Tomatoes are acidic. Acidic and alkaline foods: list. Causes of disturbance of alkaline balance towards acidity

This was a real discovery for our editors! As it turns out, many foods that people are used to eating create an acidic environment in the body, which slows down metabolic processes. This is where excess weight, premature aging and many unpleasant diseases come from. The only salvation is restoration of acid-base balance and healthy harmony in the entire complex system called the “human body”.

"So simple!" prepared for you list of alkaline foods, the use of which will turn you into a healthy and happy person.

Alkaline foods

  1. Lemon
    Lemon is truly an amazing fruit! It would seem, how can such an acidic product reduce the acidity of the body? It's all about pH. Its level (which is 9.0) makes yellow citrus most alkaline product. This powerful remedy for colds, viral diseases and heartburn not only helps fight high acidity, but is also a natural antiseptic.

    Lemon is an indispensable product for cleansing the liver. This seems like a great reason to start your day with a glass of warm water with a slice of lemon.

  2. Swiss chard
    Swiss chard is one of the most alkaline foods, its leaves are rich in vitamins, proteins, fiber and mineral salts. The plant helps normalize blood sugar, enhances brain activity and restores vision. Swiss chard is incredibly beneficial for your cardiovascular system, so feel free to add a bunch of chard to your summer salad!
  3. cucumbers
    Cucumber is one of the most ancient vegetable crops. This alkaline product helps to quickly normalize the digestion process and neutralize the acidic environment. In addition, this simple vegetable consists of 90% water, which makes it very useful for improving the condition of facial skin.

  4. Radish
    Eating radishes helps normalize intestinal motility, reduces cholesterol levels, activates metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and helps fight skin diseases. Interestingly, radishes are most beneficial to eat in their pure form, and not in salads.
  5. Celery
    Celery is also on the list of the most alkaline foods. He is able to slow down aging process, improve water-salt metabolism, stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and normalize blood sugar. The root and leaves of the plant contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential oils.

  6. Garlic
    This aromatic product is not only a source of alkali, but also an important link in maintaining immunity. It has high antimicrobial properties, and its spicy aroma will brighten any dish.
  7. Beet
    A very familiar product for us, and also useful! All the vitamins, minerals and fiber contained in the vegetable have a beneficial effect on the body, giving youth and health.

  8. Avocado
    This green, oily fruit helps normalize the acid-base balance; it is rich in vitamins, amino acids and monounsaturated fatty acids, which strengthen the cardiovascular system. Great product!
  9. Melon
    Melon has an amazing pH value of 8.5. Consumption of melon is indicated for urolithiasis, kidney disease and colds. The juicy pulp of the aromatic fruit lifts your spirits and helps overcome insomnia and stress. Add this product to your diet and you won't regret it.

    Watermelons, by the way, are no less useful, because they contain a huge amount of fiber and water. And besides, they are an alkaline product.

  10. Buckwheat
    If you still only eat rice, you probably haven’t tried buckwheat! Its nutritional properties will provide you with energy for the whole day. Love buckwheat, and your cardiovascular system will certainly thank you with excellent health.
  11. Banana
    Banana is an amazing fruit. This magnificent one energy source contains a huge amount of pectin and starch, which have a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

    The pulp of the fruit contains vitamins, iron and endorphins, so bananas can not only energize you, but also lift your spirits. Due to their low protein and salt content, bananas are very beneficial for those who suffer from kidney disease.

  12. Chicory
    This alkaline product not only perfectly replaces coffee, but also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Chicory contains inulin, which lowers blood sugar levels. And pectin, which chicory is rich in, helps satisfy the feeling of hunger and pacify the appetite.
  13. Berries
    As it turned out, in addition to a huge amount of vitamins and microelements, juicy berries contain fiber and antioxidants necessary for intestinal function, which can slow down the aging process of the body. Both tasty and healthy!

  14. Broccoli
    This variety of cabbage is rich in vitamins and microelements that are necessary for healthy kidney function, as well as for the normal functioning of bone and connective tissue.
  15. A pineapple
    A native of South America, it is rich in vitamins A and C. It helps fight sore throat, pneumonia, arthritis, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and accelerates the healing process of wounds. Pineapple juice is recommended to be consumed to strengthen memory and for kidney diseases. Pineapple almost does not contain protein, but rich in dietary fiber and fiber.

  16. Grape
    Thanks to its generous composition, this delicious berry helps strengthen the immune system, reduces the risk of cancer, helps normalize blood pressure and get rid of joint pain.

    Grapes are very beneficial for the nervous system, help cope with stress and normalize sleep. The main thing is that grapes help slow down the aging process and rejuvenate the body!

  17. Brussels sprouts
    Eating Brussels sprouts is recommended for atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, constipation, diabetes, allergies, and even to get rid of insomnia. Since cabbage contains a lot folic acid, it is very useful for pregnant women. This vegetable also helps to get rid of excess weight.

  18. Mango
    The sweet pulp of the fruit contains vitamins, minerals, fiber and pectin. This aromatic fruit is a natural antidepressant, because it helps relieve stress and improve mood. With a minimum of calories and protein, mango is an ideal product for those who want to lose extra pounds. It seems like you couldn’t imagine a tastier diet!
  19. Spinach
    Such a combination of vitamins and microelements beneficial for the human body is not found in any greenery. A healing properties spinach has long been valued by healthy eating enthusiasts. Diabetes and asthma, anemia and oncology recede before spinach. If you add this simple product to your diet, the health of your skin, hair and teeth will certainly improve.

  20. Quinoa
    Due to the content of a huge amount of proteins, its nutritional properties can compete even with animal products. Quinoa has a general strengthening effect, cures gout and radiculitis, and helps in the treatment of hemorrhoids and cancer.

    Quinoa seeds help remove toxins from the body and normalize digestive processes. And, it would seem, a weed!

  21. Alfalfa sprouts
    The composition of alfalfa sprouts is unique. They contain a huge amount of vitamins, amino acids, minerals and chlorophyll- a powerful catalyst for all biochemical processes that occur in the human body. Alfalfa improves blood composition and increases hemoglobin.

    It has a strong alkalizing effect, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system and prevents aging. The main thing is that this tasty and healthy product is available all year round!

  22. Flax seeds
    Flax seeds are a very alkaline food, containing huge amounts of fiber and vitamin E. And its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce the symptoms of hot flashes in women. during menopause.
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Over the past 100 years, humanity's diet has changed greatly. In most cases, this has a negative impact on health. The acid-base balance is disrupted, which creates a favorable environment for the development of diseases. The occurrence of cancer, decreased immunity, and the deposition of kidney stones are only a small part of the ailments that arise in conditions of constant acidosis.

Alkaline foods will help restore natural balance and eliminate ailments associated with acidity. Skillfully combining ingredients in your diet will allow you to feel great and not feel hungry.

Each substance can be characterized by its pH. It talks about how electrical resistance changes between positive and negative ions. The first group gives an acidic reaction, the second - an alkaline reaction.

Scientists have adopted a conventional numerical designation for this indicator. If the pH is 7, then the medium is neutral. A shift in pH downward indicates oxidation, and a shift toward a greater one indicates alkalization.

The optimal level of alkali in the body is 7.4. The lower limit is 7.36, the upper limit is 7.44. If you go beyond these boundaries, pathological changes will be observed in the tissues. In many ways, the indicator depends on what you eat. Each product, breaking down into molecules, changes the environment inside the body.

A healthy person's diet should contain both acidic ingredients (50%) and alkaline ingredients (50%). For certain diseases, the balance shifts in the ratio of 20x80%, respectively. We will provide a list of products and their ability to adjust pH at the end of the article.

Changes in Health as Balance Shifts

Acidification in the body seems to invite almost all known ailments to visit. Poor nutrition, which has been practiced for years, slowly but surely drains the life from every cell.

Acidic products neutralize alkali and lead to the following consequences:

  1. The skeleton suffers. The body begins to use its reserves for alkalization and releases magnesium and calcium. These minerals are washed out of the bones, leading to osteoporosis.
  2. The brain receives a signal about a lack of calcium, so its amount in the blood increases. But it is not sent back to the bones, but is most often deposited on their surface, in the kidneys and gall bladder.
  3. Female diseases occur (cysts, polycystic ovary syndrome, benign breast cysts).
  4. Opacities of the lens and the development of cataracts are observed.
  5. Cardiovascular diseases progress, blood changes, and the risk of cancer increases by an order of magnitude.
  6. Constant acidosis leads to hypofunction of the thyroid gland, anxiety, insomnia, low blood pressure, and edema.
  7. Acidic foods provoke muscle pain and chronic fatigue, which manifests itself at a young age.
  8. Tooth enamel is destroyed.
  9. The aging process accelerates, metabolism slows down, internal organs fail, and enzyme activity decreases.

Normalization of the alkaline balance leads to the elimination of pathologies. Foods that give an acidic reaction should not be excluded from the diet, but their quantity must be monitored.

Cancer and the alkaline environment of the body

Products that oxidize the environment and alkalize

Acidic foods make cancer worse. In 1932, scientist Otto Warburg made a discovery worthy of a Nobel Prize. He established a direct relationship between the development of cancer and the level of acidification in the body.

The cells of this disease live only in an environment with a pH below 7; if the pH rises, it leads to alkalization, and the pathogenic elements die after 3 hours.

There is an opinion that by alkalizing the body you can cure cancer. But traditional medicine does not share this statement and believes that self-medication can worsen the situation.

However, consuming foods that have an alkaline reaction along with the main therapy will speed up treatment and reduce the likelihood of relapse. If a healthy person maintains an optimal pH for the body, he will reduce the risk of cancer to zero.

TOP 7 products to maintain alkaline balance

We will provide a list of leading products that quickly normalize pH.

These include:

  1. Lemons.
    Although they taste sour, they give an alkaline reaction. Representatives of alternative medicine believe that citrus is 10 thousand times stronger than chemotherapy. Ayurveda says that if you drink lemon juice or eat a piece of fruit every day, you will not be afraid of any disease. Just don't add sugar!
  2. Greenery.
    Dill, parsley, watercress and others will not only shift the balance in the right direction, but will also saturate you with a large amount of minerals, antioxidants, vitamins and phytochemical components.
  3. Roots– horseradish, turnips, radishes, carrots, beets and rutabaga neutralize high acidity and improve digestion processes.
  4. Celery and cucumbers.
    These are some of the most alkaline foods.
  5. Garlic.
    It has antibacterial and antifungal properties, supports the immune system and restores optimal alkaline balance.
  6. Cruciferous– white cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli.
  7. Avocado– one of the leaders in the content of fatty acids of plant origin, is a source of vitamins and amino acids. Quickly normalizes pH.

Eat at least one of these products every day, and you will forget about ailments and will not know what serious illnesses are.

Cooking goodies from alkaline products

Not everyone likes the products that are included in the top seven. But fortunately for all of us, there are recipes that will make life a little brighter. For example, a fruit salad made from apples, ripe bananas, grapes, peaches and other ingredients, seasoned with low-fat yogurt (select the composition according to the table at the end).

A regular salad of tomato, cucumber, sweet pepper and herbs, sprinkled with vegetable or olive oil, will be easily absorbed by the body and will give you strength. Similar recipes using various vegetables, in addition to bringing the pH back to normal, will also contribute to weight loss.

There are various recipes for alkaline broths online. We will tell you about the most popular ones. To prepare the dish you will need:

  • 2 parts each spinach and broccoli,
  • 3 parts celery,
  • 2 parts red potatoes,
  • 1 small zucchini,
  • 2 liters of water.

Vegetables must be cut into small pieces, placed in cold water and brought to a boil, covered with a lid. Then cook over low heat for about 20-30 minutes. After cooking, strain. Or another option is to make cream soup in a blender. The broth will be edible for 3 days.

Acidic and alkaline products

Now it's time to look at specific food products. The table shows the ability of a single ingredient to raise or lower pH.


  • + - weak effect of the product on pH;
  • + + - average impact of the product;
  • + + + - strong impact of the product;
  • + + + + - very strong effect of the product.

Proper nutrition is the key to good human health. “We are what we eat” is a centuries-tested truth. But, as a rule, we try to monitor the energy composition of food. Be sure to take into account the calorie content of certain products. We pay due attention to the vitamin composition.

But we completely forget about the acid-base balance of our body. But the state of human health depends on its ratio. And many diseases are triggered by a violation of the acid-base ratio in the blood.

For the normal functioning of all organs and systems, it is necessary to eat 20-25% acidic foods, and 75-80% low-grade foods.

Alkaline foods and their role

Natural products of plant origin are alkaline. They saturate the body with all the necessary valuable substances and at the same time work like a brush: they cleanse and remove all harmful components. An alkaline environment is most harmonious for the proper functioning of all human cells. This is a plant food that is easily digestible, does not cause difficulty in processing by the gastrointestinal tract and does not leave harmful toxic substances.

Harm from excess acidic foods

Sour foods are foods of animal origin. It is difficult for the body to absorb, and it is difficult for the gastrointestinal tract to digest it. Such products leave toxins and waste in the body. These harmful substances gradually accumulate in the cells of the body and cause many diseases. The most common among them are: osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis, gout.

With regular consumption of acidic foods, the body works in an intense mode and is quickly depleted. This leads to such unpleasant symptoms as causeless weakness, fatigue, apathy, insomnia, lack of appetite, and headache of unknown etiology.

The skin becomes dry and a rash appears in the form of acne. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted - bloating and belching appear. A lack of calcium in an overly acidified body causes muscle and joint pain, and overall immunity decreases.

What happens in the body when there is excessive acidification?

When the acid-base balance in the body is not disturbed, then carbonic, uric and lactic acids, which are released from acidic foods as a result of metabolism, are neutralized by the puddle environment. But if there is an imbalance towards acidity, then the body uses additional resources to neutralize the acid.

To combat acidity, sodium is used as the “heavy artillery”. Gradually, its reserves in the body are exhausted, then calcium reserves are used. Calcium is removed by the body from the skeletal system and from the teeth.

As a result, calcium deficiency leads to brittle and brittle bones. Teeth also lose their strength. Such a malfunction in the body leads to a disease such as osteoporosis. The body urgently needs additional calcium. And from food, with age, calcium is difficult to absorb and a vicious circle results.

In this state of the human body, irreversible processes of degeneration of the body occur at the cellular level. The body simply wears out and the aging process accelerates.

How to prevent acidification in the body

In order to maintain the acid-base balance at the proper level, it is necessary to adjust the diet, making it as balanced and beneficial for the body as possible. Calcium, potassium, sodium, copper, magnesium and iron have an alkaline effect on the body. An acid reaction in the body is caused by lactic, uric and carbonic acids, as well as carbon dioxide, phosphorus, iodine, chlorine, and sulfur.

To maintain the normal ratio of acidic and alkaline substances, you need to consume 2 parts of acidic foods and 6 parts of alkaline foods throughout the day. The list below will help with this.

List of Alkaline Foods

Of the fruits that have the most alkalizing effect:

  1. apricots, dried apricots;
  2. figs;
  3. peaches;
  4. plums, prunes.

To a lesser extent, alkaline properties are present in the following fruits:

  1. apples;
  2. bananas;
  3. pineapples;
  4. avocado.

The most alkaline berries are:

  1. currant;
  2. watermelon;
  3. strawberry;
  4. raspberries.

The following berries have less alkaline properties:

  1. cherry;
  2. cherries.

Vegetables that have a pronounced alkaline effect are:

The alkaline effect is less pronounced in the following vegetables:

  1. potato;
  2. artichoke.

Among other groups of products, the following have an alkaline effect:

  • melons;
  • oatmeal;
  • ginger;
  • parsley;
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • asparagus;
  • sea ​​kale.

List of sour foods

The foods that most acidify the body include:

  1. Coffee, tea, all sweet carbonated drinks, beer;
  2. Fried, hot, spicy dishes;
  3. Sweet confectionery products;
  4. Jams, preserves;
  5. Meat and offal;
  6. Nuts (especially peanuts);
  7. Eggs;
  8. Pasta;
  9. Squids, mussels;
  10. Legumes.

Table of acidifying and alkalizing products

Alkaline products (+) Sour foods (-)
Apricots +++ Peanut -
Dried apricots ++++ Starch -
Peaches +++ Corn grits -
Currant +++ Barley grits -
Watermelon +++ Flour -
Melon +++ Mutton -
Currant +++ Ham -
Bananas++ Bacon -
Apples++ Veal -
Figs ++++ Chicken -
Grapes++ Cheese -
Prunes +++ Fish -
Orange +++ Liver -
Dates++ Cancers -
Cherries++ Game -
Carrot ++++ Mussels -
Tomatoes ++++ Shrimps -
Beetroot ++++ Eggs -
Cucumbers +++ Cream -
Potatoes +++ Beans -
Pepper +++ Butter -
Radish +++ Oysters -
Oatmeal +++ Bread -
Milk +++ Baking -
Serum +++ Jelly -
Green peas++ Jam -
Asparagus++ Jam -
Raisin++ Mamalyga -
Cranberry + Pasta -

To maintain a normal acid-base balance, you must adhere to these recommendations from specialists.

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Acid-base balance (pH) is the most important indicator of human life. It characterizes the state of the immune system, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the degree of acidity or alkalinity of the environment. At the same time, a properly composed diet from the permitted list of products is the key to maintaining health and youth.

Biochemical processes in the body occur with the participation of water, oxygen and hydrogen. Through the main fluid (blood), oxygen dissolved in water enters the cells. Their lack has a detrimental effect on the functioning of internal organs.

Blood pH is the only indicator that normally remains at the same level - 7.4 +/- 0.5. When there is an excess of acids in the body, acidosis develops; when alkaline substances accumulate, alkalosis develops. That is why it is vital for organs and systems to develop in a normal environment.

The slightly alkaline indicator is the same for any person. Exceeding or decreasing the pH level of the blood leads to alkalization or acidification of the body. The consequence of this is the development of diseases and unfavorable symptoms.

Causes of acid-base imbalance

The pathological process is influenced by several factors:

  1. Improperly organized diet. Consumption of processed and refined foods, confectionery, coffee, and carbonated drinks increases the load on the enzyme and lymphatic system. They do not have time to restore pH, which leads to the accumulation of acids, toxins and free radicals.
  2. Excessive medication use. The toxic load due to the use of chemically synthesized substances quickly acidifies the body and worsens the human condition.
  3. Lack of physical activity. Sedentary work, stress and overwork lead to the accumulation of acids.
  4. Non-compliance with drinking regime. The cells must be bathed in water. The less liquid supplied, the lower the pH.

The acid-base balance is restored by adopting a healthy lifestyle (proper nutrition, drinking regimen, physical activity).

How to determine acidification in the body

Increased acidity is indicated by some signs that you can determine yourself.

These include:

  • pain in the back, joints and muscles;
  • brittleness of hair and nails;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • decreased performance, fatigue;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • dry skin;
  • increased incidence of infectious diseases;
  • hair loss;
  • brittle bones and dental problems;
  • "Orange peel";
  • stroke or heart attack;
  • development of a cancerous tumor.

A pH below 7.4 indicates increased acidity in the tissues. If one or more symptoms occur, the likelihood of an acid-base imbalance is high. It can also be determined using litmus (indicator) paper. The test is carried out at home using saliva or urine.

Acidity is measured daily, based on the results of which the average value is calculated:

  • Saliva pH = 7.0 + 0.5 indicates the normal environment of the body. There is no serious cause for concern. In this case, litmus acquires a color from blue to dark blue;
  • pH = 6.0 + 0.5– favorable conditions for the development of pathologies. The color of the paper varies from green to marsh;
  • pH = 4.0 + 1.5– high risk of developing chronic diseases. Litmus turns yellow or orange.

The average urine pH per week should be 6.3-6.8. It is better to carry out the test periodically over 2-3 weeks. A urine pH below 5.5 is a cause for serious concern and consultation with a doctor.

What happens with high acidity

An increase in acidity deprives cells of oxygen, energy, and the normal course of biochemical processes. The accumulation of carbon dioxide in them, as well as the lack of alkaline minerals leads to acidification in the tissues. An excess of free radicals is formed, the body's defenses are reduced, and pathogenic microorganisms multiply.

As a result, chronic pathologies develop (arthrosis, osteoporosis, heart and vascular diseases, obesity), including oncology (a pH value of 6 indicates the development of cancer).

Alkaline foods (list later in the article) normalize the ratio of acids and alkalis in the body and restore pH. Eating vegetables, greens and fruits prevents the accumulation of toxins and free radicals, thereby cleansing the body.

List of foods with the highest pH values

Alkaline foods - the list with the highest pH is as follows:

  1. Lemon. When it enters the gastrointestinal tract, an alkali is released. It is good to drink water with lemon juice in the morning. When combined with sugar, it, on the contrary, releases acid.
  2. Onions, parsley and other greens. They have a high pH. They contain vitamins and minerals. Removes toxins, increases immunity, strengthens blood vessels.
  3. Root plants(carrots, radishes, rutabaga, beets, horseradish). They have a high pH. Improves intestinal motility.
  4. Celery and cucumber. They are classified as moderately alkaline products and quickly neutralize accumulated acids.
  5. Garlic. Helps not only maintain acid-base balance, but also increase the body's defenses. The product has good antifungal and antibacterial properties.
  6. Cruciferous vegetables(green beans, cabbage, broccoli). Their unique composition contains indoles - natural substances with anti-cancer properties.
  7. Avocado. Normalizes pH in the body, improves immunity.
  8. Wheat and barley sprouts. Contains vitamins, minerals, microelements. They have antifungal and anticancer properties.
  9. Sea vegetables(seaweed). They are sources of chlorophyll, an alkalizing substance.
  10. Chamomile and green tea. They have a good alkalizing and anti-inflammatory effect.

The figure shows a list of the 10 most alkaline foods.

Including the above products in the diet helps normalize pH levels, cleanse and heal the body.

Alkaline Ingredients Table

Alkaline foods (list below) based on pH are divided into strongly alkalizing, alkalizing and weakly alkalizing.

Highly alkalizing Alkalinizing Weakly alkalizing
Stevia (natural sweetener)Maple syrupHoney
Lemon, lime, grapefruit, watermelon, papaya, mangoGrapes, melon, kiwi, peach, apple, pears, dates, dried grapesPineapples, oranges, bananas, cherries, olives, persimmons, potatoes
Leeks, parsley, garlic, spinach, green beans and cabbage, radishesCelery, zucchini, rutabaga, pumpkin, lettuce, beans, cucumbersTomatoes, carrots, cabbage, peas
AlmondChestnut fruit
Olive oil, black cumin oilFlax oil
Germinated barley sproutsMillet, brown rice
Colostrum, breast milkMilk and cheese (goat), whey
Lemon water, herbal tea, fresh vegetable juicesGinger drinkGreen tea, freshly squeezed fruit juices

Alkaline diet

The alkaline diet is gaining popularity. It is based on the consumption of foods with a high pH. These include dishes made from vegetables, fruits, herbs and other products of plant origin. Their main advantage is acid neutralization.

They also contain fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and the immune system as a whole.

Any product that comes to a person with food releases either an alkali or an acid in the body. The consumption of thermally processed food leads to fermentation and acidification processes. Meat and dairy dishes and baked goods release acid in large quantities.


Including fresh foods in your diet creates a healthy alkaline environment. Neutralization of acids prevents the leaching of calcium from bones, restores and cleanses the body. The nutritional system is popular because it helps to lose excess weight by forming the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

An alkaline or alkaline diet helps:

  • prevention of a number of diseases (urolithiasis, osteoporosis, obesity, oncology);
  • improving metabolism;
  • body weight control;
  • maintaining youth, vigor and ability to work;
  • full functioning of all organs and systems;
  • increasing the body's defenses.

Following an alkaline diet, after 7 days you can notice the following changes:

  • improves complexion and skin tone;
  • intestinal motility is normalized;
  • flatulence is eliminated;
  • efficiency increases;
  • memory, mood and general well-being improves.


The alkaline nutrition system implies compliance with certain rules.

They concern the careful selection of ingredients:

  1. Preference is given to alkaline products: fruits, vegetables, herbs, berries, low-fat fish, sesame seeds, and pumpkin seeds. Cereals (buckwheat, oats, brown rice) are allowed. Olive, sunflower, and linseed oil are used as a dressing. Alkaline food should make up at least 75% of the daily diet.
  2. The restriction applies to acidic products: meat, milk, eggs, legumes, fish, baked goods, as well as coffee and tea. They make up no more than 25% of the daily diet. In this case, preference is given to lean varieties of meat and fish (veal, chicken, turkey, hake, cod, pollock, flounder). Dishes based on them are consumed no more than 2 times a week.
  3. Completely excluded: alcohol, canned and pickled foods, products based on animal fats.

The daily menu includes 4-5 meals, meals are fractional. In between meals, drink clean water, herbal tea, and freshly squeezed juice. Sugar is replaced with maple syrup or honey, salt - with natural herbs and spices. The transition to a normal diet after the diet course should be gradual, which will take several days.

Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits of dietary nutrition allow you to follow the instructions without compromising your health.

These include:

  • satiety of foods with a small amount of food consumed. A feeling of fullness is achieved by eating foods high in fiber and low in energy value. This allows you to lose excess weight with a minimum of calories;
  • food availability;
  • no strict restrictions when choosing ingredients. It is important to remember the 3:1 ratio in favor of alkaline products;
  • cleansing and healing the body.

The main rule: You should switch to a diet gradually, giving up smoking and drinking alcohol. The body needs some time to readjust.

The disadvantage of the diet is:

  • inability to lose weight quickly. Gradual weight loss is one of the main rules of an alkaline diet;
  • the need to reconsider food preferences for sweet and meat lovers;
  • replenishment of calcium reserves by taking a vitamin-mineral complex.

Improving the health of the body, as well as preventing the development of chronic pathologies, is the main goal of an alkaline diet. Weight loss is a secondary goal. This should be taken into account when choosing a diet.


Switching to alkaline foods is not for everyone. Children, pregnant and lactating girls, athletes, and manual workers are not recommended to resort to an alkaline diet. These categories of people are characterized by high energy costs, and food restrictions do not have the best effect on replenishing strength and energy.

Some chronic pathologies are contraindications to following the diet menu:

  • diseases of the digestive system in the acute stage (gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis);
  • low stomach acidity;
  • kidney disease;
  • osteoporosis;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Diet stages

The alkaline diet involves 3 stages. The duration of each of them is 7 days.

They are distinguished depending on the effect of diet on the body:

  1. Stage one (days 1-7). Characterized by rapid loss of extra pounds. During this time, adaptation occurs, waste and toxins are eliminated. In the first days, you are allowed to eat black bread (in small quantities) and drink coffee (no more than 1 cup per day). Flour and sweet foods are prohibited. Following the recommendations, by the end of the week you will lose up to 5 kg (depending on the initial weight).
  2. Stage two (8-14 days). Slowing weight loss. Cleansing of the body continues and well-being improves. Stomach acidity decreases. Bakery products are completely excluded from the diet; instead of coffee, they drink herbal infusions or green tea.
  3. Third stage (15-21 days). Consolidation of the result. The body is cleansed and restored, the desired pH balance is achieved. Weight loss during this period is about 1 kg.

In the first days, darkening of the eyes and slight dizziness may occur. The state of health returns to normal by the end of the first week. In case of a sharp deterioration of the condition, the diet should be stopped.

Sample menu for 7 days

The detailed menu is designed for a week. Fruits, dried fruits or nuts are used as snacks between main meals. Peanuts and walnuts increase acidity and should be excluded from the diet. Drink drinking water throughout the day.

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
MondayWhole grain oatmeal porridge with fruits/berries,

1 cup green tea

Vegetable soup;

steamed green beans;

freshly squeezed fruit juice

Eggplant with cheese, baked in the oven;

fruit salad

TuesdayHomemade yogurt;

crispbread (toast) with jam

Creamy vegetable soup;

1 boiled egg

Fish (baked);

a fresh vegetable salad;

Herb tea

WednesdayBrown rice with vegetables;

rosehip decoction

Boiled potatoes;

stewed cabbage with onions and carrots;

fresh juice

Veal (boiled);

vegetable salad;

homemade yogurt

ThursdayBoiled eggs (2 pieces);

grain bread (1 slice);

1 grapefruit

Boiled chicken breast;

a fresh vegetable salad;

250 ml. milk

Vegetable salad with tomato and cheese;

herbal infusion

FridayWhole grain oatmeal porridge with dried fruits (prunes/dried apricots);

toast with honey;

freshly squeezed fruit juice

Beetroot soup (holodnik);

baked mackerel;

chicory (drink)

Boiled potatoes with vegetable oil;

fresh vegetables (cucumber, tomato);

mint tea

SaturdayVegetable cutlets (from potatoes and carrots);

Herb tea

Cream soup of mushrooms and vegetables;

Bran bread

Vegetable cabbage rolls with sour cream;

rosehip infusion

SundayCottage cheese with fruits or berries;

Herb tea

Vegetable soup;

Bran bread

Buckwheat porridge with stewed beef;

salad of vegetables and sprouted wheat;

tea with mint and lemon balm

The menu can be adjusted and compiled independently. The main thing is to take into account the pH of the products, as well as the general rules of an alkaline diet.

Acid-base balance according to I. P. Neumyvakin

  1. Consume the least amount of meat and other acidic foods, the most water and alkaline ingredients. Processed meat products acidify the body, lead to the formation of free radicals, and wash calcium from the bones. This also applies to refined products and confectionery products. According to the professor, it is better to drink water with natural minerals, since running water contains a low pH (5.4). Human cells need to bathe in water. The norm is 1.5 liters per day.
  2. Limiting medications. The professor assures that drugs are a source of profit for pharmaceutical companies and unscrupulous doctors. The lack of natural composition in them, an excess of chemically synthesized substances is the result of acidification of the body, premature aging, and the development of side effects of drugs.
  3. Maintaining an active lifestyle. To achieve acid-base balance, the professor recommends moving more, taking breaks during sedentary work, and playing sports.
  4. Organization of short fasting. To improve your health, drink only water for 2-3 days. During this period, a good alkalizing effect is achieved.
  5. Eating alkaline foods (fruits, vegetables) with peels. It contains all the most valuable things.
  6. Organization of nutrition, as well as smoking cessation for pregnant women. A person is born with a constant pH value. Normally it is 7.1. According to doctors' observations, in 3 out of 10 newborns the acid-base balance is disturbed. This indicates the child’s predisposition to chronic pathologies. According to the professor, the indicator was influenced by the mother’s lifestyle and the quality of her diet.

Conclusion: For the coordinated functioning of the enzyme system, gastrointestinal organs, as well as the prevention of chronic diseases, you should organize a proper diet, lead a healthy lifestyle, and monitor your drinking regime.

Alkaline foods for psoriasis

Psoriasis is a non-infectious skin pathology that is chronic in nature. To treat and prevent exacerbations of the disease, it is important to follow a properly selected diet, the purpose of which is to maintain acid-base balance.

A special feature of the diet for psoriasis is compliance with the rules of nutrition:

  1. The daily diet is designed in such a way that 1/3 includes plant-based alkaline foods (fresh fruits and vegetables), 1/3 – protein foods (lean meats, nuts, chicken protein), 1/3 – cereals and dried fruits.
  2. Ingredients that can cause an allergic reaction are excluded from the menu: citrus fruits, honey, tomatoes, strawberries, red peppers.
  3. The diet must include vegetable oils, as well as foods rich in fiber and vitamins A and D. Eating vegetable salads with oil, buckwheat and oatmeal, and beef liver will benefit the skin.
  4. A diet for psoriasis involves cleansing the body. Fasting lasts no more than 2 days. During this period, they drink water; at the end of this period, prepare a salad from root vegetables.

Within 2 weeks of dietary nutrition, the condition of the skin improves, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, and overall immunity is increased.

For cancer

By consuming alkaline foods, it is possible to adjust the pH, which leads to the destruction of cancer cells and an increase in the activity of lymphocytes. Moreover, it manifests itself at a pH of 7.3 and higher. The use of an alkaline diet promotes the release of diseased cells and the destruction of the fibrous membrane that protects cancerous tissue.

The basis of alkaline nutrition against cancer is the following recommendations:

  • The consumption of freshly squeezed juice from vegetables and herbs occurs immediately after its preparation. To supply the body with dietary fiber, several whole ingredients are eaten;
  • It is prohibited to take black pepper and other seasonings, soy sauce, cucumber pickle, sauerkraut, and olives. That being said, turmeric, black walnut herb and sheep's sorrel are powerful anti-cancer foods.

The diet includes parsley, celery, mustard greens, green beans, and spinach. Don't forget about broccoli, cauliflower, green onions, cucumbers, seaweed, sprouted barley, garlic. Beets, carrots, and zucchini are consumed in moderation.

For gout

  • complete exclusion from the diet of foods that increase the concentration of uric acid in the blood. These include baked goods, canned food, smoked products, beans, margarine, mushrooms, and sorrel. Alcohol, beer, coffee, and grape-based drinks are prohibited. All of these foods contain purines, a source of uric acid;
  • moderate consumption of beets, cauliflower, asparagus, onions, rhubarb, spinach and celery. The restriction applies to plums, tomato juice and honey;
  • It is allowed to eat porridges made from cereals, citrus fruits, dried fruits, and vegetable salads.

Drinks for gout include water from natural sources, herbal infusions, green tea, and cucumber juice. Be sure to take fish oil.

For gastrointestinal pathologies

People with low acidity or other gastrointestinal conditions should avoid an alkaline diet. Eating greens, vegetables and fruits with a high pH can significantly worsen your health.

Dishes made from alkaline foods

Dishes based on alkaline foods are not only healthy, but also satisfying. Their preparation takes a minimum of time. The main thing is to think through the menu in advance and prepare the necessary ingredients.

First course recipes

First courses are included in any diet, including alkaline ones.

Second courses

Second courses from alkaline products can be prepared according to the following recipes:


The alkaline diet menu includes dishes made from fresh vegetables and fruits. Nutritious salads are prepared on their basis.

  1. A salad made from fresh cucumbers, sweet peppers and pumpkin seeds is rich in vitamins and microelements. To prepare it you will need 1 medium-sized cucumber, 1 red pepper, parsley (70 gr.), lettuce (70 gr.). The first two ingredients are cut into strips, chopped lettuce and parsley are added to them. The vegetable mixture is combined with ground sesame seeds (30 g) and pumpkin seeds. Everything is thoroughly mixed. The dish is seasoned with olive oil. Salt is added to taste.
  2. Another healthy recipe is green asparagus, arugula and radish salad. The ingredients used are arugula (80 gr.), cucumbers (200 gr.), green asparagus (80 gr.), radishes (130 gr.). The vegetables are chopped and mixed thoroughly. 40 grams are added to them. chopped basil and parsley. The dish is seasoned with lemon juice and vegetable oil.


Porridge is a healthy and satisfying product. And if you add vegetables or nuts to it, the nutritional value of the dish only increases.

Alkaline nutrition is a properly organized diet that includes foods with a high pH. Cooking and combining dishes from the permitted list is not at all difficult. The main thing is to take into account the recommendations of specialists and monitor any changes in the body on the way to achieving your goal.

Video about alkaline nutrition, its rules and list of products

Alkaline Nutrition Basics:

10 Alkaline Foods:

Alkaline nutrition originated in the 50s of the last century and was immediately loved by actors and athletes. It is one of the most discussed in scientific circles. Some experts believe that this is a very effective system for losing excess weight and maintaining good health.

The alkaline diet also has its opponents, who claim that this program can lead to a serious imbalance in the acid-base balance in the body. One way or another, this power system has become extremely popular and has gained many fans.

Diet features

What is an alkaline diet? The basis of this weight loss program is alkaline foods. These primarily include fruits and vegetables. By consuming them in large quantities, you can significantly influence metabolic processes, remove excess water and toxins from the body and normalize metabolism.

However, in the modern world, preference is given to those products that increase the acidity of the body. These include all flour and confectionery products, cereals, fried foods, snacks, carbonated drinks and much more.

The problem of nutrition also lies in the fact that completely incompatible foods are often consumed. Acidity increases and the pH of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. Of course, there is sour healthy nutrition, but getting rid of excess weight with such a practice is much more difficult.

What is an alkaline system?

This program is designed to normalize the body's pH within 3 weeks by restoring the acid-base balance. This system was tested and improved by the famous singer and model Victoria Beckham. As metabolic processes change, excess weight is lost.

Victoria Beckham's nutritionist Natasha Corrett, author of a book on healthy eating, believes that eating alkaline foods will lead to normal weight and relief from many diseases: cancer, cardiovascular problems, diabetes and many others.

When eating acidic foods in large quantities, alkaline phosphatase in the blood increases - an enzyme that breaks down phosphoric acid and is involved in transporting this alkaline nutrient across the cell membrane. This indicator indicates disruption of the liver and kidneys, changes in bone tissue, as well as excessive accumulation of body fat.

If alkaline phosphatase is elevated, it is recommended to change your diet and practice an alkaline diet. It helps normalize this indicator in the blood, prevents the development of cancer, and affects the strengthening of muscle mass. To do this, you need to include 70-80% alkaline and 20-30% acidic foods in your diet.

If the acid level is very high, all sorts of disruptions occur in the functioning of various body systems.

What changes occur in the human body with a violation of the pH of the environment?

The pH norm is 7.4 units. If this indicator changes, serious disturbances occur in metabolic processes and in the functioning of all internal organs:

  • Collagen synthesis decreases, and as a result, connective tissues suffer.
  • There is a threat of diseases such as oncology, diabetes, neurosis, osteoporosis.
  • Toxicosis, diseases of the skin and mucous membrane may occur.
  • The body becomes sensitive to external irritants, allergic reactions appear.
  • Digestive system problems arise.

Foods for diet

Vegetables and fruits consumed raw contribute to alkalization of the body. During heat treatment they lose their properties. TO "alkaline" products also include:

  • greenery;
  • berries;
  • pearl barley;
  • wild rice;
  • seaweed;
  • plants' seeds;
  • olive oil;
  • green tea;
  • herbal preparations.

TO neutral products The following list can be included:

  • poultry meat;
  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • corn oil;
  • oat groats;
  • dairy products.

In combination with natural vegetables and fruits, this food can be used in an alkaline diet.

Most Alkaline Foods

  • Lemon is number 1 on the list.
  • Dill, parsley, cilantro and other greens are the main source of alkali.
  • Cucumber is an alkaline food that has a beneficial effect on the pH environment of the body.
  • Celery, broccoli and asparagus are in approximately the same position as the cucumber.
  • Beets, carrots, turnips- an excellent basis for a diet.
  • Avocado and papaya contain all those microelements that neutralize acid.
  • Almonds are an exception among other types of nuts that are sour.
  • Watermelon is a product that, in addition to containing a large amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber, has a pH of 9.0.
  • Garlic is famous for its antibacterial properties and provides protection against pathogenic bacteria.

Please note that acidic foods are not always acidic. Often, acid-containing vegetables can cause alkalization of the body.

Products contraindicated during the diet

This food from the list cannot be consumed if you follow this nutritional system:

  • all flour and confectionery products;
  • legumes;
  • sugar;
  • nuts;
  • red meat;
  • carbonated drinks;

Alkaline Food Table

High alkaline Moderately alkaline Low alkaline Very low alkaline
baking soda apple blackberry avocado oil
lemon apricot cherry banana
watermelon melon sour apple currant
nectarine blackberry avocado blueberry juice
raspberries grapefruit pear grape
persimmon raspberries peach celery
a pineapple mango White cabbage cilantro
pumpkin seeds kiwi cauliflower Coconut oil
onion orange potato cucumber
lentils cashew pumpkin beet juice
seaweed carrot Bell pepper duck eggs
sweet potato rhubarb eggplant linseed oil
tangerine juice garlic leek wild rice
vegetable juices fresh ginger radish ginger tea
sea ​​salt spinach mushrooms Brussels sprouts
mineral water Herb tea egg yolks Japanese rice
greenery quail eggs olive oil
arugula almond raisin
kohlrabi green tea squash
broccoli Apple vinegar sunflower seeds
fresh sweet corn fish fat
peas nutritional yeast
pepper honey
green bean sesame
soy sauce

Product acidity table

The higher the acidity of the food, the more harmful, according to adherents of this food system, it is.

Very low acidity Low acidity Moderately acidic High acidity
brown rice alcohol barley groats synthetic sweeteners
curry almond oil basmati rice barley
dates balsamic vinegar casein beef
dried fruits Black tea chicken beer
fish buckwheat coffee brazil nuts
gelatin milk corn bread
goat cheese goose meat cottage cheese Brown sugar
millet beans egg whites cocoa
semi-finished products mutton fructose Wheat flour
pine nuts shellfish pomegranate fried food
pumpkin seed oil Sesame oil ketchup fruit juices with sugar
beans soy cheese mussels hazelnut
sunflower oil tofu cheese mustard walnuts
zucchini tomatoes oat bran jam
wheat Palm oil malt
White rice peanut pasta
pecan pickles
green pea processed cheese
popcorn soft drinks
pork sugar
prunes salt
rye ice cream
soy milk White bread
squid sweet kefir

Basic rules of the alkaline diet

  • Fractional meals. Eat a little 4-5 times a day. This mode will allow food to be digested quickly.
  • Breakfast and lunch should be complete and nutritious, dinner should be light.
  • Dinner should be no later than 19:00.
  • Diet changes should be gradual. Alkaline foods should displace acidic ones and eventually take up 70% of the total food eaten per day.
  • Drinking fluids will help the body cleanse itself. You should drink 1.5-2 liters per day. clean drinking water.
  • Vegetable salads are the basis of the diet. The more often you use them and the more diverse they are in composition, the more benefits for the body.
  • Nutrition should be balanced.

Benefits of diet

  • Alkaline foods, the lists of which are given above, help normalize the pH of individual organs and the body as a whole.
  • This program affects the overall tone of the body and promotes the release of energy.
  • In the process of applying the diet, the complexion changes, the skin becomes more elastic, the hair and nail plate become stronger.
  • Thanks to alkaline nutrition, many body functions are restored, kidney stones dissolve, and the functioning of the gallbladder is improved.
  • When switching to such a program, excess weight is lost and metabolic processes are normalized.
  • The acid-base balance affects many chemical reactions that occur in the body.

The acid-alkaline diet involves eating alkaline and acidic foods in a 50%/50% ratio so that the body gets used to the new diet.

Disadvantages of the diet

  • This diet requires strict control at first: excluding acid from the diet is fraught with health problems, so you should not get carried away with the most alkaline foods.
  • For people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, a sudden transition to such a diet is extremely dangerous. You should gradually replace acidic foods, first with neutral ones, then with alkaline ones.
  • Alkaline foods are rich in fiber and carbohydrates, but low in protein and fat. Therefore, when you get used to such a program, fatigue, weakness, and drowsiness occur.
  • In order to maintain calcium levels, you should consume vitamin and mineral complexes during your diet.


  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • low acidity;
  • renal failure.

Three phases of weight loss

As a rule, this program lasts 3 weeks.

  • The first phase is the most difficult and painful, when the body gets used to the new nutrition system. During this period, you should gradually change your diet, introduce alkaline foods, and replace your most favorite and familiar acidic foods with neutral ones. At the same time, metabolic processes change and activate, and cleansing occurs. Apathy and fatigue are possible. The weight is coming off quite quickly.
  • The second phase is the restoration and equalization of the acid-base balance. Slowing down the weight loss process. The tone increases, the mood improves.
  • Completing the program. The result is more noticeable. Weight is stabilizing. The complexion improves, the skin and hair become stronger.

Professor Neumyvakin, an expert in this field, recommends getting used to an alkaline diet gradually. This will allow you to painlessly transition from your usual food to alkaline food.

Menu for every day

If the alkaline diet regime suits you, you can create a menu for the whole week at once. The following rule should be observed: include 2 alkaline foods at each meal and add 1 neutral or acidic one to them. A sample menu for the week looks like this:

Breakfast Fresh cucumber, green tea with lemon, 2 scrambled eggs (acidic).
Snack Avocado, oatmeal on water.
Dinner Salmon steak (neutral), green salad.
Afternoon snack Strawberries - 200 g.
Dinner Chicken breast baked in the oven (neutral), boiled broccoli, herbal tea.
Breakfast Oatmeal steamed with boiling water with apple and cinnamon, herbal tea; cheese (acidic).
Snack Boiled potatoes with herbs, coffee (acidic).
Dinner Boiled cod (neutral), baked cauliflower, fresh berry compote.
Afternoon snack Pear.
Dinner , green tea, cracker (acidic).
Breakfast Kefir (acidic), grapefruit, green tea.
Snack Seafood and seaweed salad, coffee (acidic).
Dinner Veal chop (acidic), green salad, herbal tea with lemon.
Afternoon snack Apple, dietary cottage cheese (acidic).
Dinner Cucumber and herb salad, boiled turnips, potato casserole (acidic).