Icon “Helper of Sinners”: description, photo and meaning Prayer to the icon “Helper of Sinners. Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God “Support of Sinners”

Icon of the Helper of Sinners Mother of God: meaning, what will help and photos

Icon of the Sporuchnitsa of Sinners: how the icon of the Sporuchnitsa of Sinners will help, how to pray correctly to the icon of the Sporuchnitsa, the history of the appearance of the icon, where it is located

What does an icon help with?

The Icon retained its name based on the text written on it., which narrates that: “The assistant of sinners to My Sons...”.

There are many interpretations of this phrase, one of them is “surety for sinners before the Lord.” The Heavenly Virgin, “Helper of Sinners,” gave healing to many people, she is the reason for countless miracles.

People come to the miraculous Image with prayer in moments of severe mental torment, in days of despair, to ask for the protection of sinners and the grant of repentance, to heal illnesses.

Meaning of the icon

According to scientists, this Holy Image appeared for the first time in a South Russian church, which is on the territory of the current Ukrainian or Belarusian state. The reason for the appearance of such an image is explained by the custom of drawing an Image God's baby and the Mother of God in one icon. Such an Icon personifies the power of faith, hope and love, pure and unshakable.

There is no other similar Image of the Mother of God that would carry within itself the meaning of such strong service to the Almighty as the “Helper of Sinners.” The Icon depicts the Mother of God’s feeling of love for the human race and intercession before God. What is the help of the “Support of Sinners”? The power of the Image is to pray to the Heavenly Forces for the entire human race, regardless of whether a person carries good or evil within himself, whether he has sins, and whether he repents about them. With the same power of maternal love, the Mother of God grants forgiveness to everyone.

The Face appears to be the undisputed Defender, the Petitioner between the repentant people and God Jesus Christ.

The meaning inherent in this icon reflects the very essence of the service of the Most Holy One - as the Intercessor and Patroness of the human race. The description of the icon reproduces this mountain location of the Blessed Virgin.

As a rule, on these icons the forms or images of the Mother of God and the Infant are framed by twelve pentagonal stars, six on each side.

The Mother of God herself is represented on the icon from the waist up. With her left hand she embraces the Rescuer, and with her right hand she extends it to him with a prayer for support. The Baby Savior responds to the Mother’s prayer with a distinctive gesture: He grabs her hand with both hands in such a way that in his right hand there is thumb The Almighty, and in the left - the small finger and the next one, one of the middle fingers. With this gesture of consent, the Son of the Most High certifies the Most Holy One that he will constantly support her prayers for sinners.

In the area of ​​the head of the Mother and Child of God there is a crown of amber origin, decorated with pearls and expensive stones, which indicates the southern Russian origin of the icon.

In the 4 corners of the composition there are scrolls with texts prescribing a reliable path to eternal joy.

An ancient original mark has been preserved on the icon, which says: “I am the Helper of sinners to My Son...”. The meaning of this text is that the Lord will constantly take into account the words of the Mother of God, her prayers for the entire human race. Unfortunately, it was not possible to save the original true story

the emergence of an icon. It is only generally known that for the first time this holy of holies performed a miracle in the middle of the 19th century in the Nikolaev Monastery. For the first time, the face helped a weak child for whom the mother was praying.

He recovered..

Subsequently, numerous believers began to flock to the cathedral, offering petitions to the icon of the Mother of God for the healing of illnesses or the healing of worries.

In addition, the face became very famous during the cholera epidemic, and thanks to it, some people coped with the disease.

Story For the first time the Image is mentioned along with the name of Prince Samuil Koretsky,

who, under pressure from representatives of the Ottoman and Catholic people, was forced to accept Western beliefs. At the same time, the prince turned to his sister with a request to take the Holy image from the prince’s chapel and leave it in good hands. Since then, the Icon has been kept in the chambers of the Holy Trinity Koretsky Rivne Church.

After some time, a list of the Image could be seen in the Ostrog Ukrainian Church.

The Icon has confirmed its power over the years by the creation of extraordinary miracles that have happened not so long ago from now on. For example, in the first half of the 20th century, a villager was brought to the temple, whose behavior left much to be desired - he was aggressive and inadequate. By external signs it could be argued that this man suffered from severe mental illness.

Priest Barsanuphius conducted a sacred service with a mentally ill person, which was supposed to have a positive effect on the possessed and help him heal. At the end of the solemn service, heavenly thunder was heard. The patient immediately fell unconscious to the ground. As soon as the villager returned to consciousness, not a trace remained of his illness, he was completely healthy.

In 1924, the land was gripped by unprecedented rainy weather. All the rivers overflowed their banks. On the day of commemoration of Pentecost, church ministers went on a crusade through the outskirts of the city, carrying the miraculous Image in the midst of a downpour. As soon as the Saints crossed the threshold of the temple, the weather cleared up, the rain subsided, and by the end of the carrying of the Icon it stopped falling altogether.

Remembrance day and dates of celebration icons

Three times a year Orthodox Christians honor the Shrine:

Thursday for the celebration of Trinity.

Where is the Image stored: temples and churches

The most blessed and ancient Icon is kept in the nunnery of the Koretsky Holy Resurrection Church.

In other churches there are lists of the same Icon of the Mother of God:

In the Moscow Church of St. Nicholas;

In the Moscow Church of the Deposition of the Robe in Leonovo;

In the Verkhneufaleysky Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary;

In the Bryansk Transfiguration Church.

Miracles and help icons

Reading a prayer in front of the Holy Icon can help to obtain forgiveness for sins.

In addition, one can turn to the Icon during periods of despondency, sorrow, despair, since such a state in which a person finds himself is also considered sinful, since it takes away vital energy and the spirit and body weaken.

Reading a prayer to the Mother of God gives strength to correct the spirit, establish peace of mind, and gain hope for future plans.

When and why do they pray to the Blessed Virgin “Helper of Sinners”

If quarrels arise in the family, a series of troubles follows, you can also turn to the Most Holy Mother of God and ask for her protection, protection of yourself and your family. Among other things, the miraculous nature of the Icon will have a positive effect on requests for healing from mental and physical illnesses. Reading common prayer can prevent the spread of epidemics of dangerous diseases such as plague, cholera and others. The main condition that should be observed when turning to the “Sporuchnitsa” is awareness of our sinfulness, but the desire to take the path of correction.

Where should the Icon stand and hang?

It is best to choose a home prayer corner for storing this Holy Icon, the so-called iconostasis at home. Here you can place not only the “Helper of Sinners”, but also other Icons of the Mother of God.

Be preserved by the Lord!

The icon “Helper of Sinners” is a visible embodiment of the hope for the Lord’s forgiveness, gained through the prayers of His Most Pure Mother. The very name of this holy image speaks of the great role assigned to Her by the eternal Son - Jesus Christ, since the word “handmaid” from the Church Slavonic language is translated as “guarantor”, “intercessor” or “mediator” between the all-merciful God and people mired in in vices and lawlessness. However, before we talk about the meaning of the “Helper of Sinners” icon and how it helps Christians, let us turn to its history.

Image in an ancient chapel

Among the endless Bryansk forests there is an ancient, formerly male, and now female Karachay Odrino-Nikolaevskaya monastery, founded, according to the chronicle, at the beginning of the 13th century. Many prayers were offered in it for the salvation of human souls and the deliverance of Rus' from the troubles in which it is so rich National history. For true piety and strict ascetic life, the Lord more than once sent His good rewards to her, one of which was the icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners.”

As historical documents testify, the holy image was first glorified in 1843, although its discovery took place long before that. For dozens of years it was housed in a small wooden chapel that stood at the monastery gates, and did not stand out in any way among other shrines. This icon of the Mother of God was called “Helper of Sinners.”

It was a half-length image of the Most Pure Virgin, holding the Eternal Child in her left hand, and squeezing His fingers with her right hand. Their heads were crowned, which, according to art historians, is characteristic of the Belarusian or Little Russian school of icon painting. At the bottom of the image was an inscription containing the words of the Mother of God, in which She called Herself “the helper of sinners.” The icon subsequently received its name precisely because of this inscription.

Miracles of healing

So it would have been lost among the many other icons of the Mother of God, with which every Russian monastery is rich, if in 1843, through the prayers offered before it, several pilgrims had not received miraculous healing. It began with the fact that the Mother of God appeared in a dream to a resident of the village of Karachaev, Alexandra Pochepina, whose young son suffered from epilepsy, and ordered him to be taken to the Odrino-Nikolaevsky Monastery and there to offer a prayer in front of Her icon “Helper of Sinners.” After Alexandra fulfilled the will of the Queen of Heaven, her son was healed of his illness.

Following this, several more miracles were performed, evidence of which is available in monastery books. So, soon after the event described above, the Bryansk landowner Orlova, the mother of a paralyzed six-year-old girl, over whose illness all medical luminaries were powerless, prayed tearfully before the icon of the Mother of God “Supporter of Sinners.” Her words were heard, and to everyone’s amazement, the patient left the monastery on her own two feet. Approximately from the same time, there is also a record of how the Queen of Heaven, through Her image, granted sight to the merchant of the second guild, Nikonorov, who was blind from a serious illness.

Savior of the people

It is not surprising that after so many healings revealed through prayers to the “Helper of Sinners” icon, it began to be revered as miraculous and was transferred to the main church of the monastery, dedicated to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. She became famous in its entirety due to the fact that she saved many people during the terrible cholera epidemic that struck the surrounding towns and villages in 1846. Whole families of pilgrims then came to the Odrino-Nicholas Monastery and, after long periods of prayer, received the intercession of the Queen of Heaven. This episode, described by many contemporaries, went down in history and was mentioned many times in the literature.

The wanderings of the miraculous image

It is generally accepted that the icon “Helper of Sinners” kept today in the monastery is the same original that was glorified in the 40s of the 19th century, although for a number of reasons it spent several decades outside the walls of the monastery. The fact is that soon after the Bolsheviks came to power, the Odrino-Nicholas Monastery was closed, the valuables stored in it were confiscated, and the icons, which were of no interest to the “masters of the new life,” were partly destroyed, and partly dispersed among the surrounding residents.

The image of the “Helper of Sinners” was then taken by one of the rural residents of the Oryol region, and in the 70s it came to another pious woman, Raisa K., who lived in Bryansk. However, his wanderings did not end there. In the mid-90s, its keeper moved to Ukraine and became a nun there, bringing this gift to the monastery miraculous image. Over time, she returned to her homeland and became one of the sisters of the Odrino-Nicholas Monastery, which by that time had been revived as a convent for women. The icon remained in Ukraine.

The holy image and its miraculous copy

The icon was returned to its original place in October 1996, and this event can also be considered a miracle, since it happened thanks to the works of Schemamonk Mauritius - a man who, according to worldly concepts, is disabled, deprived of legs and moves on a board equipped with wheels. Thanks to the help of the Higher Powers, as well as his own perseverance, the “Helper of Sinners” - the icon of the Mother of God, which was considered forever lost for the Odrino-Nicholas Monastery, returned to its original place.

It is known that a copy (list) was made of this image, famous throughout Russia, back in the middle of the 19th century, which was for a long time in the home collection of a Moscow resident, Lieutenant Colonel D.N. Boncheskul, and also became famous for its miracles. This copy successfully survived all the troubles that befell the church in the 20th century, and is now in the parish church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Khamovniki.

The meaning of the icon “Helper of Sinners”

According to the established tradition, several types are clearly visible in the writing of the Mother of God images, one of which, called “Hodegetria,” which in Greek means “Guide,” also includes the shrine from the Odrino-Nicholas Monastery. This has a deep meaning, since the name itself largely reveals the meaning of the “Helper of Sinners” icon. She seems to show the way to everyone who wishes, having once left the corruptible world, to gain immortality and acquire the Kingdom of Heaven.

In addition, you should pay attention to its name, which can be interpreted as “Guarantee before God for sinful people.” It is in the intercession of the Mother of God to the all-merciful and all-forgiving God that the spiritual core of the image is laid, and therein lies its main meaning.

How does the “Help of Sinners” icon help?

First of all, it should be remembered that when offering prayers in front of an icon, a believer does not appeal to the board on which this or that sacred image is depicted, but through it he comes into contact with the Highest powers themselves. Consequently, petitions must correspond to the person to whom they are addressed. When turning to the Most Holy Theotokos, it is customary to call Her the “All-Good Intercessor” and seek Her help in all everyday matters. Provided the prayers are sincere and there is deep faith in their fulfillment, they will be heard, no matter what the request is.

Petitions to the Blessed Virgin Mary

At the same time, speaking about what the icon “Help of Sinners” helps with, we can highlight several of the most mentioned topics. First of all, offering prayers in front of the icon, they ask the Mother of God to send health to themselves and their loved ones, as well as, if necessary, healing from illnesses and evil ailments. Next, they pray to Her to strengthen faith, without which a person will not be able to gain the Kingdom of God and will be doomed to eternal death.

In addition, they hope to receive strength from the Most Holy Theotokos for deep and sincere repentance of sins, without which the unity of man with his Eternal Creator is impossible. And finally, the request for the sending of spiritual insight is vitally important, from which, according to Saint Philemon, love is born, making the heart pure and devoid of destructive passions.

The icon “Helper of Sinners” is deeply revered by Orthodox Christians. This is one of the most amazing icons, whose spiritual meaning reflects the love of the Mother of God for people, her great mercy and forgiveness.

History of the icon

The origin of this image of the Mother of God is unknown. The icon first became famous through a miracle at a monastery near the city of Karachaev, Oryol province, around the middle of the 19th century. There the icon was in a deplorable state due to its disrepair and was not revered by the parishioners.

Everything changed in 1843: one night, many townspeople had a vision in a dream that this icon was endowed with miraculous powers. The next morning the icon of the Mother of God was brought into the church. One of the first parishioners to receive healing was a boy suffering from a serious physical illness. His mother fervently prayed to the icon for the recovery of her son, and her prayers were heard. After a while, the image of the Mother of God healed many people who fell ill with cholera. The sick flocked to the church and prayed to the “Helper of Sinners” for forgiveness of all sins and healing from a fatal illness. Everyone received forgiveness and healing.

Description of the icon

The icon depicts the Mother of God with the baby Jesus on her left hand. He holds his mother’s right hand with both hands, as if mentally conveying to her his agreement that he will always listen to her pleas for sinners. Both heads are crowned.

Where is the icon

This icon of the Mother of God has another name - Koretskaya. The oldest icon is kept in the Holy Resurrection nunnery of the Rivne diocese in Koretsky. It has been there since the 17th century.

There is also an image of the Mother of God in Moscow. Believers can venerate the blessed icon in the Church of St. Nicholas, which is located in Khamovniki. Another icon is located in the Church of the Deposition of the Robe in Leonovo, in the Trinity Deanery of the Moscow Diocese. Another oldest icon of the Mother of God is available for veneration in the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, located in the city of Upper Ufaley. There is another image in the Transfiguration Church in the Bezhitsa district.

What helps and what does the “Support of Sinners” protect from?

They pray to the “Helper of Sinners” for protection from troubles and sorrows, for various ailments - both physical and spiritual, and for the forgiveness of sins. It is believed that the power of the icon is so great that it is capable of repelling such terrible misfortunes as epidemics, including cholera and plague.

People who have realized their sin can turn to the Mother of God for help and protection, repenting of their unseemly actions. A prayer coming from the heart will definitely be heard.

Prayers before the icon

“Our queen and hope, Supporter of all sinners on earth! I, a sinner (name), stand before you, repenting of my deeds. Don’t leave me, devoted to everyone, don’t forget me. Give me joy, for I have forgotten how to listen to joy. My troubles and earthly sorrows are severe, my soul is tormented and does not give me rest either day or night. My fall into sin is on my conscience, but I appeal to You, Most Holy One, in my last hope for help and healing. With your veil, protect me from the malice that comes from me and from my enemies. Give me more reason to repel the wicked and not turn away from the true path bequeathed by the Lord. Spare me, a sinner, Amen."

“Queen of Heaven, protector of the entire human race! I appeal to You for Your mercy. Pray for me (name) to our All-Merciful Lord. Deliver me, a sinner, from an illness that prevents me from living. Heal me, Mother of God, let me see the miracle You created. How you helped the human race, delivering it from the filth that defiles the body and soul. May I pray for the forgiveness of my sins, repenting daily. Amen".

Days of celebration icons

The veneration of the “Supportress of Sinners” icon takes place three times a year: on March 20 and June 11 according to the new style, as well as on Thursday after Pentecost (Trinity). The last date is considered the most important and important. On this day, all Orthodox Christians go to temples and churches, where they take part in the solemn liturgy.

Every person can turn to the Mother of God for help, opening the soul for cleansing from voluntary and involuntary sins, trusting in mercy Higher Powers. Remember that every word of prayer spoken by you from the bottom of your heart will ease any suffering and help you get on the right path. We wish you happiness and joy in life, and do not forget to press the buttons and

11.06.2017 06:08

There are many icons in Orthodoxy, and most of them are dedicated to the Mother of God and Jesus Christ, depicted...

On March 20, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners” is venerated. The name of this icon comes from the inscription preserved on it: “I am the Helper of sinners to My Son.”

The ancient icon became famous in the mid-19th century. But first she, because of her dilapidated appearance, was not properly venerated and was located in the old chapel of the St. Nicholas Monastery in the Oryol province. And in 1843, some residents of the province saw in their dreams that this icon was endowed with miraculous powers. And since then the icon was transferred to the church with honors.

Word of the extraordinary icon quickly spread throughout the Christian land, and believers began to come to it and pray for healing and forgiveness of sins. It is known that the first to receive healing was a seriously ill child, whose mother, with faith and hope, prayed with tears before the Icon. During the cholera epidemic, the miraculous icon healed the terminally ill, those who were brought to the icon and for whom they prayed.
A three-altar church was built in the Nikolaevsky Monastery in honor of the miraculous icon.

The icon itself depicts Holy Mother of God with the Child on her left hand, who holds Her right hand with both hands. The heads of the Child and the Mother of God are crowned with gold crowns.

In 1848, at the request of Dmitry Boncheskul, and with the permission of the clergy, a copy (copy) was made of the sacred image and placed in his house. But very soon the list also became famous because it sent myrrh to flow, and just like the icon, it healed the sick. Then the miraculous list was transferred to the Church of St. Nicholas in Khamovniki, where a chapel was also built in honor of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Supportress of Sinners.”

What should we pray about and how does prayer in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners” help?

On back side The Koretsky image of the Mother of God “Support of Sinners” contains the following lines: “I am the Supporter of sinners to My Son...”. They express sacred meaning of this shrine - repentant sinners, as well as those who are worried about their fate, should pray in front of the icon. The spiritual dialogue with the Mother of God and the Almighty, which takes place in front of this icon, helps to overcome sinful attractions, harmful passions and bad thoughts.

You can pray next to the “Support of Sinners” for healing from physical illnesses, for the granting of strength to overcome despair, despondency, for help in trouble and grief. There are also known cases of healing from cholera epidemics, and therefore you can turn to the Blessed Virgin in front of Her icon “Helper of Sinners” in cases where you find yourself face to face with a large-scale disaster.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners”

First prayer

My Most Blessed Queen, My Most Holy Hope, Helper of Sinners! Behold, poor sinner, this is before You! Don’t leave me, abandoned by everyone, don’t forget me, forgotten by everyone, give me joy, who knows no joy. Oh, my troubles and sorrows are severe! Oh, my sins are immeasurable! Like the darkness of the night is my life. And there is not a single strong help in the sons of men. You are my only Hope. You are my only Cover, Refuge and Affirmation. I boldly stretch out my weak hand to You and pray: have mercy on me, O All-Good One, have mercy, have mercy with the purchased Blood of Your Son, quench the sickness of my much-sighing soul, tame the rage of those who hate and offend me, restore my fading strength, renew my youth like eaglets. , do not allow yourself to become weak in keeping God’s commandments. Touch my troubled souls with heavenly fire and fill me with unashamed faith, unfeigned love and known hopes. May I always sing and praise You, the Most Blessed Intercessor of the world, our Protector and Helper of all of us sinners, and I adore Your Son and our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, with His Beginning Father and the Life-Giving Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer

To whom shall I cry, O Lady, to whom shall I resort in my sorrow, if not to You, the Queen of Heaven? Who will accept my cry and my sighing and quickly obediently heed our prayers, if not You, All-Blessed Helper, the Joy of all our joys? Hear now the hymns and prayers offered to You for me, a sinner, be my Mother and Patroness and Giver of Your joy to all of us. Arrange my life as you want and as you wish. I commend myself to Your protection and providence, so that I may always joyfully sing to You with everyone: Rejoice, O Blessed One; Rejoice, Delighted One; Rejoice, Most Blessed One; Rejoice, Glorified One forever. Amen.

At all times, the icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners” has aroused great interest among Christians. Its very name speaks of the forgiveness and immeasurable love of the Blessed Virgin Mary for sinful people. But every sincerely repentant sinner can be saved! Therefore, the Mother of God vouches for each of us before the Holy Face of Her Son in the hope that the people will not disgrace Her guarantee.

The history of the miraculous face

The glorification of the Face took place in Nikolaev Odrin. Previously, the image rested in the chapel, the icon was covered in dust and soot, the image was almost invisible, and the inscription was impossible to read.

In 1844, the widow of the merchant Pochepin and her young son visited the monastery. The child suffered from epileptic seizures, and the doctors could not help the baby. The desperate mother begged the clergy to serve a prayer service in front of the image of the Lieutenant, and the boy soon received the long-awaited healing. After this incident, whole strings of miracles began to happen through prayers.

In 1846, the monk of the monastery received obedience: he was ordered to go to Moscow and collect donations for the improvement of the church and the acquisition of a robe for the Face of the Mother of God. Arriving in the capital, he stopped in Khamovniki in the home of Lieutenant Colonel Boncheskul. Later, the hospitable host, as a sign of gratitude, received a copy of the icon and placed it in the Red Corner on the iconostasis. The lieutenant colonel told a priest he knew in the capital about the miracles occurring from Lik. That, in turn. He advised his sister, who had been suffering from illness for a long time, to pray before the Sporuchnitsa spinal cord. The priest brought the Face to her house and read an akathist to the Intercession of the Mother of God. Soon the sick woman felt relief, and after a short time the disease completely left her body.

About other miracles in Orthodoxy:

On Easter 1848, Boncheskul noticed that the image of the Mother of God became lighter, the icon itself became shiny and began to highlight the myrrh. He collected precious drops into a clean piece of cloth and people, anointing sore spots with myrrh, were healed. A little later, Boncheskul donated the icon to the Khamovniki Church of St. Nicholas. Immediately an inexplicable play of light began in the church, and the flow of myrrh continued.

Koretsk Icon of the Mother of God, Helper of Sinners

Meaning of the icon

The type of icon is similar to the image of Hodegetria, painted by the Apostle Luke. But it has a number of differences from the classic image.

The Mother of God is depicted from the waist up, little Jesus holds Her by the fingers of her right hand. With this gesture, He convinces that He will fulfill the intercessory prayers of His Mother for the human race.

The golden crowns of the Mother and Child are richly decorated, and their figures are crowned with twelve stars.

What does an icon help with?

Get help with prayers to the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners” for:

  • despair, sorrow, despondency;
  • sleep disorders;
  • loss of appetite;
  • relaxation of the body;
  • during epidemics;
  • upcoming amputation of limbs;
  • family troubles.
Important! In front of the icon you can pray not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones. It must be remembered that in order to get what you want, when turning to the Mother of God, you should be aware of your sinfulness, need to change yourself for the salvation of your soul.

The protection of sinners is the concern of the Mother of God, part of Her Heavenly Life. She is always waiting for our request for salvation, our prayer. A person is just beginning to think about how to improve and when to start working on himself - and Blessed Virgin already knows how to lead him to righteous living.

Prayer to the Mother of God

A prayer service to the Mother of God is a special rite of worship in which She is asked to intercede before Her Son, begged for the sending of blessings and thanked for receiving what she desired.

Molebens are served after the Liturgy, usually accompanied by the blessing of water. But first you need to write a note with the names of the people for whom the prayer song will be offered.

Prayer Tips:

  • the note should be submitted before the start of the Liturgy or the day before before the evening service;
  • the names of baptized people are indicated;
  • It is necessary to indicate no more than 10 names in one note, but if there are more, then you need to make several notes;
  • names are entered in the genitive case (they must answer the question “who?”: about the health of Svetlana, Maria, Konstantin, Mikhail) and in the Orthodox spelling: Yuri - George, Dmitry - Dimitri, Ivan - John, Sergei - Sergius, Yulia - Julia , Tatiana - Tatiana;
  • The names of the ministers of the church are indicated first (indicating the rank), then the monastics are entered and after them the laity;
  • no need to indicate middle names, last names, or age;
  • a child under 7 years of age is entered as an infant, and up to 14 years of age he is considered an adolescent;
  • if this is too important, then you can indicate “sick”, “traveling”, “warrior”, “prisoner”, “non-idle”.

Icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners”

In which churches is the icon located?

The most ancient icon, “The Helper of Sinners,” has been kept since the 17th century in the Koretsky Holy Resurrection nunnery of the Rivne diocese. And you can venerate the miraculous list in Khamovniki in Moscow in the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

A Sporuchnitsa with a difficult past is kept in Bryansk. After the destruction of the temple during Soviet times, it was kept alternately in Christian families, and this is how it was saved. In 2006, it was restored and returned to the temple.

About other Mother of God icons:

Miracle healings

  • The woman suffered for a long time from excruciating pain in her arms and legs, and her legs were in a relaxed state, the lady could not move. On the advice of the parishioners, she began to drink water blessed at the icon in the morning and anoint her feet with oil from the lamp. Soon the legs began to fill with strength and the illness receded. Amazed by the miracle, the grateful lady returned to her usual way of life.
  • A peasant from one of the villages located near Kolomna fell ill with a hitherto unknown disease. In the hot summer, he went to weed the cucumbers, and when he arrived home, he refused lunch and lay down to rest on the hay in the barn. But by evening he could not get up - he slept for three days. On the fourth day, his eyes opened, but his pupils remained motionless, he did not respond to his name, his mouth was tightly closed and the man could not eat. The priest who came to the rescue could not bring the patient to his senses, and he could not open his mouth even with an iron. He advised taking the sick man to the Church of St. Nicholas.

In the morning the procession set off to the indicated address, but on the way the patient became even worse. Upon arrival at the temple, the patient was lowered onto the porch. Here he made an attempt to sit down. They lifted him up and brought him to the “Spooruchnitsa”, they put him to the Face and at that moment the man clearly said: “I’m healthy”! He self-inflicted Sign of the Cross and stood up.

  • The peasant suddenly suffered from paralysis of his legs. Close Christian relatives were not at a loss, put him in a cart and took him to St. Nicholas Church. There the patient was applied to the Face of the Sporuchnitsa. The man woke up and got to his feet.
  • Once, through fiery and sincere prayers to the Mother of God, a woman who had been suffering from a brain disease for a long time received long-awaited healing.
  • IN late XIX centuries, through prayers before the miraculous icon in Russia, the raging cholera epidemic was pacified.
  • Thieves and other criminals were admonished before the Sporuchnitsa, the Mother of God guided them on the path of correction and repentance.
  • In 2001, a severe hailstorm occurred in Ryazan. An 11-year-old boy, an altar boy at a local church, was caught in the raging elements. But he returned home without a single scratch or bruise on his body. He told his parents that he prayed strongly to the Help of Sinners and the Mother of God saved him.

Many people who have visited the icon claim that when the “soul hurts,” there is trouble in the family, and everything is bad at work, and by praying before the icon, the soul receives relief.

Important! The hidden meaning contained in the icon “Helper of Sinners” is the essence of the service of the Queen of Heaven. She always saves Her faithful and protects them with maternal love, grants forgiveness and intercedes before Her Son.

Watch the video about the Helper of Sinners