide to the wandering, a sailing helmsman, and intercede to all those who require your strong help, even useful for salvation! For if we are guided and observed by your prayers, we will reach eternal rest and together with you we will glorify God, glorified in the Trinity of Saints, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Simple conspiracies

Simple conspiracies will help you attract finance and pay off the debtor. The morning and evening rituals are considered the most effective.


Algorithm of actions:

  1. Perform the ritual for a week in a row, in the morning, on an empty stomach.
  2. Pour water into a glass, read the prayer and wash yourself with it.
  3. Drink the remaining water and say the spell: “Clean, bright and fast water. You run, irrigate the earth and will never evaporate. I will wash my face and fill my hands with you. Give me a way to free myself from debt, remove sin from my soul, new life begin".


Execution order:

  1. The conspiracy is written down on paper.
  2. The words are read over the glass Epiphany water, in the evening, after sunset.
  3. After reading, burn the paper, pour the ashes into water and drink.

The text of the conspiracy is as follows:

I, servant of God, will stand up, blessing myself, and go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, to the eastern side, into an open field, to the ocean-sea, to God’s holy island. On this island lies the Alatyr-stone, and on the stone stands the Most Pure Mother of God, asking and praying incessantly to the Lord Jesus Christ for us sinners. I ask and pray, Most Pure One Mother of God, intercede for me, the servant of God (her). Drive away poverty, misery to distant lands, to the thirtieth empty kingdom, drive away and take away from me God's man(own name). The key is in the sea, the tongue is in the mouth.

Ritual with a wallet

An effective ritual for paying off debts is a ritual with a wallet and a candle.

The ritual takes place at sunset:

  1. Light a candle and place it in front of you.
  2. Take out your personal wallet and lay out the contents from it and say: “The wallet is emptying, my loans are turning into dust.”
  3. Leave your wallet empty until the morning, and put the money back at dawn.

Conspiracy with candles

For a conspiracy to return the money you will need:

  • 4 candles;
  • 13 coins of a single denomination;
  • a piece of white cloth;
  • knife with wooden handle;
  • a handful of salt.

To help yourself pay off a debt or loan, you need to:

  1. For the full moon, arrange the candles in a square (each corner symbolizes the cardinal direction).
  2. We read for each face of the square different prayers, turning clockwise. You need to start from the east.

When turning to one direction or another, we say:

  1. “Sir-East, let the breeze blow in your face, prosperity will come to the porch.”
  2. "South, true friend. Help me, collect my debts.”
  3. “West, dear, help has come, give me back my wealth.”
  4. “Mighty North, give me strength and power so that the desire to borrow goes away.”
  1. We approach the window leaving the candles burning.
  2. Using a knife, we cut the fabric into equal parts, saying: “I’m cutting a rag as if I’m cutting off debts.”
  3. Pour salt into one piece of cloth and coins into another.
  4. We wrap the fabric with the contents so that we get bags.
  5. We hide it until the next full moon.
  6. When the night light is round, we take out the bags from a secluded place.
  7. We go outside taking them with us and take them to a field where people don’t walk and bury them. We pronounce the final words of the ritual: “I will forgive other people’s debts, I will return mine, salt cleanses the soul, coins are bought back.”
  8. We go home without looking back.

Consequences of money conspiracies

The consequences of magic that helps to repay a debt can be as follows:

  • deterioration of well-being and health in general;
  • bad luck that will accompany you for a long time;
  • monetary and material losses;
  • poverty.

Sincere repentance and prayers for forgiveness of the soul will help to avoid consequences as much as possible. For this there is a universal and effective prayer"Our Father".

Our Father, who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name,

may your kingdom come,

Thy will be done

as in heaven and on earth.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our debts,

just as we also leave our debtors;

and do not lead us into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.

There are often situations in life when loved ones, friends, colleagues or acquaintances need financial support and it is simply impossible to refuse them. At the same time, not all people are decent and repay the debt on time. Sometimes ordinary requests and reminders do not work on so-called debtors, and then a money return conspiracy can come to the rescue. In this article we will look at various rites, rituals, and conspiracies that will help you influence the debtor absolutely safely.

History of money conspiracies

Nowadays, borrowing money from a friend or acquaintance is much easier, more reliable, safer and more profitable than from any bank in the country. At the same time, many subsequently face the fact that they lent for a certain period, but never received their money back. Of course, you can try to discuss the situation, directly find out from the person why he does not repay you the debt within the agreed period; perhaps the reason is really important. However, many are afraid of ruining their relationship with a friend, because, as a rule, debtors are immediately accused of tactlessness, commercialism and selfishness. It's one thing when it comes to small amounts of money, but what to do if you are owed a large sum?

An excellent way out of the situation - conspiracy to repay the debt. If you don’t dare make contact yourself, ask for help. magical powers. In fact, conspiracies were very popular back in ancient times. Previously, in almost every village or village on the outskirts there lived a healer, a witch.

Often women practiced not only white, but also black magic. People turned to the witches for various purposes: some wanted a good harvest, some wanted to annoy a neighbor, some dreamed of marriage. But conspiracies to return money were also popular.

Of course, there was no talk of any banks or microloan organizations. The only option to get out of a difficult situation and overcome financial difficulties was to borrow money from a neighbor or friend. If the debt was large, and the debtor was in no hurry to repay or, in general, hid and ignored the borrower - Only a healer could help get the money back.

Various potions, charmed decoctions, and linings were especially popular. Moreover, not every ritual was safe for the debtor.

There is a legend that explains the origin of debt repayment conspiracies. In one of the villages lived the sorceress Veleda. People often came to her for advice, predictions, asked what to do in a given situation, and asked for magical help.

The woman inherited this unusual gift from her great-grandmother, who practiced black magic. However, Veleda completely refused to carry out dangerous rituals, in addition, she did not help all people, but only those who came to her with pure intentions and a kind, open heart. The residents respected her, often came with gifts.

One day a young guy came to the witch and asked to perform a black ritual for death or serious illness. The thing was that he lent money to his best friend so that he could build a farm. The friend swore that he would return every penny as soon as he collected the required amount. At the same time, he simply drank all the borrowed money and left for the city, leaving his friend with nothing. The guy was very angry and understood that the debt could not be returned, which is why he decided to do such an act. Weleda refused to perform the ceremony, explaining that Negative consequences will be not only for the debtor, but also for the one who is planning something bad.

She advised inviting the debtor to drink a potion of truth and talk to him frankly: perhaps he realizes his mistake and is hiding only because he is ashamed to appear in front of a friend. However, the guy got seriously angry and said that he would handle the ritual himself. A week later it became known that my best friend died in the hospital from cardiac arrest. After another 2-3 days, the guy who performed the black ritual was found hanged in his house. They say that the spirit of the deceased came to him and drove him to madness, and, as a result, suicide. Weleda's prediction came true.

It was from then on that effective, but at the same time absolutely harmless and safe rituals, conspiracies, prayers, and whispers for debt repayment began to appear. In order to perform them, it is not at all necessary to have any magical abilities.

It will be enough to strictly adhere to the ritual, pronounce the words correctly and accurately and believe that your money will definitely return to you.

How to influence a debtor with magic

So, if you decide to resort to magic in order to get your money back, you need to remember a few basic rules:

  • The rite, ritual, or conspiracy you choose must belong to white magic. Remember that black rituals can lead to sad consequences not only for your debtor, but also for yourself.
  • The most successful outcome is for conspiracies performed on a waxing moon or on a full moon.
  • It is important to fully comply with all the features of the ritual, for example, if a red thread is needed for the ritual, buy a red one, and do not use a spool of white thread found at home instead.
  • It is best to learn the words of the conspiracy by heart, but if you are not good at such things, write out the text on a separate piece of paper in advance.
  • When the plan comes true, the debtor will return all the required amount, do not forget to mentally thank and forgive him. This way, you can completely let go of the resentment and all the accumulated negativity.

Options for forcing the debtor to return the money using higher powers actually a lot. The simplest way is conspiracies. Let's look at the most effective conspiracies that will help force the debtor to return your money.

Water spell

The ritual is quite simple, but it will take about 5 days to complete. First you need to learn the following words:

The water is flowing - it will return the money to me,

Tomorrow a friend will come and immediately return the favor,

And if he decides to hide, the water will overtake him,

His income flows away, my debt is returned to me,

My word is sealed. Let it be so.

You can write the text on a separate piece of paper and hang it next to running water, for example, at the kitchen sink. Every day when washing dishes, you must say the words out loud 3 times for five days. As a rule, the money is returned to the owner no later than a week.

Ancient ritual with candles

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • wax candle;
  • piece of paper;
  • pen with red ink.

It is best if you are left completely alone at the time of the event. The lights in the room must be turned off, be sure to remove any jewelry, and collect your hair in a braid. On the paper you should write the name of the debtor, as well as the desired date for repayment of the debt. Light the candle, wait until the wax melts a little, and then begin to slowly drip it onto the paper, pronouncing the text of the spell:

As a candle burns, so the servant of God (name) remembers his duty. Let heavy thoughts and mental anguish torment him. Let the money come back to me down to the penny, I put out the candle - let the debtor wake up! Let him not eat, let him not sleep, until the debt is fully repaid. Let it be so. Amen!

Repeat the spell three times, and then put out the candle. Fold the paper carefully and keep it with you until the recoil occurs. After the conflict is settled and the debt is repaid, be sure to burn the paper.

Enchanted coin

This is one of the safest rituals that can be used even in relation to your loved ones. To carry it out you will need one silver coin of any denomination. The ritual must be performed at midnight, always on the waxing moon. Go out into the yard and bury a coin under any tree saying:

I'll bury a coin

I increase my income

The one who owes it will return it to me,

Be rich all year round

Let the debtor not have fun

Until the debt is returned to me!

Then, return home without looking back. Exactly three days later at noon, call the person who owes you and politely remind you of the money. If the ritual is strictly followed, the return will occur within the next week.

Magic ball

For this ritual, you will need to purchase two skeins of red and white woolen threads in advance. It is advisable not to haggle or take change. In addition, you will need a candle and any small bill. The ritual must be performed on a full moon, alone. Turn off the lights in the whole house, light a candle. Take a bill, fold it in four and start wrapping it with threads from two balls. In this case, it is necessary to read the plot:

I say my slander, I will sentence the debtor, I will wrap the threads tightly - let him pay me back the debt. As the threads are woven together, so all the income of God’s servant (name) passes to me, until the return occurs. As soon as I tie the last knot, bad luck will begin for him, he won’t eat, he won’t sleep, he won’t have fun until he repays the debt to me. He can’t escape anywhere, he can’t escape his debts. The mistress moon helps me, and brings fear and sadness to the debtor. My words are locked, the key is in the water. Sealed by fire.

It is necessary to repeat the spell until two balls become one. Tie three knots at the end of the thread and whisper: so be it, amen. Next, you will need to hide the ball in a secluded place, put out the candle and go to bed. The prayer for debt repayment by the debtor will take effect in three days. After you receive your money, take out the ball and cut it with scissors and say:

I forgive you (name), the debtor, I forget the past and let go of my offense. God is your judge from now on.

Discard the cut ball.

A strong ancient ritual

This ancient ritual will help you get back what you have in a short time and forget about the problem of how to repay your debts. With the help of prayer, you can also return what was stolen from you. Moreover, it is very effective even in situations with scammers.

In the morning, before sunrise, you need to wash your face, take 13 small coins with you and go outside. You need to read the plot at the crossroads:

Beyond the seas, beyond the oceans, on the golden shore lies a chest. In that chest there are sharp knives and chiseled swords. You go to the debtor with swords and cut him, stab him until he returns the stolen goods. Let him suffer and be tormented, let his life not go well, let him not know peace and joy until he comes and brings everything that’s mine to the last penny. Let him move away from everyone, let his body break. If the debt is not returned to me, I will send the thief across the seas, and lock the hut with three locks. It will smolder, it will burn like an aspen branch until it returns what is mine to me. My words are strong, you won’t drown them in water until you repay the debt. Let it be so!

Then you need to find a secluded place, make a small hole in the ground and put 10 coins there. The remaining 3 must be given to the poor on the way home.

Magic threads

Another popular way to get your money back is lining. In order to implement your plan you will need:

  • Spool of red thread;
  • Scissors;
  • Hair from the debtor's head;
  • A piece of wire.

The ritual can be performed at any time of the day, but no one should disturb you. Cut 3 threads of the same size (25−30 cm). Next, take the wire and hair from your head and start braiding your hair. At the same time, read the plot:

I braid my hair tightly, I want the money back, until you repay the debt to me, you will not find sleep or peace. Amen.

The conspiracy is strong Siberian healer will begin to act immediately after lining.