How did the feast of the “three saints” come about? Three Saints: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom 3 Saints Day

The feast of the three saints (Basily, Gregory and John) in 2017 is February 12. Why do we remember them on the same day? Read about it in our article!

Feast of the Three Saints in 2017 – February 12

Vasily, Gregory and John are remembered together so often that it is difficult to think of them separately. At the same time, they, like Peter and Paul, are in many respects striking opposites. The clarification of these opposites does not destroy, but, on the contrary, emphasizes the unity that was given to them in the Holy Spirit and which so organically entered into the consciousness of the Church.

The main place in this small cathedral of saints can still be given to Vasily. Everything that Gregory and John have, he also has. They are fighters against heresies - and he; they are bright preachers of the Word - and he. A courageous spirit, love of the desert, a modest way of life, a deep understanding of dogmas - all this and much more is common to the three fathers. All three came from holy families. Their mothers, fathers, brothers make up entire constellations of amazing personalities in holiness.

But Vasily is distinguished by the highest degree of self-discipline. Vasily is an organizer, which cannot be said about Gregory and John, or it is a stretch to say. Everywhere Vasily came, he left behind a strict hierarchy and order. He himself, without a doubt, was a charismatic person, but in church practice he relied on far more than just the power of personal influence and spiritual gifts. Discipline and regulations, law and organization—order, in a word, were introduced by Basil the Great everywhere. But things in the Church then were like a night battle, where everyone struck down their own and strangers, without seeing or understanding anything.

Vasily's intelligence and knowledge allowed him to become a scientist, his will and severity could make him a real monk, like Anthony. But he sacrificed all his talents to fight for the Church. He deeply hid his spiritual softness in order to become indestructible, and only in secret, like his friend Gregory, could he yearn for a serene life, for the desert and solitude. Few people understand what it means, loving Scripture and silence, to sacrifice oneself and rush into the thick of the struggle for the Church and its dogmas, having no peace, risking life, burning daily.

John was completely different, and Gregory appears even more different from the first two. John is the people's favorite and leader, but he is outside the system. The bishops don't like him, and not just the heretical bishops. The court is beside itself with his teachings and denunciations. After himself, Chrysostom leaves a name, a word and a memory, but not an organization, not a military formation. His friends and inner circle fall out of favor and become victims after the expulsion of John. And this is not a reproach, but an emphasis on dissimilarity, for in Christ every warrior fights as best he can.

And Gregory is a contemplator. He, of course, lives among people and edifies his flock, since he bears the highest rank. But he is burdened by the rank, burdened by what those unworthy of the rank so greedily seek. The bishop's omophorion becomes the reason for Gregory's offense against Vasily. The latter subordinates everything, not excluding friendship, to the interests of the Church and, in fact, forces his friend to become an archpastor at a difficult moment for the Church. As a preacher, Gregory does not so much exhort and speak as sing. It is precisely in response to the sweet voice of his broadcasts, called the “pastoral pipe” by the Church, that people infected with delusions flock to the fence of the Church and accept Orthodoxy.

Vasily has no free time. Gregory writes poetry in his spare time. John interprets the letters of Paul, and the apostle of tongues himself appears to him to explain difficult places their messages. It is difficult to find three people more psychologically dissimilar from each other.

The conflict that brought the memory of the three saints together is very understandable. People are capable of turning everything that is most sacred into a subject of bickering and quarrels. The Corinthians quarreled, saying: “I am Paul’s, and I am Apollos’” (see: 1 Cor. 3:4). The Christians of that time started a dispute about which of the three was the greatest and most glorious. The whole difficulty is that when looking at each individually, each one, without a doubt, can be awarded primacy.

Consider the life of Vasily (and each of us is obliged to do this), delve into it, and you will exclaim: “Great Vasily! Who is like him in saints?!” But then start looking at the image of John, and soon you will say in amazement: “There is no one like John!” If you read the words of Gregory and in silence consider the humble features of this owner of a heavenly mind, then you will forget everyone whom you praised before, saying: “Pray to God for me, wonderful Gregory!” There is no more among them. No, precisely because they are different.

There is no equal to the second Theologian in the beauty and precision of words. And in zeal for the glory of God, perhaps only Elijah the Thesbite will stand next to Chrysostom. Vasily is not just a fighter, and an ascetic, and a sage, and a leader of monks. He is also a military leader who knows how to gather many scattered fighters and turn them into an army. All three are great, and great in different ways.

The Church in all eras must have organizers, fiery speakers, and quiet contemplatives. Woe to the Church and the people of God if she does not have one of these three in one of the eras. Three times woe to the Church if there is no one! Then, behind the usual and beautiful appearance, severe diseases intensify and multiply, and there is no one to heal them.

Every man placed by God on a sacred degree must test himself to see which of these three talents is more consistent with his mental make-up and experience. It cannot be that none of the above applies in some way to each of the shepherds. But the combination of all three talents in one person is absolutely impossible!

Preacher, organizer, solitary man of prayer.

The calmer of the human sea, the son of battle and the son of prayerful silence.

One of three things.

If a person commands others, gives orders, controls, let him look at the image of Basil the Great. He must not only control, turning all five fingers of his right hand into index fingers, but must also stock up on all kinds of knowledge, as Vasily did. He must love fasting and books, and in solitude he must draw strength to fight for the Truth among the crowds.

If a person preaches at the right time and at the wrong time, as the Apostle Paul commanded, let him run away from idle meals and fawning on the rich, in the image of Chrysostom. Let him add to his reading and preaching the ardent service of the liturgy and abundant alms, following the example of the great father, and let him sacrifice everything so that his lips become the lips of the Word.

If a person loves solitude, loves long prayers and is reluctant to tear his mind away from heaven for the sake of earthly affairs, let him look at Gregory. No matter how much he suffered, he left the desert and occupied the pulpit if the Church demanded it. He neglected his own for the sake of the common and went to blow the silver trumpets of the sermon so that the thick walls of Jericho would fall.

Every husband who wears a linen ephod should have one thing, even in the most modest quantity. The renewal of memory regarding this truth, perhaps, is the main meaning of the joint veneration of Basil, Gregory and John by the Church.

Three Saints

Historical data

Total information







  • x4 - 305 mm/40;
  • x8 - 152 mm/45;
  • x4 - 120 mm/45;
  • x10 - 47 mm/43;
  • x10 - 37 mm;
  • x2 - 64 mm.

Mine and torpedo weapons

  • x6 - 18" (457 mm) TA.

Same type ships

Twelve Apostles

Three Saints (1893)(rus. "Three Saints" listen)) - squadron battleship of the Russian Imperial Navy. Is a continuation of the armadillo Navarin with improved armor and weapons. Named after Orthodox holiday "Cathedral of Ecumenical Teachers and Saints" The manufacturer was the Nikolaev Admiralty for the Black Sea Fleet. He took part in the battles on the Black Sea in 1914-1916. In 1922 it was destroyed.

History of creation

Squadron battleship "Three Saints" after entry into service

Start of construction Three Saints preceded by correspondence from Vice Admiral A.A. Peshchurov with the St. Petersburg authorities. In his report, he expressed concern about the too deep draft (8.5 m) of the currently existing battleships, as well as those under construction. Peschurov instructed the junior shipbuilder of the Nikolaev port K.K. Ratnik, who at that time supervised the construction of the battleship Twelve Apostles, draw up a sketch of a battleship with a fully loaded draft of no more than 7.5 meters. Also, the battleship was supposed to have main artillery, like Twelve Apostles, and even more developed auxiliary. Requesting immediate consideration of the project, which was attached to the report, Peschurov asked to entrust the development of detailed drawings to Ksaviry Ksaverievich Ratnik, in order to approve them by the end of 1890 and order all the materials necessary for the construction of the ship on time.

In 1889, a sketch of a new battleship with a displacement of 9250 tons for the Black Sea Fleet was received by a member of the Marine Technical. Committee (MTC) to E. E. Gulyaev. Comparison of K.K. Ratnik’s project with those under construction Navarin And Twelve Apostles, as well as a thorough check of all calculations took more than 8 months, and only on July 11, 1890, the shipbuilding department of the MTK read out the “certificate” of the design bureau on this issue. The document reported that with equal displacement and draft, the weight load of the Warrior was distributed differently: 300 tons were added for mechanical installation and fuel, 60 tons for artillery, and the armor weight was reduced by 250 tons due to the weakening of the armor of the lower casemate - to 127 versus 305 mm on Navarino. The displacement reserve accepted by K.K. Ratnik was considered doubtful due to the unjustified reduction in the mass of some load articles. After clarifying the latter, it turned out from the articles that the overload was 166 tons.

A year later, on September 4, 1891, construction of the battleship began at the Nikolaev Admiralty.

Description of design

The length of the battleship was 113.1 m at the waterline, 115.2 m - full, width was 22.3 m, draft 8.7 m. The displacement of the battleship was 13,318 tons, which was 800 tons more than what was designed for her movement.

Squadron battleship "Three Saints": a - longitudinal section; b - plan of the upper deck.

Three Saints was significantly more than Navarin, being longer by 7.2 m, wider by 1.8 m, and also had a displacement of 3000 tons more.

Power plant

Three Saints had on board two three-cylinder vertical steam engines, which were made by the British company Humphreys & Tennant. Both cars together had a design output of 10,600 horsepower. 14 cylindrical boilers ensured engine operation at a pressure of 883 kPa; 9 kg/s cm 2, which controlled 4 propeller blades.

On sea trials, maximum performance reached 11,308 MGP, as well as maximum speed equaled 16.5 knots. The ironclad was loaded with 1,000 tons of coal when fully loaded, offering a range of 2,250 miles.

Three Saints had a 305 kW generator, but this was not enough to provide full power for simultaneous operation of all electrical equipment.


Three Saints was the first of the Russian ships to have Harvey armor. It was made by Vickers in the UK, as well as by the French firms Schneider ET CIE and Saint Chamond. The maximum armor thickness at the waterline at the waist was 457 mm, which reduced to 406 mm at the beam. This was the thickest armor a Russian battleship had ever had.

Scheme of the armadillo's armor and armament, given in the British almanac Brassey's Naval Annual 1896


Main caliber

The armament of the main battery consisted of four 305 mm guns, created at the Obukhov plant. They were located in two tower artillery installations. Each tower had an angle of 270°. The guns had a rate of fire of 1 shot per 1 minute 45 seconds, ammunition capacity of 75 shots per barrel.

Medium caliber

The medium-caliber armament consisted of eight 152-mm 45-caliber guns, which were located in a casemate on the upper deck. The vertical aiming angles were +20° and -5°. The maximum firing range was 11,500 m.

Auxiliary caliber

Anti-torpedo armament consisted of guns of several calibers: four 119 mm rapid-fire guns (from 12 to 15 rounds per minute), which were mounted on the corners of the superstructure. The shell of such a gun weighed about 20 kg. The maximum firing range was 10,000 m. The rate of fire was from 12 to 15 rounds per minute.

Also, there were ten 47-caliber guns, they were located: six between the 119 mm guns, two at the front end of the superstructure and two more in the embrasure of the aft part of the competition. They fired a projectile weighing 1.5 kg at 1850 m.

Forty 37-mm guns were located: eight in each of the combat pinnacles, eight in the upper part of the superstructure, twelve in small loophole buildings at the bow and stern. The location of four more guns is uncertain. The projectile weighed only 0.5 kg. Max. shot range 2778 m.

Torpedo tubes

The battleship also had six 457-mm torpedo tubes, which fired torpedoes at 900 meters at a speed of 25 knots, as well as 600 meters at a speed of 29 knots. But they were soon removed.

Modernization and refurbishment

Significant re-equipment in 1911-1912.

On June 4, 1908, a meeting was held under the chairmanship of Admiral Dikov on the issue of rearmament of the battleships of the Black Sea squadron Twelve Apostles , St. George the Victorious , Sinop And Three Saints. After listening to the report of the acting chief naval engineer, Colonel A.N. Krylov, we came to the conclusion that it was advisable to replace the artillery only on the latter in order to introduce it into the brigade of battleships, in which only Panteleimon, A Eustathius And John Chrysostom were still being built. The day before (June 3), an experimental determination of stability was carried out Three Saints, the normal displacement of which was determined to be 13,415 tons (coal reserve 750 tons) with an average draft of 8.7 m, which corresponded to an actual overload of “only” 935 tons and a re-deepening of 0.4 m. The initial transverse metacentric height turned out to be equal to 1.7 m , it was considered satisfactory.

In the period from November 1911 to August 1912, there were many different proposals for reconstructing the ship, including a proposal to replace the outdated Harvey armor with the so-called Krupp armor, as well as any other new armor. This was proposed in order to strengthen the armor of the main guns and turrets. But it was rejected because the cost of the entire refurbishment was too high. The following parameters have changed:

The masts and battle tops were replaced with pole masts and all light guns and torpedo tubes were removed except for two 47 mm guns.

The 4.7 mm guns were replaced by four shielded 152 mm guns on the roof of the upper casemate

General view of the ship after rearmament

The upper casemate was modified to accommodate two additional 152 mm guns and the superstructure was reduced in size.

The maximum height of the guns was changed to 25°, and their breeches and lifting mechanisms were upgraded to increase the rate of fire, reducing reload time to 45 seconds per shot.

All these changes had the effect of reducing displacement by almost 100 tons, and therefore the battleship could only reach a speed of 16 knots in her post-reconstruction trials.

Service history

World War I

On the morning of November 17, 1914 Three Saints accompanied by pre-dreadnoughts Eustathius

Battleship "Three Saints" on the roadstead of Sevastopol

On April 25, the battleships finally managed to repeat the bombardment of the Bosphorus forts. Further Three Saints together with other battleships, they blocked the Bosphorus fort, supported the operation in Trebizond, and also fired at coal mines in Zonguldak.

Unfortunately, in order to sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Russian troops had to surrender Sevastopol to the German army. Goeben entered the central base of the fleet, considering himself a winner, and the Kaiser’s flags were raised on all the battleships in the bay. The battleships never went to sea again.

People who are not very knowledgeable about Orthodox tradition, sometimes people ask the question: what is a triple icon or what is the name of the icon with three saints? Apparently, we are talking about the icon of three saints, which depicts Gregory the Theologian, Basil the Great and John Chrysostom. They made an invaluable contribution to the development of Christian doctrine, the significance of which was so great that they were canonized to the rank of saints.


Their lives and works were difficult period in the history of Christianity - the 4th-5th centuries, when an irreconcilable struggle was waged between Christianity as the official religion and the remnants of paganism. These saints also made a huge contribution to it, and they were loved and revered in Byzantium. Over time, they began to be perceived as a single whole, and in the 11th century they even established the Feast of the Three Saints. The three saints were also always depicted together on icons.

Before the story of their feat as religious teachers began, they went through a great school of life, which only strengthened the firmness of their faith. The brilliant education and life experience received by all three allowed them to make judgments about spiritual and secular life, based on Christianity or paganism, and convincingly prove the truth of the Christian doctrine.

However, the Christian faith itself was going through difficult times due to the widespread spread of heretical movements, to the fight against which three saints dedicated their lives: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom. As bishops of the Byzantine Empire, in their sermons and theological writings they affirmed the unity of the Holy Trinity, interpreted the Holy Scriptures, denounced heretics and were active in public activities.

They also made a huge contribution to the liturgical canon. John Chrysostom and Basil the Great own the anaphoras that form the central point in the liturgy; they wrote prayers that Orthodox Christians still read daily morning and evening. Their works became a source of images for many subsequent church writers.

By their own example, they proved that the Christian doctrine they defended is a combination of high morality, asceticism and selfless service to the church and people, for whom they began to personify the stronghold of the Christian faith. This is exactly what is captured on the icon of the three saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom.

Description of the icon of the three saints

In Rus', the Three Saints icons appeared at the end of the 14th century. They are always depicted in full growth, in solemn church vestments. In the image of these holy elders, attention is drawn to their high foreheads, a sign of intelligence, learning and wisdom. In their left hand they hold the Holy Scriptures (in other versions - scrolls), the fingers of their right hand are folded for blessing.

All the details of the vestments are carefully written out, but they do not overshadow the significance of the faces: each of them is individual and marked by deep psychologism.

How does the “Three Saints” icon help?

Since these three saints are Ecumenical teachers and were themselves distinguished by outstanding scholarship, they pray in front of the icon of the three saints for good studies (both the students themselves and their parents). Individual prayers are also offered to each of them:

  • Saint Gregory the Theologian helps to strengthen oneself in the True Faith and convert to it those of other faiths and those who have succumbed to heretical delusions, that is, sectarians and schismatics.
  • Saint Basil the Great helps to achieve success in learning and scientific work, when conducting research and research. He also patronizes those who start their own business.
  • Saint John Chrysostom helps in getting rid of both various physical ailments and mental ailments, especially despair.

In addition, before the icon of the three saints, those who are going to build should certainly pray own house, or before entering a new apartment/house. Prayer in front of this icon will protect you from temptation and persecution from ill-wishers or superiors.

Prayer to the icon

About the blessedness of the luminaries of the Church of Christ, Basil, Gregory and John, who illuminated the entire ends of the earth with the light of Orthodox dogmas and extinguished the blasphemous confusion and vacillation of heresies with the sword of the word of God; falling to your mercy, with faith and love from the depths of our souls we cry:standing before the Throne of the Most Holy, Consubstantial, Life-Giving and Indivisible Trinity, strive well for Her word, scripture and life and devote your souls, always pray to Her,may he strengthen us in Orthodoxy and unanimity, and unshakable even to death in the confession of the faith of Christ, and in all-soulful obedience to his Church of the Saints:

may our invisible and visible enemies gird us with strength from on high;
may the Church keep her unshakable from unbelief, superstition, heresies and schism;
May He grant our archpastors health, long life and good haste in everything:
May our shepherd give spiritual sobriety and zeal for the salvation of his flock, may the ruler give justice and truth, may the warriors give patience, courage and victory over enemies, the orphans and widows intercession, the sick healing, the young good growth in faith, the elders consolation, the offended intercession, and all the best to all temporal and eternal life is necessary, for in peace and repentance, with a burning desire for salvation, working for the Lord, fighting a good feat, we will end our course and be honored in the Kingdom of Heaven together with you to always sing and glorify the Most Holy and Magnificent Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

The memory of the father of our three saints: and it is accomplished 12th of February(January 30, old style). The three great saints are revered as universal teachers who left us a great theological heritage.

Veneration of three saints: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom

History of establishment in memory of three Ecumenical Saints refers to the reign of the Byzantine emperor Alexei I Komnenos(1056/1057 - 1118), when there were disputes in Constantinople about the primacy of any of these Church Fathers. According to church tradition, in 1084, three saints appeared together to Metropolitan John of Euchaitis (c. 1000 - c. 1070) and ordered to establish a common day to celebrate their memory, declaring that they were equal before God.

On January 30, 1084 (O.S.), a separate celebration was established dedicated to three ecumenical teachers: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom. From the first half of the 12th century, the service of three saints was recorded in Greek liturgical books. The earliest example is the Charter of the Constantinople Monastery of Pantocrator (1136), which contains the rules for the consecration of the temple on the holiday " Saints Basil, Evangelist and Chrysostomos" In ancient Russian literature it was common " Conversation of the Three Saints"in the form of a question and answer, written on behalf of Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom. The oldest Russian lists of Beseda date back to the 15th century; the South Slavic parchment list of the 14th century is known. “The Conversation” was included in the indexes of false books immediately after its appearance. The earliest index in which it is mentioned dates back to the 30-40s of the 15th century ( “What was said about Basil of Caesarea, and about Gregory the Theologian, and about John Chrysostom, that ask and answer about everything in a row is false”, State Historical Museum, Chudovskoye Collection, No. 269); this index is associated with metropolitans Cyprian(1390-1406) and Zosima(1490-1494). It is believed that the basis was compiled by Cyprian, and Zosimas only supplemented the list, but the exact volume of additions is not known, since Cyprian’s index has not been preserved. However, it is known that it existed, since Zosima’s list states: “ And this is written from the prayer book of Metropolitan Cyprian of All Rus'».

Three ecumenical saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom. Troparion and Kontakion

Troparion of the general, three with ™lem. glas, d7.

For the sake of complete equality, and 3 universal teaching, in all prayers, grant peace to the universe, and 3 give our great mercy.

Kontakion, voice, v7.

Established and 3 divinely preached preachers, the top teachers of the city, are pleased to enjoy your blessings. labor2 and 4x and 3 illnesses are past, more than all the gifts, є3di1 did not glorify their 1x.

Library of Russian Faith

Three ecumenical saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom. Icons

Iconographic images of three saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom known from the 11th-12th centuries. Icon of the Three Saints mentioned in the Charter of the Monastery of the Mother of God of Kekharitomeni, founded by Empress Irene Duqueney in the 12th century in Constantinople. The first surviving image of the three saints is in the Psalter, made by Theodore, a scribe of the Studian monastery in Constantinople, in 1066 (now in the British Museum). Images of the three saints have been found in the holy order in the altar apse since the time of the Byzantine emperor Constantine Monomakh(1042-1055) in the Church of Sophia of Ohrid, in the Palatine Chapel in Palermo.

In Ancient Rus', iconographic images of the three saints have been known since the end of the 14th century. The first images are the Pskov icon of the Three Saints with Saint Paraskeva (XV century). The saints are depicted full-length with a scroll or book in their left hand, and their right hand in a blessing gesture.

Temples in Rus' in honor of three saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom

In honor of the three saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom, a temple was consecrated in the Spaso-Eleazarovsky Monastery (Pskov region). The monastery was founded in 1425 by the Monk Euphrosynus of Pskov (in the world Eleazar; 1386-1481).

A temple in Kulishki in Moscow was consecrated in honor of the three ecumenical saints. In the 15th century, Vasily I built his summer palace here with a house church in the name of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir. The princely gardens were laid out nearby, and stables were located next to them. A wooden church was built in the horse yard in the name of the holy martyrs Florus and Laurus. A house metropolitan church in the name of the Three Ecumenical Hierarchs was built next door. In the 16th century, the grand ducal estate was moved to the village of Rubtsovo-Pokrovskoye due to the fact that the southeastern part of the White City began to be actively populated. Churches that were previously located in residences became parish churches, and churchyards were formed at them. In 1674, a stone church of the Three Hierarchs was built.

In honor of the three saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom, the chapel of the Transfiguration Cathedral of the Spaso-Kamenny Transfiguration Monastery on Fr. Stone in the Vologda region. For more than two hundred years, the buildings on the island were only wooden. After a big fire that destroyed all the monastery buildings, in 1478 they began construction of the first stone church in the entire Russian North - the Transfiguration Cathedral, which was consecrated in 1481. In its original form, the Transfiguration Cathedral was a four-pillar, three-apse cross-domed church on a low basement. At the end there were three tiers of kokoshniks and two chapters: a large one in the center and a small one above the south-eastern corner, where the chapel was located. The abundant decoration covering the walls, apses and dome drums consisted of ceramic relief tiles, curbs, runners and niches. In 1925, in the monastery premises they tried to set up a colony for juvenile delinquents, who fled in the fall. In addition, the autumn fire damaged many buildings. In 1937, the Transfiguration Cathedral was also blown up for the sake of bricks that they wanted to use for the construction of the local House of Culture. The resulting brick could not be used for construction.

Spaso-Kamenny Monastery in 1909

In honor of three saints, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom, the chapel of the Church of the Epiphany from Zapskovia (Pskov) was consecrated. The temple was first mentioned in 1397; The current temple was erected in 1495 on the site of an earlier one, as the main temple of the Epiphany end in Zapskovye. The interior of the church is four-pillar, cross-domed, with raised arches. The northern aisle had a pillarless ceiling structure. The facades of the temple are divided by blades, ending with bladed arches, the apses and the drum are decorated with traditional, beautifully laid out rows of the “Pskov necklace”: “curb - runner - curb”.

Church of the Epiphany from Zapskovye

ABOUT Old Believer churches in the name of the three saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom there is no information.

Three Saints:
Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, John Chrysostom

The establishment of a celebration of the three ecumenical teachers resolved a long dispute among the people of Constantinople about which of the three saints should be given preference. Each of the great saints seemed to his followers to be the greatest, from which church discord arose among Christians: some called themselves Basilians, others - Gregorians, others - Johannites.

By the will of God, in 1084 three saints appeared to Metropolitan John of Euchaiti and, declaring that they were equal before God, ordered them to stop arguing and establish a common day to celebrate their memory. Bishop John immediately reconciled the warring parties and established a new holiday at the end of January - the month in which the memory of each of the three saints is celebrated (January 1 - Basil the Great; January 25 - Gregory the Theologian and January 27 - John Chrysostom).

He also compiled canons, troparia and praises for the holiday.

The saints lived in the 4th–5th centuries - it was a time of collision between pagan and Christian traditions. There were already decrees on the closure of pagan temples and the prohibition of sacrifices, but immediately behind the fence of the Orthodox Church the old life began: pagan temples were still in operation, pagan teachers taught.

And in the churches, the saints explained the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, fought against heresies, preached self-sacrifice and high morality; they were actively engaged social activities, headed the episcopal sees of the Byzantine Empire.

They witnessed the decisive moment for the fate of Christianity in the 4th century, the moment of the collision of pagan and Christian traditions, and the onset of new era, which completed the spiritual quest of late antique society. The old world was reborn in turmoil and struggle. The successive publication of a number of decrees on religious tolerance (311, 325), the prohibition of sacrifices (341), the closure of pagan temples and the ban on pain of death and confiscation of property to visit them (353) were powerless in the face of what immediately behind the church fence, the old pagan life began, pagan temples were still in operation, pagan teachers taught. Paganism wandered inertly through the empire, although like a living corpse, the decay of which began when the supporting hand of the state (381) withdrew from it. The pagan poet Pallas wrote: “if we are alive, then life itself is dead.” It was an era of general ideological disorder and extremes, conditioned by the search for a new spiritual ideal in the eastern mystical cults of the Orphics, Mithraists, Chaldeans, Sibbylists, Gnostics, in pure speculative Neoplatonic philosophy, in the religion of hedonism - carnal pleasure without boundaries - everyone chose their own path. It was an era in many ways similar to the modern one.

All three saints were brilliantly educated. Basil the Great and Gregory the Theologian, having mastered all the knowledge available in their home cities, completed their education in Athens, the center of classical education. Here the holy friends knew two roads: one led to the temple of God, the other to the school. This friendship lasted throughout my life. John Chrysostom studied with the best rhetorician of the Liban era; he studied theology with Diodorus, later the famous Bishop of Tarsus, and Bishop Meletius. Words from the life of St. apply to all three. Vasily: he studied every science to such perfection, as if he had never studied anything else.

The lives and works of the three saints help to understand how the interaction of the ancient heritage with the Christian faith took place in the minds of the intellectual elite of Roman society, how the foundations were laid for the unity of faith and reason, science, and education, which did not contradict true piety. The saints did not deny secular culture, but called for studying it, “like bees, which do not sit on all flowers equally, and from those that are attacked, they do not try to take everything away, but, having taken what is suitable for their work, they leave the rest untouched.” (Basily the Great. To young men. On how to use pagan writings).

Basil, returning to Caesarea, taught rhetoric for some time, but soon embarked on the path of ascetic life. He undertook a journey to Egypt, Syria and Palestine, to the great Christian ascetics. Returning to Cappadocia, he decided to imitate them. Having distributed his property to the poor, Saint Basil gathered monks around him into a community and with his letters attracted his friend Gregory the Theologian to the desert. They lived in strict abstinence, working hard and diligently studying the Holy Scriptures according to the guidance of the most ancient interpreters. Basil the Great, at the request of the monks, compiled at this time a collection of teachings about monastic life.

After Baptism, John Chrysostom began to indulge in ascetic deeds, first at home and then in the desert. After the death of his mother, he accepted monasticism, which he called “true philosophy.” For two years the saint observed complete silence, being in a secluded cave. During the four years spent in the desert, he wrote the works “Against those who take up arms against those seeking monasticism” and “A comparison of the power, wealth and advantages of the king with the true and Christian philosophy of monastic life.”

All three saints were ordained first as readers, then as deacons and presbyters. Basil the Great left the desert in the days when the false teaching of Arius spread to fight this heresy.

Gregory the Theologian was called from the desert by his father, who was already a bishop and, needing an assistant, ordained him a presbyter. Meanwhile, his friend, Basil the Great, had already achieved the high rank of archbishop. Gregory shied away from the episcopate, but after some time, by agreement of his father and Basil the Great, he was nevertheless ordained.

Saint John Chrysostom received the rank of presbyter in 386. He was given the responsibility of preaching the Word of God. For twelve years the saint preached in church in front of a crowd of people. For his rare gift of divinely inspired words, he received from the flock the name Chrysostom. In 397, after the death of Archbishop Nektarios, Saint John Chrysostom was installed at the See of Constantinople.

The licentiousness of the capital's morals, especially the imperial court, found an impartial accuser in the person of John Chrysostom. Empress Eudoxia harbored anger at the archpastor. For the first time, a council of hierarchs, also rightly denounced by John, deposed him and sentenced him to execution, which was replaced by exile. The queen called him back, frightened by the earthquake.

The link did not change the saint. When a silver statue of the empress was erected at the hippodrome, John preached the famous sermon, which began with the words: “Again Herodias is raging, again indignant, again dancing, again demanding the head of John on a platter.” A council met again in the capital, which accused John of unauthorized occupation of the pulpit after his conviction. Two months later, on June 10, 404, John went into exile. After he was removed from the capital, a fire reduced the Senate building to ashes, devastating barbarian raids followed, and in October 404 Eudoxia died. Even the pagans saw in these events Heavenly punishment for the unrighteous condemnation of the saint of God. John was sent to Kukuz, in Lesser Armenia. From here he carried on extensive correspondence with friends. His enemies did not forget him and insisted on exile to remote Pitsius, on the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea. But John died on the way there in Comana on September 14, 407 with the words on his lips: “Glory to God for everything.” Chrysostom's literary heritage has been almost completely preserved; it includes treatises, letters and sermons.


(To the Three Saints
Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom)

Kontakion 1

The chosen luminaries of the Church of Christ, Basil, Gregory and John, who with your teachings enlightened the world and extinguished all the vacillations of heresies and blasphemous confusion; as the intercessors of our salvation, with your prayers preserve us from all troubles and eternal torment, and with joy we cry out to you in thanks:

Ikos 1

Angels of earth and men of Heaven, saints of Christ and blessed fathers, champions of the Life-Giving Trinity, from Her light
Shining with the three suns and praying unceasingly at the Throne of the Trinitarian Divinity for our souls, hear us crying from our hearts to you:

Rejoice, you who have the boldness to cry out to the Lord for us;
Rejoice, great saints of the Holy Trinity.
Rejoice, you who have been granted integrity;
Rejoice, apostle of uniformity.
Rejoice, for through your teachings the grace of Christ has been wondrously requested;
Rejoice, having captured your mind in obedience to faith.
Rejoice, blasy worker of the grapes of Christ;
Rejoice, blessed by God from your youth.
Rejoice, you who have endured the sorrows of this life well and have multiplied the talent given to you;
Rejoice, God's will strong of the world who preached this gospel with much boldness.
Rejoice, having driven away the darkness of wickedness;
Rejoice, having enlightened the entire sunflower with the dawns of dogmas.
Rejoice, three saints, great and universal teachers.

Kontakion 2

Seeing those who are heretical with fierce aspirations, a sharp sword against the networks of false teachings and fire, consuming the tares of superstition, Saint Basil appeared and, like a most noble shepherd, denouncing the flattery of idols with his God-inspired broadcast, taught us to venerate the Holy Trinity, divided by the Hypostases, but united by the Creature, and cry out to Her : Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The mind is illuminated by the grace of Christ, as the apostle of oneness of equality, the Orthodox dogmas of the teaching have been clarified and the three great lamps of the Trinitarian Divinity have appeared; Illuminated by your inspired writings, the Church of Christ shines brightly, and its faithful children ascend to the measure of the age of fulfillment of Christ. In the same way, looking at the riches of the grace of Christ bestowed upon you, as our enlighteners we praise you, blatantly:

Rejoice, God-bearing heavenly mysteries;
Rejoice, repentance of the silent preacher.
Rejoice, vessels of election;
Rejoice, teacher of wisdom of the universe.
Rejoice, you who have taught people in the Divine teachings of Christ;
Rejoice, you who have always walked diligently in the commandments of the Lord.
Rejoice, having manifested many different virtues in your life;
Rejoice, pillars of steadfastness, who have confirmed the faith of Christ with Divine dogmas.
Rejoice, the verbal flock of Christ wiser than those who fell;
Rejoice, most distinguished theologians of Orthodoxy.
Rejoice, luminaries, enlightening all the ends of the earth;
Rejoice, sweet-sounding pipe and lantern.
Rejoice, three saints, great and universal teachers.

Kontakion 3

The power of the prayers of his fathers forced Saint Gregory to leave Pontus and to Nazianz to his father, to help him, to settle down, where he taught and taught the glory of God and disgraced the Arian heresy. In the same way, great Saint Gregory, remember us, passing through the pastures of the Divine incorruptible paradise, at the throne of the Holy Trinity, and let us cry out to her with tenderness: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having in their hearts the luminous grace of the Holy, Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity, the three preachers of God, the division of the body and the union of the spirit, piously preaching the One and Unchangeable Trinity, the Being and the Divinity, and sealing this sermon with suffering. Likewise, we, imitating their faith, cry out as follows:

Rejoice, strong and invincible supporters of the Church of Christ;
Rejoice, zealous zealots of the truth of Christ.
Rejoice, ko Holy Trinity warm prayer books;
Rejoice, good shepherd to the Church of Christ.
Rejoice, Aria, who deposed and established the Orthodox;
Rejoice, One Unchangeable Trinity, Being and Divinity, who glorified the deeds and teachings.
Rejoice, Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, Trinity Hypostasis, who have wonderfully understood;
Rejoice, for the sake of the Tri-radiant One and the One Divinity, you have endured the greatest sorrows and persecutions.
Rejoice, having borne the burden of the day unabated until the end of your life;
Rejoice, having driven away the dark night of evil heresies with the rays of godly dogmas.
Rejoice, you who have nourished the souls of the faithful with grace;
Rejoice, thou who havest been worthy to be the heir of the Eternal Kingdom.
Rejoice, three saints, great and universal teachers.

Kontakion 4

A storm of rage and anger has been raised, O Chrysostom, by the madness of the people, slandering you and commandingly expelling you from the reigning city. But you, O Golden Word, abiding unshakably on the rocks of the faith of Christ and strengthened by the grace of the Holy Spirit, you courageously endured the storm of persecution and torment and through suffering you prepared an incorruptible crown in Heaven for yourself, teaching everyone to patiently bear the Cross of Christ and cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing your God-inspired words, imprinted by many deeds and sufferings, thirsty for the words of Eternal Life coming to you from afar, and receiving incorruptible food from you and drawing Divine drink, crying out to you:

Rejoice, you who have experienced the depths of the Word of God for good;
Rejoice, having sought God through unceasing zeal.
Rejoice, nourishment of those who hunger for righteousness;
Rejoice, comforter of the poor in spirit.
Rejoice, clouds that shed the dew of pious teachings and solder the universe;
Rejoice, ever-flowing spiritual rivers, feeding the faithful children of the Church of Christ.
Rejoice, guardian of the Divine Mysteries and verbal trumpets of God;
Rejoice, planter of the right faith and Christian piety.
Rejoice, you who illuminate many faithful miracles;
Rejoice, you who pour forth rivers of healing for us.
Rejoice, you who diligently come to you from temptation and adversity through your prayers;
Rejoice, the whole Christian family is praised.
Rejoice, three saints, great and universal teachers.

Kontakion 5

Christ showed thee to the world the God-bearing star, great in all hierarchs, Vasily; having acquired knowledge of the Divine Mysteries and illumination from above from the Throne of God’s grace, you have wonderfully enlightened the minds and hearts of the faithful with God-inspired words, we are animated by love for God, you have endured persecution and suffering for Christ well, and for this reason you have been honored in Heaven with prayerful boldness at the Throne of the King of Glory , the image being true in word, life, spirit, love, faith and purity, so that everyone with tenderness cries out to the Most Holy Trinity: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing you, saints of Christ, ever abiding in heavenly countenance and always present before the Throne of God, with tenderness we sing the praises of the Life-Giving Trinity, who glorified you by your word and life, but to you, a great prayer book, we cry out from the love of our hearts:

Rejoice, the heavenly face of copulation and the cohabitation of the Holy Angels;
Rejoice, to the Throne of the King of Glory, ever-present with all the elect.
Rejoice, adorned with the Glory of Heaven;
Rejoice, you who hate the flesh and the world.
Rejoice, having put into your minds all the treasures of the world and the delights of life for Christ’s sake.
Rejoice, having ascended to the luminous chariot of virtues and having reached the Heavenly Kingdom.
Rejoice, having shown us, sinners, the image of virtues in word and life;
Rejoice, you who through many sorrows have entered into the joy of your Lord.
Rejoice, warm intercessors for us before God;
Rejoice, Orthodox theology has been a great luminary.
Rejoice, Christian faith is praised;
Rejoice, glory to the saints and adornment of the Church.
Rejoice, three saints, great and universal teachers.

Kontakion 6

Preaching the truth with your divinely spoken verbs, you, theologian Gregory, crushed the Hellenic superstition and temptations of heresies, but to the whole universe you silently preached in the Trinity the glorified God of the One Essence, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching everyone to cry out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Shine with the light of a virtuous life and the Orthodox faith through confession throughout the entire universe and with all your tongue, the light of the true knowledge of God is clear, as if you were to be a shepherd and teacher of the whole Church of Christ. Likewise, even after death, do not cease to look upon us, who pray and cry warmly to you:

Rejoice, three great lights, guiding us to salvation;
Rejoice, enlightener of those who sit in the darkness of ignorance.
Rejoice, you who make clear to us the inconceivable Mysteries of the Trinitarian Deity;
Rejoice, you who have infused your flock with streams of wise teachings.
Rejoice, most distinguished shepherd, having enriched your life with all sorts of virtues;
Rejoice, you have preserved your flock from ravenous wolves.
Rejoice, lamps of the three-sunlight, wonderfully illuminating the minds and hearts of the faithful;
Rejoice, images of chastity, teaching us to be zealous for the acquisition of this virtue.
Rejoice, church helm, clearly showing the path of Orthodox knowledge of God;
Rejoice, twelve apostles of oneness.
Rejoice, cohabitation of Angelic Faces;
Rejoice, together with all the saints, who continually pray for us.
Rejoice, three saints, great and universal teachers.

Kontakion 7

Although the evil serpent tempts you, like the long-suffering Job, raises a storm of anger of the wicked, who expelled you into captivity. Moreover, we are strengthened by the grace of Christ, you have endured all suffering and illness well, Father John Chrysostom, and you have been granted a blessed death. Now, being in the eternal days of the Kingdom of Christ, do not cease to pray for us at the Throne of the Trinitarian God, and cry out with tenderness: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

New lamps of light and unshakable pillars have appeared to the Church, great saints: the holiness of your life, while still in the flesh on earth, you know as without flesh. For this reason, the Church of Christ, ever glorifying you, will sing thanksgiving songs to the light-giver Christ God, whose grace we strengthen, having endured great illnesses and labors in the gospel of Christ. In the same way, glorifying Christ, who constantly benefits the Church of His Saints, we also praise you, as faithful servants of Christ and builders of the Mysteries of God, crying out loudly:

Rejoice, champion of the return of the Trinity;
Rejoice, Orthodox confessor of the invincible.
Rejoice, hierarchs and leaders;
Rejoice, having destroyed the fury of your heresies with the rays of theology.
Rejoice, image the glory of piety;
Rejoice, you who are faithful in your knowledge of God.
Rejoice, divinely inspired exponent of the words of God;
Rejoice, Masters of Christ, servants of Blasia and Faith.
Rejoice, you have embodied the meekness of Moses and the zeal of Elijah in your labors;
Rejoice, having imitated the ancient Job through the patience of sorrows and persecutions.
Rejoice, O Joseph, in chastity and purity of adornment;
Rejoice, you who have demonstrated Peter’s confession and John’s theology.
Rejoice, three saints, great and universal teachers.

Kontakion 8

Ephraim the Syrian, when he wanted to see you, father, sent his archdeacon to bring him to you, and through your prayer Ephraim understood the Greek language and marveled at miracles, glorifying God, singing to Him: Alleluia .

Ikos 8

Preserve all the faith in the Holy Trinity immaculately and bring many to Christ, saints of Christ, having fought a good fight. For this reason, looking at your wondrous feat and your pure life, we cry out to you with tenderness:

Rejoice, having adorned the Church with garments from above, of Orthodoxy;
Rejoice, you who have clearly exposed heretical nonsense.
Rejoice, for through your writings and words you have gathered the spiritual treasure of the Church of Christ;
Rejoice, the wisdom of God and all the red of the world of Christ for the sake of those who rejected.
Rejoice, you who have sought the treasures of Heaven above all else;
Rejoice, Chief Shepherd of Christ, as a servant of the faithful who have followed the life-giving footsteps.
Rejoice, you have revealed a high image of virtues in your life;
Rejoice, thou who have cut off the passions of the soul, together with those of the body, with the spiritual sword.
Rejoice, Life-Giving Trinity I live as a sacrifice, holy and pleasing to myself;
Rejoice, intercessor of sinners.
Rejoice, intercessor of the poor;
Rejoice, teachers and images of shepherds.
Rejoice, three saints, great and universal teachers.

Kontakion 9

Having loved God with all your soul, Father Gregory, you chose God-like purity and chastity above all other good things, and you were a great theologian and the mystery was revealed to you. Now standing before the Throne of the Holy Trinity, ask for peace and salvation for all of us who praise you and sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Through the divinely inspired oration of the three ecumenical saints, the temptations of eriticity are overcome, but the Orthodox faith is more and more overcome. For this reason, out of our zeal, with tenderness and love, we appeal to them as follows:

Rejoice, having illuminated your entire life with the love of Orthodoxy;
Rejoice, having taught us to honor the One God in three persons.
Rejoice, having overthrown the wickedness of Arius and the blasphemy of other heretics;
Rejoice, you who have blocked the wicked lips of false teachers with the grace of your words.
Rejoice, heavenly trumpets, who preached the worldly Gospel of Christ;
Rejoice, three great luminaries in all the hierarchs.
Rejoice, teacher of meekness, abstinence, and also repentance;
Rejoice, good teachers and mentors of the monastics.
Rejoice, protector of the Church and champion of Orthodoxy;
Rejoice, you who entered into the labors of the apostles and reaped the class of good confession.
Rejoice, for having received incorruptible crowns from the Chief Shepherd Christ for your faith and deeds;
Rejoice, great labors and exploits have risen in the improvement of the Church of Christ.
Rejoice, three saints, great and universal teachers.

Kontakion 10

Don’t stop begging our Savior Christ for those who honor your memory, O all-valid John Chrysostom: for you have been given the grace to pray for us. In the same way, we, as a vessel of the fragrant ointment that brings forth healing to all who flow in with faith, falling down with tenderness and love, cry out to God who glorified you: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The wall is naturally insurmountable to those who celebrate your holy memory and to all who flow to your prayer cover, shameless hope and strong intercession. Likewise, for us, holy three saints, who fall before you with tenderness, ask from the Throne of the Holy Trinity mercy and grace for timely help, so that with joy and gratitude we cry to you:

Rejoice, you who show mercy and consolation to all the faithful;
Rejoice, repentant sinners who deliver you from the snares of the devil.
Rejoice, diligent dispenser of grace-filled gifts;
Rejoice, intercession and protection of all people.
Rejoice, intercessor of orphan fathers and widows;
Rejoice, wealth for the poor and healing for the sick.
Rejoice, mercy for those suffering through the silence of the preacher and young mentor;
Rejoice, elder nourisher.
Rejoice, comforter to those in sorrow;
Rejoice, strange companions.
Rejoice, help for those who are weary;
Rejoice, you who honor your memory and send joy and salvation.
Rejoice, three saints, great and universal teachers.

Kontakion 11

The singing of the Most Holy Trinity was brought to nature more than others, the saints of God, with your mind in word, deed and theological sophistication, your rhetorical plexus destroyed nature, instructing us to honor the Trinity in Unity and sing to Her: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The luminous trinity of holy hierarchs, Basil of the kingdom of the same name, Gregory the Theologian named, John Chrysostom, teacher of the universe, who experienced the depths of God, praising and reverently triumphant their bright memory, we bring the following song of praise:

Rejoice, blessed trumpets of Divine verbs;
Rejoice, you divinely inspired women.
Rejoice, apostolic inspired exponents;
Rejoice, zealot of the apostolic traditions.
Rejoice, you who tell the wondrous greatness of God to all earthly beings;
Rejoice, having preached the Glory of God through your life and word to the whole universe.
Rejoice, good guide and teacher to the salvation of goodness;
Rejoice, you who eradicated corrupt customs and planted good morals.
Rejoice, renounce carnal lusts and teaching passions;
Rejoice, physician of the wisdom of mental and physical ailments.
Rejoice, church luminary, kindled by the Trisolar Light;
Rejoice, flowers of the incense of paradise.
Rejoice, three saints, great and universal teachers.

Kontakion 12

The grace of God has poured out abundantly into your lips, blessed: the Orthodox faith has been strengthened by you, and the darkness of heretical vacillations and false teachings has been driven away by the light of God-inspired scriptures. Likewise, saints, pray to Christ God, that the spirit of your zeal for faith and piety may rest upon us, so that we may be worthy to sing together with you Holy Trinity: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing and brightly celebrating your sacred, blessed Basil, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom, we humbly pray to you, do not cease to pray to Christ for all who call you by faith and cry out with love like this:

Rejoice, guardian of Orthodox dogmas;
Rejoice, source of life-giving theology.
Rejoice, faithful hearts gladdened by God;
Rejoice, for the Aryans have been brought down by your unflagging deeds.
Rejoice, for by the fire of your inspired broadcasts the Eunomius heresy was caught;
Rejoice, for your God-inspired words have driven away the heresy of Sabellia.
Rejoice, for the wisdom of Nestor has been abolished by you;
Rejoice, O most generous prayer book for the world.
Rejoice, you who lead the faithful to the Kingdom of Heaven;
Rejoice, O voice of God, which resounded wonderfully for us.
Rejoice, thou who art venerable shepherds to the Church;
Rejoice, all who have been according to the Apostle.
Rejoice, three saints, great and universal teachers.

Kontakion 13

O saints of Christ and blessed fathers, Basil the Great, church luminary and unshakable pillar, Gregory the Theologian, God-enlightened mind, great bishop, together with John Chrysostom, a strong preacher of repentance, with the heavenly abiding face and the angelic forces united, who has now accepted our small prayer, ask We have the highest thoughts and actions with the All-Bountiful God, so that, having escaped eternal torment, we will inherit heavenly life with you, crying out to God: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


About the blessedness of the luminaries of the Church of Christ, Basil, Gregory and John, who illuminated the entire ends of the earth with the light of Orthodox dogmas and extinguished the blasphemous confusion and vacillation of heresies with the sword of the word of God; falling to your mercy, with faith and love from the depths of the soul, we cry: standing before the Throne of the Most Holy, Consubstantial, Life-Giving and Indivisible Trinity, for Her word, writing and life, strive well and dedicate your souls, always pray to Her, that she may strengthen us in Orthodoxy and like-mindedness, and unshakable even to death in the confession of the faith of Christ, and in all-soul obedience to his Church of the Saints: may our invisible and visible enemies gird us with strength from on high: may our Church keep its unshakable from unbelief, superstition, heresies and schism; May our archpastors grant health, longevity and good haste in everything: may our shepherds give spiritual sobriety and zeal for the salvation of the flock, may the ruler give justice and truth, may the soldier patience, courage and victory over enemies, may the orphans and widows be interceded, may the sick be healed, may the good be given to the young growth of faith, consolation for the elders, intercession for the offended, and all that is needed for temporal and eternal life, for in peace and repentance, with a burning desire for salvation, working for the Lord, fighting the good fight, we will end our course and be honored in the Kingdom of Heaven to sing with you always and glorify the Most Holy and Magnificent Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.


Troparion, tone 4

As the Apostles of oneness and the universal teacher, pray to the Lord of all to grant greater peace to the universe and great mercy to our souls.

Kontakion, tone 2

Holy and divinely preached preachers, the supreme teachers, Lord, Thou hast received Thy good things into delight and repose; For you have accepted your labors and death more than all fruitfulness, You alone glorify Your saints.


We magnify you, Saints Basil, Gregory and John, and honor your holy memory; You pray for us to Christ our God.


(Three Saints, voice 2)

Song 1

Irmos: G Come, people, let us sing a hymn to Christ God, who divided the sea and taught the people, even as he learned from the work of Egypt, for he was glorified.

TOWhat kind of thanksgiving, what kind of counter-reward, befitting of our people, will be brought from us by the benefactor, by which we are instructed to be good?

INLet the things of the pagans, and cunning, and deceit, and all the power of words now be brought into guilt as one and, honoring each other, let them be honored.

WITHI cannot stand anything warlike for them, so that what they can acquire on earth, the Heavenly Ones, the guardian of society and the intercessor, may be worthy of common slaughter and praise.

Theotokos: We all glorify You, the common piety, the All-immaculate One, of our nature, who once formed one mouth and made one agreement.

Song 3

Irmos: N A Having strengthened me with the stones of faith, you have enlarged my mouth against my enemies, for my spirit has rejoiced, always singing: there is nothing holy like our God, and nothing is righteous than Thee, O Lord.

Tgreat shirt for the Church, lamp, enlighten the universe, preacher, cover all ends with broadcasting, the great Basil motivates this assembly.

WITHbright from life and things, bright from words and teachings, shining in everyone more than anyone else, like another sun more than stars, the many-sung Theologian is blessed today.

WITHThis is the light of the world that shines on the world, this is the salt of the earth that delights the earth, this is the tree of life and immortality that offers its fruits, Saint Chrysostom. Those who do not want to die, come and enjoy.

Theotokos: From non-existence into being, He who created and gave nature to those who were before, also the given nature, conveys the message as it wants. Even though it is audible that the Virgin gave birth, who would not be surprised?

Sedalen, voice 8

Song 4

Irmos: PYou came from the Virgin, not an intercessor, nor an angel, but the Lord Himself, who became incarnate, and you saved all of me, a man. Thus I call to Thee: glory to Thy power, O Lord.

Rastonishing from the lower wisdom of the past, rule, glory, from Divine covetousness, the same, like a slave, this one is obedient to all wisdom.

LIf you love the wisdom of wisdom, if you love the wise, be wise and learn to speak, all who wonder in words, learn from deeds of danger and visions from there.

Theotokos: I am the late rain, the last one, the morning one, the Creator of waters and centuries, having plunged into Your womb, the All-Immaculate One, in the time of idleness and impoverishment.

Song 5

Irmos: Pillumination of those who lie in darkness, salvation of the desperate, Christ my Savior, to You in the morning, King of the world, enlighten me with Your radiance: for I know no other god than You.

TThou hast given the source of Thy gifts to the saints to drink greatly, O Lover of Mankind, and has been diminished in no way by exhaustion, but the whole world has drunken the Divine streams from their belly.

Hthen mi gold? What is wealth, and glory, and power? Smoke spreading through the air: let them all disappear, let them all be carried away by the wind. To me wealth is the only multiplicity - the teachers are an ornate trinity.

TThe river cleanses imperishable food and Divine drink, drains immortal food for those who are hungry and imperishable drink for those who are thirsty, the water is alive forever and contains living drinkers: all multi-flowing lives will be satisfied.

Theotokos: And the strength of our anger grows weaker against us, but not to the end: we are exhausted because of the Virgin, who in the strength gave birth to the Strong One, who lifted up carnal weakness and killed the Strong One in anger.

Song 6

Irmos: BA multitude of sins surrounds me, and I cry to You, imitate the prophet: lift me up from aphids, Lord.

WITHDivine the three armies in the Trinity: the non-birth of the Father, the birth of the Word and the procession of the Spirit.

DBring to this house the manifested salvation: two and three gathered Christ, in His Name, honoring, is present in the midst of these.

NThe earthly depth has not been tested to the Heavenly heights, but from the holy earth you have lifted up the Heavenly desire above the heavens.

Theotokos: New source, Virgin, and the wine of the mysteries, the three God-speakers with new sentences befit the naming.

Kontakion, tone 2


Song 7

Irmos:BThe contrary command of the lawless tormentor raised the flame high, but Christ spread the spiritual dew as a godly youth, He is blessed and glorified.

PHe is convinced, blissfully, and the previously fickle insolence of heresies runs away: the wax melted from the face of the fire, every fornicating teaching is shown, yours admiring the fire-inspired broadcast.

Lthe living, having turned away from the Hellenic bullshit, exhortation and languor, having chosen one among men, under it these three truths have been established, and the whole host of the faithful overcomes words and exhorts.

Theotokos: In You, every prophecy is honored and the end is surprising, saying: from You, miracles are brighter and prophecies, Pure, wise tellers appear.

Song 8

Irmos: INSing the fiery furnace of the Jewish youth who descended and the flame of the dew who turned God into the dew, praise the works of the Lord, and exalt them to all ages.

RWe piously understand and glorify with integrity the One Nature, the immeasurably powerful Unity and the Trinity, all these words ruling the best. Thus having given glory to the three God-bearing Ones, with them we worship Her forever.

WITHthe three preachers of God united, uniting the Trinity and the Inseparable in all, observing the Divine nature: one receiving from Thee the inseparable glory, who alone convenes in praise those who exalt thee forever.

Theotokos: Reception is for us, having rendered His Benefactor, having done only without suffering, the Virgin: He creates, but does not cause corruption, moreover, suffering will decide by the will, the passion of passion, as the Three Fathers teach us in secret.

Song 9

Irmos: Bthe original Parent, the Son, God and Lord, incarnated from the Virgin, appeared to us, darkened to enlighten, fellow waste. Thus we magnify the All-Sung Mother of God.

WITHYour work and flock, for which you have endured the greatest illnesses, have come together as one, and together the three of you have accepted, your sweetest union has common praise.

NThis is a two-edged sword of grace, but a three-edged one offers to the warriors: one unforged sword, refined with three fortresses, fight ever after the Trisian One Divinity.

INOur residence in Heaven was, glorification, and the flesh of those who bear undefiled forever, in which the all-perfect now lives, for us who are on earth, pray to the Highest for us to think and act.

Theotokos: I am overwhelmed by the breadth of Your greatness, O Lady, suppressing the word from frequency, and gloriously it happens to me that I am perplexed by the goodness, therefore we glorify You so much.



(Three Saints, tone 8)

Song 1

Irmos: TOSometimes immerse the persecutor of Pharaoh, the miraculous rod of Moses, striking crosswise and dividing the sea, but save Israel the fugitive, save the pedestrian, singing the song of God.

NIt is not human effort to correct this undertaking, but may Wisdom, who sits at Your throne, O Lover of Mankind, assist me, giving words of grace, with which I can glorify, and glorify them with goodness myself.

Ion the skin, the cup overflows, O Lord, Your grace, and the great wealth of Your love for mankind is poured out and flows, just as other Angels in the composition of the flesh show, now presented to praise.

WITHHeaven is fit to be heavenly and to be praised, Angelic singing, befitting of the Divine: for God is a communion, which is the nature of the One true God, having in itself, living and broadcasting.

Theotokos: The memory of the venerables of the God-wise class is performed with praises, and with them the Mother of God, as the head of them, is glorified in glory, the final, first, and middle orders containing and receiving communion of praise.

Song 3

Irmos: UFirmly establish Heaven in the beginning with your mind and found the earth on the waters; establish me, O Christ, on the rock of Thy commandments, for there is nothing more holy than Thee, the One Lover of Mankind.

ANDbut the correcter of morals and the builder of souls, the savior of the common people of all, who have shown us images of both deeds and words, the punishment of a bright life, let them be praised in a brighter way.

Doh God, fill Vasily with art; Gregory is the only fiery name of tongues and Dkhne is the fire of high speech; The mouth of Christ spoke in John.

NThe wisdom of the present age is the violence of preaching, which is practiced, obeying him and slavishly serving: preachers for the grace of the wise is offered by rhetoricians.

Theotokos: In the womb of the Pure Virgin the One who dwells in the souls of the God-bearing saints creates a dwelling place, and through their lips he speaks the sacrament about the Mother.

Sedalen, voice 8

INgreat lamps of light, indestructible pillars of the Church, let us praise those who enjoy the good and the words of those, abundantly and grace: the wise Golden-speaking and the Great Basil with Gregory the bright Theologian. Let us cry out to them, calling from our hearts: most great saints, pray to Christ the God of sins to grant your holy memory to those who celebrate love.

Song 4

Irmos: TYou are my strength, Lord, You are my strength, You are my God, You are my joy, do not leave the bosom of the Father and visit our poverty. Together with the prophet Habakkuk I call Ti: Glory to Your power, Lover of mankind.

WITHcrowds of fire, forestalling faithful people and scorching the enemies of the faith, saving tribes, it is known that the following, Great Basil appeared, may the Church of Christ dare and conquer, having been so enriched by the champion.

Ithe sweetness of the tongue and the hearing of every delight, your word came, Gregory, the manna of life, the dew of sweetness, the honey from the stone, the Angelic bread of Heaven, insatiably satiate yourself with its delights, admonishing and fulfilling the sweets of those who partake.

RThe eka of spiritual gifts is filled even to the point of overflowing, and the good face of the earth, like a sweet stream, flows from the golden lips, cheering and fattening Christ with every hail of Divine waves with streams.

Theotokos: E nature, which simply endured the addition and appeared higher than the merging in Your Lady, the Son, confessed the three God-bearing teachers, from two wills and a purely action, preaching purely by nature.

Song 5

Irmos: INThou hast cast me away from Thy presence, O Light of the Unstoppable, and an alien darkness has covered me, the accursed one? But turn me and direct my path to the light of Your commandments, I pray.

ANDLet us praise with grateful voices the divine things and the wise cunning human beings, who have revealed to us the love of truth and the Creator of those who have spoken to everyone as if they were foolish.

GThe bitter and tart cure for salvation, delighting with wise words, teachings, and cunning, and graces, is the Divine healer of souls: enjoy, all you piety, and, being beautiful, be saved.

MHe suppresses every word, the preacher of God who speaks Divine, and holds the New Testament over the Old Testament, offering the honest tablets that lay down the law in it, to which all the faithful class is reckoned.

Theotokos: The immortal and mortal nature has flown into the shrine, and the Virgin Maiden, the incorporeal Angels, has surpassed the Angels, as having given birth to God, the King of the Angels;

Song 6

Irmos: ABOUTCleanse me, O Savior, for my iniquities are many, and bring me up from the depths of evil, I pray: I have cried out to You, and hear me, O God of my salvation.

TLet us learn to theology the only Trinity, to sing the Trinity Unit, and to worship with skill from the fathers the One Trinitarian Nature.

WITHThe word was in the beginning, to the Father, the Unoriginating, and the Spirit of God, God was the Immediate, simply, consubstantially, naturally Divine, as the preachers say Divine.

WITHI couple and divide, even as copulation is divided, I think One Inseparably and think Three: I accept three God-bearing teachers, who exhort me to believe.

Theotokos: B is motherless before the flesh, but fatherless after the incarnation, the Son of the Father and Mother, who is called more than the mind of both: for God befits glorious miracles.

Kontakion, tone 2

WITHHoly and Divine preachers, supreme teachers, O Lord, Thou hast accepted into the enjoyment of Thy good things and repose: for Thou hast accepted their labors and death more than all fruitfulness, Alone, glorifying Thy saints.


TOthen are you content to open your mouth and move your tongue towards those who breathe fire by the power of the Word and the Spirit? Moreover, I dare say only this: because all human nature has surpassed these three with many and great talents, and in action and vision, both have surpassed the light. You have also vouchsafed so many great gifts, as Thy faithful servants, to the One who glorify Thy saints.

Song 7

Irmos: BSometimes the fire was ashamed of the descent of God in Babylon, for this reason the youths in the cave, with joyful feet, like in a flower bed, rejoicing, girded: blessed art thou, O God of our fathers.

Mhounding and calling, seeing and hearing, virtue and wisdom, God-speaking, the pillars of being, crying out commandingly in deed and word: blessed be God our fathers.

BGod's voices, which thundered wonderfully for us from above, and the rays of lightning, who accept your broadcasts, with all wisdom, together we sing with you: blessed is God our father.

ANDhail will fall from stone-slinging tongues, crushing rotten teachings, if anyone in the midst dares to talk vainly, the right one does not say: blessed is God our father.

Theotokos: In Thea, the Virgin, dwell and after the Nativity leave the Virgin to the Mother of God Mary, who arranged the elements and transformed nature as she wishes. To the Unmanly we cry with You, All-Immaculate: Blessed be God our father.

Song 8

Irmos: WITHThe Chaldean tormentor furiously kindled the cave of the godly, with a better power, having seen this, he cried out to the Creator and Savior: fathers, bless, priests, sing, O people, exalt to all ages.

IBut God unite in one-honoured unity, let the praiser not separate man, but let the unloving equals in the same talents, let the hymns sing equals and sing: bless the youths, the priests, sing, O people, exalt to all ages.

WITHThe strength and invincibility of the Divine, the companion and the truth of the untruthful companion, having experienced the depths of the Spirit for good, God-loving understandings from there form and teach to sing: people, exalt Christ to all ages.

WITHIn heaven, the greatest two luminaries illuminate the succession of each other; from the earth, the whole universe is illuminated with light by three likewise great luminaries, shining with each other and singing together: people, exalt Christ forever.

Theotokos: For our sake, the incarnation and honest passions, for our sake, God was with the dead, for death is tasteless, as the passions are free, but to mortal flesh we are spoken of in communion, and to partake of the passions, and of death, with whom we extol Christ forever.

Song 9

Irmos: UHeaven and the ends of the earth were astonished at this, for God had appeared as a man in the flesh, and Your womb was the most spacious of Heaven. Thus Thea, the Mother of God, the Angels and the people of the ranks are magnified.

INexalt the Trinity virtue and fill with all glory, another ray has shone upon us three times, like our own radiance, the Heavenly secret guides, in the image of the Divine vision of this, we are piously guided.

NThat is, there is a second place in these three, each of them bears the eldership, the first is not the first, and the one of the same honor is superior: they appropriate the victory more joyfully than each other, there is no room for envy in the insolence that corrupts unanimity.

ABOUTFathers' piety, which their firstborn sons showed, their children return to the light, everlasting and immaculate by those, accomplished by the Spirit, who spoke life in them, and asks to keep intact to the end the world, which they inherited from them.

Theotokos: From the living Son of the living God, the wise teachers preached the top, Your Son, from the revelation of the Father, not from flesh and blood, knowing this in secret, the Mother of God. Having glorified Thee and the Virgin, glorify the Mother and Theotokos.


Tri luminous lamps, more than the sun's rays from the Light-originating Trinity and the Trisolar Unit, are prenaturally mixed, let us praise the God-bearing fathers.