Who is right in Ushinsky's story about tree disputes? Lesson summary on the topic “K. Ushinsky “Tree dispute. Progress of direct educational activities

. LESSON TOPIC : K. Ushinsky “Tree Dispute”

THE PURPOSE OF THE LESSON : - form the concept of “story”, “fairy tale”; compare the story with a fairy tale; improve reading skills; develop the ability to express your feelings in relation to what you read; develop imagination, logical thinking, speech, broaden your horizons; cultivate interest in literary creativity and reading;

teach children to analyze works . EQUIPMENT : portrait of K.D. Ushinsky, (underneath there is a quote: “Love for native nature-one of the surest signs of love for home country", presentation to the work of K.D. Ushinsky "Tree Dispute". DURING THE CLASSES:I. ORGANIZING TIME. Speech warm-up . There is an old man in the world. Old man - Lesovichok. He wears variegated leaves Multi-colored cap. Every day, in the rain and in the heat He guards the forest world.Lesovichok is the guest of our lesson. He has prepared a riddle for you. For us in the rain and in the heat A friend will help Green and good. He will stretch out dozens of hands And thousands of palms.

II. SETTING LESSON GOALS.- What are we going to talk about in class today?-Today in class we will get acquainted with the work of K.D. Ushinsky “Tree Dispute”. III. STUDYING NEW MATERIAL.

    Getting to know the biography of K.D. Ushinsky.
Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky was born on February 19, 1824 in Tula into a poor noble family. His father, Dmitry Grigorievich Ushinsky, was an educated man. His mother, Lyubov Stepanovna, trained and raised the boy. Lyubov Stepanovna knew how to treat the child’s natural curiosity with care, support and develop his inquisitive thoughts. Love for native nature, which then became part of a deeper and more conscious feeling - love for the homeland - is one of Ushinsky’s most characteristic aspirations.
    “Excursion” to a forest clearing.
- Guys, I invite you to a forest clearing. Close your eyes, imagine that you are in an enchanted forest in which there are trees different breeds. By right hand from you there is a birch, on the left there is an oak, in front there is a spruce, and behind it there is a willow, a pine and many, many other trees. Introduced? Now open your eyes and listen to what they might be talking about: 3.Preparatory work before reading the text. (page 66) *Read in whole words Dispute - argued - argued Look - look - look Praise - praise - praise - boast *Read the words together Cut-out -s -------cut-out Ver - hush - ka ------top By - go - di - those ------- wait Go – le – no – shen – ki --------shins *Read attentively Drunk - poured out Grabs - brags
    Teacher reading text
(pp. 60 -67) - Do you think this is a fairy tale or a story? Why? 4 . Reading text by students -What is this work about? 5. Expressive selective reading of a fairy tale. - Think about what “character” oak has?- What does the oak boast about?- In what tone will we read the words of the oak tree?- Read the words of the oak tree, conveying its “character” as you read.- What is the difference between an apple tree and an oak tree?- How did she feel about the oak tree’s story?- Read the words of the apple tree, conveying as you read its “contempt” for the oak.- What can you say about the “character” of pine? How does she express her attitude towards the oak and apple tree?- Read the words of the pine tree. 6. Reading a fairy tale by role . Working on content. -What is the name of the conversation that took place between the trees?Dispute - a verbal competition, a discussion of something in which everyone defends their opinion.-What can you say about the three trees?-What genre does this fairy tale belong to?- Who can be meant by oak, pine, apple tree? 7.Description of trees.

Apple tree


The pines want to grow to the sky,

They want to sweep the sky with branches,

So that within a year

The weather was clear.


Oak of rain and wind

Not afraid at all.

Who said that oak

Scared of catching a cold?

After all, until late autumn

It's green.

This means the oak is hardy,

So, hardened.

8.Working with proverbs Don't praise yourself, wait. when people praise you.As is the case, so is the benefitDon't look for beauty, but look for benefit. - How do you understand the meaning of these proverbs? IV. RESULT OF THE LESSON. REFLECTION. V. HOMEWORK. Page 66 – 68, read, draw a picture of a tree.

The trees argued among themselves: which of them is better? Here the oak says:

I am the king of all trees! My root is deep, the trunk is three times around, the top looks to the sky; My leaves are carved, and the branches seem to be cast from iron. I do not bow to storms, I do not bend before thunderstorms.
The apple tree heard the oak boasting and said:

Don’t boast too much, dude, that you are big and fat: but only acorns grow on you, for the amusement of pigs; and my rosy apple is even on the royal table.

The pine tree listens, shakes its needle-like top.

Wait,” he says, “to boast; Winter will come, and you will both stand naked, but my green thorns will still remain on me; without me, people wouldn’t be able to live in the cold side; I use it to heat stoves and build huts.

Forest and stream

Running through the damp forest darkness, in the midst of swamps and mosses, the stream complained pitifully that the forest was blocking both the clear sky and the distant surroundings from it, and did not allow either the clear rays of the sun or the playful breeze to reach it.
“At least people would come and cut down this obnoxious forest!” - the stream gurgled.
- My child! - the forest answered him meekly. “You are still small and do not understand that my shadow protects you from the drying effects of the sun and wind, that without my protection your still weak streams would quickly dry up.” Wait, first gain strength under my shadow, and then you will run out onto the open plain, but not as a weak stream, but as a mighty river. Then, without harm to yourself, you will reflect the brilliant sun and clear sky in your streams, you will safely play with the mighty wind.

Carnation beds

Three children each begged their mother for a small bed of carnations and waited impatiently for the flowers to bloom, because buds had already appeared on the carnation.

The youngest of the brothers, however, did not have the patience to wait for the buds to unfold on their own, and he, running early in the morning to his garden bed, first picked out one bud: pretty variegated petals appeared from behind the green shell.

The boy liked it, and he quickly opened one bud after another; Finally, his entire garden bed began to bloom.

Look, look! - he shouted to his brothers, jumping for joy around his garden bed and clapping his hands.

Look, my carnation is already blooming, but in your beds there are only leaves and green buds.

But the boy's joy was short-lived. The sun rose higher, and the colorful flowers, opened violently and prematurely, sadly bent towards the ground, and by midday they darkened and completely withered.

The boy's premature joy turned to sadness, and he cried bitterly, standing by his withered flowers.

The story of an apple tree

A wild apple tree grew in the forest; fell from it in the fall sour apple. The birds pecked at the apple and also pecked the grains.

Only one grain hid in the ground and remained.

The grain lay under the snow during the winter, and in the spring, when the sun warmed up wet ground, the grain began to sprout: it sent down a root, and sent up the first two leaves. A stem with a bud ran out from between the leaves, and green leaves came out of the bud at the top. Bud by bud, leaf by leaf, twig by twig - and five years later a pretty apple tree stood in the place where the grain had fallen.

A gardener came to the forest with a spade, saw an apple tree and said: “This is a good tree, it will be useful to me.”

The apple tree trembled when the gardener began to dig it up, and thought: “I’m completely lost!” But the gardener dug up the apple tree carefully, without damaging the roots, moved it to the garden and planted it in good soil.

The apple tree in the garden became proud: “I must be a rare tree,” she thinks, “when they brought me from the forest to the garden,” and looks down on the ugly stumps tied with rags; She didn’t know that she was in school.

The next year a gardener came with a curved knife and began to cut the apple tree.

The apple tree trembled and thought: “Well, now I’m completely lost.”

The gardener cut off the entire green top of the tree, left one stump, and even split it on top; the gardener stuck a young shoot from a good apple tree into the crack; I covered the wound with putty, tied it with a cloth, set up a new clothespin with pegs and left.

The apple tree fell ill; but she was young and strong, she soon recovered and grew together with someone else’s branch.

The twig drinks the juice of a strong apple tree and grows quickly: it throws out bud after bud, leaf after leaf, shoots out shoot after shoot, twig after twig, and three years later the tree blooms with white-pink fragrant flowers.

The white and pink petals fell, and in their place a green ovary appeared, and by autumn the ovaries became apples; Yes, not wild sorrel, but large, rosy, sweet, crumbly!

And the apple tree was such a pretty success that people came from other orchards to take shoots from it for clothespins.

Lesson on the Russian language (speech development) for 5th grade students.

Comprehensive analysis of the text by K.D. Ushinsky “Tree Dispute” (when repeating material for a primary school course)

Teacher of Russian language and literature Gut N.S.

The purpose of the lesson : teach children to analyze the text, think about what they read; consolidate skills in finding means of expression to characterize characters; expand your vocabulary; repeat spelling charts for the spelling of an unstressed vowel at the root of a word, na - tsya and - tsya in verbs, not with verbs; repeat the punctograms for placing punctuation marks at the end of the sentence; develop imagination and logical thinking.

Equipment : computer for viewing slides about K.D. Ushinsky;

on the students’ desks – the text by K.D. Ushinsky “Tree Dispute”, worksheet

for complex text analysis.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher's word:

Today we will work with the text by K.D. Ushinsky “Tree Dispute”

K.D. Ushinsky bequeathed to master the “gift of speech.” Following this. Let's try to understand the meaning of the text, pay attention to the construction of the text and its other features.

But before this large and interesting work, let's remember K.D. Uschinsky.

II. Slides 1,2 about K.D. Ushinsky.

Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky (1824-1870) successfully combined in his activities a teacher-scientist and a teacher-writer. He graduated from Moscow University and later moved to St. Petersburg. Here I dedicated myself to my beloved

business - pedagogical activity.

K.D. Ushinsky wrote and released two educational books: "Children's World" for

children 10-12 years old and “Native Word” - for 8-10 years old. Children learned from these books. In the contents of the textbooks one could see articles, stories, fairy tales, and fables.

His works are read and loved. These are the stories: “Four Wishes”, “Vaska and the Cockerel”, “Cockerel with the Family”, etc. Fairy tales: “Wind and Sun”, “Alien Egg”, “Fox Patrikeevna and many others.”

III. Comprehensive text analysis.The teacher instructs the students to complete the worksheets.

1. Vocabulary work.

Give lexical meanings to words from the text (from homework).

Between - between,

She said - she said, she said,

Fun - entertainment, amusement,

Barefoot - bare,

Life is life.

2.Expressive reading of the text by heart by trained students in roles. Repeated reading of the text by the teacher.

3. Conversation on questions about text comprehension:

Who are the heroes of the work? What are they talking about? What mood is imbued with their speech? What genre can the text be classified into?

The heroes are trees: oak, apple tree, pine. They argue about which of them is better. They are unkind to each other.

The text is similar to a fairy tale: the heroes are trees, they talk, their author

endows with human qualities.

4. Construction of the text.

How many parts (paragraphs) is the text divided into? What are they about? Does the text have an ending?

The text is divided into 3 parts. Each of them contains the speech of one of the characters: an oak tree, an apple tree, a pine tree. The text has no ending.

Why do you think?

Perhaps we should think about how trees conduct conversations.

5. Determining the topic of the text.

What is the text about?

A dispute about who is the best of the trees.

6. Physical education minute.

Let’s imagine ourselves for a moment as trees, birds, and the wind.

Students speak in chorus and imitate trees, birds, and wind.

Hands raised and shook,

These are the trees in the forest

Arms bent, hands shaken,

The wind blows away the dew.

Let's wave our hands to the sides, smoothly,

These are the birds flying towards us,

We'll also show you how they sit down.

The wings were folded back.

7. Determining the main idea of ​​the text.

To determine the main idea, who do you think needs to be talked about?

About the heroes of the text.

Options assignment.

Write down phrases and sentences that characterize the characters.

What qualities are the heroes endowed with?

1st var. - about oak, 2nd var. - about the apple tree, 3var. - about pine.

Student answers


Phrases, sentences characterizing heroes



“...all trees have a king, a trunk with three girths, leaves...cut out”

And etc.

The most important, strong, boastful.

Apple tree

“... my rosy apple is even on the royal table”;

about the oak tree: “oak tree, you are wearing only acorns, for the pigs’ amusement.”

Boastful, disrespectful, mocking.


“Without me, people wouldn’t be able to live in this cold place; I use it to heat stoves and build huts”;

About the oak and apple tree: “Winter will come, and you will both be naked.”

Boastful, mocking.

Is it possible to resolve a dispute fairly if the heroes are boastful and disrespectful to each other?


What should you be like?

Treat each other with respect and kindness.

Is it then possible to notice the usefulness and beauty of each hero?


What is the main idea of ​​the text?

Respect, kindness, understanding will help you notice the benefit and beauty of others. This can be attributed to the heroes, the trees.

This is what you need to think about when reading the text.

8.Define text style.

What is the style of the text? Prove it.

We noticed characteristic features in our heroes human qualities, images are created. This is a sign of artistic style.

Name artistic media expressiveness.

Comparisons, epithets, personifications.

Students select and record means of expression on their worksheets.

Comparisons. “The branches seem to be cast from iron; trunk with three girths.”

Epithets . “Carved leaves, a ruddy apple, on the royal table.”

Personifications . “(oak) speaks, (apple tree) speaks, (trees) argues, (pine) listens.”

9.Working with spellings and punctograms.

What spelling patterns do you think associated with the spelling of the root word are there many words in the text?

On an unstressed vowel at the root of a word, verified by stress.

Repetition of the rule by students.

Select these words and write them down.

Trees, he says, trees, top, carved, poured, thunderstorm, on the table, pine, shaking, boasting, bare, green, thorns, in the cold, side, drowning.

Write down the verbs with not, the verbs with -tsya and -tsya.

I don’t bow, I don’t bend, I didn’t, don’t brag; looks, boasts, will stay.

What sentences regarding the purpose of the statement are used in the text?

What punctuation marks are used at the end of sentences?

Students noted that the sentences in the text are mostly narrative, in which each of the characters talks about themselves

And what is the sentence based on intonation: “I am the king of all trees!”?

This sentence is pronounced with an exclamatory intonation, oak

draws attention to his superiority.

What special thing did you notice in the design of each character’s speech?

Sentences with direct speech, direct speech is highlighted in quotation marks and its first word is written with a capital letter, preceded by a colon. Direct speech consists of several sentences.

Write down the speech of one of the characters.

IV. Lesson summary . The teacher thanks the children for their work and marks them. Students' answers on the worksheets will also be assessed.

V. Reflection.

Guys, what did you do in class? Was this interesting to you? What new did you learn?

We analyzed the text: determined its theme, main idea, style. worked on spelling and punctograms. This is interesting because it helps to better understand the content of the text, see its features, teaches you to be attentive to the word and write correctly.

VI. Homework.

Write a mini-essay on the topic “Friends’ Dispute.”

Artistic style text.

Comprehensive text analysis

Last name, first name of the student_______________________________________________

1.How many paragraphs are there in the text? What are they about?_______________________________________


2. Topic of the text_______________________________________________________________

3. Write down phrases and sentences that characterize the characters


4. the main idea text _____________________________________________


5. Text style. Prove your answer_________________________________


6. Write down artistic means of expression:




7. Write down words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word, verified by stress__________________________________________________________


8. Write down the verbs ending in -tsya and -tsya, not with verbs ____________________


9.Write down sentences with direct speech (the speech of one of the characters) ________



Slide 1

Topic: K. Ushinsky “Tree dispute”.

Target: 1.Introduce students to the biography and work

K.D. Ushinsky.

2.Develop competent, coherent speech of students.

3. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Equipment: portrait of K.D.Ushinsky, drawings of trees, books by K.D.Ushinsky.

1. Organizational moment.

The bell rang, which means it's time for us to get to work.

2.Relaxation. Emotional mood.

There is a flower of Goodness in your palms. You feel: it warms you, your hands, body, soul. A warm, gentle breeze blows around you, invigorates you, energizes you, and awakens your imagination.

This is the mood with which we will begin our lesson. literary reading.

3.Checking homework.

a) - For home, you were assigned to read by role the fairy tale by D. Bisset “About the tiger cub Binky, whose stripes disappeared.”

b) Students read a fairy tale in roles.

4. Setting goals and objectives for the lesson.

You were real artists. And I think that Binky the tiger would be pleased with you.

And today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the work of K.D. Ushinsky “Tree Dispute”.

Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky (1824 -1870) born in Tula.

His father was a representative of the bureaucratic class; he served the Fatherland all his life. Ushinsky’s mother was an educated and gifted woman, who became Konstantin Dmitrievich’s first teacher, and he took two classes at home.

In 1840, Ushinsky graduated from the gymnasium with good grades and entered the law faculty of the university in Moscow.

In 1846, he completed his university course, passing his final exams brilliantly.

K.D. Ushinsky provided big influence on the formation of children's literature in the 60s of the 19th century. His children's books include a wealth of encyclopedic data. He also created educational books “Children’s World” (1861) and “Native Word” (1864).

Ushinsky's books have had extraordinary success; they have gone through countless editions.

Look at the exhibition of books by this writer and teacher. We will get acquainted with one of his works today.

6.Acquaintance with the work.

1. Speech warm-up.

a) - We begin our acquaintance with the work by becoming familiar with the words that we will encounter in the text.

We read in whole words (by myself - but, and then 1-2 students aloud).

b) We read the first time smoothly, syllable by syllable, and then in whole words.

Cut-outs – cut-out

Ver-hush-ka - top

Po-go-di-te - wait

Go-le-no-shen-ki - shanks

(read in unison)

c) Read carefully:

You P ity - you l and you

How are the words different? What does the word mean?

drunk, A poured out?

2. Primary perception of the text.

a) Reading the text aloud by the teacher:

b) – Is this work a fairy tale or a story? Why?

3. Reading text by children based on logically complete passages (3 studies).

Who do you think is right in this debate? Select an answer and justify your opinion:

- oak - pine

- apple tree - all trees

4.Independent reading.

Read the story carefully and thoughtfully on your own. Identify its main characters.

5.Discovery of something new.

Who are the main characters of the fairy tale? Now try to guess the riddles about these trees.

a) My needles are longer,

Than the Christmas tree.

I'm growing very straight

If I'm not on the edge,

Branches - only at the edge.

(illustration is posted)

b) Message learning, discovery of something new.

“Pine trees... It’s nice to look at their slender, golden trunks, to inhale fresh air, smelling of resin.

Pine is one of the most ancient trees on earth. Important feature pine trees is that they are freed from the lower branches. The fact is that the lower branches die quickly because nutrients They are consumed faster than they are accumulated.

Pines reach a height of 80 meters.”

c) I crawled out of the tiny barrel,

It took roots and grew.

I have become tall and mighty

I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.

I feed pigs and squirrels

It's okay that the fruit is my chalk

(illustration is posted)

d) Student message:

“Do you remember what an oak tree looks like? He gives the impression of strength and power. These trees are really very tall - they reach 55 meters.

IN middle lane There are no trees in Russia that are larger than oaks. Oak trees love light, and their shoots change direction of growth several times a season, depending on the light. That’s why the branches of old oaks have such bizarre bends.

Leaves and flowers appear on oak trees at the same time, in May. And its fruits – acorns – ripen only in the fall.”

d) Round, ruddy,

I'm growing on a branch

Adults love me

And little children.

What tree do apples grow on?

(illustration is posted)

f) Student message:

“In temperate climates, the apple tree is the most important garden tree. Scientists have counted at least 10 thousand varieties of apple trees. They were taken out different varieties wild plants. Our place is rightfully considered the apple region, and the most famous and favorite variety of apples is the amber yellow, fragrant, sweet and sour Antonovka.

Apples contain many substances that people need. They also contain sugars, vitamins, acids, and mineral salts.”

Arrange the pictures in order, like in a fairy tale.

7.Work on the expressiveness of reading.

1.Preparing for reading by role

Find the oak words. In what tone should you read them?

Play the role of a fairytale oak tree.

(reading passage by children)

What character would you like to play next? What tone will you use to do this? Read it!

(reading passages by students)

2. Reading the story by role. (2-3 groups)

8. Lesson summary.

What does the fairy tale we read today teach us?

9.Teacher's summary.

We can touch the beauty of nature with our hearts every day, because in any, even the most ordinary phenomenon, you can see something unusual, sometimes you just need to imagine, as K.D. did in his time. Ushinsky.

10. D/z. Make up your own story about trees.

Ryzhova Tatyana Gennadievna Teacher-speech therapist, first qualification category MB preschool educational institution " Kindergarten No. 59" combined type Novokuznetsk

GCD summary for educational field"Communication"

Goal: retelling the fairy tale by K. Ushinsky “Tree Argument”.

Educational goals: to develop the skill of coherent, sequential retelling of key issues; purposeful perception and analysis of the fairy tale by K. Ushinsky “Tree Argument”; activate and enrich the vocabulary on the topic “Trees”; agree plural nouns; reinforce the skill grammatically correct design statements.

Corrective and developmental goals: to develop dialogic and monologue forms of speech; develop operations of thinking (generalization, analysis), attention, auditory memory. Develop gross and fine motor skills, coordination of movements, tempo and rhythm of speech.

Educational goals: to develop the ability to listen to a teacher and friend.

Equipment: panel, picture, text of the fairy tale by K. Ushinsky “Tree Argument”

Preliminary work: collecting leaves and making compositions from them.

Organizing time:

Intellectual warm-up.

Speech therapist. Guys, guess the riddles.

He will stand up in the forest like a knight,

He will give you acorns on time.

Both the forester and the lumberjack

We are familiar with him. This is... (oak)

Round, rosy apple
It grows on a branch.
This baby's. (Apple tree)

Everyone knows what's at the Christmas tree
Not leaves, but needles,
And just like her
With needles... (Pine)

Speech therapist. Well done guys. Now listen carefully to K. Ushinsky’s story “Tree Argument.”

Initial reading of the story

Speech therapist. Who started arguing?

Speech therapist. What were the trees arguing about?

Speech therapist. Which tree spoke first?

Speech therapist. Who is the king of all the trees? Why?

Speech therapist. Which tree heard the oak's words?

Speech therapist. Who heard the words of the apple tree?

Speech therapist. What did the pine boast about?

Speech therapist. What did the apple tree say to the oak tree?

Reinforcing skills grammatically

correct formatting of the statement.

"One is many"

Tree - trees;

Oak - oaks;

King of Kings;

Root - roots;

Top - tops;

Leaf - leaves;

Bough - branches;

Storm - storms;

Thunderstorm - thunderstorms;

Apple tree - apple trees;

Acorn - acorns;

Pig - pigs;

Apple - apples;

Table – tables;

Pine - pine trees;

Winter - winter;

Thorn - thorns;

Stove – stove;

Hut - hut.

“Choose a related word”

Tree - tree, wooden;

Oak - oak, club;

Tsar - royal, prince;

Root – root, gnarled;

Top - top, tops;

Leaf – leaves, foliage;

Bough - branches, knots;

Thunderstorm - menacing, thunderous;

Apple tree - apple, apple tree;

Pine – pine, pine;

Thorn - thorns, colitis.

Development of general motor skills and coordination

speech, tempo and rhythm of movement

Trees have grown in the field.
It's good to grow in freedom! (Stretching - arms to the sides)
Everyone tries
Reaching towards the sky, towards the sun. (Stretching arms up)
A cheerful wind blew
The branches swayed immediately, (Children wave their hands)
Even thick trunks
They bent down to the ground. (Bends forward)
Right-left, back-and-forth -
This is how the wind bends the trees. (Tilts left and right, forward and backward)
He turns them, he turns them.
When will there be a rest? (Rotation of the body)
The wind died down. The moon has risen.
There was silence. (Children sit at tables)

Repeated reading with a memorization mindset

using a reference picture

Children's retelling of a story using panels

The speech therapist asks the children to retell the story based on the reference picture on the panel. The story is retold by 2-3 children.

The game “What is extra, what is missing?”

Speech therapist. Look carefully at the panel and try to remember the objects on it.

The speech therapist covers part of the picture with a piece of paper and asks the children about the objects that are there.

Children. There was an oak tree.

Children. An apple tree and a pine tree grew next to the oak tree.


Speech therapist. Guys, what new did you learn today?

Children. Do we need all the trees?

Speech therapist. Why do we need oak?

Speech therapist. Why do we need an apple tree?

Speech therapist. Why do we need pine?