Features of the use of fungicidal mixtures for plant protection. Contact and systemic fungicides for plants Fungicides application in horticulture

Knowing what is the peculiarity of systemic fungicides, you can choose the right drug for the treatment of a flower garden and vegetable garden, collect a rich harvest in the vineyard and garden. You will not be intimidated by fungal diseases of plants, because you will know how to prevent and treat them.

Systemic insecticides and fungicides what is it

Systemic plant protection drugs penetrate the leaves, move through plant cells, protect and treat the disease from the inside. Insecticides rid plants of harmful insects, and fungicides from fungal diseases.

In addition to systemic drugs, there are those that act locally, protecting the plant from pests by contact, from the outside. Such drugs are used mainly for the prevention of infections.

Systemic insecticides are most effective against insects and the Colorado potato beetle, whiteflies, scale insects and aphids

When choosing a systemic insecticide, you need to read its chemical composition on the package. Insects can develop an addiction to the drug if treated with it constantly. Therefore, for alternation, it is necessary to choose fungicides from different chemical classes.

The most popular systemic insecticides include:
1) Prestige, KS (combines the properties of an insecticide and a fungicide).
2) Biotlin (from aphids, whiteflies, etc.),
3) Mospilan (from the Colorado potato beetle, scale insects, etc.)

Effective systemic fungicides against mildew, coccomycosis, moniliosis

Effective drugs include:

  • Previkur Energy. Effectively protects tomatoes and cucumbers from black leg, root and root rot, peronosporosis and late blight.

  • Horus. It helps to cope with moniliosis, coccomycosis, keeps crops from rot, mildew, etc. It belongs to the chemical class of aminopyrimidines.
  • The combined preparation Ridomil Gold helps to effectively fight mildew and other diseases. Provides protection for potato tubers during storage.

The best systemic insecticides for thrips, caterpillars, bedbugs

Confidor is a systemic insecticide that is used to combat aphids, thrips, whiteflies.

For most crops, one treatment is sufficient. Resistant to washout and hot weather. Easy to use: pour the solution into a sprayer, pump up pressure, spray the solution onto the plants until the leaves are completely wetted.

Insecticide Inta-vir is effective against thrips, whiteflies, aphids, caterpillars. To induce the working solution, 1 tablet of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water. The drug is used at the first signs of plant infection, but no more than 3 times per season. Plants cannot be processed during flowering.

The best systemic fungicides for scab, late blight, oidium, late blight, anthracnose

There are effective combined fungicides on sale that combine contact and systemic action: Acrobat, Sandofan M8, Oksikhom, Poliram, etc.

Fungicides containing several active substances that belong to different chemical groups have a wide spectrum of action and can be used against many fungal diseases: Archer, Falcon, Mikal, Ryder, Thanos, Alto Super, etc.

Systemic insecticides for conifers, indoor plants, fruit trees list

Conifers are susceptible to attack by various pests. The choice of the drug will depend on which pest you need to fight:
- to combat bark beetles they use - Clipper, Bifenthrin, BI-58, Krona-Antil;
- with ticks - Flumayt, Floromite, Appolo, Borneo, Envidor, Fitoverm and Aktellik;
- with shield and false shield -, Confidor, Actellik;
- with Hermes - Commander and Aktara;
- with sawflies - Aktellik, BI-58, Fury.

For the treatment of indoor plants, the drug is also chosen depending on the type of pest that attacked the flower:
- to combat aphids use - Karate, Inta-vir, Iskra, Fas, Khostakvik;
- with mealybug - Fitoverm, Konfidor, Aktara, Calypso, Tanrek;
- with whitefly - Aktelik, fufanon, Intavir;
- - Aktellik, Fitoverm, Agravertin, Neoron.

To combat pests in the garden, it is effective to use a set of measures - pruning branches, whitewashing trunks, feeding and spraying. When fighting the moth, drugs are used - Insegar, Karate; from ticks - Neoron; from aphids - Khostavik and Fitoverm.

Treatment with systemic fungicides (for example, Topsin-M)

The active ingredient of Topsin-M is theophanate-methyl. The drug is toxic not only for pathogenic fungi, but also for some insects and soil nematodes. Use the fungicide before or after flowering.

To guide the working solution, 10 or 15 grams of powder are dissolved in 10 liters of water. The drug is toxic to humans and animals, therefore, it is necessary to direct the solution and carry out processing, observing all safety measures.

Wear protective clothing, goggles, gloves, respirator. The working solution is used immediately after guidance for the prevention of diseases and their treatment. Grapes and currants are processed before flowering and after harvest.

Fungicides(from the Latin fungus - mushroom and caedo - I kill) - chemical preparations from the group of pesticides. These drugs destroy or prevent the development of spores or mycelium of pathogenic fungi, as well as bacteria that are the causative agents of certain plant diseases.

Protective fungicides are used for prophylactic treatment of healthy plants in order to prevent their morbidity.

Medicinal (eradicating) fungicides- preparations, the treatment with which is carried out after the detection of signs of the disease on the plant. The active ingredient of the medicinal fungicide inhibits the development of pathogenic microorganisms that cause diseases and leads to the healing of the plant.

Systemic fungicides- modern chemicals capable of moving through the vascular system of plants and protecting the new growth that appears after treatment. Generally, systemic fungicides have a curative effect, but can also be used prophylactically. They are quickly absorbed by the plant and therefore their effectiveness is not highly dependent on rainfall.

Contact fungicides protect only those parts of the plant to which they are applied, are highly dependent on precipitation and have only a protective effect.

Planting material disinfectants- chemicals: with their help, pre-sowing treatment (soaking) of seeds is carried out in order to protect future seedlings from diseases and pests, and they also process bulbs, corms, tubers and rhizomes of plants before planting. There are drugs of narrowly targeted action: either for the prevention of possible diseases, or against pests. However, at present, drugs of complex action are more often used.

Many fungicides are toxic drugs, and the appropriateness of their use at home should be justified. We kindly ask you to read the safety rules for working with toxic substances before using the preparations.

The most common fungicidal preparations are:

Fundazol powder (DV - Benomil). Fungicide of broad systemic action to combat many fungal diseases, prophylactic and curative spraying can be carried out. Used as a seed dressing agent before sowing. It is used when there is a threat of fungal diseases for watering or spraying plants for preventive purposes with a solution prepared from 1 g of powder and 1 liter of water. Leaves whitish spots on the leaves. Has a slight unpleasant odor. Hazard class - 3.

Topaz(DV - Penconazole). CE 100 g / l. Systemic fungicide of preventive and curative action from the class of triazoles. Means for plant protection against a wide range of fungal diseases (powdery mildew, rust, powdery mildew). Both preventive and curative treatments are possible. The drug is odorless, moderately hazardous to humans and animals, non-toxic to birds and beneficial insects, hazardous to fish. Processing during flowering is prohibited. Hazard class - 3.

Fitosporin-M(paste) (DV Bacillus subtilis 26 D, 100 million cells / g) - biofungicide for plant protection against fungal and bacterial diseases. It is used mainly for preventive purposes (treatment of seeds, tubers and bulbs before planting, periodic spraying or watering of plants in order to prevent morbidity in the collection). Low toxicity, not dangerous for the plants and bees themselves. Hazard class - 4.

Trichodermin air-dry consists of spores of the soil fungus Trichoderma lignorum (about 10 billion spores in 1 g) together with the grain barley substrate on which it grew. Biological remedy for the treatment and prevention of root infections of indoor flowers and ornamental plants, improvement of the soil mixture.

Maksim, KS (25 g / l fludioxonil) Flower bulb disinfectant against rot (fusarium, gray rot, etc.). Contact fungicide to protect planting material (bulbs, corms, etc.) of flower crops and seed potatoes from diseases during storage and before planting. The product can be used to spray the roots and rhizomes of flower crops when dividing bushes and before planting. The drug is not phytotoxic, moderately hazardous to humans and animals. The drug is toxic to fish; do not enter water bodies. Hazard class - 3.

Vectra(DV - Bromuconazole). CE 100 g / l. Means of preventive and curative action to protect against powdery mildew, scab and other fungal diseases. Without smell. Available in ampoules of 2 and 5 ml. Processing during flowering is prohibited. Hazard class - 3.

Speed(DV - Difenoconazole). Systemic fungicide of the triazole class of preventive and curative action to protect against powdery mildew, scab and other fungal diseases. Odorless. Processing during flowering is prohibited. Hazard class - 3.

HOM, OxyCHOM (Copper oxychloride). Fungicide designed to combat diseases of vegetable, fruit and ornamental crops (late blight, anthracosis, bacteriosis, rust, spotting, etc.). Toxic to fish: do not enter water bodies. The last treatment with the drug can be carried out 20 days before harvest. Hazard class - 3.

Copper sulfate(copper sulfate, 980 g / kg) - a fungicide intended for spraying fruit and berry, ornamental trees and shrubs against scab, moniliosis, anthracnose and other diseases, as well as for disinfection of wounds. Hazard class - 3.

Colloidal sulfur(powder) - low-toxic medicinal fungicidal agent. It is used when signs of powdery mildew, scab appear. The last treatment with the drug can be carried out 3 days before harvest. Hazard class - 4.

Bordeaux mix- a traditionally used, relatively ineffective fungicidal agent. It is an aqueous solution of copper sulfate and lime. It is used for the prevention and treatment of late blight. Leaves persistent white spots.

Drugs called fungicides, which means "fungus killers", protect plants from diseases caused by fungi or bacteria. Fungicides destroy and prevent the growth of fungi and bacteria, strengthen the immunity of plants, create complex protection.

There are infinitely many of them, there are also many options for the classification of these drugs. They are divided into organic, inorganic and biological.

Fungicides are treated:

  • planting material (seeds or seedlings);
  • substrate;
  • protect perennial plantings in winter;
  • protect plantings during the growing season.

Prophylactic fungicides prevent the occurrence of diseases, medicinal ones suppress the activity of fungi and bacteria, immunostimulants increase the resistance of plants to infections. Contact - do not allow infection to penetrate into the plant, systemic - fight against fungi in the conducting system of plants.

Fungicides can be used to pollinate plants and the soil around, spray the plantings with a suspension of the drug, use it to treat the room with smoke from burning drugs.

Most commonly used fungicides

Strobe- contact-systemic fungicide of organic origin. Available in the form of water-soluble granules. It is used to treat many diseases during the growing season of plants. This drug is used on tomatoes for late blight, cucumbers (for powdery mildew and peronosporosis), roses and chrysanthemums (for powdery mildew and rust), apple trees and pears (for scab, fruit rot, leaf blight, Alternaria and sooty fungus), grapes (for oidium). Applied to the plant, Strobi does not wash off for a long time, it is resistant to temperature changes. Hazard class 3. Produced by BASF, Germany.

Prestige- available in the form of a flowable paste. It is a combined preparation for the fight against insects and bacteria, contact and systemic effects. Tubers and bulbs are treated with prestige before planting. Throughout the summer period, it protects plantings from scab and rhizoctonia. Hazard class 3. Manufactured by Bayer CropSaens, Germany.

Horus- not a phytotoxic, systemic drug. Found application in protection against diseases of such crops as apple, pear, cherry, sweet cherry, plum, grapes. Effectively fights against pathogens of scab, moniliosis, oidium, mildew, gray rot, fire blight. Created by the Swiss firm Syngenta.

DNOC- free-flowing powder of wide application. As an insecticide destroys hibernating pests - scale insects, aphids, worms, honeydew, and as a fungicide - protects apples and pears from scab, spots, moniliosis; stone fruit trees against clasterosporosis, cocomycosis, curls, moniliosis; it is used for planting grapes, currants and gooseberries. It is applied before bud break or after leaves fall.

Tiovit Jet- a fungicide that fights against many fungal infections and has acaricidal action. Retains protective properties for almost 10 days. Hazard class 3. Produced by August.

FITOSPORIN M- a universal drug for the prevention and treatment of a large number of fungal and bacterial diseases, such as scab, late blight, root rot, black leg, powdery mildew, rust. In a solution of the drug, seeds are disinfected before planting, vegetative plants are sprayed with a diluted drug, and patients are watered at the root. The advantages of the product include environmental friendliness - it does not have a harmful effect on bees and beneficial insects, after planting with Fitosporin, the crop can be harvested immediately, very economical - 200 liters of a working solution are prepared from a 100 gram package of paste, which is enough to process three acres of a vegetable garden during the season ... Created and produced by the Russian company NVP "BashInkom" LLC.

Fungicides Topaz, Skor, Quadris, Maxim are recognized as no less well-known and high-quality drugs for combating fungal and bacterial diseases.

To combat dangerous diseases and pests of plants in the garden, vegetable garden, indoor flowers, fungicides are often used. What are these substances? What is the reason for the high efficiency of the formulations?

What are fungicides

Substances of biological or chemical origin are used to prevent, eliminate and prevent fungal infections, to control pests for indoor flowers, garden crops. The formulations are effective in protecting seeds during dressing.

Translated from Latin, fungicide means “killing mushrooms”. Timely use of antifungal compounds preserves plant health, increases productivity, and prevents the spread of mycoses.

Properties and features

The correct use of fungicides for plants guarantees the protection of fruit, vegetable crops, indoor plants from pathogenic fungi. The consultants of the “Dom - Sad - Ogorod” shops or specialized departments of building supermarkets will tell summer residents and amateur flower growers which remedy will help in a particular case.

Fungicides differ in several parameters, have different effect strength. When buying formulations, there are many characteristics to consider.


  • organic (antifungal action is based on the activity of certain bacteria);
  • inorganic (preparations are made on the basis of various chemical compounds).

How to get rid of and should you do it? Read useful information.

Read about the action and rules of using the ultrasonic rodent and insect repeller Pest Reject on the page.

Decomposition degree:

  • persist in the soil for a long time (inorganic substances);
  • harmless to the environment, completely biodegradable (components of natural origin).

Impact strength:

  • herbal formulations are "milder", the effect is weaker, but there are few side effects;
  • chemicals act faster, more active, but often toxic, use requires caution.

Distribution pattern over plant tissues:

  • contact. They act on the surface of leaves, stems, have a detrimental effect on fungi upon contact with an active substance;
  • systemic. Substances through the vascular system of plants penetrate into the tissues of fruit and vegetable crops, some drugs even act in the seed coat.

By purpose of use:

  • soil treatment;
  • dressing of prepared seeds;
  • spraying plants during the growing season;
  • prevention of fungal infections when laying grain and vegetable crops for storage;
  • fight against fungus during dormancy;
  • universal formulations.

On a note! Biologics have become more popular in recent years. Summer residents and flower growers decided that it was not worth risking plant health: chemicals are more active, but worsen the condition of the soil. Toxic formulations often provoke human poisoning if protective measures are not followed when using potent fungicides.

How to apply

The treatment is carried out with fungicides in the form of powder (application to the soil, seed dressing) and solution (spraying of plants). Certain types of preparations are recommended at different periods of the life of fruit and vegetable crops.

When fighting fungal infections of vegetable and fruit crops, indoor flowers, it is important to remember about protective measures:

  • put on old clothes that cover the whole body;
  • wear a medical mask or respirator;
  • protect your eyes with special transparent glasses;
  • after treatment with any form of antifungal agents, wash your hands well with antibacterial soap;
  • clothes cannot be used for everyday wear: washed items should be dried, ironed, put in a separate box.

For indoor flowers


  • for the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases, treatment with contact and systemic fungicides is carried out;
  • at home, experts advise paying attention to biological products containing active bacteria;
  • compositions in the form of an emulsion, powder, spray solution are suitable for use in city apartments;
  • chemical fungicides are allowed to be applied before the beginning of the growing season at the end of the flowering and harvesting period. Biologicals can be used at any time (some formulations are suitable for processing fruits at harvest).

For garden plants


  • solution and powder are suitable for seed dressing. The agent is added to the water while the seeds are soaked;
  • introduction into the ground during digging. Fungicidal powder and a solution of an antifungal agent (watering) will prevent the development of fungus in the soil;
  • spraying is carried out in early spring and towards the end of autumn. This method is suitable for antifungal treatment of vegetable and grain storage.

How to breed

It is necessary to prepare a solution or reduce the concentration of the emulsion according to the instructions for the selected fungicide. There are certain proportions for each remedy.

General rules:

  • prepare a container: a tank, a bucket;
  • pour in a third of the water;
  • add powder or add concentrated emulsion;
  • to stir thoroughly;
  • add the remaining water, mix well again;
  • to fight the fungus, use only a freshly prepared solution: after a few hours, the drugs reduce the activity, especially biological agents.

Advice! Do not prepare a fungicidal agent in reserve. It is forbidden to leave the solution open for storage: this point is critical if there are small children. Pets can also be poisoned if they drink part of the composition.

An overview of effective fungicides

When choosing antifungal formulations, it is important to take into account the area of ​​treatment, plant species, toxicity, the degree of damage to the green mass and soil contamination. The list of drugs was compiled on the basis of reviews of agricultural specialists, gardeners - truck farmers, summer residents and florists.


Characteristic of Strobi fungicide:

  • broad spectrum fungicide;
  • effective against powdery mildew, basal stem cancer, rust, scab;
  • the active ingredient is xerozyme methyl, the concentration is 500 g / kg;
  • release form - water-dispersible granules;
  • the average price of a bottle (200 g) is 2850 rubles.


Characteristics of the fungicide Topaz:

  • a systemic agent for protecting various crops from rust, powdery mildew, and other fungal diseases;
  • the composition is presented in the form of a concentrated emulsion;
  • active ingredient - penconazole, concentration - 100 g per 1 liter;
  • high efficiency in the prevention of infection with powdery mildew, processing immediately after the first signs of the disease appear;
  • the interval of application is one to two weeks;
  • with active formation of a fungus, the drug Topaz and contact fungicides are combined;
  • the average price is 120 rubles per 10 ml.



  • fungicide for spraying fruit and pome crops;
  • the drug is effective for combating alternaria, moniliosis, scab, curly leaves, fruit rot;
  • the active ingredient is cyprodinil (1 kg contains 750 g of the substance);
  • the fungicide is available in the form of granules for solution preparation;
  • one of the advantages is resistance to washout, it adheres well to plants in cool, damp weather (even at temperatures no higher than +15 degrees);
  • the last treatment is allowed 14-30 days before harvesting the fruits (depending on the type of plant);
  • the drug can be used in combination with Topaz and Skor fungicides;
  • the average cost is from 8,900 to 11,500 rubles.



  • a low-toxic agent of a new generation is effective for eliminating many types of fungus on fruit, ornamental, vegetable and cereal crops;
  • active medicinal and prophylactic properties;
  • prolonged action after treatment - up to two weeks;
  • the suspension concentrate contains azoxystrobin. 1 liter of the drug accounts for 250 ml of the active ingredient;
  • fungicide Quadris is sprayed on leaves in calm, dry weather. The drug is quickly absorbed, penetrates into all plant tissues;
  • price - from 2770 to 3900 rubles / liter.


Characteristics of the fungicide Falcon:

  • efficient processing of beets, cereals, grapes;
  • the combined preparation contains three active substances: tebuconazole, triadimenol, spiroxamine;
  • emulsion concentrate with several active ingredients prevents drug resistance;
  • the number of treatments - from one to four, depending on the culture;
  • the average price is 2100 rubles per 1 liter.


Characteristics of the fungicide Skor:

  • highly active broad-spectrum agent;
  • active ingredient - difenoconazole, concentration - 100 g / liter;
  • the emulsion concentrate has successfully demonstrated fungicidal properties on fruit trees, potatoes, tomatoes, currants, pumpkins, gooseberries;
  • the product is compatible with most pesticides;
  • the working solution cannot be prepared in advance: the activity of the composition will decrease;
  • the dosage depends on the type of plant;
  • the product is suitable for soaking indoor flower seeds;
  • the effect after treatment occurs within 2 hours;
  • estimated cost - from 9400 rubles / liter.



  • contact-type fungicidal agent actively fights against fungi of the Ascomycete class;
  • the active ingredient is fludioxonil at a concentration of 25 g per 1 liter;
  • new chemical class of phenylpyrrols, high efficiency against the background of many drugs;
  • a unique fungicide similar in properties to natural antifungal compounds;
  • fungicide Maxim is suitable for the treatment of garden and indoor flowers, including bulbs, potatoes, shoots, rhizomes and roots;
  • one treatment is enough;
  • estimated cost - 1700 rubles per 1 liter.

How to get rid of in potatoes? Learn effective pest control methods.

Instructions for using the drug Aktara for indoor plants against pests are described on the page.

Go to the address and read about how to properly and safely remove a tick from a dog.



  • active ingredients: contact agent famoxadon plus local systemic agent cymoxanil. The concentration of each ingredient is 250 g per 1 kg;
  • the drug is presented in the form of water-dispersible granules;
  • composition for processing potatoes;
  • the product adheres well to the surface, is active;
  • allowed to apply no more than four times per season;
  • average cost - 2400 rubles for 400 g.



  • a systemic agent that protects against fungus stone fruits, pome fruits, decorative, berry, vegetable crops, grapevine;
  • active substance - penconazole (per 1 liter - 100 ml of active ingredient);
  • release form - emulsion concentrate;
  • medium toxicity;
  • processing frequency - once every 10 days;
  • the average price is 100 rubles per 10 ml.



  • the combined product contains two active ingredients: Cyprodinil and Fludioxonil, exhibits contact and systemic action;
  • actively combats gray rot on grapes;
  • hazard class for humans and bees - the third;
  • action: curative fungicide, protective pesticide;
  • water-dispersible granules are used to prepare the working solution;
  • the drug Switch is effective for the protection and treatment of grapes;
  • improves the safety of the vine, prevents berries from rotting during transportation;
  • good resistance to washout;
  • wide range of operating temperatures;
  • the average price is 11,000 rubles per liter.



  • modern contact fungicide successfully fights the fungus even with a high infectious load;
  • granules are used to prepare an active solution;
  • the composition with an antifungal effect is also active as a pesticide;
  • the combination of Metiram and Pyraclostrobin has a complex effect on pathogens of fungal infections, reduces the risk of resistance;
  • long-acting fungicide: long intervals between treatments;
  • easy to dissolve, minimum amount of "dust" when spraying;
  • the average price of the drug Cabrio TOP is 2600 rubles / liter.

Summer residents, gardeners - gardeners, amateur flower growers believe that it is difficult to grow healthy plants without fungicides. Experienced owners recommend the latest generations of drugs of medium and low toxicity class. With the active reproduction of the fungus, it is desirable to combine systemic and contact agents.

Each composition on the list of fungicides is good in its own way. When buying, it is important to take into account the type of plants, the degree of infestation, the number of treatments to obtain the result.

Learn more about the properties and uses of fungicides in the following video:

Hello everyone! What are fungicides? Fungicides are substances that partially suppress or destroy pathogens of diseases of various plants. There are several classifications of this type of pesticide, depending on the action, chemical characteristics, and method of application.

We offer you a list of fungicides presented in the form of a list of the most popular formulations for plants with names and descriptions for them.

You need to choose fungicides based on the type of plant and the actual disease that threatens it. Before you start preparing the working solution, you must carefully re-read the instructions and take care of protecting the skin and respiratory tract.

What you will learn from this material:

Fungicides list of drugs and instructions for use

  1. Abiga Peak
  2. Alirin
  3. Albite
  4. Baktofit
  5. Bona Forte
  6. Bordeaux mixture
  7. Bravo
  8. Vitaros
  9. Vectra
  10. Gamair
  11. Quadris
  12. Kurzat
  13. Maksim
  14. Mikosan
  15. Oxyhom
  16. Ordan
  17. Planriz
  18. Forecast
  19. Strobe
  20. Thanos
  21. Topaz
  22. Trichodermin
  23. Trichophyte
  24. Fundazol
  25. Horus
  26. Pure bloom


"Agate" refers to biological fungicides for plants. It acts not only as a plant protector against diseases, but also helps to increase the level of productivity. The composition has a beneficial effect on the development of plant roots and significantly increases seed germination. It is usually used in horticulture, but indoor plants can also be treated with this drug as a prophylaxis.

The active substance of the composition is bacteria and bioactive creatures of microbial and plant origin. The release form is a paste of a fluid consistency, packaged in jars of 10 g. For processing, 1 spoon of the product is dissolved in three liters. Plants should be sprayed every 20 days, approximately 3-4 times per season.

Abigp Peak

"Abiga-Peak" is a contact type of fungicides containing copper oxychloride. The latter, interacting with pathogenic spores, has the property of releasing active copper, which inhibits their growth and respiration, thereby suppressing the predominant amount of proteins important for life in pathogen spores.

It effectively fights bacterial and fungal diseases on industrial, ornamental, vegetable, flower and fruit crops. Medicinal plants, vine vines and forest plantations can also be treated with this preparation.

To determine the acidity level of the mixture, an iron nail is dipped into it for 3-4 minutes. If, after this time, a red coating of copper appears on the rod, the proportions were not observed correctly.

It is necessary to process crops when there is no wind or at a low wind speed. It is imperative to use a respirator or at least a gauze bandage. Rubber gloves, goggles and tight clothing are mandatory attributes when working with the Abiga.


"Alirin" is a biological preparation that suppresses fungal diseases of garden and indoor plants. It has a detrimental effect on powdery mildew, white and gray rot, septoria, rust fungi.

For a ten-liter bucket of water, you should use 2 tablets of the drug. This solution is used to water the diseased plants. If it is necessary to spray, then the concentrate should be more saturated - 2 tablets of "Alirin" per 1 liter of water. It is recommended to carry out no more than three treatments, while observing the time interval of 5-7 days.

The drug is not dangerous, both for people and for animals, bees, fish.


"Albit" is a contact-type biological fungicide. Substance, low-hazardous to the environment. Destroys viruses that provoke plant diseases, and can also be used as a stimulant for the development and growth of garden crops. Additionally, it is able to increase the level of productivity.

The main advantages of the drug:

  • Increases the yield of cereals, sugar beets, sunflowers, vegetables, legumes, fruit crops, and forage grasses by about 10-35%.
  • It has a pronounced growth-stimulating effect, promotes the formation and enhanced growth of a powerful root system, the formation of additional productive stems.
  • It has a protective effect, restraining the development of a wide range of causative agents of the main diseases of agricultural crops (root rot, brown rust, powdery mildew, spotting, white and gray rot, bacteriosis, etc.) by increasing the natural resistance (immunity) of plants to the disease. The biological effectiveness of the drug against diseases is, according to manufacturers, on average 50-80%.
  • Relieves stress on plants from pesticides, temperature extremes and drought. This is especially important when using chemical pesticides, since each treatment of plants with pesticides causes stress and temporary oppression of plants, which negatively affects the yield and its quality.
  • Increases germination and relieves growth retardation of seeds treated with disinfectants, relieves growth inhibition in case of an overdose of herbicides.
  • Increases the efficiency of using elements of mineral nutrition by plants due to the reproduction of nitrogen-fixing agents and other beneficial bacteria in the soil, and reduces the consumption of mineral fertilizers.
  • Reduces the number of phytopathogenic fungi in the soil, reduces soil toxicity, by stimulating the activity of beneficial microorganisms, increases soil fertility.


The biological product "Baktofit" is used to protect plants from pathogens, including powdery mildew. Roses, carnations, fruit and berry crops are the most suitable plants for the application of "Baktofit", since the composition is most effective for them. The drug is recommended for use in cases where it is not possible to treat plants with chemicals.

Baktofit works best when used in cool weather. Allowed even during the period of frequent precipitation. It is important to apply the product at least a day before the rain. The procedure should be repeated after about 5 days.

Cuttings and seeds are also often treated with Baktofit before planting.

Bordeaux mixture

It is considered the most powerful agent in the field of action against fungal and bacterial diseases.

To prepare such a remedy,
lime (quicklime) and water should be used. 300 g of lime is slaked with water and added to 2-3 liters of hot water. Similar manipulations are carried out with copper sulfate in a separate container (not iron).

Each of the solutions is gradually brought to a volume of 5 liters, this time using rather cold water. A solution of lime is filtered through double gauze and a mixture of copper sulfate is introduced into it in a trickle. In this case, it is important to actively stir the working mixture.

You need to monitor the correct proportions. The mixture should be bright blue. Copper acts as a poison in this product, while lime works as a neutralizer of acidity. Not enough lime can burn the plant.

The Bordeaux mixture must be used the same day it is prepared. You can increase the storage period up to a day, but only if you add sugar to the mixture (7-10 g of sugar per 10 liters of solution).

Bona forte

Bona Forte is a compound for the complex care of house plants (over one year old). Houseplants are treated in three stages: treatment and prevention of pests and insects, fertilizing with fertilizers (after 3-7 days), stimulating the growth of green mass, the immune system (after a week).

Fungicide "Bona Forte" very effectively acts on pathogens of powdery mildew and other types of fungal diseases, rust. The specified composition is sold in the form of plastic ampoules of 2 ml each. The solution requires 1 ampoule of the substance and 5 liters of water. Processing is carried out very carefully so that the solution evenly moistens all the leaves. The product is not subject to storage.


Contact fungicide "Bravo" is used in the fight against fungal diseases of wheat, vegetable crops and everyone's favorite potatoes.

The active ingredient is chlorothalonil. It is ideal for combating and oversporosis - downy mildew. The drug can be used over a wide temperature range. It protects the plant for about 12-14 days.

The product is fully compatible with most other fungicides.


Fungicide "Vitaros" is a composition of contact-systemic action used for the treatment of planting material when planting a vegetable garden and indoor plants. Seeds and bulbs are subject to processing. "Vitaros" suppresses any manifestation of pathogens, not only on the surface, but also inside the plant.

The product is sold in ampoules of 2 ml and vials of 10 ml, 50 ml, and 100 ml. Used about 2 ml per 1 liter of water. The planting material is soaked in the solution for 2 hours.


To protect plants from diseases and the therapeutic effect on them, you can purchase the fungicide "Vectra". The drug is able to destroy the phytopathogenic fungus and contribute to the healing of the plant. It is used against septoria, gray rot, powdery mildew.

The working solution consists of 0.2-0.3 ml of Vectra fungicide and 1 liter of water. The drug retains its effect on affected plants for 12-15 days.


Biological fungicide "Gamair" is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in relation to indoor and garden plants. It has a very effective effect on bacterial leaf spots, late blight and powdery mildew, keels and fusarium.

The solution for irrigation is prepared based on the proportion: 1 tablet of the agent per 5 liters of water. For spraying - 2 Gamair tablets per 1 liter of water. The plant should be treated 3 times, adhering to an interval of one week.

Low-hazard substance. It does not accumulate in the soil and plants, which means that the products grow ecologically clean


Glyocladin "Glyocladin" is a biological type drug that is used for the prevention and treatment of root rot. The product can be used both for indoor plants and for garden crops and vegetables.

At the time of planting or sowing seeds, you should put 1-4 tablets of "Glyocladin" in the soil. The protective effect does not lose its effect within 1-1.5 months.


To fight late blight, powdery mildew (false and real), anthracnose, brown spot of vegetables and grapevines helps "Quadris SK" - an effective systemic fungicide.

The main active ingredient is azoxystrobin, which has not only prophylactic, but also medicinal properties. The drug can also be applied to indoor plants, but this should be done with extreme caution.

Release form: bottle (1 l), package (foil) for 6 ml.

The protective effect lasts 12-14 days. The result should be expected already 5 days after application.


Kurzat is a fungicide of local systemic and contact action, which is used to treat downy mildew on vegetables (mainly cucumbers) and late blight on potatoes. The therapeutic and prophylactic properties of the drug have proven to be extremely effective, since the substances that make up the drug suppress the spores of pathogens.

"Kurzat" is moderately dangerous and practically non-toxic for living organisms


"Maxim" is a contact fungicide with which you can protect plants from diseases and disinfect the soil. Works effectively in the treatment of fusarium, root rot, mold, etc.

Supplied in ampoules of 2 ml each.

The working solution is prepared by diluting 2 ml of the product (1 ampoule) in 1-2 liters of water. The soil is either watered with working fluid or sprayed. Seeds, bulbs, tubers, that is, all planting material, are treated with Maxim. This should be done before direct planting or during storage.

After 24 hours, the working fluid will lose all its properties, so it must be used in full immediately.

Copper sulfate

Copper sulfate is a contact fungicide that contains copper sulfate. It helps well in the fight against diseases of stone fruit and pome fruit, berry, ornamental and shrub crops.

It is produced in the form of a soluble powder, from which the working solution is prepared. For each plant, the dosage is selected individually, so you must first read the instructions for the composition. When preparing the working fluid, the powder is first diluted in a small amount of water, and only then brought to the desired volume.

Important! The prepared working mixture should be used on the same day. Mixing with other drugs is prohibited.

The prepared solution is evenly sprayed on the plants in the morning or evening in dry weather and with minimal wind activity. The leaves of the culture are evenly wetted.

To disinfect tree seedlings, you first need to remove the growths on the roots, and then place them in the prepared solution for 2-3 minutes (but not longer). After the procedure, the root system should be rinsed with plain clean water.


"Mikosan" is a biological type of drug that is applied to garden and indoor plants. The tool works by increasing the resistance of crops to pathogenic fungi. The substances that make up "Mikosan" stimulate the production of lectins in plant tissues, which destroy harmful fungi and bacteria.

Important! Fungicide "Mikosan" does not destroy the source of the disease, but helps the plant to effectively fight it on its own.

It makes sense to apply the product at the initial stages of the appearance of any spots on the leaves of plants. If the disease has been developing for a long time, Mikosan will not be able to cope with it.


"Ordan" is a fungicide that comes in the form of a cream or white wetting powder. One sachet contains 25 g of the product. It effectively acts on pathogens of tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, grapes and other crops, relieving them of late blight, peronosporosis, powdery mildew and Alternaria.

The working solution is prepared before its direct use (there is one packet of "Ordan" (25 g) for 5 liters of water. First, the powder must be diluted in a small amount of liquid, and then brought to the correct volume by thoroughly mixing the solution.


Contact systemic fungicide Oxychom is designed to kill oomycete fungi. It reliably protects tomatoes and cucumbers in open and closed ground from all kinds of fungal diseases. It is also recommended for planting potatoes, onions,. In addition, Oxyhom is highly effective in the processing of grapes. With its help, you can both treat plants and carry out preventive treatment of crops.

The Oxyhom fungicide contains two active ingredients. These are copper oxychloride and oxadixyl. It is thanks to them that the drug shows high efficiency.

The protective effect of the drug lasts about 10-14 days. The exposure speed is no more than 3 days.


Planriz is a versatile and very effective product. This drug effectively protects plants from ascochitis, white and gray rot, Alternaria, Fusarium, Phomosis, Verticillosis.

PlanrizOn is completely biological and has a unique effect.

In its composition "Planriz" contains bacteria, which, after entering the soil together with the treated planting material, begin to actively colonize the root system of the plant and produce antibiotics and enzymes that suppress the development of root rot. Moreover, these bacteria also help to increase the general immunity of growing crops.


"Forecast" is a chemical attack fungicide. Protects crops such as strawberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries from attacks of scab, spot, powdery mildew and other diseases.

Forecast It contains a new active substance, which is characterized by a high level of efficiency. The drug works as a protective, therapeutic and prophylactic agent.

Plants need to be sprayed before flowering, during the growing season and after the crop has been harvested.

Profit gold

Profit Gold is a contact-systemic fungicide that helps in the fight against Alternaria, late blight and other diseases of fungal origin. The main active ingredient is cymoxanil, which is quickly absorbed by the leaves of the plant, penetrating inside, and famoxadone, another component of the drug, on the contrary, remains on the surface for a long time.

"Profit Gold" on sale the drug is presented in the form of dark brown granules with a slight specific odor. 1 sachet may contain 1.5 g, 3 g, or 6 g of the product.

The dosage of the "Profit Gold" preparation for creating a working solution is selected individually for each culture. You need to prepare the tool just before you plan to use it. During the growing season, it is necessary to spray in three stages, with a break of 8-12 days.

Important! The drug "Profit Gold" can only be combined with growth regulators. Means with an alkaline reaction cannot be combined with Profit Gold. The simultaneous use of the drug with any other fungicides is also prohibited.

When working with the composition, you need to protect the skin and respiratory tract. In case of violation of these rules, poisoning or damage to the skin is possible. Empty containers from the product must be burned immediately.


"Raek" is a fungicide characterized by a long period of protective action. It is applied to fruit crops in order to protect them from such pests as scab, coccomycosis and powdery mildew.

The drug is produced in the form of ampoules, with a volume of 2 ml of the substance, as well as in bottles of 10 ml, 50 ml, and 100 ml. It starts working already 2 hours after application. A working solution is prepared using 1.5-2 ml of the drug per 10 l of water. Treatment is recommended no more than once every 2 weeks.


"Skor" is a drug analogous to "Raek". It is used in the fight against powdery mildew, scab and powdery mildew.

To obtain a ready-to-use solution, you need to take 3-5 ml of the composition and about 10 liters of water. "Speed" is valid for one to two weeks.

Fungicide "Skor" is almost non-toxic to humans and animals and completely non-toxic to birds.

Important! If fungal spores have already appeared on the plant, the drug will not work.


The drug "Strobi" is a fungicide that is used to treat various kinds of fungal diseases of vegetable and fruit crops. It can also be used in relation to the vine. It effectively copes with powdery mildew and downy mildew.

Strobe Release form - granules that dissolve in water. One package contains 200 g of the drug. Before processing plants, dilute 0.4 ml of granules in 1 liter of water.

An important advantage of this product is the admissibility of its use during the flowering period. Also "Strobi" is not dangerous for bees. This fungicide is also quite resistant to precipitation. Moreover, the drug works well on wet foliage and at low above-zero temperatures.

Important! It is strongly discouraged to use Strobi for two seasons in a row, as it causes the emergence of resistance.


"Thanos" is a fungicide, the main active ingredient of which is cymoxanil. It is he who, penetrating inside the leaf tissue, can have a therapeutic effect even 1-2 days after infection.

The drug is produced in the form of water-soluble granules. It is used to protect plants from potato, sunflower, tomato and onion diseases. What is important, Thanos is resistant to washing off, since it tends to bind with natural plant wax and form a kind of film on the surface.


Systemic non-phytotoxic fungicide "Topaz" is used in the fight against rust, gray and fruit rot, powdery mildew. For 10 liters of water, there are 2 ml of the agent used in the fight against powdery mildew and 4 ml of the composition against rust.

To get a more noticeable effect, "Topaz" should be used at the first signs of illness. Plants need to be processed once every one to two weeks. The fungicide will begin to act within 3 hours after application.

Systemic fungicides, two to three hours after treatment, penetrate into the tissues of the plant and begin to act, which allows you not to worry about sudden precipitation. Rain will not wash off the product from the surface of the plant.

In relation to humans and animals, Topaz is moderately dangerous. As for birds and fish, the product is not toxic to them.


"Trichodermin" is a biological action fungicide. With its help, they treat and prevent infections of the root system of ornamental plants and indoor flowers. It is often called a "soil health improvement". The seeds are kept in a solution of this drug; it is also possible to water the plants with a working liquid prepared on the basis of the Trichodermin drug.

It contains spores of a soil fungus, which, penetrating into the ground, are capable of destroying more than 60 species of various pathogens that cause fruit and root rot, late blight, rhizoctonia, etc.

The release form of the drug is a powder of 10 g in one package. The ready-made working solution can be stored for up to 1 month, but only in the refrigerator and at a temperature not exceeding +5 ° C. However, before reusing the solution, allow it to warm to normal room temperature.

The drug Trichodermin is absolutely safe for both humans and animals, bees, fish, etc. It is also not phytotoxic.


"Trichophyte" is a biological fungicide that fights against a number of diseases, in particular with sulfur and root rot.

On sale, the drug is presented in the form of a suspension in plastic bottles. When preparing the working solution, take 25 g of the drug per 1 liter of water. Water that is too warm should not be used. The prepared mixture is poured onto the soil, additionally or instead of watering, you can spray the foliage.

The drug "Trichophyte" is slightly toxic to humans, so it can be used not only in the garden and garden, but also at home.


Fundazole effectively fight against a considerable number of fungal diseases of leaves and seeds. Helps "Fundazol" - a fungicide and dressing agent of a wide range of systemic effects. It is used in the treatment of crop diseases and as a means for their prevention.

During the season, more than two treatments of plants with the drug "Fundazol" in the form of watering or spraying should not be allowed, since the pathogens will show resistance. To avoid this, it is recommended not to use drugs from the benzimidazole class for 1-2 seasons.


Fitolavin - a biological bactericide "Fitolavin" is used to prevent root rot, fire blight, vascular bacteriosis, moniliosis and anthracnose.

On sale it is presented in the form of a water-soluble concentrate in ampoules or vials. There is also a canister format with a volume of 1 and 5 liters.

The drug is not phytotoxic, which means it will not destroy beneficial fauna. It begins to act quickly enough, since it easily penetrates into the tissues of cultures.

Fitosporin M

Fitosporin "Fitosporin-M" is a contact fungicide that belongs to microbiological preparations and is intended for protection against fungal and bacterial diseases of indoor, garden, garden and greenhouse plants.

On sale, the drug is presented in the form of liquid, powder and paste. It is usually used for the prevention of diseases, and both seeds and bulbs are subject to processing before planting, and all crops in the future (on a regular basis).

"Fitosporin" begins to work immediately after application. The properties of the drug are retained over a wide temperature range. It can even be frozen, it will not affect the work efficiency in any way. Before using the solution, the working fluid should be infused for 1-2 hours. Read more in this article.


Horus is a systemic fungicide that is used at the beginning of the season to protect against scab, moniliosis of pome and stone fruit crops, curl of peach leaves, in order to stop the development of powdery mildew during the phenophase.

The interval between the applications of "Horus" is from 7 to 10 days. Temperatures from +3 ° C to +20 ° C will not reduce the effectiveness of the product, either during spraying or later. But at temperatures above +25 ° C, the efficiency is significantly reduced.

The peculiarity of the "Horus" preparation is that the agent quickly penetrates into the plant: it begins to act literally in 2 hours. That is, even if it suddenly rains, the drug will still work.


"Hom" will help with diseases of vegetable, fruit and ornamental crops. It is a systemic local fungicide containing copper oxychloride.

The drug is sold in sachets of 20 and 40 g. Effective in the treatment of apple and pear scab, plum fruit rot, vine mildey, curly peach leaves.

The working solution is prepared at the rate of 40 g of the substance per 10 l of water. It is recommended to carry out 2-3 treatments for indoor plants and up to 5 treatments for horticultural crops.

Pure bloom

A high level of efficiency in the fight against powdery mildew, spotting and gray mold is distinguished by the preparation "Chistotsvet". After treatment, the agent penetrates into plant tissue within two hours, which means that the likelihood of being washed off by rain is minimized. As for the period of action of the drug's protection, it may last for about two weeks.

"Chistotsvet" is produced in the form of a high concentration emulsion. To prepare a working solution for processing flower plants, you need to dilute 2-4 ml of the drug in 5 liters of water. Treatment should be carried out at the first symptoms of disease and during the growing season for prophylaxis.

Fungicides for plants video

Fungicides and insecticides garden protectors

The Scientific and Production Association "Sady Rossii" has been introducing the latest achievements in the selection of vegetable, fruit, berry and ornamental crops into the wide practice of amateur gardening for 30 years. In the work of the association, the most modern technologies are used, a unique laboratory for microclonal reproduction of plants has been created.

The main task of NPO Sady Rossii is to provide gardeners with high-quality planting material for popular varieties of various garden plants and novelties of world selection. Delivery of planting material (seeds, bulbs, seedlings) is carried out by Russian post.

We are waiting for you for shopping in the NGO "Gardens of Russia".