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You already know what you should lead for Personal diary, and that it can be considered as one of the elements. We also got to know you very well effective system. Now let's talk about form keeping a diary.

You can write everything down in a notebook. To some extent, this is convenient - your eyes don’t get so tired, you don’t need a computer. But those who are accustomed to a computer and the Internet may prefer the form of conducting personal diary online.

What's good about this option? Firstly, keeping a diary electronically will allow you to quickly find and classify information . You can assign multiple keywords to each note. The simplest example is related to maintaining collapsible diaries - you assign the keyword “day” to daily entries, the keyword “week” to weekly reports, the keyword “month” to monthly reports, and the keyword “year” to annual reports. And subsequently, if you want to view only weekly, only monthly, or only annual reports, you will only need to call them using the appropriate keywords.

Or you periodically have ideas on some topic, for example, about your garden. Add the keyword “vegetable garden” to your daily entry. And in the same way, you can call up all records that contain this keyword.

You can come up with a lot of other options for using keywords, for example, “gifts”, “congratulations”, “plans”, “ideas”, “achievements”, and so on. You can even create a personal diary based on database, and find necessary information by keywords.

In addition, an online personal diary is good because you can open your entries for any day without leafing through the notebook. Simply click on the corresponding date in the calendar. Another advantage is that no one will read your entries, because to access your personal online diary, you need a password.

Of course, you can use the program to keep a personal diary. In this case, all records will be stored on the computer. But, firstly, the program needs to be installed on your computer, and, in addition, there is a risk of losing the program and your records. And secondly, you will not be able to access your diary from another computer. Storing records on a third-party site is more secure, and if you are afraid. that something happens to the site, you can periodically export your entries to your computer in text form.

You can also find quite a lot of personal diaries online. But somehow I immediately came across a good online diary in my search, and I liked it so much that I no longer want to look for other options. In my opinion, he is perfect. Both the site design and usability (that is, ease of use) are all excellent. Nothing extra, but there is what you need. The design is also pleasant and calm - pink and green colors that do not irritate the eyes. It is this site that I will tell you about. Let me just emphasize once again that we're talking about exactly about personal diaries online, that is, about those that no one except the authors themselves can read.

To create your own personal diary, follow the link:

and click on the link Registration in the menu on the right. Specify your login, password, and your e-mail. As for mail - if you want to remain completely confidential, no one is stopping you from creating a new mailbox under some fictitious name. This way you will completely protect yourself from the most unlikely accidents. Entering your email is needed solely so that you can recover your password for the site if you suddenly forget it.

After registration, you will see a field for entering your first entry. Below you will see a field for entering keywords. When you start typing the first keyword, you will see a new field appear next to it for the next keyword. You need to enter one keyword in each field.

Keywordsimportant tools personal diary online - you can use them to find the necessary entries, as well as link different entries related to the same topic. Examples of keywords: “books”, “family”, “work”, “leisure” and so on. It is important to write keywords in a single form, because if you write the keyword “travel” in one entry, and “travel” in another entry, then these entries will not be related. But in reality it’s not that difficult - in the right menu you will see a list of your keywords, and you can attach them to your post with one click.

Immediately after saving the recording, the system will show you notes tagged with the same keywords. This is convenient because you can immediately remember similar events that happened in the past.

Recordings made can be edited. You can change the text of the entry, you can change the keywords in it.

At the bottom, under the right menu, there is a calendar. All the days in which you made entries will be shown as links that you can click on and view these entries.

In addition to the ability to view all entries, your personal online diary also has an important option Filter, which can be found by going to any page containing entries. This option is at the top, above the entries. By clicking on it, you will see a list of all keywords just below. By clicking on these keywords. You remove posts with them from display.

There is also such an option in the right menu, only there it’s the other way around, you can show posts with the corresponding keywords by checking the checkboxes.

In a word, this personal online diary is a real find. So use it. I wish you success!

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