Lightweight flat roofs. Flat roof for a private house: is it worth it or not? Advantages of membrane roofing

The construction of a gable or hip roof is not always rational and expedient when it comes to outbuildings, industrial and commercial facilities, and sometimes private houses in a modern style. High material consumption, a complex truss system make the construction of these structures an economically unprofitable, protracted undertaking. While flat roof projects greatly reduce construction costs, build quickly and are suitable for almost any structure.

A house with a flat roof is reliably protected from increased wind load. However, without slopes, it cannot quickly drain rain and melt water from the roof surface.

The situation is complicated by the fact that the surface of roofing materials has a rough structure that does not allow moisture and snow to slide off freely. Therefore, a do-it-yourself flat roof device must comply with the stringent requirements of building codes for waterproofing, ramping and construction technology.

The structure of the roofing pie

The need for a high level of protection against moisture makes it necessary to arrange flat roof roofing materials in layers, one above the other, forming the so-called "pie". If we consider its device in section, we can see the following layers:

  1. Flat base made of concrete slabs or profiled metal sheets. It provides structural rigidity, bears the weight of the roofing pie, transferring it to the load-bearing partitions and, as a result, to the foundation. At the exploited roof, the base should be as rigid as possible.
  2. vapor barrier. A layer that is necessary in order to protect a flat roof from the penetration of vapors from internal heated rooms into the thickness of the insulation. Settling on thermal insulation in the form of condensate, water irrevocably reduces its insulating properties by more than two times. As the simplest vapor barrier, polyethylene film or bitumen-based coatings are used.
  3. insulation. For thermal insulation of a flat roof, backfill materials are used, such as expanded clay, perlite, slag, rolled, for example, mineral wool and in the form of plates, in particular expanded polystyrene. By the way, insulation is used not only to regulate the temperature regime, but also to flatten a house with a flat roof. The main requirements for insulation are low hygroscopicity and thermal conductivity, light weight.
  4. Waterproofing. A flat roof allows the use of rolled materials for protection against moisture: bitumen, polymer and bitumen-polymer. In addition to high waterproofing qualities, they must be resistant to temperature extremes, elasticity, and long service life.

Types of roofing and the nuances of their installation

The device of a flat roof determines the design and nature of use. The following are distinguished into separate types that require a special approach during construction:

Roof installation for unheated buildings

If a flat roof is erected with your own hands for an unheated utility room, for example, a shed, gazebo, shed or extension, the slope is organized using support beams.

They are installed at an angle of 3 degrees, which is 30 mm per linear meter of the length of the beam. Then a base of unedged boards is laid on the beams, fixing them with nails or self-tapping screws.

Roofing material is used as a waterproofing agent - the most affordable material. It is produced and sold in the form of rolls. Carry out the cutting of the waterproofing, cutting the strips so as to lay them in the direction of the slope of the flat roof.

Roofing material strips are gradually laid with an overlap of 10-15 cm and fixed with wooden slats or steel slats every 60-70 cm in the direction of the drain, so as not to block the path of flowing moisture. The flat roof of an unheated room is easily mounted by one's own hands, even by one worker without the help of helpers.

Roof installation for heated buildings

If they are building a private house with a flat roof, which they plan to connect to the heating system, then the work takes place in the following order:

To build a house with a flat roof, the length of which exceeds 6 m, a beam with a section of 150x150 mm or more, or a steel I-beam, is used for the manufacture of support beams.

Monolithic concrete roof

Another option, how to build a flat roof with your own hands, is the use of monolithic concrete. The process looks like this:

Decline process

- the device of a small angle of the roof surface for organizing a drain. Before building a house with a flat roof, it is better to decide in advance which drain you will install, internal or external, and make a drawing.

If provided, water should drain with the help of a ramp into the water-catching funnels, which are located 1 per 25 sq.m or more often. If you make an external drain, then moisture should fall into the gutter. The slope is formed by the following methods:

A flat roof without a proper slope is an unreliable shield between you and the weather. Moisture that has no way out will accumulate on the surface of the roof, provoke the destruction of the roof and leaks.

Video instruction

All urban high-rise and industrial buildings are houses with flat roofs. Moreover, today many who love the modern style of architecture prefer to have a flat roof in their private homes. It really looks stylish, but, among other things, houses with such a roof are more functional - they can be equipped with a winter garden or use the roof as a place to relax in the warm season. Therefore, we immediately proceed to the description of the installation steps and consider in detail its device.

A flat roof is great for those who use it as an open floor.

The subtleties of installation and the design of the roofing "pie"

Installation of a flat roof involves the presence of a roofing "pie". It has high heat-shielding properties that prevent overheating of the attic in the summer and allow you to retain heat in the winter. In addition, the roofing “pie” is able to prevent the formation of condensate, the insulation will be protected from moisture, and icing and icicles will not appear on the roof. It is important to observe its correct device.

The design of the roofing "pie" involves the presence of several layers:

  • bearing base;
  • vapor barrier layer;
  • multilayer insulation;
  • hydroprotection.

You should start by preparing the foundation. It needs to be leveled, cleaned, cracks in concrete filled with polyurethane sealant, based on a consumption of 180 g per 1 running meter with a joint width of 5 cm and a depth of 0.3 cm. The next step is priming using an epoxy primer. On porous surfaces, you will need 0.2 kg per 1 sq.m, on non-porous surfaces - 0.12 kg. The primer is mixed with a low-speed mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained, after which it is diluted ½ with water. Apply to the surface with a paint roller or brush. After all of the above, the base surface can be reinforced. For this, a special mastic is applied (14 kg per 1 cubic meter). Before polymerization, a construction bandage is laid on it, and after polymerization, another layer of mastic is laid.

Any roof needs a vapor barrier. For this, polypropylene and polyethylene films are used, which are fastened with nails or binders or glued. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a 10 cm gap for ventilation so that steam does not accumulate under the film. The thermal insulation material must adhere tightly to the roof surface, pipes and ventilation units.

Roof insulation and thermal insulation materials

Insulation is responsible for maintaining warmth and comfort in the house. Properly selected thermal insulation materials will not only bring comfort to its walls, but will also significantly save on heating. Therefore, you should always pay attention to such qualities of roof insulation as low thermal conductivity, fire safety, vapor permeability, which is necessary for good ventilation of the room; resistance to moisture and various mechanical damage.

It is very important that the material of which the insulation consists is resistant to point loads. In 80% of cases of damage to roofs, they are the cause of many problems. The main ones are:

  • violation of waterproofing, as a result of which moisture reaches the roofing “pie” and destroys it;
  • causing serious damage during a thaw due to freezing of snow;
  • the appearance of "cold bridges" that increase heat loss.

To protect the roof from such troubles, you need to ensure that everything happens in accordance with all the rules and regulations of construction, and you also need to control the quality of the materials used. One of the most common materials, without which thermal insulation is indispensable, is stone wool. It is very easy to install and withstands temperatures up to 1000°C. In addition, polyurethane foam, foam concrete, foam glass and extruded polystyrene foam are often used as roofing heat-insulating material. Let's take a closer look at each type of material.

Polyurethane foam (PPU) is highly adaptable and has additional waterproofing properties. However, it cannot be left as a finishing coating, since ultraviolet radiation on the PPU will make it brittle and reduce its service life, insulation is its main purpose. But this material has good maintainability and is easily amenable to local repair. For 1 cubic meter, 60-80 kg of polyurethane foam will be needed. This amount is due to the fact that polyurethane foam is prone to burning, but its use in this particular ratio reduces its combustible qualities. When exposed to direct fire, PPU melts, and when the source of fire is eliminated, it instantly fades.

Foam concrete has a higher thermal conductivity compared to polyurethane foam, so reliable insulation will be obtained if its thickness and material costs are higher, on average, 250 kg per 1 cubic meter. However, this increases the load on the roof above the roof.

Extruded polystyrene foam refers to plate materials for thermal insulation. Warming with its use has become very widespread and is very popular due to the ease of installation. The slabs are tightly laid over the entire surface and glued together, after which the roof is considered to be fully insulated.

Thermal insulation using stone wool implies a laying method identical to the previous one. The difference lies in the material itself. Stone wool slabs usually have two degrees of density. The side with increased density is often marked with a black stripe. This side of the plate should lie up.

Foam glass is laid on a flat, dry surface filled with molten bitumen. Blocks of foam glass are superimposed at some distance from adjacent blocks and move towards them diagonally. To fix the position of the plate and remove excess bitumen from under it, you need to press your foot in the middle. Foam glass is high-strength, resistant to high temperatures and many acids, has low thermal conductivity, which ensures maximum insulation. However, its high cost often makes it less attractive for use as a thermal insulation material.

It can be carried out in many ways, but the most popular of them is bituminous. Let's stop on it. Bituminous mastic is stirred with a drill with a nozzle for 5 minutes. The first layer is made more liquid than subsequent ones. It is applied with a density of 90-120 g per 1 sq. cm. The next layer of bitumen is applied after the previous one has dried, after about 10-12 hours. The more layers there are, the higher the protection.

Features of a flat roof device

The device of flat roofs divides them into operated, non-operated, inversion and traditional. The device of the inverted roof is different in that the thermal insulation layer is located above the waterproofing, and not below it. This allows you to protect it from ultraviolet radiation, mechanical damage, temperature changes. does not imply additional use of the roof, its installation is most affordable. involves the active use of the roof surface (the presence of a sports or helipad, a cafe). In this regard, its device is more expensive than the device of non-exploited roofs, but also more durable.

Despite the fact that the roof is called flat, it still has a slight slope (1-4%). This design allows precipitation to descend on its own. The device of any roof structure must withstand a load of 200 kg per 1 sq.m, its own weight and the weight of the roof covering. Therefore, it is laid on durable reinforced concrete slabs 4-5 cm wide and 40 x 40 cm in size to increase reliability.

Flat roofing is one of the easiest and most convenient installation methods.

Therefore, the construction of a flat roof is quite often involved in the construction of residential buildings and industrial-type buildings.

The article discusses the functions, advantages and disadvantages of a flat roof on wooden beams, the stages of its installation (demolition, creation of a drain and a roofing pie, installation of parapets).

Depending on the type of roofing, the flat roof device is divided into 4 separate types:

  • exploited;
  • unexploited;
  • inversion;
  • traditional.

Positive and negative points

The device of a flat roof in frame houses on wooden beams is gaining more and more popularity every year.

The installation technology of such an exploited roof is so simple that even a non-professional can cope with this task with a small amount of construction work.

Even though it is called flat, it is still not horizontal.

When recreating it, a small technological bias is still very important - for 1 m of length it is 1.5-2.5%, provided that it is an exploited space.

In all other cases, this slope, according to SNiP, must be at least 3-10%.

If we are talking about the service life of the coating (profiling) on ​​a frame house, then this directly depends on the professionalism of the builders who were involved in its construction.

But at the same time, an important role is played by the choice of materials, the properties of which must correspond not only to the terrain, but also to other parameters.

In regions with moderate rainfall, corrugated roofs are most often constructed. Laying corrugated board on a flat roof is carried out directly on the floor beams.

It is important that the technology of installation and installation of flat roofs is observed, since any deviations from the specified standards, when using low-quality materials, can cause a decrease in the life of not only the roof, but also the building itself as a whole.


  • The device of a flat exploited roof based on rolled materials is considered an example of simplicity and minimalism, from an architectural point of view:
  • Smaller area, and therefore savings in materials;
  • Long service life of a roof from a professional flooring;
  • Simple installation technology and the device of a flat covering from a professional flooring;
  • Convenience during professional examinations and repair of the exploited roof of a house from corrugated board;
  • The possibility of using this site for a cafe or a green lawn;
  • Stability of roll materials under any weather conditions.

Important conditions:

  • High strength, which is very important during periods of heavy snowfall, when it is under pressure from snow and ice. This indicator must be taken into account when the roof is in operation;
  • The use of materials when constructing a flat roof of a private house, which are able to withstand severe frosts and hot sunlight;
  • The roof must be heat-insulated and fireproof, according to SNiP.

Operated and non-operated types of coatings

The technology of the device of a flat exploited roof implies the wear resistance and strength of rolled materials.

Due to this, it is able to be homogeneous even with fairly strong uneven and long-term loads.

Such a roof is suitable for walking on it, like a corrugated roof.

Non-exploited corrugated roofing is less wear-resistant, due to the lack of a rigid base in it.

But at the same time, a corrugated roof is more durable and does not need special care.

The device of operated flat roofs today is carried out using the following materials:

  • Use of roll materials;
  • The use of polymer membranes;
  • Use of asphalt and bituminous mastics;
  • Application of materials with liquid rubber.

The device of a flat exploited roof made of corrugated sheets differs in the design of a roofing pie from any other roof.

A vapor barrier is laid on top of the ramp.

To date, several subspecies are known:

  • directed;
  • membrane;
  • bulk.

The installation scheme for a flat roof using different materials consists of the following steps:

  • Vapor barrier with glassine, polyethylene film, roofing material;
  • Warming with mineral wool, expanded clay, polystyrene;
  • Gravel spreading device;
  • The device of a bulk cement-sand or asphalt concrete screed;
  • Priming screed;
  • The device of rolled roofs from polymeric membranes;
  • Installation of overhang and parapet from steel sheets;
  • External drainage system;
  • Installation of funnels for water drainage.

How is a flat roof slope created?

The formation of stagnant zones, thawing and freezing, the appearance of vegetation adversely affects the roof, reducing its service life.

The decompression device helps to combat these phenomena. SNiP, regulating their device, contribute to the flow of water to the funnels from the parapet, even with damage to the roof.

There are several ways to create a slope on the exploited roof of a house:

  • With backfill heaters;
  • On heat-insulating plates;
  • With the help of concrete mixtures.

The most economical option for flat roofing on wooden beams is the use of wedge-shaped styrofoam slabs.

This method is considered the least laborious, in contrast to the demolition using a cement-sand screed. The most optimal is the creation of a slope with a slope of 1.7-2%.

All construction and repair work is carried out strictly in accordance with the requirements of SNiP, therefore soft roofing is no exception.

For construction companies, SNiP are the rules that guide the performance of work. Only in this case the coating will be durable and strong.

To work with each of the rolled roofing materials, there are standard technological maps that describe a detailed diagram of the process of building a flat roof.

When creating a typical map, the requirements of SNiP for roofing must be taken into account.

So, when installing a flat roof of a house from rolled materials, SNiP II-26-76 is considered the main regulatory document.

In addition, the provisions of SNiP 3.04.01-87 are used, with a description of finishing and heat-insulating coatings, as well as requirements governing labor safety when performing such work.

Drainage system on a flat roof

The device of an internal drain on flat roofs of the house helps to eliminate moisture. The best option is to organize an internal drain.

To do this, the funnels are evenly distributed over the surface of the roof, carrying out the removal of water flows during heavy snowfalls and showers, preventing flooding. This is the main function of the drain.

The system of internal drainage and slopes is an indicator of roof care.

This suggests that it is important to inspect funnels, cleaning them of dirt, leaves, and also repair or replace them in a timely manner.

The device of an internal drain and slope is a sanitary standard, the miscalculations of which are carried out specifically for each individual case.

Initially, many people believe that the device of an internal drain and slope is not so important for residential buildings, however, a large functional load is assigned to it.

SNiP provides for the mandatory presence of an internal drain to protect structures from adverse effects.

It is important to perform the internal drainage device correctly, since if even small mistakes are made, there may be problems later.

At the time of drawing up the construction project, it is important to plan for the presence of a drain.

Making a roofing cake

The installation conditions of the operated roof provide for the mandatory presence of a roofing pie, as it prevents heat loss. Protecting the roof from overheating is also one of the functions of the roof threshold.

The device of a roofing cake for a flat roof implies the presence of such layers:

  • base;
  • steam insulation;
  • insulation;
  • hydroprotection.

Each of the elements of the roofing pie performs its function. If the work on creating a roofing pie was performed in violation of the instructions, then the entire system will not function correctly. As a result, the work will have to be completely redone.

During the creation of a roofing pie, the following points are performed:

  • steam isolation;
  • creating a crate;
  • insulation installation;
  • work with waterproofing;
  • ventilation system.

Subject to all the requirements for the construction of a roofing pie, you can be sure of a positive result of the work carried out.

It is necessary to determine the design of the roof at the design stage of the structure. If you have chosen a flat option, it is very important to represent all the positive and negative aspects of the operation of a building with such a roof. The choice of the type of roof also depends on the use of special materials and technological methods in construction.

Flat roof device

Not always a flat type of roof evoked positive emotions among builders. This was due to some prejudices in the construction and operation of a flat roof - lack of aesthetics, uneconomical, fragility.

Recently, there has been a trend to revive the popularity of flat roof structures, a significant role in this was played by new construction technologies and innovative materials.

A flat roof made of modern materials reliably protects the house and looks beautiful

A flat roofing device can be represented as a multi-tiered "pie" with several layers:

  1. Reliable foundation. Most often, this role is played by a reinforced concrete slab or a metal profile structure.
  2. Vapor barrier coating. The most popular bitumen or roll materials.
  3. Thermal insulation layer. Mineral wool, expanded clay, expanded polystyrene, cement screed - the main components used by builders for thermal insulation.
  4. Waterproofing. There are a lot of materials to protect the roof from moisture (bitumen-based mastics, PVC membranes, compositions for liquid fusing, etc.), the choice depends on the material and production capabilities of the developer.

The listed order of layers is not mandatory, it can be different in different flat roof structures.

All elements of the roof must be of high quality, a flaw in at least one of them can lead to problems in the normal operation of the roof.

Pros and cons of a flat roof

A flat roof, despite its apparent simplicity, has a number of useful features that attract builders. Such designs also have disadvantages that must be taken into account.

Advantages of flat roofs

Photo gallery: flat roof operating options

Modern technologies make it possible to plant grass on the roof and arrange a playground exactly like on earth. You can get to such a cafe by elevator. Only a flat roof can be decorated so beautifully and modernly. On the roof, you can place a table, benches, a hammock and enjoy your vacation. Swim in the pool. practically without leaving home - you can only dream about it

Disadvantages of a flat roof structure

No roof is perfect. There are significant disadvantages of a flat roof:

  • instability to snowfalls (with heavy snowfall, the likelihood of a roof break increases, with abundant spring thawing, leaks are possible);
  • the need to build additional drains for water;
  • increased requirements for the state of hydro- and thermal insulation of the roof.

If internal drains are made on the surface of flat structures, then they require constant monitoring of their condition (it is necessary to clean debris, eliminate freezing, etc.).

Types of flat roofs

There are two main types of flat roofs:

The structural differences between the two types of flat roofs are in the order in which the layers are laid. In an unexploited roof, the top layer is waterproofing, which quickly collapses under the influence of various natural factors - the sun, wind, precipitation, etc. This option is not suitable for the active use of the roof.

The inversion roof is “packed” differently. The sequence of layers here is as follows: concrete, waterproofing, thermal insulation, protective coating. The last layer is often made of drainage or geotextile. Such durable structures are in demand among designers who want to make the most of the entire roof space.

Holding concerts, building car parks, summer cafes and studios implies a high degree of load, so builders put additional reinforced materials between the insulating layers.

flat roof slope

A flat roof does not have to be absolutely flat, a minimum slope must be provided for. Otherwise, sewage disposal will be difficult, moisture from precipitation will accumulate on the roof and contribute to its rapid destruction.

In the absence of a slope, stagnant zones with negative aspects may appear:

  • accumulation of moisture;
  • germination of seeds carried by the wind;
  • lichen formation.

To prevent this from happening, a slope of one to four degrees should be made on a flat roof. With such a difference in levels, melt and waste water will not linger on the surface, which will extend the life of the roofing.

Work to create a slope on a flat roof is called slope.

To achieve the desired slope on a flat surface, you can use different materials:

  1. Backfill components (expanded clay, perlite, etc.).
  2. different layers of insulation.
  3. Lightweight mixtures of concrete on various bases (polymers, bulk materials, etc.).

Each of these solutions has its own characteristics in relation to the slope. The use of backfill materials during long-term operation of the roof does not give a clear angle of inclination. Loose materials can slide off the roof, move, which leads to a change in slope. It is difficult to achieve a smooth height difference if large-sized expanded clay (more than 20 mm) is used.

Accurately leveling an inclined surface with expanded clay is quite difficult.

Lightweight concrete masses are devoid of such disadvantages, but they are quite heavy, not every roof structure provides for such additional weight. These materials cannot be used in cases where the building has already been built and its design is not designed for a large load on the frame and foundation.

Modern industry produces materials that help create the necessary and smooth slope on a flat roof. The polymer base of these mixtures makes them plastic, which is a big plus in the construction of flat roofs.

There are other possibilities for creating a slope on a flat roof:

  • installation of metal profile structures covered with flat slate;
  • construction of a crate (rarely used due to the cost and impossibility of creating small slopes);
  • installation of wedge-shaped heat-insulating plates.

The last of these methods is gaining popularity among builders, because this method of ramping has its advantages:

  • simple installation. Plates for thermal insulation are already cut at a certain angle. Their installation does not require any special skills, it is enough just to lay the wedge-shaped slabs on a flat surface of a flat roof to get the necessary slope.
  • light weight. During construction work, you will not have to resort to the help of any lifts. In addition, the insignificant total mass of insulation boards will not affect the performance of the roof in any way.
  • Independence from external conditions. Laying wedge-shaped thermal insulation can be done in any weather.

Video: flat roof flattening

Insulation and drainage for flat roofs

To avoid a quick failure of a flat roof, you should take care of its proper insulation and drainage.


A drain on a flat roof is mounted outside or inside the building. The choice of water drainage method depends on climatic conditions:

Video: installation of a receiving funnel on a flat roof


The thermal insulation of a flat roof is carried out differently than the insulation of pitched surfaces.

This process includes two important points - vapor barrier and thermal insulation. Depending on the type of roof (classical or inversion), the order of the layers changes.

Used as thermal insulation:

  • mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • ecological cotton wool;
  • foam concrete.

A good vapor barrier can be provided by a polypropylene film and a build-up mass with a bitumen base.

Photo gallery: flat roof insulation

Flat roofs can be insulated in a well-known way - by filling expanded clay Large surfaces are easier and faster to insulate with mineral wool Modern materials, such as extruded polystyrene foam, are increasingly being used to insulate flat roofs. Foam glass provides not only thermal insulation, but also an excellent soundproofing effect. flexible hose, so you can handle this job alone

Flat roof ventilation

To begin with, let's denote the negative points that will arise on a flat roof without ventilation. A roof of a flat design, devoid of ventilation, will be “loaded” with condensate. Natural physical processes will lead to the fact that warm air, rising up, will settle not on the elements of the attic (like on a pitched roof), but on a reinforced concrete base. The result of such adverse processes will be the appearance of fungus and mold on the ceiling.

In the future, steam and heat insulation, other roofing elements will suffer. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to equip deflectors and aerators on the roof. Their installation is provided at the design stage of the building.

Devices to ensure unhindered air circulation are provided at the design stage of the roof

The inflow and outlet of air is carried out due to different pressures outside and inside the building. A flat roof will "breathe" if artificial ventilation devices are placed on it. This will help keep the layers of hydro and thermal insulation from destruction, eliminate the spread of air bubbles and swelling of the roofing material.

Flat roof covering materials

As roofing materials for flat roofs are used:

  • mastics;
  • polymeric membranes;
  • roll materials on a bitumen basis.

They provide good waterproofing and excellent resistance to mechanical stress and temperature extremes.

Bituminous materials

The basis of many roll coatings is oxidized or modified bitumen. Ruberoid, stekloizol, rubemast, euroroofing material are the main types of bituminous materials used on a flat roof.

Table: characteristics of rolled bituminous materials

Material name What is Average service life Characteristics
positive negative
Ruberoid Cardboard impregnated with bitumen. The material also has a protective layer of backfill - talc, sand, granular expanded clay, etc. 5–10 years Good waterproofing, resistance to atmospheric collisions and mechanical impacts.
Low cost, easy installation.
Does not withstand temperatures of +50 °C and above. Cracks form on the roofing material even at large minus values.
Rubemast Improved modification of roofing material with a thicker layer of bitumen. 15 years High ductility and resistance to cracking (with temperature extremes and mechanical damage). The need for certain skills when welding this material.
Stekloizol The basis of the material is fiberglass with a bituminous top layer. For protection, there is an additional layer of backing at the top, and a special film at the bottom. 20 years Doesn't rot, doesn't crack. Requires professionalism when laying, bubbles and folds may form, burns through the bituminous coating when the gas burner malfunctions.
Euroruberoid Bitumen supplied with various polymeric additives. Over 20 years All characteristics are an order of magnitude higher than those of any other bitumen materials Assembly skills required.
High price.

Polymer membranes

These materials have become popular relatively recently. The advantage of such flat roof coatings is plasticity, resistance to damage, resistance to temperature extremes, and simple installation. Another big plus of polymer coatings is their production footage. The length of one roll of polymer membrane is from 20 to 60 meters, so it can cover large areas of a flat roof very quickly.

Polymeric membranes are available in long rolls, so they can quickly cover large areas.

The operating period of roofs with polymer membranes is 30–50 years.


The positive aspects in the use of mastic materials are the absence of seams and the integrity of the coating. The service life of such roofs is from three to ten years.

Applying a viscous and viscous mastic to the roof surface is a simple process, this layer becomes solid at normal air temperature. Mastics are also used as an adhesive base for mounting roll materials.

There are cold and hot mastics. The first type does not require additional manipulations during the preparation and installation, in the second case, the mixture will need to be heated to 180 °. It is safer to work with cold mastics, but hot materials set faster.

Flat roof repair

Any roof needs constant inspection, care and repair. On the roof, under the influence of various factors, cuts, damage, breakthroughs, swelling, delamination and other problems can occur that interfere with the normal use of the roof. To eliminate such negative conditions, it is necessary to carry out repair work. They can be current, emergency and capital.

Emergency repair is a forced, unplanned measure, emergency measures to restore the integrity of the roof. Current and capital repairs of a flat roof are provided in advance. The volume of work carried out during current and major repairs differs significantly. Major repairs require more time and costs, while the area of ​​repaired coatings is also much larger.

Defects on roofs covered with rolled materials are most often eliminated by gluing patches.

During emergency and scheduled repairs of a flat roof, patches are most often installed on the damaged area. Materials for repair in each case are selected individually. One of the latest "assistants" when updating a flat roof is a self-adhesive tape with a bituminous coating. It is very convenient and effective to use it for roof repair. There is only one limitation: such a tape is not suitable for repairing damage over a large area.

Flat roof repairs are much easier and safer than pitched roofs. The repair time on such a surface is also much less.

Video: flat roof repair technology

Economic nuances of using a flat roof

If you are wondering about economic benefits, then you should consider some points when building a flat roof.

Of course, the construction of a flat type of roof is less expensive, since the cost of building a rafter system is not required. This will also be the case with operation, if repair of the rafter part of the pitched roof is required. In a flat roof, such an expense item is simply absent.

A pitched roof will require more investment also because it is clearly visible, being an integral part of the facade of the building. The materials used in the construction of the upper layers in a flat roof are not always appropriate for a pitched version. They can be simpler, uncomplicated, while on a pitched roof it is better to use not only reliable, but also beautiful finishes.

The costs of building, maintaining and repairing a flat roof largely depend on its intended purpose. The cost will be much lower if the roof is not in use.

The construction, maintenance and operation of a flat roof have their own natural features. There are advantages and disadvantages to using flat roofs. Given the purpose of using the building, a flat roof should be mounted with strictly defined materials.

For many people, a flat roof is certainly associated with urban high-rise buildings. And very few imagine a country house with a flat roof, which combines the saving of precious space and the possibility of arranging luxurious places to relax on the roof.

Flat roof cake.

In the age of modern building materials and new technologies, it is possible to successfully build private houses with a flat roof, without being afraid of the surprises of our unpredictable climate. But to feel the full scope of pleasure from a flat roof is possible only when the builders and the customer himself will carefully listen to the advice of a specialist in installation technology and the choice of the necessary components of the roof structure. Only under such conditions will a flat roof serve more than one generation of the inhabitants of the house for a long time, without requiring additional costs.

What are the benefits of flat roof structures?

Until recently, various designs and parts for the device were either very expensive or not sufficiently reliable and functional, which did not at all benefit the popularization of roofs of this type, especially for private developers.

However, life experience proves that, being under the influence of stereotypes, we are too biased towards many problems, as a result of which we do not always judge things objectively. The main thing is to choose the most adequate and correct from the many existing options in order to avoid mistakes.

According to the architects, buildings in the spirit of constructivism, which have a minimum of details and simplicity of construction, are now becoming fashionable again. As a result, the attitude of customers towards a flat roof is changing for the better. In Europe, the design of a flat roof of houses is called a fashionable architectural feature of the project. A house with a roof without slopes looks more modern.

Until recently, for most consumers, a flat roof was a complete taboo. According to some, it was simply tasteless, others were afraid of heavy precipitation in the form of snow, and others believed that a flat roof was an event that required prohibitive financial costs. Nevertheless, experts call a lot of obvious advantages for buildings with this design:

  1. A flat roof in most cases is equipped as a green recreation area.
  2. Saving material, because the area of ​​a flat coating is less than the area of ​​a pitched one with the same architectural basis.
  3. Laying a flat roof is much more convenient than a pitched one - it is easier to mount the cover under your feet than in an unsafe position at high altitude.
  4. Maintenance of flat roofs is not an extreme climbing activity, but an ordinary procedure.
  5. Plus, the design of flat roofs makes it possible to obtain additional space without increasing the contour of the structure.

By the way, in developed countries, the possibility of operating a flat roof is most relevant in megacities. Here, more and more often, the problem of ecology began to come to the fore, and therefore raising the elements of gardens, parks, kitchen gardens and lawns from the ground to the clouds has become a very popular thing. And most importantly, if you want your flat roof to be reliable protection, it must be properly installed using durable modern building materials.

Components of a flat roof

Usually, a flat roof is based on a bearing base (it can be a reinforced concrete slab or a profiled metal sheet), on which heat-insulating material is laid along a vapor barrier layer, which is protected from precipitation by a waterproofing layer.

It is characteristic that all the components of the roofing “pie” are of equal importance, and if at least one of them is unsuitable, the entire structure will be damaged. The basis of flat roof installation work is an integrated approach, which consists in determining the type of coating and implementing the best design solution, considering all operational and technological properties, such as fire resistance, water resistance, ease of maintenance, labor costs during arrangement, aesthetic qualities, etc.

Specialists pay special attention to the sealing of seams, the choice of methods and elements of fasteners, the installation of technological units of the coating (junctions to parapets and pipes, drains, corners, superstructures, etc.) and the execution of through holes. And it goes without saying that the operation of the roof will not depend on any damaging factors if the various components of the structure are made of impact-resistant and weather-resistant materials that are resistant to corrosion processes and UV rays. The exclusion of at least one detail from the overall system is fraught with the most undesirable consequences.

Depending on the type of waterproofing, it can be glued, mechanically fixed or loosely laid. Great attention should be paid to the quality of fasteners and the method of their installation, especially for materials that are laid to the base of the roof with mechanical fastening.

If the rules for laying roofing are neglected, the following undesirable consequences may occur:

  1. Breakdown of waterproofing by strong gusts of wind.
  2. Loss of the bearing capacity of the base due to electrochemical corrosion in the “wrong self-tapping screw + corrugated sheet” system.
  3. Clogged or frozen funnel, which caused the roof to fill with moisture and leaks.

The roofing “pie” consists of the following layers (from bottom to top):

  1. Vapor barrier.
  2. Insulation.
  3. Waterproofing.

flat roof insulation

Types of flat roof insulation: in one, two and three layers.

The basis of a flat roof is a bearing slab made of monolith, reinforced concrete or metal profiled sheet. From above, it is covered with a vapor barrier material that protects the insulation from water vapor, thus preventing it from swelling from getting wet and ensuring the preservation of all properties. After that, thermal insulation is installed on the roof, which, in turn, is covered with a waterproofing carpet to protect it from atmospheric precipitation.

For a flat roof, one- and two-layer thermal insulation systems are distinguished. Now in construction, a two-layer system is more often used. It works like this: the lower layer, 70-200 mm thick, is assigned the main function of thermal insulation, while the upper one, which is 30-50 mm, is responsible for the redistribution of mechanical loads. Despite being thinner, the second layer is stronger and has a higher density. Such a distribution of flat roof coating layers makes it possible to significantly reduce its weight and, thereby, the load on the floors. The heater must meet the following requirements:

  1. Low thermal conductivity and water absorption.
  2. Fire safety.
  3. High vapor permeability.
  4. Compressive and tear strength of layers.

Drainage device

In it is very important to ensure the free exit of wet vapors from the roofing. Ventilation accessories are essential elements. As a result of human activity, water vapor is continuously generated inside the building. Due to the convective process and diffusion, it rises and, when cooled, condenses in the space under the roof. This process is especially intense in winter. It negatively affects both wood and metal. If too much condensation accumulates, then wet spots form on the ceiling and mold develops. In addition, moisture accumulating in the heat-insulating material reduces its properties, which leads to an increase in the cost of heating the room. To avoid such situations, you need to take care of the proper removal of moisture outside the building.

This task is best handled by special roofing components - a roof fan, otherwise it is called an aerator. The aerator is pipes of different diameters made of plastic or metal, which are covered with caps in the form of umbrellas.

The operation of the aerator is based on the pressure difference caused by the flow of air masses. Its design allows you to remove moisture vapor from under the roofing without damaging the latter.

On flat roofs, aerators are placed evenly over the entire surface at the highest points of the roof plane at the junctions of heat-insulating plates with each other. It is advisable to install aerators at the same time as the roof itself. Otherwise, the cost of installing ventilation increases significantly.

There are a large number of accessories for a flat roof device. The need for their use is due. For example, in Western countries, much attention is paid to equipping roofs with natural smoke removal devices that enable people to safely leave the building in case of fire.

The reliability of the roof depends on its slope. There are no completely flat roofs, because to drain water, you need a very small, but a slope. For a flat roof, it is measured as a percentage.

It is undesirable to equip roofs with a slope of less than 2 percent. The best option is a slope of 2.5 percent. In this case, the structure is freed from water in a short time, providing more comfortable conditions for the functioning of the roofing material. With a good slope, even a small defect in the roofing will be insignificant.

Another important element of the roof is gutters, which “carry away” moisture and snow along a given route. Most often done on a flat roof. Special or fittings located on the roof surface effectively drain water in heavy rains, eliminating roof flooding. Their location and number must be determined taking into account the design rules for these structures and the construction requirements for the design of drains and sewerage of buildings. The required number of funnels on the roof depends on its operating conditions, architecture and rainfall. A special filter is included with the funnel, which protects the drain from foreign objects entering it. So that the water in the drain does not freeze, the mouths of the funnels are equipped with special thermal cables, which guarantees a quick drainage of water at any time of the year.

As in private houses, they are more often used, because the internal one is more suitable for the installation of flat roofs of large industrial buildings. External drainage is usually carried out using overflow windows, which are installed in the parapet along with roof storm water inlets. Ideally, self-regulating thermal cables should be used in this case, since the storm inlet and overflow window, due to their design, are subject to icing in winter.

When choosing a drainage system, due attention should be paid to the choice of construction material. For example, PVC (polyvinyl chloride) products are less susceptible to icing than metal products.