Key phrases that bring happiness and good luck. Words to attract money. What attracts money and luck

Sorcerers, magicians and healers of all times knew about the power of words, that they were able to attract good luck and protect from danger. Our thoughts are formed from words, and actions are formed from thoughts. Ultimately, it turns out that it is words that create our life path.

Magic bunch

There are many words endowed with special energy to attract good luck in various matters.

For example, if you have lost a small item, you can say the following bunch of words: “Together - find - now.” This link is deciphered as follows:

  • The first word connects intuition and consciousness.
  • The word “find” plays a key role in this situation (after all, we are, in essence, trying to rediscover a lost item).
  • The final word helps the event happen faster.

Password words for any occasion

Password words for any occasion Password words have amazing property attract luck exactly where you need it. Let's look at the most powerful words. It is advisable, as in the previous example, to insert these “passwords” into a frame of the words “together” and “now”.

  • Convince your interlocutor of your point of view - “turn it on.”
  • If you need to get rid of pain, “change.”
  • To hide from various threats - “protect.”
  • Fall asleep faster - “around”.
  • Increase your abilities for clairvoyance and telepathy - “in between”.
  • To win in a competitive environment - “fight”.
  • To get rid of a grudge against a person - “put it aside.”
  • Finding a strong will is “done.”
  • To get rid of the feeling of melancholy and loneliness - “be.”
  • Calm the mind - “be.”
  • Do hard, burdensome work - “adapt.”
  • Rid your mind of aggressive thoughts - “move away.”
  • Earn a large amount of money - “count.”
  • To accomplish the impossible, to surpass yourself - “anticipate.”
  • Overcome self-doubt, get rid of low self-esteem - “directly”.
  • To sell something is to “present”.

A few words about being prepared for success

Words alone, of course, are not enough to attract good luck. You need the right inner attitude, a willingness to take advantage of the gifts that the Universe is ready to offer to every person. It is easy to check this readiness.

  1. If a person looks at pictures from "beautiful", rich life, and a grumpy old man or old woman wakes up in him.
  2. If he does not admit to himself that he is afraid of large sums of money.
  3. If he considers himself unworthy of luck in any skill, happiness in his personal life, or career, it means that the person is not yet ready to let luck into his life. In this case, long-term work on yourself is required. Luck is a combination of a person’s internal readiness and the opportunities that it offers the world.

Words that attract luck

And for those who are internally ready for life changes, we offer next list positive words. They help attract good luck. On the one hand, these words program consciousness and help attract good luck into life. On the other hand, they can be used as a kind of spell to transform the surrounding reality.

  • I'm lucky.
  • Every day I attract good luck.
  • People see me as a very lucky person.
  • I always think positively.
  • I am full of gratitude for my good fortune.
  • Day by day I am becoming more and more fortunate.
  • I am transforming into a person who is always lucky.
  • It's easy for me to attract luck.
  • I deserve to be happy.
  • Fortune smiles on me unexpectedly.
  • Every day I celebrate new success.
  • I hear good news regularly.
  • I always get what I want.
  • I attract luck like a magnet.
  • I'm ready for anything, that's why I'm so lucky.
  • I'm incredibly happy.
  • I'm lucky in everything I do.
  • I create my luck every day.
  • At every moment I expect only the best.
  • Everywhere I appear, there is an aura of luck.

Now you know a lot of words to attract luck and luck into your life. However, remember that “password” words will only help you if you are ready to open up to the Universe and accept its gifts.

It is not for nothing that people say that a person is the architect of his own happiness. Material and family well-being depends not only on our actions and behavior, but also on our thoughts and words. By thinking negatively about themselves and their wealth, and even more so by voicing these thoughts, people willy-nilly program themselves into poverty, not allowing cash flow fit into your life. Before you attract money and luck into your home, you should attract them into your thoughts.

How to attract money and luck with words

Money is a delicate and very sensitive substance, so never allow it to be treated with disdain. Respect any amounts of money and denominations, avoiding phrases “It’s just pennies!”, “There’s always not enough money!”, “They pay me pennies!”, “Apparently, I’m destined to be a beggar,” “I’m always unlucky”. With such comments you block the way to money and energy flows.

Negative emotions such as anger and envy can also serve you poorly. Drive away envy of the rich, learn to sincerely rejoice for successful people. Surround yourself with such people, because they know how to attract money and good luck.

Never make malicious comments towards financial structures and organizations - even if you are experiencing real difficulties in paying off loans or have tax debts.

Set yourself up with phrases and thoughts like “The money will come.” “Money just flows into my hands,” “I’m always lucky, I’m lucky.”

How to attract money according to Feng Shui

The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui will help you harmonize your life by making its elements powerful magnets that attract good luck and prosperity. Here are the basic rules that every person who dreams of wealth should follow:

  • Keep the house clean. Do not allow deposits of old and unnecessary things, they collect on themselves negative energy. Get rid of junk and fresh cash flows will flow into your life.
  • Don't let water leak out of your home. This threatens not only with impressive receipts from the city water utility, but also with the loss of monetary energy. Remember that there should be no leaking taps or gurgling toilet tanks in the house. Money is water and should not be wasted. And here decorative fountain with circulating water in the south-eastern part of the house, on the contrary, it will attract wealth.
  • Start a house Money Tree. The ancient Chinese knew how to attract money and good luck with the help of this plant. For this purpose, under flower pot they put a coin or a banknote and looked after the green pet with special trepidation.
  • To attract money and luck, you definitely need money talisman. This could be anything from a three-legged toad sitting on a pile of coins to a personal amulet. The second one is best, because the amulet should always be with you. It is usually recommended to purchase a charmed amulet with prayers and chants.
  • Pay attention to your wallet. It should not be torn or dirty. Bills and small coins should be kept in separate compartments. Banknotes should be folded carefully, sorted by value, placing them on the same side. Do not allow your wallet to remain empty; there should always be an “unchangeable” bill or coin in it.

How to keep money and luck for a long time

It is important not only to create energy magnet traps for money, but also to follow certain rules so as not to scare away the incoming energy of wealth. There are a number of signs of ancestors proven by centuries of experience, which to ignore is a real economic crime.

  • Don't forget to donate to charity and help the disadvantaged;
  • After guests leave, be sure to shake the tablecloth outside to get rid of envy and the evil eye that may have entered your home;
  • Do not keep two brooms in the house;
  • Never lend on Mondays or in the evenings;
  • Do not take out trash after sunset or during inclement weather;
  • Do not place empty containers on the table, do not leave money or keys on it;
  • Do not place your wallet or bag with money on the floor;

Signs for prosperity

Now you know enough about how to attract money and luck to your home. Follow all the above rules and expect quick results. You can tell that profit is just around the corner by following some signs:

  • If it itches left palm- this is about money. You need to clap your hands several times or knock on some wooden object with your palm.
  • During the flowering of house plants, you can expect profit.
  • If you find a four-leaf clover in the forest, you will find wealth and good luck.
  • A butterfly that flew into the house or bat They do not promise anything bad, but on the contrary, they prophesy wealth. Make sure that uninvited guests fly back out into the street safely.
  • Don’t be upset if you have a “mark” on your clothes from a flying bird. This is for money.

Don’t miss these signs of fate and prosperity and good luck will enter your home.

As L.N. Tolstoy said:“The word is a great thing.” A short, but what a capacious expression. The word is it's not just a set of letters and sounds , this is a kind of energy that can be both positive and negative, and thereby greatly influence a person’s life.

The word contains great power - it can heal and revive to life, it can offend, injure and even kill, a word can express both love and hatred.A carelessly spoken word can break a person, but with the necessaryand timely spoken wordsYou can instill hope and faith in yourself.

Since ancient times, the word has been treated as a miraculous power - mysterious spells, conspiracies, mantras and the like. Yes and in modern world to the influence of words and on h People are taken quite seriously. There are psychotechnologies that are built specifically on working with words.

As experts in this field say,words influence not only the person to whom we address them, they also influence the owner of the words.

WITH The words we often say are deposited in the subconscious and cause a special reaction in the body, influencing our behavior and life in general. There is also a parable on this topic, read it.

As I already said,the information you will read below isThese are not my conclusions, source, so I am passing it on to you word for word.

Words that attract good luck

Yes, luck loves to be called by name. But you need to use this word confidently and only with a positive attitude. No: “Oh, if only luck smiled at me...”. Instead, you should say: “I believe that luck will smile on me today.”

Happiness is what you strive for. Remind yourself of this goal every day and look into the future with confidence: “I will definitely achieve my happiness.” By repeating this word, you will bring your goal closer to yourself, and after a while you will really feel like a happy person.

The ability to love yourself and the world around you is the key to success, which does not love callous people. Remind, tell your loved ones about your feelings, and do not be afraid to admit your love for the world. Say: “I love this world for its beauty and the opportunities it opens up for me.” And the world will rush to reciprocate your feelings.

The word consists of two parts, and if we rearrange them, we will see the combination “receive good.” If you use this word often, and especially if you wish the well-being of other people, you will really begin to benefit from life and bring good luck to yourself.

If you break this word down into its components, you get the combination “to give a benefit.” Fortune turns its back on those who are only able to receive without giving anything in return. Therefore, thank for your successes - pronouncing the word “thank you” - close people, fortunate circumstances, those who provided you with help, albeit insignificant, and next time luck will not deny you its favor again.

To ensure that all your endeavors are crowned with success, say this word more often. This way you will program yourself for luck and achieve what you want.

Confidence is one of the fundamental feelings of successful people. If you believe in yourself, then Fortune will give you favor. Frequent repetition of this word will help you feel confident in your abilities, convince yourself of your own faith, even if at first you had doubts.

In order for circumstances to develop successfully, you need to trust life. Before something important to you, talk more often about trust: “I have confidence in life. I know that life circumstances will work out in my favor."

The key to success is physical and moral health. Negative words, discussions of illnesses and constant complaints about well-being not only attract problems, but also worsen the condition of the body. But the word “health” in positive combinations will help you always feel good.

Hope makes a person gather his strength into a fist and move on even in the most difficult situations. difficult situations. Say: “I hope for the best,” and luck will definitely hear you and justify your hope.

These are actually all the words that attract good luck - just ten simple and familiar words. Agree, there is some kind of healthy grain in all this and why don’t we attract luck to ourselves in such a simple way, in my opinion. After all, Luck is a lady with a choice, she is not friends with everyone, and even if she is friends, she does not do it on schedule.

Someone will probably say - why do we need luck, the main thing is that there is success. You set a goal for yourself, did everything to achieve it and success is guaranteed and it is only yours. And I agree with you, because relying only on luck is fundamentally wrong. But I think one will not interfere with the other.

As they say, it’s prestigious to be successful, but it’s nice to be lucky.

In any case, it's up to you to decide what to do with this information but personally, I don’t think these tips are useless, I’m sure that by using them you Anyway you will win and you can improve your life.

A in conclusion, wonderful poems by Eduard Asadov.

Let it be in your lifehealth, love, happiness, prosperity, be grateful for all the good things in your life, And even if things don’t always work out the way you would like, trust life, hope for the best andyour confidence will definitely bring you success, and luck will become your best friend.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

In order to find joy in life, get rid of problems and achieve success, you do not need to make titanic efforts. The main thing is to believe in yourself and give yourself a positive attitude. This can be done using the power of words.

Even in ancient times, people realized that words spoken with conviction and repeated repeatedly can have a strong impact on a person’s life and destiny. It was noticed that the frequent use of words with a sharply negative meaning leads to aggravation of problems, and, on the contrary, the predominance of “positive” words in speech gives a person such strength that he gets out of the most difficult situations. life situations and achieves success. Our wise ancestors used this observation to make conspiracies truly effective. And modern psychologists have confirmed the connection between what we say and our sense of self and luck. The thing is that the words we often pronounce are deposited in the subconscious and cause a special reaction in the body, influencing our behavior and life in general. Therefore, if problems haunt you, it’s time to think about what words you say most often. Here is a list of 10 words that will help get rid of problems and attract good luck.

Luck. Yes, luck loves to be called by name. But you need to use this word confidently and only with a positive attitude. No “Oh, if only luck smiled at me...”. Instead, you should say, “I believe that luck will smile on me today.”

Happiness. Happiness is what you strive for. Remind yourself of this goal every day and look into the future with confidence: “I will definitely achieve my happiness.” By repeating this word, you will bring your goal closer to yourself, and after a while you will really feel like a happy person.

Love. The ability to love yourself and the world around you is the key to luck, which does not love callous people. Remind your loved ones to talk about your feelings, and don’t be afraid to admit your love for the world. Say: “I love this world for its beauty and the opportunities it opens up for me.” And the world will rush to reciprocate your feelings.

Well-being. The word consists of two parts, and if we rearrange them, we will see the combination “receive good.” If you use this word often, and especially if you wish the well-being of other people, you will really begin to benefit from life and bring good luck to yourself.

Gratitude. If you break this word down into its components, you get the combination “to give a benefit.” Fortune turns its back on those who are only able to receive without giving anything in return. Therefore, thank for your successes - saying the word “thank you” - close people, fortunate circumstances, those who provided you with help, albeit insignificant, and next time luck will not deny you its favor again.

Success. To ensure that all your endeavors are crowned with success, say this word more often. This way you will program yourself for luck and achieve what you want.

Confidence. Confidence is one of the fundamental feelings of successful people. If you believe in yourself, then Fortune will give you favor. Frequent repetition of this word will help you feel confident in your abilities, convince yourself of your own faith, even if at first you had doubts.

Confidence. In order for circumstances to develop successfully, you need to trust life. Before something important to you, talk more often about trust: “I have confidence in life. I know that life circumstances will work out in my favor."

Health. The key to success is physical and moral health. Negative words, discussions of illnesses and constant complaints about well-being not only attract problems, but also worsen the condition of the body. But the word “health” in positive combinations will help you always feel good.

Hope. Hope forces a person to gather strength into a fist and move on even in the most difficult situations. Say “I hope for the best,” and luck will definitely hear you and justify your hope.

Change your life for the better using the right words. Your happiness is in your hands. May Fortune always bestow its favor on you, and do not forget to press the buttons and

16.10.2015 00:40

Few people know that everything good that surrounds us was born first in our thoughts...

First there was the word...Words have great value, sometimes they are magical and creative, and sometimes they are negative and destructive. What we say greatly influences our lives.

Today I want to introduce you to some magic words with which you can make your life more pleasant and wonderful. Use these magic words in your Everyday life and miracles will very quickly enter into it.

Magic words: formulas for money, love and health

I I am and I choose

Neale Donald Walsh writes: “Use the great command that calls forth the creative force: 'I am.' Make “I am” statements out loud to other people. “I am” is the most powerful creative statement in the Universe. Everything you think, everything you say after the words “I am,” sets in motion the corresponding experiences, calls them, attracts them to you. The universe knows no other way of functioning. There is no other path she could have chosen. The universe reacts to the statement “I am” like a genie in a jar.”

And the word “I choose” can radically change your life. From these magic words you can come up with your own affirmations that will attract what you want into your life.

For example:

- I Am love!

- I Am a magnet for money!

- I Choose Happiness!

- I choose Success!


The word “More” gives a powerful signal to the Universe. Create your own with this word and say them several times a day.

For example,

- Every second I become EVEN happier,

- Every hour I become EVEN happier,

- Every day I become EVEN happier,

— Every year I become EVEN happier.

Instead of “happier,” say the word you want.


There are two wonderful formulas with this word: the formula of Destination and the formula of Solomon. When pronouncing formulas, focus on this word and imagine that your “I” merges with other “I”s and permeates the entire universe.

Destination formula:

I am a miracle of the Universe!

I am the property of the world!

I am a gift from God!

I recite Solomon’s formula every day; I really like it. It can be spoken, sung, written. This formula reflects the principle of trinity; Solomon, the founder of the Temple of Abundance, gave it to his followers. This unique formula is a kind of request addressed to the Universe.

Solomon's formula:

I attract money!

I affirm happiness!

I multiply love!


This word has magical power. And the word “rich” too, since it comes from the word God. I bring to your attention a formula for wealth, which is recommended to be repeated as often as possible (mentally, in a whisper or out loud, as is convenient for you). This formula is effective method metaprogramming.

Wealth formula:

God is rich and I am rich.

And if you want to start thriving and living in abundance, having worked through all your blocks on a subtle energy level, you can read the information about

There is also another money formula that has worked well. During the week, write it on paper 54 times in the morning and evening. Say it as often as possible.

Money formula:

“Cosmic abundance manifests itself in the flow of money in my life.”

There's another one magic formula , created by Joe Vitale in his Ho'oponopono method.

These are the words:

- I'm really sorry!

- Please forgive me!

- I love you!

- I thank you!

Simple and simple 4 phrases that have the strongest effect. These phrases open the heart chakra and help you tune in to the Universe. Try working with this formula. Identify some of your problems and start saying these words. With the words “I’m very sorry” and “forgive me,” you cleanse your field and remove negativity, and with words of love and gratitude you fill your field with love.

These magical formulas for money, happiness and love, based on magic words It is advisable to talk every day. It’s good to talk to them about water, since water is an excellent carrier of information.

Love and goodness to you!

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