Detailed physical map of Karelia. Map of the Republic of Karelia in detail

Satellite map of the Republic of Karelia

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Republic of Karelia - Wikipedia:

Date of formation of the Republic of Karelia: June 27, 1923
Population of the Republic of Karelia: 629,771 people
Telephone code of the Republic of Karelia: 814
Republic of Karelia Square: 172,400 km²
Vehicle code of the Republic of Karelia: 10

Regions of the Republic of Karelia:

Belomorsky, Kalevalsky, Kemsky, Kondopoga, Lakhdenpokhsky, Loukhsky, Medvezhyegorsky, Muezersky, Olonetsky, Pitkyaranta, Prionezhsky, Pryazhinsky, Pudozhsky, Segezha, Sortavala, Suoyarvsky.

Cities of Karelia - list of cities in alphabetical order:

Belomorsk city received city status in 1938. Population - 9861 people.
Kem city received city status in 1785. Population - 11604 people.
Kondopoga city received city status in 1938. Population - 30802 people.
City of Kostomuksha received city status in 1983. Population - 29526 people.
City of Lakhdenpokhya received city status in 1945. Population - 7449 people.
City of Medvezhyegorsk received city status in 1938. Population - 14446 people.
Olonets city received city status in 1649. Population - 8130 people.
Petrozavodsk city received city status in 1777. Population - 278,551 people.
Pitkäranta city received city status in 1940. Population - 10589 people.
City of Pudozh received city status in 1785. Population - 9044 people.
City of Segezha received city status in 1943. Population - 27108 people.
Sortavala city received city status in 1632. Population - 18,762 people.
Suoyarvi city received city status in 1940. Population - 9053 people.

Republic of Karelia- one of the subjects of Russia, which occupies the northwestern part of the state - the territory where the border of Russia with Finland lies. Karelia was once an independent principality and only later became part of Russia.

Main attraction Karelia– this is her nature, which cannot leave anyone indifferent. Natural monuments of Karelia are considered the heritage of not only Russia, but the whole world.

Some sights of Karelia included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. One of these historical monuments is the museum on outdoors Kizhi. This is an island in Lake Onega, on which there is an architectural complex, which locals called the eighth wonder of the world. All buildings of the Kizhi Pogost - unique building with its own history.

Sights of the Republic of Karelia: Valaam, Kizhi Museum-Reserve, Petroglyphs of Karelia, Ruskeala Marble Canyon, Solovetsky Monastery, Mount Tabor on Solovki, Kivach Nature Reserve, Marcial Waters, Chapel of the Archangel Michael, Sandarmokh, Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Krasny Bor, Chapel of St. George the Victorious, Kollasjärvi, National Museum of the Republic of Karelia, Murom Holy Dormition Monastery, Petrozavodsk State Conservatory named after A.K. Glazunov, Puppet Theater of the Republic of Karelia, Annunciation Ion-Yashezersky Monastery, Karelian State Philharmonic Society, Museum fine arts Republic of Karelia, Musical Theater of the Republic of Karelia.

Satellite map of Karelia

Map of Karelia from satellite. You can view the satellite map of Karelia in the following modes: map of Karelia with names of objects, satellite map of Karelia, geographic map of Karelia.

Karelia is a republic that is part of Russia and the Northern Economic Region. One of the regions of the country that borders Finland. Karelia has a long history, which began in the 9th century, when this territory was part of Kievan Rus.

The climate of Karelia is transitional - from continental to maritime due to the strong influence of the cold masses of the Atlantic and Arctic. The average temperature in winter is -13C, in summer - +13. Karelia is also characterized by frequent rains, cloudiness and high humidity.

The main attraction of the republic is its nature. About 5% of the entire territory Karelia– these are not just magnificent natural sites, these are territories under state protection - nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries and national parks. In total, there are more than 100 natural monuments and almost 50 reserves in the republic. The most famous National parks Karelia - Vodlozersky, Kalevalsky, Paanajärvi, Kostomuksha and Kivach.

One of the most unique natural sites in this region is the Kivach flat waterfall, 100 km from the city of Petrozavodsk. This is the largest waterfall of its kind in Europe.

There are also so-called “three pearls” in Karelia, which are considered the cultural heritage not only of the republic, but of all of Russia as a whole. These are three Karelian islands - Solovki, Valaam and Kizhi.

The Republic of Karelia is located in the northern region of Europe and the northwestern region of Russia. The White Sea washes it from the northeast, and the western border is at the same time the border of the Russian Federation and Finland with European Union. The closest eastern neighbor of Karelia is the Arkhangelsk region, the Vologda and Leningrad regions border it in the south, and the Murmansk region in the north. The largest cities: Petrozavodsk, Kondopoga, Segezha, Kostomuksha and Sortavala.

Satellite map of the Republic of Karelia is a satellite photo of the Republic of Karelia. Use + and – in the left corner of the map to zoom in or out on the satellite image of the Republic of Karelia. Use the arrows to move around the map.

Republic of Karelia. Satellite view

You can view it in both schematic map mode and satellite view by switching the view modes on the right side of the map.

Landscapes of amazing beauty, thousands of rivers and picturesque lakes, huge forests - all this makes Karelia very attractive to travelers. The capital and administrative center of the Karelian Republic is Petrozavodsk, and Karelia itself is part of the Russian Federation as an autonomous entity.

Petrozavodsk. Satellite map online

The main territory located on the Baltic crystalline shield of Karelia is occupied by hilly plains, turning into the Western Karelian Upland with the highest point Nuorunen. Once upon a time, its relief was severely deformed by a retreating glacier, which resulted in numerous moraine ridges, lake basins and kamas.
The climate here is mild, with a transition from maritime to temperate continental, the weather changes frequently. The winters here are snowy, but not too severe, and the summers are short-lived, humid and warm, but without drought. There is a lot of precipitation. The depths of the Republic of Karelia contain many minerals: titanium, molybdenum, iron ore, mica, marble, asbestos, diamonds and other valuable rocks.
The water resources of the Republic of Karelia are practically inexhaustible - about 27 thousand rivers flow on its territory, many of which are chained with stone banks. The number of lakes reaches 60 thousand, and the swamps are countless. The largest rivers: Onda, Kem, Vodla, Unga, Kovda, Shuya, Chirka-Kem and the Suna River with waterfalls. In Karelia there are two of the largest lakes in Europe - Onega and Ladoga; lakes Nyuk, Segozero, Pyaozero, Syamozero and others are also known, with no less original names.
Some of the animal and bird species of Karelia are listed in the Red Book. In addition, the republic has four nature reserves, two of which have the status of museum reserves, and three national parks. The natural attractions of this region can be explored as part of scientific tourism - along specially developed eco-routes.

Karelia is a republic within the Russian Federation, located in the northwestern part of Russia. The satellite map of Karelia shows that the region borders Finland, Vologda, Arkhangelsk, Murmansk and Leningrad regions. In the northeast it is washed by the White Sea. The area of ​​the region is 180,520 square meters. km.

The flat territory of Karelia was greatly changed by the glacier. Today, the region contains numerous deposits, including diamonds and iron ore. Karelia is often called the “land of a thousand lakes”: there are 6,000 lakes and 27,000 rivers. The main state forest reserve is also located here.

The largest cities of Karelia are Petrozavodsk (the capital), Kondopoga, Segezha, Kostomuksha and Sortavala. The region's economy is based on the wood and paper industries, metallurgy, mining and mechanical engineering.

Marble Canyon in Karelia

Brief history of Karelia

In the 7th-9th centuries, the Korela tribes lived on the territory of Karelia. In the 16th-17th centuries, the Korelsky district was formed here, in 1617 it was transformed into the Karelian Duchy. In 1784, the Olonets governorate was created. The Karelian Labor Commune was founded in 1920, and the AKSSR was founded in 1923-36. In 1940-56 there was the Karelo-Finnish SSR, later transformed into the Karelian ASSR. In 1991, Karelia became a republic.

Kizhi Museum-Reserve in Karelia

Sights of Karelia

On a detailed map of Karelia from a satellite you can see the main natural attractions: Lakes Ladoga and Onega (the largest in Europe), the Kivach and Kostomuksha nature reserves, the national parks Paanayarvi, Vodlozersky and Kalevalsky.

In Karelia, it is recommended to visit the Kizhi and Valaam museum-reserves, the Marcial Waters sanatorium, the Ruskeala waterfalls and the Ruskeala marble quarry, the Sheltozero Vepsian Ethnographic Museum and the National Museum of Karelia.

Map of Karelia from satellite. Explore the satellite map of Karelia online in real time. A detailed map of Karelia was created based on satellite images high resolution. As close as possible, the satellite map of Karelia allows you to study in detail the streets, individual houses and attractions of Karelia. The map of Karelia from a satellite easily switches to regular card(scheme).

Karelia is a republic that is part of Russia and the Northern Economic Region. One of the regions of the country that borders Finland. Karelia has a long history, which began in the 9th century, when this territory was part of Kievan Rus.

The climate of Karelia is transitional - from continental to maritime due to the strong influence of the cold masses of the Atlantic and Arctic. The average temperature in winter is -13C, in summer - +13. Karelia is also characterized by frequent rains, cloudiness and high humidity.

The main attraction of the republic is its nature. About 5% of the entire territory Karelia– these are not just magnificent natural sites, these are territories under state protection - nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries and national parks. In total, there are more than 100 natural monuments and almost 50 reserves in the republic. The most famous national parks of Karelia are Vodlozersky, Kalevalsky, Paanayarvi, Kostomuksha and Kivach.

One of the most unique natural sites in this region is the Kivach flat waterfall, 100 km from the city of Petrozavodsk. This is the largest waterfall of its kind in Europe.

There are also so-called “three pearls” in Karelia, which are considered the cultural heritage not only of the republic, but of all of Russia as a whole. These are three Karelian islands - Solovki, Valaam and Kizhi.

In addition to natural attractions, church buildings in Karelia are also of particular value, namely active monasteries and churches. They are masterpieces Byzantine history, culture and architecture, which earned them a place on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Therefore, the main and main direction of tourism is pilgrimage tours. But besides it, other tourism is also developing: active tourism, recreation on lakes and national parks.