The university is for them. East Ukrainian National University named after. IN AND. Dahl

Severodonetsk Technological Institute of East Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dahl

Severodonetsk Technological Institute
original name Ukrainian Severodonetsk Institute of Technology
International name English Technological Institute of Sievierodonetsk
Year of foundation
Type state
Rector prof. Olga Viktorivna Porkuyan (director)
Students about 4,000
Teachers 150
Location Ukraine, Severodonetsk
Legal address Ukraine, 93400, Lugansk region, Severodonetsk, st. Donetskaya, 43
Information site

Technological Institute of the East Ukrainian National University named after Vladimir Dahl - higher education educational institution IV level of accreditation, structural subdivision VNU named after V.Dal. , located in Severodonetsk, Lugansk region.

The Institute structurally consists of three faculties: computer engineering; chemical; applied mechanics.

The Institute trains specialists in 12 specialties (of which 9 are accredited at the IV level and 3 at the III level of accreditation). Preparation is carried out part-time and full-time.


The founding date of STI is June 2, 1994. But the history of the institute began much earlier.

From June 2, the Severodonetsk Branch (VUGU) was transformed into the Severodonetsk Technological Institute VUDU

This year, the institute passed State certification for the right to conduct activities in the field of education related to obtaining higher education at the level of qualified requirements of a specialist, master, bachelor (incl. foreign citizens).

In the year TI VNU named after was renamed. V. Dalia (Severodonetsk)

Structural divisions of the institute

Chemical faculty

The Faculty of Chemistry, the main division of the institute, carries out the educational process of training specialists in full-time and part-time forms of study. To train specialists, the faculty has a teaching staff (90 people), which includes 40 professors, doctors of science, 36 candidates of science, 14 masters. The faculty includes 5 departments

  • Department of General and Physical Chemistry
  • Department of Technology organic matter and fuel"
  • Department of Polymer Technologies
  • Department of “Technology of inorganic substances and ecology”
  • Department of Enterprise Economics

Faculty of Applied Mechanics

The faculty includes 6 departments:

  • Department of equipment for chemical enterprises and production of building materials
  • Department of Computer-Integrated Control Systems
  • Department of General Technical Disciplines
  • Department of Higher and Applied Mathematics
  • Department of Physics
  • Department of Processes and Apparatuses of Chemical Technology

Faculty of Computer Engineering

  • Department of Computer Engineering
  • Department of Electronic Devices
  • Department of Humanities and Ukrainian Language

Material and technical base of the institute

3 educational buildings, a library (about 2,500 thousand volumes), 9 specialized computer classes, a dormitory, 3 cafes, a stadium, gyms, a swimming pool, a dispensary.



  • Institutes by alphabet
  • Appeared in 1957
  • Severodonetsk
  • Higher educational institutions of Ukraine
  • Education in Lugansk region

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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