How to ask your ex-spouses for help. Turning to the President for help is more expensive for yourself

When it is impossible to reach local officials to solve a pressing problem, one gives up from helplessness. But there is a way out - to write to the head of state. If earlier citizens’ appeals to top officials were accepted in person or by mail, then with the development information technologies it became possible to do this on the website of the President of Russia.

If you need to ask a question to the head of state, there are several ways to do this.

Take part in the direct line held annually with the President of Russia, during which the head of state answers questions from citizens. You can call the direct line and leave a question that concerns you, which, if you're lucky, will be read. It is possible to send questions via the Internet (the website of the federal channel, which broadcasts a direct line) or in SMS format.

2. Write a letter to the president Russian Federation.

Send a letter by regular mail to the address: Moscow, 103132, st. Ilyinka, 23 or at the address: Moscow, Staraya Ploshchad, 4. Address it directly to the president or his administration. In the letter also indicate your coordinates for feedback- last name, first name, patronymic, address and telephone number. It is better to send the letter with a notification - in this case you will be sure that it has reached the address.

You can also contact not only the central office of the administration, but also one of the authorized representatives of the president for the federal district.
Full list representatives can be found on the website of the President of Russia in the section dedicated to the presidential administration. You can contact the authorized representative using the messaging system on the website of your federal district.

Be prepared for the fact that it is unlikely that your question will be considered directly by the head of state. Most likely, it will be read by his administration. But this does not mean that your problem will remain unresolved. The Presidential Administration makes a lot of efforts to help ordinary citizens solve their problems.
Perhaps, if necessary, your question will be forwarded to the relevant department or ministry, but will remain under the control of the administration. The deadline for responding to a written appeal from citizens to the president, established by Russian law, is one month.

3. Contact the President via the Internet

The official website of the President of the Russian Federation is To submit a statement, complaint or suggestion, open the “Appeals” tab in the navigator or follow the link

General requirements for a letter to the President.

Read the rules for writing emails to the President of the Russian Federation. Please be aware that your application will initially be submitted to the Citizens and Organizations Office and will not be considered if the requirements are not met.

If you want to ask the head of state a question, express a personal request, or leave a comment, use other presidential Internet resources, a list of which is given on the page “Official Online Resources of the President.”

Register on the site by indicating your last name, first name, patronymic and email address. This will allow you to track the fate of your application through your personal account.
Ask your question on the President’s website at the address: http://obrascheniya.prezident.rf/ or on the website of the Presidential Administration ( This page details the requirements for completing an appeal to the head of state and provides a form for writing a written appeal.

Instructions: how to write a letter to the president so that it is read

If you decide to send an email request, go to the website of the President of Russia -

Go with home page website to the “Appeals” tab, there you will find a form for writing a letter.
Choose an electronic or written form and fill in your information.
Indicate in the form your last name, first name and patronymic, as well as your email and regular address and telephone number. Select a type from the drop-down list social status, which position you occupy in society, then mark your region. Also select the country from which you are writing and the addressee - the president or his administration.
Move on to writing the letter itself.
The letter to the President must contain a specific problem, statement, complaint about the actions or inaction of government authorities and local government, as well as individual officials, name specific names officials, the address of the described place of action, fact or event. In addition, you can indicate your phone number for possible clarification of the content of your request.
The total length of the letter to the President of Russia should not exceed 2000 characters, so express your thoughts clearly, clearly and consistently. Break the text into sentences, follow syntax and punctuation. Do not use transliteration - writing Russian words in Latin letters, and also do not type the entire text in capital letters. Of course, your message should not contain obscene language or offensive expressions, no matter how strong your indignation at this or that fact reaches.
You can also attach to the letter a scanned document explaining the situation. You can attach to the letter one file without archiving, no larger than 5 MB in size, containing documents or materials in support of your application, in the following formats: txt, doc, rtf, xls, pps, ppt, pdf, jpg, bmp, png, tif, gif , pcx, mp3, wma, avi, mp4, mkv, wmv, mov, flv.
Select whether you would like to receive a response to email or to a regular mailbox. An email message will arrive faster, but a response from the presidential administration on official letterhead may appear more significant if used.
After checking the questionnaire, click on the “Send letter” button. If the letter has been received, a confirmation will be sent to your email address.
As your appeal is considered, you will receive relevant notifications to your email address from the Office for Work with Appeals of Citizens and Organizations.
Plus email is that your request will be processed faster.

Attention! If you contact the presidential administration about a court decision that does not suit you, keep in mind that officially the president cannot influence the court decision. The judiciary in Russia is legally separated from the executive. Therefore, an appeal to a higher court will be more productive.

Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Information.

tel.: 925-35-81
fax: 206-07-66

Main State and Legal Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation.
103012, Moscow, Ilyinka st., 8, building 4
tel.: 206-45-78

Main Directorate of Information Resources of Government Bodies of the Russian Federation under the President of the Russian Federation.
103132, Moscow, Staraya sq., 4
tel.: 206-47-76, 206-36-86

State Technical Commission under the President of the Russian Federation.
107066, Moscow, Basmannaya Star. st., 17
tel.: 293-50-03

Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on prisoners of war, internees and missing persons.
103132, Moscow, Staraya sq., 4
tel.: 206-59-48

Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on Citizenship Issues.
103012, Moscow, Ilyinka st., 23
tel.: 206-58-84

Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on state awards.
103132, Moscow, Staraya sq., 2/14
tel.: 206-38-49, 206-21-42
fax: 206-47-95

Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on state prizes of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art.
103132, Moscow, Staraya sq., 4
tel.: 206-38-69
fax: 206-35-36

Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for State Prizes of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology.
103012, Moscow, Bogoyavlensky lane, 5
tel.: 923-04-60, 298-37-82
fax: 298-59-57

Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for Human Rights.
103132, Moscow, Ipatievsky lane, 4/10
tel.: 206-49-14
fax: 206-48-55

Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for the rehabilitation of victims of political repression.
103132, Moscow, Staraya sq., 4
tel.: 206-34-53

Authorized Representative President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District.

tel.: 206-73-52

Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District.
103012, Moscow, Nikolsky per., 6
tel.: 206-12-41
fax: 298-75-78

Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Northwestern Federal District.
103012, Moscow, Nikolsky per., 6
tel.: 206-12-18
fax: 206-65-50

Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District.
103012, Moscow, Nikolsky per., 6
tel.: 206-09-78
fax: 206-63-46

Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District.
103012, Moscow, Nikolsky per., 6
tel.: 206-09-66
fax: 206-66-24

Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District.
103012, Moscow, Nikolsky per., 6
tel.: 206-19-37
fax: 206-71-13

Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District.
103012, Moscow, Nikolsky per., 6
tel.: 206-63-93
fax 206-70-73

Office of the President of the Russian Federation for Treasury Issues.
103132, Moscow, Staraya sq., 4
tel.: 206-35-73
fax: 206-21-77

Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation (FAPSI).
103031, Moscow, Kiselny B. per., no. 4
tel.: 914-92-10
fax: 925-85-96


Hello ladies! As a journalist and blogger, I am constantly sent links and letters with the phrases “Urgent! Please repost! We need help! Publish immediately!” etc. Of course, I’m not the only one - all of you also receive such letters from time to time. I don’t know how you react, but many simply send them on without even bothering to read to the end. I’m finishing the reading, trying to figure it out and make sure it’s really worth publishing. Unfortunately, in a huge number of cases the information is inaccurate, insufficient, or completely outdated and help is no longer needed. A recent example of correspondence with a friend:

Olga: “Igor, my friend Natasha had an accident in Tunisia. Her mother writes that after the accident all her money was stolen, plastic card and a passport. She is now in a coma in the hospital. I really need advice from an experienced Russian neurosurgeon. If it is possible to somehow post this matter so that people can help, that would be very good. If people want to help financially, then there is a savings bank account.”

Chersky: “We need someone who will write this in detail and with all contacts - you or her mother. And who will answer all questions. I can repost everywhere, but you must communicate. And there should be some kind of confirmation, photos or whatever, so that people understand that this is not a scam, and they can better figure out how to help.”

Do you know what Olga answered in the end?

“In general, Natasha’s relatives wrote to me that today they are waiting for a special flight to transport her to Moscow. We’ve already contacted the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the embassy; we don’t really need any help.”

Do you understand? Yes, the incident is sad and would probably resonate with thousands of people. And they would all call the poor girl's mother. And she would have to answer them harshly. As you understand, this would discourage many people from helping anyone at all for a long time. Therefore, if you want to place such an ad, follow simple but important rules:

1. The advertisement must very clearly indicate who exactly needs help and what kind of help. Incorrect option: “The sister of her husband’s employee urgently needs money for an operation. Phone number is such and such, account number is such and such. We really need to raise 3 million rubles.” Correct option“Ivanova Inna Ivanovna, born in such and such a year, diagnosed in such and such a way. An operation (consultation, other assistance) is urgently needed due to........ (exact diagnosis confirmed by the attached scans of official medical documents). This must be accompanied by at least one photograph of the person who needs help. And contact close relative, who knows all the specifics and is ready to explain them in detail to everyone who responds. Basically, the more details, the better. It is especially important to explain why it is impossible to do without this help and why there are no other options. Unfortunately, scammers have already started regularly sending out such “screams” with all the specifics, so you will only start sending this to your friends who know both you and the person who needs help.

2. The ad must be written in such a way that it does not raise any questions at all and any person understands who and what needs to be helped. Very often, the authors of advertisements believe that it is more important to notify millions of people as loudly and as quickly as possible that a disaster has occurred. And let those who wish to find out the details of this disaster themselves - is it they who want to help? Let them sort it out. The approach is fundamentally wrong. Especially if you want to place it in the media and send obscure information to journalists in the hope that they will quickly dig it up themselves. Believe me: no one will even dig. Unless this is a dramatic story with the panties of a famous singer found in the car of a famous businessman - this is where the yellow press will conduct the most detailed investigation. If you want a cry for help to get into the media, try to compose it in such a way that journalists have to do a minimum of work to publish it. And so that it becomes clear even to them that this urgently needs to be published.

3. Before posting your ad online, send it to a couple of friends - let them confirm that they understand everything and are ready to help. Then there is a chance that there will be no questions from other people. But be prepared to answer any questions if there are any. You must thoroughly know the situation in which you want to plunge others.

4. This may sound harsh, but only post ads about people you know personally. And about the situations in which you personally understood, understood everything and definitely decided that help was needed. And we made sure that the injured party is ready to accept this help and communicate with everyone who can provide it. For years, fakes have been circulating on the Internet with requests to help a shelter or donate blood by calling such and such numbers. In this case, people will simply be charged a considerable amount for the call. But there are enthusiasts who have been re-sending these fraudulent advertisements for years, rewriting them for greater persuasiveness in their own name - well, so that all their friends will certainly help. To avoid falling for this scam yourself, sometimes it’s enough to type a phone number into Google - and you will see thousands of messages saying that these are scammers.

5. Do not overuse such advertisements, even if you want to help everyone. If every day you publish requests to shelter a hamster, meet your grandmother at the airport, collect markers for an orphanage, and then donate blood for your friend who has had an accident, then there will be fewer people willing to donate blood. A person gets used to everything and stops reacting, as in the famous parable about the boy and the wolves.

And a couple more links from the “Give Life!” Foundation.
They have a section on their website for patients, which outlines the requirements for requests for help:
And a questionnaire for patients:
Thank you for reading.

When a person doesn't know who to turn to for help, it's really bad. Because in our life without support it is very difficult. And unfortunately, not everyone has friends who can listen, give appropriate and effective advice, invigorate, help organize thoughts into place and solve problems. Where to go in such cases?

Emergency service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

If a person needs psychological advice and support, then you can ask for help on this Internet portal. This free service was created by the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. Only psychological specialists work there.

On the site you can get advice, and in two forms - either as an answer to a question posted by a person, or in the hidden mode of your own account.

If necessary, you can undergo a diagnostic test, based on the results of which the person will be offered corrective techniques and exercises to help cope with the problem. The resource also has a section with published articles by consultant psychologists, which contain many useful information for thought.

If you don’t want to study the site, you can just call hotline.

Portal for children and teenagers

As a rule, it is easier for adults to cope with their problems than for those whose psyche has not yet strengthened. Children and adolescents often do not know who to turn to for help. Well, a free portal called “Help is Near” was created especially for them.

There are two sections there. One is for children from 6 to 12 years old. In this section, they can not only get online help, but also learn the following:

  1. Which adults can I contact?
  2. Who to call if you need help?
  3. Stories from the lives of peers.
  4. Useful tips.

There you can also play the right games, take tests, chat and ask questions.

The online chat is open from 11:00 to 23:00, and this project also has a group on the VKontakte social network.


As a rule, this option is most often the first to come to mind for a person who is thinking about where to turn for help. It is the simplest, because all you need is just a call, and this is available to everyone.

Most hotlines operate 24 hours a day. They provide complete anonymity, so you can talk about any problem. Psychologists with extensive experience act as consultants, who are guaranteed to listen and suggest a solution to the problem.

The following contacts can be distinguished:

  1. Helpline for children and teenagers.
  2. A room for women suffering from domestic violence.
  3. Phone number to contact regarding AIDS and HIV issues.
  4. A trust number for those suffering from cancer and their relatives.
  5. Phone number for drug addiction issues.

If a person feels that he needs to turn to people for help, then there is no need to be embarrassed or afraid. Specialists will always help and support.


Many people, not knowing where to turn for help, go online to thematic forums or create a fake profile in in social networks, after which they seek support in various groups.

But many also find new virtual friends through forums and groups who understand and support better than real ones.

A clear identification of the problem and subsequent search for a suitable adviser will help you decide who to turn to for help. You need to understand that:

  1. For questions of a loving nature you need to contact only the person who is in a happy, harmonious, stable relationship. To come to this result, he had already gone through many difficulties, visited different situations, and knows what will really help in certain cases.
  2. Only someone who is successful can give sound financial advice. Psychologists say that it is better to contact people with the ability to foreign languages. They are able to absorb and evaluate more information than others.
  3. There are a number of questions that should be answered by asking strangers. What to wear, what style to choose, what is best to change about yourself... Strangers do not have an already formed impression of a person’s image, and their advice turns out to be practical.

By carefully choosing who you can turn to for help, you can immediately free yourself from the need to tell the same thing to many people several times in the future. This approach increases the likelihood of receiving useful advice right away.


Many people, due to prejudices, immediately reject the option of going to a psychologist. And in vain. After all, if a person does not know who to turn to for help, then a specialist in this field will help him.

After all, a psychologist is someone who can improve the quality of life. All people have the resources needed to solve problems that arise. But not everyone knows about them or knows how to use them. A psychologist will help you understand yourself, look at certain situations from a different angle, and also see what a person is actually doing with his life.

People most often turn to specialists in this field with anxiety, depression, fears, neuroses, mental trauma, crises, obsessive thoughts, and panic attacks. The reasons to sign up with a psychologist are thoughts of suicide, loss of meaning in life, a feeling of meaninglessness and emptiness, a feeling of loneliness, confusion in oneself, a desire to change something.

In any case, you will initially need to decide on the problem and the goal that the person wants to achieve as a result of solving it. The psychologist will work on this together with the person who contacts him.


Now is the time when people are wondering - is it possible to turn to friends for help? For many, close friends are a source of company for spending time together and having fun. But true friends- these are also people who will never refuse a loved one in a difficult situation, and will help in every way they can.

They, in turn, should always lend a helping hand, even in situations where it is pushed away. You won't be able to help your friend by moving away from him. You need to unobtrusively offer your company and demonstrate a willingness to listen. But don't impose. Wants to be alone? Let be. But then you need to offer help again. This will make it clear that he is not alone, and that he has a source of support that he can turn to at any time.

How to ask a friend for help? Directly. Clarity and clarity are the two main principles when formulating a request. But, of course, you can’t do without a detailed backstory. It will bring precision and clarity.

Anonymous clubs

If a person has problems psychological nature and he would like to find a “living” source of help, then it may resemble the appropriate meetings. Surely everyone has heard of the so-called clubs of anonymous alcoholics or addicts. So, there are analogues. More often they can be found under the name “Depressed Anonymous”.

Such meetings are suitable for people who want to talk, but do not have someone around them who can listen. Often in such clubs there is a “12 Step Program”, only of a different specificity. Since people who are confused and looking for advice come there, there is no need to be afraid of judgment. Visiting such places can bring relief. After all, when you share with people who also suffer from problems and grief, you know for sure that you are, at least to some extent, understood.


In conclusion, I would like to say that the most important thing is not to be afraid to ask for help. Many people are hampered by the fear of rejection, the fear of appearing stupid, weak or helpless, or the reluctance to feel humiliated. Some people are simply ashamed. Others are simply afraid to burden anyone with their problems or are afraid of ending up in debt.

But we must not forget that we are all just people. We live in a society, and everyone can find themselves in the place of another. The one from whom a person asks for help will most likely turn to him for it in a year. And that's okay. There is no life without difficulties. And it so happens that some are very difficult to cope with alone. But it’s not necessary. Because there are always sources of help.

A sample written appeal to a deputy will help you structure your request. You can and should write to a deputy, the main thing is to follow simple rules. Then the possibility that the deputy will help sort out the problem increases.

Let's imagine that you already know, and also General requirements besides. But without a specific sample at hand, it turns out to be difficult to act. It’s always better to see once how people did it before you, so as not to make mistakes in basic things. There are no strict rules, but it is always safer to follow the recommendations for writing any business letter that will be easy for the recipient to read and understand.

Before writing, of course, you need to clearly and clearly formulate the essence of the appeal to the deputy. When you have a general picture of the request in your head, you need to come up with a writing plan. You can sketch it out in a draft. Then you need to compose the appeal itself, always keeping in mind its structure.

The most important thing, without which they will not be able to simply send you an answer, and the appeal will sink into oblivion, is the indication of information about you. On the A4 sheet in the upper right corner, where it is always indicated on official documents from whom and to whom it is sent, you must write the name of the recipient and the name of the organization. Do not allow abbreviations, write all names in full! Next, enter your details: full name, full address with zip code. It would be nice to indicate your phone number as well. The more of your contacts are written, the higher the chances that you will be answered quickly. In the center of the page, indicate the genre - appeal.

Next we move on to the text of the letter itself. Here you state the essence of your appeal. Start the text with the phrase: “Dear ....” No need to write complex sentences. This general rule for any official paper. Your recipient most likely has very little time, every minute is planned out. Complex sentences with many participial and adverbial phrases will obscure the essence of your request. Remember, brevity is not only the sister of talent, but also the key to success when writing a letter to a deputy.

Ask for assistance and be sure to indicate that you want a written response. In general, you are obliged to answer, but such a reminder will not be superfluous. Of course, you need to attach to the letter copies of applications that you submitted at the local level - if you are addressing higher, for example, to a State Duma deputy. These copies must be marked as having been accepted by the organizations to which you submitted them.

Don't forget to write your name, signature and number. Send a letter to the address of the required authority (it can be viewed on the Internet) and wait for a response. In general, you need to wait about 1.5 months for a response, considering that it takes 3 days to register a request, and 30 days are given for its consideration. It is also worth taking into account the delivery time for a letter back and forth by Russian Post or another service that you entrust with sending such an important document.

If you have any questions, ask them below in the comments!

higher powers"data-essbishovercontainer="">

“Angels bring us messages from the Divine Mind of our Creator. They are like a gift to us from God, so that we always remember our Divine nature, remaining kind and loving, discover and develop our talents - for the good of this world - and protect ourselves from any harm.”
Doreen Virtue

How often do you turn to spiritual guides and angels for help?

Do you always receive the support you would like?

If you don't see the answers or don't understand what your invisible assistants want to tell you, then you're doing something wrong.

The main condition under which angels, archangels, spiritual guides and masters can help you is your request, appeal.

According to the law of free will and choice, being on the other side of the veil, they cannot interfere with circumstances without your permission.

The main function of our mentors, guardian angels is help and guide us on the path of life.

Therefore, when you contact them, they eagerly and honorably strive to fulfill your requests.

And how these requests are executed depends on the wording you used to address them.

Of course, there are no strictly approved rules for communicating with your mentors.

But if you want to receive help and support from higher powers, there are some things you should know when you contact them.

1. Ask in a language you understand

Books about angels and prayer books describe how to correctly address archangels and angels, how to read commands and prayers.

I am not a supporter of such communication. The main thing is that the request is from the heart and understandable to you ourselves.

Many prayers are written in a specific language that few people understand.

Therefore, if you use ready-made commands, replace them with those words that are closer to you.

2. Clearly formulate your request to the angels

“A man rides the subway and thinks: “My wife is a fool, my friends are traitors, my life is a failure.” An Angel stands behind him, writes in a notebook and thinks: “What strange desires, and most importantly, the same ones every day! But there’s nothing you can do, you have to do it!”

Your mentors take everything literally, so clearly and formulate your requests specifically, if you want to be understood correctly.

Before you make a request, think it through carefully. It should be clear not only to you, but also to others.

Our spiritual teachers and mentors in this regard are no different from our real interlocutors.

Put yourself in the shoes of the person you are addressing, read the request and evaluate how accurately it conveys the meaning of what was said.

Would you understand what you said yourself?

It is a mistake to believe that God, the universe, already knows what you want, because you constantly think about it.

We usually think about what we don't want or what worries us.

Analyze what thoughts appear most often in your head. What you think is what you get. Like in that joke about an angel.

Angels answer our requests, but we do not always understand or see the answer.

3. Ask for a solution to the problem

Although angels are assigned to us to help us, we chose to go through life’s lessons ourselves.

In other words, they won't clean your house or earn a living for you.

They can give strength, confidence or show a way out of a problematic situation, but taking action is your prerogative.

What is the point of contacting them if you still have to solve the problems yourself?

With the help of higher powers, you will find a way out of unpleasant circumstances much faster, and in some cases “ miraculously” you will bypass them altogether.

At the same time, realize the difference that you are not abdicating responsibility, but passing the solution to the problem to the wiser part of you.

Angels are the same as us, if you believe in the concept that everything is one, that everything is particles of God.

Watch the video and find out about in a non-standard way problem solution.

4. Don't be shy to demand

Appealing to spiritual mentors and archangels is not a plea for help. You have right to ask and even demand.

People are accustomed to thinking that one should approach higher powers with trepidation and even fear.

And then sit and wait for the blessing to come. If they didn’t help, it means they were punished for something, so it serves them right, choose yourself.

But spiritual mentors only waiting for us to ask them. They know what we do not know, being in the three-dimensional world, in human bodies.

Many are afraid to ask, they think that it needs to be done in some special way, otherwise they will not understand, or worse, they will become angry because they did not ask properly.

Angels and spiritual teachers are not better than us, their vibrations are simply higher. Therefore, they see the whole picture, and we only see part.

But in some situations it is necessary to be able to declare harshly about your needs.

The infographic below describes such cases, and on the contrary, there are ready-made requirements that you can use if you find yourself in such circumstances.

In an emergency, when life is in danger, angels have the right interfere without your asking.

Members of the closed group Golden Keys of Mastery on Facebook shared personal experience communication with higher powers:

“I don’t know if this is a demand or an ultimatum or anything else... I have many such examples.

So at one time I bought an apartment, at market prices of 15-20, I bought it for ten.

Up there, to be honest, I didn’t think about where I was sending, I simply said: “But I don’t even have 10 yet, just like that. But I'm ready to buy it for 10. There won’t be an apartment, there will be problems... I won’t survive this... That’s what you want.”

That if I stay a little longer in that space, my health will suffer very seriously, and a disastrous outcome is possible...

The situation was really tough... And the main thing was the confidence that there were only such options. Others are not accepted.

A year before the purchase, I set a date - until April 30. I filled out the deposit on April 29... That’s it in a nutshell.”

Nadezhda Gunko

“I start every day with gratitude and end the same way.

It’s automatic, but consciously, sincerely)) like a copybook for first-graders – without fail. Only for me it is part of my being, life, a piece of me.

And I always do this ritual with love. I secure it with prayers and boldly step into a new day!

When I call on my Angels to help me specific case, I give an order.

I ask you to arrange everything in the safest, most environmentally friendly, easiest way for me and all participants in the process, for the highest benefit of EVERYONE!

Just recently I had a toothache. She called on Archangel Raphael and his assistants for help.

She asked for help to ease the pain and save the tooth, if this corresponds to the Divine plan.

She asked me to cover me with an emerald ray of healing and to be next to me.
After a couple of minutes the pain went away and I fell asleep. Later I treated the tooth, everything was ok”

Irina Lomaka

“From my experience. When several problems began to be highlighted at the same time, I demanded: “Since you are showing me so many things, then make it easier to work through. Let everything be worked out as a package in your sleep!”

I “spent” several nights in the Violet Temple, and somehow everything gradually calmed down.

Now if this happens again, I don’t forget to contact higher powers.

Be sure that you really need what you demand, and then your request will definitely be heard!

How and when to communicate with spiritual guides

In what form and at what time will communication with angels and spirit guides be most effective?

1. Before going to bed and after waking up

And also at night if you can’t sleep.

Use this time to communicate with your invisible helpers. During such periods, brain function slows down and switches to alpha frequency mode.

This is exactly the state we achieve when immersed in meditation. At these moments, the chances of hearing a voice increase significantly true self.

2. In writing

When you write your request, the subconscious opens. It is quite possible that the answer will come almost immediately.

If this does not happen, you will have the opportunity to check your request for specificity and evaluate whether it is clear.

A request written by hand is more powerful than one spoken in the mind.

This is how he takes on physical form. And this speeds up getting results.

Even if you are used to doing everything yourself, remember that your invisible friends are always next to you.

Don't rely only on own strength. You can always turn to the wiser part of you, and your question will be resolved much faster and easier.

When you establish a close connection with the spiritual world, you will be in the flow of divine energy, learn to trust, get rid of anxiety.