Conspiracy against substance abuse. Conspiracies to cure drug addiction. Preparing for a ritual against drug addiction

Drug addiction is a terrible problem that has cut short thousands of lives and destroyed many souls. No need to say how they suffer loving people who see the degradation of a person close to them. Public condemnation and persecution by law enforcement agencies force relatives to hide this disease. Traditional methods Treatments, in most cases, are powerless or ineffective. The last resort is to use a drug addiction spell.

Food spell (carried out after Easter)

Buy a candle in the church and light it for the health of the suffering, and buy bread with the change from your purchase. Cut into small pieces using a knife purchased on the 9th of any month. Before the ritual, you cannot cut with a knife. Crumble the Easter bread into the same bowl and soak it in holy water, salt it with Thursday salt and add 7 eggs. Bake pancakes from the resulting dough. Give the drug addict to eat on an empty stomach, preferably 7 pieces. At the same time, read the plot 7 times:

I'm walking, crossing myself,
Blessed with the blessing of God,
Thursday, girded
Dissolved with salt.
So the intoxication would go on,
Dissolved in slave (name)
Didn't come back.
How strong Apostolic Church and the Holy Cross,
So strong is my intoxication.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Cemetery rituals and for the dead

In general, they are considered one of the the most powerful rituals. And since drug addiction is a disease that leads to death, in this case it is one of the most effective.

Cemetery Plot

Find the grave of a great sinner: it could be a criminal who killed people or who died without repentance and funeral services, who rejected baptism and the sacrament of communion. The conspiracy will gain special power if the names or date of birth on the gravestone and that of the drug addict coincide. During sunset, go to the cemetery, without talking to anyone along the way, with the last rays of the sun, put a clean towel on the grave, 3 eggs, 3 pancakes and salt, turn your back to the setting sun and read:

Along the grass carpet, late in the evening

I came to you, God's servant (name).
You, servant of God (name), lived and sinned
And he hastened to go to hell.
You have renounced God Christ,
From His Holy Cross, from His mercy,
From the gift of eternal life.
You have given yourself over to an unclean spirit,
The cursed force, the one
That ruined you forever.
I conjure, God's servant (name),
Your grave, your coffin, your ashes
The clothes that they dressed you in the coffin,
The earth that covered you,
Water from heaven that waters your grave,
God's light that illuminates your grave,
Mother, who carried you in her arms,
With her milk, which she fed you.
Take it, take it from the servant of God (name)
All the rest of the disease is intoxicating.
Hold her, don't let her go
Be a nail for this illness,
Heavy stone, fire.
Hold it, strengthen it, burn it, reduce it to dust.
When tied in eight knots
Light, water and earth,
Only then my words
They will be empty and useless.
My word is strong, tenacious and molding.

Conspiracy on a dead man

This ritual is carried out with the direct participation of the patient, if the sufferer passionately desires to get rid of drugs. The drug addict should endure 9 days without using dope, and during periods of withdrawal, you need to be next to him and wipe away sweat and tears with a handkerchief, while saying:

I speak to the slave (name),

So that he doesn't cry,
I didn't grieve
I didn’t miss the ardent potion,
I didn’t suffer from dope
Let the inveterate man have his handkerchief,
The slave (name) is guarded by the dashing passion.
How can this dead man not rise?
So the slave (name) does not touch dope.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After 9 days, go to the church where the funeral service for the deceased takes place. When saying goodbye, discreetly place a handkerchief in the coffin.

Church conspiracy against drug addiction

Over the course of one day, visit three churches and submit a registered note in each with a request “for the health of the needy.” Light a candle in each of the churches: to Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Wonderworker and St. Panteleimon the Healer. You also need to buy 4 candles and collect holy water in all churches but in one container. When leaving the last temple, say:

I beg you, All-Seeing God,

Don’t let illness come to your doorstep.
Let the insatiable dope go away!
The sick drug addict will become sober again.
Amen! Amen! Amen!

Returning home, wait until everyone has left the room, light 12 candles in a semicircle, place all three icons behind them, and a container with holy water in front and read the following plot many times:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Forgive me all my sins, voluntary and involuntary, known and unknown. Have mercy and help save your slave from drug addiction (state the name of the sufferer). Cleanse his/her soul from demonic possession and save the body from sick aches. Give strength of spirit to the sick person (again call the name of the dependent person) with this holy water. Let the life-giving moisture destroy forever the irrepressible craving for the needle. Sent the Holy Saints down from Heaven and led guardian angel protect your slave/servant (again, mention the name of the sufferer) from destructive drug addiction. Thy will be done. May your mercy come. Let my work be done. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Read until you have enough strength and feel very weak. Burnt out candles can be thrown away, and the piece of paper with the spell and icons can be hidden in a secluded place. Add holy spoken water to any food and drink of a drug addict at every opportunity.

Creating a talisman against drug addiction

An ordinary pin can act as an item for a talisman: it can be attached to the inside of clothing, so that it touches the body and no one sees it. Standing behind the patient, we speak to the object with these words:

You'll soon bite your nose off
What potion will you pour into yourself?
The dead man will soon leave the coffin,
What potions will intoxicate you?
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Choose a road that can be seen from the window of the house. The patient must walk along it from home and return. When leaving, he should not look back or talk to anyone. When returning, you cannot talk, stumble, or stop until you enter the house. The following lapel is read in the back of the departing person:

Not a single key will open my lock,
My word will not be washed away by water.
I left the monastery
Keeping the word from the troparion,
There is a trap in the garden,
His name is dope.
Let him sleep according to his years,
Dies by the hour, melts by the minute,
Like everyone, God's servant (name) is healthy.
Doesn't want to go to the grave
Neither old nor young,
So are you, servant of God (name),
Didn't want, didn't want
No trap, no potion, no dope.
Roll down, fall down.
I will give you a funeral service for the dope with all the saints.
The cross is holy, the dope is removed, the cross is strong.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The ceremony can be performed without the patient’s consent. In this case, we read the first part behind the back of the sleeping person, standing in his head, and the second, you can read in the back of the departing person, standing on the threshold of the house. In the same way, you can charm any object: a coin pendant, etc. The coin will need to be sewn into the clothes that the patient wears most often. The effect will be somewhat weakened, but the healing process will begin.

Drug addiction is the most important disease of our modern century. Many people have experienced this terrible disease to one degree or another. Someone has personally used drugs, someone has a relative or friend who has this disease. Be that as it may, this is a very serious disease for which appropriate treatment must be applied. And treatment, of course, cannot be done without folk method- conspiracy.

A conspiracy against drug addiction is a serious method of folk treatment. The use of a spell alone is not enough to completely recover from the so-called “withdrawal”. Complex treatment is a must.

What leads modern people to systematic drug use? The reasons may be different:

  1. banal curiosity or simple experiment;
  2. irregular use of “intoxicating drugs”;
  3. systematic use;
  4. obsessions associated with the consumption of “dope”;
  5. habit or addiction.

Curious young people often become victims of drug addiction. Starting with softer drugs, they very soon move on to harder drugs. When using this or that drug, the addict feels that he is getting a so-called “eternal high.” Life priorities change over time, poison becomes the meaning of life and a person becomes a drug addict.

Not every person can overcome drug addiction. This disease is a scourge not only in modern world. In former times, just like in today's times, there were drug addicts. The only difference is that modern drugs have become more powerful and are much more addictive.

If you want to help your acquaintance, relative or friend cope with an illness, try using any of the following methods. Each method is strong in its own way, but without the desire of the patient to be cured, it will be very difficult to cope with the disease.

Prayer against drug addiction

To save a drug addict from the disease, you need to read this powerful and effective conspiracy:

“Water-water, you came out of prison, You wandered from the ground, you wandered through the ravines, You rose like a spring, You descended from the mountain steeps, The Lord God, the clear moon, the red sun, The sandy banks, the rosy dawns cleansed you. Help me, Lord, too, God’s servant (name), Wash, rinse and heal, Free God’s servant (name) from the intoxicating illness. Wash off tightly, mold and mold Your deeds, my words. I don’t wash - the water washes, I don’t heal - the Lord helps. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

The prayer is read over Epiphany water exactly 77 times in a row, and then carry it through 3 thresholds. To prepare for treatment in this way, the patient must fast and should not eat meat or fish. The patient drinks 12 sips of water charmed in this way throughout the day.

Easter spells

The most important and greatest holiday for all Christians would always be Easter. It was believed that on this sacred day it was much easier to recover from illness than on any other day. There are many conspiracies for treating drug addiction for Easter. Here are some of them.

Three Easters need to be blessed in the church. The next morning every blessed Easter cut into exactly nine equal pieces. Twenty-seven graves are found in a cemetery with the name of a drug addict who needs to be cured. Say goodbye to each deceased person and leave him a piece of Easter on his grave. When you leave the grave, say the following prayer:

“As I cut, cut off the Holy Pascha, Dividing it into 27 pieces, 27 graves, So I cut and cut off in the name of the Holy and Wonderful Pascha and the Lord Jesus Christ From God’s servant his illness. And how these dead hands will not rise, So that the servant of God (name) would not be drawn to the intoxicating disease, If his soul were humble and calm, Without cravings and indifferent to the intoxicating disease, Just as this dead man is calm, humble and indifferent. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

At the first bell ringing On Easter, a sick person must cross himself and say the following words:

“Christ is risen, and the servant (name) is in good health.”

Also, along with special prayers used to treat “stupid illness”, patients are often prayed to with the “Our Father” prayer:

“Our Father who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen".

This is very strong prayer. It is universal and is used to cure various ailments.

Conspiracy over a sleeping drug addict

You need to approach a sick person, who must be fast asleep, crossing two knives over his head, read the following spell:

“The servant of God (name), who found seduction through the works of demons and spirits of evil. Name. God the Life-Giving One I condemn you and sentence you through the angel of light to purification. Be gone, pernicious filth, Created by the son of hell. Get off your name. God the Father, in the Name. Son of Christ, from the servant of God (name). Sorrow of the body, pain of the body, go to hell, And you will not get closer to the soul of (name)! As these two knives form the skeleton of the cross, As the cross held Jesus Christ, As Christ grieved on the cross, So would the servant of God (name) endure, strengthen himself, From. the intoxicated one retreated forever and ever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer for drug withdrawal

A person who decides to stop using drugs once and for all must be prepared for serious pain and withdrawal symptoms that will accompany him. To alleviate such symptoms, you can use the following hex:

“The coffin, you are in the ground, the dead man is in you. He sees nothing, hears nothing, does not cry for anything, does not suffer for anyone. So God’s servant (name) would not hear pain and not suffer. Strengthen it, Lord, stake it out. Petrified (name), stiff. A stone doesn't hurt, a tree doesn't feel sick, there's no more pain in the body. My word is strong, my deed is crowned. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

The spell is read over holy water. A drug addict is washed with enchanted water.

Conspiracy over carrion

Many will consider this conspiracy vile and unpleasant, but it is very strong and effective for treating drug addiction. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to accidentally collect carrion (be it a cat, dog, rat or whatever). The carrion should be practically decomposed, but not fresh.

A conspiracy is read over the carrion:

“You bones, dead bones, You have veins, dead veins, You have lived and lived, You have decomposed and rotted. My sorrow is not small, not heavy, But my words are strong and powerful. I will get up, pray, submit to the Most High God This day, this hour, Early in the morning, late in the evening. Bless me, Mother of God, to reprimand the Servant of God (name) and free me from intoxication. Come with me, my talent, which was given to me, God’s servant (name), by God. I will come with my talent to a quicksand swamp, to a high forest, to a dense forest. I will go in - a pawed and proud beast, And in front of me there is a fence around the forest, The size of the base of the earth To the bottomless heavenly heights, From the eastern to the western side, Far away gates, far away castles, Far away keys. All the keys of God's saints are kept near the golden icons. Whoever takes this key into his own hands will bring deliverance to God’s servant (name). Oh, you, my talent, my Guardian Angel, Be my helper, And the servant of God (name) a deliverer, Give me the holy keys, Open the holy locks for me. Let strength come to me from the holy gates, so that the intoxicated one can defeat. The keys to my deeds, the locks to my words. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"!

Of course, this is not an entirely pleasant procedure, but it has helped more than one drug addict get rid of his addiction.

Hex on a pin

A drug addiction spell on a pin is performed on a sick person. Prepare a new pin on which the plot will be read. The addict is seated on a chair, and standing behind him, from the back, holding a pin in his hand, say the words:

“You’d sooner bite off your nose than pour the potion into yourself. The dead man will leave the coffin sooner than the dope will enter you. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The enchanted pin is pinned from the reverse side to the drug addict’s clothes and carried with them at all times.

After the spoken words, the patient must get up from the chair and, without looking back, without talking to anyone, go home. They say a prayer behind him:

“Not a single key will open my lock, nor will my word be washed away by water. I left the monastery, keeping the word from the troparion, There is a trap in the garden, Its name is Datura. Let him sleep by the years, Die by the hour, melt by the minute, Like every healthy servant of God (name). Neither old nor young woman wants to go to the grave, so you, servant of God (name), did not want, did not want neither a trap, nor a potion, nor a dope. Roll down, fall down. I will give you a funeral service for the dope with all the saints. The cross is holy, the dope is removed, the cross is strong. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Mother's prayer for a child who is a drug addict

For a loving mother, this is a great pain that can hardly be endured. Not every mother will be able to pull herself together and find the strength to fight her child’s illness. There is a prayer that will help calm not only the ardor of a child who is a drug addict, but also help the mother find a way out of the current situation.

“I, God’s servant, will become blessed. I will step with God's help, crossing myself. My spirit will go with me, God’s servant. From all corners, from windows, doors, from all invisible and visible cracks. Icons on the corners, saints in heaven. I’ll go closer to them, bow to them lower. - Oh, you honest saints and all of God’s great army, I ask you, I beg you to help me in my trouble. Take God's servant by the hand, Lead him straight into God's gates, To God's Throne, table. And I, his mother, the servant of God, will follow him. At that table the Last Supper is taking place, Jesus Christ Himself will approach me, the servant of God. Heavenly King, have mercy! Help! Heal my son, Your servant. Deliver him with God's muscle from pain, from filthy, intoxicating illness. Circle it around the Holy Throne, the table, deliver it from intoxicating illness and protect it: for now, for eternity, for infinity. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

If you want to end drug addiction once and for all, it is important to remember that this is a complex and serious disease. It requires A complex approach in treatment. A drug addict who wants to quit taking drugs must gain strength and patience. Willpower is also very important and simply necessary.

Remember, bags of intoxicating substances do not lead to anything good. Yes, they help the addict leave his reality and move to another world, which, in their opinion, is much more interesting and cloudless. But this is a temporary state that ends someday.

A conspiracy against drug addiction is not a panacea, but this method of curing addiction is quite effective. It is important that the sick person himself realizes the seriousness of his addiction and wants to recover from it.

Remember, in our world there are many more interesting and equally enjoyable things. Someone goes in for sports, someone jumps with a parachute or travels. This, and much more, causes a lot positive emotions. It is important to be able to find such emotions for yourself in reality.

Conspiracies for drug addiction from Stepanova N.I.
Drug addiction treatment
It is best to read a conspiracy against drug addiction using a pin, since a drug addict can pin it to his clothes and carry it with him all the time without fear of losing it. The pin is always pinned from the inside out so that no one can see it, but where to pin it is up to the drug addict, let him choose.
So, standing behind the back of a drug addict, read the following conspiracy against drug addiction above the pin:
You'll soon bite your nose off
What potion will you pour into yourself?
The dead man will soon leave the coffin,
What potions will intoxicate you?
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Having spoken the pin, take the drug addict to the window and show him which path he should take home. This is done so that you can read a special healing spell for drug addiction in the back of the departing person. Explain that on the way home he should not look back, stumble, or talk until he crosses the threshold of his house.
Here are the words of the conspiracy against drug addiction, which is read in the back of a drug addict:
Not a single key will open my lock,
My word will not be washed away by water.
I left the monastery
Keeping the word from the troparion,
There is a trap in the garden,
His name is dope.
Let him sleep according to his years,
Dies by the hour, melts by the minute,
Like everyone, God's servant (name) is healthy.
Doesn't want to go to the grave
Neither old nor young,
So are you, servant of God (name),
Didn't want, didn't want
No trap, no potion, no dope.
Roll down, fall down.
I will give you a funeral service for the dope with all the saints.
The cross is holy, the dope is removed, the cross is strong.

How to cure a drug addict conspiracy
Go to a sleeping drug addict, cross two knives over him and read this conspiracy against drug addiction:
Servant of God (name), who found seduction
Through the works of demons and spirits of evil,
In the name of the Life-Giving God
I condemn you and sentence you
Through the Angel of Light to purification.
Be gone, pernicious filth,
Created by the son of hell,
Get off, in the name of God the Father,
In the name of the Son of Christ, from the servant of God (name).
Sorrow of the body, pain of the body, go to hell,
And you won’t get closer to (name)’s soul.
How these two knives form the frame of the cross,
How the Cross held Jesus Christ,
How Christ grieved on the Cross,
So God’s servant (name) would endure, strengthen himself,
He abandoned the intoxication forever and ever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Plot for pain during drug withdrawal
A person who has firmly decided to get rid of his addiction will have to endure bodily pain, which is popularly called “withdrawal.” To ease withdrawal symptoms, healers give the sick drug addict a warm drink. grape wine, while reading a plot for pain (I already wrote about this in previous books). The same plot that you will find below is read over water, which is then used to wash a sick drug addict. The words of the conspiracy against drug addiction are:
The coffin, you are in the ground, the dead man is in you.
He sees nothing, hears nothing,
She doesn’t cry for anything, doesn’t suffer for anyone.
So would the servant of God (name)
Do not hear pain and do not suffer.
Strengthen it, Lord, stake it out.
Petrified, servant of God (name), stiffened.
The stone doesn't hurt, the tree doesn't feel sick,
There is an end to pain in the body.
My word is strong, my deed is crowned.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

How to get rid of drug addict friends
immediately after the drug addicts leave, you need to read it on the threshold front door the following spell:

From north to south, from east to west
Herod's daughters come out, carrying willow rods.
Beat you, daughters of Herod, drive away,
Don't let me in, my house, protect my threshold
From girlfriends and friends, from gulbischa and destruction,
Inflict your punishment on them.
How the Lord drove out demons from Himself,
Do the same, drive away,
Do not let God's servant (name) near him.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to kill drug addiction
When a funeral service is held in church, light a candle, like everyone else standing nearby. When the priest says “Eternal memory,” you must say:
For the repose of the intoxicated servant of God (name).
And then add:
The dead man does not suffer
Not alive
Not for the dead
So that the servant of God (name)
Didn't suffer from drugs. Amen.
The candle should burn out completely. That same evening, treat the drug addict to pancakes and jelly.

From drug addiction(amulet for children)
To ensure that your child never becomes addicted to drugs, read this prayer against drug addiction:
My heart is in Your hand, Lord. God the Wise, God the Merciful, everything is possible for You, for everything is in Your power. You not only heal the blind, deaf and dumb, but also raise the dead. O Lord God Almighty, I ask and pray to You for the child that You have given me. Help me, by Thy grace, to raise him piously, to Thy Throne to praise and honor. My Lord, my Fortress, strengthen it with your strength against all earthly temptations. Instill in him fear and disgust for all devilish attractions. Take him away from all nasty and godless deeds. Do not reject me in my tearful petition, I pray to You and I hope in You. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Conspiracies for drug addiction
Previously, drug addiction was called “stupid”. Of course, in the old days they didn’t inject themselves with all sorts of nasty things; then there were simply no syringes. But instead of injections, a person addicted to drugs inhaled smoke from smoldering hallucinogenic mushrooms or plants, prepared a drink from milk of poppy, etc.
To treat drug addiction, find the grave of a person who during his lifetime rejected Christ by not accepting His baptism. The grave of a murderer is also suitable: a person who killed people or went against God. As my grandmother said: “I will take sin to sin, that’s where it belongs.” You need to go to the cemetery after sunset, always silently. Place a towel on the grave, and on it three eggs, three pancakes and put salt. Standing with your back to the setting sun, read this conspiracy against drug addiction:
Along the grass carpet, late in the evening
I came to you, God's servant (name).
You, servant of God (name), lived and sinned
And he hastened to go to hell.
You have renounced God Christ,
From His Holy Cross, from His mercy,
From the gift of eternal life.
You have given yourself over to an unclean spirit,
The cursed force, the one
That ruined you forever.
I conjure, God's servant (name),
Your grave, your coffin, your ashes
The clothes that they dressed you in the coffin,
The earth that covered you,
Water from heaven that waters your grave,
God's light that illuminates your grave,
Mother, who carried you in her arms,
With her milk, which she fed you.
Take it, take it from the servant of God (name)
All the rest of the disease is intoxicating.
Hold her, don't let her go
Be a nail for this illness,
Heavy stone, fire.
Hold it, strengthen it, burn it, reduce it to dust.
When tied in eight knots
Light, water and earth,
Only then my words
They will be empty and useless.
My word is strong, tenacious and molding.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Drinking drug addiction warning
First, read the “Our Father,” and then read a special spell over the drink that you treat to a drug addict.
Our Father
Our Father, Who art in Heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in Heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Amen.
Drug addiction conspiracy
For the first time, good and holy hour
The Mother of God is walking
Along the golden bridge.
- Where are you going, Mother of God?
What are you, Mother of God,
Are you carrying it in Your right hand?
– I’m going to God’s servant (name) to treat him,
I want to restore his soul and heart.
IN right hand My holy golden cross.
I will baptize God’s servant (name) with the cross,
I will begin to heal him with the Word of God.
Who will drink my water three times,
He will stay away from the intoxication forever and ever.
Will be strengthened by Me,
Lord Jesus Christ
Saved forever and ever.
I reprimand from the servant of God (name)
All the sinful pain:
From blood, liver, heart, from brains.
My word is through God, and the Lord God is One.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Drug addiction conspiracy
Read a conspiracy against drug addiction on the last Wednesday of any month. While a drug addict is sleeping, light a candle in front of the patient’s personal icon, kneel in front of it, cross yourself and read the anti-drug addiction spell:
The servant of God (name) is conjured
With my lips, holy and strong words,
God crucified and alive,
The golden dome of the temple.
May all my words come true,
For God's servant (name) for healing.
Get out, spirit of temptation, from my white body.
The body of the mother (name) born,
Godmother (name) of the baptized person,
Blessed by the Church and God,
The spirit of a stupefying demon defiled.
Our Lord suffered for us on the cross
He gave his blood for the servant of God (name),
In the name of the Holy Blood of Jesus Christ
There is no place for you, Satan of temptation,
In you is the white servant of God (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Drug addiction in a cemetery
They go to the cemetery, look for three graves there with the same names as those of someone addicted to drugs, or, as my grandmother used to say, “dope.” They bring kutya and nine pancakes with them. Three pancakes and three spoons of kutya are placed on each grave. They bow three times, cross themselves three times and read a conspiracy against drug addiction three times:
Hello, dead soul (name).
You were born, you were baptized, you reposed.
You, dead man, should be in this land,
And health and peace, come to me.
How are you, dead man?
You don’t yearn for the intoxicating one, you don’t suffer,
How are you, dead man, oh intoxicating
You don’t guess, you don’t dream,
So I wouldn’t grieve for her, I wouldn’t suffer,
I didn’t think about or dream about the intoxicating one.
Mother of God, remember in Your Kingdom
About this deceased and my health.
Send me peace and good health.
Live peacefully, sleep peacefully,
Forget about the demonic dope.
The deceased (name) is in the ground,
And peace and health come to me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

How to charm water to wash a drug addict's face
The conspiracy against drug addiction should be read by the drug addict himself:
Three rivers, three waters, three life-giving sisters,
Wash, rinse, cleanse and calm down
In me, God's servant (name), intoxicated.
There are three stars in the sky, three holy souls:
Father, God, Holy Spirit. Amen.
Holy Trinity, help,
Mother of God, bless.
Wash it off with a holy hand, rinse off the intoxicating one.
The water came out of the ground and went
I found my sinful soul.
Take it upon yourself, intoxicating water.
God is with me, Father is with me,
The Holy Spirit is with me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Treatment of a drug addict at Easter
Three Passovers are blessed and after the all-night vigil, each Passover is cut into nine pieces. Find 27 graves with the same name as a drug addict, say a christ with the deceased, put a piece of Easter on his grave and, when leaving, say a conspiracy against drug addiction:
How I cut, cut off the Holy Easter,
Dividing it into 27 pieces, 27 graves,
So I cut and cut off with the name
Holy and Wonderful Easter
And the Lord Jesus Christ
From God's servant his illness.
And how can these dead hands not rise,
So that the servant of God (name)
I would not be drawn to the intoxicating disease,
May his soul be humble and calm,
Without cravings and indifferent to intoxication,
How calm, humble and indifferent this Metvet is.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Mother's prayer for drug addiction
They read a prayer for drug addiction after the departing person:
I, God's servant, will become blessed.
I will step, with God’s help, crossing myself.
My spirit will go with me, God's servant
From all corners, from windows, doors,
From all invisible and visible cracks.
Icons on the corners, saints in heaven.
I’ll go closer to them, bow to them lower.
- Oh, you honest saints and all of God’s great army.
I ask you, I beg you to help me in my trouble.
- Take God's servant under your arms,
Lead him straight to God's gates,
To God's Throne, table.
And I, his mother, the servant of God, will follow him.
At that table the Last Supper is taking place,
Jesus Christ himself will approach me, the servant of God.
Heavenly King, have mercy! Help!
Heal my son, Your servant.
Deliver him from pain with God's muscle,
From a nasty, intoxicating illness.
Circle the Holy See, its table,
Deliver him from the intoxicating disease and protect him
For now, for eternity, for infinity.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


From cravings to drugs
In the old days, there were also people who liked to drink steamed hemp and poppy seeds. They dried some types of mushrooms, mixed them with henbane and gradually became addicted to drugs.
They treated drug addicts with baths, fasting, prayer and herbs.
Grandma knew many ways to treat drug addiction, and I will teach you these methods too. To save a person from drug addiction, you need to speak 77 times at night Epiphany water and then carry her through three rapids. Before this, a drug addict must keep a bloodless fast (not eat meat) and drink 12 sips of the charmed water throughout the day.
The conspiracy against drug addiction is as follows:
Water, water, you are out of prison.
She came out of the ground and wandered through the ravines.
It rose like a spring, and fell from mountain steeps.
The Lord God has cleansed you, clear Moon,
The sun is red
Sandy berezhki, ruby ​​zoryushki.
Help me, Lord, too, God’s servant (name).
Wash, rinse and heal,
Free the servant of God (name) from intoxicating illness.
Wash it off tightly, fit it in a molded fashion
My deeds, my words.
I don’t wash, the water washes, I don’t heal, the Lord helps.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Conspiracy against substance abuse
You need to watch the rooster walking among the chickens. As soon as you see that the rooster is standing on one paw, you need to notice which paw he has tucked in - the left or the right. Immediately after this, the rooster’s head must be cut off and the paw that he was holding up must be cut off. A cross is made (drawn) with a severed paw on the chest of a person suffering from substance abuse. At the same time, they say a conspiracy against substance abuse:
How this rooster will never run again
So the servant of God (name) will not get sick of the intoxicated soul.
Lord, deliver Your servant from sin,
Take my rooster as a sacrifice.
My word is strong
My work is sculpted.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
After this ritual for substance abuse, the rooster is boiled along with its head and two legs. The boiled rooster is given to the poor near a church or cemetery. If you do everything absolutely correctly, then a person suffering from substance abuse will completely lose interest in toxic fumes and will stop ruining their health.
In former times, prayer for drug addiction and substance abuse was used to treat those who could not do without hemp, henbane, poppy and other plant intoxicants, including poisonous mushrooms containing hallucinogens.
Substance addiction is akin to a dopey disease and, according to many years of observations, responds well to prayer.

Treatment of drug addicts
Before pronouncing a conspiracy against drug addiction, you need to remember one important condition: the conspiracy against drug addiction is read over carrion (dead and already beginning to decompose or decomposed animals), which you accidentally (I want to especially emphasize, accidentally!) stumble upon on the road, in a field or In the woods. This happens much more often than we would like, we just, as a rule, try not to pay attention to such unpleasant things. So, the conspiracy against drug addiction is read while standing over the carrion. The words of the conspiracy against drug addiction are:
You are bones, dead bones,
You are alive, dead veins,
You lived and lived,
They decomposed and rotted.
My sorrow is not small, not heavy,
But my words are strong and powerful.
I'll get up and pray
I will submit to the Most High God
This day, this hour,
Early in the morning, late in the evening.
Bless me, Mother of God,
Scold the servant of God (name)
And free from the intoxication.
Come with me, my talent,
Which was given to me, God's servant (name), by God.
I will come with a talent to the quicksand swamp,
To a high forest, a dense forest.
I’ll come in - a pawed and proud beast,
And in front of me there is a fence around the forest,
The size of the base of the earth
To the most bottomless heavenly heights,
From east to west side,
Far away gates, far away castles,
Far away keys.
All the keys are with God's saints,
They are kept near the gold icons.
Who will take this key into their hands?
He will bring deliverance for God's servant (name).
Oh, you, my talent, my Guardian Angel,
Be my helper
And to the servant of God (name) the deliverer,
Give me the holy keys
Open the holy locks for me.
May strength come to me from the holy gates,
So that the intoxicated one wins.
The keys to my deeds, the locks to my words.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Drug addiction treatment.

Where should treatment begin? Make a layout for the person on the cards (see the “Book of Witchcraft”, I explain there). In the scenario, determine the character of the patient, how affected his organs are and which ones. Look at the cards of his thoughts, check for deception. But don’t judge him for lying, because basically all drug addicts lie. Much depends on whether the person came on his own or was persuaded to come to you. After all, if he did not come of his own free will, then, when leaving you, he will throw away the pin or what you gave him.

The second thing you do after the alignment. - discuss the situation with the patient that it was he who came to you for help, and not you to him, and therefore you are obliged to do everything that you consider necessary in this situation for his recovery.

The third thing you do is talk about an object, for example, a pin. This is convenient, since it can be stabbed and carried with the patient. He can choose the place himself, but it is necessary to pin it from the inside of the clothes.

They slander the pin while standing behind the patient:

You'd rather chew off your nose than pour the potion into yourself. The dead man would sooner leave the coffin than the dope would enter you. Amen. Amen. Amen.

The fourth thing you do: show him from the window which path he will take, warn him that you will read his back. Tell him that you can’t look around, talk, stammer, that you need to remain silent until the very threshold of your house, until he enters the apartment.

Slander in the back:

Not a single key will open my lock, not a single key will wash away my word with water. I left the monastery, keeping the word from the troparion, there is a trap in the garden, its name is Datura. Let him sleep according to his needs,” die by the hour, melt by the minute, like every healthy servant of God. Neither the old nor the young woman wants to go to the grave, so you, the servant of God (name), did not want, did not want either a trap, or a potion, or dope. Roll down, fall down. I will give you a funeral service for the dope with all the saints. The cross is holy, the dope is removed, the cross is strong. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From drug addiction.

The topic is complex, but necessary. Let me remind you: masters call this disease intoxicating. It is treated according to gender: women on “women’s” days, men on “men’s” days, except for holy holidays.

For example, you bought a candle in church and received change. With the change you receive, you buy bread, cut it into small pieces with a knife bought on the ninth day of the month.

Then add chopped Easter bread to it, soak everything with holy water, add Thursday salt and seven eggs. You should have a dough like pancakes. Bake pancakes and give to a drug addict with the following saying:

I go, crossing myself, bless myself with the food,
Thursday, girded, dissolved in salt.
So the dope would go on, dissolve in the slave (name) and not return.
How strong is the Apostolic Church and the Holy Cross,
So strong is my intoxication.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

That's why.

As soon as a person begins to break down and become crippled from pain, wipe his tears with a handkerchief and ask, beg him to endure this torment for 9 days, not to inject himself.

During these nine days, try to get to the church for the funeral service of the deceased with a coffin. Before they begin to nail up the coffin, bend over to the deceased as if saying goodbye, and discreetly place the patient’s handkerchief in the coffin. Before doing this, tell the handkerchief at home the following slander:

I speak to the slave (name),
so that he does not cry, does not grieve,
I didn’t miss the ardent potion,
I didn’t suffer from intoxication
Let the inveterate man have his handkerchief,
from the dashing passion of the slave (name) he guards.
How can this dead man not rise?
So the slave (name) does not touch dope.

Drug addiction conspiracy.


Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.


The first time, in a good and holy hour.
The Mother of God is walking
Along the golden bridge.
Where are you going, Mother of God?
What are you, Mother of God,
Are you carrying it in Your right hand?
I’m going to the servant of God (name), to treat him,
I want to restore his soul and heart.
In My right hand is a holy golden cross.
I will baptize God’s servant (name) with the cross,
I will begin to heal him with the Word of God.
Who will drink my water three times,
He will stay away from the intoxication forever and ever.
Will be strengthened by me,
Lord Jesus Christ
Saved forever and ever.
I reprimand from the servant of God (name)
All the sinful pain.
From blood, liver, heart, from brains.
My word is through God, and the Lord God is One.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Drug addiction conspiracy.

For treatment, find the grave of a person who during his lifetime rejected Christ without accepting his baptism. The grave of a murderer, a man who killed people or went against God, is also suitable. You need to go after sunset, silently. Place a towel on the grave, then place three eggs, three pancakes and salt on the towel. Standing with your back to the sunset, read like this:

Along the grass carpet, late in the evening
I came to you, God's servant (name).
You, slave (so-and-so), lived and sinned
And he hastened to go to hell.
You have renounced God Christ,
From His Holy Cross, from His mercy,
From the gift of eternal life.
You have given yourself over to an unclean spirit,
The cursed force, the one
That ruined you forever.
I conjure, God's servant (name),
Your grave, your coffin, your ashes.
The clothes that they dressed you in the coffin,
The earth that covered you.
Water from heaven that waters your grave,
God's light that illuminates your grave.
The mother who carried you in her arms.
With her milk, which she fed you.
Take it, take it from the servant of God (name)
All the rest of the disease is intoxicating.
Hold her, don't let her go.
Be a nail for this illness,
Heavy stone, fire.
Hold it, strengthen it, burn it, reduce it to dust.
When tied in eight knots
Light, water and earth,
Only then my words
They will be empty and useless.
My word is strong, tenacious and molding.

Talk about drug addiction.

Approach the sleeping drug addict, cross two knives over him and read the spell:

Servant of God (name), who found seduction
through the works of demons and spirits of evil.
In the name of the Life-Giving God
I condemn you and sentence you
through the angel of light to purification.
Be gone, pernicious filth,
created by the son of hell.
Get off, in the name of God the Father,
In the name of the Son of Christ, from the servant of God (name).
Sorrow of the body, pain of the body, go to hell,
and not let you get closer to (name)’s soul!
How these two knives form the frame of the cross.
How the cross held Jesus Christ,
how Christ grieved on the cross,
So God’s servant (name) would endure, strengthen himself,
I have abandoned the intoxication forever and ever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to kill drug addiction.

During the funeral service for the deceased in church, light a candle, like everyone else standing nearby. When the priest says: “Eternal memory,” and you say:

“For the repose of the intoxicated servant of God (name).”

And then add:

The dead man does not suffer
neither for the living nor for the dead,
so that the servant of God (name) does not suffer from drugs.

The candle should burn out completely, and in the evening give the drug addict pancakes and jelly.

For narcotic pain during withdrawal.

A person who has come to the conclusion that it is time to stop using drugs will have to endure bodily pain, which is popularly called “withdrawal.” To ease withdrawal symptoms, healers give the patient warm grape wine while reading a spell for pain. I have already written about this in previous books. The plot given below is read on the water. Then the person in pain is washed with this water.

The coffin, you are in the ground, the dead man is in you.
He sees nothing, hears nothing,
does not cry for anything, does not suffer for anyone.
So would the servant of God (name)
do not hear pain and do not suffer.
Strengthen it, Lord, stake it out.
Petrified (name), stiff.
The stone doesn't hurt, the tree doesn't feel sick,
there is an end to pain in the body.
My word is strong, my deed is crowned.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

To get rid of friends who are drug addicts.

The plot is read on the threshold, immediately after the unwanted guests leave.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
From north to south, from east to west
Herod's daughters come out, carrying willow rods.
Beat, you daughters of Herod, drive away,
don't let me in
protect my home, my threshold:
from girlfriends and friends, from gulbischa and destruction.
Inflict your punishment on them.
How the Lord drove out demons from himself,
do the same
drive away, do not let him near the servant of God (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Amulet against temptation to drugs (for children).

My heart is in Your hand, Lord.
God the Wise, God the Merciful,
Everything is possible for You, for everything is in Your power.
You not only heal the blind, deaf and dumb,
But you also raise the dead.
Oh Lord God Almighty,
I ask and pray to You for the child,
which You gave to me.
Help me with Your grace
Raise him piously.
To Your Throne, to praise and honor.
My Lord, my Fortress, strengthen it with your strength
Against all earthly temptations.
Instill in him fear and disgust towards everyone
Devilish attractions.
Take him away from all nasty and godless deeds.
Do not reject me in my tearful request,
I pray to You and trust in You.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.