Surface drainage systems. Surface drainage of the site: features of installation and installation of pipes. Garden ponds as elements of the drainage system

from 1000 rub. m p.

The bulk land plots The Moscow region is subject to flooding and groundwater to varying degrees. Heavy loamy and clayey soils, along with heavy rainfall in our region, create extremely unfavorable conditions for growing both garden and ornamental plants. Excessive moisture destroys landscape design elements, sharply shortens the life of the building, negatively affecting its foundation. Normalization of water balance land plot it is impossible to imagine without creating an effective drainage system.

A well-designed and well-equipped drainage system ensures the removal of melt and rainwater from the surface layers of the soil and at the same time sharply reduces the groundwater level in its lower layers. Thanks to this, in areas with proper drainage, puddles disappear much faster than on neighboring ones; moving around the site becomes more comfortable; the plants are not oppressed and delight their owners with rich greenery and rich harvests.

When should you think about installing surface drainage for a site?

  • the site is located in a low-lying area in relation to neighboring landholdings;
  • the site is dominated by clay soil or a water-resistant clay horizon lies close to the surface;
  • there is a pond nearby;
  • the site is located in an area of ​​heavy flood waters;
  • at the summer cottage high level groundwater;
  • Along the perimeter of the site there are neighboring foundations and concrete buildings.

Types of jobs

To prevent the formation of waterlogging areas around a residential building, surface drainage is performed. Surface drainage It is a special structure (modular channels), pipe distribution, which makes it possible to lower the level of groundwater and ground-pressure water. Water is collected from the site, paths and platforms, roofing, open terraces. Depending on the method of moisture collection, removal is carried out: Point - for local collection of rain and melt water into door pits. Mounted under drainage systems equipped for collecting water from the roof.In the form of a drainage main for the disposal of atmospheric precipitation over a large area. A system of in-depth trays, gutters, sand traps which, like drains, must be cleaned periodically. The gutters and containers that retain sand are covered with cast iron or metal gratings.

As a rule, the greatest effect is achieved when using complex scheme drainage: point and linear. If the soil on the site is sandy and well-drained, the site itself is located high, the groundwater level is 1.5 m or even lower, you can use only surface drainage without installing deep drainage.

Surface drainage of the site.

Surface drainage of the site is the simplest and cheap way cope with excess moisture in a specific area. Surface drainage of a site begins with an inspection of the site and at the same time drawing up a diagram of the location of the trenches. Typically it includes main ditches around the perimeter and additional ones in places where water accumulates. The depth of the ditch is up to 70 cm, the width is up to half a meter. The walls are made with a bevel of 30 degrees. Additional trenches relative to the main ones are made with a slope towards the collecting tank. The bottom of the trenches can be covered with a 10-centimeter layer of sand - it must be compacted tightly. Next, trays are laid and covered with sand traps. To give such structures a presentable appearance, integrate them organically into the overall landscape design of the area and protect them from large debris, the top is covered with gratings. If wastewater is discharged to sewerage treatment, then the volume of the receiving septic tank must take into account such a load, especially in terms of the magnitude of the salvo discharge. A team of professionals will complete surface drainage of the site in one day, including excavation and installation of structural elements.

Surface drainage around the house.

Surface drainage of the site is intended for the accumulation and removal of upstream flow at a depth of up to 0.7 m. To collect and remove waters with an increased level of groundwater level or those that exceed it during peak periods, surface drainage of the site is also done to a depth of more than 1.5 m, which is below the soil freezing mark. The area is drained, which makes it comfortable to be in the green zone of the site. Green plantings do not rot due to waterlogging of the roots.

Open water drainage operates only in the warm season. Freezing of the layer-by-layer soil “pie” stops the action. It resumes only after thawing. To carry out work, it is necessary to inspect the land area allocated for management in advance: find out the source of the occurrence. excess moisture, soil characteristics and develop a project detailed diagram installation of all links of the drainage chain, indicate the water standing points, proposals for its disposal. Surface drainage of the site will be effective only if the right approach to its arrangement.

Surface drainage cost.

The preliminary price will differ for surface drainage: the final price will be determined after all measurements. The cost of surface drainage directly depends on: area of ​​the site and its vertical orientation,type of soil pie and groundwater,distance of the object from the material base construction company Andwork on landscaping after installation.

Knowing these initial parameters, the total length of the drainage route is calculated. It is assumed that 1 l.m. Drenov collects water from 10 square meters. area of ​​“problem” (clay, loamy) areas. From 11-15 sq.m. – for sandy loam and sandy soil. Surface drainage - installation cost - can be increased with additional payment for related work:dismantling of fundamental structures that impede the arrangement of drainage,disposal of excavated soil from the site,arrangement of storm drains andcable connection, etc.

Turnkey surface drainage in optimal option executions can be performed professionally and with a guarantee only by specialists. They evaluate turnkey surface drainage for each linear meter.

The system must be designed taking into account the calculated load. Its value depends on the specifics of the soil, its saturation with water, the degree of filtration in different time year, the amount of water absorbed. Accurate calculations by specialists will determine the adequacy of plastic lattice elements and polymer pipes. If the loads increase, such materials will not withstand them; metal gratings will have to be used. Proper arrangement involves concrete wells and gutters, channels.

Drainage of the site is carried out only after signing the contract and approving the estimate. From this moment, all work, from drawing up a project, carrying out calculations, to putting the facility into operation, passes to the executing company. This standard list includes: soil survey,approval of the drainage project andterrain analysis.Laying of drainage (pipes, trays, storm water inlets) is carried out in accordance with GOST R ISO 14001.

Turnkey surface drainage is recalculated at a lower or higher cost if its depth differs from the catalog value.

Schedule for calculating the cost of surface drainage of a site.

Example for surface drainage: We have a plot of 15 acres that needs to be drained. We look at the length shown above, we get 150 meters.The price per linear meter of surface drainage is 1,400 rubles. We multiply the length of the drainage by the number of acres and get an amount of 210,000 rubles. If there are no options for water drainage, then you need to install a collector well with a pump costing 30,000 rubles. Total turnkey RUB 240,000.

Make surface drainage of the area.

SNiP 3.05.04-85 will help to make surface drainage of the site according to all the rules. They give the depths, main dimensions, pipe materials, installation methods, without which it is impossible to make surface drainage of the area. The following work algorithm will help to arrange a linear type of drainage system.

  • - Divide the area into equal segments.
  • - Dig narrow trenches approximately 0.5 m deep (it all depends on the terrain and slope requirements) towards the main flow of water.
  • - Cover the bottom with a small layer of sand (0.1 m).
  • - Trays are installed and secured with stones on both sides.
  • - The joints are filled concrete mixture for sealing.
  • - Free space between the walls of the trench and trays it is filled with soil or crushed stone.
  • - backfilling rammed.
  • - If necessary, the required slope is achieved for that part of the site that borders the linear highway. The discharge efficiency will increase if the surface is asphalted or covered with concrete.
  • - The drainage network is connected to the general system.
  • - On top part water intake grates are installed in the trenches.

If you need to make surface drainage of an area by connecting the channels at an angle, they are sawed hand saw with a diamond disk, capturing both of its walls in the tray at once.

Surface drainage around the house is one of the elements of general drainage from the site. With the SoftRock rubble-free system you can organize effective removal moisture from the foundation of residential and commercial buildings, eliminate basement flooding, and significantly reduce soil erosion. Compared with traditional systems where a layer of crushed stone is applied, SoftRock significantly reduces financial costs and reduces installation time. Surface drainage of the site is 50% more efficient using Softrock drainage blocks. Installation is so simple that you can do it yourself.

Application of surface drainage

Surface water drainage will help solve many problems:

  • drainage of water from the foundation of residential and commercial buildings in order to protect against shrinkage, the appearance of unsightly damp spots, mold, mildew, and basement flooding;
  • removing moisture from pedestrian paths and parking areas;
  • avoiding saturation of the soil with water, followed by frost heaving and squeezing of the building from the ground;
  • reduction of cracking of the soil surface;
  • reducing the processes of erosion and washout of the fertile layer from the site;
  • on the site, surface drainage prevents septic tanks from exiting cesspools;
  • reducing the occurrence of aggressive chemical compounds due to the interaction of moisture with salts contained in the soil;
  • maintaining an attractive appearance plot and general landscape of the territory.

Regardless of the soil composition and surface topography, drainage must be installed for any area.

Advantages of the SoftRock system

Most effective option is a system of surface drainage of the site using Softrock drainage blocks. It has numerous advantages compared to traditional analogues using a crushed stone layer:

  • light weight of the blocks, making it possible to install the system without the use of equipment;
  • high flexibility of the perforated pipe, allowing you to bypass obstacles and folds of the terrain;
  • drainage efficiency is 50-65% higher;
  • high strength, maintaining the functionality of the system at a height of the bulk layer of up to 25 meters and the passage of vehicles weighing up to 25 tons;
  • there is no damage to the area during installation;
  • high reliability and operation for 100 years.

Softrock linear drainage is easy to install and can be done by one person. The price of installing a drainage system is determined only by purchasing blocks ready for use and depends on their quantity. There is no need to purchase other materials, saving money and time. If you want to install surface drainage yourself, then you need Softrock blocks. Its unique capabilities will eliminate any area for years to come. Negative consequences from excess moisture in the soil.

Design features of the surface drainage system

Structurally, each block of the SoftRock surface drainage system consists of perforated flexible pipe 3 meters long and with a diameter from 110 to 200 mm. High flexibility allows you to easily bypass obstacles in the form of plants, buildings, folds of relief and not spoil the appearance of the site. Around the pipe there is a layer of foam plastic, each granule of which has a special drainage hole to improve water permeability. The foam layer is held in place by a woven geotextile mesh, and the entire structure is wrapped in geotextile material that prevents siltation. Price surface system drainage depends on the diameter of the pipe and the number of blocks required.

On suburban and summer cottages There is often excess moisture, which negatively affects the harvest and the condition of the foundation of the house. To combat this phenomenon, surface drainage works well.

Linear surface drainage

The linear surface drainage device involves laying long gutters covered with gratings on top. Gutters are laid along paths, along the contours of areas and in other places where water usually accumulates.

The linear system works according to simple principle– water collects in gutters, flows into them under the created slope and enters the collector well. Gutters are made from different materials. The most popular are gutters made of polymer concrete, concrete and plastic.

Note! A linear surface drainage system prevents flooding of a home's foundation by collecting water from the roof and surrounding areas and discharging it to the drain.

If it is necessary to arrange drainage around the house, HDPE pipes with a perforated surface can be used for this purpose. You can do it another way: take sewer pipes and many holes are drilled into them using a hammer drill or drill. They must be made along the entire length of the pipe in 3 rows.

  • At a distance of half a meter from the house, ditches are dug along the perimeter of the foundation, and perforated pipes are laid in them. Trenches are dug to such a depth that the sewer pipes are completely hidden in the ground.
  • Use a shovel to level all internal surfaces ditches.
  • The bottom of the trench is covered with a layer of a mixture of gravel and sand.
  • The pipes are laid in the prepared ditch at a certain angle and taken out beyond the boundary of the site. Pipe openings must be fully accessible. There is a slope in the trenches on opposite sides, which facilitates the rapid flow of rainwater into the pipes. With the help of such a linear drainage system around the house, you can avoid the destruction of the foundation from water exposure.

Point drainage is used for local collection of precipitation in the form of rain. They are installed in many places, which include the space near doors, gutters that are installed on the roof to collect water from the roof, under watering taps coming from the niches of the house, at the entrance and parking lot, as well as in other points where moisture often accumulates , and puddles form. Concrete wells are constructed for point drainage, with decorative gratings installed on top.

There is an option with pumping out water. To avoid clogging of pipes, sand traps are provided in the system. In addition to the sand trap, the drainage system includes stormwater inlets, ladders, drainage systems and storm flaps.

Note! Point drainage system correct device Can be combined well with linear water collection and drainage.

What elements are included:

  • The storm water inlet is a container rectangular shape. It is made of polymer concrete or plastic and is equipped with outlets that have access to the water drainage network. Such a network, for example, could be storm drain. To make storm water inlets easier to maintain, they are equipped with special baskets into which large fractions of waste are collected. In practice, storm water inlets with water seals are also used. The presence of siphons does not allow it to spread through the air near the house unpleasant odors. The rainwater inlet can be increased in height - to do this, one element must be installed on another.
  • Drain ladders have the form of a container equipped with a protective grill on top decorative type. This element is connected to a surface linear drainage or storm sewer system. The purpose of the drain is to locally collect and drain water from paths, developed areas and other vulnerable places.
  • The storm flap is protective device drainage structure. This element prevents water from flowing in the opposite direction.

Detailed installation instructions are below:

Site drainage

The natural drainage system may not be enough if the site area is located in a wetland or low-lying area. Earth in early spring after the snow melts, it is saturated with water, which stands in place for a long time, while the sprouted plants begin to rot and die. As a result, field work goes off schedule and the yield of the site does not reach the level that was planned.

  • The area of ​​the plot is divided into equal plots. Narrow ditches 0.5 m deep are dug. The ditches are arranged at a certain slope so that the water flows away and does not stand still. In order to fully utilize the entire area of ​​the site, after draining the water in the right places, the trenches are filled with branches and sprinkled with a mixture of soil and manure on top. In temporary additional areas, you can grow crops for which dampness is the norm. In the fall, after harvesting, drainage trenches lead to original appearance– the layer of temporary soil is removed.
  • Surface storm-type drainage is arranged to prevent washout fertile soil from the site during heavy rains or precipitation falling for several days in a row. Drainage trenches are arranged with a slope for the subsequent removal of water from them. The grooves are sealed with concrete, and plastic or other trays are placed in them. It is possible to have trenches with support boards that rest against the walls of the trenches and are held in a vertical position by transverse struts. Paths are made on top of such grooves, and the trenches themselves are covered with removable gratings.
  • If the site is located in the middle of a large slope, there is a possibility that short-term heavy rains can wash away a layer of fertile soil. In this case, a drainage drainage system is required, the trenches of which will be arranged in such a way that the runoff will be collected and drained along an inclined surface, but outside the site. It is necessary to dig a storm trench across the slope, which will become a barrier to the flow and drain water along the edges usable area. Such a ditch must be constantly open. It can be turned into a ravine by sowing it with reeds or other similar plants, but it is better to strengthen the ditch with concrete, because such drainage structures quickly lose their original appearance, are washed away and destroyed.

Site drainage option

If the soil of the site consists predominantly of clay and loam, excess moisture can be eliminated using surface drainage, which involves installing a network of trenches across the entire usable area.

  • First, a plan is drawn on paper, onto which a network of ditches located throughout the site and a drainage well are drawn, where the collected water will be drained. In order for the drainage to work properly, the trenches are given a slope towards the water receiving object. If the site is on a slope, the direction of flow is selected based on the given direction. If the ground surface is flat, the slope is created artificially. The number of trenches depends on the degree of soil moisture. The depth of the ditches should be approximately 0.5 m, the width will increase as you approach the water intake.
  • Once the drainage system is ready, it is checked for drainage quality. To do this, water is released from a hose into the ditches and the flow rate is monitored. If there are areas with stagnant water, the slope in these places increases.
  • If the test was successful, you need to start decorating the trenches - bare ditches look unattractive. To do this, a layer is poured onto the bottom of the ditches. marble chips or decorative gravel. Plants are planted on the “banks”.