Sword of Moses decryption and keys. The Sword of Moses. The influence of the staff on people

Edited by Moses Gaster in Palestine, in 1896, from 13th- or 14th-century manuscripts from his collection, formerly MS Gaster 78, present London, British Library milliseconds. 10678. Gaster has suggested that the text predates the 11th century, based on a letter from Rav Chai Gaon (939-1038) which mentions the book along with the Sefer ha-Yashar described in another book of formulas, and that it may even date to as early as the first four centuries. Apart from the medieval manuscript used by Gaster, a short fragment of text survives in Cod. Oxford 1531. A new critical edition was printed in 1997 by the Israeli scholar Yuval Harari, based on a variant of the text found in another manuscript. English translation the same one was published in 2012.

The largest manuscript Sword of Moses begins with a description of the celestial spheres and angels, and soon moves on to describe the various prayers, spells and ritual procedures that the reader must perform before he can use the "Sword"; this term refers to a huge list of magical names later in the text, divided into 136 sections, each with a different magical use. A list of names is given first, followed by its usage in the next section:

If on a full moon you want to capture and bind a man and a woman so that they will be with each other, and also annul spirits and blast demons and Satans, and tie a boat, and free a person from prison, and for every thing, write on red sign with TWBR TSBR to BŠMHT H". And if you want to destroy high mountains and pass (safely) through sea and land, and descend into fire and invent, and remove the king and cause an optical illusion, and shut up and talk to the dead, and kill the living, and bring down and raise up and pray to the angels to watch over you , and learn all the secrets of the world, write on a silver plate, and place the root of wormwood in it, from TWBR TSBR to H"BŠMHT. For the spirit that moves in the body, write on magzab from TWBR to MNGYNWN. For the spirit that causes inflammation, write MGNYNWN to HYDRSṬ.

Here is a short summary of the original Sword of Moses Gaster:

Sword of Moses. In the name of the mighty and holy God! The four angels are appointed "Sword", bestowed by the Lord, Masters of the mysteries, and they are appointed to the law, and they see, with insight into the mysteries from above and below; and these are their names - SKD HUZI, MRGIOIAL, VHDRZIOLO, TOTRISI. And behind these five others, holy and powerful, who meditate on the mysteries of God in the world for seven hours every day, and they are appointed to thousands of thousands, and myriads of thousands of chariots ready to carry out the will of their Creator.

Here is a short synopsis of the book Sword Moses Spells(Amazon):

In the name of the mighty and holy God!

The four angels are appointed swordsmen, bestowed by the Lord, Masters of the mysteries, and they are appointed by the law, and they see with insight into the mysteries from above and below; and these are their names - SHAQADHUZIAY, MARGIYOIEL, ASHARUYLIAY, TOTRUSIYAY. And behind these five others, holy and powerful, who meditate on the mysteries of God in the world for seven hours every day, and they are appointed to thousands of thousands, and myriads of thousands of chariots, ready to do the will of their Creator. If you look at the transliterations of the names of the Holy 4 angels assigned to the sword bearer. You see that I deciphered them. SKD HUZI = SHAQADHUZIAY MRGIOIAL = MARGIYOIEL VHDRZIOLO = ASHARUYLIAY TOTRISI = TOTRUSIYAY


  • M. Gaster, London (1896) (online copy, Hebrew version of the same)
  • Yuval Harari, Israel (1997) חרבא דמשה: מהדורה חדשה ומחקר
  • Yuval Harari, University of Pennsylvania Press (2012) (in English)
  • Jeffrey Harris, author The Sword Of Moses Spells(in English)

Sword of Moses in fiction

Original manuscripts Sword of Moses Stored in London and Oxford centered on Dominic Selwood's 2013 crypto-thriller

Grimoires that have survived to this day

Grimoire - ancient book with a description of laws, rituals, calls, spells, descriptions of spirits and work with them, a description of the necessary ritual tools, clothing and other things.
A grimoire is a sorcerer’s reference book, which he uses and constantly updates with new information.

There have been many rumors and legends surrounding the grimoires, in particular, the famous Necronomicon was allegedly written in Damascus in 730 by Abdul Alhazared (the Mad Arab), and many skeptics claim that the Necronomicon was written much later and even in the 20th century , in particular, H. P. Lovecraft claimed to be the author of the Necronomicon. The Grand Grimoire also contains myths about its authorship, the origin of the Grand Grimoire is sometimes associated with LaVey (the founder of the “Church of Satan” in the USA), which LaVey could have written to popularize the “Church of Satan”, while others do not doubt the authenticity of the Necronomicon and the Grand Grimoire.

It should be noted that this and many other grimoires cannot be completely reliable, in particular because they were written a very long time ago and have since been rewritten many times, and many “scribes” could make their own “corrections” to its text, and modern grimoires may differ significantly from ancient grimoires.

The most incredible myths and legends circulated around grimoires, for example, according to beliefs, “only their owner can read grimoires, since the paper of these books has a crimson color that burns the eyes,” “pages were changed only for the owner,” but even then even the owner was subjected to terrible dangers when reading the book, since it is capable of supplying a wide variety of demons, from small spirits to the supreme beings of the hellish hierarchy, who were not at all helpful, but on the contrary had a rebellious and evil disposition, it was enough just to open the grimoire on the right page, as the spirit is here appeared, and if the book was opened by chance, then its owner, unprepared for the meeting with the demon, would be in great danger.
Despite some absurdity, or even stupidity of such an idea (sometimes justified), some magicians may well close the book to the uninitiated, the book can be hidden in another dimension or simply enchanted, and if the uninitiated tries to open it, the book will be “protected”, there is already depends on the magician, sometimes a book can simply repel, sometimes something more serious, only such grimoires are rather personal books of the magician and are unlikely to be printed or published.

Below is an overview of books (many of which can be downloaded from our Library of the World of Black Magic website) that are commonly called grimoires; in fact, any book on magic is a grimoire.

From a letter from Solomon to his son Rehoboam: “Pentacles (talismans), which I have already mentioned and which will be useful to you... Thanks to this, you will have the pleasure of seeing the actions that they promise, to great surprise. But, since this science does not allow publicity, but, on the contrary, it is secret and hidden, then it should not be explained here and it is enough to believe; that it must be done as indicated."

Lemegeton (Lesser Key of Solomon)
The most detailed and most difficult to obtain treatise on ceremonial magic. The earliest manuscripts of the Lemegeton date back to the 17th century. However, this popular collection of texts on magic has earlier origins. Cornelius Agrippa, in his work “On the uncertainty and vanity of all sciences and arts” (De incertitudine et vanitate omnium scientarum et atrium), published in 1531 in Paris, mentions three of the five books of the Lemegeton: Ars Almadel, Ars Notoria, and Ars Paulina.

King Solomon's Great Key (Clavicula Salomonis)
Probably one of the best known and most important magical grimoires, providing valuable information about the preparation and performance of magical operations.

Grimoire of Honorius

The famous grimoire of Christian magic. Spells and prayers contained exclusively the names of holy angels, Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity. Magic symbols and seals were added only in the 1760 edition. Although the authorship is attributed to Pope Honorius III, who held office at the beginning of the 13th century, this version is extremely doubtful. The book was first published in print in the second half of the 17th century.

True Grimoire (Grimorium Verum)
The Italian edition of the “True Grimoire” was published in 1880, and a little later the French edition was published. Idris Shah believes that this grimoire is much simpler than its “brothers”, since it is a kind of textbook of magical art, the authorship of its manuscript is shrouded in mystery. The True Grimoire contains many spells, prayers, recipes and recommendations for the magician. The True Grimoire is written in a clear and simple form for the average person and contains detailed instructions regarding magical actions.

The Magic of Arbatel

The spiritual wisdom of the ancients - both sages who worship God and pagan magicians, revealing the glory of God and his love for humanity, a book about magic, witchcraft, magical art. This is a rather mysterious grimoire. Nothing definite can be said regarding its origin. The author promises the reader to reveal the secrets of magic in nine volumes, but there is only one book that gives a kind of “commandments” for the magician, and they are based on Christian morality. The only thing relevant to magic in this volume is the description of planetary spirits and the description is very simple recipe their call. The book was first published in printed form in Basel (1575).

The grimoire got its name because it describes spells for the seven days of the week, which allow you to summon the angels of the corresponding day. The book was first published in Latin in Lyon at the turn of the 16th-17th centuries; this grimoire contains the principles of Magical communication. And since Circles have very great power (they are a kind of protective fortress for the operator, protecting him from evil spirits), first of all we will study the creation of the Circle. From the publisher (Robert Turner). In the previous book, which is the fourth book of Agrippa, enough has already been said about Magical Ceremonies and Initiations. But he [Agrippa] did not analyze the Ceremonies in detail, but spoke about them only in general, considering that he was writing for people who know and have experience in this art, so a good idea arose - to add here the Magical Elements of Peter de Abano: so that those who are still ignorant in this issue and did not know the taste for Magical Superstitions, could get them to use for themselves. And as we see, having studied this book [referring to the fourth book of Agrippa], it was only a certain introduction of Magical vanity; and if they became acquainted with this work, they could learn the various duties of spirits, how they can be called to talk and communicate; what should be done every day and every hour, and how they should be read, as if they were described syllable by syllable

Sword of Moses
An ancient Hebrew-Aramaic book on magic (circa 10th century AD) the authorship of the book is attributed to Moses, prince of Egypt and founder of Judaism.

Sixth Book of Moses
Book found in early XIX century and published in 1849. The name obviously hints that the grimoire is a continuation of the Pentateuch of Moses. Although it is obvious that this is nothing more than a legend. The books contain seven seals and twelve tables of spirits. The grimoire covers all White and Black Arts (Black Magic) or Necromancy. The book was hidden from David (Solomon's father) by the high priest Zadok (SADOCK) because of the Great Mysteries contained in them. And only in 330 AD. The grimoire received a “rebirth” under the first Christian emperor Constantine the Great, who sent them to Pope Sylvester in Rome for translation. Then these books came to Emperor Charlemagne and, after receiving the approval of Pope Julius II, were published.

Seventh Book of Moses

The Grimoire contains 12 Tables: Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Spirits, Schemhamforasch. In addition, there are explanations for what purposes it is better to use these tables and the corresponding Spirits. The second part of the book consists of the formulas of the magical Kabbalah or magical art of the Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses, together with an Extract from the true Key of Solomon. At the very beginning there are images of tablets with inscriptions that Moses, his brother Aaron and his son Eliezer placed on their clothing (as breastplates or armlets) when performing magic.

Book of Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage

It is believed that the author of the book is a certain German Jew originally from Vors, who lived in the 14th-15th centuries. From the data given in the book and what is known from history, it can be assumed that the learned rabbi Abraham Jacob ben Moses ha Levi Moellin is hiding behind the pseudonym Abramelin, but this is only a hypothesis.

Small Alchemical Code
Grimoire of alchemy. The most important work of Albertus Magnus, one of the most famous alchemists.

Agrippa's occult philosophy

Probably the most famous of the medieval grimoires of one of the most famous medieval magicians

Book of Angels, Rings, Seals and Planetary Symbols

A Grimoire on Planetary Magic was found among the works of Osbern Bokenham, an Augustinian monk who lived in England at the monastery of Stoke Clare, and may have been a Doctor of Divinity at Cambridge.

Red Book of Apina
A grimoire of black magic and demonolatry from the collection of Joseph Appin. They say that the “Red Book” was dictated by Vlad Tepes himself to a certain apostate monk Cyril. Whether this is true or not, the devil-worship of the great Romanian commander is an indisputable fact that no serious black adept will deny.

Book of Dagon
A unique grimoire written by the priests of Ancient Assyria in the 15th millennium BC, which the Scarlet Brotherhood today is unsuccessfully trying to pass off as a forgery from the late Middle Ages, with the help of propaganda conducted by front organizations, pursuing only one goal - to arouse distrust in the real useful information from the field of black magic.
However, the fact that the original, kept in the library of the Gallic Congregation of the Great Black Lodge, is written on parchment and not on clay tablets cannot serve as a worthy argument for those. who are trying to dispute the ancient origins of the book. It is no secret that the late Sumerian civilization degraded - this is precisely what explains the appearance of cuneiform tablets instead of other writing materials. And even then the latter were used mainly for recording business calculations and all sorts of little things. In addition, parchment was quite often used by Sumerian priests to apply magical signs, which means it may well be that in the last centuries of Sumerian civilization, it acquired sacred meaning and as a result, there was a ban on depicting any other information other than magical information on this material. It is clear that this hypothesis does not refute the possibility of using parchment to write a work like the Book of Dagon.

The Magic Book of Doctor Faustus

Through this book and the secret rites indicated in it, the great magician Johann Faust subjugated all the spirits of hell and the elements of evil. This grimoire is the creation of Solomon and consists mainly of the sixth and seventh books of Moses and the table of Rabelina (Tabbela Rabelina) - the great books of nigromancy (black magic).

Black chicken
This edition of The Black Hen should not be confused with the earlier collections of fantasies and delusions that many turned to to achieve supernatural effects. The principles presented here are based on the doctrines held by ancient and modern seekers. And only those who have received recognition for their insightful service to the Divine are quoted here.

Black dragon
Grimoire is a collection of magical talismans. In our literature on occultism, which is very poor in the number of works, we have not yet encountered a single work of this kind, so we flatter ourselves with the hope that the collection will be useful for beginning occultists, as giving some idea about this issue.

Red Dragon

The grimoire was able to collect in one, such a small book, the main essence of what, due to countless repetitions, retellings and ambiguities, made it extremely difficult to accomplish; a grimoire of compilations of evocative Kabbalistic techniques. It is not a stand-alone book and can be considered as an additional book, and with great distrust.

Enochian Keys
The creation of the Enochian Keys grimoire is associated with the names of English occultists of the 16th century. John Dee and Edward Kelly. John Dee was a fairly famous scientist of those times; he studied astronomy, mathematics, alchemy and astrology. But the main business of Dee’s life was his occult experiments, because of which he was constantly accused of having connections with the Devil.
John Dee conceived a new series of magical experiments aimed at entering into direct contact with spirits and obtaining new knowledge from them.
Dee didn't count his magical abilities sufficient for such a complex operation. Therefore, he invited the alchemist Edward Kelly, who had the gift of clairvoyance, to work together. The first information received by Dee and Kelly was not much different from traditional medieval mysticism. They communicated with the spirits corresponding to each of the 7 planets known at that time (including the Sun) - the so-called “kings” of the planets, learned their names, as well as the names of their “princes” and “ministers”. In addition, Dee and Kelly, also through communication with spirits, constituted magic squares and tables. But finally, the spirits began to reveal something fundamentally new to patient researchers. These were 19 magical texts in a previously unknown language, which were later called the Enochian Keys (Dee and Kelly did not use this name). The texts were dictated by the spirits letter by letter, backwards. Translations were given later, separately. Several times the texts he received frightened Edward Kelly, and he tried to abandon the experiments, but John Dee managed to insist on his own.

Black Owl (Treasure of the Old Man of the Pyramids)
It was first published in France in 1839 (immediately after The Black Hen). The true science of Talismans to summon spirits of all kinds, to control them, to obtain everything desired and to dispel their evil spells.

Ceremonial magic

Beyond the usual psychological research, which is the main activity of psychiatry, lies a world of mysterious and dubious experiments, which psychiatrists venture into only occasionally, leaving them almost entirely to informal researchers. This world is the legendary and wonderful Theurgy, the kingdom of Magic and Witchcraft

Forbidden Rituals

A Guide to Necromancy. The grimoire tells how to summon a demon in the form of a horse using incantations, a ring engraved with the name Tetragrammaton, and a diagram drawn in the blood of a hoopoe or bat.

Secrets of the Worm
The author of “The Secrets of the Worm” is considered to be the Roman Tertius Sibellius (b. 280 AD). In his youth he carried military service in Egypt. He was distinguished by a lively and sharp mind, as well as a passion for collecting various kinds artifacts. For small sums, he acquired, but more often confiscated by force from the local population, figurines, amulets, and papyrus scrolls with information of religious and philosophical content. To Christianity, like the majority sensible people At that time, he had a sharply negative attitude, but he probably did not see any benefit in the worship of the Roman gods.

"Delomelanikon" or "Nine Gates to the Kingdom of Shadows"
The Delomelanikon or Book of the Ancient World was in the catalog of the burned Library of Alexandria in 646. Roger Bacon owned the book and quoted from it. It is believed that one copy of the book belonged to King Solomon. The book is referenced by Giordano Bruno. In 1666, the book was printed by Aristide Torchia (Venice), for which he was burned at the stake in 1667, along with part of the books. The other part is walking through second-hand bookstores. It is believed that the author of the engravings for the book and part of the magical riddles and spells was Lucifer himself.

Pythagoras Golden Poems
The most famous of all Pythagoras's fragments are the Golden Verses, attributed to himself, containing that part of his teaching which his disciples considered possible for the uninitiated.

golden branch
The book by the famous religious scholar James Frazer is one of the fundamental studies; in essence, it is not a grimoire, however, it contains information necessary for the magician.

Masonic Testament. The Legacy of Hiram Knight Christopher



1. The true name of God remained unknown until He spoke to Moses in Egypt, when He commanded to go to Pharaoh and force him to release the children of Israel from Egypt: “I am who I am, who I was and who I will be: I am the God of your fathers; God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. So tell the children of Israel. He who sent me to you, I, the Lord, am Jehovah, who appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by my name AL SHEDI, but I did not reveal my name to them.”

2. Moses carved an unspeakable name on a golden plate and placed it in the Ark of the Covenant. Moses told the name to Aaron and Joshua, and later it became known to the High Priests.

3. The word consisted only of consonants, its true pronunciation was soon lost, but the word still remained in the Ark of the Covenant; and in the time of Othniel, in the battle against the King of Syria, those who carried the Ark were killed, and the Ark fell to the earth. After the battle, the men of Israel who were looking for him brought to him a lion, who crouched down and guarded him, holding a golden key in his mouth. As the High Priest and the Levites approached, he laid down the key and disappeared. Since then, on the golden key that the treasure keeper wears, you see the first letters of the words: “In ore leonis verbum inveni” - “In the lion’s mouth I found the word.” This gold plate was melted and cast into the image of the Philistine Dragon, who took it in battle.

4. The first, or Holy, Lodge was opened after the Exodus of Israel from slavery in Egypt, by Moses, Aholiab and Besaleel in the Holy Land at the foot of Mount Horeb in the Sinai desert, where the army of Israel pitched and secured their tents to offer prayers of thanksgiving for the significant liberation from Egyptian hands. This place the Almighty found suitable for revealing Himself to His devoted servant Moses, before the time when He bestowed upon him His high Messenger of Wrath against Pharaoh and his people, and Freedom and Salvation to the Tribe of Jacob. Here was revealed the form of the mysterious standards of the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant, here were revealed the Sacred Laws, engraved by the hand of the Most High, with the sublime and comprehensive objects of the civil and religious state, which, separating His chosen people from other nations, sanctified Israel as the chosen vessel of His Service; for these reasons they called her the First, or Holy, Doge.

5. This mercy was marked by the brethren with the appearance in the East of the Divine Shekinah, which is the Glory of God, appearing on Mount Sinai as a sign of the Holy Law.

6. We use wands as emblems of power; as such they were used by all nations, but we use them in memory of the Rod on which Moses recorded so many miracles in the land of Egypt and in the wilderness.

7. Besaleel was the sacred builder of the holy tabernacle, which was erected to contain the Ark of the Covenant, that the Divine Shekinah might shed its radiance upon it. Subsequently, it served as a model for the temple of King Solomon, and it was built according to the standard that God showed to Moses on Mount Horeb, who later became the Great Master of the Doge of Israel.

8. At the time when the Lord God revealed Himself to Moses at the foot of Mount Horeb in the flames of the burning bush, Moses, unable to withstand the dazzling radiance of the Divine, shaded his eyes from the Divine splendor, at the same time placing his hand on his heart as a sign of humility and obedience .

9. The sign of repentance means such a state of heart and mind, without which our prayers and vows cannot be accepted by the Throne of Mercy; before it, a weak and erring creature from the dust cannot appear otherwise than with raised hands and kneeling, thereby denoting its humility and submission . In this humble pose Adam appeared for the first time before God, and let us glorify the Creator of this being; again in this form he appeared before the Judge who had been offended by him, when he sought peace from His anger and tried to gain mercy, and in this expressive and repentant pose he was handed over to his descendants forever.

10. Moses appointed the Princes of the Tabernacle. The special duty of the Prince of the Tabernacle was tireless work for the glory of God, for the honor of the country and the happiness of the Brethren: and for the ascension prayers of thanksgiving To the deity instead of a flesh and blood sacrifice.

11. At the head of the Council of the Princes of the Tabernacle was Moses, the Most Mighty Leader, and his High Priests were Eleazar and Ithamar, the sons of Aaron. Aholiab and Besaleel supported Moses when he assembled this Council. Eliasaph, the son of Lael from the house of Gershon, was a speaker at the Council. The scribe of the Council was Eliasaphan the son of Uzziel of the house of Kohath, and the treasurer was Zuriel the son of Abihael of the house of Merari. Caleb the son of Jephanneh was the Master of Ceremonies and Joshua the son of Nun was the captain of the Guard. All the Princes of the Tabernacle were Levites.

12. When the Pentagram, or Shining Star, became visible in the East, Moses called a Council to consecrate new Princes. When the initiate entered, Eliasaph addressed the Council with the words: “My brother, the initiate is he who owns the lamp, the mask and the staff. The lamp is the mind enlightened by science; guise is freedom or complete all-encompassing self-control, which separates wisdom from the influence of instinct; and the staff is an aid to the occult and eternal forces of nature.”

13. Then Moses said: “My brothers, the powers of darkness have prevailed over the Prince of Light. The earth mourns, it shrank from the frost. Leaves are falling from the trees; snow has covered the mountains with a shroud, cold winds are blowing through the trembling Heavens. All nature groans; and we share a common sorrow. So let us offer prayers in the tabernacle for the return of the Light and the rising of the Sun, and for the moral and spiritual light of which He is a symbol.”

14. Moses said: “We, like our ancient teachers, mourn for Osiris, for us the symbol of the Sun, Light, Life. Scorpio and the snake rule the winter waves that carry the fragile Ark with its body. Weep, my brothers, for Osiris! Cry for the lost light and lost life, for goodness and beauty, oppressed by evil! Man fell from his first place and was lost when the Sun descended into the icy embrace of winter. Weep for Osiris, the symbol of goodness, truth, and beauty! How his body should return from the embrace of the hungry sea; The earth will rejoice in his presence again.”

15. Eleazar said: “Brethren, here is a new Priest of the Tabernacle, to train and prepare him for all the duties of a Prince, doing good in this fragile Tent of Life, that he may be exalted on the day of great reckoning into the shining chamber of the Glory of God, the Tabernacle of Eternity.” .

16. When the New Moon appeared after spring equinox In the fortieth year of the sons of Israel's wandering in the wilderness, Aaron died. Moses pitched his camp in Panon on the eastern side of the mountains of Hor, Seir or Edom in Arab Petraia on the borders of Idumea and held council there.

17. Moses led the Council, which consisted of Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephanneh. The speaker was Eleazar, son of Aaron. His brother Ithamar was a scribe. In front of Moses stood two low columns, one in the east and one in the west. On one column is a winged ball entwined with a snake, and on the other is a basilisk, with its body folded in rings and its head and neck straightened. A T-shaped cross intertwined with a snake was erected in the east.

18. Moses told the Council: “As much Truth as is given to mortals to know, so much is accessible only to those whose minds are not clouded by passion or excess. To achieve this, comprehend subtle shades a thought in whose body the Truth is hidden. The mind, like a sharp instrument made of the strongest steel, must be able to cut through a thought and distinguish its invisible nerves from one another. The blade of the instrument is dulled by sensual pursuits or abuse of the passions of the soul. Thus, this is what the sages have always demanded from those who seek to measure the heights of philosophy, a preparatory discipline, they demanded long abstinence and self-restraint and fasting, as well as prayers. If your mind is dull and rough by nature, or clouded or confused by involvement, the Holy Symbols will be meaningless to you; Our conversation to you will be in a language alien to you, foreign. This is what true Freemasonry has always been about, and will always be, limited to a few, since for many its Truth is stupidity, and its price is a bargain.”

19. Eleazar answered: “Our Most Mighty Leader, our people lost heart because of the way, coming from Mount Hor through the Red Sea, circling through the land of Edom; and they speak against Adonai and against you, saying: “Why did Al-Shadai and his servant Moses bring us here from Egypt to die in the desert? There is no bread here, no water, and our souls hate this easy manna. We have been walking here and there for forty years, and just as Aaron died in the wilderness, so we will die here. Let us not trust Adonai any longer; let our great gods be Amon and Astarte, Osiris and Isis, they will lead us out of these adversities.”

20. And as the children of Israel cried aloud, suddenly Adonai sent fiery serpents among us, by which many died. And those who remained repented and said: “Put chains on our necks as a sign of repentance, go to Moses, our leader, beg him to bring a prayer to Adonai, so that he will call his snakes away from us”; and Eleazar did as they wished.

21. Only he is worthy of initiation into the depths of mysteries who has overcome the fear of death and is ready to put his life at risk when the well-being of the country or the interests of humanity requires it, and even to die a shameful death if it brings benefit to the people.

22. I prayed for the people, and Adonai said to me: “Make yourself the image of a poisonous snake in a throw and put it on a pole; and let everyone who is stung pass by and look at the image and then be alive. The snake plague will cease: and as they crawl into their holes, so will the star snake fly away, with the scorpion in front of the twinkling stars of Orion. The great holiday of the spring equinox is coming, and it is time to prepare yourself with cleansing for Easter. Soon the Light will once again prevail over the darkness; The pulse of life will beat in the earthly chest, frozen for a long time by winter frosts.

23. “Let the bronze Cross and the snake be brought out before the congregation. May it always be the Symbol of Faith placed before the flock. May it always be the Symbol of Faith, the death of which in the hearts leads the people to decay. And may he not lose over time the true symbolic meaning; and let the people henceforth consider the symbol as something divine and worship it, for which we will perpetuate the memory of the events of this day and the traditions of Osiris and Ormuzd and Typhon and Ahriman, as the last step of those holy mysteries that Joseph, the son of Jacob, like myself , I learned from the Egyptians, and that I passed on to you such as our ancestors performed on the plains of Chaldea.”

24. “Our Father sent fiery serpents to bite and kill his children. And at the same time, he ordered us to forgive those who encroach on us. And this law is not a manifestation of His will, but an expression of His nature. Who will explain this great mystery?

25. Below, on Earth, the snake is the servant of death. Her image, raised upward, is healing and restores life. The first sages who sought the cause of causes saw good and evil in the world; they observed light and shadow; they compared winter with spring, old age with youth, life with death, and said: “The First Cause is beneficial and cruel. It gives life and destroys it.”

26. “Are there then two opposing principles of good and evil?” - Manes' students exclaimed.

27. No! The two principles of the equilibrium of the Universe are not opposed to each other, although they are opposite; but there is a single wisdom that opposes them to each other. Good is on the right, evil is on the left, but the highest good is higher than both, and makes evil serve the triumph of good, and good serves the correction of evil.

28. This first cause reveals itself through the cross; the cross, that which consists of two unities, each separated, so they make four, the cross, that key of the secrets of Egypt, the tau of the patriarchs, the divine symbol of Osiris, the key stone of the temple, the symbol of occult Freemasonry; the cross, that central point of connection of the right angles of four infinite triangles; four in one, divine tetragram.

The Universe is the temple of the Divine, whom we serve. Wisdom, Power and Beauty stand at His throne as the supports of His works, His Wisdom is infinite, His Power is omnipotent, Beauty shines throughout all creation in symmetry and order. He spread the heavens like a canopy; He set the earth as His footstool; He crowned His Tabernacle with Stars like a diadem, and His hands extend their power and glory.

From the book All Feng Shui First Hand. Advice from a Chinese master by Rong Cai Qi

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I. "The Sword of Moses"

In the name of the mighty and holy God!

Four angels are assigned to the "Sword" given by God, Lord of mysteries, and they are appointed to the Law, and they perceptively see the mysteries both above and below; and here are their names - SKD HUZI, MRGIOIAL, VHDRZIOLO, TOTRISI. [CQD HUZI MRGIZIAL, UHDRZIULU, TUTRISI]. And above them are five others, holy and mighty, who meditate on the mysteries of God in the world for seven hours every day, and they are assigned to thousands of thousands, and myriads of thousands of Chariots, ready to do the will of their Creator, X [ AHI HI HIH], Lord God and revered God; their names are X [ MHIHUGTzI PJDUThThGM, ASQRIHU, CIThINIJUM, QThGNIPRI]. And the Lord of each Chariot to which they are assigned is amazed and says: “Are his armies numberable?” And the least of these chariots is the lord and master over those four. And above them are the three rulers of the army of God, who make His eight palaces tremble and shake every day, and they have power over all creation. Below them is a double number of Chariots, and the least of them is the lord and master of all the above-named rulers; and here are their names - X [ ASHHI CTRISHUIH SHUThGIAIH]. And the name of the Lord and the king is X [ PSQThIH], who sits, and all the heavenly powers every day, before departing, kneel and prostrate before Him X [ GQTZ "CLAH], who is Lord over all.

And when you conjure him, he will join you, and will cause the other five rulers and their Chariots, and the lords who are under them to join you, as he did when they were ordered to join Moses, son Amram, and also to join with him all the gentlemen who are subordinate to them; and they will not hesitate to express their respect and transfer power to the man who pronounces the spell of this "Sword", with its secrets and hidden powers, its glory and power, and they will not refuse to do this, since the commandment of God X [ ABDUHU] reads: “You must not refuse to obey a mortal who conjures you, nor must you treat him differently than you treated Moses, son Amram, when you are commanded to do so, for he [mortal] conjures you by My ineffable names, and you pay homage to My name and not to him. If you refuse, I will burn you, for you did not honor Me."

Each of these angels told him (Moses) the proper thing for the proper time. These things are all the words of the living God and King of the Universe, and they said to him:

“If you wish to use this “Sword” and pass it on to future generations, (then know) that the person who decides to use it must, during the three preceding days, first free himself from filth and everything unclean, eat and drink only once in the evening , while eating bread from a pure person or washing his hands first in salt, and drinking only water. And no one should know that he intends to use this "Sword", since in it [contain] the secrets of the Universe, and they are used only in secret, and communicate them only to the undefiled and pure. On the first day when you retire from the world, perform ablution once a day and no more, and pray three times daily, and after each prayer say the following Blessing:

"Blessed are You[ QUSIM], O Lord our God, King of the Universe, who opens the gates of the East and opens the windows of the firmament in the East, and gives light to the whole world and all its inhabitants, with His multitude of mercies, with His secrets and sacraments, and teaches His people of Israel His secrets and sacraments, [He] who revealed to them this “Sword” used by the world; and You say to them: “If anyone desires to use this “Sword”, with the help of which every desire is fulfilled, every secret is revealed and every wonderful, delightful and extraordinary effect is fulfilled; then speak to Me in the following way, read this and that before Me , and conjure as it should, and I will immediately respond and treat you kindly, and I will give you power over this “Sword”, through which all your desires will be fulfilled, and the Rulers and My saints will be kindly disposed towards you , and they will immediately fulfill your desires and convey My sacraments to you and reveal My secrets to you, and teach you My words, and show you My miracles, and they will listen and serve you like dolls - their master, and your gaze will be enlightened, and your the heart will see what is hidden behind everything, and your capabilities will increase."

I call on You, X [ SUQIM], Lord of the Universe. You, called X [ IHUGH HU], King of the Universe. You, called X [ AthHU], gracious King. You, called X [ PHUZGH], merciful King. You, called X [ ZHUThGIHH], living King. You, called X [ TZHPRUHU HUH], humble King. You, called X [ SPTHUThHU], righteous King. You, called X [ QGIUHI HU], majestic King. You, called X [ CHRU SGHURI], perfect King. You, called X [ SPQS HPIH], just King. You, called X [ QThThH GthHI], glorious King. You, called X [ PThRIS HUPIHU], young Tsar. You, called X [ ROPQ TzIUHIH], joyful King. You, called X [ JUSH IHU], hear my prayer, for you listen to prayers, and join to me Your servants - the lords of the “Sword”, for You are their King, and fulfill my desire, for everything is in Your hands, as it is written: "You open your hand and they are satisfied with good"[Ps.103:28].

I conjure you Azliel [AZLI-AL], called X [ HURI ZHI]; I conjure you Arel [ARAL], called X [ SQRISIHIH], Ta"aniel [TONI-AL], called X [ AAThRTzAHIH], Tafel [TPAL], called X [ HUPQI HA AHIH], and the most magnificent of them - Yofiel Mittron [IUPIAL MITTRUN], called X [ HLIKIH HA], glory from above. With the permission of my king (I conjure) [you] Yadiel [IDIAL], called X [ SGHUH HIH], Ra"asiel [ROCI-AL], called X [ MHUPThKIHIITz], Haniel [JNIAL] called X [ RHU PGTIH], Haniel [HNIAL], called X [ PHUTzPNIGIH], Asrael [ASHRAL], called X [ ThHMUThIHIH], Yisriel [UISHRIAL], called X [ QNIThI PtzIH], A"shael [OShHAL], called X [ IHUTH NHIHIH], Amuhael [OMUHAL] called X [ RUPNIGIH USSIH], And Asrael [UATzRAL], called X [ ShHGNU ThGIHH] that you will join me and give me the "Sword", so that I may use it at will, and that I may take refuge under the shadow of our Lord in heaven in the glorious Name of the mighty and fearsome X [ HU HI HHI HU HH AH UH IH IH HUI HU HI HU NA HUH IHU IA HU HU IH IHU HI HU IA IH UH HU IA HU HUA HU IH UH IH HU HUH IHI HU IH AHIH MH UH], these twenty-four letters are from the Crown; so that you convey to me with this “Sword” the secrets, those above and below and the sacraments, those above and below, and my desire will be fulfilled and my word will be heard, and prayer (request) will be fulfilled through a spell with the ineffable name of God, which is glorified in the world, thanks to which all the heavenly powers are bridled and subdued, and this ineffable name is X [ HH HH HUH HHII IUHH AH UH NIH HUH PH UHU HIH TzHU AH UH HIH ThH UH IH UH IH SIH UH IH UI H], blessed is He! I conjure you so that you do not refuse me, do not harm me, do not frighten or alarm me, [I conjure] in the terrible name of your king, whose horror rests on you, the one who is called X [ PRZMUThGIH SRJUQThIH: HIGNIThIH: TRSNIHIH: QRZMThHU: TZNIH IH UH HIH HU HI HA HUH AHH HHI AH UH HUH HIH AH UH IH IHH IHU IHI AU HH AH HH HA HIH AH ZQDIDRIH]. Do for me everything for which I called you, and serve me, for I conjured you in the name not of the greatest of you, but in the name of the Lord of all, whose name bridles, subdues, restrains and binds all the heavenly powers.

And if you refuse me, I will hand you over to the Lord God and his unspeakable name, whose fury and wrath and fire burn, he who honors his creations with one letter of his name, who is called X [ ZRUG DQNTA QTzUPTzJThIH: AHUH-SJThI GIH NIGIM: HIGIH HU IH HNIH HUH QLTzG]; therefore, if you refuse, he will destroy you, and you will not be found when they look for you later. And protect me from mental and physical weakness in the name of X [ JZQAI AHIH UH IH HH IHH IH UH HH IH HIH AHIU IH HIU IHI UHUI HI HUI IH QQHUH SQQHUH], defender of Israel. Blessed are You, Who knows and reveals secrets, King of the Universe." A voice is heard in the heavens, the voice of the Lord of heaven, saying: "I desire that a swift messenger should go to man, and if he fulfills my message, they will become great through the "Sword" which I will give to them, which is the pinnacle of all mysteries, which My prophets also spoke about, and such will be My words, as it is written: “Are not My words like fire?” - said the Lord"(Jeremiah 23:29). X said so [ PGNININU GSIH], Lord of heaven and earth and I Assi Asisih And Apradsih [APRGSIH], the swift messenger, who rejoices in his commission, rose to Him, and the Lord above all commanded me: “Go and make this known to the people who are pious and good and pure and virtuous and righteous, in whose hearts - firmness, and in whose mouth there is no duality, who do not lie with their tongues and do not deceive with their lips, who do not grasp with their hands, and in whose eyes there is no lust, who do not run after evil, and keep themselves from all uncleanness, avoid all seduction , keep themselves holy from defilement and do not touch a woman." When the Lord commanded me so over everything, I, X [ ASSI ASS UAS IS-IH UAPRGSIH], the swift messenger, descended to earth, and I said on the way: “Where is the man who has all this, so that I should go to him and give it to him?” And I asked myself and thought in my heart that there is no man who would do everything that I wished; and I found no one; and it was hard for me. And the Lord, above all, cursed me with His mighty right hand and the radiance of His glory and His glorious crown, with His mighty oath right hand, and He cursed me, and the Lord strengthened me over everything, and I did not fall. So I resisted, I - X [ ASSI ASS U ASIS IH UAPRGSIH] so that NN gets the desired agreement in the name of X [ QMBGL-OQMH-UH ZRUMTzIH-IH IKRUQ-ZNUThIH IRPHU-JThIH QTzI UTzIHTz-IHTz-IHTz]".

"This is the great and glorious Name which is given to man as a tradition - X [ IH BIH ATz AH BAH HUI HU HU UH IA HU ZH UH UH AH IH IHU HH IHU IHU AQP HI HH IIAH HH HAH HUAH HHUH HII HU HU HI], holy, glorious, glorious, Selah. Repeat it after your prayers. And these are the names of the Angels who serve the Son of Man: (28 names) ". "In the same way, you will serve me, NN, and you will accept my prayer and my pleas, and you will convey them to God [ IHUH] X [ HH SHH AHH HH UH UH], blessed is He; For I conjure you in His name that you may soar like a bird that flies from its nest, and remind Him of my worthy deeds, and cause Him to forgive my sins now according to the words of my request, and you cannot reject me in name X [ HH-HH-UH-UIH- IH-UIH-UH-UH-UIHH- UIH-AH-HHUI-AHU-IA- HI-HI-HU-HU-IHU-H H-HUH-IH-UH], blessed is He, Sabaoth, Sabaoth [ TzBAUTh, TZBAUTh], Selah. His servants sanctify Him, and glorify Him with a gentle melody, and sing: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of the holy Name; the whole earth is full of His glory"; and do not reject me in the name of X, who lives forever and in the name Ditimon etc., X, and in the name of X the Great, the One from whom nothing is hidden, who sees the invisible, and in the name of the One who is the Lord of the heavens and is called X. And the King of the Universe pronounces this name in another way, namely - X. You, quick messenger, do not hesitate and do not frighten me, but come and fulfill all my desires in the name of X, the Great One, who sees the invisible, AHVH, whose ineffable name is revealed to the heavenly powers; and I conjure you with this ineffable name, as it was revealed Moses by the mouth of the Lord over all, X, Lord Sabaoth- His name. Blessed are You, O God, Lord of mighty deeds, Knower of all mysteries."

And what are these letters that X reported Moses? He said to him: “If you want to become wise and use this “Sword”, call me, and curse me, and give me strength, and strengthen me, and say: “X, with the great, holy, wonderful, pure, precious, by the glorious and awe-inspiring secret name X, with these letters I conjure you to yield to me and make me wise and join to me the angels who serve the “Sword” in the name of the Revealer of secrets. Amen".

Write this in ink on your skin and carry it with you during those three days of purification and call before and after prayer the following names, which Moses reported Mrgiiel, X, Trotrosi, X, etc. (13 Rulers mentioned at the beginning, and a long series of other mysterious names, which, as already said, were given Moses). “And they did not hide from him any of these sacred ineffable names or letters, nor did they give him other letters in place of these sacred letters, for they were sent by the Lord of all mysteries in order to convey to him this “Sword” with those names that and constitute the secrets of the "Sword"; And they said to him: "Command the generations that will come after you to recite the following blessings before their prayer, or they will be destroyed by fire: "Blessed are you, X, who was with Moses, be also with me, You, whose name is X. Send me X, the one who is the patron of the Cherubim, to help me. Blessed are you, Lord of the "Sword".

Anyone who wishes to use this "Sword" must say his usual prayers and, in the words, "you heed the prayer," say: "I conjure you, the four princes of X, the servants Hadirion, X, that you may hear my appeal before I begin to pray, and my requests before I begin to beg, and fulfill all my desires through this “Sword”, as you did for Moses, to the glory of the amazing name of the Lord of miracles, which is translated like this - X."

Then he must call the five highest Rulers and say: “I conjure you, X, that you will accept my spell as soon as I pronounce it, and you will join with me those four princes and all the armies of Chariots that you command to fulfill all my desires through this “Sword,” [I conjure] with this beloved name X.” Then he must call three angels superior to them and say: “I conjure you, X, beloved of X - the one who is Hadiririon, that you join me and attach to me X, who is under your control, in order to fulfill all my desires through this "Sword", [I conjure] with this unique name of X." And then he must call upon the supreme Ruler over all and say: “I conjure you, X, strong and powerful Ruler over all the heavenly powers, so that you join me, yourself, and not your messenger, and join with me all the Rulers who are with you, in order to fulfill all my desires by means of this "Sword", [I conjure] in the name of X, which is not a substitute [for the real one], for you are the beloved, and he is the beloved, and I am from the seed Abraham, called beloved. Blessed are you, the King of secrets, the Lord of the hidden, the one who listens to prayers." And he will not touch this "Sword" until he has done all this; after that he will be able to do anything, everything that is written here below in the appropriate order.

II. This is "Sword"

[Here contains a number of mysterious names of God or angels, which include the methods from the third part. The first list starts with Tobat, Tsbr, etc. (1-5). These numbers have been added by me [the editor of the text, Joseph H. Peterson] in order that these formulas may run parallel with their magical applications in the third part. I'm linking to them because they break this part down into handy little sections that are easy to spot. This is followed by the words]:
“With these names of yours and with the powers that you possess, to which nothing can compare, [I conjure you] to show me, find for me and deliver to me X, to accomplish everything that I asked in the name of X,” and again follows a list of names that together do not have much distinction. All names numbered 20-24 begin with JJ; some of them end JH. All names numbered 24-36 have the word attached to them Sabaoth; The letters HVH have been added to names numbered 41-47. Starting with names numbered 51-93 (160 names), all names are compound; they look like the names of sons, each with the father's name added, e.g. Sagnis, son Srngia; Ssgn, son Arggis; Atumi, son Batumi; Ahsuti, son Kkthus; Agupi, son Abkmi etc. Each name, starting from number 102 until the end of this part, ends with -el, followed by various syllables and words: sometimes only - JH or JV(numbers 102-105), or the word begins with A and ends JH(numbers 106-111). Names numbered 112-121 are accompanied by letters AHVH, numbered 122-127 - JHVHH, and under numbers 128-134 - HVJH. In conclusion the words follow: "You are the sacred angels, the princes of the armies of X, who stand on the thrones prepared for them, before Him, to guard and to serve the "Sword", to through it fulfill all desires in the name of the Master over all; You, the Rulers of the angels in the world, X, in the name of X the seal of heaven and earth, servants of X the Most High God; through you I see X in the world; you command me in all places of the Lord over everything: I pray you that you will do everything that I ask of you, for it is in your power do everything in heaven and on earth in the name of X, as it is written in the Law: “I am the Lord, this is My name!”.

1. If, during the full moon (?), a person wishes to unite a woman with a man, so that they can be together, to destroy the winds (spirits), demons, and devils, and stop ships, and free a person from prison, and for other things, write on red more often names starting from Tobar etc. (No. 1).

2. To destroy mountains and hills, to walk on water as if it were dry land, to enter fire, to appoint and depose kings, to blind the eyes, to seal the lips, and to speak with the dead, and to kill the living, to crush, control and conjure angels to come to you. , and see all the secrets of the world, write No. 1 and No. 2 on the base of the bowl and put the root of the genipa tree in it ( genipa).

3. Against the spirit that moves in the body, write on plate No. 3.

4. Against the spirit that burns, write No. 4.

5. Against the spirit throughout the body, write No. 5

6. Against the demon ( shidda) write number 6.

7. Write No. 7 against shingles.

8. Against sore throat (erysipelas?) say words No. 8 over rose oil and smear it on your face.

9. For ear pain, whisper into the sore ear No. 9.

10. If there is pain in the eye, say words No. 10 over water for three days in the morning and rinse your eye with it.

11. For cataracts, say words No. 11 over sesame oil, and smear your eyes with it in the morning for seven days.

12. If sand gets into your eye, say No. 12 over eye kohl and smear it on your eye in the morning for three days.

13. When bleeding from the head, whisper No. 13 over your head early in the morning for three days when you wash your hands before getting out of bed.

14. In case of paralysis, say words No. 14 seven times over a vessel filled with water and seven times over sesame oil, "so that this stops and leaves NN, Amen, Amen, Selah alone"; and pour water on his head and anoint him with oil, and do this for three days; then write an amulet with words starting with "I conjure you" before "Amen, Selah" and hang it around your neck.

15. For pain in one side of the head (neuralgia?) and for ringing in the ear, write No. 15 and hang it around your neck.

16. If your hearing is poor, write No. 16 and hang it around your neck.

17. If you have ear pain, say words No. 17 in reverse into your left ear.

18. If you are deaf, say over a decoction of hemp, mixing it with oil "Idi"(sesame?), words #18, and place the mixture in your ear once it is a little melted (or warm?).

19. For scabs, ulcers, itching, scabies, lichens, etc., which affect humanity, recite over olive oil No. 19 and anoint with your left hand.

20. For jaundice, say words No. 20 over the water in which the radish was soaked, and let him drink it.

21. For pain in the nose and spirit in the nose, say No. 21 over the oil "Idi"(sesame?) and place it in his nostrils.

22. For pain in the stomach (lit., heart) and intestines, say No. 22 over water and drink it.

23. When you have a fever, say No. 23 over the water in which you are soaked pink petals, and he must bathe in it.

24. For tumors, etc., say No. 24 once over them and once over olive oil, and anoint them for three days, but do not wet these tumors.

25. When an evil incident occurs (?), recite No. 25 over seven white bowls of water taken from the river and pour it over your head.

26. For an ulcer (diphtheria?), spit in front of him and say over his mouth, and over a cup of strong drink No. 26, and give him a drink, and watch what comes out of his mouth.

27. If a person is bitten by a snake or other (!) poisonous insects, he must pronounce over the bite or sore spot No. 27 and drink it; he must do the same whenever he is harmed by any crawling creature.

28. If a woman sees blood ahead of time, let her say No. 28 over an ostrich egg, then burn it, and let her be smoked with this smoke.

29. For pain in the mouth, say No. 29 over rice flour, and put this flour in his mouth.

30. For sore throat (croup) and shoulder pain, say No. 30 over wine and drink.

31. If you have a sore nerve, write No. 31 on a scroll and say these words over olive oil, rub some of it on the scroll, and smear the other on the sore spot and hang the amulet on your neck.

32. At the stones, say No. 32 over the cup of wine and drink it.

33. For hemorrhoids, take tow, sprinkle it with salt and mix it all with oil, saying No. 33 over it, and sit on it.

34. If a person suffers from a tumor and from a venereal disease (?), he should say No. 34 over the water in which the radishes are soaked, and then drink it.

35. For any sprain, take a plate and write No. 35 on it, and apply it to the sore spot, and everything around it will be healed; or take a ball of wool and dip it in oil (sesame?), and say these words over it and place it on the place of the sprain.

36. For a wound caused by iron, and for any blow, to prevent suppuration from occurring, say No. 36 over white naphtha and rub the blow site with it.

37. For cramps and pain in the heart, say No. 37 over spinach and butter and drink it.

38. For diseases of the gallbladder and intestines, take the water in which the raisins were soaked, say No. 38 over it and drink it.

39. For liver diseases, take a sixth of lentil water and say No. 39, and swallow it slowly (?).

40. For diseases of the spleen, say No. 40 over the lees of wine and drink it, and repeat this for three days.

41. Against the spirit that lives in the womb, say No. 41 over camphor oil and place a ball of wool in it.

42. If a woman is in danger of miscarriage, say No. 42 over a cup of wine, or strong drink, or water, and let her drink it for seven days; and even if she sees blood, and she repeats this over a cup of wine, the child will live.

43. If the person is bald, say No. 43 over the nut butter and anoint her with it.

44. For a spirit spell, write on laurel leaves: “I conjure you, prince, whose name is Abraksas, by the name of (No. 44), that you come to me and reveal to me everything that I ask you about, and hasten”. And the one whom you conquered will come down to you and show himself.

45. To deprive a rich man of his wealth, say No. 45 over an anthill and throw a pinch of it in his face.

46. ​​To cure leprosy, bring the patient to the river bank and tell him: "I conjure you, leprosy, in the name (No. 46), so that you cease and disappear, and leave NN. Amen, Amen, Selah"; and he must go down and plunge into the river seven times, and when he comes out, write an amulet with the words "I conjure - Selah" and hang this amulet around his neck.

47. For diarrhea, write No. 47 on a red copper plate and hang it around the patient’s neck.

48. If you wish that the rain would not fall on your garden, write the number 48.

49. If you want to see the sun (!), take... from the male tree, and stand in front of the sun, and speak... which you called on... called... and ears of barley (?) words No. 49; [there is probably something missing here] and he will appear before you in the form of a man dressed in white, and he will answer you everything you ask him, and he will even bring you a woman.

50. Anyone who wishes to enter the furnace must write No. 50 on a silver plate and hang it on his hip.

51. If you see a king or ruler and want him to obey you, take a container of water and place in it the root of the genip tree, and the root of the partulaca, and the root of ( Artilochia), and say No. 51, and put it on the hot coals in a white earthen vessel, and throw olive leaves into it, and he will bring you whatever you command, even a woman.

52. If you want to keep them in fear, take water from the fountain, and say No. 52 over it and sprinkle it on their faces.

53. For liberation (from any spell) recite number 53 over water, and sprinkle it over him, and write it as an amulet, and hang it on his neck, and also this for freeing a person from prison.

54. To catch a fish, take a white clay shard and put olive leaves on it, say No. 54 over it on the river bank.

55. If you want a woman to obey you, take your blood and write her name on a fresh egg and say No. 55 to her.

56. If you want a person to obey you, take a new clay shard and dip it in black bile, and say words No. 56 over his name, and walk without turning around.

57. If a tree does not bear fruit, write the words No. 57 on a new clay shard and bury it under the root of a barren tree, and water all the trees, including those that do not bear fruit.

58. If the fetus is sick, write on a new clay shard No. 58 and immerse it in a reservoir (for watering), and pronounce these words also over water, ashes, and salt, and water the earth with it.

59. When breastfeeding, write No. 59 on a piece of onyx and whisper it into the child’s ears three times, spitting after whispering; then repeat them over a cup of water 70 times and give this water to the child to drink.

60. In case of a mad dog bite, write No. 60 on the donkey’s reins and let the donkey go; then repeat these words over the sesame oil, and let the one who has been bitten anoint himself with it, and put on new clothes, and tie this rein around himself (?).

61. In case of heat and slight heat, write No. 61 on the skin removed from the head of a ram or goat, and hang it on the patient’s neck.

62. If anyone gets lost, he should say No. 62 over the four corners of his belt (?).

63. If you want to ask your neighbor for something, say No. 63 over sesame oil or... or...

64. If you want a woman to obey you, write your name and hers in your blood on her door, and write the same on your door, and repeat the words of number 64.

65. If you want to know whether your trip will be successful, find a salad with blossoming leaves in the field and, standing in front of the sun, say words No. 65 and look at the salad: if the leaves come together and close, then your business will slow down; but if the leaves remain in their natural state, things will progress and you will prosper.

66. If you want to free a person from prison, say No. 66 once to him, and once towards the sun, and once towards the prison (?) house.

67. To win (collect?), take dust from your house, and say words No. 67 over it seven times on the city road, and then take dust from the road, and do the same, and throw it in your house.

68. If you want to kill a person, take mud from two banks of the river and make a figurine out of it, and write the person’s name on it, and take seven branches from seven large palm trees. And make a bow from reeds (?) with a string from the sinew of a horse, and place the figure in the hole, and draw the bow, and shoot from it, and at each shot say word No. 68; and then NN can be destroyed...

69. To send a disaster, take (the skin?) of seven people and put it in a new clay shard, and go to the cemetery and say No. 69 there, and bury the shard in a place where horses do not walk, and later take the ashes from this shard, and throw it in his face or on the ceiling of his house.

70. To send dreams to your neighbors, write No. 70 on a silver plate, and place it in the mouth (?) of a rooster, and kill him when he swallows it, and take it out of his mouth and place it between his legs and bury him at the end walls, and place your foot in this place, and say thus: "In the name of X, the swift messenger must go and torment NN in his dreams until he grants my wish.".

71. If a snake is crawling after you, say No. 71 and it will freeze.

72. To stop a ship in the sea, say No. 72 over a clay shard or over a round pebble and throw it into the sea against the movement of the ship.

73. To free a ship from this spell, say No. 73 over dust or a clod of earth, and throw it into the water, and when it sinks, the ship is freed to move on.

74. If you want to protect a stove or pot from destruction (contamination?), say No. 74 over the dust and throw it on top of them.

75. If you want them to be hot, spit in front of them and say No. 75 and they will boil.

76. If you want to cross the Yaki sea on dry land, say No. 76 over the four corners of the headdress (turban), and take one corner in your hand, and the other (?) that is in front of you.

77. If you want to curse someone, say "Eighteen Blessings" No. 77, in the name of X.

78. To speak to the dead, whisper #78 into his left ear and throw it into his holes (?).

79. To kill a lion, bear, snake, or any other destructive animal, take the dust from under your right foot and say No. 79 over it, and throw it at their faces.

80. To catch them, take the dust from under your left foot while saying No. 80 and throw it at their faces.

81. To open the door, take a lotus root and place it under your tongue; and say #81 in front of the door.

82. To kill an ox or other animal, say in its ear No. 82

83. To set someone's heart on fire, say #83 over the piece raw meat and let him eat it.

84. To make a fool of someone, say No. 84 over the egg and give it to him.

85. To destroy your neighbor's house, say No. 85 over a new shard, and throw this shard at his house.

86. To expose your neighbor, say No. 86 over the oil... and smear it on the bottom of his jug.

87. So that your neighbor is not loved, take blood from bloodletting, say No. 87 over it and throw it over the threshold to him.

88. To make a woman miscarry, say No. 88 over a cup of water and pour it over her threshold.

89. To make a person feel bad, say No. 89 over olive oil and give it to him so that he can anoint himself with it.

90. To find out whether a sick person will die or live, say No. 90 in front of him: if he turns his face towards you, he will live; If he turns away, he will die.

91. To catch a lion by the ear, say No. 91 and tie seven knots around the edges of your belt and repeat these words as you tie each of the knots; and you will catch him.

92. To gain worldwide fame, write No. 92 in the form of an amulet and hide it in your home.

93. To shorten the path, say No. 93 over one lotus stem.

94. To cure hemorrhoids, take date pits, burn them, and say No. 94, and mix the ashes with the oil of olives, and place it as an amulet on the sore spot; and it will recover.

95. For any spirit, write number 95 on the ball and hang it around your neck.

96. To neutralize the effects of slow-acting poisons such as caraway seed and calaminth, write No. 96 on an egg, and put it in wine, and repeat the same words over it, and then drink it.

97. To protect yourself from a thunderstorm, take a ring of iron and lead, hang it in the place you want to protect, and say No. 97 over it.

98. Before appearing before a king or nobleman, say No. 98 over a piece of lion skin dipped in black hashish (?) and pure wine, and take it with you.

99. In case of plant disease, take a tendon, soak it in turnip juice at night from Wednesday to Thursday, and say No. 99 over it; the next day, spray the field with this mixture.

l00. If worms eat the fruit, take a worm from the dirt and place it in a pipe and say No. 100 over it; then plug the pipe and bury it in that place.

101. To free a person from prison (from shame), say over the base of Kappa and unripe dates No. 101 and let him eat them.

102. If the fields do not bear fruit, take eight cups from the eight houses, and fill them with water from the eight rivers, and put in them the salt from the eight houses, and say No. 102 over them eight times; and pour out two cups in each corner and break them on the eight roads.

103. If you don’t know why a person got sick, soak mullein in water and say No. 103 over it; and let him drink it when he is thirsty.

104. To fight, take the dust from under your left foot, say No. 104 over it and throw it into the faces of your enemies; and there will appear warriors with weapons in their hands who will fight for you.

105. To sow fear among people, write No. 105 on a lead plate and bury it near the western wall of the synagogue.

106. To always have light in the dark, write No. 106 on paper and always carry it with you.

107. To dazzle, write #107 on a scroll and display it in a wicker basket under the stars, but you must be silent while you write.

108. To send a sword that should fight for you, say No. 108 over a new knife from pure iron and throw it at your enemies.

109. If you want them to kill each other, say No. 109 over a new knife made of pure iron and bury it in the ground and place your heel in this place; and they will kill each other until you remove your heel from this place.

110. To stop them, take the dust from under your right foot and say the same word (No. 109) in reverse, throw it at them; and they will stop.

111. If the enemy has captured you and wants to kill you, bend the little finger of your left hand and say No. 111; and he will run away from you as from a murderer.

112. To become invisible, say No. 112 over the skin of a lion and carry it with you; and no one will be able to see you.

113. If you fell into (?) and want to get out, say No. 113 and you will get out safely.

114. If you fall into a deep hole, when you fall, say No. 114 and nothing will harm you.

115. If you fell into a deep river, say No. 115 and you will get out of it.

116. When any load or gravity falls on you, say No. 116 and you will be saved.

117. If the king's servants seize you, bend the little finger of your left hand and say No. 117 before the king or judge; and he will kill those people who captured you.

118. If you are surrounded by an army, turn your face to the west and say No. 118 before the king or judge; and the army will freeze like stones.

119. If you wish to release them, turn your face to the east and say the same words in reverse (No. 118).

120. If you are traveling through the valleys or in the mountains and have nothing to drink, lift your eyes to Heaven and say No. 120; and a fountain of water will flow before you.

121. If you are hungry, raise your eyes to the sky and spread your arms, and say No. 121; and the spirit will appear before you and bring you bread and meat.

122. If you want to call the angel (prince) of people, say No. 122 over your mantle, and the angel you called will come to you and tell you everything you want (to know).

123. If you want him to leave, say the same words in reverse in front of him (No. 122) and he will leave.

124. If you want any heavenly prince to come to you and teach you, say No. 124 and curse him at the third hour of the night starting from "in the name of the Lord of saints"(No. 136) and to the end "Sword" And “Send him to me so that he can reveal to me everything that is in his power.”, and then it will disappear.

125. To walk on water without getting your feet wet, take a lead plate and write No. 125 on it and place it on your belt; and, after that, you can go.

126. To become wise, remember for three months, starting from Nissan, words No. 126, and add to "Eighteen Blessings": "Let the gates of wisdom be opened for me, that I may meditate therein."

127. To immediately remember everything you have learned, write No. 127 on a fresh egg, then wash it with strong wine early in the morning, drink it and do not eat anything for three hours.

128. To make another forget everything he has taught, write No. 128 over his name on laurel leaves and hide them under his threshold.

129. To send an evil spirit on your neighbor, take a green grasshopper, say No. 129 over it and bury it on a hill and jump on this place.

130. To send a plague, take the bone of a dead man and the dust from under him in a pot, and tie it in a rag with saliva, and say No. 130 over it in his name, and bury it in the cemetery.

131. To bind and lock up thieves and robbers, say No. 131, and while you speak, place your little finger in your ear.

132. To free them, say No. 132 and remove your little finger from your ear.

133.To protect your home from thieves, say No. 133 over a jug of water and water your roof with it.

134. To protect your house from soldiers (robbers), take earth from an anthill and sprinkle it on your roof, repeating words No. 134.

135. To protect yourself from Mazikim, Tell: “In the name of No. 135, let me remain in peace, and without harm,” the same must be done to drive them away if you meet them.”.

136. In any other case that has not been mentioned here, say No. 136 to the end "Sword".

And on every amulet that you make according to this Sword, write first: “In the name of the Lord of all saints, may this “Sword” be efficacious to serve me, and may its lord come to serve me, and may all powers be imparted that I may use them as they were imparted to Moses son of Amram perfect from his God, and no harm happened to him!” If you do not behave properly, the angels of fury, wrath, fury and fury will come to control you, and they will dominate you and will choke and torment you everywhere. These are the names of their leaders: the lord of the angels of fury - Mzpopiasaiel; lord of the angels of wrath - Zkzoromtiel; lord of the angels of fury - Kso"ppghiel; lord of the angels of fury - N"mosnikttiel. And the angels who are subordinate to them are numberless, and they will all have power over you, and will make it as if your body were rotting on a dung heap.

May God protect you from all evil. Amen!

The end of the "Sword", with the help of God, who is feared in the council of saints. The end, the end.

Translation by Frater A.