Canon - apostolic rules. Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

- Bible. Cathedral Epistles of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian.
- Bible. Revelation of Saint John the Theologian. Apocalypse.
- Prayer books to the Apostle and Evangelist John.

Icon of the Day:

John the Evangelist, John of Zebedee - one of the Twelve Apostles. The Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian was a beloved, chosen disciple of Christ. Christ loved all His apostles, but with especially ardent love he loved John the Theologian, whom he called to the path of apostleship in his youth. Christ, hanging on the cross, commanded him to be the guardian and trustee of His Most Pure Mother: looking at His Mother, and then at the disciple (Apostle John), He said to Her: “Behold your Mother!” And to him: “Behold your son!”
Apostle John author Gospel of John, three Council Epistles And Books of Revelation (Apocalypse) which were included in the New Testament. In his Gospel, with great power and depth, Saint John testifies to the world about the Divinity of the Lord Jesus.
The years of life of the Apostle John are determined very approximately. According to church tradition, at the time of the crucifixion of Christ he was 16 years old and he died in the 100th year, remaining the only living apostle who saw Jesus Christ during His earthly life. That is approximately: 17-100. n. e.
The rest of the apostles at this time had all already died a martyr's death. The entire Christian Church deeply revered the Apostle John as the seer of God's destinies. On the icons, the Holy Apostle John is depicted with an eagle - a symbol of the high soaring of his theological thought.

Writings of the Apostle in the New Testament.

Apostle John is the author of the following five books of the New Testament:- Gospel of John ;
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd Catholic Epistles of John ;
- Revelations of St. John the Theologian (Apocalypse).
There is nothing greater in the world than the first chapter Gospel of John, which is read once a year on the first day of Holy Easter at the liturgy: " In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was to God, and God was the Word".
IN Council Epistles The Apostle John is the greatest herald and preacher of love. The messages preach that God is love.
In an amazing book called Apocalypse, or Revelation of St. John, John the Theologian wrote what was revealed to him by God on the island of Patmos about the last destinies of the world before the Second terrible Coming of Christ. The greatest revelations and mysteries of God are gleaned from this book.

Future life.

The further life of the apostle is known only from church traditions.
He lived for a very long time, more than a hundred years, and all his life he preached about love. And when he was overcome by the severe infirmities of old age, and he was unable to deliver long sermons, he constantly repeated one a short phrase: "Children, love each other!"

Missionary path. Exile to the island of Patmos.

After the Dormition of the Mother of God, the Apostle John went to Ephesus and other cities of Asia Minor to preach the Gospel, taking with him his disciple Prochorus.
In the city of Ephesus, the Apostle John preached about Christ. The preaching of the Apostle John was accompanied by great miracles, which increased the number of believers every day.
The Apostle John was persecuted for his Christian faith. The persecution of Christians began under Emperor Nero. The Apostle John in chains was taken to Rome for trial. For his unshakable faith in Jesus Christ, the apostle was sentenced to death. He was given a cup of deadly poison to drink. But after drinking this cup, the apostle remained alive. After this, the Apostle John was immersed in a cauldron of boiling oil, but he emerged unharmed from this boiling cauldron. After these unsuccessful attempts to kill the Apostle John the Theologian, he was exiled to prison on the island of Patmos, where he lived for many years. On the island of Patmos, the Apostle John preached continuously, accompanying his sermons with many miracles. These sermons attracted all the inhabitants of the island to him. He converted most of the inhabitants of the island of Patmos to Christianity. He healed many sick people.
On the island of Patmos, the Apostle John retired with his disciple Prochorus (Apostle Prochorus - one of the seventy apostles) to a deserted mountain to perform three days of fasting and prayer. After fasting for three days with prayer, the cave where they lived began to shake and thunder roared. Prokhor fell to the ground in horror. The Apostle John raised him up and ordered him to write down the words that he would pronounce what the Spirit of God proclaimed through the holy Apostle: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...”. For two days and six hours, Prokhor wrote down the Gospel - “The Gospel of John.” After John and Prokhor returned to the village, the Gospel was rewritten and distributed throughout the island.
Soon, the Apostle John again withdrew to a deserted place, to a cave, where he spent 10 days without food and in prayer. After completing a ten-day prayer fast, the Voice of the Lord ordered him to create another ten days in the cave, after which many and great secrets in this place would be revealed to him.
After spending another ten days in prayer and without food, the Apostle John saw great powers in great horror. And the angel of God explained to him everything that he saw and heard. The Apostle John called Prochorus and told him to write down on paper those revelations that Prochorus would hear from John’s lips - “Revelations of St. John the Theologian (Apocalypse).”
In the place where, according to legend, John the Theologian preached while in exile and where he received the “Revelation”, in 1088 the Orthodox monastery of John the Theologian was founded by the Monk Christodoulus. The monastery is under the jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Constantinople.

Return from exile to Ephesus.

After being exiled to the island of Patmos, the Apostle John returned to Ephesus. In Ephesus he continued to preach. In the Gospel of John, the Apostle John commanded Christians to love the Lord and each other, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ. That is why John the Theologian is called the Apostle of Love. Saint John taught that without love a person cannot approach God and please Him.
And in his three Council Epistles, the Apostle John preaches love for God and neighbors. The Apostle John is an example of love for those around him.
The personality of John the Theologian was also testified in writing by his disciple, Ignatius the God-Bearer, the third Bishop of Antioch (given to be torn to pieces by lions on December 20, 107 in Rome).
The last witness to see the living Christ is considered to be Ignatius the God-Bearer, who, according to church traditions, outlived John the Theologian by 7 years. Ignatius received the nickname “God-Bearer” because Jesus took the child Ignatius in his arms, as the Gospel of Matthew tells: “Jesus called the child, set him in the midst of them and said: Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children , you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven; and whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me." (Matt. 18:2-5).

The Apostle John raises people from the dead.

The Holy Apostle John the Theologian, while preaching, performed many miracles, including the resurrection of the dead: - in Ephesus, the Apostle John and his disciple Prochorus worked in a bathhouse. One day a young man named Domnus died there. The young man's father, Dioscorides, upon learning of his son's death, died of grief. The mistress of the bathhouse accused John of the young man's death and promised to kill him. The Apostle John resurrected the young man and his father through prayer. - During the holiday in honor of the goddess Artemis, the Apostle John accused the pagans of idolatry, for which the crowd threw stones at the apostle. Through prayer, the Apostle John sent down unbearable heat, from which up to 200 people died. Those who remained alive in horror begged the Apostle John for mercy. The Apostle raised all the dead. All those who were resurrected believed in the Lord Jesus Christ and were baptized. - Apostle John was sent from Rome to exile on the island of Patmos on a ship. On the same ship were the royal nobles. The son of one of the nobles, while playing, fell into the sea and drowned. The nobles began to beg John for help, but he, having learned that the nobles honored pagan gods, refused them. But in the morning, out of pity, John prayed to God, and a wave threw the young man onto the ship alive and unharmed. - On the island of Patmos, local residents revered the sorcerer Kinops as a god. They Kinops took revenge on John for his preaching of Christ. Through John's prayer, a sea wave swallowed the sorcerer. The inhabitants of Patmos, who worshiped Kinops, waited for him on the seashore for three days, exhausted from hunger and thirst. Three small children died of hunger and thirst. The Holy Apostle John through prayer healed the sick and raised the dead. - In another city on the island of Patmos, the Apostle John healed the sick and resurrected the son of a priest who had died in a bathhouse.

The repose of the Apostle John the Theologian is a victory over corruption, a lesson in resurrection and immortality.

The Holy Repose of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, beloved disciple of Christ, is a lesson in resurrection and immortality and one of the most mysterious events in Holy Tradition. According to the Alexandrian chronicle, the Holy Apostle John the Theologian died in the 72nd year after the ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, being 100 years and 7 months from his birth, under the emperor Trajan (98 - 117). By death we mean departure from earthly life. The circumstances surrounding this departure are as follows. The Apostle and 7 disciples left Ephesus and, having reached a certain place, ordered them to sit down. Then he walked away from them and began to pray. After praying, he ordered his disciples to dig a cross-shaped grave. “Take the earth, my mother, and cover me with it,” he told the disciples. They complied and returned to Ephesus with great weeping. Some time later, when the grave was opened, John’s body was not there. But every year, on May 21, he began to speak at the grave thin layer ashes (or “manna”) that brought healing. In honor of this event, the spring celebration of the memory of the holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian was established. What kind of dust is this and where did the apostle’s body go? There is an opinion that the sleeping John lies in the grave, and fine dust rises from his breath. But the more common view is that the apostle was taken to heaven along with his body, like the Mother of God and the ancient righteous people - Elijah and Enoch. Many saints (Hippolytus of Rome, Andrew of Caesarea, John of Kronstadt) expressed confidence that the Apostle John, together with Elijah and Enoch, would preach before the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. “The Holy Apostle John the Theologian... was miraculously reposed and lives to this day on earth and in heaven,” says Saint John of Kronstadt.

Celebrating the memory of the Apostle John the Theologian.

Celebration of the memory of the Apostle John the Theologian Orthodox Church takes place three times a year. 1. Memory of the holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian - May 8 (21). The celebration of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian was established in remembrance of the annual exodus on this day at the burial place of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian of the finest pink dust, which was collected by believers for healing from various diseases. 2. The memory of the holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian is also celebrated on June 30 (July 13, New Art.) - the day of the celebration of the Council of the Holy, Glorious and All-Glorious 12 Apostles. The Orthodox Church, honoring each of the 12 apostles at different times of the year, established a general celebration of them on the day after the memory of the glorious and supreme apostles Peter and Paul. 3. The repose of the holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian - September 26 (October 9 AD). On this day, the Church of Christ commemorates the glorious repose of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian from temporary life to eternal life, from corruptible to incorruptible.


Materials used:
1. BIBLE. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the OLD and NEW TESTAMENT. Canonical. In Russian translation with parallel passages and applications. Russian Bible Society. Moscow. 1995.
2. Prot. S. Slobodsky “The Law of God” M.: Yauza-press, Lepta Book, Eksmo, 2008.
3. From websites:

The Church honors the memory of the holy, glorious and all-validated apostle and evangelist on October 9 (September 26, old style). This day is considered one of the twelve. The Apostle John occupies a special place among the disciples of Christ. It is no coincidence that the Church calls John the apostle of love, since he taught that without love a person cannot approach the Lord. The Apostle John is the author of the Gospel of John, three conciliar epistles and the Revelation of John the Theologian (Apocalypse). John the Theologian- the only one of the twelve apostles who died a natural death.


Reading order according to the charter

Troparion, tone 2

And the beloved post of Christ God, trying to deliver people who are unrequited, receives you as you fall, even as you recline on your chest. Pray to him, O Theologian, to disperse the impending pagan rebuke like a cloud, asking us for peace and great mercy. (2 times).

More than meaning, all your glorious mysteries, Mother of God, are sealed with purity and preserved by virginity, Mother, of course, is not false, having given birth to the true God, pray to Him for the salvation of our souls.

Canon, voice 2

Song 1. Irmos

In the depths of the flood of ancient times, the entire Pharaonic army re-armed its strength. The incarnate Word, having overcome sins, consumed food, O glorified Lord, for He was glorified.

Chorus: With the holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, pray to God for us (bow).

Blessed is the kingdom of heaven, which you preached, I received, and the words of the heavenly interlocutor, who believe in your honest preaching and theology, preserve with your prayers.

Solo. Revealing the meaning of the rivers, you did not neglect the earthly things, and multiplying the union of nature and words with wisdom, approaching verbally, and freeing those who had fallen into disbelief from speechlessness.

Glory. We accept the theologically blessed mind of heaven, You preached God the Word, from time immemorial the Word, and the Word to His Parent, and God the Word, teaching the Gospel.

And now. Theotokos. ABOUT Trokovits of the divine face, divine in women, they sing of the goodness of Theotokos, Lady, adorned with kindnesses of the Divinity: the virtuous Word, more than the word you gave birth to.

Katavasia: And save your servants from troubles, holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, for we all resort to you according to God, for you pray for us to Christ our God (bow). Lord have mercy (3 times with bows).

Song 3. Irmos

The desert blossomed like the Lord, the pagan barren church through the coming of Ty, and my heart was strengthened about it.

Solo. You revealed the Trinity in theological language, even more than the mind, the mystery of the blessed John, about which my heart was strengthened.

Solo. I am your tongue, a scribe's reed, the Holy Spirit, signifying in God's words, your honest and divine Gospel.

Glory. You have drawn from the depths of wisdom, you have reclined with boldness on the Source of wisdom, and for this you were a preacher of God.

And now. Theotokos. E We honor the Theotokos Thee and the Mother, as the Most Immaculate Intercessor of salvation for us, and the one who delivered the world through her prayers. Confusion.

Sedalen, voice 8th. P Wisdom rested on the Persian, and the mind of beings was accustomed, You divinely thundered, from the beginning the Word, having kindly written the first words of the incarnation, and preached the one beginningless birth. With the same tongue, catching tongues, preaching at the end, and illuminating miracles, O Apostle of Theologians, pray to Christ God to grant remission of sins, to those who celebrate your holy memory with love.

Glory, even now. Theotokos. IN multi-braided misfortunes, from visible and invisible enemies, a storm overwhelmed by my countless sins, and as I flow to the warm intercession and protection of Thy Pure One, to the haven of Thy goodness. Likewise, the Most Holy One, who was incarnate of You without a seed, pray diligently for all Your servants, who continually pray to the Most Pure Mother of God, begging Him ever and again to grant remission of sin to those who worthily sing Your glory.

Song 4. Irmos

Coming from the Virgin, no intercessor, no Angel, but You, the Lord, became incarnate, and saved me as a man, therefore I cry out to You, glory to Your power.

Solo. With the word of the Theologian it is worthy of showing it to the Divine, secretly teaching it in an exceedingly graceful manner, and punishing it according to man in an indescribable manner.

Solo. I am divine, and having acquired a virgin body, the church was alive and gloriously animated, and the sanctified dwelling of the Holy Trinity.

Glory. With the birth of the Most Pure Virgin, you are honored, blessed virgin, and your brother appeared to the one who chose you, and the disciple of the Theologian.

And now. Theotokos. AND healing Evzhino’s ancient crime, the Most Immaculate and Most Pure One was inhabited by the Most Divine Ones, and the whole of me fell. Confusion.

Song 5. Irmos

X grant to God and man to be Christ God, for You are the Master to the luminary Father Ti, from the night of ignorance bringing you to find.

Solo. The heavenly mind of the Theologian was made by grace, the whole world became, by approaching the original light, and by pure vision, by deification towards Him.

Solo. You preached your gospel with pure, God-inspired, holy lips, and most pure lips, and you offered common salvation to all the faithful.

Glory. With Christ alive from infancy, a vessel of grace was created from Him, holding theology, and teaching the glory of the Trinity above nature.

And now. Theotokos. G We remember Your lagols, We now bless You: Through You, the All-Immaculate, unspeakable bliss, and truly ageless life is received. Confusion.

Song 6. Irmos

In the abyss of sinful possession, I call upon the abyss beyond the reach of Thy mercy, lift me up from aphids, God.

Solo. And my God and Lord have accepted your purity, your complete cleansing, and your brother the Theologian.

Solo. Having completed your life with holiness, having boldly hoped for wisdom, you lay down on the glorious Persian, and drew grace from there.

Glory. In the great and divine radiance of your theology, you have enlightened the entire glorious universe, and illuminated it with the trisolar light.

And now. Theotokos. N for the space of will, another earthly heaven, spread out Thee to the pure Mother of God, and appeared from Thee. Confusion.

Glory, even now. Kontakion, tone 2. IN whoever confesses your beauty is a virgin; You pour forth miracles, and pour out healings, and pray for our souls, as the Theologian and friend of Christ.

Ikos. To lead to the heights of heaven and to test the depths of the sea is daring and incomprehensible. As it is impossible to comb out the stars and the sand of the sea, the sice and theologian say with dissatisfaction: Christ is the crown of this, He loved the crown, He also reclined on His chest, and at the Last Supper ate with Him, as the Theologian and friend of Christ.

Song 7. Irmos

The command of the lawless tormentor was contrary, the flame rose high: Christ extended spiritual coolness to the godly children, and they are blessed and glorified.

Solo. Shining with divine light, you clearly theologized the Holy Spirit, emanating from the beginningless Father, and resting on the Son inseparably, as if consubstantial.

Solo. Blessedly place in you, the righteous sun of the village, the ever-moving sky, those who have made you, and in your theological language, preached by Christ, beloved, and glorified.

Glory. The word of divine power came from your broadcasts, most blessed and wonderful, and your most peaceful Gospel flowed around the whole earth with the teaching of majesty.

And now. Theotokos. P eloquent conception, incorruptible birth You showed the only One, having remained most pure, for You conceived God above all beings, Pure, who was faithful to man for salvation and deliverance. Confusion.

Song 8. Irmos

The fire of fire is sometimes in Babylon, the children divided, the Chaldeans are scorching by God's command, but the faithful are cooling, singing, bless all the works of the Lord the Lord.

Solo. I am a flash of lightning lightning passing by, you appeared more blessed than the universe, purity with luminosity, virginity with radiance, and piety with teaching, enlightening the world, beloved of Christ God.

Solo. With body and soul and mind purified, you preached the heavenly Gospel of Christ, and you became an angel in heaven, calling now, bless all the works of the Lord the Lord.

Glory. It is bright from the crowds, the laying on is divine, you were the heavenly temple, and the throne of feeling, and the friend of wisdom, the vessel of theology. As you sing, bless all the works of the Lord the Lord.

And now. Theotokos. D and you took the first oath, and the death sentence of ancient great-grandmothers, from the Virgin Mother of God the Word of God was born, granting immortality to everyone indestructibly. Confusion.

Song 9. Irmos

B the original Parent, the Son, God and Lord, incarnated from the Virgin, appeared to us, to enlighten the darkened, and the scattered brethren. Thus we magnify the all-praised Mother of God.

Chorus with a bow. N now, not in fortune-telling, but face to face, we have been granted to see the flow of food, and the river of humility, and the source of immortality, with which we are now fed, enjoying deification.

Solo. On earth you asked for a seat to receive from Christ, but He will give you His chest, but you reclined on the Theologian, you were enriched with a solid and abiding seat of goodness, an adornment of the apostle.

Glory. You extinguished the godless Greek wisdom, from time immemorial you spoke the word to the wise, and to God there was a word, and God was true, the Word, by whom all things were, visible and invisible.

And now. Theotokos. I By the morning I was found in the morning, in the night of the lives of virginity the dawn shining, the east of the mental sun of truth appeared to us the most pure Mother of God. Confusion.

Zadostoynik: In the Lady’s Lady, accept the prayer of Your servants...

Let go: Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother, and the holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian and all the saints, have mercy and save us, for He is Good and Lover of Mankind. A min.

Brief life of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

The Apostle John was especially loved by the Savior for his sacrificial love and virginal purity. After his calling, the apostle did not part with the Lord and was one of the three disciples whom He especially brought close to Himself. Saint John the Theologian was present at the resurrection of the daughter of Jairus by the Lord and witnessed the Transfiguration of the Lord on Tabor. During the Last Supper, he reclined next to the Lord and, at a sign from the Apostle Peter, leaning against the Savior’s chest, asked about the name of the traitor. The Apostle John followed the Lord when He, bound, was led from the Garden of Gethsemane to the trial of the lawless high priests Annas and Caiaphas, but he was in the bishop's courtyard during the interrogations of his Divine Teacher and relentlessly followed Him along the Way of the Cross, grieving with all his heart. At the foot of the Cross, he wept together with the Mother of God and heard the words of the Crucified Lord addressed to Her from the height of the Cross: “Woman, behold Thy son,” and to him: “Behold Thy Mother” (John 19:26-27). From that time on, the Apostle John, like a loving son, took care of the Blessed Virgin Mary and served Her until Her Dormition, never leaving Jerusalem. After the Dormition of the Mother of God, the Apostle John, according to the lot that fell to him, went to Ephesus and other cities of Asia Minor to preach the Gospel, taking with him his disciple Prochorus. They set off on a ship that sank during a strong storm. All travelers were thrown onto land, only the Apostle John remained in the depths of the sea. Prochorus wept bitterly, having lost his spiritual father and mentor, and went to Ephesus alone. On the fourteenth day of his journey, he stood on the seashore and saw that a wave had thrown a man onto the shore. Approaching him, he recognized the Apostle John, whom the Lord kept alive for fourteen days in the depths of the sea. The teacher and student went to Ephesus, where the Apostle John constantly preached to the pagans about Christ. His preaching was accompanied by numerous and great miracles, so that the number of believers increased every day. At this time, the persecution of Christians by Emperor Nero began (John 19:56-68). The Apostle John was taken to Rome for trial. For confessing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Apostle John was sentenced to death, but the Lord preserved His chosen one. The apostle drank the cup of deadly poison offered to him and remained alive, then emerged unharmed from the cauldron of boiling oil, into which he was thrown on the orders of the tormentor. After this, the Apostle John was sent into captivity on the island of Patmos, where he lived for many years. Along the way to the place of exile, the Apostle John performed many miracles. On the island of Patmos, a sermon accompanied by miracles attracted all the inhabitants of the island to him, whom the Apostle John enlightened with the light of the Gospel. He cast out numerous demons from idol temples and healed a great many sick people. The Magi, through various demonic obsessions, offered great resistance to the preaching of the holy Apostle. Particularly terrifying to everyone was the arrogant sorcerer Kinops, who boasted that he would bring the apostle to death. But the great John - the Son of Thunder, as the Lord Himself called him, by the power of the grace of God acting through him, destroyed all the demonic tricks that Kinops hoped for, and the proud sorcerer died ingloriously in the depths of the sea.

The Apostle John retired with his disciple Prochorus to a deserted mountain, where he imposed a three-day fast on himself. During the apostle’s prayer, the mountain shook and thunder roared. Prokhor fell to the ground in fear. The Apostle John raised him up and ordered him to write down what he would say. “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, says the Lord, who is and who is and who is to come, the Almighty” ( Rev.1:8), - proclaimed the Spirit of God through the holy Apostle. So, around the year 67, the Book of Revelation (Apocalypse) of the holy Apostle John the Theologian was written. This book reveals the secrets of the fate of the Church and the end of the world.

After a long exile, the Apostle John received freedom and returned to Ephesus, where he continued his work, teaching Christians to beware of false teachers and their false teachings. Around 95, the Apostle John wrote the Gospel in Ephesus. He called on all Christians to love the Lord and each other and thereby fulfill the commandments of Christ. The Church calls St. John the Apostle of Love, for he constantly taught that without love a person cannot approach God. Three epistles written by the Apostle John speak about the meaning of love for God and others. Already in old age, having learned about a young man who had strayed from the true path and become the leader of a gang of robbers, the Apostle John went to look for him in the desert. Seeing the holy elder, the culprit began to hide, but the apostle ran after him and begged him to stop, promising to take upon himself the young man’s sin, if only he would repent and not destroy his soul. Touched by the warmth of the holy elder’s love, the young man truly repented and corrected his life.

The Holy Apostle John died at the age of over a hundred years. He far outlived all the other eyewitnesses of the Lord, for a long time remaining the only living witness of the earthly paths of the Savior.

When the time came for the Apostle John to depart to God, he withdrew outside of Ephesus with seven of his disciples and ordered a cross-shaped grave to be prepared for himself in the ground, in which he lay down, telling the disciples to cover him with earth. The disciples kissed their beloved mentor with tears, but, not daring to disobey, fulfilled his command. They covered the saint's face with a cloth and buried the grave. Having learned about this, the rest of the apostle’s disciples came to the place of his burial and dug up the grave, but found nothing in it.

Every year, from the grave of the Holy Apostle John on May 8th, fine dust came out, which the believers collected and were healed of their illnesses. Therefore, the Church celebrates the memory of the holy Apostle John the Theologian on May 8th.

The Lord gave his beloved disciple John and his brother the name “Sons of Thunder” - a messenger of heavenly fire, terrifying in its cleansing power. By this the Savior pointed to the fiery, fiery, sacrificial nature of Christian love, the preacher of which was the Apostle John the Theologian. The eagle is a symbol of the high soaring of theological thought - the iconographic sign of the Evangelist John the Theologian. Of the disciples of Christ, the Holy Church gave the title of Theologian only to Saint John, the seer of the Destinies of God.


Troparion of the Apostle John the Theologian, tone 2

Apostle, beloved of Christ God, / hasten to deliver the people who are unrequited, / who receive you as you fall, / Who have fallen on the Persian side and are accepted. / Pray to Him, O Theologian, / and disperse the present cloud of tongues, / / ​​asking us for peace and great mercy.

Troparion of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, tone 2

Apostle, beloved of Christ God, / hasten to deliver the unrequited people: / he receives you falling / who has fallen on the Persian Accepted, / pray to Him, O Theologian, / and disperse the present darkness of tongues, / asking us for peace and great mercy.

Kontakion of the Apostle John the Theologian, tone 2

Kontakion of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, tone 2

Of your greatness, O virgin, who is the story?/ Do miracles, and pour out healings,/ and pray for our souls,// As the Theologian and friend of Christ.

Magnification to the Apostle John the Theologian

We magnify you, Apostle of Christ and Evangelist John the Theologian, and honor your illnesses and labors, in which you worked in the gospel of Christ.

First prayer to the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

O great apostle, loud-voiced evangelist, most graceful theologian, seer of the mysteries of ineffable revelations, virgin and beloved confidante of Christ John! Accept us, sinners, who come running under your strong intercession. Ask the All-Bountiful Lover of Mankind, Christ our God, Who poured out His Blood for us, His indecent servants, before your eyes, so that He may not remember our iniquities, but may He have mercy on us and deal with us according to His mercy: may He grant us health of soul and body, all prosperity and abundance, instructing us to turn it into the glory of Him, the Creator, Savior and our God, and at the end of our temporary life, may He deliver us from the merciless torturers in the air ordeals, and thus may we reach, led and covered by you, the Mountain of Jerusalem, You have seen His glory in revelation, but now you enjoy endless joys. O great John! Save all Christian cities and countries, this temple, those serving and praying in it, from famine, destruction, cowardice and flood, fire and sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare; deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes and with your prayers turn away the righteous wrath of God from us, and ask for His mercy for us, so that together with you we will be worthy to glorify in the uneven days the most holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer to the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

Oh, great and all-praised Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, confidant of Christ, our warm intercessor and quick helper in sorrows! Pray to the Lord God to grant us forgiveness of all our sins, even if we have sinned from our youth throughout our life in deed, word, thought and all our feelings; At the end of our souls, help us, sinners, to get rid of airy ordeals and eternal torment, and through your merciful intercession we glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Canon 1 to the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, voice 2

Song 1

Irmos: In the depths of fasting, sometimes, the Pharaoh's all-army was a transformed force, but the incarnate Word consumed all-evil sin, the glorified Lord, gloriously glorified.

Blessed is the kingdom of heaven, which you preached we will receive, and having become an interlocutor with the Heavenly Word, believers in your honest preaching and theology, preserve them with your prayers.

Revealing the meaning of the words, you neglected all those who exist on earth and the bonds of nature: and you freed the word of all wisdom, verbally and intelligently, from the dumbness of the wordless living.

We accept the minds of heaven Most theologically, You preached God the Word: in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was to His Parent, and God was the Word, teaching the gospel.

Theotokos: O trokovits of the Divine face, Most Divine in wives they sing of Thee the Good, O Lady of the Theotokos, adorned with the kindnesses of the Divinity: Thou hast given birth to a virtuous Word more than a word.

Song 3

Irmos: The desert flourished, like the pagan barren Church, Lord, by Your coming, and my heart was established in it.

Thou hast revealed the Trinity with thy theological tongue, even more than the mind, the mystery, to Blessed John: in it my heart is established.

I am your tongue, the writing reed of the All-Holy Spirit, signifying Your Honest and Divine Gospel in God's writing.

You have drawn an abyss of wisdom from all wisdom; you have rested with God-wise boldness on the Source of wisdom: and of this you were the Preacher of God.

Theotokos: We honor the Virgin and Mother of God, for she was the All-Immaculate Intercessor of salvation for us, and delivered the world through Your prayers.

Sedalen, voice 8.

Song 4

Irmos: You came from the Virgin, not an intercessor, nor an Angel, but the Lord Himself, incarnate, and you saved me as a whole man. Thus I call to Thee: glory to Thy power, O Lord.

With the word of the Theologian it is worthy of display, having taught that Divinity most gracefully in secret, and having taught the structure of man the ineffable.

Having acquired a divine and virginal body, you were a temple, living and animated, glorious, and the most sacred dwelling of the All-Sung Trinity.

With the birth of the Most Pure Virgin, you were honored, O blessed virgin, and you appeared as a brother to Him who chose you and made you a disciple of the Theologian.

Theotokos: And healing Eve’s ancient crime, the All-Immaculate and Most Pure One was inhabited by the Most Divine One, who imagined all of me to have fallen.

Song 5

Irmos: Thou art the giver of God and man, O Christ God: by Thee, O Lord, didst thou bring the imams to Thy Father of Light from the night of ignorance.

The heavenly mind of the Theologian, you appeared by grace, the whole world was brought closer to the Beginning of Light, and through your pure vision we adored it.

With my pure, and holy, God-inspired lips, and most pure lips, you preached your Gospel: and you offered common salvation to all the faithful.

With Christ, living from infancy, the organ of grace from Him was offered to you, we study theology, and we teach the glory of the Trinity more than nature.

Theotokos: We remember Your words, We bless You now: Through You, the All-Immaculate, unspeakable bliss and ageless life are truly received.

Song 6

Irmos: I was lying in the abyss of sin, I call upon the unfathomable abyss of Thy mercy: from aphids, O God, lift me up.

And Jesus, my God and Lord, accept your purity and your all-perfect holiness, your brother the Theologian.

Having completed your holy life, having placed your trust in your heart, you reclined on the glorious Persian side of Wisdom, and from there you drew grace.

In the great and Divine radiance of your Theology, you have enlightened the entire glorious universe, and illuminated it with the Trisolar light.

Theotokos: Heaven, expansive by will, another earthly heaven, spread Thee to the Pure Mother of God, and appeared from Thee.

Kontakion, tone 2

In your glory, virgin, who is the story? Execute miracles, and pour out healings, and pray for our souls, as the Theologian and friend of Christ.


Song 7

Irmos: The blatant command of the lawless tormentor raised the flames high, but Christ spread the spiritual dew as a godly youth, He is blessed and glorified.

Shining with Divine light, You clearly theologized the Holy Spirit, emanating from the Originless Father, and resting in the Son without departing, as being Consubstantial.

In you, blessed one, place the Sun of truth: you made heaven ever moving, and Christ, beloved, glorified, preached with your theological tongue.

The word of your power, the Divine broadcast, came forth, most blessed and wonderful, and your most peaceful Gospel filled the whole land of dogmas with majesty.

Theotokos: Eloquent conception, imperishable Christmas You showed the One, the Virgin who abided: for you conceived God above all, the Pure One, the former Man, faithful for salvation and deliverance.

Song 8

Irmos: Sometimes the fiery fire in Babylon divided the action, scorching the Chaldeans by God's command, and watering the faithful, singing: Bless all the works of the Lord, the Lord.

I am a lightning lightning passing through the skin, the universe, the blessed one, you appeared, the purity of lordship, the radiance of virginity, and the piety of dogmas, enlightening the world, beloved, Christ God.

Having cleansed your body and soul and mind, you preached the Heavenly Gospel of Christ: and having become an angel in heaven, you now call: bless all the works of the Lord, the Lord.

From the crowds it was bright, the laying of the Divine, you were the heavenly temple, and the throne of feeling, and the companion of wisdom, the organ of Theology, singing: bless, all the works of the Lord, the Lord.

Theotokos: Yes, having destroyed the first oath, and the death condemnation of the ancient foremother, you were born from the Virgin Mother of God to the Word of God, granting immortality to everyone indestructibly.

Song 9

Irmos: The original Parent, the Son, God and Lord, incarnated from the Virgin, appeared to us, darkened to enlighten, squandered to his fellow man. Thus we magnify the all-sung Mother of God.

Now, not in fortune-telling, but face to face, you have been rewarded with the sweetness of seeing the stream: both the river of peace and the source of immortality: which we drink now, enjoying deification.

You asked for an earthly seat to receive from Christ, but He gives you His chest: you reclined on the Theologian’s bed, you were enriched with a firm and abiding seat of goodness, an adornment of the Apostles.

With wisdom you extinguished the godless Greeks, in the beginning there was the Word, wisely proclaiming, and to God the Word, and truly God is the Word, in Whom all things were, visible and invisible.

Theotokos: By morning I have found the morning in the night of life, the dawns of virginity shining, the east of the Sun of mental truth revealed to us, the All-Pure Mother of God.


Canon 2 to the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, tone 6

Song 1

Irmos: I, having walked on dry land in Israel, in the abyss with my feet, seeing the persecutor Pharaoh being drowned, I sing a victorious song to God, crying out.

Into the depths of the spirit, I was illuminated by thought, and you clearly told us the terrible Christmas, crying out to the Theologian: in the beginning was the Word of God.

We bow down to the multitude of misfortunes, passions, sorrows, and fierce ones that we find, by faith we resort to you, O Theologian, be your helper and servant.

The passions of our souls are fierce, like a doctor who has healed wisely, delivered us from eternal condemnation and fire through your intercession.

Theotokos: Having conceived us for the sake of the former Man, pray to God, Pure One, on the Day of Judgment to show mercy to us, who have sinned so much against Him.

Song 3

Irmos: N is holy, even as Thou art, O Lord my God, who hath lifted up the horn of Thy good faithful, and established us upon the rock of Thy confession.

Having conversed with me in a bright and pure way to the Word, the most blessed Theologian, you secretly learned from Him those who are above the manifest word, and you enlightened all creation.

Deliver from me the fierce sins, most blessed, binding me with love to the Lord and God, Whom you loved warmly, and Whom you were called the Theologian.

Thou hast been given to us as a protector and intercessor, and a deliverer, and a prayer book to the Lord, and a doer of miracles, and a source of healing, O Theologian. We also honor you.

Theotokos: When the Word, Who from You was incarnate inexpressibly, the Mother of God, ascended to the Tree of the Cross, entrusted to the virgin disciple as the Virgin Mary.

Sedalen, voice 8

You lay down on wisdom and learned the wisdom of those who exist, and you thundered divinely: in the beginning was the Word, having kindly written the first beginningless Nativity, and you preached the incarnation of the Word to everyone. In the same way, with your tongue, as if you have caught tongues, by the grace of the Spirit you study the ends, and enlighten miracles, O Theologian Apostle, pray to Christ God to grant remission of sins to those who celebrate love in your holy memory.

Song 4

Irmos: Christ is my strength, God and Lord, the honest Church sings divinely, crying out, celebrating the Lord with pure meaning.

You have given the Words more glorious to drink with apples, you have dried up all the sunflowers, the muddy waters of wickedness have dried up more piously: for this reason we honor you.

To repost the girdle and orb, I pray, weakened by all sorts of inflictions on my soul, with all wisdom, fleeing from unclean enemies to your shelter.

The temple of the Divine Spirit, who sit in your Divine temple by faith, show the temples of God to the Theologian through your intercession.

Theotokos: Let us praise the divine temple of God, the Holy Virgin, we are all blessed, deified by Her, and delivered from the cruel.

Song 5

Irmos: In Thy divine light, O Blessed One, illumine the souls of Thy morning with love, I pray, Lead Thee, the Word of God, the True God, crying out from the darkness of sin.

In the morning I shone forth as if I were dry on the earth, clearly preaching the mental east, Apostle, the world, who came in the flesh, and destroyed the darkness of polytheism.

With your sacred theologies, you have given water to every soul, O holy preacher Apostle. In the same way I call to you: give my dry heart all its sins to drink.

Having been wounded by the arrows of the enemy, heal me entirely, wisely, through your intercession, I pray: and guide me on the path of God, always erring in iniquity.

Theotokos: When you appeared with your beloved disciple at the Cross of Your Son, the All-Immaculate One, you groaned and wept, and you marveled at His great compassion for man.

Song 6

Irmos: The sea of ​​life, raised in vain by misfortunes and storms, flowed to Your quiet refuge crying to You: lift up my belly from aphids, O Most Merciful One.

Be like a scribbler's reed, your truly Theological tongue, writing down the true understanding, and the newest law, on the tablets of the Theologian of our hearts.

He has rooted out the branches of wickedness, as if he were a most abundant cultivator: instill in my soul the fear of God, glorious, prosperous fruitfulness of virtues.

From the son of the Virgin Thee, from thee who passed by manifestly named: with her, pray, to be in the position of all the sons of God, ever-memorable, doing what is pleasing to Him.

Theotokos: In the likeness of flesh, God is known by man from You, the All-Immaculate One: Pray to Him always, our flesh of wisdom, All-pure, mortify the destructive.

Kontakion, tone 2

In your glory, virgin, who is the story? perform miracles, and pour out healings, and pray for our souls, as the Theologian and friend of Christ.


To lead into the heights of heaven and to experience the depths of the sea is daring and incomprehensible: just as it is impossible to count the stars and the seaside sand, it is enough for a woman below even the Theologian to say: with the heads of that crown is Christ, Whom you loved, crowning: He also reclined on his chest, and at the Last Supper I am with Him, as the Theologian and friend of Christ.

Song 7

Irmos: The angel made the venerable furnace of the venerable youth, but the Chaldeans scorched the command of God, admonishing the tormentor to cry out: blessed art thou, God, our fathers.

Let us sing the sound of the thunder to the fullest extent of the Theologian: by whom every true hearing is thundered and taken from the earth, and Christ is magnified, the Creator of all.

The beauty of your house, which is visible to everyone, enlightens everyone with the thought: in it, the ever-gathering beauty of God, we sing of all kinds of Creator, and we praise you faithfully as our representative.

I go to your brightly shining star, to be enlightened by your luminous radiance, disciple, we pray to Christ, getting rid of the darkness of passions and misfortunes of all kinds through your intercession.

Theotokos: Let us bless you, the All-Immaculate One, who gave birth to the Blessed Lord, with the blessings of God you have destroyed the cursed human nature and renewed our decaying decay.

Song 8

Irmos: And from the flames of the saints you poured dew, and you burned the righteous sacrifice with water: for Christ did everything only as He wanted. We extol You forever.

With a rhetorical tongue, O blessed one, you have done good, and having died in malice, you have grasped all the life of those who received your sacred sermon. The same we honor, as the secret of the ineffable.

I have appeared in another paradise, your Divine house, miracles like flowers, cheering all souls, Apostle, and driving away the stench of passions.

O God, my God, attend to me, and deliver me from the enemies who find me every day, and those who crush my humble heart, having Your Divine disciple praying to You.

Theotokos: And Jesus the Savior, Whom You incarnated from Thy pure blood, O O God-pleased One, ask for mercy from Thy servants and take us away from eternal torment.

Song 9

Irmos: It is impossible for a man to see God; the Angels do not dare to look upon the Worthiness: for by You, O All-Pure One, the Word incarnate appeared as a man. With His majesty, with the Heavenly howls, We please You.

The Lord, the Savior of hours and times, hung on the Cross at midday, and gave you over as a virgin, the blessed One, the Ever-Virgin One, giving you inalienable glory to magnify you.

With the heavenly Divine Powers, and with them the Divine hymns, singing and hymning in your holy house, save your honest intercessions, O Apostle of Christ.

In earnestly asking you to save us from all troubles, O blessed theologian, our procession to the Lord, guiding us in spirit, and guiding us on the path of peace, the commandments of the Almighty.

Theotokos: We offer a voice of gratitude to the Mother of God with light and a cry: Rejoice, most exalted throne of God, Rejoice, cloud of light, Rejoice, paradise, Who has been made worthy of heavenly sweets.


I am virgin in soul, and in body I have chosen the blessed Word, the Theologian is virgin, and that Divinity is wonderful in showing the scribe and servant, who passed away from the earth, did not die, but is alive and immortal in God.

Akathist to the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

Kontakion 1

And chosen by the Lord from the seas of fishermen to preach the Gospel and from catching fish to catch people in the light of true knowledge of God, great Apostle, disciple, friend and confidant of Christ, pray to the only true Lover of mankind, whom you sincerely loved, that he may have mercy on us who seek yours to Him. intercession and those calling you:

Ikos 1

And the angelic powers and every creature of the Creator, Master and Lord, who took on our flesh and appeared on earth for our salvation, having seen Galilee walking by the sea and calling on you and your brother, Blessed John, for the title of apostleship, leave the fishermen’s sea and your father in the ships , from then on you steadily followed the Savior’s footsteps. For this reason we cry out to you:

Rejoice, having forsaken your father according to the flesh for love of Christ; Rejoice, having found the Heavenly Father in Christ.

Rejoice, despiser of the world and all its delights; Rejoice, you who received heavenly goodness as reward.

Rejoice, thou who has completely enslaved the flesh to the spirit; Rejoice, having subdued your spirit to your Sweetest Teacher Jesus.

Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 2

As Christ the Lord walks, the immaculate purity of your heart, not darkened by carnal pleasures, judges you to be worthy of the sight of mysterious revelations, so that, penetrating into the depths of theology, you will be able to preach it to the hearing of the whole world. For this reason you were named “son of thunder” by the Lord, and you cried out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

With the mind of true knowledge of God illuminating your soul, you walked after your Good Teacher, learning from the lips of His proceeding wisdom, and for the sake of your perfect kindness and virgin chastity you were loved by Christ your Lord. Hear us slaughter, singing to thee:

Rejoice, kindness to the zealot; Rejoice, guardian of virginity and purity.

Rejoice, teacher of love for God and neighbors; Rejoice, teacher of good morals.

Rejoice, mirror of humility; Rejoice, shining light of Divine grace.

Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 3

You clearly recognized the power of the Divinity of Christ, hidden under the cloud of weak human nature, when our Lord, resurrecting the daughter of Jairus and subsequently being transfigured on Tabor, vouchsafed thee from another two disciples to witness the existence of such glorious miracles. Having realized that Christ is the true God, from the depths of your heart you cried out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

And having great boldness towards Christ the Son of God who loved you, you reclined on His forehead at the Last Supper, and when the Lord prophesied about His betrayer, then you alone dared to ask about his name. For this reason we cry out to you:

Rejoice, beloved disciple of Christ; Rejoice, His friend.

Rejoice, you who recline on the Lord’s feet without restraint; Rejoice, boldly questioning the name of the betrayer.

Rejoice, you who are closest to Christ more than others; Rejoice, O you have laid up the words of the Lord as a treasure of great value in your heart.

Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 4

During the storm of rage and malicious fury of the hard-hearted and ungrateful Jews, when the Son of God arose against Christ, then all His disciples, once embraced with fear, fled; but you, having a stronger love for Him, even to the Cross and death, you did not retreat from Him, looking at all the torments of Christ and sympathizing with your heart to the Virgin Mother of God, crying and weeping. Wondering at the extreme mercy and long-suffering of God, you cried out to Him who suffered for the human race: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

In the same place, the Savior of the world, nailed to the Cross for our sins, and seeing you and His Mother coming, gave your son away to the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, saying to Her: “Woman, behold Your son,” and again to you: “Behold your Mother.” We, marveling at the love of Christ manifested in you, sing to the Lord:

Rejoice, son of God, who was honored to be the Mother; Rejoice, for this reason especially to Christ, as if by some kind of spiritual kinship, you have been assigned.

Rejoice, thou who has served the Mother of God worthily; Rejoice, O you who, like your mother, have had all honor with you.

Rejoice, and in the Assumption you conducted Her honorable and holy body to the grave; Rejoice, with the shining branch of paradise brought by the Archangel Gabriel, who preceded Her to her bed.

Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 5

The oh-so-great star appeared in Asia, going forth to preach the word of God, as if it had been shown to you by lot. But on your way, the Lord allow you to be thrown into the sea: the grace of God, always abiding with you, kept you alive in the waters of the sea, and after fourty days he commanded a wave of seas, so that, foaming, he would spew you onto the shore. When your disciple Prokhor, who had already wept a lot over your death, saw this, he cried out to the miracle-working God with a great voice: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

In Ephessia, the inhabitants of the glorious miracle you created, when the youth Domnas, who was killed by a demon, through your prayer you resurrected, hastening with a loud voice the power of God, whom you preached to them, and having been delivered from vile idolatry, I cry out to you:

Rejoice, servant of the true God; Rejoice, demon driver.

Rejoice, you quicken the dead by the power of Christ; Rejoice, with this you return life and health to people.

Rejoice, calling those who are darkened in mind to the Light of Truth; Rejoice, instructing the right faith through enlightenment to virtue.

Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 6

You were a God-bearing preacher of the word of God in Ephesus, and, zealous for the spread of the grace of the Gospel, you confirmed your teaching with great signs and miracles, and you overthrew the temple of Artemidino with a single prayer, so that by seeing this, the pagans would know the One God, to Him we cry: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

In Ozsiah in Ephesus, like the sun, the light of the faith of Christ, preached by you, when the evil Dometian raised persecution against Christians; then you too, as a zealous confessor in the name of Christ, have been sent by the dioceses to Rome, where you suffered terrible torment. For those sake, we piously proclaim to you:

Rejoice, slain for the sake of Christ’s confession; Rejoice, having drunk the cup of deadly poison without harm.

Rejoice, you were not boiled in a cauldron of boiling oil; Rejoice, preserved intact by the power of Christ in fierce torment.

Rejoice, thou who hast terrified Caesar, who tormented thee, by thy unharmedness; Rejoice, for this people are assured of the greatness of God, revered by Christians.

Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 7

When the tormentor sees the cruelest torments that you have suffered from him, but was unable to kill you, then, imagining you to be immortal, he condemns you to exile on the island of Patmos. But you, obeying the Providence of God, which was so favorable, you sang with gratitude to God, who arranges everything for good: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

You showed new miracles to the pagans, seeking to convert them to the saving faith of Christ, when I was sailing into your exile, by your command the youth who drowned the sea was alive on the ship, the storm was tamed, the water sent was turned into sweet, the warrior was healed from an early illness, and upon arrival yours in Patmos, the inquisitive demon, the prophet of the future, he was expelled from the one possessed by him. Then all who see such a wondrous sign performed by you come to the knowledge of the Trinitarian God and are baptized. We please you like this:

Rejoice, commander of the sea and storms; Rejoice, drive out satanic spirits from people.

Rejoice, you heal illnesses with a single word; Rejoice, give help to everyone in need.

Rejoice, you who astonished idolaters with your miracles; Rejoice, thou who through thy unfaithful teachings has strengthened the true faith.

Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 8

It is strange to see the priest of Apollo, as if with one word you cast down the temple of their god and all the idols that were in it to the ground. Wondering about this and angry at your boldness, you went to a certain sorcerer, who had great power from Satan in himself, asking him to take revenge on the dishonor of their god; He, blind in soul, not knowing the power that dwells in you, attempted to frighten you with various ghosts and incite the people against you: otherwise the accursed himself plunged into the sea and died there, powerless by the former demon to save him, for you forbade them in the name of Jesus Christ The Son of God, Who the people glorified, witnessed miracles, singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Having been filled with the love of the Divine, you appeared as the receptacle of the gifts of the Holy Spirit: you prophesied the future, you proclaimed the distant, as if present, the sick, you healed the sick; you gave. Take therefore from us, sinners, this praise:

Rejoice, receptacle of God's grace; Rejoice, dwelling place of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, you miraculous river of healing power in illnesses; Rejoice, source of instructions leading to the knowledge of the right faith.

Rejoice, you expose the deceit of the evil Satan; Rejoice, faithful one, protect him from the snares.

Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 9

Zealously destroying all iniquity from among people, to whom you were sent, you exposed the deception of idolaters, who worshiped the demon, who appeared to people in the form of a great wolf, and you brought many of them to the faith of Christ: you destroyed the same temple of Bacchus with your prayer, and You turned the sorcerer Nukian, together with his household, to repentance through your miracles. Tiy, having turned from sin to salvation, silently cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

In the flow of human wisdom it is not possible to utter, below the mind of a carnal man to comprehend, even as you announced to us about the beginningless existence of the Trinitarian God: like Moses, in the thunder and flashing on the mountain, you received from God the secret of theology and you proclaimed to the world, as in the beginning there was no The Word, inseparable from time immemorial to the Father and guilty of all things, possessing the Light of Life, Whom darkness cannot embrace. Illuminated by such illumination of the light of Divine Truth, we honor you as the secret one of the Beginning Trinity and sing of you as the most perfect Theologian:

Rejoice, eagle, soaring to the very fiery Throne of God; Rejoice, trumpet, who announced to the world the Eternal and Beginning God.

Rejoice, you who explain humanity and the Divinity of Christ to us; Rejoice, you proclaim to us the wondrous words and instructions of the Lord in your Gospel.

Rejoice, teaching us love by deed and truth; Rejoice, you promise to those who abid in love that God will abid in them.

Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 10

From the mouth of human souls, you taught people in every way to believe in Christ the Son of God, to have a clear conscience and to love one another, so that they could not only here, but also in the villages of the righteous, sing sweetly to Almighty God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

From the shadow of Mount Jerusalem, seeing in revelation, you told us what you saw there and what they will be until the end of the world, telling us this in allegorical words that only the mind, having wisdom, can understand. Marveling at the gift of prophecy bestowed upon you by God, we sing to you:

Rejoice, having transcended human nature through the knowledge of the Existing and the Like and the Coming; Rejoice, receptacle of mysteries inconceivable by the human mind, the former.

Rejoice, you who have seen the ineffable revelation of God; Rejoice, thou who teachest the faithful.

Rejoice, having known the joys of the saints in this life; Rejoice, now enjoy them in abundance.

Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 11

Bring a song of thanksgiving to you, holy Apostle John, Christian, who, having come into poverty and having nothing to repay his creditor, fell into despair and sought to kill himself; You, a preacher of love for your neighbors, wanting to save him from temporary and eternal death, sign of the cross You turned the hay into gold and handed it over to him, so that with this gold he can repay his debts to the lender, and saturate his house, and let him sing to God, who has blessed him with you: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Your vetosary soul, having reached the measure of perfect age, has become aware of the approach of the time when it is fitting for the corruptible to inherit incorruption and for a mortal to inherit the promised immortality. Having ended your earthly life, you commanded your disciples to cover your body to the top with earth; Having heard about this, the brethren in the city came to your tomb and, having dug it up, found nothing in it. Moreover, having realized that your change was not created by an ordinary human death, I hurried to you like this:

Rejoice, O eagle, who renewed your youth by approaching the Sun of the Glory of God; Rejoice, for by such a change you have surpassed all the rules of human nature.

Rejoice, according to the promise of your Good Teacher, you are seated on one of the twelve thrones; Rejoice, do hereby bring justice and righteousness among the people of God Israel.

Rejoice, enjoy the sight of the Sweetest Jesus, you reclined to the Unmanly One before His Passion and Resurrection; Rejoice, intercede for us all good things from His mercy.

Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 12

Grace was given quickly from God to that place where your body was given over to the earth, so that on the day of your burial it would emit fine dust for the healing of the sick, showing by this miracle how God glorifies those who love Him, and all, seeing this, unceasingly with their hearts and lips throughout the days and in the night we cry to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your labors in the apostleship and the miracles and healings that you exuded and exude with the grace of the Holy Spirit who dwells in you, we praise God, who has given us such a guide, instructing us on the path of salvation and being merciful about our infirmities. Accept from us, holy Apostle, this praise:

Rejoice, most zealous evangelist of the faith of Christ; Rejoice, most excellent teacher of the Church of Christ.

Rejoice, the beginning and foundation of theologians; Rejoice, announcer of the Divine Mysteries.

Rejoice, rule of virginity and chastity; Rejoice, all the faithful who come running to your intercession, quick helper and patron.

Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 13

O glorious and all-praised Apostle and Evangelist, beloved confidant of Christ, John! By your all-powerful intercession to your All-Good Teacher and our Master and Lord, ask us for all the good temporal and eternal and Christian end of our life, so that with you and with the angelic faces in the village of the righteous we will sing to the Trinitarian God: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos of “Angelic powers...” and the 1st kontakion “Chosen by the Lord from the sea of ​​fishermen...”.


O great Apostle, loud-voiced Evangelist, most graceful Theologian, master of the secrets of ineffable revelations, virgin and beloved confidante of Christ John! Accept us, sinners, who come running under your strong intercession. Ask the All-Bountiful Lover of Mankind, Christ our God, Who poured out His Blood for us, His indecent servants, before your eyes, so that He may not remember our iniquities, but may He have mercy on us and deal with us according to His mercy: may He grant us health of soul and body, all prosperity and abundance, instructing us to turn it into the glory of Him, the Creator, Savior and our God, and at the end of our temporary life, may He deliver us from the merciless torturers in the air ordeals, and thus may we reach, led and covered by you, the Mountain of Jerusalem, You have seen His glory in revelation, but now you enjoy endless joys. O great John! Save all Christian cities and countries, this temple, those serving and praying in it from famine, destruction, cowardice and flood, fire and sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare; deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes and with your prayers turn away the righteous wrath of God from us, and ask for His mercy for us, so that together with you we will be worthy to glorify in the uneven days the most holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Akathist to the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian (other)

Kontakion 1

Chosen from the depths of the fishermen to preach the Gospel, and from fishing to catch people in the light of true knowledge of God, O great Apostle, disciple, friend and confidant of Christ, pray to the One True Lover of Mankind, whom you have loved with seraphim love, that He may have mercy on us who seek your intercession to Him, and calling to you: Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Ikos 1

Angelic powers and every creature of the Creator, Master and Lord, who took upon us our flesh, and appeared on earth for our salvation, having seen him walking by the sea of ​​Galilee, and calling on you with your brother, Blessed John, for the title of apostleship, leave the fishermen's sea and your father in ships, you have steadily followed in the Savior’s footsteps. For this reason we cry out to you: Rejoice, thou caught in the midst of Christ. Rejoice, truly a fisher of men has appeared. Rejoice, having left your home and parents for the sake of the Lord. Rejoice, despiser of the world and all its delights. Rejoice, marvelous guardian of purity and chastity. Rejoice, beloved by Christ God. Rejoice, chosen and faithful disciple of Christ. Rejoice, thou who art numbered among the apostolic council. Rejoice, thou who understandest the truths of the Kingdom of God. Rejoice, seer of God's destinies. Rejoice, heavenly angel, appearing in the form of an earthly man. Rejoice, you who have been named the Apostle of Love. Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 2

Seeing Christ the Lord the immaculate purity of your heart, not darkened by carnal passions, judge that you are worthy of the sight of mysterious revelations, thus penetrating into the depths of theology, you will be able to preach it in the hearing of the whole world and for this reason, for the sake of calling you the son of Gromov. You have irrevocably followed Christ, constantly singing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Illuminating your soul with the mind of true knowledge of God, you walked according to your good Teacher, learning from His mouth the proceeding wisdom, and for the sake of your perfect gentleness and virgin chastity, you were loved by Christ your Lord. Hear now us singing to you: Rejoice, receptacle of the gracious power of God. Rejoice, preacher of the wisdom of God. Rejoice, divinely acquisitive mind. Rejoice, Thou who has left us the Gospel of Christ. Rejoice, for through you the Holy Spirit gave the gift of words of salvation. Rejoice, for through your writings you reveal to us the secrets of faith. Rejoice, you who carry the light of divine teaching in your heart. Rejoice, for you illuminate us with the same light. Rejoice, all-pervading seed of the word of God in the hearts of many people. Rejoice, having guided those to the knowledge of the true faith. Rejoice, you who enlightened the entire universe with your theology. Rejoice, for you are called the Church of Christ the Theologian. Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 3

You clearly knew the power of the Divinity of Christ, hidden under the cloud of weak human nature, when you resurrected the daughter of Jairus, and then you were transfigured on Tabor, granting you and the other two only disciples to witness the existence of such glorious miracles. Having come to know Christ the true God, from the depths of your heart you cried out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having great boldness towards Christ, the Son of God, who loved you, you reclined on His forehead at the Last Supper, and when the Lord spoke about His betrayer, then you alone dared to ask about his name. For this reason we cry out to you: Rejoice, you who have been named beloved disciple by the Lord. Rejoice, His close friend. Rejoice, the apostles live in mutual brotherly love with others. Rejoice, having been established on the unshakable rock of Christ’s commandments. Rejoice, resting on the Lord's feet without restraint. Rejoice, boldly questioning the mystery of betrayal. Rejoice, thou who faithfully served the Word incarnate. Rejoice, you have been granted great gifts from Him. Rejoice, received heavenly mind. Rejoice, having glorified God with the light of your virtues. Rejoice, lamp of those who exist in darkness and the shadow of death. Rejoice, you who wrote the law of God’s love on the tablets of our hearts. Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 4

The storm of rage and brutal fury of the hard-hearted and ungrateful Jews nailed Christ God to the Cross, with the will to suffer for all the people, then all His disciples, once embraced with fear, fled; but you, the all-praised apostle, nourishing a love for Him greater than others, looking at all the torments of Christ, you remained at the Cross relentlessly, heartily compassionate with the Virgin, the Mother of God, weeping and weeping, and marveling at the extreme mercy and long-suffering of God, you cried out to the One who suffered for human race: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the Apostle John the Divine voice of the Lord to His Mother, standing at the Cross with you: “Woman, behold your son,” and again to you: “Behold your Mother,” fulfilling the command of the Master and God, you served the mystery of the sonship of the Mother of God through you all believers in Christ. We, who place all our trust in the Great Intercessor and Mother of Light, cry out to you, the Apostle, who served such a mystery: Rejoice, thou vouchsafed to the adoption of God by the Mother. Rejoice, you who are called upon to keep You in earthly life. Rejoice, thou who stood before the Cross of the Savior to the end. Rejoice, having remained faithful to the Lord until death. Rejoice, beloved of the Mother of God. Rejoice, reverent servant of Her. Rejoice, O most holy Virgin Mary, soprayer. Rejoice, doer of Her holy will. Rejoice, you who conducted Her honorable and holy body in Dormition to the grave. Rejoice, with the shining branch of paradise brought by the Archangel Gabriel, who preceded Her to her bed. Rejoice, our faithful intercessor before the Most Pure Virgin Mary. Rejoice, for you are with Her at the throne of Christ pleading for us. Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 5

The God-bearing star appeared in Asia, going out to preach the Word of God, according to the lot that fell upon you, but first the Lord allowed you to be swallowed up in the sea, but the grace of God, always abiding with you, kept you alive in the depths of the sea for forty days, commanded the foaming wave of seas to spew you onto the shore, where your disciple Prokhor saw you, already mourning your death, and with a great voice cried out to the miraculous God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen the inhabitants of Ephessia, the glorious miracle you created, the resurrection of the youth Domnas, who was killed by a demon, staying in the bathhouse, hastening loudly with the power of God, whom you preached to them, and having been delivered from idol worship, I cried to you: Rejoice, illuminated by the rays of God’s grace. Rejoice, full of spiritual fragrance. Rejoice, you have labored well in the gospel of Christ. Rejoice, having led many to the knowledge of the Son of God. Rejoice, calling those who are darkened in mind to the light of truth. Rejoice, loud preacher of the true faith. Rejoice, destroyer of polytheism. Rejoice, you who extinguished idol worship. Rejoice, you who have received invincible strength and power over the demons. Rejoice, for you raised the dead by the power of God. Rejoice, having illuminated the earth with your prayers. Rejoice, glorified by many miracles. Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 6

The God-bearing preacher of the word of God was in Ephesus, and zealous for the gospel of the truth of the Gospel, you reinforced your teaching with terrible and inconvenient signs. With one prayer you destroyed the temple of Artemidino, so that by seeing this the idolaters would recognize the One True God and sing a song of praise to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The light of the faith of Christ, preached by you, arose in Ephesus, when the evil Domitian raised persecution against Christians, then you, as a zealous confessor in the name of Christ, were sent to Rome by the dioceses, where you suffered terrible torment. Moreover, we honor your memory with love and cry out this way: Rejoice, for for the sake of love for the Lord you did not spare your life. Rejoice, undaunted confessor of faith in Christ. Rejoice, destroyer of idols and idols of the pagans. Rejoice, you who have assured the pagans of the greatness of God, who has been revered and assured by Christians. Rejoice, having endured imprisonment and bonds for the sake of truth. Rejoice, slain for the sake of Christ's confession. Rejoice, for you have drunk the cup of deadly poison without harm. Rejoice, you were not boiled in a pot of boiling oil. Rejoice, you who were miraculously saved in severe torment from death. Rejoice, you have surprised Caesar Domitian and his minions. Rejoice, for you have overcome the ferocity of your tormentors. Rejoice, you who put to shame the servants of the devil. Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 7

Although the evil tormentor leads you to idolatry, O holy Apostle; Otherwise, we are strengthened by the grace of God, you have endured the most severe torment and you have in no way departed from the faith of Christ. When it was not possible for wickedness to kill you, then, imagining you to be immortal, you were condemned into exile on the island of Patmos. But you, obeying the providence of God, who was so favorable, you sang with gratitude to God, who arranges all things for good: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

You showed new miracles to the idolater, seeking to turn them to the saving faith of Christ, when I was sailing into your exile, by your command, the youth who drowned the sea on the ship was alive, the storm was tamed, the water sent was turned into sweet, the warrior was healed from a stomach ulcer, and upon arrival yours in Patmos, the inquisitive demon was expelled from Apollonides. Then all who see such an incomprehensible event will come to the knowledge of the Trinitarian God. Therefore, we all bless you, as an Apostle of Christ: Rejoice, filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, O lamp, shining the fire of God's grace upon the pagan world. Rejoice, for the Lord of the harvest has called you to His field. Rejoice, for you have worked well in Togo’s helicopter city. Rejoice, you who sanctified the island of Patmos with your prayers. Rejoice, you who have established this island with the great shrine of Christianity. Rejoice, commander of the sea and the storm. Rejoice, drive out the spirits of evil from people. Rejoice, having delivered us from the drowning of the sea. Rejoice, you heal illnesses with a single word. Rejoice, for you have led many people from the darkness of unbelief into the wonderful light of Christ. Rejoice, for even now you teach the wisdom of Christ to the faithful. Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 8

It is strange not to see the priest of the temple of Apollo, as the house of which they revered God in madness, you cast down to the ground with a single word: even more marvelous and angry at your boldness, you went to the sorcerer Kinops, a zealous representative of demons, so that the desecration of their god would be avenged. . He, blind in soul, not knowing the power that dwells in you, tried to frighten you with dreams and various ghosts, and move the people against you, but the accursed one, hoping for his own sorcery, plunged into the sea, and there he drowned, calling on the powerless to save his demon, forbidden by you in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Whom the people glorified, witnessing this miracle, singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Entirely filled with the love of the Divine, you were the receptacle of the gifts of the Holy Spirit: the future prophet, who stood as if present nearby, revealing, healing the sick, the wife of Anphipat, who suffered in the illness of birth, as soon as you entered her house, you bestowed relief. Receive, therefore, from us sinners the great praise: Rejoice, thou who hast acquired great boldness towards Christ our God. Rejoice, you who have received from Him power over unclean spirits. Rejoice, you who destroyed a pagan temple by the power of God. Rejoice, you who strengthened the pagans in the truer faith. Rejoice, thou who destroyest the plans of the opponents of the faith. Rejoice, thunder, defeat the ancient serpent and his angels. Rejoice, for you have exposed the deceit of the evil Satan. Rejoice, for you protect all the faithful from his wiles. Rejoice, deliver us from the darkness of unreason and passions. Rejoice, helper to all those seeking salvation and true enlightenment. Rejoice, you have shown great zeal in preaching the truth. Rejoice, you who left us the words of eternal life. Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 9

Zealously destroying all iniquity from among people, to them you were sent quickly, you overthrew the temple of Bacchus with a single word, performed miracles on Nukian the sorcerer, made a meek lamb out of a wolf, and brought you to the faith of Christ, and the mother, frantically inciting prodigal sin to her son, denouncing , you turned to repentance, and they, having turned from sin to salvation, silently cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The floridity of human wisdom cannot be uttered, nor can the mind of a carnal man be comprehended below, even if you announced to us about the beginningless existence of the Trinitarian God: like Moses, in the thunder and flashing on the mountain, you received from God the secret of Theology, and you proclaimed to the world, which in the beginning was the Word , Inseparable to the Father from time immemorial, and guilty to all that exists, having the light of eternal life, which darkness cannot embrace. In the same way, we honor you as the mystery of the beginningless Trinity, and we sing of you as the most perfect theologian: Rejoice, chosen vessel of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, adornment and glory to the Church of Christ. Rejoice, you who have ascended to the heights of theology. Rejoice, you who preached the Indivisible Trinity to the world. Rejoice, having taught us the theology of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, you who illuminate the faithful with the Trisolar Light. Rejoice, loud witness to the truth of the Resurrection of Christ. Rejoice, for you were taught true theology by God the Word Himself. Rejoice, eagle, soaring to the very fiery throne of God. Rejoice, for you have given the whole sunflower to drink with the Divine teaching. Rejoice, you who have shown the image of true wisdom. Rejoice, having taught us love for God and neighbor. Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 10

To save human souls, you taught people in every way to believe in Christ, the Son of God, to have a clear conscience, and to love each other, not only here, but also in the villages of the righteous, sing joyfully to Almighty God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Having seen the walls of the mountainous Jerusalem in revelation, you taught us the prophecy of what is and will be until the end of the world, revealing this to us with allegorical words, and leaving it to those who have the divine mind to understand. Marveling at such wisdom bestowed upon you by God, we sing to you: Rejoice, viewer of God's ineffable revelations. Rejoice, having transcended human nature through the knowledge of Alpha and Omega. Rejoice, you who communicate the hidden Word of God's wisdom. Rejoice, you who preach unspeakable joy and eternal life to the world. Rejoice, enlightenment of theological minds. Rejoice, for you have guided us to a heavenly inheritance. Rejoice, O luminary, kindled by the flame of Divine love. Rejoice, for from the east of the sun even to the west your name is praiseworthy. Rejoice, you have received the power to bind and solve our sins from the Lord. Rejoice, minister of the mysteries of Christ. Rejoice, having magnified Christ the Creator of all through your teaching. Rejoice, having known the joys of the saints in this life. Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 11

Singing, like a grateful sacrifice, bring to you, Saint Apostle John, this Christian, who came into poverty, and was unable to repay his debts to his creditor, fell into despair, and sought to put himself to death by violent death: but you, who love mankind, wishing to deliver him both temporary and eternal deaths, turning the hay into gold with the sign of the cross, you handed it over to this poor man, so that with that gold he could repay his debts to the lender, and feed his house, and let God, who through you benefited him, sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

You were the light-receiving lamp of the true light, Apostle John, a guide to the True God for those who sat in the darkness of polytheism. When you knew that the time of your departure to your beloved Lord was approaching, then you commanded your disciples to bury you alive, and the next morning they came to your tomb, and having dug it up, found nothing in it, knowing then that this miracle had been accomplished by the blessing of God, and hastening to you tako: Rejoice, like the sun shining in virtues. Rejoice, holy end of earthly life. Rejoice, you who ascended in glory from earth to Heaven. Rejoice, you have received the crown of immortality from the Heavenly King. Rejoice, shone with eternal light in Heaven. Rejoice, for you enlighten us with the blessed light. Rejoice, bright star, leading everyone to the Sun of Truth, Christ. Rejoice, lamp, illuminating the darkness of our souls with love. Rejoice, thou who art seated on one of the twelve thrones, according to the promise of thy good Teacher. Rejoice, do hereby bring justice and justice among the people of God Israel. Rejoice, wondrous teacher of all those seeking salvation. Rejoice, for you offer the incense of your prayers for the whole world of Christians to Christ God. Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 12

Grace was given quickly from God to the place where your body was given over to the earth, so that on the day of your burial it would emit fine dust for the healing of the sick, showing by this miracle how God glorifies those who love Him, and all, seeing this, unceasingly with their hearts and souls in the days and in the night we cry to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your works in the apostleship and the miracles and healings that you exuded, and exuding the grace of the Holy Spirit who dwells in you, we praise God, who has given us such a guide, instructing us on the path of salvation, and having mercy on us sinners. Accept from us, holy Apostle, this praise: Rejoice, partaker of the sacred face of the Apostles. Rejoice, unquenchable lamp of the Church of Christ. Rejoice, for the Angels rejoice with you in Heaven. Rejoice, for people on earth praise you with love. Rejoice, great consolation for all Christians. Rejoice, for you invisibly guard many temples and monasteries in your name. Rejoice, Orthodox people Russian beloved. Rejoice for our country and people before God and Most Holy Theotokos I ask warm. Rejoice, reward those who love and honor you with holy love. Rejoice, O all-generous representative for us. Rejoice, for you bow down to the Most Blessed Mother of the Lord to intercede for us sinners. Rejoice, for through your intercession with Christ God you have given us eternal salvation. Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 13

Oh, glorious and all-praised Apostle and Evangelist, confidante of Christ, beloved John, by your favorable and all-powerful intercession to your all-good Teacher and our Master and Lord, deliver us from all troubles, sorrows and illnesses, ask us for all the good things, temporary and eternal, and the Christian death our belly, and with you in Heaven with the angelic faces and all the saints we will sing to God: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos: “The representative angel...” and the 1st kontakion: “Angelic powers...”.

About the rules of the saints the Apostle

In all collections of rules of the Orthodox Eastern Church, the first place is occupied by the rules of the holy apostles.

From the name of these rules we can conclude that they are attributed to the holy apostle. But we have no evidence that these rules, in the very form and composition in which they are found in the assemblies, were set forth by any of the apostles in writing like the apostolic epistles. Likewise, in the code of apostolic writings, the apostolic rules were not established.

But the activity of the holy apostles in planting Christianity and building the Church of Christ was not limited only to their written instructions and institutions. Much more than what is contained in the apostolic epistles was handed down orally to the churches they founded and especially to the primates of these churches - the bishops, disciples and successors of the apostles, who in turn were to teach what they heard from the apostles to their successors (2 Tim. 1:2). The rules of the holy apostles, which were not written, but were orally handed down by the apostles, were collected and written down and took first place in the collections of rules of the Orthodox Church.

This is confirmed primarily by: 1) the agreement of the apostolic rules in content and essence with the teaching on the same subjects set forth in New Testament. Many of the apostolic canons present the closest resemblance to the teaching of the Gospel and to the apostolic epistles, not only in spirit and essence, but also in expression; Only in the Gospel and Epistles are the commandments presented in a coherent presentation, and in the rules in the form of special separate definitions, similar to the definitions of laws. Thus the Savior says: Whoever lets his wife go without saying an adulterer commits adultery, and whoever understands a prostitute commits adultery(Matt. 5, 32, 19, 17). Apostolic Canon 48 defines the further consequences of this: if any layman, having cast out his wife, understands another, or someone else rejected: let him be excommunicated, etc. So in the letters of the Apostle Paul to Timothy (1 Tim. 3, 2-13) and to Titus (1, 5-9), in the epistles of the Apostle Peter (1 Pet. 5, 1-4) and in the epistles of the Apostle John (3 John 1-10) the conditions that must be met by those entering the clergy, the moral duties of clergy , family and work. The same requirements and regulations are contained in apostolic rules 17, 25, 42, 43, 44, 61, 80, in which it is either prohibited to accept into the clergy those who do not have the qualities specified in the apostolic epistles, or it is prescribed to depose them if they are found to lack the required qualities upon ordination. The book of the Acts of the Apostles (8, 18-25) tells the story of Simon the Magus, who was condemned by the Apostle Peter for his intention to acquire the gift of the Holy Spirit with money. Apostolic Canon 29 subjects the clergyman who received this dignity with money to ejection and final excommunication, pointing directly at Simon the Magus. The Apostle Paul in 1 Epistle to Timothy (5:19-21) gives this bishop of the Church of Ephesus instructions about the trial of the presbyter. Apostolic Canon 32 speaks of the consequences of the excommunication of a presbyter and a deacon by their bishop. The message lays the foundation, and the rule indicates its further consequence.

2) The agreement of the apostolic rules with the church practice of the first centuries of Christianity leads to the same conclusion. If we consider the apostolic rules in comparison with the church practice of the first centuries; then it is impossible not to see that in this latter much was fulfilled and in effect that was prescribed in the apostolic canons. Throughout the apostolic rules there is a distinction between the three main degrees of hierarchy - episcopal, presbyteral and deaconal. St. Clement of Rome, Ignatius the God-Bearer, Tertullian, Irenaeus testify that in the church in their time, i.e. in the first and second centuries, there was such a division of hierarchy. The apostolic rules instruct not to admit into the clergy bigamists and those who have fallen into grave sins, the Orthodox not to communicate with heretics and excommunicated people, not to repeat true baptism and ordination, to perform baptism through triple immersion in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and not to recognize the baptism of heretics , observe fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays, as well as on Holy Pentecost, but allow Sundays and holidays, and do not disdain marriage and eating meat and wine. Writers of the first three centuries point to all these institutions and decrees as operating in the church.

3) Holy Fathers, Local and Ecumenical Councils give evidence of the apostolic origin and apostolic authority of the rules known as apostolic. Fathers and councils point to these rules as apostolic, place them as the basis for their decisions, and reject customs that have crept into church practice and are contrary to them. So St. Basil the Great (pr. 3. 12), local councils of Antioch (3, 9, 21, 23), Gangra (21), Constantinople (394), Carthage (60) in their rules sometimes call the apostolic rules - church decrees, ancient rules adopted from St. fathers, apostolic traditions, ancient rites, rules and directly apostolic rules, sometimes without specifically naming the apostolic rules, he follows in his decisions the definitions expressed in the apostolic rules. Ecumenical Councils 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 not only provide numerous testimonies about the apostolic rules, but also command all Orthodox to accept these rules as apostolic. So first Ecumenical Council determines to stop the custom, contrary to the apostolic rule, which has been established, so that neither bishop, nor presbyter, nor deacon passes from city to city (1 Om. 15, fn. Ap. 14, 15). In its definitions about eunuchs, about converts, about excommunicates, about those promoted to the clergy without testing and then convicted of grave sins, about those who have fallen from the faith (1 Om. 1, 2, 4, 9, 10), the Council of Nicea does not abide by the rules previously installed; and such rules in relation to the indicated definitions are the apostolic rules 21, 80, 32, 25, 61. The Second Ecumenical Council, not allowing bishops to arbitrarily move from their dioceses to others, points, in addition to the Nicene rules, to others; but only the apostolic rules on this subject are known older than the Nicene ones. The Third Ecumenical Council (pr. 8), confirming the inviolability of the rights and advantages of each church, directly points to the rules of the holy apostles. The Fourth Ecumenical Council bases its definition on the inviolability of property remaining after the death of a bishop (22) on ancient rules. But no rules on this subject are known before the ancient 40th Apostolic. The Sixth Ecumenical Council, in addition to explaining and confirming some of the apostolic rules (compare 6 Ecumenical 2, 3, 6, 30, 55, apostolic 85, 17, 18, 26, 5, 64), in its second rule orders everyone to observe inviolably rules of St. posts, and threatens violators with punishment in the following words: “This holy council was recognized as beautiful and worthy of extreme diligence, and that from now on, for the healing of souls and the healing of passions, those accepted and approved by the holy and blessed fathers who came before us would remain firm and indestructible, and also to us, handed down to us in the name of the holy and glorious apostles, there are eighty rules... Let no one be allowed to change or abolish the above-mentioned rules. , which it determines, and through it we heal from what we have stumbled in.” The Seventh Ecumenical Council, in particular confirming some of the apostolic rules (compare 7 Ecum. 3, 5, 11, Ap. 30, 29, 38), testifies in general to the observance of all the apostolic rules in the following words: “The Divine rules are accepted with delight, and We fully and unshakably maintain the decree of these rules, set forth by the all-praised apostles, the holy trumpets of the Spirit, and from the six holy Ecumenical Councils, and those gathered locally to issue such commandments, and from our holy fathers. For all of them, being enlightened by one and the same Spirit, legitimized what was useful. And whom they anathematize, we also anathematize: and those who are cast out, we also cast out, and those who are excommunicated, we also excommunicate; and those who are subjected to penance, we also subject them to the same.”

Thus, the agreement of the apostolic rules in essence, and sometimes in letter, with the New Testament teaching, observance and action from the practice of the first centuries, recognition of their apostolic origin and apostolic authority, clearly expressed by St. fathers and local and ecumenical councils - leave no room for doubt that the rules now known to us under the name of the apostolic ones are truly apostolic.

In what form did the apostolic rules originally appear?

The Apostolic Rules, as commandments and institutions handed down by the holy apostles to different churches, were not all in their present composition initially in all churches. Proof that the apostolic rules in the first two centuries were not all in force in all Christian churches is provided by the instructions of the church practice of these centuries, from which it is clear that in some churches there were customs that were not entirely consistent with some of the apostolic rules; and it would be difficult to reconcile these differences with the idea of ​​the existence in the first two centuries of Christianity of a complete collection of apostolic rules and their use in all churches. Consequently, in its entirety, the apostolic canons should not be presented as a set of laws, suddenly published by the apostles at one time and in their entirety. On the contrary, this is the essence of the rule, St. given orally by the apostles to the various churches either founded or to their successor bishops.

But when and by whom were these rules collected and brought into their present form?

The following historical data and considerations based on them can lead to the resolution of this issue: at the beginning of the 6th century we already have two collections of apostolic rules: Dionysius Malago in the west and John Scholasticus in the east. In the first half of the 5th century, a collection of apostolic rules was also known. References from the councils of Chalcedon (451), Constantinople (448) and Ephesus (431) confirm the certainty of this. In the acts and rules of these councils there is undoubted evidence of the existence of a collection of apostolic rules at that time. The three rules of the Council of Chalcedon are similar to the apostolic rules (Chalcid. 7, 2,3; Apost. 83, 30, 81), and there is no doubt that when drawing up the Chalcedonian rules, the apostolic rules were in mind, and it cannot be doubted that the expressions of the Council of Chalcedon: “divine rules, adherence to rules, holy rules” precisely indicate the apostolic rules. The references of the Council of Ephesus to church succession, to the rule, to church orders, as well as the references of the Council of Constantinople of 448 to Divine rules, have the same nature and significance. In all these cases, the apostolic canons are meant, and, moreover, without a doubt, full meeting there are 85 rules, since the links apply equally to the last as to the first rules. There was a collection of apostolic rules at the end of the 4th century, as can be seen from the reference to the Council of Constantinople in 394, expressed in the following words: “as it was decreed by the apostolic rules.” There was a collection of apostolic rules in the first half of the 4th century. For the councils of this time refer to many apostolic canons. The Council of Antioch, for example, in its rules repeats the content of the twenty apostolic rules. The 1st Ecumenical Council of Nicea in its rules also repeats some of the apostolic rules and, moreover, from different places of meeting. In general, there is no doubt that the collection of apostolic rules was before the rules of all councils: councils refer to the ancient rules that existed before them; in the apostolic canons we do not find references to any canons that preceded them, except the holy ones. Scriptures. But in the absence of direct indications about the time of compilation of the collection of apostolic rules, the most likely conclusion is that this collection was compiled at the end of the 2nd or the beginning of the 3rd century.

Who compiled the collection of apostolic canons? - this question cannot be resolved even with an approximate degree of probability. Beveregius' opinion about Clement of Alexandria, as a collector of the apostolic rules, cannot be confirmed by solid evidence.

As for the number of apostolic canons, the Western Church, following the Latin translation, Dionysius Malago, accepts only 50 of them, while the Orthodox Eastern Church accepts 85 apostolic canons. This difference originally arose from the fact that the Greek manuscript from which Dionysius the Less made his translation had only 50 rules. Meanwhile, in the east, almost at the same time, there were codices with a complete collection of apostolic canons, numbering 85, as John Scholasticus testifies to this. Close to this number, precisely in the number 82, 83, the apostolic rules are found in the Syriac, Arabic and Ethiopian codes of rules. The Sixth Ecumenical Council (pr. 2) prescribed precisely that “the eighty-five rules devoted to the name of the holy and glorious apostles remain firm and inviolable.”

The Apostolic Canons contain instructions primarily related to the clergy. Of the 85 rules, 76 apply to clergy, and of these only 4 apply to the laity.