Food for rejuvenation. Products for facial skin rejuvenation and anti-aging. Living water or what to drink for rejuvenation

Modern medicine has learned to cope with serious illnesses and mask the signs of old age with plastic surgery. How to stop the aging of the body?

One of the few rules has remained constant over the centuries: proper nutrition is a way to preserve, prolong, and perpetuate youth.

Nutrition to preserve youth


Celery can be used for nutrition and cosmetic procedures. The root, stem, and leaves of celery are used.

  1. Thiamine B1, riboflavin B2, nicotinic acid. They take part in redox reactions, remove toxins from the body, rejuvenate the skin of the face, heart, muscles, kidneys, brain, and spinal cord. The synthesis of thyroid hormones, the appearance of young red blood cells, excretion, and blocking the absorption of excess fat is impossible without B vitamins;
  2. Microelement silicon. Without silicon, the formation of hormones and collagen synthesis are disrupted, and vitamins are not absorbed;
  3. Germanium promotes oxygen saturation of ions;
  4. Chromium, selenium, and zinc citrate are responsible for the complete structure of DNA and RNA and participate in iodine metabolism. Strengthens bones, reduces blood pressure, removes toxins, radioactive substances, heavy metals;
  5. A powerful aphrozidiac, fights dementia, strengthens the immune system, protects against cancer, neutralizes toxins, reduces nervous overexcitation, blood pressure;
  6. Retinol (A), ascorbic acid (C), zinc. They improve metabolism, strengthen blood vessels, remove toxic chemicals and breakdown products, normalize hormonal levels and calcium absorption. They have anti-inflammatory, healing properties, restore blood flow in small vessels;
  7. Removes excess water, reduces blood cholesterol levels, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


Turmeric increases the amount of bile acids necessary for the digestion and neutralization of food, cleanses the liver, is a natural antibiotic that restores normal intestinal microflora, removes intestinal and skin manifestations of dysbiosis, and biliary dyskinesia. The antioxidant that prevents aging due to the active substance curcumin does not decompose during heat treatment.


Ginger, or magic root, contains all the essential amino acids, all known vitamins and microelements. Omega 3 and 9, asparagine, which are part of it, are involved in protein metabolism and are capable of rejuvenating germ cells and blood cells. New cells are synthesized. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic properties, and protects against cancer. It is a powerful aphrodisiac.


Natural flower honey is a high-energy product necessary for stimulating the immune system, the synthesis of blood cells, sperm, epidermis, dermis of normal structure and function, and normal ovulation. Including honey in your diet improves blood flow to the skin, brain, and genitals. Giving a person the necessary energy, it does not affect the increase in sugar levels. Safe for patients with diabetes. Products for facial skin rejuvenation can be used internally and topically in the form of masks.

Dairy products

To normalize the intestinal microflora, anti-aging fermented milk products are used.

Kefir contains bacterial and yeast flora to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

There are 4 types of kefir:

  • Lactic;
  • Coconut;
  • Water;
  • From rice kefir mushroom.

Products that rejuvenate the body can be used individually or combined with each other.

For example, kefir with garlic, banana, celery, parsley, basil, cilantro, honey.

It is clear that low-fat, regular kefir, and yogurt differ in composition and calorie content.

For the convenience of choosing the right drink for yourself. The table shows the composition of different types of kefir and yogurt.

CompoundFat content 3.2%Low-fat kefirYogurt
A0,03 0,02 0,03
WITH0,7 0,7 0,6
IN 10,03 0,04 0,04
AT 20,2 0,17 0,2
AT 120,4 0,4 0,5
RR0,14 0,14 0,2
Potassium146 152 147
Calcium120 126 122
Sodium50 52 50
Magnesium14,1 15 14
Phosphorus95 95 96
Iron0,1 0,1 0,1
Energy value55,9 30 85,5

Products that increase the elasticity of the body and face

Almond seeds and oil are used internally and as a cosmetic product that effectively restores elasticity to the skin. Contains 60% fat, 30% protein, vitamins, 1% essential oils.

Every woman over 45 knows rice oil. The most effective anti-aging remedy thanks to squalene, which protects against ultraviolet radiation and normalizes the metabolism of collagen tissue.

The skin will have an elastic, velvety appearance when consuming selenium, which is found in coconut, fish, liver, wheat, bran, cocoa, mushrooms, and garlic.

4 products are harmful to health and appearance: pickles, smoked products, fried, sweet products.

Stress and youth

To rejuvenate the body, you need to use products that help fight stress. During a stressful situation, the hypothalamus is activated, producing an excess amount of cortisol, which stimulates the pancreas. It produces insulin, which requires large amounts of sugar to enter the blood. Here is the mechanism for increasing body weight, eliminating problems with chronic stress.

4 main products that regulate the functioning of the hypothalamus:

  1. The amino acid L-theanine has been identified in green tea, which in 10-15 minutes. reduces cortisol, allows you to relax, without causing lethargy or drowsiness.
  2. Avocado contains magnesium, which allows the nerves to remain calm, ensures accelerated elimination of toxins, and normal temperature. Energy makes it possible to restore the body by engaging in moderate-intensity physical exercise.
  3. Seaweed contains silver ions, without which it is impossible to cope with stress and aging. Algae suitable for nutrition: nori, kombu, wakame, fucus, porphyra, ulva, limu, dals. In addition to silver ions, they contain vitamins A, C, D, iron, iodine, 18 amino acids, 8 of which a person cannot synthesize himself and must be obtained from the outside with food. For example, kelp, or seaweed, in terms of 10 g of dry matter, contains the same amount of vitamin D as 10 kg of apricots, iodine as 12 kg of cod fish.
  4. Citrus plants, due to the presence of antioxidants essential for life, normalize the permeability of the vascular wall and provide adequate immunity. Known orange, lemon, grapefruit, lime, pomelo, kumquat, tangerine, tangelo, uglifruit.

A vegetable that accelerates collagen production, improves the appearance and texture of the skin - tomato. Thanks to the antioxidant lycopene, consisting of 4 carbon molecules and 56 water molecules, it saturates cells with moisture, improves oxygen absorption, protects against radiation, and blocks free radicals. It is good to heat treat with olive oil, as this increases bioavailability.

Anti-aging products should be obtained from food regularly. The way a person eats is explained by his habits.


As a woman approaches menopause, the amount of sex hormones - estrogens - decreases in a woman. Estros translated from Greek means liveliness, brightness. With a decrease in the production of these hormones, hair becomes dry and brittle, skin becomes wrinkled, and eyes lose their inherent shine. You can compensate for hormone deficiency with natural phytoestrogens, which are used by plants to protect stems, leaves, and fruits from aging. You can get these substances from plant foods.

4 main types of skin firming products containing phytoestrogens:

  1. Legumes: beans, lentils, peas;
  2. Cereals: sprouted wheat, flax seeds, whole rye, oats;
  3. Spices: turmeric, ginger, garlic, parsley, spinach;
  4. Fruits: grapes, cherries, raspberries, apricots.

A stereotype that has been formed over the years can be gradually changed. It is easy to protect yourself from carbonated and sugary drinks by replacing them with clean drinking water. This will allow you to get a sufficient amount of moisture and prevent drying and aging.

Decoctions and infusions of linden blossom, St. John's wort, chamomile, alfalfa, ginseng, raspberry leaves, oregano, and licorice will replenish your supply of phytoestrogens and allow you to rejuvenate yourself.

About the benefits of fasting

There are harmful toxic elements in our bodies. We live surrounded by carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, phenols, salts of heavy metals, hydrogen sulfide, when we travel by transport, read newspapers, or walk down the street. With food we get hormones and antibiotics on which animals were raised and the plants we eat grew. Gradually, a person turns into a warehouse of mercury, lead, cadmium, pesticides, nitrates, and aromatic hydrocarbons.

There is a belief that we need detox programs to get rid of these toxins.

We have organs that constantly perform the function of disinfection: kidneys, liver, skin, lungs, digestive system. But adipose tissue is an excellent depot for storing toxic substances, where they are stored for years.

When a person attempts to go on a fast, countless toxins are released from the depot into the bloodstream. Some of them are destroyed, killing normal cells. The remaining part again rushes to the depot, sits there until the next occasion appears to take a walk through the blood and human organs.

It is necessary to help internal organs cope with toxins coming from outside regularly, not occasionally. Therefore, a healthy diet, an active lifestyle, and protection from stress are the basis for youthful skin, body and mind.

Many of us spend a lot of money to look younger than we actually are. However, even if you don't have a lot of money for expensive products rejuvenation of the body, you need to eat right.

Exist products, helping to get rid of the signs of aging in our body. Read our article and you will understand the true meaning of the saying “You are what you eat.”

The Power of Antioxidants

Every day we are exposed to free radicals (unstable atoms or molecules) that “destroy us at the molecular level.” Over time, exposure to such radicals leads to wrinkles, cataracts, cancer and other diseases and disorders associated with old age.

How do these free radicals get into our body? Alcohol, stress, sun exposure and air pollution are the main and most common causes. The ways in which radicals enter are through breathing and digestion!

Sounds scary, right?

But don't be alarmed. The good news is that you can combat the threat of free radicals by eating foods rich in antioxidants. One of the most powerful antioxidants is beta-carotene, as well as various foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E. Luckily for us, most of these nutrients are naturally found in vegetables and fruits.

Blueberries top the list of “antioxidant” foods. Other sources of antioxidants include onions, broccoli, apples, red grapes, strawberries, raspberries, dark chocolate, red wine and tea.


We've all heard of "healthy fats" and omega-3 is the best of them all. They help lubricate the skin and provide moisture to the cells that keep our skin firm and smooth.

One of the best sources of omega-3s is fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring and trout, which are recommended to be consumed at least once a week. (If you can't meet this minimum, you might want to consider taking fish oil.) There are also many foods that are fortified with omega-3s, such as eggs, grains, yogurt, cheese and milk. Walnuts, like blueberries, are among the top 10 healthy beauty foods.

Including “anti-aging” foods in your diet

Reading this article, you might think that taking omega-3s is of little use if you've been accumulating free radicals all your life, and no amount of omega-3 intake will help.

You are not right.

There have been many studies done in which groups of people took omega-3s for different periods of time. Even people in the group who took omega-3s for just 10 weeks saw noticeable improvements in their health and beauty.

So it's never too late to start taking omega-3!

Plus, we are constantly accumulating more and more free radicals in our bodies, so the sooner you start taking them, the better. Below are the main ways to include “anti-aging” foods in your diet:

1. The more vegetables and fruits, the better.

Consider each fruit or vegetable as its own nutritional package when you shop at the grocery store for healthy options.

2. Make the correct substitution.

Sometimes the simplest changes are not the most obvious. For example, if you're making your morning oatmeal with water, why not try adding omega-3-fortified skim milk instead of water? Or better yet, instead of regular fries, try sweet potato fries. Replace sweets with dark chocolate, it will be much healthier.

3. It is not necessary to remove all tasty foods from your diet.

While most diets recommend eliminating all nutritious foods that, ironically, are delicious, we recommend adding “anti-aging” foods to your standard diet. If you eat grains every morning, add a handful of berries to them. Need a snack? Prepare a mixture of nuts and dried fruits.

Now let's talk about the Top 10 products for rejuvenating the body

For greater effectiveness, set yourself a goal to look younger and follow it.

When a person has a goal, he begins to better manage his state and actions, which contributes to greater efficiency. Described below top ten products For body rejuvenation:

  1. Salmon meat (contains omega-3);
  2. Yogurt, low fat;
  3. Oysters;
  4. Blueberries (contains antioxidants);
  5. Kiwi (contains antioxidants);
  6. Sweet potatoes (contains antioxidants);
  7. Spinach (contains antioxidants);
  8. Tomatoes (contain antioxidants);
  9. Walnuts (contain omega-3 and antioxidants);
  10. Dark chocolate (contains antioxidants).

Proper and balanced nutrition is the primary source of all vitamins and minerals beneficial to the body, including facial tissues. Therefore, they cannot be neglected. You need to watch what and how you eat to prolong the youth of your face and enhance the effect of cosmetics for skin rejuvenation.

Diet - the first steps to rejuvenation

In the matter of facial skin rejuvenation, the leading role belongs to proper nutrition. Leading cosmetologists note that only 15% of nutrients enter cells from cosmetic care products, and the rest are extracted from food.

Maximum attention to premature aging of cells is paid, first of all, to antioxidants, vitamins E, C. Such components prevent the negative effects of free radicals on the skin of the face.

However, to rejuvenate the skin, it is not enough to just consume anti-aging products. First of all, take care of removing toxins from the body. Fiber, found in large quantities in vegetables, fruits, legumes and cereals, can rid the body of toxins.

Don't forget about the production of histamine by the liver. It has a negative effect on all layers of the skin. Radical methods will help to significantly reduce its occurrence and restore the liver: giving up tobacco, alcohol, fatty, sweet and fried foods. Only healthy products, fresh, steamed or grilled.
The protective function of cells is actively influenced by phospholipids (found in cottage cheese, egg yolk), vitamin B (buckwheat and oatmeal), magnesium (bran, almonds) and calcium (milk, cabbage).

Omega-3 fatty acids contained in fatty sea fish and seafood will help eliminate allergies.

Magic composition

  1. vitamin E, C – main antioxidants (olive oil or parsley, cabbage, citrus fruits and rose hips);
  2. copper – promotes the synthesis of collagen fibers (chocolate, spinach and hazelnuts);
  3. silicon – produces collagen and strengthens fiber structure (fresh green vegetables, bell peppers and fruits);
  4. calcium, iron – enhance regenerative function (all dairy products, dried apricots, liver and apples);
  5. selenium, zinc – protects against ultraviolet radiation, prevents inflammatory processes (tomato and garlic, beef and fish);
  6. coenzyme Q 10 – provides epithelial cells with energy, enhances the effect of antioxidants, reduces the rate of aging of facial tissues (sardine and beef, spinach, eggs).

In order not to harm the body, choose only high-quality, fresh products. Please note that consuming one component may cause an allergic reaction and oversaturation of the body. Nutritionists will help you properly balance and organize your diet.

Miracle Products

  • Nuts – combine coenzyme Q 10, vitamin E, melatonin, which actively rejuvenate the skin of the face and give it elasticity. Considering the nutritional value of nuts, it is better to limit their consumption (up to 10-14 pieces per day).
  • Fish (sardine, mackerel) is a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which accelerate blood circulation in cells, enhance tissue nutrition, and the surface becomes smooth and taut. In the diet, 300 g of fatty fish per day is enough.
  • Tomato juice or paste is the best antioxidant, indispensable for slowing down the aging of the epidermis. The optimal amount of juice per day is 250 ml, and paste - 2 tbsp.
  • Parsley – causes increased production of gluathione (the mother of antioxidants). Nutritionists recommend adding 3-4 sprigs of fresh herbs to your food.
  • Lemon – promotes the removal of toxins, enhances the protective function of the epidermis. Those with dry epidermis should limit its use to a minimum.
  • Honey will moisturize and keep your face youthful. Ideal for dry skin types.
  • Cocoa – reduces inflammation, skin irritation, actively fights free radicals. Take 1 tsp. per day as a supplement or beverage.
  • Beets – cleanses of toxins, saturates cells with oxygen, gives a healthy complexion. You need to take 1 root vegetable per day.


Anti-aging nutrition:

Among people who have retained their youth for many years, it is unlikely to meet those for whom the joy of life is associated with feasting.

A balanced diet is characterized by moderate food consumption and a preference for healthy natural products.

Choose something that is healthy and full of natural energy (fruits and greens, cereals, seafood, lean meats and fish, dairy products). They will provide your body with everything it needs - proteins, essential fatty acids, vitamins, microelements.

Often, a lack of vitamins and microelements affects the appearance - the condition of the skin, hair, nails.

Proper nutrition gives us energy, substances for renewing cells and tissues of the body, ensuring normal functioning, and at the same time satisfies taste needs. Be sure to include in your diet foods that are rich in vitamins, microelements, antioxidants and help preserve youth. Drink enough fluids (1.5–2 liters per day). Let it be pure and mineral table water, natural juices, green tea. This will help avoid slagging in the body and help maintain skin elasticity.

Antioxidant vitamins:

Vitamins improve metabolic processes in the body. The condition of many organs and tissues, including skin, hair, and nails, depends on them. Some vitamins are antioxidants. They protect cell membranes from damage and thus maintain health and slow down the aging process. Vitamins are necessary to rejuvenate the body. Their sources should be natural products. Medicines based on vitamins for rejuvenating the body should be taken as prescribed by a doctor, although ordinary drugs with a small composition are useful for everyone to take periodically.

The main antioxidant vitamins are vitamins C, A, E. They are part of hormones, enzymes and other biologically active substances. Vitamin E (tocopherol) helps protect vitamin A from oxidation. Therefore, if you are deficient in vitamin E, you will not be able to absorb the required amount of vitamin A. Therefore, these two vitamins must be taken together.

It should be noted that the effect of vitamin E is noticeably enhanced in the presence of vitamin C. Vitamins C, A and E work in the same direction, consistently protecting each other from destructive chemical reactions associated with the action of free radicals. To rejuvenate the body, they need to be consumed in sufficient quantities. Vitamin C is water-soluble, while vitamins A and E are fat-soluble and require fat to be absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.

Vitamins for rejuvenation

Vitamin C:

If we analyze the diet of a modern person, who for 6-7 months a year does not consume greens in sufficient quantities, being content with one long-term stored apple or orange per day, then the conclusion of scientists about a year-round deficiency of vitamins, in particular vitamin C (ascorbic acid), becomes clear.

With a deficiency of this vitamin, our skin sags and wrinkles. It is known that one of its constituent elements is the protein collagen, whose fibers are held together by enzymes, which include vitamin C. You can use the most fashionable and expensive creams to care for the skin of your face and body, make masks, but if you don’t have enough receive this vitamin, the effect of such procedures will be minimal.

Any illness, stress, increased body temperature, various toxic effects (alcohol, cigarettes, varnishes and paints, gasoline fumes) sharply increase the need for vitamin C. Gum diseases are also often associated with a lack of this vitamin.

Daily doses of vitamin C vary greatly depending on the condition of the body - from 100 mg to several grams. Large dosages of the vitamin are used in the treatment of blood diseases and malignant neoplasms. To maintain health and rejuvenate the body, it is enough to take vitamin C in physiological doses (70-100 mg) and include more foods containing it in your diet.

Sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits, currants, tomatoes, fresh and sauerkraut, and spinach. Among animal products, vitamin C is found only in the liver, during the preparation of which it is almost completely destroyed.

An amazing plant grows in the middle zone, capable of preserving vitamin C for a long time in properly dried fruits. We are talking about rose hips. Its fruits contain 10 times more of this vitamin than apples.

Vitamin A:

With a deficiency of vitamin A (retinol), hair becomes dry and dull, and the skin becomes drier and more vulnerable, acne appears on it. If hypovitaminosis A is observed in children and adolescents, it causes growth retardation; in adulthood, it leads to roughening and flaking of the skin, skin diseases, disorders of the digestive system and other negative consequences. This vitamin is good for the eyes. It is with the help of vitamin A that visual purple is formed in the eyes - rhodopsin, which provides stimulation of the visual receptors of the retina. In addition, vitamin A ensures the good condition of cell membranes. This is especially true for epithelial cells that make up the skin, mucous membranes of the oral cavity, intestines, respiratory and genital tracts. If this vitamin is lacking, dry mucous membranes develop due to a lack of mucus that normally covers these surfaces. Without it, the genital organs will not produce enzymes that ensure the full maturation of germ cells, i.e., infertility will develop. Vitamin A is necessary to maintain visual acuity, youthful skin and maintain the body's immune defense. The daily requirement for vitamin A is 1.5–2.5 mg.

In nature, there are a huge number of vitamin A precursors, the so-called β-carotenes or carotenoids. Today, the number of known species has exceeded 500. Unlike vitamin A itself, carotenoids are not toxic at all. Although the skin turns yellowish-orange when overdosed, this does not cause harm.

Carrots contain a large amount of vitamin A. However, for better absorption by the body, you need to add vegetable oil to raw carrots. Vitamin A in combination with vitamin E contained in the oil is absorbed by the body much better.

Like all fat-soluble vitamins, vitamin A can accumulate in the liver. There is a lot of this vitamin and carotenoids in orange fruits (carrots, pumpkin, apricots, melons), as well as in animal liver, fish oil, eggs and milk.

Vitamin E:

Vitamin E, or tocopherol, ensures reproductive function in both animals and humans. It is involved in protein synthesis and placental development. But its role in the body is not limited to this. Tocopherol ensures normal blood clotting, improves wound healing, strengthens capillary walls, lowers blood pressure, and prevents the appearance of cataracts (clouding of the lens).

As for its effect on the condition of the skin, it is manifested in the formation of collagen and elastin fibers that support the framework of our skin, which is very important for rejuvenation. With its deficiency, sagging appears early, the contours of the face and body are blurred, and wrinkles appear. In general, this vitamin is a vitamin of youth, as it slows down aging, prevents the appearance of senile skin pigmentation and ensures the full functioning of brain cells. As long as the brain cells are healthy, the whole body is healthy.

Sources of vitamin E include vegetable oils, seeds, nuts, egg yolk, liver, soybeans, green leafy vegetables, wheat and its sprouts. The largest amount of vitamin E is found in wheat sprouts and vegetable oils, especially soybean and amaranth.

It is known that a large amount of vitamin E is contained in vegetable oil. It is advisable to use it raw, for example as a salad dressing.

Rejuvenation Products

Dried fruits:

Dried fruits contain a large amount of healthy substances and sugar, which is less harmful to health compared to refined sugar.

The benefits of dried fruits were known in ancient times; now they are more popular than ever, but few people know about their properties. There was, is and will be a love for sweets, especially among women. A person simply needs to replenish expended energy; the question is how to do this with health benefits. The best replacement for chocolate and other confectionery products is dried fruits. They do not contain any artificial additives or preservatives, but they contain many useful minerals: macroelements (potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, etc.) and microelements (cobalt, iodine, etc.), fiber. For example, dried cherries contain cobalt and magnesium, dried apricots contain iron and potassium, prunes, figs and dates contain plant fibers. All these substances affect intestinal function, skin, hair and nails. In addition, dried fruits are rich in vitamin B6. However, do not forget that although dried fruits are healthy, eating a lot of them is not recommended. Deprived of moisture, they are concentrated products and very high in calories (contain about 250 kcal per 100 g). Dried fruits are strictly contraindicated for patients with diabetes.

Another advantage of dried fruits is that they are well compatible with fats. Thus, with dried fruits in small quantities you can satisfy your hunger and at the same time get useful vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and maintain health and figure.

Dried fruits also have a rejuvenating and healing effect on the body. Each of them contains a certain amount of useful substances.

Fruits, berries and vegetables for rejuvenation:

As you know, the quality of nutrition directly affects the appearance and health of the body. Proper nutrition, based on the consumption of a variety of plant foods, helps restore youth and health.

According to nutritional standards, a person must eat 103 kg of vegetables and at least 70 kg of fruits per year, of which 16 kg of citrus fruits. Women who have problems with excess weight are recommended to arrange fruit and vegetable fasting days.

It is often the lack of fruits and vegetables in the diet that leads to weight problems. But these products should make up a significant share in our diet. They are rich in nutrients and vitamins. For those who want to lose weight and look younger, fruits and vegetables are simply irreplaceable. One of their many benefits is their low calorie content. Of course, not all varieties of vegetables and fruits are suitable for those who want to lose extra pounds. The diet should not include too sweet types of fruits.

Fruits and vegetables always, as they say, go hand in hand. Some even put an equal sign between them. And to some extent this is true: both contain a set of vitamins and microelements necessary for a person.

Vegetables and fruits contain potassium, which is extremely important for the body, so supplementing your diet with these foods is important from a medical point of view. A big plus of vegetables is that they have very little fat, but a lot of minerals.

Fruits, depending on their chemical composition, have different effects on the body.

Thus, kiwi and citrus fruits promote the breakdown of fats. The fruit that burns fat best is grapefruit. The same function is performed by boiled young potatoes containing large amounts of vitamin C.

However, among fruits there are also those that, on the contrary, contribute to the accumulation of calories. These include banana. Its fibrous pulp is rich in carbohydrates, and it is also slowly digested. It is not recommended to eat grapes in large quantities and, if necessary, reduce weight.

It has long been known that fruits contain a fairly large amount of vitamin C, the deficiency of which is especially experienced in winter. Canned fruits usually lose a significant amount of this vitamin, so it is better to eat them fresh. Fruits also contain vitamin A and plant fiber (cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin).

Therefore, if you decide to lose weight and look younger, you should not spend money on dietary supplements; it is best to buy fruits and vegetables. For example, it is known for sure that fresh apples are useful for rejuvenation and the prevention of obesity. They contain substances that help burn fat and lower cholesterol levels in the blood, and due to their potassium content, they cleanse the body. In addition, they contain iron. Suitable for daily use, especially for those who move little. It is recommended to eat 3 apples a day.

Fruits are good both fresh and in the form of juices. For example, red grapefruit juice contains a flavonoid substance that helps retain vitamin E in the body. Apple juice is no less useful, which has the same effect as a fresh apple, i.e., it promotes fat burning.

Berries are no less healthy. They contain the necessary amount of vitamins (C, P, K and group B), organic acids, microelements and substances that help burn fat. Strawberries help regulate metabolism and remove cholesterol, blueberries restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cherries contain a lot of vitamin C, which is so necessary for maintaining general well-being, currants are a storehouse of almost all known vitamins and organic acids, raspberries contain fiber, which does not allow cholesterol to “stagnate”, gooseberries are no less useful for excess body weight and impaired metabolism. Berries that do not grow in Russia, but are sold in markets and stores, are also useful. These include pomegranate, dogwood, feijoa, etc. Thus, dogwood is rich in vitamin C, pomegranate – in organic acids, and feijoa – in iodine. These substances are necessary for the body to function normally and prolong youth.

Zucchini is rich in fiber, which promotes good bowel function. In addition, it does not allow cholesterol to accumulate in the body, and therefore does not gain weight. Carrots, cabbage and lettuce are great for rejuvenation and weight loss.

At the same time, you need to include certain spices (nutmeg, ginger) and some types of seafood in your diet. Sea kale, rutabaga, pumpkin, sauerkraut, etc. are useful for those who want to lose weight. But garlic and onions burn fat best.

Berries, fruits and vegetables are the most preferable option to maintain your health, lose weight and rejuvenate. If desired, you can use them to prepare healthy decoctions, infusions, juices, salads and much more.

Cereals and soy:

Cereals are no less beneficial for the body than berries, fruits and vegetables. They are rich in vitamins, proteins, minerals and other beneficial substances. And for those who want to lose weight and rejuvenate, cereals are generally an indispensable remedy, because they contain dietary fiber, which helps cleanse the intestines and the body as a whole.

It’s no wonder that cereal mixtures are so popular among those who want to lose weight and improve their appearance. Each of the cereals contains the necessary set of microelements that have a beneficial effect on the body. Thus, oats contain B vitamins, starch, amino acids and microelements, which help normalize metabolic processes and remove cholesterol. Corn is very rich in carbohydrates, B vitamins, and promotes metabolism. All other cereals also contain fiber, B vitamins, amino acids, etc. Separate mention must be made of bran. They are made from the shells of cereals. Their peculiarity is that they are low in calories and, in fact, are a food additive. Promotes weight loss and cleanses the body.

Cereals are included in muesli. This mixture is now particularly popular among those who seek to maintain youth, slimness and beauty. However, not only grains contribute to weight loss, but also legumes. Thus, mature soybeans are an excellent substitute for meat and many other dishes. They contain the necessary complex of substances, such as potassium, sodium, iron, protein, and B vitamins, provitamins PP, etc. The protein contained in soybeans is absorbed much better than the protein contained in cereals, and, of course, better than animal protein. Soy products are low in calories and at the same time nutritious. Their use helps to lose weight and maintain youth and activity.

Dairy products:

Products such as kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk are useful for almost everyone. They have a positive effect on intestinal function, help cleanse the body and improve metabolism. In addition, they contain lactic acid bacteria. They normalize the motor function of the intestine, reduce the proliferation of other microorganisms in it that cause putrefactive and fermentative processes.

Fermented milk products contain proteins, lactose, calcium and phosphorus, and B vitamins. In addition, they are well absorbed and are necessary for the body to renew cells, strengthen bones, which is especially important for women after menopause, and improve the condition of skin, hair and nails. Regular consumption of fermented milk products relieves increased gas formation in the intestines and constipation.

With age, the proportion of fermented milk products in the diet should increase. They can be used for fasting days with excess body weight.

Fermented milk products from the store with a short shelf life contain significantly more live lactobacilli, which means they are healthier and healthier than those that can be stored for more than 2 weeks. Homemade fermented milk products made from whole milk usually have a high fat content and are not recommended for those who are overweight. Calcium and phosphorus are better absorbed from fermented milk products of medium and high fat content, which is taken into account for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

Fermented milk products are also used to prepare cosmetic masks. They have a positive effect on the skin.

By the way, review your diet and exclude fatty, smoked and confectionery products in large quantities. Switch to healthy foods and soon you will notice that you have become slimmer, feel lighter, look fresher and more energetic. Supplement your diet with infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants that promote rejuvenation (sage, rose hips, linden, aloe, St. John's wort, etc.).

Based on the book “Rejuvenation without braces in 30 days”

Issues of rejuvenation have been of interest to humanity for a very long time. After 35 years, people are increasingly thinking about how to rejuvenate their body. And this is understandable: visual signs of aging begin to appear, fatigue sets in more and more often, and the rhythm of life gradually slows down. What was easy for a person five to seven years ago now becomes a problem.

Causes of female aging

Female aging is associated with several reasons.

Insufficient production of female sex hormones by the ovaries. As a result, the skin rapidly ages, becomes flabby, sags, and deep skin creases appear on it. Cells lose their ability to retain moisture and produce their own elastin and collagen, and after 40-45 years, aging is irreversible.

Lack of microelements, vitamins, nutrients. Oddly enough, a deficiency of these substances also has a very bad effect on the condition of the skin and the body as a whole. A lack of micro- and macroelements has a direct impact on sexual functions, can disrupt the menstrual cycle, reduce sexual desire, and therefore bring aging closer.

But it is not all that bad. The process of biological aging can be slowed down if the knowledge accumulated over centuries and modern medical discoveries are correctly applied for the purpose of rejuvenation. First of all, you should focus not on your skin, but on improving your body’s health. Moreover, internal reserves are guaranteed to be enough for this.

When answering the question of how to rejuvenate the body, doctors recommend starting with cleansing the intestines. It is on its work that the state of the immune system depends, which means the ability to destroy foreign microorganisms and produce young, healthy cells.

Cleansing the intestines

After 35 years, intestinal slagging is practically the norm for a modern person. Due to toxins, beneficial substances obtained from food are absorbed extremely poorly, toxins are not eliminated properly, and constant poisoning of the body occurs. As a result, the state of health decreases, the immune system begins to fail, the skin, nails and hair deteriorate, and the person feels constant fatigue.

These are all signs that it’s time to get serious about colon cleansing. The easiest way is to use natural fiber from the pharmacy, honey or herbal preparations.

The general rule during cleansing is to limit or completely eliminate everything salty, smoked, spicy, sweet, and fatty. At the same time, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of animal protein.

Methods of cleansing

Fiber is taken for a month three times a day, one or two tablespoons half an hour before the main meal. Be sure to drink fiber with a glass of warm (or room temperature) water. It is necessary to cleanse the body twice a year, in spring and autumn.

Honey also has great cleansing power, but requires more frequent and prolonged use. Stir one hundred to twenty grams of natural honey in 200 ml of warm water (a glass is enough). If the acidity of the stomach is high, drink it an hour and a half before the main meal; if it is low, drink it twenty minutes before. You cannot use hot water: the beneficial substances of the bee product will disappear. The course lasts two months and must be repeated three times a year.

Herbal teas are another way to cleanse the intestines. First, prepare the following mixture: take five tbsp. tablespoons of dried yarrow, crushed dried rose hips and lemon balm, one teaspoon each of fennel, caraway seeds, one tablespoon each of buckthorn (bark), birch buds, immortelle (herb). Mix everything well, brew two tablespoons per liter of boiling water. Leave for at least forty minutes. Take half a glass 30 minutes before meals. Collection to drink for half a month. After a three-month break, repeat the course again.

After 40 years, the use of colon cleansing regimens becomes mandatory. At the same time, you should completely reconsider your diet so as not to load not only the intestines, but also the lymphatic, vascular, biliary systems, liver, kidneys, and heart with harmful substances.

Eating right

The basic rule of maintaining health requires reducing the caloric content of the diet and the amount of animal protein in food with age. After 40 years, protein diets based on meat and sausages become not only undesirable, but very dangerous. Animal proteins contained in meat, when broken down, release many toxins and accelerate aging.

You can replace them with the following herbal products:

  • white rice, pasta;
  • cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage;
  • oat bran;
  • corn, olives, soybeans;
  • tomatoes, eggplants, turnips, onions, dill, beets, carrots;
  • mushrooms, nuts, beans;
  • apples, oranges, grapefruits, strawberries, peaches, apricots, plums, figs.

Plant proteins not only rejuvenate, but also prevent stroke, hypertension, heart attack, osteoporosis, and have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. They contain essential amino acids for rejuvenation and help remove toxins.

Some white products of plant origin can be consumed after 40 years, but in moderation: cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir without sugar. It is better to eat fish instead of meat.

Sea kale, sorrel, and young nettle stimulate the growth of new cells very well, and sesame seeds and green leafy vegetables replenish calcium reserves.

Sprouts of cereal crops: wheat, oats, green buckwheat, lentils have a fantastic rejuvenating effect. The grains need to be filled with water and covered with gauze. When the sprouts reach eight mm in length, the product can be consumed 50 grams daily. There is no need to eat the sprouts separately: they can be added to salads.

For proper and timely removal of toxins, it is important to drink at least one and a half liters of water daily. It is better to replace black tea with unsweetened green tea; you should avoid store-bought juices from a package and carbonated drinks.

The diet must include bioenergetic food: nuts, honey, fresh fruits and vegetables. You cannot exceed the calorie threshold of 2000 kcal. Nutrition after 35 years should become low-calorie and contain a large amount of plant fiber, microelements, and vitamins.

It has been proven that you can prolong life, rejuvenate the body, and prevent fatal diseases by increasing the amount of plant foods (including vegetable fats) in the diet. Longevity, rejuvenation, health become not a dream, but a reality.

Rules of rejuvenation

Rejuvenating the body is not as difficult as it might seem. By cleansing the intestines and adjusting your diet, you can very quickly notice positive results. But this is not enough.

Rule one: antioxidants

To rejuvenate after 35 years, the body needs antioxidants, that is, substances that destroy so-called free radicals - killer cells. Radicals provoke the development of cancer, inflammation, and atherosclerosis. You can fight them with the help of antioxidants - vitamins C, A, E, selenium, etc.

Berries (cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries), fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes, nuts, tea, cocoa, coffee, cinnamon, cloves, and vegetable oils are rich in antioxidants. After 40 years, the use of these products becomes mandatory.

Rule two: pepsins

Special enzymes, pepsins, help replace old cells with new ones. To enhance their production, you need to put a gram of salt on the tip of your tongue half an hour after eating, hold until completely dissolved, and then swallow the salty concentrated saliva. It will cause active production of gastric juice and pepsins, which are capable of dissolving cancerous, old, damaged cells, and pathogens.

Rule three: remove salts

To remove certain types of alkaline salts that the body is not able to evacuate (phosphates, urates, oxalates), you need to help it with a decoction of sunflower root. Pour the amount of crushed root that fits into a glass with three liters of boiling water and boil for two or three minutes. Divide the entire volume over two days and drink in equal portions.

When the urine turns completely transparent (in ten to fourteen days), stop the course. When taking a cleansing decoction, you should not eat too salty or spicy foods; make plant foods the basis of your diet.

To remove salts, you can brew horsetail, bears ears (bearberry), watermelon rinds, cinquefoil, knotweed (knotweed). The recipe with black radish is also good: grate the vegetable and squeeze out the juice through a gauze filter. Mix the squeezed part with natural honey in a ratio of three to one, and place the resulting juice in the refrigerator. Drink a teaspoon of juice after meals, eat a large tablespoon of honey radish cake three times a day.

Removing salts is an excellent way to rejuvenate after 40 years.

Rejuvenating drinks

To rejuvenate the body, each nation has its own, centuries-proven methods. The national drinks of Tibet, India, and Egypt go very well with Russian traditions.

Tibetan drink

Take chamomile, immortelle, and birch buds in equal parts. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Strain and add (optional) a little honey. Drink in the morning before meals and at night, before bed.

Tibetan tincture

Gently grind 350 grams of garlic in a mortar so that you get at least two hundred grams of garlic puree. Pour 200 mg of real alcohol into it. Infuse in a glass container for ten days, putting it in a dark pantry. Dilute in a quarter of a standard glass of whole milk twenty minutes before meals according to the rules given below.

First day: breakfast and lunch - two drops each, dinner - three drops each.

Second day: breakfast - four drops, lunch - five, dinner - six.

From the third to the sixth day, increase the amount taken by one drop.

Having reached the sixth day, from lunch, begin the reverse movement towards decreasing the number of drops: breakfast - fifteen drops, lunch - fourteen, dinner - thirteen. Continue decreasing until the eleventh day.

From the eleventh day, take 25 drops for breakfast, lunch and dinner until the tincture runs out.

This product is used to cleanse blood vessels after 45 years. It is considered to be very strong, so the course can be repeated only after three years.

Indian drink

It is called the elixir of youth. Peel two heads of garlic and boil in a liter of fresh milk until completely softened. Leave for at least an hour, then strain and drink half a glass on an empty stomach in the morning. Skin color improves, wrinkles smooth out, and arthritis stops tormenting. Flower tea can be drunk from the age of thirty.

Other rejuvenation methods

It is important to use all means to rejuvenate the body. The Russian bathhouse removes toxins perfectly. If possible, you need to steam every week. High temperature and humidity stimulate cellular regeneration processes, improve blood flow, and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Long walks in the fresh air combined with proper breathing work wonders. You need to breathe with the diaphragm, that is, with the stomach. The chest should expand and the collarbones should remain motionless.

Yoga is not only a fashionable activity, but also an excellent means of rejuvenation. It brings muscles, blood vessels, ligaments to a normal state, and normalizes metabolic processes. You can learn several asanas and perform them at home. Be sure to make a “candle”, first for a minute, ideally for ten minutes a day.

You can really rejuvenate your body only if you completely give up bad habits, poor nutrition, and overeating. You need to take care of your health comprehensively, remembering that it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. This rule is also true when it comes to aging.