Profession seller. We draw people of different professions

Drawing shops is quite a fun activity because they can look completely different. It can be either a small rural store or a huge supermarket in some metropolis. In this article we will look at several ways to draw a store.

Simple and small

To depict a small store, first of all we draw a rectangle. This will be the building itself. Below we draw another line at the base of the store. From above we depict a canopy in the shape of a trapezoid. We draw several slightly inclined stripes across the canopy, and add figures in the form of semicircles from below.

Above the canopy, draw another narrow rectangle and draw an additional line along it.

On the right under the canopy we depict big window in the form of a rectangle. Add another smaller rectangle inside the window to create a window frame.

To the right of the window draw a rectangular door. We also add a frame and a long handle in the center to it.

Add a small rectangular sign to the window that says “Open” and erase the extra lines. After drawing the store with a pencil, you should color it using paints, felt-tip pens or colored pencils.

Small supermarket

To draw a larger store, first draw a wide rectangle with a trapezoid-shaped figure on it. When drawing, do not press on the pencil so that unnecessary lines can be easily erased.

We draw a barely noticeable vertical line in the center and lead it higher, beyond the trapezoid. Using this line as a guide, draw a triangle in the center of the trapezoid. After this, we wipe the base of the triangle and draw an additional line along the bottom of the trapezoid and the upper sides of the triangle.

On a wide rectangle through the center line we draw the doors of the supermarket. We draw a line in the center, since the doors should turn out to be double. We add an additional frame to the doors and draw two horizontal stripes to depict a wide door handle.

On both sides of the door we depict rectangular windows and add several vertical and horizontal lines in the form of a lattice. The windows should also have a frame, so let's finish drawing that too.

WITH right side supermarket we depict carts. First we draw an irregular rectangle, add legs and wheels at the bottom, and a small handle at the top. Let's finish drawing a few more carts.

At the end, add the words "Supermarket" in the center of the building. To prevent the lettering from appearing to the side, draw the letter "M" on the center line, and then add the rest of the word.

Once you've finished drawing the outline, erase the unnecessary lines and color your store.

Now let's try to draw a place that girls love to visit - a clothing store. It is a little more difficult to draw than the previous options, since you will need to depict the goods on the display window. Here's how to draw a store step by step:

A toy shop

To draw a toy store, first draw a square. On top we draw a roof in the shape of a trapezoid. It should be slightly wider than the main part of the building.

Now we draw an oval sign on the store with the inscription “Toys”. On the roof of the store we add small semicircles, imitating tiles.

On the left side of the building we depict a rectangular door with round handle. On the right we draw a square display case behind which there are toys.

The products on display can be very different. For example, on the right we will draw a teddy bear. His head is a small circle, his eyes are two black dots, his ears are two small semicircles. On the bear's head we draw another small circle for the nose and mouth. The mouth of this toy resembles the number “3”, and the nose is drawn with another small circle.

On the top left we draw three oval balls, under which there will be a round soccer ball, and above the bear we finish drawing a small toy airplane.

How to draw a toy store window

Showcases can be not only different sizes and types, but also differently decorated.

First, it is better to try to draw a simple rectangular display case with shelves. To do this, draw a large quadrangle and three rectangles inside, located one above the other. At this point, the display window itself is ready, but the goods must be on it. Therefore, you need to draw toys on the shelves.

On the top shelf on the left we will depict a toy pyramid consisting of figures in the shape of elongated ovals. Close by using simple geometric shapes Let's draw a plush hare. We will also place a doll on the top shelf.

On the middle shelf we will draw a tumbler, which has a pear shape, a toy truck and children's blocks.

On the bottom shelf we depict a toy locomotive with carriages and paint the display case.

Grocery store

To draw a store that sells products, we draw a quadrangle and inside it - a large display case with a shelf. On top we draw a trapezoidal canopy.

Now we place vegetables on the shelves. Drawing them is not at all difficult. For example, tomatoes are circles, slightly flattened on top, with a pair of narrow leaves. Draw several of these tomatoes lying on top of each other. Then you can draw some carrots in the form of small upside down cones. Add a couple of ears of corn by drawing two leaves on the bottom and a parabola shape on top. Also draw some eggplants, turnips and peppers, and to finish the drawing, you need to color it.

(be sure to start with this lesson!) I naively believed that there were enough explanations, but to no avail - it turned out that the topic needed to be explored deeper, otherwise many would not understand it. Therefore, today we will look at how very specific characters are drawn - people of different professions. If, of course, an Indian and a knight are professions...

So, let me remind you: 1) first we draw a “skeleton”, 2) we “put” clothes on it, draw all sorts of things, 3) we erase the extra lines. Well, who came to visit us?

How to draw a doctor

— A cap with a red cross.
White robe(not to the floor - this is not a bathrobe!)
— A stethoscope is peeking out of the pocket.
— A suitcase with medicines and other enemas.

How to draw a fireman

— A helmet with a comb. This comb has a purely practical meaning. If a charred log falls on your head, the comb will crumple, partially absorbing the blow. By the way, the helmet covers the back of the neck so that nothing falls down the collar.
- Long jacket.
- Boots.
— I’m not even talking about the water cannon.
“And, of course, an angry, focused face—it’s no laughing matter during a fire!”

How to draw a basketball player

— Firstly, the basketball player is exceptionally long!
— Mike
with number, shorts.
— Sneakers with laces can be drawn as candy bars
- Basketball!

How to draw a cook

- Our cook is fat: draw a wider tummy, and under the smile - a double chin.
- Apron, cap, ladle, fork in pocket.

How to draw a wizard

— Pointed hat.
- Beard.
— A long robe that goes all the way to the floor.
Magic wand and a book of spells.
- Stars-moons-suns-shmolntsa and other magical nonsense.

Where there are Indians, there are cowboys... What can you do, Wild West!

How to draw a cowboy

Hat, optional beard, angry face. “Hey, gringo, looking for trouble?”
— Belt with revolvers and cartridges.
— Sheriff's star. Unless, of course, it’s the insidious bandit Elusive Joe: “Why can’t anyone catch him?” - “Yes, because no one needs him!”

How to draw a knight

It’s quite difficult to draw a knight in armor from memory...

- Helmet with plume.
— There are gloves on my hands.
— Elbows and knees can be depicted as diamonds.
— On the shoulders there is armor that looks like droplets.
- Pointed iron shoes.
— A cloak flutters behind your back, and a faithful sword
always with me!

Try to draw these comrades in different poses! If something stubbornly doesn’t work out, write to me at [email protected], and I will talk about this in more detail.

Opportunity to become opinion leaders: it is necessary to become the chain of stores that people turn to for qualified services. Everyone online needs to convey this message to customers - when new technologies come to market, look to us for them at.....!

Thus, the rules of service in the “Seven of Success” retail store meet the following main goals:

· “Seven of Success” is the main rule of customer service in the “...” chain of stores. The Success Seven rules give salespeople the help and encouragement they need to communicate positively and professionally with every customer. These rules also give sellers the opportunity to understand and learn about the buyer's lifestyle and find solutions that fit their lifestyle needs.

· “Seven of Success” is designed to ensure that communication with customers takes place in a positive way and, to a certain extent, to control correct behavior personnel, which will lead to the business results necessary for the company.

Thus, customer service in stores includes seven main effective elements:


The purpose of the stage is to prepare for the buyer's meeting.

We are all customers every day and feel how much friendliness, friendliness, and smiling are lacking on “the other side of the counter.” When coming to a store to make a purchase, the buyer waits comfortable conditions consult with competent sellers and purchase the goods he needs.

Based on this, three types of preparation for potential sale:

Informational –
This is knowledge of the product presented in the store, as well as aspects of the business process. The seller must always be aware of new models and changes in the rules for selling goods and services.

Organizational- this is a cast appearance seller and store to the standards adopted by the company. Sellers and the store are the face of the company.

Psychological– this is a positive attitude of the seller. We love our clients, so we greet them with a smile. If the salesperson is in a bad mood and wanders gloomily around the store, the customer will come in, see this, and go to a competitor’s store.

Making contact

The seller’s task at this stage is to make a positive impression on the buyer and effectively initiate a sales dialogue.

Establishing Contact = Greeting + Observing + Approach

Greeting the incoming buyer is the direct responsibility of the seller.

The “four pluses” rule applies to the “approach” stage:


Recognition of significance

Ways to get in touch:

· Verbs. An open question, for example: “What are you looking for?”, “Which model are you interested in?” Questions: “What did you like?”, “How can I help you?”, “How much do you expect?” - are standard, because They are asked everywhere - don't ask them!

· Choice. Alternative question, for example: “Are you choosing for yourself or as a gift?”

· Compliment. The complimentary part of the statement should be short.

· Motives. People make purchases based on various motives, one of which is cost-effectiveness, so announcements about promotions, bonuses, and discounts are always received with interest.

· Mini-presentation of shares: “I would like to draw your attention to the company’s share……… Tell you more about this?”

· Small talk. A little conversation.

Identifying needs

Types of questions

Open questions
- these are questions that cannot be answered “yes” or “no”. They begin with question words: why, why, how, when, etc.

Closed questions
- These are questions to which all possible answers are clearly stated or implied.

Alternative questions
-or they are also called choice without choice.

Rhetorical questions
- do not require an answer, are divided into two types:

1) “Tell me no”

2) “Tell me yes”

Questions of the beginning
- used at the end of a sentence, suggesting the answer “yes”.

At this stage, it is mandatory to use active listening skills.

Active listening allows you to gain the client’s trust and collect the maximum full information about his needs.

Active Listening Techniques

Nonverbal support.
Active listening includes nonverbal behavior: you look on the interlocutor, yours the pose expresses attention, you are ready to record the most important points conversations, you nod your head And make sounds of approval"yes".

Clarifying questions.
You ask for clarification certain provisions client statements. For example, the seller says: “This is very important, could you please clarify...”

Echo (Repeat).
Verbatim repetition by the seller last words expressed by the client:

- I'm looking for a laptop as a gift for my wife, she wants red and bright.

- Red and bright?

- Yes, and with WiFi...

Paraphrasing technique.
A brief repetition of what was heard, preferably with the client’s key words and phrases. Use the question: " Did I understand you correctly that...?” - "Yes!"

Summary. Reproduction of the essence of the client’s statements in a condensed and generalized form. In this case, you can use introductory phrases such as: “ So, you are interested in... ... Exactly? - "YES!".

From these techniques, the seller receives a triple benefit:

a) the client is happy that he was heard correctly;

b) the seller will better remember what the client said;

c) to the questions “Did I understand correctly?” and so on. the client will very likely say yes.

Product presentation

Law of choice:
offer the buyer 2 models so that he has confidence that the choice is only his.

Puppy Law: give the product you like to the client, the feeling of the product in the hands will form in the client a feeling of desire to own it.

Law of benefit: the buyer is not interested in the product itself, but in what joy, relief, savings, i.e., what benefit the product gives him. Accordingly, the buyer pays not for the product itself and its characteristics, but for the benefits received and the amenities acquired.

At some point, people realized that they could exchange things they didn’t need for things they needed more. For example, a ninetieth cow that does not produce milk could be exchanged for a normal one with an additional payment of one squirrel. Then things got even more complicated. It became clear that you can’t measure a cow’s protein. And someone came up with money. Yes, exchanging a piece of paper for whatever you want is much more convenient than exchanging a piece of paper for a cow. And it's easier to carry around. And you can make such an exchange in any store. Last time we already drew, and now you will learn how to draw a store with a pencil. The store is a hub of the most necessary goods for people, as well as food, clothing, water and air. There is strict face control on the territory of the establishment, which does not allow the sale of alcohol to children and adults under 21 years of age. Here you can encounter even more different emotions than at the station, because where there is money, there are always a lot of people and their opinions. The best form is a stall, preferably around the clock, since people are nocturnal predators and need energy at this time.

Food for thought:

  • In Norway, everyone is so relaxed that in rural villages there are no sellers in stores; the buyer simply takes the goods and leaves money in the box. With us it would be like this;
  • In America there was a slave store where people bought goods but paid with labor hours doing work for the owner;
  • In any city, there are more sold clothes and shoes on the shelves than the population itself;
  • People love supermarkets only because they can touch the goods there and determine their quality.

As an object to draw, it is quite difficult, but I am sure you will succeed:

How to draw a store with a pencil step by step

Step one. Draw in the center of the sheet rectangular shape, this will be a shop building. Let's add a roof.
Step two. Add a door in the middle and windows near it with different posters and inscriptions.
Step three. Clearly outline all the contours, add the inscriptions Fish and Meat, round the edges of the roof, and draw a fence and trees in the background.
Step four. Shade the entire store and, most importantly, add the inscription Products in the very center at the top so that it is clear. We'll make tiles on the roof, and don't forget to add shadows to the background. Here's the result:
Watch the following lessons from the series about architecture and buildings, try to depict them.


  • Form correct physiological breathing.
  • Learn to change the strength of your voice.
  • Form clear coordinated movements of the organs of the speech apparatus.
  • Develop grammatical structure of speech.
  • Correction of cognitive activity.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

Report the topic of the lesson.

Look at the drawing and say how many toys are drawn on it.

Where can I buy toys?

2. Development of general speech skills.

3. Report the topic of the lesson.

Today we will go on a tour of the store. What stores do you know? (grocery, shoe, vegetable, household appliances etc.) We will visit a toy store. Look at the picture and tell me what they sell in such a store? (toys).

4. Psycho-gymnastics.

This is an active speech game that serves to relax muscles. The speech therapist reads a poem, and the child imitates a doll.

"Rag Doll"

And we have a doll Masha,

The rag doll is ours.

The doll is soft like cotton wool,

There is not enough hardness in it.

5. Main part.

The speech therapist lays out pictures with shelves and toys. As the story progresses, he places on them the corresponding subject pictures(you can use recognizable silhouettes of objects).

Masha (Mitya) went to Children's World. They sell toys there. The store has three shelves. There is a tumbler on the first shelf. On the second shelf - ... On the third shelf - ... All the toys are very beautiful. Masha loves toys, she bought...

A set of pictures with toys and store shelves.

Let's stock the shelves at the toy store.

We will arrange toys on shelves so that it would be convenient for the seller to take them out and show them to customers. We will talk about where we put which toy. For example: “I put the tumbler on the top shelf. I put the hippopotamus on the bottom shelf.”

The child lays out the pictures, saying the sentences.

Name the toys that are on the top, middle, and bottom shelves. What toys do boys like to play with and what toys do girls like to play with?

In the shop.

When we come to a store, we are called customers. The seller helps us choose a purchase. But you have to ask him about it. For example: “Please show me a big car!”

Assignment: ask the seller to show you a ball, a bus, a doll.

To find out the price you need to ask: “How much does the car cost?”

Assignment: ask how much the toy costs.

To buy a toy, you need to ask: “Please sell me the toy!”

Assignment: ask them to sell you a doll, a ball, etc.

6. Physical education minute.

"Naughty Daughter"

I gently rock the doll,

And she shouts “Waah”!

Raises his arms and legs,

He won't sleep until morning.

I’ll cook porridge for her better

And I'll put it on a plate.

All dirty, dirty!

Let me cool the porridge.

I washed my daughter:

Hands, neck and face.

I washed off all the porridge with water.

I played enough with the doll. All!

Now imagine that you need to buy a gift for a friend. You came to the store. I will be the seller, and you will try to choose and buy a toy.

Game "Forgetful buyer"

Now you will be the seller, and I will be the buyer who has forgotten the name of the item I want to buy. I will describe the product I need, and you try to guess what it is.

For example: it is sweet, with cream...

Answer with a sentence: “This is a cake.”

Compiling a story according to an outline.


I think salesman is a very necessary profession.

The seller works in the store. He sells people different goods: food, clothes, toys. At the workplace, the salesperson wears a comfortable uniform. In the store, the seller weighs the products on scales, calculates the cost of the purchase on a calculator and knocks out a receipt at the cash register.

Answer the questions and write a story according to the diagram.

1) Name your profession.

2) What tools do people in this profession need?

3) What kind of work do people in this profession do?

7. Summary of the lesson.

Today we visited a toy store.