Gel against cockroaches – why the new product deserves attention and whether it should be trusted. Syringe for cockroaches with gel - application Glue for cockroaches in a syringe

If cockroaches are causing harm, action should be taken immediately. The remedy for harmful cockroaches Rubit, which is a two-component broad-spectrum insecticide, has proven itself well in this regard. It can be purchased for only 25-35 rubles. and get rid of cockroaches and ants, reduce the concentration of flies in the apartment by applying an invisible gel to the surface of the furniture.

Rubit: release forms

Rubit is a high-quality product that resists cockroaches, ants, bedbugs and other insects. On store shelves you can find Rubit in the form of dust (powder) and gel.

The powder is sold in blue packaging (the full name of the product is Domchist Rubit), but it is rarely purchased, because it is less effective.

Cockroach repellent Rubit in gel form is a powerful insecticide against cockroaches. Full name: Rubit Zidane. The product is poured into a syringe, making its use much more convenient. On sale, Rubit gel is found in containers of 15 or 30 g.

Safety of use

The manufacturer emphasizes that the product must be kept out of the reach of children and ensure that children do not come into contact with the poison.

Components and properties of the gel

The gel syringe is the best product from the Rubit brand - it contains stabilizers and additives that give the poison a chocolate smell. Typically, cockroaches and ants feed on waste, but if the opportunity arises to eat human food, including sweets, they will not refuse it, which makes insect gel attractive and destructive at the same time.

Application area

Rubit performs well when used both indoors and outdoors. However, on the street, the odor released by the gel becomes less concentrated, which makes the product weaker and requires frequent renewal.

Rubit is used:

  • in a private house;
  • cellar, barn;
  • in the country;
  • in the apartment;
  • in the garden and vegetable garden.

Commercial enterprises do not use this product: syringes with gel have a small volume and allow you to treat no more than 30 m2, provided the degree of contamination of the room is low. Consequently, 15 or 30 g containers are not enough to handle 200-300 m 2 of production, which makes the use of Rubit in any form inconvenient for commercial enterprises.

Mechanism of action

Gel and liquid

The liquid is made from the same components, but it should be used when washing floors and other contaminated areas. Then the cockroaches will begin to come into contact with the poison more often, which will lead to their mass death and increased effectiveness of the gel.


The peculiarity of the product is that it needs to be scattered in large quantities, even on the floor. Considering that when walking, powder particles will begin to rise into the air, this can cause poisoning for apartment residents. This type It is rational to use an insecticide when the whole family goes on vacation.

Advantages and disadvantages

  1. Ease of use and safety. The product is easily squeezed out of the syringe and reaches hard-to-reach places (thanks to the narrow, long spout), does not stain your hands, which ensures safety during use. The gel does not rise into the air, which reduces the likelihood of poisoning the apartment owners.
  2. Has no smell. The attractants that make up the gel are inaccessible to the human sense of smell, but are concentrated for insects, so a person will not feel the smell, but insects will sense it from a distance.
  3. It works for a long time. The gel-like structure allows the product to retain its properties for a long time, as a result of which insecticides continue to act for 1.5 months.
  4. It is cheap and is consumed slowly.
  5. It is colorless, odorless and unobtrusive; processing requires a small amount of gel with a colorless structure.
  6. Does not attract pets.

However, this method also has disadvantages.

  1. The gel is a sticky and viscous substance, which makes it difficult to remove the product from furniture surfaces. It is recommended to apply it not to the furniture itself, but to small pieces of paper that can be thrown into the trash.
  2. Chlorpyrifos, which is part of the substance, is addictive to cockroaches, so it is not recommended to use the product for more than 2 months.

Pros and cons of Rubit powder

Rubit powder, also called “Dust”, has many more disadvantages than gel:

  • particles can circulate in the air;
  • the powder is difficult to remove after the bullying is over;
  • in places where it cannot be removed, it will remain forever;
  • the possibility of processing vertical surfaces is excluded, since the powder does not have a sticky structure.

The advantages include:

  • cheapness;
  • ease of use - you just need to sprinkle the dust on horizontal surfaces.

To process vertical surfaces, it is customary to use the powder in combination with a gel (preferably from a different company) or dilute it with water and wash the walls. Then there will be no places left for insects where they would not come into contact with poison, leading to their death.

How to use Rubit powder

The instructions for using powder Rubit state that the treatment of the room should be carried out with protective gloves and a respirator (a gauze bandage that protects the respiratory system).

Before using the powder, you will need to clear access to places where insects live.

  1. Pull furniture away from the walls to treat baseboards and back panels of furniture.
  2. Remove food items from the premises or hide them in the refrigerator.
  3. Clean the living space and remove cockroach excrement, old dirt and fat deposits, garbage, crumbs.
  4. Repair plumbing and piping.
  5. Wash and disinfect the bucket so that it does not attract cockroaches.
  6. Close the aquarium with a lid and turn off the compressor.

You should buy more powder to dilute it with water and wash the floor, walls, and plumbing fixtures - this will increase the effectiveness of powder Rubit.

Rules for treating a room with Rubit gel

If a gel form of the product is used to disinfect a home against cockroaches, you should general cleaning and prepare the living space. You need to place the poison:

  • near the water source, including the bathroom and under the sink;
  • near the trash can;
  • inside drawers and on shelves;
  • along the baseboards (dotted lines up to 10 cm long);
  • on the back panels of furniture and electrical equipment;
  • on the table, windowsill.

Gel Rubit does not require use protective equipment when processing living space, so it is not necessary to buy a respirator or gloves - just wash your hands with soap. Homeowners do not need to ventilate the premises or protect aquariums - the gel is not volatile and will not harm pets or humans.

Rubit cost

This is a cheap product that effectively kills insects, but the price may vary depending on the store, its reputation, the form of the product and its volume. In Moscow stores you can buy Rubit in gel form for up to 50 rubles. (gel 30 g), when its average price is 25-35 rubles. for 1 syringe or pack of powder.

To learn more about this tool, watch the video “Chop - the best remedy from cockroaches":

Domovod, October 30, 2017.

Instructions for use

You should only purchase products that have not yet expired.. The freshness of the components, and therefore the effectiveness of the drug, depends on this. Read the instructions carefully and act according to them.

The product is viscous, so it is convenient to apply it to both vertical and horizontal surfaces. The tip of the syringe is long, so the gel can be distributed into holes, keyholes, and joints in furniture. It is recommended to apply the anti-cockroach medication to strips of paper and place them in the required places.

To get rid of cockroaches, our readers recommend the Pest-Reject repeller. The operation of the device is based on the technology of electromagnetic pulses and ultrasonic waves! Absolutely safe, environmentally friendly product for humans and pets.

Since the product works effectively for several weeks, it actively kills larvae. The gel is also good for prevention. In this case, it should be applied at the joints of pipes, in ventilation grates. This will protect the apartment from insects from neighbors.

Precautionary measures

When using the drug against cockroaches, you should follow some rules of caution, since The gel contains insecticides:

  • Apply it with gloves. If the substance comes into contact with your hands, wash them thoroughly with water.
  • Keep the gel away from food products and a home first aid kit.

The syringe works effectively and is able to cope with a large number of insects. For best results, eliminate all leaks in the apartment, regularly clean the stove, cabinets and hoods, store flour and cereals in tightly closed jars, and put other products in the refrigerator.

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Sprays, a Chinese remedy for cockroaches in the form of chalk, its domestic analogue Mashenka - what modern industry does not produce. When making a choice, you should consider that effective remedy against cockroaches should be at least safe and have a quick effect. It is also desirable that it have a price that is affordable for the average user.

How does the gel work?

Gel is the most effective and safe. Its application is not associated with insecticides entering the respiratory tract, and if cockroach gels are applied correctly, they rarely get on the skin. The anti-cockroach remedy in a syringe or tube is applied evenly and spot-on to surfaces inaccessible to children and pets.

The use of the gel has only one significant drawback - this product does not have an instant effect.

The gel contains fats that prevent it from drying out quickly, as well as attractants - substances that attract cockroaches. This effective remedy for cockroaches is quickly spread by them into the colony, which causes their death within a week. After this, the remaining gel is reliable protection from cockroaches for several months, as it prevents the formation of a new colony due to individuals moving into the apartment from outside.

If you have children and pets in the house, it is better to protect them from eating gels by choosing brands that contain bitterness. These substances make it possible to avoid poisoning of children and animals who accidentally find it and take it into their mouth.

How a poison works depends on its origin, chemical and biological features. It may be an intestinal insecticide that kills the insect when it enters digestive tract or contact, for which it is enough to act on the paws or body of the cockroach. The poison content in the bait is small and usually amounts to about 2% of the total mass.

Many active ingredients are sensitive to action bright light. In addition, the fat base can oxidize in air. Therefore, gels should be stored in dark places. closed at the temperature indicated on the packaging.

The best gels may contain the following active ingredients:

  • Fipronil;
  • Chlorpyrifos;
  • Hydramethylnon;
  • Lambdacyhalothrin;
  • Deltamethrin;
  • Diphlobenzuron;
  • Diazinon;
  • Cypermethrin.

Some brands of gels contain two active ingredients simultaneously, which increases their effectiveness. However, two-component gels are often more toxic to humans and warm-blooded animals.

How to use?

If cockroaches have multiplied in your house, then you need to fight them. To do this, you need to go to the household goods store or the market, where you can buy a cockroach repellent in the form of a gel. To increase the efficiency of processing, you can supplement the gel with a spray or working fluid with another active ingredient, not the same as that used in the gel.

There are several ways to apply cockroach gels:

  1. Squeeze out small drops and spread them where clusters of cockroaches are found. The distance between drops can be from 10 to 20 cm, and the drop size can be up to 5 mm. The most common places of application are water pipes and sewer pipes, baseboards, back surfaces of furniture, door jambs, plumbing fixtures.
  2. Cut small strips of paper, apply a drop of gel on them and place them in hard to reach places and places where insects appear most often.

The consumption of insecticidal gels depends on the degree of population of the room. With a small number of them, the dose can be two to three times less than in rooms where the colony is large in number.

If you have to regularly treat your premises, the preparations need to be changed each time so that each time they contain a new poison.

During and after treatment, try to prevent insects from having access to water. This will significantly increase the speed of cleaning your premises.

It is best to apply the cockroach gel while wearing rubber gloves, which will prevent the poison from getting on your hands. If the gel gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, they should be rinsed thoroughly. warm water. If it gets into your mouth, take water with activated charcoal.

The best gels for cockroaches (Top 10)

  1. Gel against cockroaches Global. An effective imported product produced in Germany. The active ingredient is chlorpyrifos. His distinctive feature is the use of cocoa butter in the fat base, which gives the gel a characteristic smell. It serves as an excellent bait. In addition, the gel contains bitterness, which reduces the likelihood of pets and children eating the gel. Chlorine pyrifos can be carried by insects on their feet and thus can act remotely. The volume of the tube is 75 ml, enough for a room with a total area of ​​80 m2. The duration of action is 2-3 months, after which it is better to repeat the treatment. The cost of a tube is from 150 to 200 rubles.

  2. Gel against cockroaches Domovoy. One of the most affordable drugs. The active ingredient is fipronil. The volume of the syringe is 30 ml, enough for a room with a total area of ​​50 m2. The composition includes bitterness and insect bait. The duration of action is 2 months, the first dead insects appear on the second day after application. The disadvantage is the active substance, to which cockroaches quickly get used.

  3. Cockroach gel Killing power. The active ingredient is fipronil. Contains attractants that attract cockroaches. The tube has a volume of 75 ml and allows you to perform one or two treatments of rooms up to 40 m2. The manufacturer states that the residual toxicity for cockroaches of this drug lasts up to 10 months, which is usually unusual for drugs containing fipronil.

  4. Dohlox cockroach gel. It contains the active ingredient fipronil. It has a nerve paralytic effect and can destroy nerve cells insects This is one of the most safe means comes in a syringe and can be used in enterprises Catering, in kindergartens, schools, clinics. Syringe volume 30 ml. The convenient packaging form allows you to apply the gel in the most hard to reach areas, which further affects the safety of its use. The disadvantage of the drug is that insects quickly get used to fipronil.

  5. Gel Raptor against cockroaches. The active ingredient is chlorpyrifos, an insecticide of contact-intestinal action. Packaged in convenient tubes made of soft material, equipped with a spout, weighing 75 g. Each tube is enough for 40 m 2 of the treated area.

  6. Gel Absolute. The active ingredient is chlorpyrifos. Optimal choice when it is necessary to treat large areas. One tube of product with a volume of 125 ml is enough for 150 m2. The first results of the action are observed on the second day, and the complete destruction of the colony is observed within a month.

  7. Legion anti-cockroach gel. Contains two active ingredients that are highly toxic to insects - deltamethrin and diphlobenzuron. These poisons have high intestinal contact activity. Deltamethrin ensures the death of adult cockroaches from paralysis within 2 days after the poison enters their digestive system. Diphlobenzuron is an innovative product that prevents the normal molting of larvae and correct formation, which does not give insects the opportunity to reproduce and restore population numbers. It belongs to hazard class 4, that is, it is low-toxic for warm-blooded animals.

  8. Clean house. Universal remedy. If you have cockroaches or ants in your apartment, it is better to go to a hardware store or to the market, where you can buy a remedy for cockroaches from this trademark. Packaging sizes of 20 and 35 g are available. The larger one is designed for an area of ​​about 25 square meters, if there are a lot of insects and can be used on 50 m2 with a small colony size. The first dead individuals appear 2-3 days after treatment.

  9. Cleanbait. New among cockroach control products. The tube volume is 20 g, making it possible to get rid of insects over an area of ​​up to 60 m2. The active ingredient is hydromethylnon. Contains attractants, stabilizers, gelling agent. It works on both cockroaches and ants. Classified as hazard class 4. Causes the death of cockroaches within one and a half to two days, lasts one and a half to two months.

  10. Geli Kapkan and Fas. Contains cypermethrin and diazinon. 75 ml of gel is intended for treating rooms up to 90 m2. Quite toxic to warm-blooded animals, so should be used with caution and kept away from children.

Leave comments and share the article with your friends on in social networks. Good luck in choosing a gel for cockroaches! And also see the review electronic means from cockroaches with Elena Malysheva on video.

Gel against cockroaches will help eliminate not only the “red neighbors”, but also other creeping creatures

The jelly-like substance that is in the syringe has low toxicity and is completely safe for humans and animals. Of course, provided that it does not get inside or onto mucous membranes. You can only get dirty with this product if you pour it on your hands. The convenient release form ensures comfortable application to the surface. No need to apply in large quantities. Just spread a drop at a time over the baseboards and other places. The effect is noticeable within 24 hours.

Finding the best cockroach gel is not that difficult. The main component of each is a special poison, which, if it gets on the legs of an insect, will in any case end up in its stomach and intestines. Then paralysis and liquidation occurs. Maximum a person can spend:

  • time to buy gel;
  • application to surface;
  • cleaning up dead cockroaches and other little things running around.

Since the gels have a fatty base, they do not dry out, but can easily withstand for a long time. At the same time they are functional. Some manufacturers add special substances to the composition that repel children and animals with their smell. Therefore, none of them will taste it.

Since the gels have a fatty base, they do not dry out and can easily withstand for a long time.

The cockroach repellent in a syringe works according to the following principle:

Now it won’t be difficult to find poison for the others. The one who was around him before will leave a mark behind him. This is how most of the colony will approach their poisonous delicacy.

Important! No matter how wonderful and comforting the point about the safe use of a substance in a syringe may be, it is necessary to follow all safety rules: store it tightly closed. Keep away from children and places where there is heat. Sufficient to keep at room temperature. It is not advisable to use after the expiration date. But this is not at all connected with the loss of poisonous quality. It’s just that the composition becomes more toxic and can already cause harm to a person’s lungs.

"Bullitt" gel against cockroaches

The result is noticeable within 12 hours. Therefore, it is recommended to distribute this substance throughout the apartment in the evening. In the morning, the housewife can calmly remove the pests. At the same time, wear gloves and use a broom and dustpan.