Block etc. What is a block heating point? General description of BTP

    commercial accounting of thermal energy consumption (heat flows and coolant);

    transformation of the type of coolant, transformation of its parameters;

    automatic regulation and control temperature regime hot water according to requirements sanitary standards;

    accumulation and uniform distribution of heat across systems;

    protection of heat consumption systems from emergency situations;

    filling, recharging and shutting down systems;

    water preparation for hot water supply system.

The use of a block individual heating point allows for analysis and optimization of energy consumption, as well as minimizing operating and capital costs. The transition to modular ITP will help to effectively solve the issue of expedient and economical consumption of energy resources.

The equipment that is equipped with a block ITP is installed on a frame and tied with pipelines or in a block container, which is a structure made of metal frame and partitions made of sandwich panels. Each block module is equipped with lighting, heating and ventilation systems. It is possible to equip the installation with a dispatch point with automatic information output and fire and security alarm.

Schematic diagram of ITP

The most commonly used scheme for connecting a consumer to a heating network is an independent connection scheme for a heating circuit and an open hot water supply system.

The supply pipeline of the heating network supplies the coolant to the heat exchangers of heating and hot water supply systems, in which thermal energy is transferred from the coolant of the heating network to the coolant of the heating and hot water supply system. After this, the coolant enters return pipeline, from where it is returned for reuse to a heat-generating enterprise (boiler house or thermal power plant) via trunk networks.

The heating circuit is closed system. The coolant circulates through the heating circuit circulation pumps. During operation (functioning) of the system, a coolant leak may occur, which is compensated by the make-up line.

Tap water, having passed through the cold water supply pumps, is divided into 2 parts: one is sent to consumers, the other is supplied to the circulation circuit of the hot water supply system after heating in the first stage DHW heater. In this circuit, water moves in a circle, the specified level of its temperature is maintained in the heaters of the second stage of DHW.

An individual heating point (IHP) is a ready-made set of equipment with which you can receive, account for, regulate, distribute and deliver heat to end consumers. It can be used to organize the most efficient and comfortable heating and hot water supply for various facilities: residential apartment buildings, office, industrial and administrative buildings.

An important feature of an individual heating point is its block design. It consists of several nodes assembled into a single complex. This solution simplifies installation work and makes it possible to flexibly change the ITP in accordance with the tasks facing the building owner. Repairs and upgrades are also faster and easier.

Advantages of individual heating points

The advantages of block ITP include:

    reduction of time costs for design, installation and commissioning works;

    hardware separation of accounting and automation tools;

    autonomy of heating, hot water supply and metering modules;


    opportunity remote control and control of heat consumption modes;

    ease of maintenance - all elements are easily accessible for inspection and replacement, and the heat exchanger is easy to clean;

    reduction in maintenance costs, Maintenance and prevention.

Separately, it is worth noting that an individual heating unit provides the building with independence from central heating and hot water supply. This means that you can, if necessary, turn on the heat supply even in summer, set the operating mode in accordance with the time of day, set special operating modes for weekends and holidays. All this not only contributes to savings, but also increases the level of comfort in the building, which is especially important if an individual heating unit is installed in an apartment building.

Main components of an individual heating point

This complex includes the following components:

    coolant preparation unit - responsible for connecting to the heating network, cleaning the coolant and measuring basic technological parameters;

    water preparation unit for hot water supply system - supports standard temperature water and ensures water supply to the consumer;

    heat supply control unit - automatically, in accordance with the schedule or information received from sensors, provides a comfortable microclimate at the facility, and we're talking about not only about increasing the temperature, but, if necessary, about decreasing it;

    A heat and coolant metering unit is a system that controls heat consumption and the consumption of water and electricity.

The operation of an individual heating point is automated. It can be equipped with devices that allow you to remotely receive information about the parameters of the supplied heat and, if necessary, adjust the operating mode.

The LAiN Technologies company offers individual heating points, which include reliable equipment, metering devices and automated control systems. This ready-made solutions, which can be changed according to customer needs. We guarantee fast delivery and prompt installation, carry out commissioning, carry out service maintenance. If you have any questions, please contact us! Our specialists will provide the necessary consultations and help you make a choice, taking into account parameters such as room area, installation possibilities, the facility’s heat requirement, etc.

Heating that already exists, new objects, residential buildings, etc. In addition to the heating supply, it is also possible to supply hot water and connect the object to such communications as sewerage.

General description of BTP

Modular (BTP) is a ready-to-use complete installation. It is important to know here that the arrangement of any devices for each item is carried out individually. The main characteristic that specialists rely on when assembling the unit is the size of the room in which the object will be installed.

The production of the block point itself is carried out through the use of basic diagrams, on the basis of which it is possible to connect this equipment to the normal utility heating network of the building. There is a general Danfoss calculation program for heating points. It is worth noting that this is one of the fairly large manufacturers of block heating units.


If we talk about the most common configuration of the BTP, which is considered standard, then it includes such elements as:

  • Accounting and regulation unit. This unit is designed to keep track of the actual flow of coolant and heat. In addition, it regulates the flow of coolant in accordance with a given temperature schedule.
  • Heating unit. This element is responsible for the consumption of thermal energy, taking into account weather conditions, time of day and other conditions.
  • Knot This device intended to maintain optimal temperature water in the system (55-60 degrees Celsius) and its supply to the consumer. This unit is also responsible for carrying out heat treatment operations of the system.
  • Ventilation unit. This system is designed to regulate the consumption of thermal energy supplied to the consumer depending on weather conditions, as well as the time of day.

BTP device

A block heat point is an automated installation that is designed to transfer energy coming from a boiler house, thermal power plant, RTS to heating, as well as ventilation and hot water supply communications connected to residential or industrial buildings. In other words, it is a local intermediary between the station and the consumer.

If we talk about the room in which it is planned to install a block heating substation, then it must be sufficient in size to accommodate all the block equipment, as well as control and measuring instruments, necessary for the functioning of the system. All these devices are needed so that the TP can perform functions such as:

  • coolant conversion;
  • adjustment, control and change of thermal values;
  • distribution of coolant among group or individual systems;
  • plays the role of a fuse if the temperature rises above the maximum value;
  • keeps records of consumed heat and coolant.

Variety of systems

According to their characteristics and reception of heat sources, TPs are divided into types. The first type refers to open system. In this case, the liquid enters the BTP directly from the coolant, and the entire volume of liquid that goes into operating the equipment is replenished due to the full or partial intake of water.

According to your type of connection to the system open views FTP can be divided into two groups:

  • Dependent circuit. In such a system, the coolant is supplied directly to the heating system. The advantages of the scheme include its simplicity, as well as the fact that no supply is required additional equipment. However, without it there is no possibility of adjusting the heat supply at this unit.
  • Independent scheme. In such a system, between the consumer and the thermal station itself there are devices such as heat exchangers. With their help, it is possible to regulate the supply of the heat source, which helps save up to 40% of energy.

What are the benefits of installing a BTP?

Installing an automated block heat substation can provide the system with several of the following advantages:

  1. Increases network efficiency. The ability to regulate heat consumption on site increases the overall thermal energy savings by approximately 15%.
  2. Automation of the control process. The equipment has thermal relays, which make it possible to configure the equipment in such a way as to compensate for weather conditions, as well as change the operating mode in accordance with the time of day.
  3. Reduced material costs. Since the installation is automated system, then fewer personnel are required to monitor its operation, monitor the condition of thermal elements, carry out preventive work or repairs, etc. In total, all this can reduce material costs by approximately three times.
  4. Even with high productivity (up to 2 Gcal/hour), this equipment is compact. The approximate area that will have to be allocated for the BTP is 20-25 m2.

Manufacturer Danfoss

Purchasing block transformer transformers from such large manufacturers has its advantages. For example, one of the main differences from other manufacturers is that the equipment is delivered to the installation site in an already finished form. That is, there is no need to assemble the unit, which significantly increases the speed of installation and connection. Among these advantages, we can also highlight the fact that Danfoss installations can be operated in fully automatic mode.

In order for the equipment to work in this mode, you just need to set required values temperature and pressure. Regulating and monitoring devices will further support the specified operating mode. It is also worth adding that there is the possibility of individual configuration according to the buyer’s order. You can add an accounting system, a system remote control devices, etc.

Heating points SP 41-101-95

This paper is the document on which the design of the heating point is carried out. All the rules that are prescribed in this paper apply to such TP, the characteristics of which fall within the given ones: hot water pressure up to 2.5 MPa, liquid temperature up to 200 degrees Celsius. If the installation operates with steam, then its conditional operating pressure should be within 6.3 MPa, and the temperature should not exceed 440 degrees Celsius.

According to this joint venture, heating points are divided into two main categories - individual or central. Individual TPs are intended to join the heating, water supply and ventilation system of one building or part of it. Central TP are intended for the same thing as ITP, but with the only difference that they are used for several buildings at once.

Application of Block Heat Substations (BTP)

Block heat substations TOVK (BTP TOVK) are certified modules used in the composition Individual heating point (ITP) and divided by purpose, power and coolant used: Water, Steam, Ethylene glycol.

As part of TOVK block heating units, plate heat exchangers. TOVK block heating units can be fully automated, both individually and as part of a heating unit.

As part of the ITP it can be used as one module (BTP), and several, depending on the tasks, conditions and requirements required to be fulfilled by an Individual Heating Point:

The use of TOVK block heating units allows for the installation of a (Central) Individual heating unit in a few days. At the same time, implementation costs installation work, reduce several times. TOVK company offers the implementation of almost any Individual Heating Point (IHP) project based on standard modules block heating units TOVK-T. (BTP TOVK-T):

An example of using a BTP in an ITP layout

Non-standard Block Heat Substations (BTP)

In addition to standard solutions, TOVK offers the implementation of an IHP project using non-standard modules of a block heat substation (BHP), manufactured and adapted for installation (assembly) according to an existing project, taking into account all its features and requirements.

As a rule, the use of non-standard modules of Block Heat Points (BHP) is due to several factors:

1. cramped dimensions of the premises of an individual heating unit (IHP), which do not allow the placement of standard units with piping.

2. The power of the heating unit exceeds the ratings of standard modules of a block heating unit.

3. complex circuit Heating point or lack thereof in standard solutions

4. reducing the cost of the Heating Point by combining blocks or deviating from the norms.

Cost of Block Thermal Points (BTP)

When calculating the cost Individual heating point(IHP) using modules of Block Heat Points (BHP), it is necessary to take into account the cost of piping the modules used in the project. The name itself is misleading - Block Heating Point. Typically this sounds like a complete solution. But it is not always the case. Having learned the cost of BTP modules, the Customer is very pleasantly surprised attractive price, and makes a decision to use modules of a block heat substation (BHP). Well, if with the price, everything is as he suggests. But unfortunately, the real final cost of a Heating Point using BTP modules from most manufacturers on the market significantly exceeds the planned cost (based on the cost of the BTP). This is due to the fact that the actual cost of piping most standard modules, adapting them to each other, installing distribution combs in the premises of an Individual Heating Point, organizing replenishment of the heating system, as well as organizing a heating network input unit into the premises of an Individual Heating Point, organizing a Heat Metering Unit Energy (UUTE) entail costs that exceed the cost of the Block Heat Substation (BHP) modules. As a result - estimated cost An individual heating point (IHP) can grow significantly, sometimes even significantly.

When using modules of TOVK Block Heating Points, such costs can be reduced. The BTP modules offered by TOVK include all elements of the ITP. When deciding to use block heating units, we recommend:

1. Consult with the manufacturer of the PFC.

2. Estimate the total cost of an individual heating point combined with BTP modules (including the cost of installation work).

3. Assess compatibility overall dimensions BTP blocks (modules) with room dimensions and doorways, the possibility of partial disassembly of blocks (modules) if necessary.

4. Make sure that the layout of equipment and pipelines in the modules of the block heat station allows (provides) the possibility of unhindered access to maintenance and replacement of equipment after installation and commissioning of the installed heating unit.