Strength is the weakness of the nervous processes of excitation and inhibition. What is the strength of nervous processes? Manifestations of mobility of the excitation process

Militta periodically receives letters from girls graduating from school, they ask where to go to study next in order to find their place in the fashion industry. Militta wrote a lot of materials on this topic - we talked about the choice educational institutions in the USA and Europe, and today we will try to clarify the situation around the main specialties - clothing designer and fashion designer.

Sometimes you can hear the statement that a couturier, a clothing designer, a fashion designer and even a stylist are one person, they all do the same thing. In reality, everything is a little different, let's try to figure out who is doing what.

Design, designer and fashion designer
The word “design” originally appeared in the 16th century, and became widespread in the mid-19th century in Europe due to the development of production and technology.

In the USSR, the profession of designer became widespread in the second half of the 20th century, but in order to adapt the profession to Soviet ideology, the word “design” was replaced with “artistic design.”

The end of the 20th century and the 21st century brought many changes, the USSR collapsed, and in Russia everything changed, many new prospects opened up. Today, the profession of a designer is in great demand; we have many different designers, including those who deal with clothing. Along with clothing designers, the profession of “fashion designer,” which is more familiar to previous generations, remains, and for many there is no difference in the work of a designer and a fashion designer.

The name of the profession “fashion designer” exists exclusively in the Russian tradition; in other countries the definition of designer is accepted. But meanwhile, these two professions not only have different names, they solve different problems. A fashion designer models clothes, and a designer designs them. In order to feel the difference, let's understand these two concepts.

Modeling clothing involves shaping it using various techniques and methods. Fashion design is the process of creating a new form, which begins with developing the concept of the project and defining the main design task.

In other words, the designer finds flying in modern society moods and trends, analyzes people's needs and creates a new concept for clothing collections, guessing the desires of tomorrow's consumers. The designer creates new forms, and sometimes a new function of a thing and new reality.

The fashion designer develops new clothes based on an existing one - changes darts to reliefs, plays with the shape of the sleeve and collar, varies the length of the product, mixes style directions, chooses decorative solution. Agree, many modern fashion creators around the world are doing this. The lists of participants in fashion weeks in Paris and Milan, London and New York are constantly updated, but often new collections are pure clothing modeling. Therefore, when choosing the profession of a clothing designer, you need to clearly understand that a real designer creates a new human environment, designs a new space of material things, and does not reshape the retro style in a modern way.

Designer and fashion designer - who is more needed?

Both professions are in demand today Russian market labor. Fashion designers work in ateliers, sewing and knitting factories, designers work in design studios, experimental workshops at enterprises, and design bureaus. Moreover, a designer can sometimes be a fashion designer, and a fashion designer can become a designer.

But the differences do not end there; the profession of a fashion designer is divided into several specializations.

1. A fashion designer develops drawings, changes model features products according to the sketch of the fashion designer or customer (if we're talking about about the atelier).

2. The fashion designer-technologist selects or develops current methods for sewing a product, looking for the most suitable processing methods that simplify the process of making a new item.

3. A fashion designer is engaged in creating sketches - looking for new shapes and silhouettes of the product on paper, working out possible options finishing, depicts the design of the product in detail. There are several stages in developing sketches from the first sketches to the technical drawing, which is given to the designer to develop a design drawing.

It is understood that each of the three above-mentioned fashion designers knows all the stages of clothing production, knows how to draw, design, translate their ideas into materials, and will be able to organize a demonstration of their models. Only the most sought-after specialist is a universal fashion designer, since only large successful companies with large production volumes can afford to keep several fashion designers on staff solving different problems.

And the designer determines the basic concept of the entire collection, develops sketches, design, sewing technology, thinks through the fashion show scenario and participates in the development of advertising campaigns.

A hairdresser is a kind of artist. He must have good taste and strive to instill it in his clients. This primarily applies to hairdressers-fashion designers, because they are the creators of samples (models) of new hairstyles.

When developing them, hairdressers-fashion designers take into account the structure, features of the face, fashion trends, national characteristics client, be it an adult or a child. Therefore, today future hairdressers are taught drawing and aesthetics, introduced to hairstyles from different times, and the history of hairdressing. Fashion designers not only develop, but also perform complex hairstyles. The best of them are shown at annual all-Union and even international competitions. Fashion designers provide advice to other hairdressers on creating model hairstyles, cutting hair, providing hair and coloring hair with overlaying shades, styling wigs, hairpieces, etc.

By using simple tools- scissors and combs - the master makes unusually beautiful haircuts and hairstyles. But his main and main “tools” are imagination, a sense of modernity and skillful hands.

Working with people requires the hairdresser to have restraint, tact, and respect for different tastes visitors. Sometimes you need courage to insist on your own version of a hairstyle that would be more suitable for the client.

Hairdressers-fashion designers work in salons (the highest type of hairdressing salon), in specially equipped rooms in hotels, theaters, and studios.

You can become a hairdresser-fashion designer after graduating from a vocational school, working for several years as a second-class hairdresser, then a first-class hairdresser, and then upgrade your classification to the title of “fashion designer.” Experience helps you improve your grades practical work, as well as theoretical knowledge acquired through special courses advanced training.

Related professions: Women's hairdresser, men's hairdresser, hairdresser.

Who is a hairdresser? Any child will give the correct answer to this question: a specialist who cuts hair and does a variety of hairstyles. That's right, who is a hair stylist? Despite the popularity of this profession, today not everyone can give it correct description. Let's try to understand all the nuances of a barber's work together.

The oldest profession

Humanity has been thinking about the fact that the care of hair beauty should be entrusted to specially trained people since ancient times. It is believed that already in Ancient Egypt There were especially valuable slave hairdressers, whose services only the richest and most respected people could afford. The craft and all the secrets associated with it, according to legends, were passed down from generation to generation. The word “hairdresser” itself appeared much later, in Germany. The Germans used it to designate craftsmen who knew how to make wigs. Interestingly, today in Germany this term is considered obsolete and is not used in everyday speech, but in our country it has taken root and has become the most popular name for a master barber.

Hairdresser or stylist: what are the differences?

Just a couple of decades ago, all hair specialists were divided into several categories, according to the gender and age of the clients. During the USSR, each hairdressing salon had at least two halls: men's and women's, and sometimes a separate one was added to them - for children. Today, such a division has been forgotten, and every hair stylist must be a generalist: be able to perform haircuts and styling equally well for clients of any age and gender. What services does a regular hairdresser offer? These include various haircuts, styling, creating hairstyles for special occasions, as well as hair coloring. A generalist hairdresser should be able to do all this. How is a stylist different from him? This specialist not only understands hair care ingredients and can cut or style hair. The stylist's competence also includes helping the client with transformation and selection of new hairstyles. It is very good if during the first meeting a specialist can competently assess the condition of the hair and recommend caring procedures.

Hairdresser education

Barbers are needed everywhere and always. It is for this reason that you can get an education as a hairdresser in almost any city. Most often, various colleges and other institutions of secondary specialized education offer training in this craft. Some universities in our country also offer this specialty. Courses for hairdressers and stylists are also very popular. In the shortest possible time, students are encouraged to master curriculum, which includes all the skills and theoretical knowledge necessary for subsequent work. Among the advantages of this training option are the ability to choose a convenient schedule of classes, speed of learning and the ability to change profession in a short time. When choosing courses for hairdressers and stylists, make sure that upon completion you will be given a diploma of the established form or will be helped in finding a job.

Useful qualities for a hairdresser-stylist

The success of a barber largely depends on developed hand motor skills. It is not without reason that ordinary visitors to hairdressing and beauty salons compare hairdressers and look for “one of their own”, focusing on ease of hand and other impressions of the haircut/styling. Communication skills for a hairdresser are also not in last place. It’s not for nothing that people say that they often go to a hairdresser and a psychotherapist for the same purposes. However, the love of clients to talk with hairdressers about everything under the sun is not difficult to explain: haircuts and other hair treatments often take a lot of time. A hair stylist must be able to not only win over a client and talk to him, but also try to understand his visitor inside and out and choose a truly suitable image and style for him.

The appearance of a successful stylist

As the well-known proverb states: “You are greeted by your clothes, but you are seen off by your mind.” Indeed, it is unlikely that anyone will want to seek beauty services from a person who looks unkempt and unattractive. A hair stylist should look well-groomed and fashionable. Special attention deserves a workplace arrangement. You can win over your client if you always keep your work area clean and perfect order. Use special organizers for tools and cosmetics. Don't forget to regularly sanitize your tools and do a mini-cleaning after each client.

How much does a hair stylist earn?

Before obtaining a specialty and considering the possibility of employment in your chosen field, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the average salary level for a given profession. How much does a hair stylist earn? Moscow is the capital of our country, and accordingly, the level of salaries here is much higher than in other regions. Minimum monthly salary for a hair stylist in this city is about 30 thousand rubles. At the same time, the maximum salary can be several, and sometimes even ten times more. The best hair stylist serves show business stars, politicians and other famous and rich people. Every person needs an image and hair care specialist. You can achieve recognition and a high salary within this profession by constantly improving your skills, participating in professional trainings and competitions.

It's never too late to learn

You can become a hairdresser-stylist at any age by completing the appropriate courses. Any specialist who already has this qualification can always improve the level of their skills. The most important thing is constant practice. Master classes are regularly held in large cities, and courses can be found additional education. It would also be useful to get an education in one of the related specializations. For example, a stylist-hairdresser-makeup artist can offer his clients not only hair care services and assistance in choosing a hairstyle, but also make-up for any occasion. Accordingly, the more a specialist can do, the more in demand he is. As practice shows, getting a job as a hairdresser-stylist is not at all difficult. It is more difficult to get into a good salon or open your own. To do this, you need to really know your business well, be able to find an approach to each client, follow fashion and have an excellent sense of style. If you think that your calling is to give beauty to others, be sure to try yourself in this craft. Hair stylist salons are never left without clients, and to good craftsmen visitors have to sign up several days, and sometimes even a week, in advance.