Meconium in amniotic fluid has consequences for the child. Green waters during childbirth. How to determine the color of amniotic fluid

The breaking of water notifies the woman in labor that the baby is ready to be born. If the waters break, then labor is approaching because without them the baby cannot stay in the stomach for a long time. Experts say that if labor does not begin 24 hours after the water breaks, then you need to go to the maternity hospital without waiting for contractions.

It happens that the water does not drain on its own. This can happen during childbirth or not happen at all - then the woman in labor has her water bladder pierced.

The waters are undoubtedly assessed because their condition has important diagnostic significance. Ideally, the water should be clear. If the amniotic fluid is dark or green, then this indicates that there is some kind of disorder. The doctor should take this fact into account.

Why do such births occur? Are they dangerous? Unfortunately, the answers are all confusing and difficult to understand.

During labor, green waters are not a rare phenomenon. If you ask your friends who had green waters about predictions and conclusions, you will get many different answers. Also, it is not uncommon for many women to completely disagree with the doctor’s opinion and are sure that the reason for their water loss is different. But still, experts identify several different factors that are the causes of green waters.

Often the cause of these waters is hypoxia of the baby. Due to the small amount of oxygen, a reflex contraction of the posterior opening occurs, and the baby's first feces - meconium - are released. It is this that gives the water its characteristic color.

There are many reasons for the development of hypoxia in a baby. For example, among the known causes of green water is. Why? This is all due to the fact that with the gestation period, the placenta becomes “older”. She pushes her limits and is unable to perform her functions, namely delivering to the child nutrients and oxygen. Thus, the baby feels a lack of oxygen, hypoxia develops, a reflex discharge of meconium occurs - the waters turn green.

Another reason for such waters can be an infection suffered during pregnancy. These include: colds, acute respiratory viral infections, urinary tract diseases, genital infections.

Maybe you heard that green color waters are associated with female nutrition. So, fresh peas or Apple juice. But many experts say that this has nothing to do with nutrition.

Green waters can be observed with genetic diseases in the baby. But this phenomenon is not frequent, so there is no need to say much about this.

But most importantly, childbirth is stressful for the child, especially if it is prolonged. Sometimes less, sometimes more, but the baby always experiences some shock during childbirth. Therefore, it is quite natural and normal that he passes meconium. Statistics say that this happens in 30% of cases.

You can search for the cause of green water for a long time, but no one says that you will find it. Of course, if you are planning a second baby, then you may need this knowledge. But every pregnancy proceeds differently: and it is difficult to predict the child’s reaction.

Still, if the waters during childbirth were green, what to expect in the future?

No one will answer such a simple question categorically and unambiguously. But doctors, at the sight of green waters, fuss and sigh. What does it mean?

It must be said that green waters can indeed be bad sign. This is all due to the fact that the baby “drank” this fluid during birth, so they can be heavy. If a woman in labor has gone through green labor, but labor has not yet begun, then there is a high probability of surgery, because the child is experiencing a lack of oxygen and is in great danger.

It’s another matter if the “exit” of meconium happened during childbirth, and the baby was in an infected environment for some time. Then the risks are reduced to zero. Passing meconium is a normal baby's reaction to the stress of childbirth. There is no danger.

What consequences? Green waters- this is not the main factor by which you can assess the well-being and health of the baby. It is not uncommon for babies born when green water breaks to be much stronger and healthier than other babies. A completely different situation may also occur.

The connection between cause and effect in such cases cannot be broken. A woman in labor often has clear water. In the absence of hypoxia, the baby may have “strange green” waters, and in case of hypoxia, clear waters. In an ideal pregnancy, such waters may also break.

It must be said that correct behavior The doctor plays an important role during childbirth. The respiratory tract of a baby who has swallowed green water must be cleared of liquid at the stage of the appearance of the head, before he takes his first breath and meconium enters the child's lungs. In this case, the doctor should stop pushing and perform aspiration.

Every woman should understand that during the birth process there are many factors that should not be underestimated. The most important thing is that everything is fine with the newborn. And the green color of the waters is not a sign of excitement. Love your “green-water” kids - after all, this is what really matters!

When a woman's water breaks, it means that the baby is ready to be born. This also indicates that labor will begin in the near future, as the baby cannot be in the womb without amniotic fluid.

Doctors advise going to the maternity hospital as soon as your water breaks and not waiting until contractions begin. After all, there are cases when they don’t even begin. It is possible that the water will not break on its own and doctors will have to pierce the amniotic sac.

The waters undergo a thorough assessment, because they are very easy to determine the condition of the baby. Amniotic fluid is considered normal when it is clear. But if doctors find that the color of the water is green or very dark, this means that there are undoubtedly some deviations from the norm. And in most cases, the gynecologist will pay attention to this.

Of course, many pregnant women have no idea why the water is this color and what it can mean for both the child and the woman herself.

Why are the waters of labor green?

Cases when the waters during childbirth are green are quite common. If you start asking your friends who have a similar problem, you will hear completely different answers. In addition, it is not uncommon for women to disagree with the doctor’s conclusion and put forward their point of view on this matter. But in reality, figuring out the problem of such a complication is very difficult and in practice it does not always work out.

But there are several reasons for green amniotic fluid during childbirth, and doctors know very well about them.

  1. The main cause of green water is considered to be fetal hypoxia. When a child does not have enough oxygen, he reflexively begins to release original feces, which gives the water a green color. And hypoxia can also occur due to many reasons.
  2. Post-term pregnancy is also considered a cause of green waters. In this case, the color of the water changes due to the fact that the placenta begins to age. Consequently, the amount of oxygen and nutrients supplied to the child decreases, and again the baby begins to develop hypoxia.
  3. It is not uncommon for the cause to be due to infections suffered during pregnancy. These include sexual diseases, problems with the urinary tract, and colds of various types.
  4. There are also sometimes cases where doctors say that the waters turned green due to what the woman ate the day before the examination. For example, if a pregnant woman’s diet included peas or apple juice. But women may disagree with this opinion, because they believe that nutrition cannot in any way affect the change in the color of amniotic fluid.
  5. The reasons for the complications to some extent include genetic diseases in the baby. But this is very rare, so doctors don’t even begin to talk about this reason.
  6. Another important reason is the shock of the child during childbirth. Especially if the birth is very long and difficult. Therefore, there is no doubt that when stressful situation he will not pass meconium. But judging by the statistics, this does not bode well and happens in almost half of the cases.

The consequences of green waters during childbirth for a child

And from all this we can conclude that it simply does not make sense to select the cause of green waters. But still, knowledge of this nature will not be superfluous in future pregnancies. But still, each pregnancy is different from the previous one, and it is completely unrealistic to predict how the child will react to green waters.

Of course, doctors are not particularly happy when the waters are green, as they consider this a bad sign. If the waters break and there are still no contractions, the woman will be urgently referred for a caesarean section. After all, this means that the child is in danger due to lack of oxygen.

But still, doctors do not undertake to judge the baby’s health status by the green waters. After all, very often there were cases when, even with normal waters, the child did not gain even half the points on the Apgar scale, and the one who was born with green ones, on the contrary, was completely healthy and very strong.

The release of amniotic fluid notifies the woman that the baby is ready to be born. If the waters have broken, then childbirth should take place soon, because without them the child cannot remain in the womb for a long time. Doctors say that if labor does not begin within 24 hours after the water breaks, then you need to go to the hospital without waiting for contractions.

It happens that the amniotic fluid does not drain on its own. This can happen already during childbirth or not happen at all - then the woman’s water bladder is pierced.

Amniotic fluid is certainly assessed, since its condition is of great diagnostic importance. Normally, the amniotic fluid should be clear. If the waters are greenish, green or dark, then we're talking about about some kind of violation. However, not always, but the gynecologist will certainly take this fact into account.

Many mothers are trying to find out why there are green waters during childbirth, and how this can be dangerous. But the answers are so confusing that it is not easy to understand the question.

Causes of green waters during childbirth

Green waters during childbirth are not at all uncommon. If you ask all your friends whose waters were green about the doctor’s conclusion and prognosis, you will get a lot of different answers. In addition, women often do not agree with the doctor’s opinion and are sure that the reason for their green waters is completely different. In fact, it is not always possible to determine exactly why the waters turned green. But still, doctors identify several factors that can cause green waters during childbirth.

The most common cause of green waters during childbirth is. Due to a lack of oxygen, a reflex contraction of the anal sphincter occurs, and the child's original feces - meconium - are released. It is this that gives the amniotic fluid its characteristic color.

There can be many reasons for the development of fetal hypoxia. This resembles a chain reaction, when individual “links” provoke each other’s attacks and all ultimately lead to the release of meconium. For example, gynecologists-obstetricians name among the reasons for green waters during childbirth. Why? Yes, because the longer the pregnancy, the older the placenta becomes. She is gradually becoming obsolete and can no longer properly perform the functions assigned to her during pregnancy, namely the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. Thus, the child experiences oxygen starvation, hypoxia develops, reflexive release of meconium occurs - the waters turn green.

You may have heard that sometimes the green color of amniotic fluid during childbirth is associated with the woman’s diet the day before. So, apple juice or fresh peas can green the waters. But most doctors are still inclined to believe that this phenomenon is not related to nutrition.

It also happens that green waters during childbirth can be observed due to rare genetic diseases in the child. But this is a very rare occurrence, so there is no need to talk about it as a rule.

And, in the end, the most important thing. Childbirth is always a big stress for the baby, especially prolonged ones. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but the child inevitably experiences a certain shock during childbirth. Therefore, it is quite normal and natural that he excretes meconium, or, to put it simply, poops. There are statistics that this happens in 30% of cases and very often does not mean anything bad.

Consequences of green waters during childbirth: what to expect in the future?

Looking for the cause of green waters during childbirth may be futile. Of course, if you plan to have more children in the future, then such knowledge may be useful to you. But each subsequent pregnancy proceeds differently, and no one can predict the baby’s reaction to the upcoming birth process.

In general, if the waters were green, it is already in the past. What to expect in the future? Is it dangerous?

Even to this question no one will answer you unequivocally and categorically. But at the sight of green waters, doctors sigh and fuss. “Green,” the woman in labor hears the “sentence” pronounced with dissatisfaction. So what does it mean?

It should be said that in some cases green waters are indeed a bad sign. Primarily due to the fact that the baby may swallow this toxic liquid during childbirth, the consequences of which can be severe. If a woman's green water breaks and labor has not yet begun, she will almost certainly be referred for a caesarean section, because this means that the baby is lacking oxygen and is definitely in danger.

It’s a different matter when meconium defecation occurred during childbirth, and the child did not stay in the contaminated environment for long. In this case, the risks are minimized. As we have already said, the passage of meconium is a natural reaction of a baby to the stress of childbirth. She does not pose any danger.

Now about the consequences. As can be concluded from all that has been said, green waters are far from the only factor by which one can judge the health and well-being of a newborn. Very often, babies born when green water breaks are in good health and score 8-9 points on the Apgar scale. The opposite cases are also observed, when at pure clear waters Things aren't always all right with kids.

In general, the connection between probable cause and the consequence in this case cannot be considered as inseparable. In women with post-term pregnancy, the waters are often clear. In the absence of hypoxia, the child’s green water may well break. If hypoxia is detected, the water may remain clear. An ideal pregnancy without a single disease or ailment may well end in the discharge of green water...

It should be recognized that the competent behavior of the doctor delivering the baby plays an important role in this. The respiratory tract of a newborn who has swallowed green water should be cleared of contents at the stage of birth of the head, before he takes his first breath and draws meconium into the lungs. To do this, the obstetrician must stop pushing and perform aspiration.

You must understand that in the process of childbirth many factors are interrelated that should not be assessed in isolation. The main thing is that everything is fine with the baby. And the color of the water does not promise you any problems. Love and cherish your “greenbacks” - that’s what really matters!

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Throughout the entire period of intrauterine development, the child is reliably protected from external environment amniotic sac and uterine walls. The amniotic sac is filled with amniotic fluid, which comes into contact with the skin of the fetus.

There is a continuous exchange between the child’s body and the amniotic fluid; changes in the composition of the fluid reflect the condition of the fetus and at the same time affect its life processes. With some disorders, amniotic fluid loses its normal color and turns green. Why does this change occur and are green waters dangerous for a child?

What determines the color of amniotic fluid?

Amniotic fluid, or amniotic fluid, protects the fetus floating in it for many months of pregnancy. It gently envelops the baby and facilitates his movements inside the uterus, protecting him from shock. Where does this liquid medium come from and what does it consist of? Its main component is water, released from the mother’s body and accumulated in the uterine cavity. In addition to water, amniotic fluid contains other components:

  • nutrients (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates);
  • hormones;
  • antibodies (immunoglobulins);
  • particles of the epidermis of the fetus and its hair;
  • particles of original lubricant;
  • salt;
  • child waste products.

The composition of amniotic fluid changes as the baby matures and acquires new properties. Initially, it is mainly water from the mother's body. The fruit floating in it ripens, its organs and nerve connections develop. While inside the uterus, the baby swallows water and pees.

In the second trimester, the baby's body is covered with silky hairs, which begin to fall out in the last months of pregnancy. As the baby grows, the skin undergoes renewal, accompanied by exfoliation of dead epidermis. All these waste products gradually accumulate in a confined space around the fetus.

Fluid levels during pregnancy:

  • 60 milliliters at 12 weeks;
  • 175 ml at 16 weeks;
  • from 400 to 1200 ml between 34 and 38 weeks.

From week 36, the volume of fluid decreases and it becomes more concentrated. It is considered normal if the liquid is clear and slightly yellow. When poured out during childbirth, it may contain a small admixture of blood.

In some cases, under the influence of a number of reasons, the discharge of cloudy green amniotic fluid may occur. What does this phenomenon mean?

Why do the waters turn green?

From 12% to 20% of all births are accompanied by the rupture of green amniotic fluid. What causes green waters during childbirth? The reason the water changes color to green is meconium, which enters the amniotic fluid.

Meconium is a sticky dark green substance consisting of stomach and intestinal secretions, amniotic fluid, bile acids, bile, blood, mucus, cholesterol, pancreatic secretions, lanugo, and a curdled substance - vernix. Meconium accumulates in the fetal intestinal lumen during the third trimester and is normally released during the newborn's first bowel movement. Sometimes the baby has a bowel movement while still in the womb, in which case meconium passes into the amniotic fluid, turning it green.

Usually this meconium passage is associated with various disorders in the mother-fetus system. Possible reasons meconium discharge into the amniotic space:

  • intrauterine fetal hypoxia (in 70% of cases of hypoxia, meconium is found in the amniotic fluid);
  • infectious diseases of the reproductive and urinary organs in a pregnant woman;
  • consequences of stress on the fetus (maternal illness, severe concussion, etc.);
  • early aging of the placenta;
  • post-term pregnancy (over 41–42 weeks).

The most common of the listed reasons resulting in the formation muddy waters during pregnancy, there is a deficiency of oxygen in the fetus. In this condition, the tone of the child's sphincters decreases, leading to the release of meconium from the intestines. Depending on the amount of meconium released, three degrees of contamination are distinguished:

  1. weak: amniotic fluid has a yellow-green or greenish tint and a transparent appearance;
  2. medium: water is present in sufficient volume and can be colored khaki or green;
  3. significant: amount of amniotic fluid less than normal, they lose their transparency, taking on the appearance of pea soup.

There are several methods for assessing the condition of amniotic fluid before birth. These methods include:

  • Ultrasound (allows you to determine only the amount of water);
  • amnioscopy (visual examination by transillumination);
  • amniocentesis (the most accurate method for assessing fluid composition, but dangerous due to its invasiveness).

The green muddy waters have receded - what to do?

Your water usually breaks just before or during labor. If the liquid is light and clean, then there is no reason to worry. If the green water has broken, this is cause for concern. Green color is a signal indicating a problem.

As a rule, this symptom is characteristic of intrauterine fetal hypoxia: in 70% of cases of oxygen starvation, meconium is present in the amniotic fluid, and its amount is directly related to the degree of hypoxia. Obstetricians and neonatologists know this feature and examine such newborns for oxygen starvation especially carefully.

What consequences does such water threaten the fetus?

What to do if a woman in labor has passed dirty fluid with meconium (see also: what to do if her water has broken?)? Why is the presence of meconium in the amniotic space dangerous for mother and child? Possible complications:

  • child swallowing amniotic fluid with meconium;
  • aspiration and meconium contamination of the respiratory tract;
  • increased risk of developing postpartum infection in the mother.

The most problematic and dangerous of these complications for a newborn is considered to be aspiration syndrome. Meconium can enter the respiratory tract of a child suffering from hypoxia while he is still in the womb or during the first breath of a newly born baby. Aspiration can lead to asphyxia and other problems. Children in this condition need medical attention immediately after birth.

Signs of meconium aspiration:

  • labored breathing;
  • wheezing;
  • cyanosis skin newborn;
  • visible tension of the rib muscles when inhaling.

The most accurate diagnostic method in this case is plain radiography. chest. The resulting x-ray allows one to assess the amount of aspirated meconium and its location in the respiratory tract.

Associated symptoms that suggest meconium aspiration include yellow-green discoloration of the child’s skin and nails, as well as greenish color separated placenta. This means that the fetus had prolonged intrauterine contact with contaminated amniotic fluid and there is a high probability of it entering the child’s respiratory tract.

Doctors’ first aid tactics depend on the severity of aspiration and may include the following measures:

  • suctioning the contents of the upper respiratory tract, including the mouth, nose and throat;
  • clearing the lower respiratory tract using an endotracheal tube;
  • oxygen therapy through a mask or artificial ventilation.

The prognosis and final outcome of conditions caused by aspiration of green water can vary widely depending on the volume of meconium inhaled, the timeliness of assistance, and the initial condition of the child. In healthy newborns not weakened by hypoxia, with accidental aspiration of meconium, spontaneous physiological clearance of the respiratory tract from turbid amniotic fluid usually occurs, and this situation resolves favorably, without leading to complications in the future.

In contrast, children who have experienced hypoxia are more likely to develop pathological consequences in the form of neonatal pneumonia or neurological symptoms. Such babies require complex therapy and long-term postnatal observation.

Amniotic fluid performs essential functions to ensure the life of the baby in the womb. By its color, composition, and quantity, one judges the nature of the pregnancy and the condition of the fetus. Green waters during childbirth are considered dangerous, as this indicates a threat to the child’s health.

General concepts

Amniotic fluid serves as a natural environment for the developing fetus. The mother’s body maintains a stable temperature and pressure, absorbs noise from the outside, absorbs shocks, thereby preventing compression of the umbilical cord. By systematically swallowing small portions of water, the baby receives nutrients.

Immunoglobulins in the amnion secretion protect the child from infection by pathogenic microorganisms. The liquid consists of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and hormones, vitamins, microelements, enzymes and waste products of the fetus are also determined in it. In the secretion they find traces of epidermal cells, vellus hairs and flakes of vernix.

On average, 20-30% of women have green waters. During a normal pregnancy, the color of the amniotic fluid is usually clear or slightly cloudy. Green waters at birth are not the norm and mean, although not always, that deviations in the development of the child or the woman’s health are possible.

What green waters mean during childbirth:

  1. the fetus experiences suffering in the womb, oxygen starvation;
  2. existed in the past inflammatory process in the vagina, uterus or amniotic fluid;
  3. pregnancy lasts 40-41 or more weeks.

Comparative biochemical analysis the secretion of the membranes and blood of a woman revealed that pathological changes in the mother’s body are first reflected in water levels and only then in the blood. But, to a greater extent, amniotic fluid characterizes the condition of the child. Therefore, green amniotic fluid is of great diagnostic value for determining the health of the baby as a whole.


The causes of green amniotic fluid during childbirth are not fully understood. An increase in cases of changes in the color of amniotic fluid is forcing scientists to pay attention to the situation. Thus, there is a hypothesis that greenish-colored water occurs due to blood breakdown products during an episode of intrauterine bleeding. But it has not found wide confirmation among doctors.

Why green water breaks during childbirth:

  • meconium passed in the womb;
  • the woman suffered an infection during pregnancy;
  • certain foods on the eve of childbirth changed the color of the secretion;
  • the child has a genetic disease.

In most cases, if the green water breaks during childbirth, it means that there was a bowel movement. This happens when the baby experiences oxygen deprivation in the womb or during birth. The condition leads to a reflex contraction of the intestines and relaxation of the anal sphincter. Meconium, penetrating into the amniotic fluid, contaminates it, which is why women have green water.

Oxygen starvation occurs during post-term pregnancy, when the placenta has already become obsolete and cannot cope with its functions. It happens that children's place ages prematurely, then we are talking about fetoplacental insufficiency with the risk of fetal hypoxia, which is also the cause of green waters.

Sexual infections, inflammation of the urinary tract, influenza, ARVI, etc., affect the color of the amniotic fluid. Pathologies always affect the condition of the placenta.

In addition to structural changes, the children's place often changes color. So, after childbirth, women leave a green afterbirth, a dark, rich color. Similar situation leads to aging of the bed, and hence to possible fetal hypoxia. Therefore, a green placenta is considered as a sign, and inflammation during pregnancy as a provoking factor for a lack of oxygen subsequently.

Hypoxia can also develop as a result diabetes mellitus, preeclampsia or hypertension in a pregnant woman, oligohydramnios, umbilical cord abnormalities. These reasons have precisely the consequence - meconium water, that is, contaminated with meconium. Certain genetic pathologies of the fetus can turn the amniotic fluid greenish, such as hemolytic disease. Gynecologists are skeptical about the information that a woman gets green water as a result of taking spinach, lettuce, fresh peas, and apple juice.

Risks and consequences

If a child was born in green waters, then possible consequences will depend on several factors. It takes into account how long the child was in dirty waters, that is, when the stool passed, when the newborn took its first breath and how long it has been lacking oxygen. The longer hypoxia lasts, the weaker the fetus and the higher the risk of complications.

In a situation where manic waters (or meconium) appeared during contractions or immediately before pushing, there is often no reason to worry. From the stress experienced during childbirth, the child could poop and at the same time be born completely healthy. But it happens that with severe hypoxia, the baby inhales while in the womb or birth canal, and then meconium enters the lungs. A condition in which stool is found in the baby's mouth, trachea, under nails, and on the skin indicates a risk of meconium aspiration syndrome.

If the water turns green and breaks before active labor begins or was diagnosed earlier, there is a risk that the original stool in the amniotic fluid will harm the fetus.

Why are green waters dangerous during childbirth?

  • meconium can block the airways;
  • the efficiency of gas exchange in the lungs decreases;
  • pneumonia of newborns develops.

The pathophysiology of meconium aspiration syndrome is caused by the entry of feces into the lung tissue. Irritation of the respiratory system leads to the development of pneumonia and a general disorder of the respiratory process in the baby - the appearance of respiratory distress syndrome. The disease manifests itself in shortness of breath, cyanosis, depression of the chest when inhaling, and “grunting” exhalation.

Turbid waters during childbirth are dangerous, primarily due to negative consequences for a child. But, to some extent, complications also arise in the mother. There is a risk of infection of the uterus with pathogenic microorganisms and the development of endometritis, peritonitis or sepsis as a result.


Green water can flow both at home, before contractions, and in the clinic, when the woman is already under the supervision of medical staff. If the amniotic fluid has passed before the onset of labor, you cannot hesitate and engage in expectant management. Emergency hospitalization and measures for delivery are required. Most likely, a caesarean section will be performed.

If the greenish water breaks during childbirth in the hospital, then it is necessary to monitor the child’s condition using CTG and listening to the heartbeat. The frequency of complications with premature passage of stool during childbirth largely depends on the speed of reaction and experience of the medical staff. To ensure that the child does not swallow green amniotic fluid, or rather, does not have time to inhale it, immediate cleaning of the baby’s nose, trachea and mouth from “dirt” is necessary.

The doctor delivering the baby stops pushing at the moment when the head appears and carries out the necessary manipulations to aspirate meconium from the respiratory tract. Once the birth is over and the baby's health has been assessed, monitoring of the baby's health will be required.

If meconium aspiration syndrome is diagnosed, immediate measures must be taken to ensure that the child is able to breathe. Intubation, suction of feces from the respiratory tract and artificial ventilation lungs, the newborn is placed under a heat source.

A mandatory step for severe signs of respiratory distress syndrome is the administration of surfactant to prevent the adhesion of lung tissue. If the development of pneumonia is suspected, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed in parallel. The prognosis with timely and adequate treatment is usually positive.

Prevention and diagnosis

Determining the provoking factor that causes hypoxia makes it possible to prevent green water in the mother and possible postpartum pathologies in the child. Therefore, it is important for a woman to be regularly observed by a gynecologist and monitor the course of pregnancy.

You can prevent oxygen starvation by avoiding bad habits spending a lot of time on fresh air. It is necessary to introduce foods high in iron into your diet. In the presence of concomitant chronic diseases, for example, diabetes, adequate therapy is required.

At the stage of pregnancy planning, it is worthwhile to be examined for TORCH infections and, if necessary, treat them. If diseases of the reproductive or urinary system are discovered during pregnancy, you should try to stop them immediately. It is important for a woman to take care of her health and protect herself from viral and cold infections.

If there is fetal hypoxia, prevention of green water, as a result of meconium passage, is aimed at alleviating symptoms. The woman is prescribed bed rest and drug therapy to normalize blood circulation of the placenta. Typically, treatment includes drugs to reduce contractile activity of the uterus, improve cell permeability for oxygen saturation, vitamins and blood thinners.

Signs of fetal hypoxia include a slowdown in the child’s motor activity and an abnormal heart rate. To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes additional tests - OBC, OAM, ultrasound, Doppler, CTG, ultrasound. But see bad waters, is possible only with the help of amnioscopy. Manipulation means examining the lower pole of the bladder through the vagina and cervical canal.

Green amniotic fluid is shocking news, but does not always mean serious consequences. Every pregnancy is unique. If hypoxia caused the passage of meconium in the womb of one woman, this does not mean that the scenario will be repeated in another woman in labor. Mothers who have had green waters, in the overwhelming majority, enjoy their healthy children throughout their lives.