Growing raspberries on a trellis with your own hands. Raspberry trellis: the optimal device for plant care How to make a raspberry trellis from rebar

Everyone loves raspberries, and often, when growing this sweet berry, gardeners make good use of supports and trellises. This agricultural technique gives both plants and raspberry owners many benefits. In this article we will look at the advantages of using trellises, their types, how to properly build a certain structure and technology for tying raspberries.

Growing raspberries: why do you need a trellis?

Today, large-fruited raspberry varieties with high yields are popular. In addition, tall plants, reaching up to 1.8 meters, predominate on farms.

So raspberry bushes naturally run the risk of breaking under the weight of the fruit or strong gusts of wind.

To prevent such a development of events, rational gardeners have long invented a way to keep plants and their crops unharmed. This simple method is in tying up berry bushes . At first these were stakes that supported the raspberries, and today different types of trellises are common.


Benefits of having plant support structures:

  • bushes have the opportunity to lean - this allows them not to bend or break under the heavy weight of the fruit;
  • the bottom of the crop does not touch the ground and do not get dirty;
  • the uniformity of illumination of raspberries increases , as a result of which more amicable ripening of berries occurs;
  • the wind ventilates the plants well , and they are less susceptible to fungal diseases.

The trellis promotes ventilation of the bushes.

But trellises are useful not only for berry bushes - gardeners also positively assessed the design due to its convenience. With their help, access to plants is facilitated, and accordingly, all processes performed, such as watering, mulching, and harvesting, are simplified.

What types of trellis designs are there?

A trellis is two or more supports with wires stretched between them.

There are like single-lane designs and two-way. Each type has its own characteristics, but professionals believe that it will be more effective to use a trellis that contains restrictions for raspberries on both sides. But if the area for berry bushes is small, then a single-lane design is quite justified.

There are single-strip and double-strip trellises.

Single strip trellis

A single-lane trellis supports the raspberry bushes on one side. Its disadvantage is the need to secure each shoot separately to the wire. With a small area of ​​raspberry garden, this is not difficult to do, but if the area is large, this operation takes a lot of time.

A single-strip trellis holds the raspberries on one side only.

Two-strip trellis

A two-strip trellis is much more convenient, since in addition to maintaining the berry crop, it allows the plants to form correctly.

The two-strip trellis is easy to use.

This design consists of 2 rows of strings parallel to each other. The distance between them can be 0.5–3 meters. This type of trellis allows the plantings not to thicken; the long and powerful stems of the plants bend in different directions.


They, unlike single-cavity structures, have different shapes:

  • V-shaped;
  • T-shaped;
  • Y-shaped;
  • Tent horizontal.

These types of supports are similar in that the raspberries should be planted in a row along the center line between the twines.

The shape of the structures involves planting raspberries in a row.


This trellis has two sides that can support raspberry branches, and these planes are angled.

They are widened at the top and narrow at the bottom. Thus, the berry bush can spread fruit-bearing branches to the sides, and young shoots will develop freely in the center of the plant. It is important that the distance between the upper tension wires does not exceed 2 meters.

The V-shaped trellis is widened at the top and narrowed at the bottom.


The name of this trellis makes it clear about its configuration - the supports on the sides are made in the form of the letter “T”.

Trellis supports in the shape of the letter T.

There are vertical posts, and horizontal stripes are attached to the top of them. The wire is stretched on both sides along the edges of these elements. As in the previous case, plant stems are laid on different sides of the trellis, and growing branches are freely located in the center.

Y-shaped trellis

This form of construction is an updated version of the support for this berry crop.

The peculiarity of such a trellis lies in the mobility of its part. The parts are made from blades and hinges that can change their angle of inclination: they can be adjusted to suit the specific needs of plants.

Y-shaped trellis.

And also for the winter, the movable part of the structure is lowered, and this allows you to create a shelter for more.

Tent horizontal

This trellis is used in raspberry fields where agricultural machinery operates. It was tested in private lands but did not become widespread due to difficulties encountered in caring for plants.

Scheme of a tented horizontal trellis.

Making a trellis for raspberries

To begin constructing a supporting structure for their raspberry garden, the owners need to decide on the type of trellis and mark out the area intended for its arrangement.

Decide on the optimal distance at which the trellises will stand. And only after this they begin to carry out preparatory work. Using a shovel or drill, dig holes of the required size.

The wooden trellis will need to be tarred.

If the support is made with wooden parts, then they should be tarred or impregnated with a special substance to avoid rapid deterioration of the material that will be in the ground. The wooden parts of the future trellis must have a diameter of at least 15 centimeters. When choosing metal pipes, treatment is necessary with a corrosion protection agent.


The following materials are used for the construction of structures:

  • wooden beams, beams;
  • metal or plastic pipes;
  • reinforced twine, wire or twine.

Metal pipes can be used to construct the trellis.


Having collected the necessary components of the future trellis, we begin to install the structure:

  1. They begin to install racks of a certain shape, and if the structure is single-lane, then it is simply dug into the soil.
  2. The pillars should be from 2 m in height, and the optimal distance is from 3 to 4 meters. First, the outer ones are mounted, and then the intermediate ones.
  3. The wire or other intended material is pulled in 2 rows and secured with tension bolts on the outer supports, and on the intermediate ones with staples. In a double-cavity trellis, this is done on each side.

A single-strip trellis is dug into the soil.

These are general tips, but every raspberry owner can already improve the chosen design to suit his needs and tastes.

How to properly tie raspberries?

There are several ways to garter raspberries.

You can tie up this berry bush in different ways:

  • to a single-strip trellis;
  • on a two-lane design;
  • Scandinavian method.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.


The construction of trellises makes positive changes to the technology of growing raspberries. Due to good lighting, wind blowing, and ease of access to each bush, the berry yield increases. You should carefully build the structure once, and for several years you will have a well-groomed raspberry field and reap an excellent harvest from it.

Using a trellis increases productivity.

Video about trellis for raspberries

A trellis for raspberries, properly made with your own hands and installed according to the technology of growing berry crops, has a positive effect on the growth and development of the bush and allows you to get a high yield with minimal expenditure of money and effort.

The use of intensive technologies for cultivating crops in household plots and garden plots with limited usable area for growing berries is becoming increasingly in demand.

The result of this work in relation to raspberries is good plant health and an excellent harvest:

  • a popular and fairly widespread agrotechnical technique in the form of trellis placement of raspberries allows you to protect the lower tier of plant branches from unwanted contact with the soil;
  • the berry planting is well ventilated, which significantly reduces the risk of developing fungal infections;
  • The berries receive the most uniform illumination, so the ripening of the crop occurs more smoothly.

In addition, the trellis makes it easier to prune raspberries, and also makes it more convenient to carry out irrigation activities and mulch the soil in berry plantations. With the trellis growing method, harvesting and preparing the berry crop for winter is also not difficult.

DIY making

In the context of home gardening, several options for trellises have become widespread, which can be quickly and easily made independently, with minimal expenditure of time, effort and money on material.

Name Characteristics and features Main varieties Advantages and disadvantages
Two-lane trellis design An improved form for growing tall varieties of berry crops. It consists of two parallel rows of wire, which are stretched at a distance of 0.5-3.0 m T-type, V-type, Y-type and hip horizontal variety Able to support fruit-bearing plants and facilitates the correct formation of raspberries, eliminates planting thickening and has a positive effect on overall yield indicators
Single-lane trellis design The plant is held in place by supports with stretched strings. The best option for a small number of bushes According to the method of tying a plant, the trellis can be fan-shaped, vertical, flat, free, inclined and horizontal. The main disadvantages include the need to fix each plant separately

The most commonly used two-way options are which perfectly combine ease of execution, durability and a high level of practicality.

T-shaped base the structure can be represented by pipes, beams or fittings fixed in a perpendicular position. In this case, the wire must be pulled from the edges of the protruding parts. The plant is formed by placing shoots on different sides of the trellis structure, without affecting the central part, which will be necessary for young growth.

For V-shaped design and is characterized by the presence of a pair of load-bearing inclined planes located at a distance of no more than two meters.

Raspberry trellis: installation (video)

The most convenient and modern option is the Y-shaped type of trellis, having movable blades secured by hinges, which allows, if necessary, to change the angle of inclination of the structure.

If mechanized harvesting is carried out in a raspberry field, then preference should be given to a tented horizontal trellis, the main disadvantage of which is the difficulty of mulching and processing the berry plantings. You can fix plants to the trellis not only with wire, but also with reinforced twine, as well as with any other material convenient to use.

Rules for planting raspberries

The trellis method of growing raspberries involves planting berry plants in rows, maintaining the most accurate distance between seedlings. The technology is not complicated, but requires strict adherence to certain recommendations and agrotechnical requirements:

  • Trellis cultivation of berry crops should be carried out in areas that are maximally illuminated by the sun and protected from gusty winds;
  • in the area allocated for growing raspberries, advance application of organic fertilizers should be carried out at the rate of 40 buckets for every 10 square meters of berry plantings;
  • you should subject the soil to deep digging, and then break up clods of earth, level the surface with a rake and form ridges 0.6 m wide with row spacing of 0.8-1 m;

  • for tall raspberry varieties, it is advisable to maintain a distance between rows of 1.0-1.2 m, which will allow the berry crop to be seamlessly provided with the full amount of care necessary for full development and stable fruiting;
  • It is best to plant raspberry seedlings in the spring, around the first ten days of April;
  • standard planting holes for raspberry seedlings need to be made in the middle of the ridges, in one strip, with a distance of 0.6-0.8 m;
  • A very good result is obtained by adding 500 g of ordinary wood ash mixed with the same amount of fertile soil into the planting holes.

After planting raspberries, it is necessary to compact the soil a little and water the plants at the rate of a bucket of water for each bush.

Features of cultivation

After planting, berry plants need proper care according to the technology for growing raspberries in household plots and garden plots:

  • It is advisable to fence the ridges around the perimeter with slabs, slate or other available materials;
  • the standard height of the fence for beds should be approximately 20-25 cm, which will allow for high-quality mulching of the soil with rotted organic matter;

  • the mulch layer in berry plantings should be updated annually and in a timely manner;
  • after mulching, it is necessary to install a trellis structure and fix the plants, evenly distributing the shoots;
  • to increase productivity, it is advisable to shorten the apical part of the shoots by about 20-25 cm;
  • the soil on the ridges must be kept moist using a drip irrigation system or systematic watering;
  • Before the active flowering stage, plants should be fed with mineral complexes, and after a couple of weeks it is necessary to add wood ash;
  • It is very important to promptly remove weeds and all excess growth, which contributes to the thickening of berry plantings.

How to make a vertical trellis for raspberries (video)

The trellis growing method allows you to reduce the number of treatments of the berry garden against fungal infection. However, timely and correct preventive measures using folk remedies or modern insectofungicides should not be neglected. In this case, the chances of getting a healthy and abundant harvest become even higher.

A raspberry trellis is used for gartering it, which is necessary for healthy growth of bushes and a good harvest of berries. When ripening, the berries create a large load on the branches of the bush, which can lead to their breakage and, as a result, spoilage of the fruit. A reliable supporting structure makes it easier to care for raspberries and reduces the likelihood of damage to the bush. We will consider the types, production and use of trellises in more detail in this article.

Features of using the design

A trellis is a supporting structure that is used in gardening for tying up shrubs and grapes. Most raspberry varieties have a large height (up to 1.8 meters) and thin branches that bend easily from the overall weight of the fruit or wind. Bushes may break or sink all the way to the ground, exposing the fruit to dirt and moisture, causing the berries to rot or spoil. The use of support structures for gartering bushes has a number of advantages:

  • the berries do not come into contact with the soil and always remain clean, even after rain;
  • tying the bushes ensures rapid and uniform ripening of the berries;
  • the branches of the bush are well ventilated, so excess moisture does not remain on them, which reduces the likelihood of the appearance and spread of fungus;

It is more convenient to care for tied bushes; harvesting is also much easier, since there is no need to lift bent branches and look for unspoiled berries on them.

There are also some disadvantages to using trellises. First of all, such supports are used for gartering shrubs that are planted in rows, but if only a few single raspberry bushes need to be grown on a site, then other structures must be used to garter them. Another disadvantage of trellises is their manufacture, because not everyone is able to make a high-quality structure with their own hands the first time.


Externally, the trellis is a structure of small pillars, between which metal wire or rope is stretched in several rows. There are two main types of such structures: single-lane and double-lane.

A single-strip structure consists of a tensioned wire or twine between supporting elements. Such trellises are used to hold shoots, and each stem must be tied up separately.

A similar option can be used for small raspberry plantations. In turn, single-lane structures are divided into several more types depending on the method of fixing the bushes:

  • vertical support systems - in this case the shoots are tied up in a vertical position;
  • fan-type designs involve tying the stems in the shape of a fan; such trellises are ideal for remontant raspberries;
  • structures for fastening bushes at an angle;
  • loose trellises;
  • structures for horizontal placement of shoots are used to prepare the plant for wintering.

Structurally, all types of single-strip trellises have virtually no differences.

Two-lane structures are ideal for tying shrubs that grow in large numbers. Visually, such trellises are a stretched metal wire or rope between two parallel rows of sticks. The distance between the wires can be from 50 centimeters to 3 meters. Such trellises allow you not only to tie up shoots, but also to form raspberry plantations.

Two-lane structures are divided into the following types.

  • T-shape. The supporting elements of such a structure, which can be made of sticks, reinforcement or metal pipes of small diameter, are fixed in such a way that they visually resemble the letter T. The twine in this case is pulled from the protruding edges of the upper beam. The branches that bear fruit are distributed on different sides, and in the center there is free space for young shoots.
  • V-shaped. The supporting elements in this design are located at an angle. The distance between the inclined beams should not exceed 200 centimeters.
  • Y-shaped trellises the forms are equipped with a connecting mechanism that allows you to rotate the supporting elements to change their angle of inclination. This type of design is extremely difficult to make on your own, so it is better to purchase a finished product.
  • Tent structures differ in their dimensions and have a more complex structure. This support system is used for mass growing of raspberries, when the berries are harvested by machine.

Choosing the right material

Before you start making trellises with your own hands, you need to decide on the type of structure and materials that will be used. Let's get acquainted with the basic requirements for the elements with which the trellis structure is equipped.

  • The surface of the parts to which the shoots will be tied should not be slippery. Otherwise, the branches will not be securely fastened and may slip due to strong winds.
  • You cannot use metal wire to tie up bushes, otherwise the branches will be damaged. Usually fastening is done using twine.
  • When making trellises, you cannot use materials that deteriorate from exposure to precipitation, are not resistant to corrosion and can oxidize.
  • Fastening elements, like supports, should not expose the bush to damage from accidental cuts. For example, materials such as fishing line or bare copper are not recommended.
  • The supporting parts of the structure are made of wooden beams or metal. When using wood, it is recommended to soak the material in a weak concentration of copper sulfate solution for about 15 hours, which will protect the supports from rotting. It is recommended to treat metal parts with Kuzbasslak.

How to do it yourself?

First of all, you need to decide on the type of structure that needs to be made. On the Internet you can find drawings of all types of trellises, according to which you can make a support system.


It should be taken into account that the supports will be buried approximately 0.7 meters into the ground, and therefore it is necessary to prepare parts with a margin of length.

The wire is stretched in at least two rows. The distance between the fastening parts must be selected depending on the variety of raspberries. The following schemes are most often used.

  • The first row is located at a distance of 0.5 meters from the ground. The second row can be at a height of 120 to 150 centimeters.
  • The bottom wire is fixed at a height of 0.9-1 meters. The second row is placed at a distance of 150-170 centimeters from the soil.


All types of support systems for raspberry garter have a similar design, which makes the manufacturing process almost the same. Let's look at step-by-step instructions for making trellises.

  • For the future construction on the site, it is necessary to take all measurements and dig holes in the ground about 70 centimeters deep. If the raspberries have not yet been planted, then first of all you need to develop a scheme for planting shrubs.
  • It is recommended to treat the supporting parts of the structure with special compounds, at least those areas that will be located directly in the soil. Metal elements are treated against corrosion, and wooden elements are treated against rotting.
  • Pillars are installed on the site. Supporting elements can be made of metal, wood or concrete. The most suitable step when installing support elements is 3-4 meters. First of all, the two outer pillars are installed.
  • When installing a V-shaped or T-shaped structure, the first step is to prepare the supporting parts of the appropriate shape.
  • A wire or rope is stretched between the installed posts in 2 or 3 rows. The material is fixed on nails, which are previously driven into the support posts, or using special fasteners.

Spring block for rope tension

Growing and gartering shrubs

When using the method of growing raspberries on trellises, you must follow a number of simple recommendations. First of all, to plant shrubs you need to choose a suitable place that will be well illuminated by sunlight. It is advisable that the site be protected from strong winds. It is recommended to fertilize the soil before planting raspberries.

The most suitable time of year for planting shrubs is mid-spring, namely the beginning of April. In this case, it is necessary to prune young plants to approximately 25 centimeters from the soil. You can also plant raspberries in early autumn, leaving a distance of half a meter between the bushes.

To successfully grow bushes on trellises, you need to know the simple rules for creating them yourself. Proper planting and proper care will give plants the best appearance.

Growing raspberries on trellises

For abundant fruiting of raspberry bushes, you should properly prepare the soil before planting. The easiest way is to plant all the raspberry bushes in one row. This form will make it easy to care for the plantings and ensure quick harvesting.

First of all, a trench is dug, up to half a meter wide. Then, at the site of future planting, you need to loosen the soil with a pitchfork. A kind of groove is formed into which you need to pour about 10 liters of water per 1 m of length. You also need to thoroughly mix about a liter of wood ash with the ground at a distance of 1 m, and also distribute 200 g of complex fertilizer.

Raspberry seedlings need to be laid out at a large distance of at least 25 cm.

The root system must be properly straightened; bends or creases are unacceptable. The roots are sprinkled with some soil, watered generously and compacted well. The soil should settle, adhering well to the roots and filling all the voids.

After planting, the roots of the plants are sprinkled with the remaining soil. If planting occurs in early spring, then it is advisable to cut all seedlings approximately 20-30 cm from the ground. A layer of mulch about 15 cm thick is placed on the bed. The width of the seedlings should be at least 40 cm on both sides. It is advisable to increase the mulch layer during the summer.

All branches are possible tie to trellises or clamp them with wires. How to make a raspberry trellis with your own hands? The trellises are placed at a short distance from each other; you can make a continuous support by digging the pillars into the ground at a certain distance. You can use metal, otherwise a wooden base is perfect. The wood is impregnated with varnish; you can use special oil.

The ends of the bars that will be placed in the ground need to be tarred. The diameter of the pillars must be at least 15 cm and the length about 2 m. A drill or shovel is used to install the supports. In the second case, the supports may not be stable, so you need to firmly fix the ground after installing them. Trellis should be located along the entire length of the plantings.

Wire is stretched between the trellis posts; three rows can be made with a distance of about half a meter. All raspberry stems will be secured with rows of wire. Parallel rows need to be interconnected every half meter so that the raspberry bushes do not bunch up in small heaps. Each small group or individual bush will be securely fixed on all sides. It is necessary to periodically monitor the direction of growth of each shoot.

You need to care for raspberries after the fruits appear. Periodic watering, loosening the soil, adding fertilizing and timely weeding are necessary. If the soil around the raspberries is properly mulched, then caring for the bushes will be easy.

In spring you need to feed the bushes with a full range of fertilizers. It is advisable to use them before all the snow melts, in order to help. They were better absorbed by the resulting water.

When berries appear on the plants, you need to carry out a second feeding. The third occurs in the fall. You should not add nitrogen to it. You can limit yourself exclusively to a phosphorus-potassium mixture. The dose of fertilizers should not be exceeded, since they do not lead to an increase in yield, but only to an increase in the green mass of the plant.

Pest and disease control should begin in early spring. You should carefully inspect all bushes for damage to the leaves that could be caused by callitsa or agrilus. Damaged stems with leaves should be cut off and burned. The bushes and soil are treated with 4% Bordeaux mixture, which is necessary to prevent fungal diseases. Insecticides help against pests.

Raspberries need trim in a timely manner. Only the strongest, most complete stems are left, the rest can be removed. Proper care of raspberries, timely tying of stems to trellises or timely formation of shoots using wire will help to reap a large harvest.

Photo of a trellis for raspberries.

Growing blackberries on a trellis

Blackberries can be successfully grown on a trellis. To do this you need to choose tall varieties, since they cannot do without constant support. They must grow quickly to look appropriate on a fairly large trellis.

Those varieties that form a lot of branches are considered unsuitable, since they will not wrap around the trellis, so the overall appearance will seem slightly untidy. Before choosing, you need to pay attention to the decorativeness and harmony of the leaves and berries of the bush with the overall design of the garden. When growing blackberries on a trellis, you need to place the seedlings at a great distance from each other, which is at least 1 m.

Each bush should by the time formations on a trellis have at least 4 full branches. They need to be placed in a fan-like shape, then all the shoots are tied to the bottom crossbar of the trellis. The central branches need to be shortened more than the lateral ones, since they should not lag behind the neighboring ones in growth.

On each shortened branch of an already grown shrub, small shoots should form that grow along its length.

The main pruning should be carried out in the spring, since it is at this time of year that the buds are most active and are able to form new shoots.

Climbing blackberry stems look great on a trellis. Their maximum decorative effect is observed when the berries ripen. You can use a growing method that makes the thorny plants easier to care for.

Before planting bushes you need install trellises on the site for blackberries about 2 m in length. 4 wires are stretched across them. One of them should be located at a distance of 50 cm from the ground. The following should be stretched at a distance of about 40 cm. Seedlings should be planted at a distance of about 2 m. Usually the ground part is cut to 20 cm.

From the emerging shoots you need leave only the strongest. Depending on their height, they are tied to all wires except the top one. Those shoots that are not useful should be cut off after they reach 20 cm.

With the onset of next spring, last year's shoots will be ready to bear fruit. New branches will begin to appear. They can be brought precisely to the top wire, which remained free from the previous year. Premature shoots are cut off, and the necessary shoots are tied in half on the right and left sides.

All branches that bear fruit, that is, those remaining from last year, can be cut off. The remaining ones are untied from the trellis and distributed along the 3 lower wires. The top one becomes free again. Such care must be repeated every year. If varieties that do not winter well are selected, you can not tie them up for the winter, but place them on the ground.

With proper planting, timely pruning and staking, the plants will grow healthy, their appearance will attract attention, and the owners will receive a good harvest. Trellis help in maintaining plantings; with their help, the correct arrangement of shoots is formed, which makes caring for the bushes easier.

During the ripening period, raspberry bushes often bend from the load of fruit or strong wind, which makes picking berries difficult. For the convenience of work during harvesting, one special agricultural technique is used - fixing plants on supports made in the form of a horizontal or vertical plane. For this purpose, it is best to use a special trellis, although some gardeners tie the bushes to separate stakes. How to properly make a bed for raspberries and a trellis with your own hands, you can find out below. Let's try to figure out how to make a trellis without outside help.

Advantages of raspberry trellises

The benefits of a trellis are obvious. When growing raspberries on a large scale, the installation of trellises is a mandatory agrotechnical technique as a result of which:

  • the lower tier of branches does not touch the ground and does not get dirty;
  • the fruits do not come into contact with the soil and remain clean after rain;
  • plantings are well ventilated, which prevents the development of fungal infections;
  • The berries are evenly illuminated and ripen smoothly.

This device is useful not only for raspberries, but also for the gardener. The trellis simplifies the implementation of raspberry tree care activities such as:

  • pruning and cutting out fruit-bearing shoots;
  • watering and mulching the soil; harvesting;
  • preparation for winter.

The trellis is really convenient. You only need to build the correct structure once and use it for several years.

What designs of trellises for raspberries are there?

A trellis is two or more supports with wires stretched between them.

There are both single-lane and double-lane designs. Each type has its own characteristics, but professionals believe that it will be more effective to use a trellis that contains restrictions for raspberries on both sides. But if the area for berry bushes is small, then a single-lane design is quite justified.

Single strip trellis

A single-strip raspberry stake consists of two or more thick stakes driven into the ground in one line. Depending on the height of the raspberry bushes, several rows of twine are stretched between the stakes. Raspberry branches are tied to this twine. Instead of twine, you can use any rope or wire. The single-strip option is the simplest trellis, easy to manufacture and repair.

Two-strip trellis

For dense raspberry bushes, one support strip may not be enough. Then two-strip trellises of various designs are used:

  • T-shaped;
  • V-shaped;
  • Y-shaped.
  • As is clear from the names, the structures differ in the shape of the load-bearing supports.

    V-shaped - a design in which two working planes gently tilt from the middle of the bush to the sides. Because of this, the V-shaped trellis is called a two-lane inclined trellis. The plant is formed according to the same pattern as in the case of a T-shaped structure. However, the length from one edge of the working plane to the other does not exceed 2 meters.

    “T”-shaped, when a pair of additional wire tapes are stretched in the middle of the bush, which makes it possible for the branches with the harvest to lie on the wire during fruiting.

    The Y-shaped trellis is perhaps the newest, modern method of gartering, which few summer residents and gardeners know about. By the way, quite effective. Its peculiarity is the use of blades and hinges. In simple words, you can adjust the working planes of the trellis yourself and set any angle. When summer comes, the blades rise easily, and in spring or winter they fall. Provides sufficiently reliable and durable shelter for the raspberry tree from the cold.

    Tent structures differ in their dimensions and have a more complex structure. This support system is used for mass growing of raspberries, when the berries are harvested by machine.

    Making a trellis for raspberries with your own hands

    Raspberry trellises are easy to make with your own hands at home. To do this, you need soft metal wire or reinforced twine and support material. The twine is not very durable, but it causes less damage to the raspberry stems. More reliable is plastic wire with a diameter of about 3 mm, which can be easily purchased at any hardware store. For tying, do not use copper or steel wire without insulation. It will injure the stems. Do not use nylon fishing line, along which the shoots will slide and bunch up.

    Supports can be metal or wooden poles, scraps of reinforcement, or corners. If it is possible to purchase hinged structures, use them to create adjustable trellises. Before installation, the lower part of the pillars is treated with resin or other means that protects against moisture. The wood is soaked for 20 hours in a solution of copper sulfate. Metals are treated with bitumen varnish.

    Mark the area where the trellises will be installed. If the bushes are already growing on it, place supports along them. If a new area is being prepared, trellises are first installed, then raspberries are planted. The distance between adjacent supports is from 2 to 3 meters. They are buried with a shovel. Carefully compact the earth so that the supports do not wobble. They will stand firmly if the recess is concreted.

    You can make pillars from reinforced concrete. To do this, molds are prepared and reinforcement is placed inside. Fill it with a mixture made from washed sand, cement, crushed stone, and granulate. For strength, a plasticizer is added. In such supports it is necessary to provide holes for fixing the crossbars. They are attached to wooden structures with nails, and metal ones are welded.

    Fix and tension the wire. Its location in the top row depends on the chosen trellis shape. The second and sometimes the third rows, located in parallel, are stretched below. If the distance between the outer pillars is large, one or more additional ones are installed between them. They will make the trellis reliable and stable.

    How to properly tie raspberries

    Raspberries need to be watered well, but in moderation so as not to flood the roots. The plant especially needs sufficient saturation with liquid in the spring and summer.

    Pruning for raspberries is needed to shorten fruiting shoots and remove too thick and unnecessary shoots at the roots. Usually, in the spring after planting, fruit-bearing branches are pruned by about 20 cm. From the second year of life, the stems of the plant are shortened annually after harvest or in the spring. After the winter period, the branches are cut off by about 10 cm to a strong bud.

    In order not to frequently dig up the soil, the row spacing can be mulched - covered with straw or peat. To prevent frost damage to raspberries, many varieties need to be bent down. To do this, you need to tilt the bushes towards each other and tie them.

    To prevent the bushes from breaking under the weight of the fruit, they need to be tied up. The most commonly used method is the fan method. In this case, you will need to drive two sticks between the bushes - and raspberries are tied to them at different heights: part of the shoots of one bush and part of the stems of the neighboring one. The result will be a kind of fan.