How to make a good environmental project. Creative projects of students on ecology

Poster presentation. Practical project: "We believe the village will be clean!"

eco friends club wildlife WWF "Researcher", MAOU Molchanovskaya secondary school No. 1, Tomsk region.
Project Manager: Olga Vladimirovna Perkovskaya, head of the center for environmental education and upbringing at the school.

Description of the material.
The material of the poster presentation can be used by environmental associations, volunteer groups, teacher-organizers and anyone interested in the cleanliness of their settlements.
Target: improvement of the ecological condition of the village of Molchanova.
1. On September 15, take part in the World Action “We will do it!” and clear the shoreline of the Ob River from debris.
2. On June 5, Ecologist Day, remove garbage from the side of the road along the highway.
environmental problem, the solution of which the project participants worked on:
garbage pollution of the streets, the coastline of the Ob River and the recreational area in the village of Molchanovo.

Main results of the project
On September 15, ecologists from the MAOU “Molchanovskaya Secondary School No. 1” organized the “We will do it!” campaign. and students of the 7th and 8th grades, together with their parents and teachers, went to the bank of the Ob River to clean it of garbage. 31 people. Area cleared of debris: 150 meters (Photos 1 and 2).
On June 5, Ecologist Day, the roadsides were cleared over an area of ​​900 meters along the highway. 41 bags of garbage were collected (photos 3 and 4).
On Environmental Protection Day, guys from the military camp removed garbage along the road and near Tokovoe Lake, about 1400 meters away. 50 bags of garbage collected. The guys from the labor camp of the first school collected
56 bags of leaves and garbage (photo 5).
The project partners were:
1. The administration of the Molchanovsky rural settlement provided a garbage collection vehicle to the protest sites.
2. The working group at the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Tomsk Region for holding the action on June 5 approved the composition of participants and the territory for clearing garbage from the village.
3. The administration of MAOU “Molchanovskaya Secondary School No. 1” provided a bus to transport participants to the places of action.
4. School No. 1 labor camp.
5. Representatives of summer health camps of school No. 1 and school No. 2.
6. Military camp for youths of the region. They were at military training at the Molchanovskaya Secondary School No. 1.