Meaning of the name minas. The meaning of the word minas in the dictionary of the meanings of Armenian names. Planetary number and meaning of the name Minas

The name minas, what does it mean? Does the name minas influence the fate of the bearer or does it all depend on parental upbringing? The answers to these questions vary, sometimes even contradictory. And yet, almost every one of us at least once in our lives has met a person whose name does not suit him: “Well, she’s a minas of pure water!”

Have you ever called people you barely know by the “wrong” name? And this is absolutely natural, since each of us subconsciously identifies the image of a person with the well-known and significant features of a particular name.

And in order to understand who is who, on the website aZnaeteLiVy.Ru we tried to collect the most full information about names - their origin, meaning, name days, talismans, patrons of the name and zodiac signs inherent in them.

About the name Minas: Meaning, origin

  • Meaning of the name Minas:
  • Origin of the name Minas: Armenian Greek

Numerology of the name Minas

  • Name number: 5
  • Heart number: 2
  • Personality number: 3
  • Happiness number: 5
  • Lucky numbers for the name Minas: 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77, 86, 95, 104, 113
  • Happy days of the month: 5, 14, 23

Meaning of the letters of the name Minas

The letters of a name play an important role in shaping a person’s character. For example, the first letter of a name indicates the first task that its owner needs to solve in life and is associated with a certain element.

In contrast to the first letter, there is the last letter of the name. The last letter of the name shows our weakest point, reveals the place of our greatest vulnerability in life. This is our Achilles heel, which must be covered and protected.

  • m - hard work and pedantry, caring, shyness
  • and – impressionability, realism, subtle spirituality, peacefulness
  • n – energy and creative ambitions, interest in health, sharp mind
  • a – strength and power
  • s – nervousness, depression, common sense, oppression, power, capriciousness

Talismans named after Minas

  • Happy season: Summer
  • Happy days of the week: Sunday
  • Unlucky days of the week: Saturday
  • Lucky Color: Blue
  • Mascot plant: Raspberry
  • Talisman stones named after Minas: Garnet, Ruby, Hyacinth, Gold, Peridot, Rock Crystal, Carnelian, Topaz, Smoky Quartz, Diamond, Amber
  • Spirit animal: Salmon
  • Tree: Holly

Astrology of the name Minas

According to astrology, a correspondence has been identified between the planet - the ruler of the name and a certain quality of character.

For the name Minas, the ruling planet is the Sun, which gives the name a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits that the Sun gives: Courageous, generous, generous, kind-hearted

Disadvantages that the name of the Sun gives: Pride, vanity, autocracy, jealousy, using people for one’s own purposes

  • Astrological color of name: Purple
  • Direction: South
  • Astrological stone: Turquoise, Danburite, Emerald
  • Representing animal: Stork, Raven, Cow, Fallow Deer, Fox, Peacock

In addition, each letter of your name also corresponds to one or another planet, which in turn have a direct impact on a person’s destiny. Therefore, if a name has repeating letters, then the influence of the planet that corresponds to this letter increases significantly. Such planets are called dominant and you should pay attention to its position (strong or weak, what sign of the Zodiac it is in).

Dominant planet for Minas:

And an important role belongs to the planet that controls the last letter of the name - the final one. The final planet in some cases influences life expectancy and the nature of death.

Last planet named: Uranus

Planetary number and meaning of the name Minas

For the name Minas the planetary number is - 8 and manages this name Uranus.

Eight as the final number of the name includes the mystery of free choice. Such names provide a lot of opportunities, attract the action of a happy occasion in life, but test the ability to recognize your chance and make the necessary choice in time. They also require a person to be worthy of the gift of fate, otherwise you can lose everything. The key planet of these names is Uranus, the planet of innovation, freedom and adventure.

Zodiac and Sacred number of the name Minas

For the name Minas the Zodiac number is - 5 a lion.

Leos create a field of celebration, theater and games. They place a person in the center of attention of others and require brightness, visibility, revelation of talents and creative realization.

Sacred number for the name Minas - 11 , which corresponds to the zodiac sign - Aquarius

The names Aquarius involve you in the mystery of searching for a new and free conscious choice. They create a field of change, independence, originality and unpredictability around a person.

The first letter M of the name MINAS tells about the character

These are people who are ahead of the curve. You love to plan for the future: today's affairs and love fade in front of the future. However, you have a warm heart and an impeccable imagination, and your smile is simply charming. Therefore, when dreaming of a distant princess (prince), do not forget about those who surround you - they are the real companions of your life, and they are the ones who will give you happiness.

Characteristics of the name MINAS

  • power
  • comfort
  • impressionability
  • peacefulness
  • subtle spirituality
  • thoughtfulness
  • shyness
  • pedantry
  • hard work
  • interest in health
  • sharp mind
  • creative ambitions
  • imperiousness
  • common sense
  • moodiness
  • oppression

MINAS: number of interaction with the world “5”

A person under the influence of the vibrations of the five remains elusive and incomprehensible even to those who have been close to him for a long time. Almost all his actions are driven by the desire for independence and freedom; There is only one way to keep the “A” student - to let him go on all four sides: in this case, there is a chance that he will return someday. Charming, easily won over, sweet and friendly, Fives rarely become seriously attached to anyone; emotional dependence is as difficult for them as any other. Among the priorities of “A” students is the opportunity to travel around the world, see different countries, and not be limited either in travel time or in its cost. The stories of such travelers about their experiences are unusually vivid and colorful, but devoid of exaggeration and very useful; This is why “A” students often make a living by sharing their own experience.

They are excellent writers and journalists, they know how to convey shades of mood using words and create a successful description, and therefore are often in demand not only in the press, but also on the radio. The horizons of “A” students are very broad, but their sphere of interests rarely includes marital and family relationships- here the people of the five cannot be considered either experts or specialists in the slightest degree worthy of respect. Any problem in their personal life can become an insurmountable obstacle for them; Many “A” students lack the ability to understand another person, respect their interests and desires.

Five people are excellent at avoiding problems, but do not like to solve them, usually leaving others to deal with everyday difficulties. The whole life of a “A” student is a long journey in search of something new and an equally long escape from complexity, monotony, routine, duties and responsibilities. A person of five is capable of deep emotional attachments, but they rarely bring him happiness, sometimes becoming a burden and preventing him from achieving his goal. The “A” student will only benefit if he learns to separate the main from the secondary and understands what is better to give up so as not to burden himself.

Throughout their lives, A's learn lessons of tolerance, understanding, and perseverance. The faster they become excellent students in these difficult disciplines, the better. If it is not possible to learn lessons from what is happening, such a person becomes unrestrained, angry and unable to restrain his emotions and conduct a constructive dialogue.

MINAS: number of soul aspirations “2”

Those born under the influence of two strive for balance and harmony in everything. It is these people who reconcile quarreling relatives, look for a reasonable compromise with their significant other, and readily sacrifice their own interests for the sake of their friends. However, cherishing the dream of world peace, losers do only what they consider necessary - attempts to put pressure on them will end in a complete fiasco.

Being cunning and weaving intrigues is also not the best good idea, since these people will not only see through the insidious plan of the manipulator, but will also definitely take care of fair retribution. Losers are surprisingly honest and sincere, sometimes it even reaches the point of absurdity. They expect a similar attitude from others and can be seriously offended by hypocrisy.

People under the influence of two love naturalness and therefore experience extreme discomfort if they have to follow rules that they do not understand. As a rule, they can boast of innate literacy, and those whom nature has not endowed with such talent simply ignore spelling.

Losers do not understand anything about technology and the exact sciences, but in the field of human relations they are simply irreplaceable. They are friendly, sincerely interested in others, and are able to empathize. You can’t lure a D-person with pretentious slogans and lofty words, but when he sees someone else’s grief, he will always sacrifice himself in order to somehow alleviate the fate of the poor fellow.

Endowed with the valuable ability to understand people, losers, however, have difficulty getting along with those they love. It is those born under the influence of the deuce who suffer from the attacks of the family tyrant, endlessly forgive betrayals and addictions to their partners, and endure children’s whims for a long time. They forgive loved ones even what cannot be forgiven, but they themselves suffer because of the discrepancy between expectations and reality. A poor student can become truly happy next to a person who can appreciate the depth of his experiences, learn to read between the lines, and understand his subtle nature.

People under the influence of two adore art and often achieve outstanding success in this field. Another area that arouses their genuine interest is mysticism. However, occult sciences can turn out to be not only tempting, but also dangerous, since losers are sometimes so immersed in them that they forget about reality.

MINAS: number of true features "3"

People under the influence of the number three are distinguished by an enviable love of life and the ability to carry faith in the best through all the trials that fate sends them. Perhaps this is facilitated by their gift for seeing beauty in the everyday.

“C” students are alien to such qualities as the thirst for profit at any cost and envy of the happiness of other people. They enjoy the good things they have and thank life for everyday joys that not everyone is given to notice and appreciate.

A person exposed to the vibrations of the number three has the rare gift of dressing elegantly, emphasizing the advantageous aspects of his appearance with the help of clothes and accessories, without possessing impeccable beauty. It’s surprising that a “C” student looks great even if he doesn’t have enough money to spend money on expensive things. His innate charm and subtle taste come to his aid in this situation.

Being natural speakers, “C” students easily captivate other people with their ideas. They do not need to command others or give orders. They can get everything they need solely thanks to their innate gift of persuasion and the ability to please those whose help they need.

The characteristics of the number three manifest themselves in a person through heightened intuition. It allows you to avoid sharp corners in communication, smooth out emerging conflict situations and make friends with people of different beliefs. Having a heart-to-heart conversation with a stranger and winning him over in a short time is an absolutely ordinary situation for a “C” student, not requiring any effort from him.

TO positive qualities"C" students also include their amazing sense of humor. They are not afraid to look funny in any situation, they are always ready to laugh heartily (including at themselves). They do not demand to entertain themselves; they have fun and are interested in living in the circumstances that life offers them. In any company, such people are welcome because they add ease to communication.

Perhaps the only drawback of “C” students is laziness. It would be hard to call them patient and assiduous. Where efforts must be made to achieve success, they will not be very comfortable. And for such people, redoing work that has already been done is simply torment.

The first letter M of the name MINAS tells about the character

These are people who are ahead of the curve. You love to plan for the future: today's affairs and love fade in front of the future. However, you have a warm heart and an impeccable imagination, and your smile is simply charming. Therefore, when dreaming of a distant princess (prince), do not forget about those who surround you - they are the real companions of your life, and they are the ones who will give you happiness.

Characteristics of the name MINAS

  • power
  • comfort
  • impressionability
  • peacefulness
  • subtle spirituality
  • thoughtfulness
  • shyness
  • pedantry
  • hard work
  • interest in health
  • sharp mind
  • creative ambitions
  • imperiousness
  • common sense
  • moodiness
  • oppression

MINAS: number of interaction with the world “5”

A person under the influence of the vibrations of the five remains elusive and incomprehensible even to those who have been close to him for a long time. Almost all his actions are driven by the desire for independence and freedom; There is only one way to keep the “A” student - to let him go on all four sides: in this case, there is a chance that he will return someday. Charming, easily won over, sweet and friendly, Fives rarely become seriously attached to anyone; emotional dependence is as difficult for them as any other. Among the priorities of “A” students is the opportunity to travel around the world, see different countries, and not be limited by either the travel time or its cost. The stories of such travelers about their experiences are unusually vivid and colorful, but devoid of exaggeration and very useful; This is why “A” students often make a living by sharing their own experience.

They are excellent writers and journalists, they know how to convey shades of mood using words and create a successful description, and therefore are often in demand not only in the press, but also on the radio. The horizons of “A” people are very broad, but their sphere of interests rarely includes marital and family relationships – here “A” people can be considered neither experts nor specialists in the slightest degree worthy of respect. Any problem in their personal life can become an insurmountable obstacle for them; Many “A” students lack the ability to understand another person, respect their interests and desires.

Five people are excellent at avoiding problems, but do not like to solve them, usually leaving others to deal with everyday difficulties. The whole life of a “A” student is a long journey in search of something new and an equally long escape from complexity, monotony, routine, duties and responsibilities. A person of five is capable of deep emotional attachments, but they rarely bring him happiness, sometimes becoming a burden and preventing him from achieving his goal. The “A” student will only benefit if he learns to separate the main from the secondary and understands what is better to give up so as not to burden himself.

Throughout their lives, A's learn lessons of tolerance, understanding, and perseverance. The faster they become excellent students in these difficult disciplines, the better. If it is not possible to learn lessons from what is happening, such a person becomes unrestrained, angry and unable to restrain his emotions and conduct a constructive dialogue.

MINAS: number of soul aspirations “2”

Those born under the influence of two strive for balance and harmony in everything. It is these people who reconcile quarreling relatives, look for a reasonable compromise with their significant other, and readily sacrifice their own interests for the sake of their friends. However, cherishing the dream of world peace, losers do only what they consider necessary - attempts to put pressure on them will end in a complete fiasco.

Cunning and weaving intrigues is also not the best idea, since these people will not only see through the insidious plan of the manipulator, but will also definitely take care of fair retribution. Losers are surprisingly honest and sincere, sometimes it even reaches the point of absurdity. They expect a similar attitude from others and can be seriously offended by hypocrisy.

People under the influence of two love naturalness and therefore experience extreme discomfort if they have to follow rules that they do not understand. As a rule, they can boast of innate literacy, and those whom nature has not endowed with such talent simply ignore spelling.

Losers do not understand anything about technology and the exact sciences, but in the field of human relations they are simply irreplaceable. They are friendly, sincerely interested in others, and are able to empathize. You can’t lure a D-person with pretentious slogans and lofty words, but when he sees someone else’s grief, he will always sacrifice himself in order to somehow alleviate the fate of the poor fellow.

Endowed with the valuable ability to understand people, losers, however, have difficulty getting along with those they love. It is those born under the influence of the deuce who suffer from the attacks of the family tyrant, endlessly forgive betrayals and addictions to their partners, and endure children’s whims for a long time. They forgive loved ones even what cannot be forgiven, but they themselves suffer because of the discrepancy between expectations and reality. A poor student can become truly happy next to a person who can appreciate the depth of his experiences, learn to read between the lines, and understand his subtle nature.

People under the influence of two adore art and often achieve outstanding success in this field. Another area that arouses their genuine interest is mysticism. However, occult sciences can turn out to be not only tempting, but also dangerous, since losers are sometimes so immersed in them that they forget about reality.

MINAS: number of true features "3"

People under the influence of the number three are distinguished by an enviable love of life and the ability to carry faith in the best through all the trials that fate sends them. Perhaps this is facilitated by their gift for seeing beauty in the everyday.

“C” students are alien to such qualities as the thirst for profit at any cost and envy of the happiness of other people. They enjoy the good things they have and thank life for everyday joys that not everyone is given to notice and appreciate.

A person exposed to the vibrations of the number three has the rare gift of dressing elegantly, emphasizing the advantageous aspects of his appearance with the help of clothes and accessories, without possessing impeccable beauty. It’s surprising that a “C” student looks great even if he doesn’t have enough money to spend money on expensive things. His innate charm and subtle taste come to his aid in this situation.

Being natural speakers, “C” students easily captivate other people with their ideas. They do not need to command others or give orders. They can get everything they need solely thanks to their innate gift of persuasion and the ability to please those whose help they need.

The characteristics of the number three manifest themselves in a person through heightened intuition. It allows you to avoid sharp corners in communication, smooth out emerging conflict situations and make friends with people of different beliefs. Having a heart-to-heart conversation with a stranger and winning him over in a short time is an absolutely ordinary situation for a “C” student, not requiring any effort from him.

The positive qualities of “C” students also include their amazing sense of humor. They are not afraid to look funny in any situation, they are always ready to laugh heartily (including at themselves). They do not demand to entertain themselves; they have fun and are interested in living in the circumstances that life offers them. In any company, such people are welcome because they add ease to communication.

Perhaps the only drawback of “C” students is laziness. It would be hard to call them patient and assiduous. Where efforts must be made to achieve success, they will not be very comfortable. And for such people, redoing work that has already been done is simply torment.

    (Minas) oil field in Indonesia (Central Sumatra oil and gas basin). Discovered in 1944. Deposits at a depth of 0.7-0.8 km. Beginning inventory 975...
    (Minas), a city in the south-east. Uruguay, administrative center of the department of Lavalleja. 31.4 thousand inhabitants (1963). Railway station. Trade and transport center of the cattle-breeding region (large...
    MINAS, oil. deposit in Indonesia (Central Sumatra oil and gas basin). Discovered in 1944. Deposits in depth. 0.7-0.8 km. ...
    (Minas), an oil field in Indonesia (Central Sumatra oil and gas basin). Discovered in 1944. Deposits at a depth of 0.7-0.8 km. Initial inventory...
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    MINAS GERAIS (Minas Gerais), pcs. to the south-east Brazil. 588.4 t. km 2. Us. 16.5 million hours (1995). Adm. ts.- ...
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    1) the largest iron ore region in Brazil (Minas Gerais). The deposits are metamorphosed in origin; ores - ferruginous quartzites (so-called itabirites), in ...
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    I is the largest country in South America and, until 1890, the only state on the entire American continent with monarchical rule. ...
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    BRAZILIAN PLATEAU, in the east. South. America, between 3 and 35° S, mainly in Brazil. High 250-900 m, max. up to 2890...
    (Rodriguez) ? botanist; genus. in 1842; was a merchant, then secretary of a trade school and art teacher in Minas; in 1871...
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    ? the largest country in South America and until 1890 the only state on the entire American continent with monarchical rule. ...
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- [per piece Minas Gerais in Brazil], Derby, 1907, a sequence of metamorphosed sediments, partly volcanogenic, Precambrian of the Brazilian Shield. It is composed at the bottom of basal conglomerates, quartzites, phyllites and shales, in the middle (main) part of dolomites with... ... Geological encyclopedia

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Minas- oil field in Indonesia. Included in the Central Sumatra oil and gas basin. Discovered in 1944, developed since 1952. Initial oil reserves 993 million tons, natural gas 509 billion m³. Confined to the brachyanticlinal fold.... ... Geographical encyclopedia

Minas- (Minas), an oil field in Indonesia (Central Sumatra oil and gas basin). Discovered in 1944. Deposits to a depth of 0.7–0.8 km. Initial reserves are 975 million tons. Oil density is 0.85 g/cm3, S content is 0.10%. * * * MINAS MINAS (Minas),… … encyclopedic Dictionary

Minas- (Minas) a city in the southeast of Uruguay, the administrative center of the department of Lavalleja. 31.4 thousand inhabitants (1963). Railway station. Trade and transport center of the pastoral area (cattle, sheep). Cement industry... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

minas- z.b.p... orthographic dictionary Ossetian language

Minas- (Minas), city on southeast Uruguay, on the Pan-American Highway, the administrative center of the department of Lavalleja. 44 thousand inhabitants (1967). Railroad station. Airport. Shopping center of agricultural area (cattle, sheep).… ​​… Encyclopedic reference book "Latin America"

Minas Gerais- port. Minas Gerais Coat of arms ... Wikipedia

Minas Karpetovich Avetisyan- Minas Karapetovich Avetisyan Arm. Մինաս Ավետիսյան Date of birth: July 20, 1928 ... Wikipedia


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