How to make a decorative clock with your own hands. How to make a watch with your own hands at home. Simple DIY watch master classes

A clock is an accessory that can decorate any room, especially for those who are always late. Create Wall Clock It’s not that difficult, you just need to use your imagination and good taste. In addition, a ready-made clock mechanism is easy to buy in any store, focusing on original design. To give you an idea of ​​what direction to work in, Creative Workshop “Barabashka” presents to your attention this master class on unusual watches made from scrap materials.

To create a watch with your own hands we will need:

  • Wooden buttons
  • Wooden decor
  • Cardboard
  • Clockwork
  • Hot glue gun

To begin with, we take the most ordinary hoop and put felt in it.

We chose felt chocolate color to emphasize natural texture frame and select buttons that will become a substitute for numbers.

Now we cut out a circle from cardboard that will become the back of our clock.

Covering the cardboard linen fabric. We wrap the edges and glue them to the back of the cardboard.

Place the cover in the middle of the hoop and secure it with glue.

Using a ruler, mark the middle and make a hole for the clock mechanism.

The hole should be exactly in the center of the circle.

Then we place large buttons that will symbolize the numbers: 12, 3, 6, 9.

We take small buttons.

And we place them between the large ones at the same distance.

Between the large ones there are two small buttons, respectively: 1-2, 4-5, 10-11.

Between 6 and 9 we will place the decor in the form of a wooden slogan: “All the best!” Or any other, to your taste.

Glue the decor using a hot-melt gun.

Close the top with arrows in the required order.

Important: the hands were high enough so that when the clock moves, they do not touch the buttons and decor!

This is how we made a cozy and original clock for the home from just a wooden hoop.

Now the clock is ready for use, all you have to do is insert the battery and place it on a suitable wall!

However, do not forget that “happy people don’t watch happy hours.”

A kitchen clock is a necessary, useful and, in general, ordinary thing. Few people think about their design, because the main thing is that they show the time correctly, helping to control the process of preparing various dishes.

But try to make a wall clock for the kitchen with your own hands - and you will notice that the atmosphere in this room has subtly changed.

Of course, we are not talking about assembling and adjusting the clock mechanism yourself - you should use a ready-made one, bought in a store or removed from an old watch. But you can really get creative with the design of the dial.

Handmade kitchen clock

Many of us have some kind of hobby related to needlework. These skills can be used to make watches, even if you think it is impossible. In fact, watches can be knitted, embroidered, woven, drawn, etc.

Don't believe me? Look at the following photos.

As you can see, a little imagination and skill - and your kitchen will acquire a real designer item self made.

If you don’t know how to sew, embroider, or draw, you can come up with something else, no less interesting (see also the article about). You might like one of the ideas we suggested in this article or video.

Watches made from scrap materials

Look into the cabinets and drawers in your kitchen, and you are sure to find many unnecessary or worn-out items that can still serve in another capacity. For example, an old pot lid, the only plate left from a set, or a flour sieve can be an excellent base for a watch.

And here are the options for using them:

  • Unscrew the handle from the old lid and you will have a watch case with a finished hole in the center. The lid can be spray painted, painted, or decorated with stickers. A watch mechanism with a battery is attached to the back of it, and hands are attached to the front part.

  • The simplest and most original kitchen clock can be made from disposable tableware: plates and plastic cutlery. This idea is not new, but still interesting. Exactly the same as in the previous case, all you have to do is glue the clock mechanism to the back and install the hands.

Advice. Instead of a disposable plate, it is better to use a more rigid base - a lid from a mayonnaise bucket or a circle cut out of thick cardboard.

  • If you need a fairly large art object, take a large tray of any shape, drill a hole in the middle and, using good glue, attach twelve coffee cups to it. Further instructions are similar to the previous ones.

These ideas should not be copied literally, but used only as tips. For example, instead of a lid, an excellent case for a watch could be a frying pan with a handle or an old vinyl record.

Coffee clock

Coffee beans are a favorite material for making various crafts from the masters applied arts . They can also be used to decorate watches. They are especially appropriate in the kitchen, as they will not only show the time, but also exude a magical aroma.

It is not necessary to make a watch with your own hands; you can use existing ones, and just decorate them with coffee beans, sticking them directly on the dial or on the bezel of the case. Although you can come up with your own composition. Watch the master class to understand how to work with this material and what it can be combined with.

Advice. Instead of coffee, you can use any other grains, as well as pasta. If you paint them with spray paint, you can create an interesting ornament or a whole picture.


Today this method of decoration has found a second life, because it allows you to create truly unique things. Its essence is extremely simple: it is a regular applique, which is coated with varnish on top to protect the design.

Sometimes craquelure varnishes are used, creating small cracks on the surface and giving the effect of antiquity.

For kitchen clocks, you can use paper napkins with a pattern that matches the style and color. They are glued to the prepared base with PVA glue diluted with water. After drying, you can draw on the outlines, stick or write numbers, and then cover it all with acrylic varnish.

Wooden clock

If you enjoy working with wood and the style of your kitchen calls for this kind of decor, you have a huge opportunity.

  • You can make a DIY kitchen wall clock from a thin cut of wood (see also the article about kitchen wall clocks). It just needs to be sanded, varnished or stained and a hole drilled for attaching the hands.

  • Remember the old cuckoo clock that used to hang in almost every village house? Their likeness can be made from wooden planks and decorated with salt dough figures.

  • Another one interesting idea, which your children or grandchildren will like. Cut a circle from thick plywood, and drill 12 thin holes at its end at equal intervals. We won’t remind you about the clock mechanism and hands - everything is as usual. But the role of time indicators should be played by lollipops inserted into pre-made holes. Just don’t remove the wrapper from them ahead of time.

Advice. Make a supply of lollipops to insert them in place of those that will constantly and mysteriously disappear.


Marianna Nettina

Good day to the guests of my page!

In order to introduce older children preschool age with a clock, to learn how to set the time, you need a model of a clock with arrows that can be rearranged.

For handouts or a didactic game, you can make your own model of a clock from cardboard and cocktail straws.

Prepare white cardboard, black cardboard, glue, tape, tube, matches, watch dial printed on a colored office piece of paper (downloaded from the Internet)

Cut out the dial and paste it on white cardboard, “laminated” with tape. Using an awl do hole for a cocktail straw in the center of the circle. Cut from black cardboard short and long arrows. Use a hole punch to pierce the holes.

A piece of straw (1 - 1.5 cm) insert into the center of the dial, insert the arrows. Using matches or a lighter, set the ends of the tubes on fire and press down. Same thing on the other side.

These watch can be used in a didactic game to reinforce parts of the day, to reinforce numbers.

Hour hand

hour hand

Hour after hour goes by,

Without haste, without falling behind,

And he takes us with him.

Minute hand

Minute hand

You are the sentry sister.

Minute hand,

You are long and fast.

Counting down the minutes -

This is no joke!

Publications on the topic:

Defender of the Fatherland Day is coming soon and we are already thinking about what gifts to make for dads with their children. I propose to make a watch like this.

Material: 1. Cardboard 2. Red and colored paper white. For the body we use red cardboard size A4. 3. Cotton wool 4. Paste.

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Master class “Clocks”. This watch can be made with children preparatory group and study time using them. 1. Cut out the base for the template.

A new wall clock can transform the interior of your room, and for this it is not at all necessary to go around many stores in search of suitable options. I offer you a couple of lessons from which you can get ideas on how to decorate an old, boring clock or make unique new ones from a variety of easily accessible materials. Moreover, they will become a good gift, especially for those of your friends or relatives who are not particularly punctual.

Master class No. 1

A very unique watch can be made from an embroidery hoop and a set of decorative buttons. You have the opportunity to choose a fabric base that matches the color and texture of your interior, and use a collection of buttons of various colors and sizes lying idle.

  • old clock or clock mechanism with hands;
  • hoop;
  • textile;
  • buttons;
  • tape or braid;
  • (optional) cardboard or narrow board.

Take a clock mechanism or an old wall clock that you don’t mind disassembling and redoing. Remove the arrows and the nuts holding them together, and remember the sequence in which they are attached.

2: Hoop the fabric between the hoops, cut off the excess edges and sew on the buttons, positioning them in the same way as the numbers on the dial.

Now we need to secure the clock mechanism. In the middle of your dial, make small hole and with reverse side attach the mechanism so that the arrow mount is located in the center of the dial. In order to secure the mechanism, it is possible to cut a circle out of cardboard or wood, the diameter of which matches the hoop, and glue the mechanism to it. Or perhaps put it on a decorative ribbon, attach it to an embroidery hoop and make a small loop so that the clock can be hung on the wall. Screw the clock hands. Ready!

Step by step lesson #2

You can make these extraordinary wall clocks from old newspapers or magazines.

To work you will need:

  • approximately 24 pages of uniform size, cut from old newspapers or magazines;
  • pen or pencil;
  • scissors;
  • transparent adhesive tape;
  • long needle;
  • silk embroidery thread or floss thread;
  • two clear plastic discs (from CD packaging);
  • a circle cut out of cardboard with a hole made in the middle;
  • clock mechanism with hands.

Take a pen or pencil and wrap a page from a newspaper or magazine around it. Make 24 such “tubes”. Secure the ends of the tubes with clear adhesive tape to prevent them from unraveling. Step back about a third from the end of the tube and bend it in half at this point.

Take a long needle, thread a silk thread (or floss) into it and thread the needle through the bent end of the tube. Pull the needle through and tie a knot at the end of the thread, then sew on the remaining 23 tubes, placing them in a circle.

Take a transparent disk and place it on top of the sewn tubes so that the hole in the middle is located in the center of the circle of tubes you have. After this, attach the clock mechanism, making sure that the place where the hands are attached coincides with the hole in the disk.

Turn the watch over and attach the second disc. Place cardboard on top and secure the clock mechanism with a nut.

Screw on the clock hands and you're done!

Another DIY wall clock

Such a watch with the unusual hands-legs of John Cleese from the Ministry of Silly Walks can be a good gift, which, due to the fact that the watch is kept in a neutral black and white style, will fit into virtually any interior.

  • canvas size 20 x 20 cm;
  • clock mechanism with hands;
  • decoupage glue, brush;
  • PVA glue;
  • plastic (it is better to use plastic that does not bend well; for example, old plastic folders are excellent);
  • printed and cut out numbers for the dial, and an image of John Cleese;
  • awl;
  • scissors and scalpel;
  • wire cutters;
  • dark marker.

Print the dial with the image of John Cleese (you can download the archive here) on an A4 page, cut the sheet to approximately 21 x 21 cm.

Lightly wet the image with water and allow it to soak in. Meanwhile, coat the canvas with glue. Carefully glue the wet image onto the canvas and smooth it out. After this, apply another layer of clear glue, press the edges of the paper and leave the canvas to dry. Once everything has dried, you can apply another layer of glue.

Cut out the legs according to the template, at the same time leave a margin of approximately 0.5 cm along the contour. Lightly wet the image with water and set aside to allow the moisture to be absorbed.

Take big piece plastic and apply glue to it, then carefully glue the legs cut out of paper, smooth out the image. Cover the painting with glue again and leave to dry overnight.

If you find that after drying the plastic is easily bent, take a sheet of thick paper and glue it on the back side.

Once the part is completely dry, take a scalpel and carefully cut out the image of the legs along the contour.

First of all, mark the middle of the canvas. After this, use an awl to make a hole in the center of the canvas. It must be large so that it is possible to insert a mount for the hands of the clock mechanism through it. Insert the mechanism from the reverse side and secure it with a nut.

If the set of your mechanism also includes an iron ring before fastening between the nut and the canvas, then so that it is not visible, it is possible to print the image of John Cleese again, cut out of it a circle of suitable diameter with a hole in the middle and glue it so that it closed the iron ring.

Take the clock hands and place them on top of the cut out plastic legs. Use a pencil to mark the places where you will need to make holes for attaching the arrows. If necessary, trim the arrows so that they are slightly smaller than the plastic leg figures, then glue the parts onto the arrows. Once the glue has dried, attach the hands and feet to your watch. If necessary, the fastening nut can be painted with a dark marker.

Ideas for inspiration

And finally, we offer you a couple more examples of how it is possible to decorate, remake or make a wall clock yourself - get inspired and create!

Comfort and coziness in our home sometimes depends even on the most small parts and elements. Even most interior designers agree that the most important attributes for achieving comfort in the home are well-chosen curtains, original lamps, soft and selected in the right shade, blankets, pillows, bath mats and watches.

This article will focus on a master class on how to decorate a clock at home yourself.

Available on the Internet a large number of photos of watches, most of them are made by famous designers, but making original watches at home is also not difficult.

There is, of course, one key and difficult point - installing a mechanism on the watch for its operation, but a ready-made mechanism should be bought in a store and installed according to the instructions. But appearance future watches and its other design completely depends on personal preferences and tastes.

They will highlight several modern techniques, which help you make your own watches in any style.

Clock style decoupage

This technique of designing and creating a wall clock involves working with a ready-made store template, which already has a blank, the base of the hands and the finished mechanism. You can also purchase ready-made patterns on papers, special paints, glue and other decoupage elements.

The preparation for the watch is done in this way: the base is covered several times with soil from acrylic paints, and finally polished. The desired shade and texture are given to the base in the next step.

There is one trick - if you want to make a watch in the old style with a tint that represents scuffs, then the paint must be applied with a sponge.

Decorating a wall clock with your own hands is a process of bringing out the imagination and creativity from a person. Special water stickers can be applied to the base. Or you can draw a preliminary sketch yourself and transfer it to the dial.

Afterwards, the finished mechanism and arrows with numbers are attached. After a series of actions, the clock you created with your own hands will come to life and give your home a special, original look.

Quilling style watch

Quilling is an arts and crafts process that involves working with straight strips of colored paper of varying widths. Such strips, as a rule, are twisted and glued to the surface, thereby creating the most varied designs and pictures.

To create a watch using this technique, it is best to take wood as the base of the watch, since quilling elements can be glued to it well.

The color scheme should be in harmony with the interior of the room. After all, a bright clock will look ugly in a room designed in a minimalist style. Therefore, the choice of shade is key moment in this case.

Most often, multi-colored quilling elements are used to create flowers, insects, trees, animals, berries, and so on.

Plaster clock

Regular plaster tiles will serve well as a base for future watches.

Romantic and reverent natures will definitely find a large number of solutions for creating watches from this material.

Among professionals, such a tile is called a medallion. The mechanism of the future watch is attached to its back. To make the product look more elegant and discreet, its surface should be covered. matte paint light colors.

And, if you want some highlights, then glossy paint will do.


This material is most suitable for creating a clock for the bedroom. At the same time, shades are chosen - beige, soft pink, pearl, coffee with milk, purple, and so on.

Clock using wooden sticks

In this situation, your arsenal should include items such as sticks and quality wood, good glue, scissors, and a ready-made working clock with a flat surface.

You should cut out many small sticks of the same size from wood, and then connect them

If the sticks are applied to the base in two layers, you can achieve a wonderful “explosion” effect, which looks luxurious and original.

Now you know how to make a clock at home. Handmade clocks are ideal for the kitchen, living room, and bedroom.


DIY watch photo
