Fun online games. Local network games on Android: play with friends

Invite your friends and enjoy the best co-op games on PC.

Nobody and nothing - except a friend - can compare with a good blaster, who also has a good blaster, then you have a total of two blasters and you can blast twice as much. This is the beauty of our favorite co-op games, be it online multiplayer. IN last years The ranks of the best co-op games, such as the time-tested Left 4 Dead and Arma 3, were replenished with new RPGs, shooters and crazy cooking simulators.

This is our latest collection of the best co-op games to play together. Some can brighten up your day, while others can brighten up entire months.

Retired from the main list

Vermintide borrows heavily from another game also featured on this list, or to be more precise, it's Left 4 Dead in Warhammer guise. But it still focuses on smoother, more original melee combat, and amazing special effects that make the game a worthy choice for friends when they want to squash a few Ratlings.

This game is especially attractive to fans of the Warhammer Fantasy universe, which is very familiar in the gaming world. The main actions in the game will be: picking up dropped items and equipment that can be upgraded. So, completing missions over and over again with friends will guarantee you a good time.

Warning - don't play KALIMBA with a new friend. Although the game looks like a light-hearted puzzle game, it is actually a powerful tool for pushing the limits of human tolerance. Each player has two colored totems. Solving the color puzzles isn't particularly difficult, but coordinating your moves to jump will be much more difficult, especially if you're relying on your partner.

Despite its complexity, it's surprising how intuitive Kalimba feels: watching someone else play turns out to be more exciting than picking up a controller yourself (for simplicity, it's better to use that one). It's hard, but no problem can be solved alone, and every victory is shared.

Magicka 2 is good in every way, just like the original. Magicka 2 fixed bugs, improved graphics, and added several modes to our favorite co-op. The only thing I didn't like was the casting system. Apparently, due to the large number of negative reviews, the developers added new spell elements and casting mechanics to be more in line with the original. In the sequel, even the most hardcore sorcerers will be able to enjoy brilliant magical battles with friends.

If Payday 2 is a mixture of good action films, then Monaco is one hundred percent, distilled Ocean's Eleven. In Monaco you need to pull off excellent heists, hence the excitement and tension, which in itself is the perfect combination for spending a good time with friends. This game is a lot of details, plans, and there is something so wonderful when you cut off the electricity while your partner distracts the guard.

An excellent RPG from Runic that managed to steer me away from Diablo III. It was more Diablo than Diablo itself, and that crazy dungeon crawl is even harder and more intense if you go there with someone. In Diablo III maximum amount There are four players, but in Torchlight you can get together as many as six. Too much? In a game where monsters explode and leave fountains of gold, "too much" is not the right word.

The three-character puzzle game Trine came out of nowhere, right around the time of the indie gaming boom in 2009. Trine's success spawned two more sequels. While Trine 3 was a bit of a disappointment this year, Trine 2 takes the best of the original, smoothes it out, improves it, and makes it all that much better. With the addition of online co-op, you can hand over control of two other characters to friends. As a gift, you are given a colorful picture and light, almost relaxing, puzzles.

is the first game in the series to deviate from the usual historical setting. Decades of creativity flows out of Warhammer's updated animation and wide range of classes, from dwarves who avenge wrongs by starting wars to vampire counts who fill their armies with the living dead. The story campaign also looks fresh, where the player will be pleased with the updated RPG mechanics with quests and selection of equipment for the heroes.

After Rome 2, Creative Assembly significantly improved the engine and the level of artificial intelligence of opponents, thanks to which Warhammer can be called one of the series. And, as before, the campaign mode can be played with a friend. Do you dare to unite the greenskins and the dwarves, two sworn enemies? You can also install the mod and play with a friend for the same faction. I couldn't think of a better cooperative strategy.

Year of issue: 2016 | Developer: Ghost Town Games | Buy

Overcooked is the natural embodiment of chaos. This is one of those cooperative games in which you need to join forces to win, even if after the end of the game you, not to mention, even want to see your partner anymore. But if you manage to catch the general rhythm and become part of a team coping with icy rivers, earthquakes in the kitchen, and even sudden pirate ships, then you will get indescribable pleasure.

Here everything is like in a real kitchen - one cuts onions, the second monitors the stove, and the third (the one who is best not allowed near the food) washes the dishes, running out of the kitchen from time to time. Overcooked was originally designed for multiplayer (playing it alone is not so fun), but, alas, the game only supports a connection via local network. But if you convince your friends to play the game, it will be one of the most unforgettable co-ops.

Year of issue: 2016 | Developer: Ubisoft Massive | Buy

In the year since its release, The Division has evolved from an endless co-op cover shooter into a co-op shooter with a very clear end goal. Yes, long quests and chasing after upgraded equipment are not for everyone, but if you and your friends love shooters with character upgrades, then The Division is definitely worth paying attention to.

Walking through post-apocalyptic Manhattan, regular shootouts with bots and a set of non-standard missions will help each member of your team reveal their skills. The shootouts look very spectacular, and therefore a coordinated attack with grenade throws, deceptive maneuvers and covering fire, even for the hundredth time, will bring the same emotions as the first.

If your team wants to level up, then you can always find quests for any level in each of the five locations. In the Tier 2 location you will find raids and short missions where you need to show a well-coordinated team spirit. If you are interested not so much in shootouts as in quests with an emphasis on psychology, then choose the Dark Zone location, which may not show your friends the best side. If everyone has the updates installed, we recommend testing your strength in the Underground, Survival and upcoming Last Stand modes, where you can play both together and against each other, collecting weapons and equipment along the way.

Year of issue: 2011 | Developer: Overkill, Starbreeze | Buy

Trying to pull off a complex heist in several stages in a team with not the most efficient bots in Payday 2 single player is not always fun, and sometimes even boring. But here the co-op mode comes to the rescue. With a friend, any heist turns into a mixture of "Ocean's 11" and "The Expendables."

And the only thing better than a stealthy robbery is a sudden change of plans, as a result of which an alarm sounds and you have to fight your way to the exit. And if the mistakes of bots are sometimes downright infuriating, then the mistakes of friends make the game much more interesting.

Year of issue: 2012 | Developer: Gearbox | Buy

With its endless fun and weapon-heavy extravaganza, Borderlands 2 is one of the few games on this list that boasts a great single-player experience. You'll have a lot of fun exploring the planet Pandora, shooting goons from your car, endlessly replenishing your ammo as if you were trying to stock up for a gun party.

All this will be much more fun if you have a bunch of friends with you. Each character takes its place in the team, for example, on more difficult levels you will simply need to have a tank, a silent assassin and a medic in your team.

It's also worth noting that the durability of the creature and the value of the reward for killing them directly depend on the number of players in your team, so if you really want tough, bone-crushing action, you just need to find more friends.

Year of issue: 2014 | Developer: DrinkBox Studios | Buy

Guacamelee is a vibrant mix of Metroids and Castlevanias styles, sprinkled with witty references and memorable carnival masks. The 2D art is simply stunning, as is the world exploration and combat system. What sets it apart from classic games from the Metroid and Castlevania series is its support for up to four players.

You can only play over a local network, so if you manage to lure your friends, they are unlikely to leave the screen until they explore every corner of Guacamelee.

Release: 2018 | Developer: Capcom | Buy

All Monster Hunter games can be played solo or with strangers online, but in co-op (with a friend) the game really unlocks its potential. There are combos here, like in all Capcom action games, almost like in Devil May Cry, but more risky and conscious, forcing you to study the attacks of these huge creatures.

More challenging monsters force you to cooperate and be on your guard at all times, and fights go much better when you and your partner specialize in different types of weapons. And grinding rare drops and monster parts will be much more fun with a couple of friends on discord.

Release: 2018 | Developer: Fatshark | Buy

This sequel to Vermintide definitely expands on the Left 4 Dead formula, adding an entirely new group of enemies in addition to the Skaven and a clearer leveling and loot system. The game feels good and moderately tough when you slam a huge club into the ratman's face. The build system is simple and is divided into five character types. If you like Left 4 Dead, but have already played it too much, Vermintide 2 will grab your attention and is perfect for a couple of dozen hours of bloody carnage.

Release: 2018 | Developer: Rare | Buy

Project Rare is a fun co-op sandbox, but it's really fun when played with friends. Sea of ​​Thieves is a wonderful open world game and is completely undemanding - jump on board with your friends, choose a direction and just enjoy the boat ride, drinking grog, playing musical instruments and shooting each other with cannons. Or just chat with each other for an hour against the backdrop of a beautiful sunset.

For fun and profit, you can chase other teams and engage in ship-to-ship combat, look for lost treasures, or capture a skeleton fort, but it's just great to chat with friends like in a chat room with beautiful waves and a sudden Kraken.

Year of issue: 2017 | Developer: Bungie | Buy

In addition to loot boxes, Destiny 2 features a good Halo-style campaign, a ton of fun side quests, an increasing number of strikes, and two six-person raids.

Destiny 2 features dozens of hours of co-op play, from silly fun to serious final battles. There's enough fun to be had out of all this before the Eververse starts bothering you.

Release: 2018 | Developer: Ghost Town Games | Buy

Overcooked is the epitome of chaos. The type of co-op where you have to help each other to win, but chances are you won't even be talking at the end of the day. Overcooked 2 keeps the same idea of ​​breaking relationships, but before you start hating each other, you'll really enjoy playing together. The sequel adds new maps and new difficulty. You can play online or locally. You can now make sushi and teleportation has been added. Just like in your regular kitchen, really.

Year of issue: 2017 | Developer: Larian Studios | Buy

Divinity: Original Sin 2 is an unfolding, inventive adventure and one of best RPG ever created. You can play one of the best RPGs with three friends in online co-op. Players rule the chaos of this world, and that means one friend can kill a guard or reveal his second identity as a living dead man at the worst possible time, but that's exactly what makes OS2 so great to play with friends.

You no longer have to deal with a dedicated group of characters that you form over time. You're dealing with three stubborn people trying to achieve different goals. It's a beautiful mess of one of the most lush, immersive RPG worlds. And once you're done, Game Master mode lets you create new campaigns from scratch using an extensive D&D-style toolkit.

Release: 2017 | Developer: The Creative Assembly | Buy

Total War: Warhammer was the first project in which the company moved away from historical themes and it worked. 10 years of Warhammer creativity flows here, both in the animation and the diverse factions. In Warhammer 2, Creative Assembly tried to solve the problems of the series that have been present for many years: the gameplay ceases to hold up as the empire grows and dominates the world map.

What hasn't changed is launching a grand campaign with a friend, taking two friendly factions against the rest of the world. Sharing control over a huge army is truly a breakthrough: one of you can take care of local control and deployment of troops, while the second will carry out tactical cavalry raids. Or whatever it is in Warhammer, lizard-like people, huge bats and so on. If you have Warhammer 1, you can combine these games into a global campaign.

Year of issue: 2013 | Developer: Digital Extremes | Play

Warframe can get boring quickly, as the core gameplay involves completing randomly generated levels in an attempt to level up your character. And so time after time. Some missions are inconvenient to complete alone, and playing online with strangers is not suitable for everyone, especially beginners. But Warframe transforms if you invite your friend into it, turning into a fun virtual shooting gallery where you and a friend can shoot hordes of enemies.

And if the game hooks you, then you can spend more than one day understanding all the intricacies. You can sit until the morning, reading on forums strategies for upgrading things and crafting features. But you can also play it with friends who have just started it - you don’t have to go through it at the same time. You can go about your business and meet on the Grineer ship from time to time.

Year of issue: 2017 | Developer: Studio MDHR Entertainment Inc. | Buy

Cuphead doesn't get any easier just because a friend has your back in co-op. Adding a second player overloads the already overcrowded world with colorful animations and complicates the passage of this arcade side-scroller, so multiplayer is an option only for concrete best friends.

But in the same way that your brain and hands merge into perfect strength after many failures, and the gradual recognition of patterns takes root at the level of pure instinct, the interaction between two people turns into telepathy. Friendly telepathy with the goal of completing a cartoon game.

Year of issue: 2016 | Developer: Klei | Buy

For a couple of years, Klei refused to include co-op in its gothic survival masterpiece, arguing that co-op mode would ruin the unique atmosphere, which consists entirely of a feeling of loneliness and independent exploration of the world. As it turned out, the developers worried in vain, because the notorious atmosphere in the company of friends is felt even brighter. At the moments when cyclops deer burst into your camp, destroying half of your winter supplies, you understand that it’s better to deal with this kind of thing in a cooperative.

Klei is renowned for its attention to detail and balance in its games, and Together's three main modes (Survival, Wilderness and Endless) have the perfect balance of item drops and character skills. The most interesting is the Endless mode. Chatting with a friend on Discord or Skype while trying to pool resources to survive the coming harsh winter - isn't that great? And remember: Happiness is a refrigerator full of frog legs.

Year of issue: 2015 | Developer: Asteroid Base | Buy

Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime (or LIADS) is truly an achievement in local multiplayer design. We've seen a resurgence of local multiplayer in PC games lately, but few have the style, color, and originality of LIADS.

LIADS also promotes intra-team conflict in places where other co-op games do not. With so many stations and only two crew members, failure comes from poor communication rather than lack of skill. The game is, of course, good, but it’s still annoying that there is no online co-op option. Despite this, it feels like the game is designed for co-op play while sitting on the same couch, plus there are a bunch of settings for the co-op mode.

Year of issue: 2015 | Developer: RuneStorm | Buy

A strange and grotesque co-op game with a brilliant idea: you and your friends will play as space cleaners, forced to clean up all the chaos that the brave space marines from other games leave behind. Grab a bucket with a rag and get ready to wash blood off walls, burn limbs, collect shell casings and repair pipes using welding. Yes, it's dirty work, but it's dirty work in space and with friends, and, oddly enough, it's enough to have a fun few evenings.

The highlight of Viscera Cleanup Detail is its physics, which sometimes throws up interesting surprises. For example, if you are carrying a bucket of bloody water and collide with another player, all the water will spill in the blink of an eye, creating even more work. Be prepared for unkind comments if you forget the dynamite in the stove; and, of course, nothing compares to the sight of your friend being crushed by a faulty elevator, even if it means another half hour of cleaning.

But the fun doesn't stop there: each corpse has name tags, and this is where most of the game's Easter eggs can be found. You can also find out what happens if you press all the buttons on a device that resembles dynamite (spoiler: it is dynamite) and ruin the final cleanliness rating for the level by trying to feed a chair to an alien octopus, which will lead to a large green burp on the ceiling, walls and your friends. This is a real gem of the gaming industry. And if you have a group of friends who are open to new ideas, then it's time to give the game a chance.

Year of issue: 2013 | Developer: TT Games | Buy

There are many good Lego games on the market that can be recommended to connoisseurs of this style: for example, Star Wars: The Complete Saga, Lego Batman 2 or Harry Potter, but Marvel games are superior to all others. They are not tied to specific film adaptations, and therefore you can see in them a team of Spider-Man, Captain America, the Fantastic Four and the X-Men (you don’t get this even in modern comics).

The levels here are interesting and inventive - you will visit Doctor Doom's castle, Stark Tower, Asgard and other locations. Essentially, this is a grand tour of the Marvel universe, created with great love for the characters, which is evident in their animation and voice acting. In addition, here you can explore Manhattan or jump from a S.H.I.E.L.D. carrier. This part is much more interesting than the sequel, which focuses on the adventures of the Avengers.

Year of issue: 2014 | Developer: Ubisoft | Buy

The main feature of Far Cry is waiting. Getting to the outpost undetected creates tension. Taking out a couple of guards creates even more tension. Eventually, someone notices you, raises the alarm, and all hell breaks loose.

In the company of a friend, all these outings will be much more interesting. You can always see by the outline what your partner is doing so risky. When it's time to go out into the open, the sheer variety of toys in Far Cry 4 creates chaos that you'll enjoy immersing yourself in. Why sneak around in the shadows when you can drop grenades from a helicopter while your friend demolishes the main gate on a war elephant?

Year of issue: January 1999 | Developer: Sven Co-op Team | Play

It was intended to be a cooperative Half-Life, but the mood is very reminiscent of the episode “Interdimensional Cable” from the series “Rick and Morty.” We go to a random server and find ourselves in the colorful world of Teletubbies. We go to another - and here we are waiting for a parody of the Mega Man series, a secret military base or Egyptian pyramids, where we will have to fight off Anubis himself with grenades.

Download a set of quirky maps, connect with your friends, and immerse yourself in a retro shooter full of funny and awkward moments. If you play with the right people, you'll have hours of fun in a hilarious romp with monsters, scientists, and soldiers from Half-Life.

Year of issue: 2016 | Developer: Chucklefish | Buy

Exploration, mining, crafting and adventure in Starbound's massive 2D galaxy can keep you busy for hours. Completing story quests, creating colonies on other planets, upgrading your arsenal, ship and your abilities are implemented here in a very interesting way. And all this is multiplied by two if your friends join the game.

In co-op mode, you can easily invite friends to work on joint projects: destroy a couple of monsters or just walk around the spaceship. You are allowed to complete story quests, as well as fight bosses who are extremely difficult to defeat alone. The game has a fun chat design - everything written is displayed in bubbles above the characters' heads. Perfect solution, only complementing the wonderful atmosphere.

Year of issue: 2016 | Developer: Playground Games | Buy

Amplitude Studios made a name for itself with Endless Space and Endless Legend, but the most creative and original project became their beautiful (albeit strange) game Dungeon of the Endless. A couple of fragile heroes and resources fall under your control; the main task is to save the crystal during periodic attacks from enemies. Everything here looks painfully familiar, but the small differences will still surprise you. Time moves only when the doors to the dungeon are opened. To complete the level, you need to find the crystal and make a mad dash to the exit, through the creatures swarming everywhere.

If you play alone, then it’s more of a tactical game, with the ability to press pause during the battle and think through your further strategy. Co-op removes this option and makes the game more intense. To survive at later difficult levels, you need to have a large supply of resources, a clear understanding of where who should be, and what towers to build. It’s so easy to get confused or run away, but that’s the whole point of the game.

The roguelike genre, plus tower defense, plus co-op and RPG, may seem like incompatible things, but they still go together.

Year of issue: 2015 | Developer: Tripwire Interactive | Buy

The original Killing Floor deserves praise and, of course, it makes sense to recommend Killing Floor 2, since it is a serious step forward, here you will find more players and new levels, plus all sorts of bonuses are added to early access members. Killing Floor 2 is a big game, even in this unfinished state. It's an FPS where you and up to 5 other players must survive a series of attacks. During the defense you have to shoot and beat up some very restless test subjects.

Survival is sometimes very difficult (especially on difficult modes), and do not forget that teamwork is vital. It’s good that the Tripwire guns are made here at a high level: recoil and accuracy of fire.

Year of issue: 2015 | Developer: Steel Crate Games | Buy

What I like most about this game is the paperwork. Stop, stop! Come back! KTNB is a game based on the scene that every action movie has where the hero has to defuse a bomb and some nerd on the phone asks him “what do you see?”

KTNB is making waves with the Oculus Rift, but you don't need the experimental VR hardware to enjoy the game. The deminer can take the laptop from one side of the sofa, and the advisers open their demining instructions on the other side. Communication is the most important thing in this game, and any number of players can give advice, making KTNB a terrifyingly team-based game.

Year of issue: 2015 | Developer: Rockstar North | Buy

GTA has a lot going for it, but co-op heists are probably the best thing Rockstar has to offer in an open world game. Four players team up to break the streak story missions, in which each character plays a role while participating in a big heist. There will be everything from stealing vehicles as part of the preparation for a robbery, to murder and other interrelated tasks.

Missions cleverly make everyone feel like they are playing a key role in all these troubles on the path to fabulous wealth.

Having all four players reach the end of each heist while escaping the cops in dramatic fashion is far more satisfying than the game's main story. If only Rockstar would make more missions like this. They would have paid for themselves in full.

Year of issue: 2011 | Developer: Valve | Buy

There's no doubt that Portal 2 has a very crude co-op experience. As two test robots, Atlas and P-Body, you and your friend must learn the darker, more dangerous side of the GLaDOS programs, as they are too dangerous for human test subjects. The 3D spatial thinking that makes the Portal series so addictive will work even better when you're not alone in solving problems.

Co-op in a game is great if neither of you knows the answer: if your partner has to wait patiently for you to solve a riddle every time, you feel like an idiot; if not, they will rush you, which is what makes the game really cool. It’s true that it’s very difficult, several years after the game’s release, to find newcomers. Luckily, Valve's team of map editors have created a full set of excellent new maps for paired play.

Release: 2018 | Developer: DrinkBox Studios | Buy

First off, Guacamelee 2 has had a place on this list for years, thanks to its Metroid-esque spirit and co-op support. The sequel supports up to four players, allowing you to travel together and have tons of fun, colorful combos in a classic beat-em-up. A more recent game, in contrast to the slow and atmospheric Hollow Knight, which is why co-op fits so well here. Stupid, exaggerated (in terms of characters) and with really fun fights. You can also now play as a chicken.

Year of issue: 2014 | Developer: Larian Studios | Buy

This game may have been surpassed by Original Sin 2, but it's still one of the best: deep, rewarding role-playing game, which you can play with a friend.

Divinity: Original Sin stands out for several reasons. First, it's a return to classic RPG form. Secondly, you can explore this deep world and absurdly funny texts together with a friend, this opportunity appeared for the first time in the game, and is popular with gamers.

The Enhanced Edition has completely revised the voice acting, pictures and trophies. There are also new modes for fans of brutal combat, or those who want to explore the history of the world.

A massive, 100-hour RPG can be played with friends on a drop-in/drop-out basis, but the most dedicated of you should understand that you will have obligations to your playing partner. These are huge consequences, so it’s better to take your best friends as a partner so that you can experience a story with them that you won’t find anywhere else.

Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator

Year of issue: 2011 | Developer: Thomas Robertson | Buy

Let's get one thing straight: Artemis is not a Star Trek game. There are a number of legal reasons for this. Agreed? Agreed. Definitely not based on Star Trek.

So, Artemis is one of the best games based on Star Trek. It is presented as a “simulator of the captain's bridge on a spaceship,” and its highlight is that each player has his own control scheme with different data. Players (captain, gunners, helmsmen, engineers, operators and scientists) see only a screen in front of them, so, say, an engineer will not be able to help the gunners or take the helm. But he will be able to distribute energy among the engines.

At the center of everything is the captain, who, oddly enough, does not have any screens in front of his eyes: he simply yells at his subordinates to do what is required. In last year's version 2.0, we saw a lot of innovations affecting control schemes and the general style of drawing. If you have only played the first version of Artemis, we recommend getting a group together and playing the new upgrade on a local network.

It's incredible how quickly you adapt to the military system of orders and responses (“Helmsman, set course for Deep Space 1, hold half impulse.” “Half impulse to DS1, that's right, Captain”). And this is not because you have gotten used to the role, but because here you need to formulate commands clearly and concisely, otherwise you will all die. Well, maybe a little because you got used to the role.

Year of issue: 2013 | Developer: Bohemia Interactive | Buy

The ability to play with two or three will not surprise anyone, but the Arma engine supports dozens of players simultaneously. There's actually a lot to see here, one plays pilot, takes you and ten other people to a war zone, leaves you there to link up with twenty other people for an assault. Arma 3 isn't strictly a co-op game, but I'm including it on the list because it becomes truly memorable when everyone is on the same side against an overwhelming AI enemy.

As you dive into Arma 3, be sure to check out the Zeus multiplayer mode. One player, in the role of Zeus, leads the game as a D&D-style dungeon master, breeding equipment and enemies. As soon as you anger Zeus, he will immediately send lightning strikes at you. This is one of the fantastic co-op missions that you should never miss.

Year of issue: 2013 | Developer: Mossmouth | Buy

This is one of the best games for PC. Isn't there a reason to download it? No? Most people see Spelunky as a single-player game, but all the fun is in the multiplayer. There's so much that can go wrong here - a stray rock, bomb, vase (or any other object) can send your friend diving towards sharp spikes, but that's just a small part of the potential of co-op play. Remember: when you're playing through a game together, don't underestimate the power of magic.

It’s easier to carry important objects around the level with two pairs of hands. A dead player can be resurrected at the next level, which makes completing Spelunky much easier. You can even create cunning plans - one distracts the merchant, and the second drops bombs on him. In most cases, of course, everything goes down the drain, but isn’t that why we sit down to play Spelunky?

Year of issue: 2009 | Developer: Valve | Buy

Fanatically balanced, well-written shooter Left 4 Dead 2 is built on the struggle of four surviving members of one team. As soon as an incredible number of zombie monsters are sent to the team, the team needs to clearly coordinate its actions, and be ready at any time to save a comrade at the last second, so that later such a story can be safely retold.

Valve also deserves credit for how long they've been supporting L4D2, adding level editors, Steam Workshop support, porting maps and characters from Left 4 Dead 1, and continuing to offer "mutations", frequently changing game modes that offer something new for experienced players. players.

Left 4 Dead 2's active modding community is also a huge part of why the game is so highly regarded, having produced new campaigns such as . This allowed L4D2 to remain fun even after the base company became completely obsolete. Plus, you get to play as a Velociraptor, which certainly guarantees our highest rating.

Do you like to play games with someone, rather than alone? Then this TOP cooperative games is for you.

What are cooperative games nowadays? First of all, these are online games in which players form teams and fight against bots or against other teams of players. But these can also be regular games on a PC, which in addition to single companies and the ability to play online.

Co-op games are deservedly very popular, thanks to such an important component of gameplay as team spirit.

You may also be interested in the TOP 10 online games and the TOP 10 best MMORPGs.

10.Resident Evil 6

Capcom often experiments with its games. If the previous part of Resident Evel failed, then Resident Evel 6 turned out to be very good.

The game has several companies for different characters, and it is best to play through the company in co-op, since artificial intelligence a little dumb. By the way, the fifth part also had a pretty good co-op.

9. Left for Dead 2

Again, 4 people can play in co-op. The point of the game is to get to the shelter.

To fight off various zombies, you are given many different weapons. Pistols, shotguns, dynamites, Molotov cocktails, sniper rifles, etc. Also, everything that comes to hand is used.

In addition to ordinary zombies, which you can kill in packs of 20, there are also bosses with whom you have to tinker. There are many different cards in the game, making the passage varied.

If you don’t have enough standard maps, then you can download more, but already made by amateurs.

8. Dead Island

The development of this game lasted more than five years, but still the game came out and turned out to be very good. Not a bad story beautiful graphics, enemies are literally dismembered into pieces. The detailing was also impressive. The game almost looks like a well-made movie, where the players are the actors.

There are several characters in the game, and each of them has their own characteristics - some shoot better, while others fight. They won't let us really shoot - there aren't that many cartridges. But hand-to-hand combat - please. If you want, hit with an oar, if you want, hit with a bat.

You can play the game alone or with friends. The second option, of course, is much more interesting and fun.

7. Gears of War: judgment

In fourth place is one of the best Microsoft exclusives.

The most insidious and beautiful game of the Bill Corporation. Lots of weapons and meat, a very good plot. We won’t even talk about multiplayer - it turned out just great. In our opinion, this is the best part of the Gears of Var series, especially in terms of online play.

Well, if you are not a fan of online battles, we recommend playing the first two parts of the series - they have the best plot.

6.Portal 2

In a co-op Portal 2 The same puzzles await us as in the single-player game. But they will be even more complex and unpredictable. Your partner has a portal gun.

The downside of Portal 2 is that there is only two-player co-op. However, no more is required.

It is worth noting that the map for the co-op is constantly updated, which is very pleasing and generally fits well with the concept of a game based on puzzles, and not just soulless shooting.

5. Army Of Two: The Devil's Cartel

The game takes place in Mexico. We are fighting against drug traffickers.

Thanks to the new engine, destructibility has appeared in the game, and the game itself looks graphically better than its predecessors. A detailed character customization system has also appeared. The game has a very wide arsenal of weapons.

This part of the game places a strong emphasis on teamwork, forcing players to think together in order to complete the tasks assigned to them correctly and efficiently.

4. Dead Space 3

The third part of the famous horror, and now also action, has changed a lot compared to the previous parts. The game takes place on a snowy planet inhabited by necromorphs.

Crafting can be considered the most interesting innovation - now it is not money that falls from defeated enemies, but valuable resources. You can also find resources using a search bot. With these resources, you can produce weapons with or without blueprints.

The appearance of the characters has also changed - now they wear insulated suits, which can be changed in the wardrobe.

Co-op is very different from a single player game - you need to interact with each other and play together. Periodically, one of the players experiences hallucinations, and the second player does not see them. The player, while under the influence of hallucinations, can shoot at different sides or even your partner.

3. Panzar

Free online game Panzar from Russian developers made at the world level, thanks to a modern game engine Cry Engine 3

The graphics have been raised to unprecedented heights. All the details on the characters and the world worked out carefully. If it’s snow, then it glitters and shimmers in the light, if it’s meadows, then you can see how literally every blade of grass moves, if it’s water, then it gurgles and flows realistically between the stones, the rocks are depicted in the smallest detail, and you can’t even talk about trees to say - they are great!

But for a true gamer, graphics don't matter, you might say, and that's true. What is the gameplay of this project? Is it worth paying attention to it, and how do you even play it?

Read all about the pros and cons of the game in the Panzar review.

2. Metal War Online

When we think about online session games with combat vehicles, we usually think of World of Tanks, War Thunder or Star Conflict. And these are just the most famous examples. At the same time, few people think that there are much more projects of this genre, and their level of quality is often no lower than all kinds of “Tanks”.

Metal War Online is an example of just such a game. This is a free session 3D shooter from Russian developers with a look to the future, which compares favorably with similar projects in terms of action and drive.

Here players do not get bored and hide in the bushes, but fight in co-op with each other in armored, high-speed and killer cars with machine guns, rocket launchers and artillery launchers. How many MMO games do you know with this kind of gameplay?

1. Warframe

And the best cooperative game, in our opinion, is Warframe, in which everything is geared towards a good co-op with friends! Imagine an amazing combination of space ninjas, robots, mutants with swords, sledgehammers, axes and futurist small arms.

In terms of co-op, Warframe is definitely, if not the best, then one of the best online games. After all, all conditions have been created here for playing together with friends. The game is simple, exciting, has amazing graphics and is completely free!

The game's art and Russian voice acting were professionally managed.

There are an incredible number of single-player games out there. But it's much better to take a faithful friend and make an incredible adventure online. We have prepared for you the Top 20 online games for two. Grab a friend and start your walkthrough.


Once again we include PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS in our Top. The big advantage of the game is the ability to fight in a team with friends. In this mode, you also land on the island, loot, and fight against the same hundreds of opponents. However, now you have a faithful partner with you who will save your life more than once. And taking top one with your best friend is doubly pleasant.


  • System: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10;
  • Processor: Intel Core i3-4340 / AMD FX-6300;
  • RAM: 6 Gb;
  • Video card: nVidia GeForce GTX 660 2GB / AMD Radeon HD 7850 2GB;
  • Disk space: 30 Gb.

A game in the run’n’gun genre, in which players will have to control an unusual hero who is not busy saving the world at all, but simply beating the dust out of his enemies. Cuphead is literally a “classic” platformer. Classic because everything about it is in the spirit of the 1930s: from the graphics, which seem to have come from the pen of Walt Disney himself, to the watercolor backgrounds and jazz musical accompaniment. Limitless madness that you can play with a friend will be provided to you at every level.

  • Operating system: Windows 7 64-bit;
  • Processor: Intel i3 2100 or AMD Athlon II X4 640;
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Video card: nVidia GT240 1GB or AMD 5570 1GB;
  • Disk space: 15 GB.

Dying Light

Survival Horror with a first-person view that delights players with an open world. The events of the game take place in the city of Harran, where an unknown virus is rampant. It has affected the entire population, local residents are in panic, quarantine has been declared, and those who have been spared the infection are trying to survive with all their might. During the day, life flows as usual, but with the onset of dusk, chaos spills out into the streets. Players have access to four characters with unique abilities, a completely open world and a lot of interesting tasks. The developers are focusing on the combat system and variety of weapons.

Dying Light System Requirements:

  • Operating system: Windows 7 64-bit / Windows 8 64-bit / Windows 8.1 64-bit;
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-2500 3.3 GHz / AMD FX-8320 3.5 GHz;
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce®GTX 560 / AMD Radeon HD 6870 with 1 GB of video memory;
  • Disk space: 40 GB.

Star Trek

Star Trek is a first-person shooter computer game, we will become favorite heroes popular universe. You can choose one of the main characters and begin an incredible journey. It is noteworthy that Kirk and Spock have completely different abilities, so playing as different characters will distinguish himself and give you new emotions.

Star Trek System Requirements:

  • System: Windows 7;
  • Processor: Core 2 Duo 2 GHz/Athlon 64 X2 4200+;
  • RAM: 2 Gb;
  • Video card: GeForce 9600/Radeon HD 2900;
  • Disk space: 8 Gb.

The only goal in Rust is to survive. To do this, you will need to overcome difficulties such as hunger, thirst and cold. Light a fire. Build a shelter. Kill animals to get meat. Defend yourself from other players and kill them to get meat. Build housing and protect it. All this is best done with true friends.

Rust System Requirements:

  • System: Windows XP with SP2 or later;
  • Processor: Pentium 4 1.8GHz or Athlon XP 1700+;
  • RAM: 2 Gb;
  • Video card: GeForce 210 or Radeon X600 Series;
  • Disk space: 5 Gb.

The Forest

This is a dark sandbox about survival in a night forest full of monsters. Unlike many survival games, The Forest has a storyline, after crashing onto an island, main task There will be not only survival, but also a search for the missing son. The plot of the game is available for cooperative play, which is good news.

Minimum system requirements The Forest

  • OS: Windows 7;
  • Processor: Core Duo 2 GHz;
  • RAM: 4 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT;
  • Disk space: 7 Gb.

Don't Strave

Game with original presentation the surrounding world and no less original graphics. You are thrown into huge world and all you need to do is survive by staying well fed, maintaining a fire or making a fur coat so as not to freeze. Thanks to the Together add-on, you can do this together with a friend.

Don't Strave system requirements:

  • Processor: Intel Pentium IV (1.7 GHz) / AMD Athlon XP 1800+;
  • RAM: 1 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 6600 / AMD Radeon X1300 / 256 Mb / DirectX 9;
  • Disk space: 500 Mb;

Borderlands The Pre Sequel

Another part of the crazy shooter from 2K in which you act as seekers of an alien treasure storage facility on the outskirts of the galaxy. This time the mechanics of the game have changed a little, taking into account the fact that the actions take place on the moon of the planet Pandora. A sea of ​​guns, shooting and fun - this is the very option that will blow your mind and give you many hours of interesting gameplay.

Borderlands The Pre Sequel system requirements:

  • System: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8;
  • Processor: 2.4 GHz Dual Core Processor;
  • RAM: 2 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 8500 / ATI Radeon HD 2600;
  • Disk space: 13 Gb;

Resident Evil 6

Continues the top best games for two. This part turned out to be a little different from the previous ones - there will be no crowds of zombies, but even a few will be enough to knock you down. The game has 4 different companies in which you can play together with a partner. Original plot and beautiful graphics.

Resident Evil 6 system requirements:

  • System: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8;
  • Processor: Core 2 Quad Q9450 2.66GHz/Phenom II X4 940;
  • RAM: 4 Gb;
  • Video card: GeForce GTX 560/Radeon HD 6850;
  • Disk space: 16 Gb;

The Cave

The story is told from the perspective of the Cave itself, which is explored by our fearless heroes - there is quite a wide variety of characters here who have their own abilities. Quite a beautiful and complex puzzle with a side view, and at the same time it has a very pleasant style of storytelling that does not get boring at all.

The Cave system requirements:

  • System: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8;
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz;
  • RAM: 1 Gb;
  • Video card: nVidia GeForce 8800;
  • Disk space: 1.5 Gb;

Dark Souls 3

Dark Souls 3 is the third part of the popular franchise, with hundreds of new pieces of equipment and items, new locations, and new fighting styles. The events of the game take place in the kingdom of Lothric, and the main character is one of the “unkindled” who travel through these lands in search of salvation. Having fulfilled certain conditions, you can start a cooperative playthrough.

Dark Souls 3 System Requirements:

  • System: Windows 7 / 8;
  • AMD® A8 3870 3.6 GHz or Intel® Core™ i3 2100 3.1 GHz processor;
  • RAM: 8 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA® GeForce GTX 465 / ATI Radeon TM HD 6870;
  • Disk space: 40 Gb;

Human: Fall Flat

An unusual game where you will explore the environment and solve physics puzzles to escape from surreal dreams. You only have your wits, physics, and friends at your disposal. The cooperative game designed for 8 players will not let you get bored.

Human: Fall Flat system requirements:

  • System: Windows 7 / 8;
  • Intel processor Core2 Duo E6750 (2*2660) | AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 6000+ (2 * 3000);
  • RAM: 1 Gb;
  • Video card: GeForce GT 740 (2048 MB) or equivalent | Radeon HD 5770 (1024 MB);
  • Disk space: 1 Gb;

Next on the list of top games for two. The second part continues the style of the first - an incredibly beautiful fairy-tale world, well-thought-out characters with individuality and puzzles that don’t let you get bored for a minute. Everything around is so interactive and beautiful that it’s hard to imagine how much effort was put into the project.

Trine 2 System Requirements:

  • System: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8;
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo (2.0 Ghz) / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+;
  • RAM: 1 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 7600 / AMD Radeon X1600 / 256 Mb / DirectX 9;
  • Disk space: 1.5 Gb;

Dead Space 3

The third part of the sci-fi shooter with a third-person view. The game was released on February 5, 2013. After the events that happened in the second part, Isaac Clarke settled on one of space stations. The lack of government support and the unlimited power of the Unitologist Church forces him into hiding. Another heroine of the previous part, Ellie Langford, manages to discover an icy planet on which a base supposedly remains uninfected. There she suddenly disappears, having managed to send a distress signal. The Earth government is looking for Isaac Clarke, forcing him to go in search of Ellie. The game has co-op available, so the battle with enemies will be even better.

Dead Space 3 System Requirements:

  • System: Windows XP
  • Processor: Intel Pentium IV with a clock frequency of 2.8 GHz;
  • RAM: 1 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or better / ATI Radeon X1650 Pro;
  • Disk space: 10 Gb;

Gears of War: Ultimate Edition

Re-release of the ported first part of the cult Gears of War, which eventually became exclusive for XBox. If you have already played the original game, then here you will find cool, updated graphics and remade cut scenes, as well as many more fixes. For those who haven’t played before, there is an opportunity to play a whirlwind shooter with an interesting plot, which also makes it possible to play together.

System requirements for Gears of War: Ultimate Edition:

  • System: Windows 10 64-bit;
  • Processor: 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5 or six-core AMD FX;
  • RAM: 8 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti or Radeon R7 260X with 2 GB of built-in video memory;
  • Disk space: 60 Gb;

Portal 2

The second part of an ingenious puzzle from Valve in which you again have to take a cannon to create teleports and go through all the levels of a dilapidated laboratory to get out. Good graphics, interesting plot presentation and mode for two. Even though the game is extremely similar to the first one, it still presents us with many interesting surprises.

Portal 2 system requirements:

  • System: Windows XP/Vista/7;
  • Processor: Core 2 Duo/Athlon X2 2.5 GHz;
  • RAM: 2 Gb;
  • Video card: GeForce GTX 280/Radeon HD 2600;
  • Disk space: 10 Gb;

Kane and Lynch

Play as two absolutely crazy friends who live by robbing banks and killing police officers. Just a sea of ​​madness and shooting, as well as an interesting plot. It’s difficult to describe this project in two words - to get into it, to understand how interesting and chic it is, you need to sit down at the computer and start a new game. Rest assured that here you will find many interesting gameplay features, as well as a lot of adrenaline.

Kane and Lynch System Requirements:

  • Processor: 1 core 3.0 GHz;
  • RAM: 2 Gb;
  • Video card: 256 Mb;
  • Disk space: 7 Gb;

Payday 2

A game that continues the theme of bank robbery - you have to choose a character, arm yourself, put on an original mask and go to the next vault to open it and get a jackpot, and at the same time shoot at the police. Payday is madness at its peak. Can you pull off a successful robbery when bullets are constantly whistling overhead?

Payday 2 system requirements:

  • System: Windows Vista/7/8/10;
  • Processor: 2 GHz Intel Dual Core Processor;
  • RAM: 2 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800/ATI Radeon HD 2600 (256MB minimum);
  • Disk space: 10 Gb;

Left 4 Dead 2

Another rather memorable game from Valve about zombies - you, in the person of four survivors, have to take up arms and, moving from one safe place to another, shoot legions of the walking dead. It is worth noting that in addition to ordinary zombies, there are even more terrible enemies here. Survive one crazy massacre to then move on to another, and so on from level to level.

Left 4 Dead 2 System Requirements:

  • System: Windows XP;
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3.0 GHz;
  • RAM: 1 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X800 with 128 Mb of memory;
  • Disk space: 8 Gb;

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

The game is reminiscent of Left 4 Dead. But all its events take place in the Warhammer universe. This game is a sequel to the critically acclaimed Vermintide. It's time to return to brutal first-person combat, featuring visceral and ground-based fighting in close combat, set in the End Times apocalypse of the war-torn world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 system requirements:

  • System: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10;
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-2300 2.8 GHz / AMD FX-4350 4.2 GHz;
  • RAM: 6 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 / AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series;
  • Disk space: 50 Gb;

This selection includes the TOP 10 online games with friends on PC. Of course, most of them have both single player play and modes for competitive play with other opponents, but believe me, it’s much more fun with familiar opponents.

1. Warframe – driving fights in deep space

“ ” – stealth, parkour, huge medieval axes and exoskeletons. All this manages to be combined in an amazing way in the world of the distant cosmic future.

Warframe video games

  • Game website:

2. Tom Clancy's The Division - cool technologies in the apocalypse

"" - a gloomy first-person shooter in a New York dying from an epidemic, became Ubisoft's best-selling game in history. And no wonder.

Video games Tom Clancy's The Division

There are many more nice little things, like a gaze control system, hunger and a completely open world. The second part will be released in 2019 and promises to be even cooler!

  • Game website:

3. Total War Arena – epic battles in antiquity

« » – great strategy 2018 without tedious urban development. Only large-scale clashes between armies under the control of legendary commanders.

Video games Total War Arena

Use the features of the terrain, the personal qualities of the commander and the strengths of the units, but remember - in the end it’s all about teamwork.

  • Game website:

4. Warface – harsh shootouts in modern times

"" - the near future, world war and special forces soldiers using the best weapons from around the world. This is a classic shooter with an emphasis on speed and cooperative action.

Warface video games

Nothing extra, just a high-quality shooter that we deserve.

  • Game website:

5. Rust – realistic survival on a wild island

"" is a simulator of naked men dying from hunger, cold, thirst, aggressive bears and a patrol helicopter.

Video games Rust

The game has a lot of crafting, interesting construction, and regular updates. This is a rare example of how they promised to bring a project to fruition and did so!

  • Game website:

6. Counter Strike: Global Offensive - that same legendary shooter

“Counter Strike: Global Offensive” is a revival of the very game for which people skipped classes and spent their last savings in gaming clubs. Need I say anything more?

Video games Counter Strike: Global Offensive

And the game now has a version for consoles. Be careful, it can still drag on for a long time.

  • Steam page:

7. Stronghold Kingdoms – cozy medieval strategy

“ ” – simple graphics, minimum system requirements, free-to-play and familiar gameplay of the famous series.

Video games Stronghold Kingdoms

It can be argued that the graphics have long been outdated, but the hardcore gameplay still leaves a positive impression of the game. And no, donation doesn’t solve anything here.

  • Game website:

8. Find & Destroy Tank Strategy – an interesting mixture of genres with tanks

“Find & Destroy Tank Strategy” is new for 2018, a mixture of turn-based strategy with fast, dynamic real-time battles on tanks.

Video games Find & Destroy Tank Strategy

It takes longer to describe the controls than to understand them. This is a simple, fun casual game that can be played on mobile devices. There is an internal chat.

  • Steam page:

9. Raft – an unusual survival game on a raft

“Raft” is a cooperative survival game on a raft floating without any particular purpose across the endless ocean.

Raft video games

The game is fully available for solo play or co-survival with a friend. No PvP, only collaboration for a common cause!

  • Game website:

10. Tactical Monsters Rumble Arena – a vigorous strategy with monsters

"" is a fast turn-based strategy with maps divided into hexagons. Yes, like in the good old “Heroes”.

Video games Tactical Monsters Rumble Arena

Chats, clans, challenge fields and boss battles. That case when you download a free toy to kill 10 minutes, and it suddenly becomes one of your favorites.

  • Game website:

This collection contains the most interesting projects to play with friends online on PC. But that’s not all; you will find more interesting games in other articles on the site.

Hi all!

The diversity of the gaming world is so great that it’s easy to get confused.

And it’s often boring to play completely alone.

If you're looking for an online game with a friend, you've come to the right place. Our selection will help you make your choice.

All you need to do is log into any server to start your adventure together. Co-op games are incredibly popular. It’s so great to explore locations with friends, share emotions, fight, and complete quests.

If earlier you could play the game with one friend, now their number can be increased to 4 or 8. On the site you will find a selection of the best online games with friends of various genres.

From this article you will learn:

What online games can you play with a friend?

  • RPG with character leveling;
  • strategies;
  • games with open locations;
  • war games on PC;
  • shooters;
  • cooperative;
  • survival games;
  • online e-sports games;
  • city ​​planning simulators.

All you need to do is choose what is suitable for a joint gaming adventure! Let's look at the most popular genres. For some online games you will need to download a special program.


    1. A popular online game with friends is . These are joint battles and special operations. A friend will always come to the rescue in battle. At the beginning of the battle you will need to choose a class. The variety of weapons is impressive - rifles, pistols, shotguns, machine guns. The game is constantly updated and has excellent animation and graphics.

    1. Resident Evil 6 is a horror film that is a continuation of the Resident Evil series. There are several groups of characters here. Each has its own, unique storyline. There will be joint battles with monsters, collecting supplies, and solving puzzles. Feature - a friend can take the role of one of the characters. A partner will help both in overcoming obstacles and in dynamic battles.

    1. Left 4 Dead 2 is an online game with a friend for those who love the apocalypse and zombies. The player controls one of the 4 surviving heroes. The game has several scenarios (consisting of 4 and 5 levels). Your task is to get to the shelter by finding a way to salvation. The game has both regular zombies and those with unique abilities. You can play with 4 friends.

    1. Payday 2 is an exciting action game. You and your partners are bank robbers. A carefully thought-out plan must be developed together. You can enter the bank building through the roof or carry out a joint assault. The goal is to take out as much money as possible. Take hostages, break locks. It's difficult to play without partners. And chatting is incredibly interesting.

    1. Far Cry 3 is one of the best co-op games in this genre. It's a shooter, an RPG, and an action game at the same time. You are on a paradise island. Idyll it would seem. But everything is not so simple - the island is inhabited by bandits. There is a huge open world, animal hunting, survival elements, and a variety of non-linear quests. The special mission consists of a cooperative passage with 4 partners. You will fight crowds of bandits, do a lot of exciting activities, and use many types of weapons.

    1. Modern Warfare 3 – feel like an unrivaled hero! Perform a special operation with your friends. Battles are designed for 2 people. The tasks are different - destroying bandits, defusing bombs, rescuing hostages. It is impossible to complete without the help of a friend. There is multiplayer that allows you to fight in different modes.

Survival Games

    1. Dead Island is a project from TechLand that immediately attracted the attention of players. There are zombies and an open world. The plot is like this. You find yourself on an island inhabited by a virus of unknown origin. As a result, they turn into zombies. Your task is to survive together with your partners and help those who managed to survive. At the same time, you fight crowds of the living dead. There are many secondary tasks, excellent graphics.

    1. Rust is a survival simulator with mining resources, searching for provisions, creating weapons, and building shelters. You will have to play with a large number of players, so it is recommended to play with friends. Together you can build a fort and defend it. Battles not only with players, but also with zombies infected by monsters.

    1. Dying Light impresses with its variety of gameplay. The player finds himself in a city filled with zombies. To execute secret mission move along the rooftops and remember that zombies are especially aggressive at night. You can play the game with 4 friends. The amazing graphics are amazing.

    1. DayZ Standalone is the best survival game according to players. An unknown place, the living dead at every step. And other players can destroy you at any time. Find provisions and try to survive at any cost. The realism of the game is amazing. The peculiarity is that if you fall from a height and break your leg, you are unlikely to survive. But a true friend can come to your aid.

    1. Killing Floor 2 is an online game with friends that takes place during the apocalypse. Few managed to survive. And you will also have to make an effort not to become a zombie. There are battles and a final battle with a formidable boss. For killing monsters, money is awarded. They can be spent in the game store for upgrades. In a difficult situation, partners will come to the rescue.

Strategy games

    1. Company of Heroes 2 is a World War II strategy game. The player will have to carry out large-scale special operations related to the conflict between Germany and the USSR. The goal is the victory of the Soviet army over the fascist invaders. With your friends you will go through many exciting missions and difficult tasks.

    1. Tom Clancy's EndWar is a strategy game online with a friend in real time. 2016, World War III. You control the armies of the United States, Europe, Russia. Tasks - jointly think through strategies, control troops, develop equipment, and so on. Unite with comrades, and forward to victory.

    1. Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 3 exciting game strategy. Warhammer universe with several factions with their own heroes with unique abilities. A great project to play together. There are multiplayer modes - 3 x 3 and 2 x 2. Face each other in battles, lead alliances, combine the skills of heroes. And think over tactics together.

    1. Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends is attractive because you develop from ancient times to the present day. You need to establish trade relations, create an invincible army, build buildings. Which method of conquest to choose is up to you. You can play with friends up to 8 people. Build a huge city, become the best.

    1. Cossacks 3 - a huge number of battles, and few historical facts. There are five large-scale storylines, a choice of 12 states. Play online with friends to play together. You can recruit up to 8 comrades. There are several modes and maps.

RPG Games

    1. Path of Exile – free game online with a friend. The main character was kicked out of the house. He finds himself in survival conditions. The player expects a huge open world, several hundred levels, and many opponents. And, of course, PVP tournaments. Choose 4-6 friends as partners and start a joint battle. At the same time, ancient artifacts must be found.

    1. Dark Souls 3 is one of the most complex role-playing games. And at the same time the most popular. There is a battle with bosses and opponents, passing through a number of locations. Every doctor is dangerous in his own way. We'll have to find his weak points and block him. You can play with three comrades to lure enemies into ambush and complete difficult levels.

    1. Diablo 3 is an excellent continuation of the previous series of role-playing games. Dark fantasy world. The player chooses a hero and begins to explore the dungeons. There are not only battles with evil spirits here. You are about to meet the devil himself! If you are a fan of variety, colorful projects, this role-playing game is for you and your friends.

    1. Frozen Hearth is a real-time RPG game. Evil forces have come to our planet and want to destroy all people. And you are a hero who needs to protect the planet. You and your friend will need to go through more than 20 maps. Find artifacts together, improve your skills, and fight bosses and enemies.

    1. GRAV is an adventure role-playing game. You will need to survive in a huge open world. All journeys are unique, thanks to the presence of random generation. You can explore dungeons or surfaces, fly between planets. The game has a lot of dynamic battles, and there is a crafting system. Multiplayer mode is designed for 64 people. Try to survive with your partners in difficult conditions.


We have selected the best, in our opinion, games online with a friend on a PC. There are actually a lot of them. It is impossible to include even all the most interesting and high-quality ones on the list.

If you want to talk about a game you play with your friends, write in the comments and share with everyone. And our team wishes everyone to have a great time!