How to turn a low-quality photo into a high-quality one online. Improving the quality of photos from a mobile phone

IN modern world There is often a need to edit an image. Processing programs help with this digital photos. One of these is Adobe Photoshop (Photoshop).

Adobe Photoshop (Photoshop) is a very popular program. It has built-in tools to improve picture quality.

Now we will look at several options that will help improve the quality of photography in Photoshop.

First you need to download Photoshop follow the above link and install it, which this article will help you with.

How to improve image quality

There are several techniques you can use to improve the quality of your photography: Photoshop.

The first way to improve quality

The first method is the Smart Sharpen filter. This filter is especially suitable for photographs taken in dimly lit areas. The filter can be opened by selecting the menu “Filter” - “Sharpening” - “Smart Sharpening”.

IN open window The following options appear: effect, radius, remove and reduce noise.

The “Remove” function is used to blur an object shot in motion and to blur at shallow depths, that is, sharpening the edges of the photo. Gaussian Blur also sharpens objects.

When you move the slider to the right, the Effect option increases the contrast. Thanks to this, the picture quality improves.

Also, the “Radius” option, when increasing the value, will help achieve the contour sharpening effect.

The second way to improve quality

Improve photo quality in Photoshop There is one more way. For example, if you need to improve the quality of a faded image. Using the Eyedropper tool, you should maintain the color of the original photo.

In the window that appears, scroll the slider until the photo quality appears to improve.

Upon completion of this procedure, you need to open the menu “Layers” - “New Layer-Fill” - “Color”.

Noise Removal

You can remove noise that appears in the photo due to insufficient lighting using the command “Filter” - “Noise” - “Reduce Noise”.

Advantages of Adobe Photoshop (Photoshop):

1. Variety of functions and capabilities;
2. Customizable interface;
3. The ability to make photo adjustments in several ways.

Disadvantages of the program:

1. Purchase full version program after 30 days.

Adobe Photoshop (Photoshop) is rightfully a popular program. A variety of functions allows you to perform various manipulations in order to improve the quality of the picture.

How often, while looking through photos on the computer, we have thrown away great shots because they turned out to be too small in size and of poor quality. But with the help of special programs you can save almost any image!

Improving image quality is a very voluminous topic. To improve the quality of photos in Photoshop, color correction, sharpening, retouching and many other operations can be used. All of them require certain skills and mastery of special techniques.

But there are also less complex methods when you simply need to enlarge the image without losing quality. Below we will look at an example of how to improve the quality of a photo if you need to enlarge the photo without losing quality.

How to enlarge a photo without losing quality

Everyone has had to deal with the image small size Low quality. In such photographs, when enlarged, the pixels, the points from which the raster image is constructed, are clearly visible.

Enlarging the image by stretching it and freely transforming it will only make the situation worse.

In this tutorial, the work will be done in Photoshop CC 2017. But first, we will look at the method for other, older versions of Photoshop. And then we'll show you how Photoshop CC 2017 can do the whole procedure automatically.

Open the image in Photoshop. Now we will gradually increase it in several passes. It’s worth noting right away that you can enlarge a photo and improve the quality, but with a size limitation.

Press the key combination Alt + Ctrl + I. A window will open "Image Size". It is necessary that between "Width" And "Height" a paperclip was pressed. Then the width and height will change proportionally.

Let's enlarge the image twice, each time by 20%. To do this, in the drop-down list opposite "Widths" change the pixels to percentages (Pixel/Percent), and the numerical value from 100% to 120% and click Ok. Then call the image size window again ( Alt + Ctrl + I) and increase by 20%.

We increased the image size from 950x632 pixels to 1368x910 pixels.

For a visual comparison, let’s zoom in on the original image (950x632 pixels) and the resulting one (1368x910 pixels).

We enlarged the image by almost one and a half times and even improved the quality. As you can see, the pixelation is less noticeable if you zoom in on the image.

It remains to finalize the result. Let's apply a filter "Smart Sharpen" to the resulting image.

Let's go: “Filters”/“Sharpening”/“Smart Sharpening”/Filter/Sharpen/Smart Sharpen. Move the sliders to select the appropriate sharpness. If in small window Preview the image by left-clicking and holding, you can see the image before applying the effect. The difference is palpable. Particularly noticeable smooth transition colors (without cubes) on the lenses of glasses. We removed the noise completely by moving the slider all the way to the right. The sharpness radius was taken at 0.3 pixels, the effect was applied at 79%.

Let's compare the results again.

On the left is the original image, in the center - after resizing, on the right - with application "Smart Sharpening".

After use "Smart Sharpening" The noise in the photo has gone away and the image has become clearer.

Here is our result.

Now let’s enlarge the photo and improve its quality using automatic means Photoshop 2017.

Open the image in Photoshop, press the keyboard shortcut Alt + Ctrl + I. A window will open "Image Size". Please note the point “Fit to”/Dimensions. Expand this list. In it you will see blank options for enlarging/reducing the image without losing quality. Let's use automatic selection (second item in the list). In the window that opens, select the item "Good" and press Ok. There is no point in choosing the best one, since the original image is of too low quality, and there is no point in enlarging it that much.

Please note that if we managed to enlarge the image from 950x632 pixels and a resolution of 96 pixels/inch to 1368x910 pixels with the same resolution, then the program increased it to 1969x1310 pixels with a resolution of 199 pixels/inch.

Let's apply Smart Sharpening.

Now you have seen for yourself that you can enlarge a picture without losing quality, and at the same time even improve the quality of the photo.

It is worth noting that this method can be useful not only for enlarging and improving small photos. For example, you need to provide a photo for an online resource or for printing in a publishing house. Your photo is of excellent quality and big size, but publishing requires an even larger size. By applying the described method of enlarging a photo and improving its quality, you will get excellent result. After all, the photo large sizes With good quality This procedure will be much easier.

The procedure is extremely simple. Don't give up on small pictures. Give them a second chance.

Greetings, future Photoshop gurus. Today's lesson will be devoted to the quality of photographs. Remember the first time you picked up a camera? And how ineptly did you use it? What was the image quality of the resulting photos that day? In most cases, the photo turns out blurry because your hands shook or someone pushed you while taking it. Or the photo turns out grainy, unclear, with poor color if you took the photo with a bad camera, or in poor lighting. It is almost impossible to correct such photographs, but you can always slightly improve the quality. In such situations, Photoshop comes to our aid. Today we will work with an interesting tab called “Filter”. There are many ways to improve image quality, and we'll look at a few of them today.

Click “Filter”, this is the sixth tab from the left. Then select the “Sharpness” filter group, which, as you guessed, is responsible for sharpness. Don't be afraid "Sharpness" is not rough form conversation, but the clarity of our photograph. This filter is thirteenth in the Filter table. Another tab appears in which we should find the “Smart Sharpening” filter.

After clicking on this filter, funny at first glance, a dialog box will appear in front of us. In this window we are presented with our image, which we can zoom in and out by clicking on the small plus and minus signs under it. Between the plus and minus the proportion to your image will be shown as a percentage. And in the next column I suggest you play with the “Effect” and “Radius” parameters. By moving the lever, you will see all the changes on the screen with your image. I hope and sincerely believe that you will figure this out on your own.

The “Unsharp Mask” filter, which you noticed when you were looking through the “Sharpness” filter group, has approximately the same effect as “Smart” sharpening. But I still advise you to deal with it.

By clicking on the “Unsharp Mask” filter, oddly enough, the window appears again, but smaller. In the window that appears, there is also an image and now there are three settings, these are “Effect”, “Radius” and “Threshold”. They operate in the same way as in the “Smart” sharpening filter, but be aware that the “Threshold” setting, on the contrary, blurs the image. Experiment with these filters.

Now we will analyze filters from other groups, so be careful! To begin adjusting the image quality, we will need to create two copies of our image. This is done very simply. In the “Layers” window, click and hold the left mouse button on the thumbnail image and smoothly drag it onto the logo called “Creating a new layer”. It is also located below in the “Layers” window, second if you count from the right. After we have created three miniature images, click on the top one, giving it a blue color, and apply the “Color Contrast” filter.

It is located in the "Filter" list in the "Other" filter group. After clicking on this filter, our entire image was painted in grey colour, but don’t be alarmed, that’s how it was intended. By moving the lever in the window that appears, we must make sure that the image contains only light outlines. Then press the “Ok” button.

Make this layer invisible by clicking on the eye next to the thumbnail image in the “Layers” window.

Select the second layer from above by clicking on it. And we already apply the “Embossing” filter to it, and you shouldn’t be upset that this filter has such a name. We can also find this filter in the “Filter” list in the “Styling” filter group.

If you haven’t noticed, when applying this filter our image turned gray. In the window that opens, using the “Angle”, “Height” and “Effect” settings, we need to achieve the same thing that we achieved in the top layer, a slight outline of the shapes of what you are going to make clear.

After applying these filters, we include upper layer by clicking on the eye. And to these two layers we need to apply the Overlay blending mode. This can be done by selecting the desired layer, clicking on the thumbnail image in the “Layers” window, and in the list that is located at the top left also in this window, select “Overlay”.

After these steps, our image should become clearer. But, if you are suddenly not happy with the result, then I advise you to copy the layers we worked with several more times. And it is advisable to combine all layers into one before saving. To do this, you need to select all the small images in the “Layers” window by clicking on the top and bottom ones, while holding down the “Shift” key, and pressing the “Ctrl + E” key combination.

There is also another method for increasing image quality. After you have opened the image, you need to go to the “Image” tab, find the “Correction” item there, and select the “Curves” item.

After which a window will appear in front of us, in which we see a window, in it we are shown an image with a line and a black diagonal. Three pipettes with black, gray and white paint inside them. With the black pipette outside the window you need to click on the darkest place of the photo, with the white – on the lightest, and with the gray – in the middle tones. After which, Photoshop will automatically adjust the sharpness of the image for you.

Next, in the window that opens to us, two levers will appear, by moving which we will see what is happening with our image. The main thing is to see what is happening, you need to check the box next to the “View” item. I hope you understand what Brightness and Contrast are, even if you don’t, move the levers and everything will immediately become clear to you.

In principle, everything, in my opinion, our image has become much better than it was.

Today we have learned how to make images of higher quality in several ways, but it’s up to you to choose which one to use. I want to warn you that when changing the image quality using these methods, graininess, in other words noise, may appear. But to the question “How to get rid of noise?” we will answer in the next lesson. Goodbye. May quality and sharpness be with you.

This lesson is about improving photos taken from mobile phones.

Nowadays, almost all phones, smartphones and communicators are required to be equipped with a camera. And if just a year or two ago the quality of shooting was very low, now some models allow you to get a photo comparable in quality to the image taken by a budget digital point-and-shoot camera. One way or another, the opportunity arose, if not to obtain an initially high-quality image, then at least to obtain material for further processing. How to improve photos from mobile phones, smartphones and other mobile devices will be discussed in this lesson.

The main problems with photographs taken from camera phones are noise, low resolution, low sharpness, and color inaccuracies. At good lighting photographs are known to come out better. In poor lighting, you can’t do without a flash, but not all models have it, and it doesn’t always save the situation. As an example, I specifically took a poor quality photo taken in low light conditions.

So let's get started.

Step 1

Open our photo.

Let's analyze it. The first thing to do is lighten the image.

Secondly, after clarification, noise will appear strongly, you need to get rid of it, trying not to lose too much clarity of details. The task, I must say, is difficult even for experienced users!

Third, adjust the color and saturation.
We will work in this direction.

Step 2

Create a duplicate layer by clicking CTRL+J and call the command Levels(Levels). You can do this by clicking CTRL+L, or through the menu Image - Correction - Levels(Image - Adjustment - Levels).

Adjust the sliders to brighten the image.

This operation can also be performed using Curves(Levels)

Step 3

The image has become lighter, the girl’s face looks better, but the noise... it literally filled the entire image! We will get rid of them.

First, let's look at all the color channels: red, green and blue. Let's go to the Channels palette, which is located in the same place as the palette Layers(Layers).

We click on the channel icons and look carefully. The red and green channels look relatively good, but the blue channel is just terrible! We can say that all the noise gathered there.

If you try to remove them traditional way, a loss of detail is inevitable, because you will have to apply the filter more than once. But we'll try another way.

Step 4

Let's replace the blue channel by overlaying the green channel on it in the mode Overlap(Overlay). To do this, click on the blue channel icon, then on the eye in the RGB composite channel to see the image in color.

Step 5

Now let's see what happened.

The image began to look better, the noise in the blue channel was significantly reduced, but let’s not dwell on that. Blur the red and green channels with a filter " Reduce noise"(Reduce noise) is undesirable, as this will also lead to loss of detail.

Let's get rid of the rest of the noise in color space Lab. One of its remarkable properties is that the brightness channel, responsible for details, exists in it separately from the channels responsible for colors.

So let's go to the menu Image - Mode -Lab(Image - Mode - Lab). The answer to the question about merging layers is no.

Step 6

Let's go to the palette Channels and select the channel, and then click on the Lab composite channel eye to see the image in color. Applicable Filter - Noise - Dust and scratches(Filter - Noise - Dust and scratch).

Filter parameters are selected individually in each specific case.
Let's do the same manipulation with the channel " b", also selecting filter parameters.

Step 7

As you can see, we have practically gotten rid of the most unpleasant color noise.

Now let's select a channel Brightness(Lightness). Let's apply it to him Filter - Noise - Reduce Noise(Filter - Noise - Reduce noise). Don't overdo it too much! It would be better to have a small grain, but at the same time preserve the details.

Step 8

Now let's try to improve our image further. The main thing in a portrait photograph is the face and skin. As you can see, the left side of the face in the shadow does not look very good due to the coarse grain. Let's try to eliminate this drawback, and at the same time blur the background of the image to create the illusion of depth of field.

Let's go to the palette Story(History). You can do this by going to the menu Window - History(Window - History). Let's take a photo of our image by clicking on the camera icon at the bottom of the History palette.

Step 9

Now let's apply it to the image Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur(Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur). Let's set the radius large enough to completely blur the grain.

Let's take another photo.

Step 10

In the History palette, select our photo with a blurred image as the source for the archive brush. Then click on the non-blurred photo. Next, select a tool Archive brush(History Brush).

Set the opacity to within 15 - 20 %. Next, carefully, slowly, pass the brush over the areas with grain, avoiding the area of ​​the eyes and lips. When working on the background, you can increase the opacity of the brush (if you want to blur the background). In the end it should look something like this.
We have a good basis for further manipulations.

Step 11

We adjust the color balance and carry out more subtle retouching, editing, applying effects, and so on. I will not dwell on this in detail, since the site contains quite a lot of lessons on this topic.

I wish you all creative success!

In this article we will consider the question of how to improve the quality of photography. All actions will take place in Adobe Photoshop. All you need is attention and understanding of the methods described. Recommended to use latest version this graphic editor. On this moment Adobe released Photoshop CS6. It is advisable, but not required, to use the latest version of the program.


Surely every person has had cases when the pictures did not live up to expectations. For example, incorrect color correction or ripples that spoil the entire frame. But the photo has already been taken, and it will not be possible to return the situation. How to improve the quality of a photo? And it is at such moments that Photoshop comes to the rescue. The functionality of this allows you to eliminate some defects that appear as a result of imperfect cameras. Next, you will learn how to improve the quality of a photo using a simple set of Photoshop tools.

Removing Ripple

You have cellular telephone with a camera? Are you satisfied with the image quality of the photos? If yes, then you can skip this paragraph. Of course, there are now smartphones that have a camera resolution of 50 megapixels, but still, most people only have regular phones. This defect is called noise in some sources. But no matter what it is called, we need to eliminate it. Filters will help us with this. Namely, the “blur” effect. This filter is always available in the standard set of Photoshop. There are many types of "blur" in this category. They must be used depending on the situation. Set reasonable values ​​without exceeding reasonable limits. Otherwise, the entire picture will begin to “blur.” Try it from the very first filter and continue experimenting. And then you will definitely achieve your goal. Such photo processing (photoshop tools are at your service both in old and in new version graphic editor) helps to restore a “bad” photo taken with a camera with low resolution.

Color Setting

Even if the photo was taken with a modern camera, very often the photo has an incorrect color balance. Automatic tuning is currently imperfect. Therefore, sometimes it is better to enter color settings manually. But if the photo has already been taken, as always, the Photoshop program helps correct errors. In such situations, we need to make color correction. This is best done using adjustment layers, for example, in the “levels” or “curves” mode. Or you can use the "quick" tools by pressing Ctrl + L (Levels) or Ctrl + U (Hue/Saturation).

additional information

Photoshop is not only a program for improving the quality of photography, but also a wonderful platform for realizing your ideas. Therefore, you should not limit your practice only to image processing. But if you want to carry out only this process, then Photoshop will gladly provide you with all the necessary tools.


The question of how to improve the quality of photography requires a more voluminous and informative description. This article has only scratched the surface of this process. Experiment and use more products to achieve the desired result. I hope you understand how to improve the quality of your photo using simple means and methods.