Folk remedies for hair growth in children. How to strengthen your child's hair: homemade recipes. Fish oil mask

Based on a universal doll hat blank, you can create many different looks.

Three hats for a doll based on one universal blank. Crochet

The hat blank is knitted in a spiral (without lifting loops) using single crochet stitches. back wall. At the same time, on front side a thin spiral line is formed. Sand-colored Iris threads. Hook No. 1.25.

1. Cast on 5 loops and close into a ring.
2. Knit 7 stitches into a ring.
3. B next row knit two stitches in each stitch. At this stage it is convenient to mark the beginning of the row with a stitch in a contrasting color.
4. We knit two stitches in every second stitch.
5-14. Next, we knit two stitches in each 3 (4; 5…..12) stitch.
It is advisable to try on the resulting part of the bottom of the hat on the doll. I got 13 rows. You may need more or less, depending on the size of the doll and the density of the knitting.

15-28. We form the crown of the hat. We knit thirteen rows evenly, without decreasing or adding stitches. (The number of rows can be reduced or increased as desired)

29. Transition from crown to brim. Divide the number of columns by 6. If it is not divisible, add evenly required amount columns. (I got 7*13=91= 6*15+5, so in this row I added five stitches: above 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90, but did not add above 15.)

30-43. Hat brim. We add columns every 16th. (Further above the 17th, 18th, etc.)

44. Turn the knitting and tie the edge of the hat with inverted stitches.

The hat blank is ready. Let's start finishing.
Important! If the hat is intended for children under three years of age to play with, it can only be decorated with embroidery without beads or sparkles.

Summer elegant hat for a doll

At the bottom, under the brim of the hat, we sew lace or ribbon with bow folds.
Cut out flowers and leaves from felt. We embroider veins on the leaves.
We fasten the hats to the crown satin ribbon.
Sew leaves and flowers to the hat.

English classic hat for a doll

Select a buckle of the appropriate size. We cut out a strap of the appropriate length from felt or artificial leather. Sew the strap to the crown of the hat.
When putting on such a hat, the bottom is slightly pressed along the line from the forehead to the back of the head, and the hat itself is slightly compressed from the sides.

We knit 1 air. loop. We knit another 6 air into it. loops

Next, we knit tightly in the circle with half-stitches so that we get a round cap. required diameter and depth. (For the convenience of this procedure, I usually use auxiliary objects at hand - balls, beads).
In my case, this is a bead with a diameter of 2 cm. I tie it around the middle or slightly below (but without decreasing the loops).

We get a round cap.
We will make the brim of the hat with Tunisian knitting - it seems to me that it is most similar to straw weaving and allows us to shape the brim of the hat beautiful shape. In general, I like it better this way.
I offer first a detailed verbal description, and then a diagram (please do not panic that there is so much, when you understand this principle, everything will be done almost automatically). Everything is not as difficult as it seems.
From the resulting cap we knit 5 air. loops

From each loop we knit another 1 ch. + 1 v.p. from the base loop (“we dive” into the same cap loop from which we “grow” a chain of 5 loops) = 6 loops on the hook.

We knit the resulting loops in pairs.

Add 1 more chain stitch to the resulting row.

From each vertical loop from the resulting row we knit 1 more loop each + 1 loop from the base (next) = 7 loops on the hook.
We knit them again in pairs and add 1 ch.

In the same way, add 1 loop at the end of each row until 11 loops are formed on the hook.
In this case we used 6 warp loops.
We knit this row, but do not add a loop at the end.

Now we cast on loops so that 7 loops are formed on the hook (i.e., everything is as usual, only not to the end of the row, as before, but a little more than half).
We also knit in pairs.
We put 11 loops on the hook again: (from the short row, and the missing ones from the previous 11-loop row) and 1 warp loop (from the same warp loop as the first 11-loop row). We knit.

The numbers indicate the number of loops on the hook. Green is our “rise”, blue and light blue are the entire field around the cap.
Our rows of 7 loops allowed us to achieve “romantic” curves and “wavy” brims of the hat.
But if you need more of these “bends”, simply between 11-loop rows you can knit not only a row of 7 stitches, but also one more row, for example, of 5 loops.
If you want to get straight flat fields, on the contrary, remove the rows of 7 loops, leaving only 11-loop rows.
Now next stage– reduce the diameter of the fields. The principle applies - in one warp loop - 1 row.
We also cast on 11 loops. We knit in pairs. But when there are 3 loops left on the hook (and not 2 as usual), we knit them all together.

We close this row: we do not pull out all the loops at once onto the hook, but one at a time and knit each of them paired with the one on the hook. So, we are at the starting point.
Now we’ll tie it around the edge with half-columns or other decorative look knitting, for example, with teeth... You can knit a thin wire - then it will be easy to bend the fields as needed (in the photo - without wire).

And - to the decor!

It is in this way (using wire along the contour) that my Owl’s hat is knitted.

I wish you good luck and creative success!

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A child’s body is a particularly sensitive system, the functioning of which is gradually improved and finally normalized upon reaching the age of 16-18. Until this time, some processes in the body may slow down or, on the contrary, intensify.

Often in children 2-3 years of age and even in schoolchildren, the growth of curls is greatly inhibited. In principle, this condition is a variant of the norm. But some parents are very concerned about this, and they want to normalize the process of increasing the length of their child’s hair. This is especially true if this problem occurs in girls. In this case, vitamins for hair growth in children can come to the rescue.

The most popular vitamins for hair growth in children:

  1. VitaMishki - there are several complexes of this drug, each of which can be used to improve the condition of the hair. The product contains natural vegetable and fruit extracts, containing the amount of biologically active components necessary for the baby (vitamins A, D, E, C, B6, B9, B12, choline, inositol, pantothenic acid, biotin, magnesium, zinc, iodine). Without dyes and preservatives.
  2. Alphabet - the drug contains all the necessary components to normalize the condition and structure of the hair. Contains phosphorus, vitamins, folic acid, as well as the minerals calcium and zinc.
  3. Supradin - contains a full range of nutrients to stabilize the processes of lengthening curls and overall health of the body.
  4. Junior Neo is an excellent external source of nutrients - C, E, B1, B2, B3 (PP), B6, B9, B12, D3, beta-carotene and minerals - Mg, Zn, Fe, chromium, manganese and copper.

Choosing the best one for your baby vitamin complex, you need to know which vitamins are responsible for what, that is, know their properties:

  • A – helps reduce hair loss. It also improves the structure and appearance curls, skin scalp – eliminates dryness and brittleness, adds shine to hair, moisturizes skin.
  • Group B – promotes growth intensification, prevents hair loss, reduces skin oiliness, improves blood circulation and tissue trophism.
  • C – eliminates problems such as weakness, dullness, fragility, split ends, and hair loss.
  • E - enhances nutrition of hair follicles and stimulates all natural processes that occur in these tissues.
  • N – stops hair loss and severe dry skin.
  • PP – eliminates dandruff and excessive dryness or oiliness of hair.

Advice! Taking vitamin-containing medications should be combined with normalizing the diet and reducing stress levels. It has been proven that the vitamins that the baby receives along with food are better absorbed.

Method of application, duration and cost of treatment

Typically, vitamins for growth are given to a child according to the following scheme:

  1. VitaMishki – 1 piece per day during meals (children under 7 years old); 2 lozenges per day with meals (children aged 7-18 years). The course of therapy is 30 days, after a month's break it can be repeated. The cost of 1 bottle of the drug (30 pastes) is 400 rubles/160 UAH.
  2. Alphabet - tablets different colors(1 tablet of each color) should be taken consistently throughout the day with an interval of at least 4 hours. The drug should be taken during breakfast, lunch and dinner with sufficient quantity water. The course of treatment is 30 days, then a break of 14 days, after which the course of therapy can be repeated. Cost of 1 bottle (60 tablets) – 270 rub./110 UAH.
  3. Supradin - 1 effervescent tablet (for children over 12 years old) should be dissolved in a glass of water and drunk with meals. Marmalade lozenges should be consumed 1 pc. per day (children from 3 to 7 years old) or 2 pcs. per day (children from 7 to 14 years old) during meals. The duration of the course of therapy is individual, usually 30 days. The cost of 1 bottle of effervescent tablets (10 tablets) is 300 rubles/120 UAH. The cost of 1 package of chewable lozenges (30 pcs.) is 450 rubles/180 UAH.
  4. Junior Neo - take 1 chewable tablet once a day (children from 4 to 7 years old) or 2 times a day (children from 7 to 18 years old) with meals. The course of therapy is 30-60 days. The cost of the drug (60 tablets) is 2000 rubles/800 UAH.

Advice! You should not prescribe vitamins for hair growth to children on your own. The therapist must select the appropriate medication, determine the treatment regimen and dosage. Parents' experiments can lead to an excess of vitamins in the baby's body - hypervitaminosis, which negatively affects health.

Evaluation of therapy effectiveness

Vitamins for hair growth in children are the most effective and safe solution to the problem. Other pharmacological and cosmetic drugs can cause irreparable harm to the baby’s body, the consequences of which can appear even in adolescence.

And taking vitamins not only helps to intensify the growth of curls in children. They normalize metabolic processes, strengthen the immune system, and promote overall health. All this, combined with a high degree of treatment success, makes taking multivitamins a priority option for solving hair problems.


The best solution to the problem of hair growth in children is to take one of the popular vitamin-mineral complexes. Each of the presented preparations contains all the necessary nutrients to activate all necessary processes. And also to improve the health of the body and increase overall vitality.