Top best strategies of all time. Strategies. Tiberium Command & Conquer series

Look inside yourself

The ability to enjoy life is the ability to see this life from a certain angle. Seeing something cool and attractive in the familiar, ordinary, everyday. There are people who can do this easily and simply. How? Largely thanks to the special structure of the psyche, which helps to brush aside worries and concerns, not pay attention to the imperfections of the world, be open to other people, quickly adapt to changes and not lose hope.

There are also people who find it more difficult to enjoy life because - again due to their mental structure - they get stuck in unpleasant experiences. Negative emotions and memories are difficult to erase. They accumulate, layer on top of each other: the person has not yet moved away when the car almost runs over him, and then his foot is stepped on.

Because of this, the world around is perceived as complex, dangerous, unkind, requiring struggle and overcoming. You can't expect anything good from him. What kind of joy in life is there?

If you belong to the second group of people, you just need to know this mental peculiarity of yours - to know that it is more difficult for you than for other people not to stress yourself out, not to stew in the cauldron of your experiences and to treat everything lightly and with humor.

Understanding your characteristics allows you to improve your life in many ways and focus on starting to enjoy it.

It is impossible to enjoy the beauty of nature from the window of a high-speed train, or the grandiose architecture while running, buried in your phone. So it is impossible to enjoy life in the everyday bustle, which, as it seems, will never end.

Train yourself to stop, to “emerge” from the whirlwind in order to look around and enjoy the current moment, from simple and seemingly insignificant things - cuddle a pet, bake your favorite pie, delve into an interesting book, admire a sleeping child. As long as you “fell out” of the world, nothing will happen to it, and some problems may even disappear on their own.

Try to waste less energy on unconstructive experiences. The past cannot be returned, but valuable lessons can be learned from it. The future is unknown, and this inability to look into it gives rise to a lot of anxiety. Replaying situations that have already become history and worrying about the future takes up a lot of energy that could be spent on the present. To improve the quality of life as we have it now, and not as it awaits “around the corner.”

Therefore, with an effort of will, return yourself to the “here and now”, solve current problems, urgent and important. Be sure to praise yourself and rest and recover after completing them. In our clear, rational and planned world, it is very important to be able to relax and be spontaneous. At least sometimes. Allow yourself to play pranks and mischievous acts.

On your deathbed, all you have left of value is the piggy bank of life. And it contains not money and benefits, but memories and impressions.

Determine your real capabilities

Society makes a huge number of demands on everyone, both men and women - we must be competent, attractive, and successful. When you have to do too much perfectly, with an A, you easily fall into despair. Determine what you can “reach” and don’t take on more than you can handle. Don't burden yourself with things you can live without.

It is vital to know your boundaries real possibilities, set yourself an interesting, difficult, but feasible bar. If this bar is prohibitive, fate will always hit you on the nose. You cannot solve all the problems of the Universe and be an iron robot, effortlessly coping with all life's challenges.

But you have the power to internally free yourself from many social expectations and determine for yourself a list of achievable goals and to-dos. And then simply rejoice at your successes and new knowledge - without depreciation and self-criticism. Then compose new list, complete it and rejoice again.

And one more important point. We follow the lives of acquaintances and strangers through social networks, and it seems to us that theirs is much more interesting, richer, tastier... But this is not so, this is a distorted picture of the world. People put all the best they have into the virtual space, sometimes deliberately creating a beautiful image of a successful and joyful person. And you need to understand that there, behind the window, there is a life just like yours, with its own worries and calluses, and not an eternal, carefree holiday.

Master the art of small steps

The ability to enjoy life, like any new skill, is first of all the art of small steps.

Great joy also comes from small, weightless joys. Train yourself to see all the good things in life (and thank fate for it). Look for the bright side in what is happening and for positive intentions in other people's actions. A few drops of positive emotions each

Say good, warm words to yourself, learn to protect yourself internally and not reproach yourself for mistakes. Move more - with active and regular physical activity, hormones are produced that improve your emotional state.

Be sure to spend time on what brings you pleasure and what makes your soul sing. Each of us has things that nourish, saturate and delight us - do them more often.

And fewer unrealistic expectations. High expectations are the path to deep disappointment. As Zh.E said. Renard, “when one complains about life, it almost always means that the impossible was demanded of her.” It doesn’t happen that everything always goes well and smoothly. It is impossible to only laugh and never cry. In life there will always be problems, daily routine, troubles, and sometimes moments of grief, hopelessness, and a feeling of injustice.

But this is not our whole life. It also contains the pleasure of a job well done, the pleasure of communicating with pleasant people, unexpected luck, and little surprises. And everyone decides for himself what he notices and values ​​first of all. What does he fill his life with? And how free and happy he is in this diversity of life.

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Download strategy games on PC for free

Want to download strategy games on PC? No problem.. We follow new products, so we are always on the site great choice computer entertainment!

First strategies

Strategy is a genre that has captivated the minds of millions of gamers around the world. In such games, the key to success is careful planning and efficient use of available resources. The founder of the genre is considered to be the computer game “Stonkers”, released in 1983. Its gameplay was created by Lawnson and Gibson. In 1993, the beloved strategy game “Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty” appeared on the market. It quickly became popular due to its unconventional gameplay and cool graphics controls.

The very first game to use terrain and 3D units was Total Annihilation (1997). It has two modes: team and single. Ships, submarines, cars, and amphibious aircraft are used as combat units.

Homeworld is the first space strategy game, published in 1999. It is notable for the fact that all battles are fought in three-dimensional space. But wonderful background pictures of space are used as battle cards.

Computer strategies are a good workout for the brain

The newest and best strategies on PC 2015, 2014, 2013, presented here, are of interest to thoughtful gamers who do not like to rush. The popularity of such entertainment is steadily increasing because developers are creating unique computer products. Strategies and RPGs are preferred by those who like challenging tasks. To win, the gamer must show leadership and leadership skills. There is no way to do without such qualities. To successfully complete the mission, the player needs to develop an operational plan and adjust it to the changing situation.

Types of games:

  • Historical - they are associated with specific events and facts that occurred in the distant past. For example, “Men of War: Red Tide” tells the story of the exploits of the Marine Corps, and the project “The Truth about the Ninth Company” reflects the January 1988 battle in Afghanistan;
  • Space strategies - in them the action takes place in the distant future, and gamers need to manage star systems and galaxies. Prominent representatives of such games are the legendary “Space Rangers HD: Revolution”, “X3: Albion Prelude”. In this direction, there are interesting and old strategies and new projects for the computer;
  • Economic strategies on PC - in them you need to manage cities, farms, states. There are many interesting games in this category. For example, “Tropico 3”, “Hotel Tycoon”;
  • Turn-based strategies on PC - appeared before the RTS (real-time) genre. IN similar games Gamers take turns taking actions, so they spend more time planning. Popular projects in this category are “Battle Worlds: Kronos”, “Might and Magic: Heroes 6. Gold Edition”;
  • Military - they involve fighting between armies. The one who better prepared the troops wins. There are a variety of military strategies you can download to your computer: “Full Spectrum Warrior”, “Catan”;
  • Global strategies for the computer - their key feature is the division of the gameplay into components: creating a base, conducting scientific research, construction of new connections or modernization of existing ones.

Only the best strategies

Our team has prepared a popular list, and now anyone can download strategy games of all times without registration for free. We have put together a wonderful collection of entertainment for true connoisseurs of this genre. If you are looking for popular PC strategies about war, about knights or about the development of civilization, consider our best catalog of games. It has a lot of interesting things!

Many gamers prefer strategy games to shooters and adventure games. A feature of this genre is the step-by-step planning of the game. We present to your attention a list of the best strategy games on PC.

This is what he looks like.

No. 1. StarCraft 2

StarCraft II: Wings of Freedom is one of the most popular new releases in the field of strategy games.

Events take place four years after the events in the game Brood War, which is an official addon. The main character of the strategy is John Reynr.

He and his team of thugs go through a huge number of tests on the way to learning new stories about their world.

“Wings of Freedom” contains a more detailed description of the events in the life of the protagonist and his Hyperion crew as a whole.

During the game, gamers will learn terrible secret, which can destroy the whole world and come closer to its solution.

The storyline includes more than 25 missions and tasks. There are also several additional levels.

The game contains improved examples of all equipment, more maps and opponents. The graphics of StarCraft II are noticeably better than previous versions of the game.

StarCraft II has a multiplayer gameplay mode.

Also in the online version of the game, users will be able to play as different groups heroes, creating your own strategy move.

You can purchase the game on the official Blizzard Games website. Cost: 1500 rubles.

No. 2. Dota 2

Dota is a famous turn-based strategy game for PC. They are popular because of the online game mode, which has more than two million users from all over the world.

In 2013, Valv presented the world with the second version popular game, which is rightfully included in the top best strategies peace.

Dota 2 events unfold in real time. Two teams, each of which has five people, take part in the game mode at the same time.

Accordingly, these two teams are rivals. One plays for the light side of the heroes, the other for the dark side.

The gamer can control only one hero, who has special skills, knowledge and abilities.

Each player can level up their ward by earning more gold or collecting items that grant abilities.

By killing enemies, the hero also receives gold and increases his level in the team. The goal of Dota 2 gameplay is to destroy the main base of the opposing team.

To purchase, you must have your own Steam account. Dota 2 is free, however, the game has paid content that can be purchased to improve your team's equipment.

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No. 3. Sid Meier's Civilization V

Strategy games from the developer Firaxis have always been popular among gamers. Sid Meier's Civilization V was no exception.

It was released in 2010 and has been a leader in the strategy game genre for six years now.

Sid Meier's Civilization V

The fifth part of the famous strategy was an excellent revision of previous versions, which contains many new features and functions. Each player is the leader of one of the game states.

The main goal is to lead our country to victory through wars and skirmishes with other nations and their rulers. Players can now unite their nations to achieve a common goal.

There is the possibility of pursuing a neutral policy, that is, not participating in any wars, but only defending one’s territories and improving the well-being of the country.

Each player can improve his army by learning new military technologies and combat strategies.

The periodicity of the game spans the times when guns were made from bronze and right up to the development of spaceships.

IN new version games have an improved picture, a greater number of new technologies, nations. There is also a convenient user interface for navigation during the game.

No. 4. Spore

The best Electronic Arts games include Spore. It can be installed on both a computer and a smartphone. The strategy was released in 2008.

Spore is a kind of “everything around” simulator. At the beginning of the game, each player is just a microorganism that lives at the bottom of the world's oceans.

The main goal is to evolve into an intelligent creature.

In the process of improvement appearance The game character changes not only externally, but also internally. The evolved hero must build his own galaxy and take over the Universe.

In each mission there will be many opponents who need to be defeated. As the hero improves, the game becomes more complex and confusing, turning into a full-scale strategy.

No. 5. Heroes of Might and Magic 3

Heroes of Might and Magic is a well-known role-playing strategy that has been on the market for over 15 years and is still very popular.

The gameplay takes place around a fantasy world in which there are many new factions, items and weapons.

The tactics of the game are battles with enemy armies. All combat actions take place on a screen separate from the game process.

Compared to previous parts, an underground level and improved graphics have appeared. Players can also choose the difficulty level of missions.

No. 6. Shogun 2

This game is a sequel to the popular strategy that was released more than ten years ago. The plot is that nine clans in Japan are fighting for sole control of their empire.

Each player is a representative of one clan.

Its purpose is to develop military strategies against enemy troops and lead foreign policy, which will improve the well-being of the empire so that the subjects are on the side of your hero.

The second part of the game completely returns the player to the memories of the previous version, but there are much improved graphics and a larger number of missions and maps on which you can develop your lands or wage war with opponents.

No. 7. Warhammer 40,000

This tactical strategy will allow the player to lead the Order of the Bloody Crow to protect their territory in space.

One day, the crows receive a strange and unknown radio signal, which you, as their leader, decide to investigate in more detail.

In the process of unraveling, all members of the order will be subjected to trials and dangers, which should lead them to unravel the mystery and conquer the entire outer space of the Universe.

Important! The new version of the game has increased the number of opponents and game cards. Also added two more dangerous heroes in the last mission of the battle.

No. 8. Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2

This game was separated by the developers from the main series of strategies of the same name. The events of the strategy take place in the twentieth century, when the forces of the USSR were defeated.

The main character of the game, Yuri, decide to fix the problem and return the Union to its former power.

Yuri is an adviser to the Russian Prime Minister.

During the game, a battle between the USSR army and American troops takes place. The new part of the strategy has significantly improved the visual component and increased the number of locations

There is an opinion that the “Golden Age” of strategies is far in the past - they say, before there were games that brought something new to the genre, but now the developers, mired in self-copying, cannot please us with anything special. We fundamentally disagree with this statement and believe that modern projects are no less interesting and varied than classic ones, but at the same time we also love old strategy games with all our hearts. Therefore, we have dedicated a separate selection to them, which we invite you to familiarize yourself with.

Let's be honest: it was very difficult to distribute the games by position. Many of us have played thousands of hours of old strategy games on PC, and are ready to defend our favorite games and series to the last. It is also impossible to dispute the contribution of many classic projects in the development of the genre - the vast majority of modern strategies are based on the principles and mechanics inherent in the cult immortal films of past years. We ask you to take the positions nominally: any game from the top ten deserves to be at the top of the top old strategies. So let's get started.

21. Tropico Series

Would you like to become a dictator? The real one: with a thick beard, a loud title and his own island state. Games in the Tropico series provide such an opportunity: here you need to lead the people entrusted to you to prosperity and at the same time not forget about your interests by setting aside part of the treasury in a separate bank account.

You will have to plan city blocks, issue decrees, carry out (or ignore) the wishes of citizens, and resist rebels and foreign armies. It’s not easy to please everyone, and even take care of your well-being, but a true El Presidente will not stop in the face of any difficulties.

20. Supreme Commander Series

Game designer Chris Taylor, known for the Total Annihilation strategy, approaches the gameplay of his projects on a grand scale: here truly huge armies converge on the battlefield, and the camera soars into the stratosphere, giving the player a view of a large-scale war.

The dilogy (as well as an independent addition to the first part) Supreme Commander talks about the confrontation that unfolded between people, aliens and the descendants of earthly colonists, who formed a kind of symbiosis of the human race and AI. Battles are built on the classic “rock-paper-scissors” mechanics, and the dynamics of events are so high that in the heat of battle you will barely have time to switch between groups of units. Combined with the epic scale of warfare, this results in incredibly addictive gameplay.

19. Europa Universalis Series

History, as we know, does not tolerate the subjunctive mood, but the temptation to fantasize about “what would have happened if certain events had developed differently” is too great. The Europa Universalis series invites players to take control of one of European countries and lead it through years and entire eras - to prosperity or decline.

Europa Universalis gives room for creativity. Here you can turn some Liechtenstein into a huge empire, create an alliance between countries that in reality have always been at odds, keep Napoleon from expanding to the east - or act strictly in accordance with the history textbook. Support for user modifications increases the replayability of games in the series to infinity.

18. "Perimeter"

Old strategy from the legendary Russian K-D studios LAB, which used environmental destructibility when it was not yet mainstream. Players have access to all the joys of terramorphing: the surrounding landscape can be rebuilt at will - level the site for the construction of buildings, dig an impassable ditch, and so on.

In addition to the mentioned change in relief, “Perimeter” can boast a couple of interesting features. For example, nanomachines, with the help of which you can flexibly transform units from one type to another. Or the Perimeter - a system of protective fields covering the base with a reliable energy dome. Finally, the setting: the game takes place in the so-called. The psychosphere is another dimension that gives earthlings practically inexhaustible energy, but at the same time materializes human fears and other negative emotions. In general, this game can be called one of the most unusual strategies for weak PCs.

17. Series “Cossacks”

The Ukrainian studio GSC Game World has worked on many franchises, but is known all over the world for only two - the legendary S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series. and the no less legendary “Cossacks”. Previously, “Stalker” and games similar to it already appeared in our collections, but we have so far ignored “Cossacks”. Well, let's fix it.

The Cossacks series is remembered by gamers for its large selection of factions, large-scale battles, careful attention to the historical background, as well as the gradual change of eras, within which participants gain access to new buildings, technologies and units. Story campaigns covered certain historical events, and multiplayer made it possible to pit countries in battles that in reality had never fought among themselves.

16. Homeworld

15. Ground Control

A strategy that lacks base development, resource collection and research. All the player has to do is fight, trying to destroy the often superior enemy forces with a given number of units. By the way, they move from mission to mission, becoming stronger with experience, so it makes sense to take care of your troops.

The Ground Control dilogy tells about military conflicts unfolding between global corporations that colonize distant planets, and which, for the sake of the resource deposits located on them, are ready to literally destroy their competitors. At one time, the games looked simply fantastic, and even today they do not cause much rejection, thanks to the good detail of the units and the riot of special effects.

14. Series "Blitzkrieg"

Another series of games without base construction, but this time they can at least be captured, which can be very useful when the number of units is initially small. Blitzkrieg tells the story of World War II, offering players a look at the conflict from the perspective of all parties involved, including Nazi Germany. At the same time, historical campaigns were created in accordance with real events, so imagining yourself as a Fuhrer and taking over the world will not work here - the Reich always loses, and the USSR and the Allies win.

Considering the lack of resources and buildings for the production of troops, the player must be able to wisely manage what he has available. Therefore, the element of tactics comes to the fore: circle all units and send them to the enemy - which means that the mission is guaranteed to end in defeat. The Blitzkrieg series is still alive today: moreover, it introduces innovative mechanics into the RTS genre, such as neural network AI, which can learn and act unpredictably.

13. Heroes of Might and Magic series

A cult series of games that combine the genres of turn-based strategy and RPG. Here gamers will have to explore the map, fight numerous enemies, as well as obtain resources and develop their cities. All this is subordinated either to certain goals determined by plot events, or to the desire to conquer the entire territory on the map in multiplayer.

Every Heroes of Might and Magic fan has their own memories associated with the series. Sleepless nights trying to punish evil, epic online battles, developing fail-safe battle tactics, arguing (or even fighting) about the superiority of their favorite faction, creating their own maps in the editor - many still play the old releases of the franchise, not paying attention to the more modern ones projects. By the way, about the quality of the games in the series: the third and fifth parts of HoMM deservedly enjoy popular love, but the rest can be ignored.

12. Stronghold Series

11. Age of Mythology

10. Total War series

“Total War” from the British studio The Creative Assembly, which today includes more than 10 games and many additions to them. If you want to rule an entire country, participate in large-scale battles, destroy entire civilizations, and all this in different time periods, then Total War is exactly what you need.

9. Star Wars: Empire at War

A Star Wars game developed by Petroglyph studio (which employs the Westwood team that worked on Command & Conquer).

Experience in creating good strategies was not superfluous: game makers presented great game, which combined a fantasy setting with familiar RTS gameplay. However, there are enough original mechanics in Star Wars: Empire at War: for example, there is no collection of resources, battles are divided into ground and space, and some particularly strong hero who can turn the tide of events in the opposite direction may look at the “light”. Bonuses include excellent (even now) graphics and an impressive variety of locations with unique conditions fight for everyone.

8. Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War

Also space, but unlike the fairy-tale fantasy Star Wars, it is as dark and bloody as possible. Matching the setting is the game, which is still considered by many to be the best in the Dawn of War series - cruel, furious and dynamic.

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War offers players the gameplay of classic RTS games, but also pays attention to the tactical component. So, there is the usual base building and resource gathering, but battles take place with the participation of relatively small squads of units, commanders and heroes who have powerful abilities. As for the plot, everything here is as epic and pathetic as possible, missions pit humans, space orcs, elves and followers of evil gods (in additions they are joined by a number of factions, each more amazing than the other), and events revolve around powerful artifacts and destructive weapons.

7. Age of Empires series

A popular series of real-time strategies in which you can take control of one of the nations and lead it through several eras to prosperity. If you are interested in the idea of ​​a state developing over several centuries, but don’t like the slow pace of Civilization, then Age of Empires may be an ideal option.

In accordance with the rules of the genre, AoE offers to build buildings, mine gold, stone and wood, produce food, train an army and fight enemies. In addition, you need to research new technologies and accumulate resources necessary for the transition between eras - from the Stone Age to agriculture, bronze processing, iron processing, and so on. You can test your strength in single-player scenarios, where the opponent is AI, and in competitive multiplayer with other players. The publisher of the series, Microsoft, does not forget about modern gamers, so it is preparing remasters of all parts, with updated graphics and new content.

6. Civilization Series

Who among us would not want to take the place of the ruler of a country and lead it to world leadership? The global strategy Civilization makes it possible to do this: here you can choose one of the nations and lead it through several eras - from Ancient world until modern times. Throughout your reign, you will have to build cities and Wonders of the World, study technology, discover new territories, conduct diplomacy and trade with foreign leaders, and, if necessary, fight with hostile countries. All this is available in the single-player campaign and multiplayer, including on one screen, in hot-seat mode.

The Civilization series has six serialized parts, several additions and spin-offs. Of these, the first four parts are suitable for weak computers, but Civilization III is considered the best.

5. Command & Conquer Series: Red Alert

Real-time strategy based on alternative history, where Hitler was killed before the start of World War II (due to which it did not take place), and Soviet Union gained enormous power and began to conquer Europe. Later, Yuri, a powerful telepath who strives for world domination, also joins this conflict. In Red Alert 3, players will have to join one of the factions (respectively, the USSR or the Allies, and in the third part of the series - also Japan, which also has its own plans for the planet) and go through a series of missions with various tasks, subordinate to the general plot.

The games in the Red Alert series tell a fascinating satirical story, and the story videos delight with participation famous actors– Tim Curry, J.K. Simmons and others. As for the gameplay, it is built on the well-known “rock-paper-scissors” principle, but with a rather simplified balance, which often reduces battles to a regular tank rush. However, this can be fixed: fans of the series have improved the balance (and also added new story campaigns) with the help of mods, the best of which is considered Mental Omega for Red Alert 2.

4.Command & Conquer: Generals

A game that has nothing in common except the name with the Command & Conquer series, for which it was criticized by C&C fans. But, if you don't pay attention to this, we got good strategy with an interesting story about the confrontation between China, the USA and Middle Eastern terrorists, good balance and a “generals” system, through which players, by accumulating points during a mission, can unlock powerful abilities such as calling an orbital strike or launching a nuclear missile.

The strategy Command & Conquer: Generals received only one addition, and the sequel, which was developed as a shareware project, was canceled (maybe this is for the better). But fans have not forgotten the game, releasing many mods for Generals that add new campaigns and make changes to the gameplay.

3. Tiberium Command & Conquer series

The original cycle of the C&C series. The overall plot outline is built around Tiberium, an alien substance that once appeared on Earth and began to spread across the planet. It heavily pollutes the territory, making it practically uninhabitable, but at the same time it is a very valuable resource, as a result of which it becomes the cause of wars between the military-religious brotherhood Nod, headed by the charismatic leader Kane, and the international UN troops united in the Global Security Council.

In addition to its compelling story, Command & Conquer also features well-developed gameplay that would influence the development of the genre for years to come. Alas, not all games in the series turned out to be of equal quality: the successful trilogy was followed by a not-so-outstanding fourth installment, after which no new releases in the franchise followed. But, as always, the fans save the day: if the original C&C games are not enough for you, you can always pay attention to custom mods, among which Twisted Insurrection for Tiberian Sun stands out.


The famous space saga from Blizzard, telling the story of the confrontation (and sometimes cooperation) of three factions - the Terrans (descendants of earthlings), the Zerg (space insects) and the Protoss (a highly technologically advanced race). The parties to the conflict are radically different from each other, but at the same time, the developers have brought the balance to perfection, without giving any of them significant advantages.

StarCraft is a perfect strategy game in all its aspects. Here is a plot full of pathos and epic with memorable characters, varied missions and the opportunity to play for each side of the conflict. There is a fascinating multiplayer, thanks to which the game has become a popular e-sports discipline. Finally, the project encourages creative people, allowing you to create your own maps and scenarios in the local editor. Today, StarCraft exists in two editions: the original game, which is distributed free of charge, and the remaster, which has improved graphics, sound and expanded network capabilities.

1. WarCraft series

Rounding out our list of the best old strategy games on PC is a series that innovated the RTS genre, contributed to its popularity, and also influenced the development of the multiplayer component in the game. computer games. In addition, two games have spun off from WarCraft that are extremely successful: we're talking about, of course, about DotA and World of Warcraft, with which the MOBA and MMORPG genres are associated today.

The WarCraft trilogy takes place in a fantasy universe where there are constant wars between humans and orcs, mixed with conflicts with elves, undead and other races. All games in the trilogy are distinguished by fascinating missions, many of which deviate from the usual base-building genre, an exciting plot, as well as interesting characters, among whom even the negative ones have clear motivations and can evoke sympathy (you don’t have to look far for examples - who didn’t empathize with the fate of Arthas ?). Not without dynamic multiplayer and an advanced map editor (which at one time served as a tool for creating DotA). To this day, WarCraft is deservedly considered the standard of the RTS genre, for which it receives first place in our selection.

Special nomination: Dune Series

When talking about old strategies, we cannot fail to mention the Dune series, which had a huge influence on the formation and development of the RTS genre. What can I say - it was Dune II from 1992 that is considered the first real-time strategy (although some dispute this opinion, giving the palm to the game Herzog Zwei).

The Dune series is based on the plot of the novel of the same name by Frank Herbert, and tells about military conflicts in the distant future that unfold between the ruling Houses of the descendants of humanity. However, familiarity with the original source is not necessary here: the games have a self-sufficient history, no less interesting than in the books. The gameplay will not be a revelation for a player familiar with strategies: building a base, extracting resources, producing an army and mercilessly destroying enemies. Today, these games can no longer compete with modern projects(and with other heroes of this collection too), but every fan of the RTS genre should know about them.