Total bad luck in the personal life of history. Black streak in life: what to do to get rid of failures. Magical ways to get what you want

The article offers you the most interesting and piquant questions for guys.

A list of suitable and current issues. You can ask them to a man at any opportunity: on a date or in a telephone conversation.

Questions on everyday topics:

  • What do you like to drink/eat/read/watch/fan at home?
  • Where were you yesterday / went / where did you go / where did you relax / what did you do?
  • How was yesterday's movie/match/game/series/going to the theater/concert?
  • How is your travel/work/vacation/activity/passion/hobby?
  • How is your mood/health/well-being/condition?
  • Aren't you bored/sad/sad/bad/sad?
  • What happened/changed/happened to you?
  • How long has it been since we saw/meet/contacted/contacted?
  • How are your parents/brother/sister/friend/fellow student?
  • How is your dog/cat/parrot/pet doing?
  • How do you plan to spend your weekend/holidays/evening/day/summer/vacation?

Questions for meeting a guy on the Internet, VKontakte

Most modern acquaintances between a guy and a girl “start” precisely in in social networks and therefore it is important to know a number of the most “winning” questions that can attract and interest your “object of passion”.

Simple and unobtrusive questions:

  • You remind me of a famous singer/actor/politician/personality. Nobody ever told you about this?
  • Am I not distracting you?
  • Can I conceive with you?
  • How do you look at a joint evening/meeting/date/going to the movies?
  • Are you ready to meet me/drink wine or coffee/have lunch/talk?
  • You really want to “pour out your soul.” Are you ready to listen?
  • How are you? Are you okay?
  • How about we throw everything away and have dinner/spend the evening/take a walk together?

Questions for a guy while talking on the phone: list

Telephone conversations are an important part of a couple's relationship. It is important that there is a strong connection between a man and a woman, based on common interests and pleasant conversations.

  • You have such a pleasant voice, do you think it’s because I miss you?
  • I’m even ready to pay for our conversations, I like them so much! Promise that you will call more often?
  • Well, tell me, what's new/interesting/funny?
  • Are you ready to meet/drink together/accept my invitation?
  • Can you promise to call me more often/more/longer/always/every day?
  • Would you like a romantic/crazy/hot/tender conscientious relationship?
  • Do you like me/do you like my appearance/do you like my style/my image?

Questions for a guy when meeting: list

Not only a good appearance will help you attract a guy, but also the ability to start a conversation and make him interested in you. To do this, you will need “appropriate” questions.

  • I couldn't see you in the office/university/school/shop/theater?
  • Can you leave me your phone number/contact/add me as a friend?
  • Are you ready for a serious relationship?
  • Do you love your job/profession/business/business?
  • What do you like about me?
  • Do you think I look good?
  • What do you do in free time/after work\on weekends?
  • Let's go for a ride/have fun/relax/come up with something together?
  • You are very interesting, do you know that?
  • What does your morning look like? Do you wake up early or late?
  • Let me make you breakfast/dinner/lunch/snack for work?

Questions to ask a guy to interest him: list

To interest successful and handsome guy it can be quite difficult. A list of auxiliary questions on various and general topics will help you meet the man you want.

  • Where do you see yourself in a year/10 years/after graduating from university?
  • What is your goal/life position/life motto and status in life?
  • Do you have a favorite book/reading/author/poet/poem/work?
  • Could you describe yourself in just a few words, but very accurately?
  • What are your cons/negative sides/pros/advantages/disadvantages?
  • How often do you need to make an important decision/defend your opinion?
  • What are your goals/plans/thoughts for the future?
  • Who is your ideal/idol/role model?
  • What is your hobby/favorite activity/hobby/interests?

Ideas for questions on different topics

Questions for a guy when communicating by correspondence: what to ask?

A good question can start an interesting conversation with any guy you like on social media. Feel free to ask the suggested questions and flirt with pleasure!

  • What is your favorite color/flavor/drink/dish?
  • Let me treat you to some delicious wine/cognac/cocktail?
  • Will you come to my place for a holiday/evening/dinner/date?
  • Do you like desserts/sweets/ice cream?
  • Which your favorite a place for relaxation/romantic meetings/dinner/walk/relaxation?
  • Have you ever had failures/problematic situations/difficulties in your life?
  • Have you ever had bad/unsuccessful/problematic relationships with women?
  • Have you had understanding/emotional connection/intimacy with women?
  • How do you impress a woman?
  • What are you like in relationships/sex/intimacy?
  • Are you a serious/responsible/loyal/dedicated guy in a relationship?

Questions for a guy on the first date: what to ask?

The first date is always a thrilling beginning of a relationship or its failure. It all depends on how much a woman can interest a man. Select the most relevant and “correct” questions.

  • Do you often go on dates/romantic encounters/blind dates?
  • Are you friends with girls/ex-girlfriends/friends' girlfriends?
  • How do you feel about serious/family relationships/living together?
  • How long have you been married/in a relationship/living in a common-law relationship?
  • Does your status/experience/financial situation affect your relationships?
  • Do you believe in fidelity/devotion to feelings/long-term/strong relationships?
  • Why did you break up/quarrel with your girlfriend/divorce in your previous relationship?
  • What was your first kiss/sex/first date like?
  • How often do you please a girl with flowers/gifts/attention/surprises?

Questions to ask a guy you like to get to know him better

Gently ask the guy what interests you most and at the same time start a nice conversation.

  • Will your friends/roommates/parents/siblings like me?
  • What is your dream job/profession/university/position?
  • Do you like doing your business/job/responsibilities that you have now?
  • How often did you fight/argue/feud/cause in your past relationships?
  • What strengths/positive qualities/advantages about yourself are you proud of?
  • What good/bad thing have you done in your life?
  • What would you like to change/improve/change in your life?
  • What is your life motto/slogan?
  • How often do you get lost in your thoughts/philosophize/think about life/plan for the future?
  • Are you kind/generous/attentive/intelligent/well-mannered/brave?
  • Do you like family holidays/events/activities?

Questions for your boyfriend, your beloved: what to ask?

Very often, a couple in love finds themselves in a relationship crisis, and therefore only interesting joint conversations can improve the situation.

  • Why do you Lately Are you sad that often?
  • Is everything going well at work?
  • I'm worried that you're not doing well. Will you share your problems with me, if anything happens?
  • Let's talk about yesterday's movie/meeting with friends/work conversation?
  • How do you feel about a joint trip to the sea/on vacation/to a restaurant? We need to somehow diversify our leisure time.
  • Do you think our relationship is okay?
  • Do we need to change anything in our relationship?
  • How do you think we can improve or enhance our relationships?
  • Are you satisfied with me as a mistress/lover/friend?

Intimate questions for a guy: what can you ask?

“Savory” questions are always of interest to girls in a relationship with a guy.

  • How often are you ready to enter into an intimate relationship/have sex with a girl?
  • How extensive is your sexual experience/rich sexual practice/number of former partners?
  • How often do you like to kiss/give intimate caresses/have sex?
  • Are you ready to try/practice/experiment in sex?
  • Have you ever been told that you are a wonderful lover?
  • Do you have a lot of victories/successes in sex?
  • What's the biggest "sex break" you've had in a relationship?

“Savory” questions for the guy you like

Erotic questions for a guy: what can you ask?

Questions about his sexual experience will help you learn something new about your favorite guy or man or have a “hot” conversation with him.

  • How and where do you prefer to have sex?
  • Do you view sex as a need/fun/duty?
  • Do you love sex or do you simply perceive it as a kind of obligatory relationship between a man and a woman?
  • Have there been any piquant experiments in your practice?
  • Do you have intimate secrets/fantasies/dreams/thoughts/ideas?
  • Are you faithful in relationships? Are you monogamous?
  • Do you prefer modest/experienced/passionate/vulgar women in pastels?
  • How long do you think sexual contact should last?
  • Do you enjoy foreplay/grooming/sex play?
  • What is your favorite erotic film/cartoon/program/show?
  • Have you read erotic books/stories/comics?

Dirty questions for a guy: what can you ask?

  • Have you had any failures in bed?
  • Have you been “caught” having sex?
  • Have you done “this” in public/in an unusual place/on the street?
  • Did you want a girl so much that you couldn’t hide it?
  • What lengths are you willing to go to for sex?
  • Have you ever bought sex?
  • Do prostitutes excite you?
  • How do you feel about harsh words during sex?
  • Do you like clothed/naked sex?
  • How do you feel about quick/oral/anal sex?
  • Do you like intimate caresses/kisses/stroking?
  • Do you have porn on your computer?
  • Have you watched porn with a woman?
  • Do “adult” films/cartoons/pictures/magazines/photos turn you on?
  • Have you ever had virtual sex?

Tricky, provocative questions for a guy: list

Some questions may simply “disarm” a guy, but they are needed so that you understand exactly what is in this person’s head and soul.

  • What is your nationality/faith/life principles?
  • Are you ready for independent life, or is it quite difficult for you to “break away” from your parents?
  • Do you have your own home/house/apartment/living space?
  • How do you get around? On foot/by bike/by car?
  • How much do you spend on food/clothing/cosmetics/women?
  • Do you always pay for a woman in a restaurant/shop?
  • Do you like making expensive gifts/presentations/shopping?

Frank questions for a guy: what can you ask?

  • Are you miser/greedy?
  • Are you hiding how much you earn?
  • Do you stare at other women/other people's girlfriends/wives?
  • Do you flirt at work/at university/in transport?
  • Do you like attracting women's attention?
  • Are you interested in younger/older/richer girls?
  • Would you like to sleep with a famous star/actress/singer?
  • Do you steal office supplies/food/money/gasoline at work?
  • Do you like to dominate a woman?
  • Do you love children/family/family life?
  • Do you make a nest egg/save money/save money?
  • Have you thought about the future/old age/family?
  • How do you deal with difficult situations/problems/troubles?
  • Do you often ask for help or help others?

Unusual questions for a guy: what can you ask?

  • Do you believe in fate/rock/fatum/predictions?
  • How do you feel about faithful/unfaithful girls?
  • How do you feel about open/polygamous relationships?
  • Are you clean/tidy?
  • Do you keep your home clean/tidy/hygiene?
  • Do you love your appearance/your features/your style?
  • Have you been to unusual/extreme places on the planet?
  • Have you stalked/followed/harassed women?
  • Do you have obsessive/stupid/philosophical/secret thoughts?
  • You're a sweet tooth?
  • How do you feel about vegetarianism/veganism?

Romantic questions for a guy: what can you ask?

  • How much do you love/treasure me/miss me?
  • Do you miss me at work/in classes/on the road/when you're far away?
  • Do you like the way I look at you/what I think about you/how I communicate with you?
  • Who would you compare me to among film stars/actresses/famous women?
  • Do I look like the woman of your dreams?
  • Do you like my caresses/words/kisses/touches?
  • What flower/fruit/sweet would you compare me to?

Questions about love and relationships for a guy: ideas

  • Do you value/love/believe in me?
  • What was the longest/shortest/romantic relationship you've ever had?
  • Have you ever loved a woman unrequitedly?
  • How often have people confessed their love to you?
  • How do you feel about marriage/civil marriage/marriage?
  • What is a “serious” relationship for you?
  • What hair/eye color do you like on women/girls?
  • What style of clothing/shoes/wardrobe do you prefer in women?
  • Have you read/composed/written poetry to women?
  • Have you drawn your beloved?
  • Describe me in words or draw me, can you?

What question can I ask a guy to find out if he likes me?

  • Do I meet your beauty standards?
  • Isn’t it me you saw in your dreams/fantasies/obsessions?
  • Would you like me to be your girlfriend/fiancée/wife?
  • Who am I for you: friend, companion, girlfriend?
  • Do you see me as your girlfriend?
  • Do you imagine me naked/in bed/in sex?

What questions can you ask a guy to confuse him?

  • They told me that he was asking about me - is that true?
  • Are you interested in me?
  • Do I excite you?
  • Do you want me?
  • Let's come up with something? Take off your clothes!
  • You turn me on, you know that?
  • What are you not ready to do in sex/relationships/love?

Video: “8 Tricky Questions for Guys”

If you like a young man, you don’t need to be afraid to approach him first. In the time of our grandmothers, it was customary that a man should be the first to meet someone. Now everything is different. Really, what could be so bad happen if you take the first step? Will the guy not pay any attention to you and your attempts to get to know each other and just leave? It's not the end of the world, right?

When meeting people, don’t be afraid to seem banal. If Cupid's arrow hits you in a store, ask for the one you like young man give advice on the product you need. And if on the street, ask him where the library, any store or the right house. Take the initiative to continue getting to know the guy. Don't miss out on your happiness!

What you shouldn't ask when meeting someone

If you don't know what questions to ask a guy when meeting him, don't hesitate. The most important thing when talking with him is not to touch upon the topics of money, intimacy and the personal life of the young man. The most strictly taboo questions are:

  • What poses from the Kama Sutra do you like?
  • How many girlfriends did you have, what was the last one like, why did you break up?
  • When was your “first time” and with whom?
  • How much are you willing to spend on your girlfriend/vacation/entertainment?
  • Have you ever used the services of prostitutes or gone to a brothel?
  • How much do you earn and/or spend per month?
  • Do you have a car/iPhone/your own apartment?
  • Are you ready for intimacy on the first date? A to role-playing games how do you feel?
  • What nickname did you have as a child?

All of these are good questions. But they can only be asked after some time. And that’s if you start dating.

What questions can you ask a guy when meeting him?

You can talk to a guy on a first date about different topics. You can ask what kind of vacation he prefers (active or passive), what his hobbies are, and whether he goes anywhere to relax. TO best questions, which can be asked when meeting, include the following:

  • Do you have any pets?
  • What kind of movies do you like?
  • What kind of music do you prefer to listen to?
  • What kind of cuisine do you prefer - meat or vegetarian, do you eat sweets?
  • Do you have a brother or sister?

The answers to these questions will allow you to get to know your interlocutor better and understand whether he is right for you. It is quite possible that one of them will “force” the guy to show the photos on his mobile phone, and this is already a very good reason for getting closer. It is possible that tomorrow you will have a new date.

Things to consider

For a date to be successful, you should not only know what questions you can ask a guy when meeting him, but also ask them correctly. So, try not to cross your arms or legs, look at your interlocutor more often, smile at him, praise him with or without reason. Scientists have proven that such phrases uttered by a woman as “What a great fellow you are!”, “How talented you are,” etc., make her an incredibly interesting interlocutor in the eyes of a young man. In addition, strive to:

  1. Answer almost all the guy's questions. If any of them are unpleasant, just change the subject. And think for yourself whether it is worth continuing to communicate with such a person.
  2. Call the young man by name and ask for his opinion.
  3. Listen more than talk.
  4. Avoid conflict situations.

Please note: display of rudeness towards service personnel, cursing about the government and any citizens of the country (including your noxious neighbor), inviting a guy for a cup of coffee on the first day of meeting is the worst thing you can do. If you already have sex right away when you meet, it’s unlikely that the guy will show up the next day. Most likely you will never see him again. Don't forget about it!

Article content:

It's finished! Tall, handsome, not a guy, but a dream, he comes up to you with an offer to get to know you. And this is happiness, you think. But then... The words disappear somewhere, and you are speechless. Or the other extreme, you talk all sorts of nonsense that is embarrassing to remember. Girls, let's pull ourselves together and begin to understand in detail a serious issue - what to talk about with a guy when meeting?

Much depends on where it happened. , what to ask a guy when meeting him when music is blaring all around? Nothing serious! Well, for example, how often does he come here? What drinks does he prefer? Ask to recommend a delicious cocktail. Dance together. Let the guy know that you like him, that's enough to get started. If everything goes well, then your next meeting will take place in a more comfortable and romantic place.

Of course, you can give the reins to a man. What if he is no less afraid? Yes, this happens! Young people are sometimes shy and afraid to talk to a girl. They also lose words at the most crucial moment. Then take the initiative into your own hands! “What were you up to today?” - an excellent question that cannot be answered in monosyllables, which is what we need. If you met at an event, it would be appropriate to ask what brought him there. If you don’t see it at all and can’t start a conversation, try using surrounding objects and events happening around you as a hook for a conversation.

What to ask a guy when meeting?

If you are sitting in a cafe, then the remark “I would eat a kebab with smoke!” you can start a conversation about eating habits, picnics and methods of preparing deli meats. The guy will remember a story about outdoor recreation, and then a conversation about travel, fishing, trips and excursions may follow. Light, publicly accessible topics bring people together and defuse the situation.

Tell the young man what your favorite places in the city are, your favorite cafes and pizzerias. Ask where he likes to go on vacation with friends. If the guy is a regular at clubs, and you are a stay-at-home girl, don’t refuse to communicate. Time will tell, maybe you will like the club party.

Then move on. Ask about the job and whether he likes it. Just don’t ask about salary at the first meeting. A guy may not like this kind of attention to him. financial situation, especially if he doesn’t have a very good one.

If a guy plays sports, then questions about training and exercises are appropriate. Ask for a recommendation for a good gym. This is a fertile topic for conversation. If he has an excellent athletic figure, then questions like “How were you able to achieve this?” or “How much did you study to achieve such amazing results?” is also appropriate. They gave me a compliment and gave me an idea for dialogue.

It’s great if you both have a sense of humor, then it will be easier to get closer. Remember a funny comedy and laugh together at some episode. Or tell about interesting, funny and even stupid situations that happened to you, and then you can ask the guy the question “What can make you laugh?” Laugh together! It's relaxing and helps build a connection between you. Improvise. Tell us about your childhood, what was interesting and unforgettable about it. Set a romantic tone for the conversation with memories of the first youthful love. Whatever questions are asked, the main thing is that you are interested in knowing the answer to them.

Ask the young man what kind of pets he has. This simple question will ensure a few minutes of pleasant conversation. If both have pets, consider the evening a success. Tell each other funny stories of their lives, and you can talk about the pranks of your pets for hours. And there will be no need for questions. How he treats animals, determine whether he is a kind guy or not. Such dialogues help you get to know the other person better.

If the conversation has become confidential, ask what the guy dreams of, where he wants to go. Find out how he spends his free time. Tell us how you spend it. Find out whether your ideas about vacation coincide or not. Create an atmosphere of intimacy, talk about your dreams. A little. Create a little intrigue and create mystery. Men like mysterious girls.

Find out what his interests and hobbies are. But here the conversation is one-sided, if you don’t understand men’s preferences, just listen and assent. It happens that a guy talks about his interests in a nutshell. It’s okay, ask questions, the main thing is not to overdo it.

People enjoy reminiscing about their summer vacation. Why not talk about it? Ask where the guy vacationed last year. Maybe you have been there too, please share your impressions. The sea, the beach, funny stories - moments that are remembered for a long time.

It is inappropriate to ask questions about your personal life at the first meeting. Guys don't like to discuss relationships. The topic of parents and what they do is also not the best. Only if the guy doesn't start talking about it himself. But school or student life, maybe interesting topic for both. These years leave bright feelings in my soul. Everyone can remember funny and touching stories.

What else can you ask a guy when meeting him? To find out if he is right for you or not, ask about his plans. Try asking how he sees himself in 20 years. What role does the family play? It is important. Listen carefully, don't look away. If they ask you, answer honestly, don’t make things up, but leave a little understatement. Do not hesitate to ask leading questions during the conversation, this will show that you are interested in his position. Be natural, don't hold back your emotions. If it's funny, laugh. And don't forget that you are a woman! A smile, a soft and gentle voice encourages a man to talk.

  • Praise and admire his achievements.
  • Express your opinion, but make sure that it does not differ radically from his position.
  • Avoid long pauses during a conversation. Keep the conversation going in every possible way.
  • Don't hold back your emotions.
  • Don't compare him to anyone.
  • Don't brag about your financial situation.
  • Don't complain about life.
  • Radiate positivity!
  • Don't ask questions about income.
  • Encourage men's ideas.
  • Ask your interlocutor's opinion.
  • Be an attentive listener.
  • Call him by name more often.
  • Don't be afraid to show your intelligence. But don't get too clever.
  • Don't push the conversation.
  • Avoid too intimate conversations.
  • Do not “pry into the soul” with frank questions.
  • Smile more often.
  • Listen more - talk less.

What questions can you ask a guy when meeting him in order to get to know him better? The answer is any! The main thing is to pay attention to the little things. How he speaks about his friends and parents, whether he loves children and animals or not. What words does it say about ex-girlfriend. Analyze everything and draw conclusions. Don't be afraid to ask again. Maintain the conversation, sometimes gently take the initiative into your own hands, correctly changing the topic in the direction you need. Communication during a meeting should not look like an interrogation. The conversation should be casual and easy. Both should enjoy the conversation; this is the key to success.

So, let's summarize the above.

Topics that can be discussed in a conversation with a guy:

  • work or study;
  • friends, brothers and sisters;
  • pets;
  • hobby;
  • eating habits;
  • music;
  • likes and dislikes;
  • journey;
  • plans;
  • successes and achievements;
  • sport;
  • fascinating stories.

Little advice: Ask questions that require a detailed answer.

Following the logic, we present a list of unwanted topics for conversation:

  • fashion, style, cosmetics, perfumery;
  • diet, excess weight, figure;
  • gossip, rumors, scandals;
  • personal life of celebrities;
  • ex-wives, girlfriends, husbands, boyfriends;
  • personal life of friends and acquaintances.


Questions like “What are you thinking about?” and “How do you feel?” men are driven into a stupor. He won’t tell the truth, he will start to get out and come up with something.

Remember, men are different. What is interesting to one is indifferent to another.

Don't pay attention to words, watch actions and deeds.

Men do not betray the importance of what a girl is talking about; the sound of her voice and manner are much more important to him.

Don't tell everything about yourself. Leave suspense and intrigue.

Remember that men don’t like complications, don’t burden them. Make communication light and fun, but not stupid. Don't be afraid to be original and express your opinion. Be positive and optimistic, it always attracts people. And don’t think that when you meet, you have to tweet tirelessly. Sometimes you meet a person and you feel so good with him, from the first minutes, that no words are needed.

When you meet a new guy on the Internet, the first question that arises in your head is: what questions can you ask a guy via correspondence? Some say that you need to be sincere and communicate with a new acquaintance as with everyone else.

But do not forget that from the first days you need to show your best best sides. Although communication by correspondence is easier than meeting in person, you cannot fall flat on your face by asking stupid questions.

So, here's what you can ask a guy in a text message. If you already know what he does, then this could be a good topic to start communication with, for example:

  • How did you go to the gym today?
  • What's new at work today?

If nothing is known yet, then the first thing you need to do is find out about your favorite hobbies, work or institute. For example, here’s what you can ask a guy in a text message:

  • How was your day?
  • How are you?
  • What are you doing?

You shouldn’t immediately attack the guy and ask him what year Moscow burned. Also, in the first couple of years, you should avoid asking questions about previous relationships.

The questions you can ask a pen pal also depend on his age; it would be inappropriate to ask a 17-year-old guy if he has a car, just like asking a 30-year-old guy what grades he got in school.

If you met a man from another city, then it would be good to talk about it, for example:

  • Is your city big (small)?
  • Is it cold here? (ask about the weather)
  • I've been dreaming of going there for a long time! (If we're talking about about a metropolis or famous city).

Here's something else you can ask a guy in a text message:

  • Where have you traveled? (this question will help you find out whether a person is sociable, whether he likes new acquaintances and places).
  • What are you reading now? (if the guy says that he doesn’t like to read, then you should think about further continuation of communication).
  • Do you have a brother/sister?
  • When is your birthday? Who are you according to your zodiac sign?

If the acquaintance occurred before any holiday, then of course you should not forget about it.

  • Are you going somewhere for New Year?
  • How will you celebrate February 23?
  • Have you already prepared a gift for your mother (sister, grandmother) for March 8?
  • Shall we go on holiday together for the May holidays? (depending on the situation, this question can sound either humorous or quite serious).

When thinking about what you can ask a guy in a correspondence, the main thing is to choose questions that will help you find common interests. It can be anything:

  1. Pets;
  2. cars;
  3. love of music, films, TV series;
  4. trips;
  5. work, college, school.

If a personal acquaintance has already taken place, then you should not delay the next meeting. There is no need to think that only guys are obligated to ask you out. Read about what questions you can ask a guy on a date here. Here's how to schedule an appointment:

  • What are you doing tonight?
  • I’m also going to this station, let’s meet?
  • I suggest going for a bike ride (go on a picnic or just take a walk) on the weekend.

This list of questions can be continued endlessly, the main thing is to remain yourself, because this is the only way to find your true soul mate.

What questions to ask a guy to interest him?

What questions should you not ask guys?

Questions you can ask a guy in correspondence

  1. Which one is the best best gift did you receive?
  2. What did you dream of growing up as a child?
  3. Do you have any nickname?
  4. If you could go on vacation right now, where would you go?
  5. What would you never do in life?
  6. Is there something that you have long dreamed of doing, but have not yet accomplished?
  7. If you could live in any other city, where would you live?
  8. Which of the famous historical figures would you like to be?
  9. What was your favorite toy or game as a child?
  10. What was your best birthday?
  11. What's the bravest thing you've ever done?
  12. What's the craziest and most spontaneous thing you've ever done in your life?
  13. If you could travel back in time, where would you go?
  14. What is your greatest achievement in life?
  15. What do you like most about the city where you live?
  16. What would you do if you won $1 million?
  17. What's your favorite movie/book?
  18. You're a night owl or an early bird?
  19. If this was the last day of your life, how would you like to spend it?
  20. How close are you with your family?
  21. What is your idea of ​​true love?
  22. What's the funniest story that happened to you in your life?
  23. Is there a person in your life whom you admire?
  24. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  25. How would you describe your friends in three words?
  26. What is the earliest memory of your life?
  27. If you had three wishes that could come true, what would you make?
  28. Do you believe in horoscopes and characteristics of zodiac signs?
  29. What was your worst online dating experience/worst date?
  30. What's your ideal weekend?
  31. Do you prefer beach or active holidays?
  32. Most hooligan act in life?
  33. What's your least favorite thing about dating?
  34. How did you meet your best friend?

And some funny questions

  1. What's in your fridge right now?
  2. Do you believe in aliens?
  3. If you were an animal, what would you be?
  4. Steak or cheesecake?
  5. Do you believe in Santa Claus?
  6. Where are you most afraid of tickling?

The article “What questions can you ask a pen pal” partially uses materials

A new acquaintance, how trembling, anxious and painful it is! What will it bring? Maybe a sonorous Mendelssohn waltz, or maybe it will give you a best friend. In any case, no matter what the first meeting with a guy is, it is important not only to make a good impression, but also to learn as much as possible about him. To do this, you need to ask the chosen one the right questions.

We women are romantic creatures and wait for a man to make the first move. But there are situations in life when you simply cannot pass by a handsome young man. What to do? Don't give a damn about your own stereotypes and behavior patterns, ask a guy about something and get his attention.

    Be smart. Much depends on the environment where you met the man of your dreams. If this is a supermarket, ask to take the product from the top shelf and advise you on the product you have chosen from a man’s point of view (cognac as a gift for dad, headphones for your brother, etc.). If Cupid's arrow struck your heart at a service station, ask the young man you like his opinion about the service that was offered to you (“Oh, I don’t understand this at all...”).

    Take courage. The easiest way to meet someone is on the street, where there are a lot of promising, handsome men. You can just sit down on a bench and ask: “Hello, can I disturb you?” or ask a young man to hold your dog while you go to the store or pharmacy. The main thing is to behave with dignity (don’t blush, don’t stutter from fear) and smile.

    Don't be afraid to be corny. Ask the man you like how to get to the library or find the house you want. By taking the initiative, you will give the young man the opportunity to continue getting to know you.

As they say, in love all means are good, so if you have met your prince, grab it in your arms and take measures at the registry office so as not to miss your happiness.

What to ask during further communication

Now you have already met your prince, you are sitting in summer cafe or chat via SMS. You have a double task:

  • learn as much as possible about him (later this will become your secret weapon);
  • to please him and interest him.

A few secrets of communicating with male representatives:

    Answer all his questions. Men don't like it when there is a "taboo" in a conversation. If the question is unpleasant to you or even indecent, carefully change the subject (“Oh, what’s that over your head”, “Should we drink something refreshing”), and draw your own conclusion whether you need such a man, and it’s worth whether to continue your communication.

    You should not touch on topics related to your financial condition. If you are a wise girl, you can determine his status by appearance guy. Questions like: “What kind of car do you have?”, “How much do you earn?”, “Do you have your own property” will only scare him away.

Best topics to talk about

Very often, especially if we really like a man, we fall into a kind of state of numbness when we just want to look at the object of our adoration and smile stupidly. From the outside it doesn't look very attractive. Especially if the guy just wants to have a good time and doesn’t yet feel the same emotions towards you. Therefore, we pull ourselves together and remember topics for conversation that will help you get the guy talking and interest him.

Last news

Discuss what you read on the Internet or heard on the news. This will not only help you reveal yourself as an interesting and educated interlocutor, but will also allow you to determine the intellectual level of your chosen one.

Relaxation theme

Here you can show a flight of fancy:

  • ask where he spent his last vacation;
  • what type of recreation does he prefer - active (kayaks, rafting, hiking) or passive (sea, sun, beach, sun lounger and cocktails);
  • what entertainment is most preferable during vacation (organized excursions, independent sightseeing, sports competitions, etc.).
    His answers will allow you to get to know your chosen one even better, as well as determine his real financial condition.


A very fertile topic for conversation if a guy loves our little brothers. You can hear a lot of stories from his childhood, adolescence and youth, and you will also find out the breed and name of his current companion.

Favorite movies or music

Very helpful information, since couples who have the same preferences are stronger and more promising.

Food cravings

Ask your boyfriend what cuisine he prefers, whether he considers himself a meat eater or a sweet tooth. Questions about food may encourage him to show you the photo on his phone. And this is an opportunity to become a little closer to each other: bowed heads, the touch of your hair, a subtle aroma of perfume and, voila, tomorrow you have a date again.

We are all different and do not always behave tactfully. Therefore, like “Our Father,” remember phrases that under no circumstances should come out of your mouth when meeting:

  • Favorite sex positions?
  • Tell me about your ex-girlfriend? Why did you break up?
  • Do you believe in love at first sight?
  • Have you ever been to a brothel?
  • What gift would you give your girlfriend for her birthday?
  • At what age did you lose your virginity?
  • How much do you earn?
  • Did you have a nickname or nickname as a child?
  • How many girlfriends have you had?
  • How do you feel about sex on the first date?
  • Do you like watching adult films?
  • Do you have a car?
  • How do you feel about role-playing games?
  • How much money are you willing to spend on recreation and entertainment?
  • Have you resorted to the services of prostitutes?

In general, when meeting people, try not to touch on the topic of finances and intimate life young man. These questions are not bad, it’s just not the time to ask them yet.

When meeting a guy, ask him any questions (except those that we have put on the “black list”). The main thing is that there are no long pauses in the conversation.

Try to behave naturally and be yourself. Remember, if your acquaintance develops into something more, you still won’t be able to live up to the image you created forever.

Try to get your chosen one to talk and get answers that really interest you. This will help you not only get to know each other better, but also guarantee that you will meet again.

Finally - an unusual technique

Let's do a thought experiment.

Imagine that you have the superpower to “read” men. It’s like Sherlock Holmes: you look at a man and you immediately know everything about him and understand what’s on his mind. You could get any man and have ideal relationship and I would hardly read this article now in search of a solution to my problem.

And who said that this is impossible? Of course, you can’t read other people’s thoughts, but otherwise there is no magic here - only psychology.

We advise you to pay attention to the master class from Nadezhda Mayer. She is a candidate psychological sciences, and her technique has helped many girls find ideal relationships and feel loved.

If interested, you can sign up for a free webinar. We asked Nadezhda to reserve 100 seats specifically for visitors to our site.