What does a pink stretch ceiling look like? Features of the use of pink stretch ceilings. Standard solutions for premises

Pink stretch ceilings are very popular, even though many people see some kind of aggression and irritating effect in pink, and therefore try to avoid it when decorating the interior. The ability to combine pink stretch ceilings with elements of various pastel shades predetermined that in last years More and more consumers prefer canvases of this particular color.

Pink stretch ceiling: advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage, common to almost all pink shades, is brightness and the creation of a special mood that fills the entire room. According to psychologists, pink tones among all colors have perhaps the most relaxing effect on the human psyche. They also help create a romantic mood and remove negativity after working day. The main thing in this case is to choose the shade of the ceiling that best suits your preferences. Some people like soft and desaturated shades, while others prefer more bold decisions. The only noticeable drawback of the stretch fabric, decorated in pink, can only be seen in the personal rejection of it by a specific person. For example, the same psychologists believe that it is not suitable for sentimental individuals and children of adolescence.

Where to install?

  1. Children's room. Perfect option– buy pink suspended ceiling to the girl's room. Thus, you will help the baby create her own kingdom, where she will feel like a real princess. In this case, it is better to combine the main background with white shades that absorb the intensity and richness of pink.
  2. Living room, hallway, bedroom. A pink ceiling can be preferred when decorating almost any room. He looks great in classic interior, and designed in high-tech style. Pale tones will go well with grays and blues, which will help you relax. It is also important to choose decent lighting so that the atmosphere is truly cheerful.
  3. Bathroom, kitchen. Warm pink tones are what you need. This a win-win design of both the bathroom and the kitchen, where the whole family gathers around a large table.

Our company, whose place of business is Moscow, offers a variety of suspended ceilings, including pink ones. Their cost is always within affordable limits and will pleasantly surprise you.

The Mos Siling company offers more than two hundred shades of stretched vinyl sheets. Among them we can highlight the currently fashionable romantic pink stretch ceiling, spectacular photos which flooded the Internet.

And if you think that pink is a sickly sweet color, you are deeply mistaken! There are many cold and warm, light and dark shades: ash rose and fuchsia, salmon and amaranth, magenta and lilac, carnation and orchid, cherry and raspberry, purple and violet. And this is far from a complete list.

Popular questions about pink stretch ceilings

Since pink vinyl canvases are increasingly being ordered from our company, Mos Siling consultants receive the same type of questions regarding this color in interior decor. Let's answer the most common ones.

Are pink shades suitable for bathroom ceilings?

Of course yes. With one important clarification: bathrooms, toilets, showers and restrooms are most often small rooms. Therefore, it is very important to choose a harmonious color scheme that is not depressing and visually makes the room more spacious.

And if in a large bathroom of a private house the ceiling can be made crimson, then for a tiny bathroom standard Khrushchev It is better to choose an orchid or ash-pink stretch ceiling.

At the same time, the colors of the walls and floors are no less important. With a bright ceiling in a large bathroom, they should be made paler, and in small bathroom It is better to decorate all surfaces with light finishing materials.

What texture is better to choose pink films for tension structures?

Most big choice shades of pink canvases with a glossy texture, which is not surprising. Matte film of this color looks best in light colors, just like satin. But the reflective, mirror-effect varnish stretch fabric looks amazingly beautiful.

Pink gloss in different shades is suitable for bathrooms and hallways. The delicate colors of pink lacquer film are a wonderful decoration for two-level structures for children's rooms and bedrooms, and bright colors– for living rooms and halls of restaurants and other entertainment venues.

Is a pink ceiling appropriate in tiny rooms?

Light cool shades of pink membranes are great for small rooms. They bring a lot of light into the room, positive mood, a feeling of spaciousness and comfort, especially for shiny textures: satin and gloss.

What colors are in harmony with pink canvases?

Pinkish colors, depending on the tone, are in harmony with different colors, for example, light and dark gray, lemon and light green, lilac and azure, white and black, beige and chocolate, herbal, silver and gold.

Are ceilings made of matte or satin and glossy pink shades harmonious?

Of course, in two-color single-level curved ceilings and multi-tiered structures the combination of light and dark, glossy and matte or satin pink canvases looks stylish and gorgeous. This is a great solution for a girl's room.

Is it possible to print photos on pink film? If yes, what topic?

Not all images will be suitable for pink films, and some traditional ones will look specific. Nevertheless, this is a very successful, original design move. For example, printing clouds on a creamy pink canvas will create a magical, ice cream-like sky.

The most delicate pale roses in the shabby chic style look great against a light background. For Japanese interior On a pale pink film it is worth applying images of hieroglyphs, cherry blossoms, pagodas and rocky mountains.

Brighter canvases can become the basis for printing geometric patterns and floral ornaments silver or gold paint to create ceilings in oriental style. Monochrome black images are suitable for minimalism and other modern styles.

Pink stretch ceiling in different interior styles

Thanks to the huge variety of shades, pink stretch ceilings are suitable for a wide range of interior styles: Japanese and Mexican, shabby chic and kitsch, pop art and rococo, eclecticism and others.

In the pop art style, pink ceiling film can be combined with blue, lemon, purple, grass and other colors without restrictions. To print on tension fabric Images of newspaper pages, comics, graffiti and abstractions are suitable.

Shabby chic design pink color– one of the most important. All of it applies pastel shades. Floral prints, antique furniture, candles, crystal vases and chandeliers with pendants go well with a pink ceiling.

Numerous design trends are intertwined in the fusion style. Lacquer crimson ceilings and similar poisonous tones of pink are appropriate in his interiors. Monochrome inscriptions, portraits, and simple ornaments are selected for printing.

In historical Rococo interiors, pink mother-of-pearl looks great, a combination in two-level ceiling structures pink with white or beige fabric. But for minimalism, it is best to choose a monochrome pink stretch ceiling.

Color plays a huge role when choosing a stretch ceiling. Most often, preference is given to white coating, as it is considered universal and fits perfectly into any interior. However, there are other colors that are no less popular.

One of the modern and popular colors in Lately is pink. A pink stretch ceiling is perfect for most rooms. To make sure of this, you should look at the photos of such hanging canvases.

Is it worth installing?

There are often people who are skeptical about choosing such a surface, believing that a bright coating would not be appropriate in a living space. Is it so?

According to psychologists, it is not recommended for sentimental people, as well as children in adolescence, to use pink to decorate a room. It is also not recommended to install such a canvas even if you are unsure whether it will look harmonious with the design of the room or not.

A red-violet tone or fuchsia should be chosen carefully for the interior, since bright colors do not always create the desired atmosphere.

On a note: According to scientists, this color helps to relax and relieve negativity. Bedroom or children's room, decorated in this way color scheme, looks cozy and romantic.

It is worth noting that the color range of this color is quite wide:

  • light coral;
  • fuchsia;
  • amaranth;
  • terracotta;
  • red-violet.

If you choose the right shade for the interior, the room will be transformed beyond recognition, and being in it will be cozy and comfortable.

What to combine with?

In order for the coating to look appropriate and harmonize with the design, it is necessary to combine the shades correctly.

Pink can be combined:

  • with light tones (this combination will visually increase the area, give the room volume, make it lighter and more comfortable);
  • gray (the room will acquire the effect of lightness and softness);
  • blue (this combination is used if it is necessary to create a positive mood in the room);
  • green (great option for country house or dachas).

Pink suspended ceilings in the interior

This color is associated with carefree childhood and tenderness, so it is best to install this coating in a girl’s room. To prevent the nursery from looking “sickly sweet”, the tone must be diluted with the help of interior items that will dull the richness of the tone. For example, decorate a room with beige-colored furniture.

Advice: This color would be appropriate in the hallway and corridor. Thanks to the light coral surface narrow corridor it will seem wider, and the small hallway will appear more spacious.

In the bedroom it is best to install an amaranth or terracotta ceiling. They will create an intimate and cozy atmosphere. In addition to design, designers recommend using bright elements decor, thanks to them the bedroom will become more interesting.

As an example, pink stretch ceilings in combination with different colors you can look at the photo.

It is also worth noting that this coating is an excellent option for rooms decorated in styles such as:

  1. Terracotta shade is perfect for classic style. Terracotta ceiling correct form will give the room pomp.
  2. Pale shades are more suitable for the Hi-Tech style in combination with gray, blue and metallic. In this case, the furniture should be in muted shades. For creating unique design additional glass elements can be added. Various figurines and pillows will also complement the design.
  3. The Renaissance style is very demanding in terms of colors, so the shade should be selected very carefully. For example, amaranth coating in combination with white furniture is suitable.
  4. A rich tone in combination with gray and blue is perfect for “pop art”.

Video on the topic

Stretch ceilings have become very popular in recent years. Featuring practicality and durability, they fit perfectly into any interior, making it more stylish and impressive. Usually the choice falls on white stretch ceilings - universal color for any situation. But recently, the color pink has also come into fashion, and owners who are undertaking another renovation are increasingly paying attention to it. What a ceiling of this color looks like in reality can be seen in the photo.

Pros and cons of pink

Its main advantage is the brightness and special mood that fills a particular room. Psychologists say that this color is conducive to relaxation, romance, and the removal of negativity. It evokes a peculiar feeling of security and peace, helps you forget about problems and switch to something more pleasant. The most important thing is to choose the right shade. Bright pink is the most dangerous; not everyone will like it. And if you are afraid of it, then it is better to opt for softer and less saturated shades.

The disadvantage of such a stretch ceiling is, again, that not everyone will like it. Psychologists note the fact that the color pink is not accepted or liked by sentimental people, as well as by children in adolescence. But meanwhile, it’s up to you to decide whether to choose it or not. And before proceeding with its installation, carefully consider all the details of your interior, especially the design of walls, floors, and selection of furniture.

Implementation methods

Let's start with the fact that this color will be ideal for a children's room (examples in the photo) in which a little girl will live. It will allow you to create a small kingdom for a little princess, bring joy and good mood, encourage creativity. Such a stretch ceiling in a girl’s room is best combined with soft creamy and white shades of the walls and interior details. The latter will somewhat absorb the intensity of the pink spectrum and relieve the room of excessive saturation.

If you are going to create an interior in hi-tech style, then a pink stretch ceiling can be an excellent option ( good options on the picture). In this case, it is best to choose a pale shade, which, in combination with gray and gray-blue, can create an atmosphere conducive to relaxation. Add created design glass elements, interesting furniture and metal figurines, and your room will become truly modern and stylish.

When else can a pink stretch ceiling come in handy? If you want to make everyday life more colorful and cheerful. So that when you return home, your mood immediately lifts, fatigue and anger go away. The main thing is not to oversaturate the interior. And if you choose this option, then make the walls lighter (blue, gray), and choose furniture that is not bulky. And be sure to think about the location of the lighting so that everything around does not look joyless and dim.

Are you thinking about buying a stretch ceiling and wondering which color to choose? Then maybe you'll like it pink version, with which many colors are ideally combined.

Walls, upholstery and decorative elements in this case, they can be made in white, light gray and soft blue shades.

Different shades of pink also go well together. Our specialists can suggest exactly which combinations will suit your room. As a result, you will get an interior that will indicate exquisite taste.


Ceiling manufacturerCost, rub.
Russia (PVC)299 rub
PONGS Germany PVC459 rub
DESCOR / DESCOR Germany Fabric749 rub


Choosing a pink ceiling is truly original solution. After all, not everyone chooses this color. Our company has been improving stretch ceiling systems for many years, and therefore we present to you exclusive models that at the same time have high quality And original design. This is what we can guarantee you.

On our website you can see all kinds of color solutions and interesting textures, in the form of gloss, satin and other materials. Non-standard effective lighting looks beautiful with a pink stretch ceiling. Our craftsmen will be able to help you install additional lighting for the canvas, which will be a highlight in the interior of your room.

Pink stretch ceiling photo

Increasingly, pink stretch products are being used for children's rooms. However, in this case, you should not rush, but rather, be careful. Many children love the color pink and have a positive attitude towards it. However we're talking about only about small children. Over time, they grow up, which means their tastes change. This can lead to the fact that the color pink will even irritate them.

Therefore, there are different shades of pink that can decorate the room of an adult child. On our website you will see several of these shades. Our specialists will be able to install a suspended ceiling in your home within a short time, or rather, in a matter of hours.

Together with quick installation We can guarantee you high quality installation. Over time, you may want to change the interior of your child’s room, but with our specialists this can be done very simply. In addition, on our website you can find a wide variety of other colors that will seem more “adult” to you. Our stretch ceilings are of impeccable quality, aesthetically pleasing and beautiful.

You can verify this by looking at the photographs on our website. Then, if you are interested in any of the options, you can call us at the specified phone number. We will be happy to answer your questions and take into account your wishes!