Palmistry lines on the right thumb. Palmistry: the meaning of the thumb. Thumb lines

The thumb can help identify personality traits and vital energy person.

The thumb has three parts: the base, the first joint, and the second or nail joint. By the development of the thumb one can judge the development of a person’s intelligence, and by the development of the length of the corresponding joints (phalanxes) one can judge willpower and determination (the second is the nail), logic and reason (the first), and the strength of a person’s feelings (the base).

Clubbed thumb

- A club-shaped thumb with an almost spherical joint of the will (nail) speaks of a persistent and very stubborn person. People with such fingers are despotic, prone to irritation and outbursts of rage, and capable of violence.

Thumb with a small nail speaks of a stubborn person who is prone to anger.

- A long, well-formed thumb speaks of a person with a developed mind and unrestrained in the expression of feelings.

- A long, highly developed thumb indicates that the person is a little withdrawn, his mind prevails over his feelings, he always knows what he wants.

Thumb curved outwards

- The outwardly curved second joint and its flexibility speak of a person who is tolerant of the weaknesses and actions of others. He is not greedy, does not like scandals, gets along with people easily, loves to make promises, enjoys success, but will never help a person (even the closest) at the cost of his own peace of mind.

- A very strongly curved outward thumb characterizes people with a very flexible character.

Thumb curved inward

- If the thumb is bent inward (looked in profile), then this indicates a person’s nervousness and stinginess.

- If the first joint (logic) of the thumb is longer than the second (will), then this indicates a capricious, weak-willed and indecisive person.

- If the first joint is very long, then this speaks of a cowardly person who is often inclined to lose heart.

- If the thumb is pointed, then this indicates a sensitive and impulsive person.

"Waist" on the finger

“Waist” - at the connection of the first joint (logic) and the second joint (nail), formed by narrowing the end of the first joint when connecting to the second, speaks of a tactful, courteous and self-possessed person. He finds it easily mutual language with people, knows how to get used to the situation, self-control, ability to get used to the situation, get along with others, but he has a slightly harsh character.

— A large thumb on a woman’s hand, with spade-shaped fingers, speaks of a kind, devoted woman, a good housewife with a sense of humor, and if the fingers are inflexible, then this speaks of despotism and callousness.

- A poorly developed large smooth finger indicates a person who loves poetry and art. And if at the same time the nail joints are pointed, then this is a sign of a talented artist, writer and musician.

Thumb straight finger

— A person with a straight thumb is frank, has a harsh character and is often the instigator of conflicts.

— A strongly developed thumb on the hand with quadrangular or spade-shaped and knobby fingers speaks of a person with outstanding abilities in the sciences.

- A very large and strong thumb indicates arrogant person who thinks too highly of himself.

- If a large thumb is on a small or medium-sized hand with smooth fingers, then this speaks of a person with a penetrating mind and a vivid imagination.

Big straight and inflexible finger

A straight and inflexible finger speaks of a cautious person prone to conservatism.

- A nail joint of the thumb that is too short indicates an impatient, naive and indecisive person.

- If the thumb is thin, short and inconspicuous in appearance, it speaks of an indecisive, weak and fearful person who constantly hesitates in making important decisions. These are usually those people whose love interests prevail over their minds.

- If a man’s thumb is short, thick and shapeless, then this speaks of a frivolous, vulgar, amorous, indecisive and narrow-minded person who is afraid to accept independent decisions. In general, a short thumb speaks of a person whose feelings come first.

- A short, narrow and thin first joint of the thumb speaks of an indecisive, weak-willed person who is afraid to make independent decisions. He is easily suggestible, he doubts everything and is almost always under the influence of other people.

- If the second joint (will) of the thumb is larger than the first joint (logic), this indicates great willpower, self-esteem and self-confidence. And if there is also a straight, very long and thick line on this joint. This means that this person has too much willpower, which can lead him to despotism.

Barley grain on finger

- If there is a sign of barley grain on the ligament of the thumb, then this portends an easy and carefree life.

- “Polux Belt” (the line encircling the thumb) speaks of a possible unnatural death (if there are no other mitigating signs on the hand).

— A cross, which is located at the first or second joint of the thumb, speaks of a person prone to intrigue.

- If the hash marks are on the first joint of the thumb, then this indicates a grumpy and quarrelsome character.

- If they are small horizontal lines rise to the nail joint of the thumb, this indicates that the person will gain wealth in the second half of his life.

- If there is a star on the nail joint, then this speaks of a witty and lucky person.

The interpretation of the thumb plays an important role in palmistry. I have met Indian palmists who made most of their predictions based on thumb analysis, and this is no coincidence. The thumb can tell a lot about a person's character. For example, how he makes decisions and how he implements them.

Man is the only creature in nature endowed with an opposable finger.

Chimpanzees follow closely behind humans, but their fingers are very primitive compared to ours. A unique feature of our fingers is the radial nerve, which is made up of the same nerve fibers as central part our brain. The same nerve fibers run through the human spine. The radial nerve gives us a unique ability for analytical thinking, which distinguishes humans from all other living beings on the planet.


The larger the finger, the more significant success a person can achieve.

It is known that Napoleon had unusually large thumbs, and this is not surprising. There is one useful and exciting exercise: watching the hands of people speaking on television. You'll probably notice that many actors play roles that... real life completely unusual for them. An example of this is an actor with a small thumb playing the role of a financial tycoon. In India, it is believed that the size of the thumb is directly related to the level of success that a person can achieve. This interpretation seems too fatalistic to me, and yet there is no doubt that it is people with large thumbs who are more likely than others to take leading positions in modern world. The fact is that they are more purposeful, ambitious and persistent than others. Charlotte Wolf conducted a study of the thumbs of highly accomplished people and found that almost all of them had thumb lengths that fell within the average range. It's just that people with long thumbs are much more persistent and persistent in achieving their goals.

If you happen to meet a person with a very long thumb (Fig. 84), know that he is capable of taking on the role of leader in any situation. This person is smart, determined and has tremendous willpower.

People with short thumbs (Fig. 85) usually lack willpower. They can be extremely stubborn, often unreasonably and for no particular reason.

People whose thumbs reach middle length(reach at least the middle of the lower phalanx of the index finger, (Fig. 86), are fair, independent and can stand up for themselves. They think clearly and have significant willpower.

When the thumb, when viewed from the side of the nail, looks wide (Fig. 87), this indicates that a person is capable of anything to achieve his goal.

A person whose thumb looks fleshy (Fig. 88) is harsh and straightforward and at times may seem tactless and even rude. He is stubborn and strives with all his might to always do everything his own way. He won't stand for the price when we're talking about about his own independence.


Each finger on the human hand is divided into three parts, which are called phalanges (Fig. 89), although it seems that the thumb has only two phalanges. The Mount of Venus - a fleshy section of the hand at the base of the thumb, surrounded by the line of life - is its third phalanx.

Ideally, the length of the first and second phalanges of the thumb should be the same (Fig. 90). The first phalanx on which the nail grows symbolizes the will of a person, and the second - his logic. When both phalanges reach the same length, this indicates a person who has both logic and willpower in equal measure. He is able to give birth to a good idea and has the necessary will and energy to implement it.

If the first phalanx is longer than the second (Fig. 91), this indicates the predominance of willpower over logic. Such a person will make a lot of mistakes, but not one of them, no matter how serious, will be able to force him to abandon his intended goal.

Even after the most crushing blow, he will find the strength to rise and continue moving forward. This combination of phalanges indicates a person who is extremely purposeful and persistent. He is ready to work hard and long for his goal. Tends to suppress others and dominate them.

In most people, the second phalanx is longer than the first (Fig. 92). This indicates the predominance of logic over willpower. A person with this combination is full of ideas, but is not able to find the strength to realize at least one of them. He thinks, and thinks, and thinks, and then thinks some more. He has everything except determination and motivation. This explains why most of us achieve only a small fraction of what we are capable of. Too much logic, too little will.


Most often, the thumb is located at an angle of 45° relative to the hand (Fig. 93). This indicates a person’s ability and desire to maintain traditional social principles and his moderate conservatism. IN general outline, the larger this angle, the more generous the person.

Accordingly, this angle is sometimes called the “angle of generosity” (Fig. 94).

If the value of this angle is less than 45° (Fig. 95), this indicates that the person is selfish. Most likely, he is cruel, narrow-minded and proud. His look at the world very narrow.

If this angle exceeds 45°, this indicates an energetic, open person, with the ability to charm and influence others.

He loves adventure and always strives to learn something new and unusual. If, in a relaxed state, the thumb is kept at a distance from others, this indicates a calm, open, sociable and carefree person, a practicality angle

The practicality angle is the angle formed with outside thumb, in the place where it connects to the palm (Fig. 96). You will soon discover that most hands do not have this angle, while some people have a noticeable bulge in this place. The larger this convexity, the more practical the person is. These people are what we call jacks of all trades; they are skilled and dexterous and enjoy activities that allow them to actively use their hands. This angle is also known as the time angle because it gives a person a particularly keen sense of time. Such people are always punctual, they know how to seize the right moment and pause brilliantly.


The angle of pitch, or angle of sound, is located at the very base of the palm under the thumb, where it connects to the wrist (Fig. 97). The height angle indicates a person who feels rhythm and has an ear for music.

Gifted musicians, dancers and singers in most cases have pronounced angles of height and practicality. The practicality angle gives them a sense of timing and pace, while the height angle gives them ear for music and a sense of rhythm.

Take a closer look at photographs of the world's leading musicians and performers of all genres, from classical to popular music, and you will notice how obvious these angles are on their hands. The next time you see a photograph of Elvis Presley, pay attention to his hands - they have a very pronounced angle of practicality and angle of height.


The thumbs can be placed on different heights in relation to the palms, therefore they are divided into high-set and low-set.

The thumb is considered high-set (Fig. 98) if it starts high above the wrist. People with such fingers are distinguished by originality, openness and optimism. They are typical extroverts.

People with low-set thumbs (Fig. 99), on the contrary, are reserved and cautious. In most cases, the thumb position falls somewhere between high and low.


Few modern palmists use D'Arpentigny's hand classification system, but the terms he developed are still actively used in the analysis of fingertips, including the thumb.

If the tip of the thumb is square (Fig. 100), this indicates a practical, simple, down-to-earth and fair person. Such people always try to play fair.

If the tip has a spatula shape (Fig. 101), this indicates a businesslike and active person.

If the tip has a conical shape (Fig. 102), this indicates a sensitive and refined person.

Often the conical tip is combined with a second phalanx that is tapering and concave on both sides (Fig. 103). This indicates a person’s diplomacy and tact. When he says no, he does it so politely, kindly and intelligently that it is impossible to be offended by him.

The pointed tip of the thumb (Fig. 104) indicates a subtle and insightful person, who even the most bad news will be able to present it softly and calmly.

The wide tip (Fig. 105) indicates a cautious, thorough person who has his own convictions.

If the tip is wide and flat, and the upper phalanx resembles a bump, such a finger is called a killer finger (Fig. 106). This finger shape is usually hereditary. People with these fingers can be very patient, but sometimes they explode over trifles. There is no doubt that it was thanks to this feature that the “killer finger” got its name.


The thumbs are divided into inflexible and mobile. If the finger bends freely back at the joint, it is considered mobile (Fig. 107). A person with mobile thumbs is open, positive, and optimistic. He does not tolerate pressure and conflict situations prefers to retreat without entering into an argument or causing a scandal.

If the thumb is inactive and does not bend back at the joint, it is called inflexible. A person with this type of thumb is reliable, constant, stubborn, persistent and purposeful. He never backs down, even if he finds himself under very strong pressure.

There was a period in my life when I worked as a salesman, and knowledge of palmistry helped me a lot then. If a customer stood in front of me with flexible thumbs, I could press lightly on him, and, yielding to the pressure, he would make a purchase.

If I had to deal with a person whose thumbs were stiff, I didn't even try to put pressure on him. If I tried to click on such a client, all my attempts would end in failure. Moreover, I with my own hands would put obstacles in the way of future success.

Basics of corrective palmistry. How to change fate along the lines of the hand Kibardin Gennady Mikhailovich

Phalanges of the thumb

Phalanges of the thumb

Each finger on the human hand is naturally divided into three parts, which are called phalanges (Figure 49). Although, looking at the thumb of our hand, we believe that it has only two phalanges. In fact, the Mount of Venus (the fleshy area of ​​the hand at the base of the thumb, surrounded by the line of Life) hides the third phalanx from us. Ideally, the length of the first and second phalanges of the thumb should be the same (Figure 50).

Rice. 50. Equal length of phalanges

The first phalanx of the thumb, on which the nail grows, symbolizes the will of a person, and the second - his logic.

When both phalanges reach the same length, this indicates that the person has both logic and willpower equally. It is capable of generating good ideas and has the necessary will and energy to realize them. If the first phalanx is longer than the second, this indicates the predominance of willpower over logic (Figure 51).

Rice. 51. The upper phalanx is large

Rice. 52. Upper phalanx small

Such a person, moving towards his goal, can make a lot of mistakes. However, these mistakes, even very serious ones, will not force him to abandon his intended goal. Even after the most crushing blow of fate, he will find the strength to rise and continue moving forward. This combination of phalanges of the thumb indicates a person who is extremely purposeful and persistent. He is ready to work hard and long for his goal. At the same time, a person often tends to suppress others and dominate them.

In most people, the second phalanx is longer than the first (Figure 52). This indicates the predominance of logic over willpower. Such a person is full of ideas, but is not able to find the strength to realize at least one of them. He thinks and thinks and thinks. He has everything except motivation and determination. This explains why most of us achieve only a small fraction of what we are capable of. Alas, too much logic, too little will.

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Fingertip Shape The shape of the fingertip is as important as the length of the finger. These two factors must be considered together. The fingertips include the upper phalanges of each finger; There are five types: square, spade, truncated, conical and rounded.

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Thumb length The longer the thumb, the more significant success such a person can achieve (Figure 40). It is known that Napoleon had unusually large thumbs. Watch the fingers of people speaking on television. You surely

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The phalanges of the little finger characterize your literature. Now let's look at the ratio of the lengths of the three phalanges of the little finger. The upper phalanx of the little finger indicates the activity of a person’s verbal communication. On most people's hands, the upper phalanx is the longest. Long top

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Fingertip Shape The shape of the fingertip is as important as the length of the finger. These factors must be considered together. The fingertips include the upper phalanges of each finger; There are five types: square, spade, truncated, conical and rounded.

Palmistry and the thumb: how are they connected? The importance of the thumb on the hand cannot be overestimated. It is not for nothing that leading palmists devote entire chapters to him in their books.

Venus's finger, what it can tell us about

An experienced palmist can tell a lot by looking at this particular part of the palm. In palmistry, the thumb indicates how much will, inclination and ability to overcome difficulties with dignity or necessity are expressed in the character quiet life without worry and the ability to cope with difficult situations. So the thumb seems to set the characteristics of all the others. It determines fate, fundamental character traits.

What does the appearance tell you?

The phalanges of the thumb in palmistry can tell us about the understanding of the individual and the extent of this work. You can estimate this value by simply comparing them.

The nail phalanx shows the degree of manifestation in the consciousness of one’s own “I”. The length shows the degree of initiative, activity, and the amount of energy responsible for realizing opportunities. Long top part indicates rapid decision-making, if this does not conflict with other character traits. A short phalanx is evidence of indecision. These people are not characterized by ambition; it is unlikely that they will take a leadership position. They are accustomed to hiding weakness behind conservative views. In adulthood, hypocrisy may be inherent.

There is still no consensus about the second phalanx; in some sources it is attributed to intelligence and logic, in others it is defined as talent and imagination. Based on the characteristics of the second phalanx, one can identify the degree of mediocrity or extraordinary thinking. You can also talk about innate tact, diplomacy and straightforwardness. A finger that is not curved or flexible indicates a strong-willed character of incredible strength.

Short upper and long lower phalanges - lack of energy for implementation. There can be a great many ideas, often they are not brought to life under the yoke of excessively long thoughts. Slowness often becomes a serious hindrance.

When the upper phalanx is longer than the lower one and is marked by a kind of “transition,” a person finds logic even where it is difficult to achieve. It’s hard to call this a virtue: there is no emotional component of the mind.

If there is a longer nail, relative to the main phalanx, a person has high strength will, but is too fixated on the importance of his own person. He is rarely distinguished by prudence. Rather, it is characterized by emotional outbursts and impulses.

A short lower one and a long upper one indicate “living one day at a time” and an unwillingness to listen to the arguments of reason.

The meaning of the picture

Line patterns can also tell a lot. The “Ring” of the family talks about parents and family. Ideally, it looks like an even chain that does not have a single break or other defect.

The phalarekha or “wheat line” that separates the phalanges can tell us about the conditions in which a person lives and lived. A clear line speaks of a comfortable life in prosperity and good education.

Special signs in the form, for example, of a cross or a rhombus, indicate the need for an individual interpretation. Their meaning is determined in combination with other patterns, lines, and features.

What does the length tell you?

The length of the finger on the left and right hand is usually almost the same. It shows how significant success a person can achieve in life.

A person with a long thumb can be a leader under any circumstances. This length speaks of determination, a sharp mind and remarkable willpower.

A short finger usually indicates a lack of willpower. This also speaks of excessive stubbornness, often groundless and without good reason.

If the thumbs are of medium length (approximately to the middle of the bottom of the index finger), this indicates fairness, independence, sanity and the possession of good willpower. It is easier for such a person to defend his point of view, however, he may be overly assertive.

The interpretation of the thumb plays an important role in palmistry. I have met Indian palmists who made most of their predictions based on thumb analysis, and this is no coincidence. The thumb can tell a lot about a person's character. For example, how he makes decisions and how he implements them.

Man is the only creature in nature endowed with an opposable finger. Chimpanzees follow closely behind humans, but their fingers are very primitive compared to ours. A unique feature of our fingers is the radial nerve, which is made up of the same nerve fibers as the central part of our brain.

The same nerve fibers run through the human spine. The radial nerve gives us a unique ability for analytical thinking, which distinguishes humans from all other living beings on the planet.


The larger the finger, the more significant success a person can achieve. It is known that Napoleon had unusually large thumbs, and this is not surprising. There is one useful and exciting exercise: watching the hands of people speaking on television.

You will probably notice that many actors play roles that are completely unusual for them in real life. An example of this is an actor with a small thumb playing the role of a financial tycoon. In India, it is believed that the size of the thumb is directly related to the level of success that a person can achieve.

This interpretation seems too fatalistic to me, and yet there is no doubt that it is people with large thumbs who are more likely than others to take leading positions in the modern world. The fact is that they are more purposeful, ambitious and persistent than others.

Charlotte Wolf conducted a study of the thumbs of highly accomplished people and found that almost all of them had thumb lengths that fell within the average range. It's just that people with long thumbs are much more persistent and persistent in achieving their goals.

Long thumb

If you happen to meet a person with a very long thumb, know that he is capable of taking on the role of leader in any situation. This person is smart, determined and has tremendous willpower.

Short thumb

People with short thumbs usually lack willpower. They can be extremely stubborn, often unreasonably and for no particular reason.

Medium length thumb

People whose thumbs reach medium length (reaching at least the middle of the lower phalanx of the index finger) are fair, independent and can stand up for themselves. They think clearly and have significant willpower.

When the thumb, when viewed from the side of the nail, looks wide, this indicates that a person is capable of anything to achieve his goal.

A person whose thumb appears fleshy is harsh and straightforward and may at times appear tactless and even rude. He is stubborn and strives with all his might to always do everything his own way. He will not stand behind the price when it comes to his own independence.


Each finger on the human hand is divided into three parts called phalanges, although it appears that the thumb has only two phalanges. The Mount of Venus - a fleshy section of the hand at the base of the thumb, surrounded by the line of life - is its third phalanx.

Most often, the thumb is located at an angle of 45° relative to the hand. This indicates a person’s ability and desire to maintain traditional social principles and his moderate conservatism. In general terms, the larger the given angle, the more generous the person is.

Generosity Angle

Angle greater than 45°

Accordingly, this angle is sometimes called the “generosity angle.”

If this angle exceeds 45°, this indicates an energetic, open person, with the ability to charm and influence others.

He loves adventure and always strives to learn something new and unusual. If, in a relaxed state, the thumb is kept at a distance from others, this indicates a calm, open, sociable and carefree person.

If the value of this angle is less than 45°, this indicates that the person is selfish. Most likely, he is cruel, narrow-minded and proud. His view of the world around him is very narrow.

Practicality angle

The utility angle is the angle formed on the outside of the thumb where it meets the palm. You will soon discover that most hands do not have this angle, while some people have a noticeable bulge in this place. The larger this convexity, the more practical the person is.

These people are what we call jacks of all trades; they are skilled and dexterous and enjoy activities that allow them to actively use their hands. This angle is also known as the time angle because it gives a person a particularly keen sense of time. Such people are always punctual, they know how to seize the right moment and pause brilliantly.

Height angle (sound angle)

The pitch angle, or angle of sound, is located at the very base of the palm under the thumb, where it connects to the wrist. The height angle indicates a person who feels rhythm and has an ear for music.

Gifted musicians, dancers and singers in most cases have pronounced angles of height and practicality. The practicality angle gives them a sense of time and tempo, while the pitch angle gives them an ear for music and a sense of rhythm.

Take a closer look at photographs of the world's leading musicians and performers of all genres, from classical to popular music, and you will notice how obvious these angles are on their hands. The next time you see a photograph of Elvis Presley, pay attention to his hands - they have a very pronounced angle of practicality and angle of height.


High set thumb

The thumbs can be located at different heights in relation to the palms, so they are divided into high-set and low-set.

A thumb is considered high-set if it starts high above the wrist. People with such fingers are distinguished by originality, openness and optimism. They are typical extroverts.

Low-set thumb

People with low-set thumbs, on the other hand, are reserved and cautious. In most cases, the thumb position falls somewhere between high and low.


Few modern palmists use D'Arpentigny's hand classification system, but the terms he developed are still actively used in the analysis of fingertips, including the thumb.

If the tip of the thumb is square, it indicates a person who is practical, simple, down to earth and fair. Such people always try to play fair.

If the tip has a spatula shape, this indicates a businesslike and active person.

If the tip has a conical shape, this indicates a sensitive and sophisticated person.

Often the conical tip is combined with a second phalanx that is tapering and concave on both sides. This indicates a person’s diplomacy and tact. When he says no, he does it so politely, kindly and intelligently that it is impossible to be offended by him.

The pointed tip of the thumb indicates a subtle and insightful person who will be able to present even the worst news gently and calmly.

The wide tip indicates a cautious, thorough person who has his own convictions.

If the tip is wide and flat, and the upper phalanx resembles a bump, such a finger is called a killer finger. This finger shape is usually hereditary. People with these fingers can be very patient, but sometimes they explode over trifles. There is no doubt that it was thanks to this feature that the “killer finger” got its name.


The thumbs are divided into inflexible and mobile. If the finger bends freely back at the joint, it is considered mobile. A person with mobile thumbs is open, positive, and optimistic. He does not tolerate pressure and in conflict situations prefers to retreat without entering into an argument or causing a scandal.

If the thumb is inactive and does not bend back at the joint, it is called inflexible. A person with this type of thumb is reliable, constant, stubborn, persistent and purposeful. He never backs down, even if he finds himself under very strong pressure.

There was a period in my life when I worked as a salesman, and knowledge of palmistry helped me a lot then. If a customer stood in front of me with flexible thumbs, I could press lightly on him, and, yielding to the pressure, he would make a purchase.

If I had to deal with a person whose thumbs were stiff, I didn't even try to put pressure on him. If I tried to click on such a client, all my attempts would end in failure. Moreover, I would erect obstacles to future success with my own hands.


I have been indelibly impressed by the Indian system of thumb interpretation ever since a Bombay palmist predicted my fate with it more than thirty years ago.

At that time, I myself was a palmist for a living and was amazed that an Indian colleague completely ignored my palm, focused on the thumb, and based his predictions solely on his analysis. Palmists have repeatedly read from my thumbs, and I was always amazed at how accurate and detailed their predictions were.

Unfortunately, the few books from which one could master the Indian system of thumb interpretation were written in the local languages ​​- Tamil, Sanskrit and Pali. Some palmists offered to teach me the basics of this art, but I was never able to comprehend it enough to put it into practice.

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to spend a couple of days in New Delhi with my longtime friend Sameer Upadhyay. We also discussed the thumb interpretation system. It was thanks to Samir that I was able to expand my knowledge of palmistry, and I am very grateful to him for his generosity and kindness.


The palmist begins by feeling and examining the thumb and determining what type it belongs to. This is based on a system identical to the Western one. A finger that is inflexible and inactive indicates a person who is stubborn and unyielding. A finger that bends back with ease indicates that the person is flexible and yields when pressure is placed on him.

The shape of the finger is determined based on the D’Arpentigny system, which is actively used by both Western and Eastern palmists. In India, the D'Arpentigny hand classification system is also in use. True, in the West today only part of the system associated with the classification of thumbs is used.


The palmist then analyzes the relief pattern skin on the pad of the finger.


Nine lines (rekha) may appear on the thumb. A finger containing all nine at the same time is extremely rare, but at least two of them can be found on every finger. These are the two lines that divide the phalanges. One of them passes between the phalanx of will and logic, and the second - between the phalanx of logic and the hill of Venus.


The horizontal lines begin on the side of the thumb that is closest to the Jupiter finger and, ideally, completely encircle it. It is desirable that these lines be as smooth and even as possible.

Phala rekha (wheat line)

Phala rekha is better known as the wheat line. Sometimes it is also called a rice line. The word "phala" is translated as "fruit" or as "consequence of the result." This term is associated with karma. It should be noted that the phrase “karma-phala” is translated as “the result of an action.”

Accordingly, a good deed gives a positive result. And a bad deed in turn generates Negative consequences. This line is also sometimes called "pushpa" (flower) because it resembles a flower in appearance. Phala rekha passes between the phalanges of logic and will.

Its absence on the finger is extremely rare. The presence of a line indicates that a person will never go hungry. If there appears to be a grain of rice or wheat hidden within the line, this indicates that the person will live a happy and fulfilling life.

Typically, the wheat line consists of two intertwined lines, representing a man and a woman. This line in most cases begins as a single line, but is soon joined by a second line, which symbolizes a companion or life partner.

Analysis of the wheat line allows us to determine the time when this fateful meeting will occur (or has already occurred). Minor defects or interference on this line are usually associated with problems in personal relationships.

If the beginning of the wheat line is wavy or there are breaks in it, this indicates a difficult childhood.

If the line is wavy in the middle section, this indicates problems in adulthood. And, of course, if the line is wavy at its end, this indicates that the person will have to face difficulties in old age.

Mallika Rekha

Mallika is small White flower, similar in appearance to jasmine. Traditionally, it is presented as a gift to the Hindu god Shiva. The Mallika Rekha passes between the phalanx of logic and the Mount of Venus. It must be clear and clearly marked. This symbolizes a happy family and home life. Sometimes this line resembles a single, unbreakable chain. In this case, it indicates a person who is bold, brave, and has a strong character.

Black dots on this line symbolize conflicts between family members over finances.

If this line is noticeably thicker and wider than the wheat line, this indicates that it will be difficult for a person to find ideal partner, and having met him, it is not easy to maintain a harmonious relationship with him. Breaks on this line indicate that a person will experience many ups and painful downs in life.

Four more horizontal lines are located on the logical phalanx. If all four lines are present on the finger, they divide the phalanx into five parts. The first three lines (madhura, mandara and mana) are quite rare. The last, fourth, line of the logical phalanx (rati rekha) is almost always found.

Madhura Rekha

"Madhura" is translated as "having sweetness." Madhura rekha is the line closest to the wheat line. It should be subtle but distinct. This indicates a person who is compassionate and sociable. You can always find a common language with him.

Mandara rekha

Mandara is the name of a sacred mythical mountain. This word is also synonymous with heaven and mirror. Mandara rekha indicates a person's love of travel. Such a person is distinguished by innate tirelessness and endurance, due to which sooner or later he begins to experience a craving for travel.

Mana rekha

Mana is an abstract term for the place where our thoughts, dreams, feelings, emotions and desires reside. This is an unfavorable line. Its presence indicates a person’s propensity for extramarital affairs and infidelity.

Rati rekha

Rati was the wife of Kamadeva, the Hindu god of love. The word "rati" means intimate contact.

Rati Rekha must be interpreted in conjunction with the lines of romantic affection located on the edge of the palm under the Mercury finger. It shows how happy a person will be in love.

Ideally, this line should be clear, clearly marked and there should be no breaks in it. The island on the rati rekha indicates that during the specified period of time the chosen one will be struck by illness.

If the line is broken in the middle, it indicates that the person will be happy for the first half of his life, after which he will have to face problems and troubles. As a rule, they will be caused by the health of the partner.
If the line continues after the break, this indicates that difficulties will be overcome.
If the rati rekha consists of a series of consecutive broken lines, it is a symbol of celibacy.


Three vertical lines may appear on the thumb. The vajra rekha, which bisects the finger, is always the longest of them.

Vajra rekha

The vajra is an ancient weapon that looks like a metal arrowhead big size. It was this weapon, according to legend, that Indra, the god of rain and lightning, used. Lightning is considered to be a spark struck by Indra's vajra.

The vajra rekha is a thin line located on the side of the thumb that faces the finger of Jupiter and directed towards the mallika rekha. Sometimes the vajra rekha begins on the Mount of Venus. This line is better known as the diamond line because people endowed with it can become very rich.

By the way, the word “vajra” is synonymous with the words “diamond” and “steel”. However, in order for a person to get rich, it must be clear and clearly expressed. If the kesara rekha is also clearly indicated, this indicates that the person will make money without special effort. The wavy shape of the vajra rekha indicates that the person will earn his capital through speculative means.

Kesara rekha

The word "kesara" has several meanings. It refers to saffron, a common culinary seasoning in the East. Kesara is also called the pistil of the saffron flower. The same word is used to describe the mane of the Indian lion.

Kesara rekha runs parallel to vajra rekha, but is on the opposite side of the thumb. Generally, the kesara rekha is a short line that begins on the mount of Venus and ends on the mallika rekha line.

The presence of this line indicates a gradual increase in family well-being.
If the kesara rekha is subtle and difficult to distinguish, this indicates that for a long period of time the person will be accompanied by financial success and that his fortune would accumulate over many years.

If the kesara rekha is wide and clearly visible, it means that the person will make money quickly.
If it is deep, clearly defined and extends to the wheat line, it indicates a person born into a wealthy family. Most likely he will be interested in art. People who do not have Kesara Rekha find it difficult to achieve financial success.

Ripu rekha

Ripu rekha begins on the mount of Venus and goes up the thumb to the wheat line. Sometimes it can end at the phalanx of the will.

The word "ripu" is translated as "enemy". Accordingly, this line is regarded as hostile. It is believed that it not only neutralizes the positive effect of any line that it crosses, but also leaves a negative imprint on the corresponding areas of a person’s life.

In addition to determining the type of thumb, line analysis and dermatoglyphics, Indian palmists interpret various symbols and signs formed by lines and relief patterns of the skin.

For example, fish indicates that a person will achieve a lot in life. Cancer or Scorpio indicate that a person will serve all his life and will not rise above this position.

The number of options is endless, but to discover them, you need to have not only good eyesight, but also a rich imagination. Due to the fact that this takes us away from serious palmistry, I decided not to include descriptions of these symbols in this book.

Over time, I realized that knowing the meanings of the nine lines of the thumb was an extremely useful addition to my knowledge of practical palmistry. They allow you to know something that cannot be known in any other way.

I recommend starting to study them only after you begin to feel confident in interpreting the main lines of the hand. As you analyze your thumb lines, feel free to ask questions and make notes.

This area of ​​palmistry in the West is considered new and little studied, and perhaps you will be able to make valuable and original comments regarding the interpretation of the thumb. But this will require your attention and patience.