Chimney for a gas boiler in a private house: selection criteria, prices. Do-it-yourself brick chimney in a private house How to properly make a chimney in your home

Although manufacturers today offer private homeowners a wide variety of heating boilers, many of them prefer to install stoves or fireplaces in their homes, since thanks to them, heating the premises requires minimal costs. Any heating equipment requires reliable removal of combustion products. That is why during its construction it is necessary to pay special attention to both aesthetic characteristics and operational characteristics.

The required level of draft, which provides the most comfortable and safe conditions for being in a particular room, is created by the chimney for the stove. It is an air channel through which combustion products exit. It can be a regular brick pipe or modular metal types, the only important thing is that it functions properly.

Basic designs

Exhaust channels through which air saturated with combustion products is disposed of are necessary not only for stoves, but also for fireplaces or heating boilers or gas water heaters.

We list the main types of chimneys for stoves.

  • Direct current. This is one of the first systems through which combustion products were removed. They have a significant drawback - due to the non-stop removal of gases to the outside, the bulk of the generated heat is also carried away.
  • Direct-flow structures equipped with crossbars. These small additions help retain some of the heat. When heated, the jumpers transfer heat to the walls of the heating unit. The same design is typical for stoves without a chimney in bathhouses: the stones in them are heated by the hot combustion products.

  • With a "labyrinth". There are many varieties of such designs, but they all have common features. In particular, this concerns the rate of gas removal. It is quite low, since the exhaust gases are passed through a tortuous channel. In the process, the device itself warms up in parallel and ensures maximum heat transfer.
  • A now classic Russian stove. The chimney diagram is bell-shaped. The hot gas rises up, cools slightly on the inclined arch of the hearth and descends to the channel. The disadvantage of such a system is that it heats up unevenly. For example, in the lower part of the hearth it does not warm up at all, since the heat mainly goes to the roof.
  • Modular. Unlike the classic brick version of smoke removal, they are made of metal. They are used in gas-fired heating systems. The fact is that the products of methane combustion are acidic compounds that destroy bricks with their aggressive effects.

Device Features

The efficiency of brick, metal, flexible chimneys for stoves and others depends on several factors, for example, material and dimensions, cross-section, height.

  • It is preferable that the chimney pipes, say, for a bathhouse, have a regular circle in cross section, that is, they have a cylindrical shape. The escaping smoke with this configuration, unlike the angular one, does not encounter obstacles in its path and is removed with the least resistance. In addition, a minimum of soot accumulates on the walls of the outlet pipe.
  • The outlet of the heating device must coincide in cross-section with the smoke exhaust duct. If the width of the latter in the connection area turns out to be greater, which occurs quite often, then a special reducing adapter is installed, which must be carefully sealed at the junction. When joining, the expansion of the pipes should be directed upward to prevent condensate and resins from flowing out along their outer wall.

  • The horizontal part of the channel structure requires special attention. Warm smoke, as you know, moves vertically upward, so moisture condenses especially actively in these areas and a thick layer of soot is deposited. To compensate for such undesirable consequences and improve traction, it is necessary, firstly, to strictly limit the length of these sections: they must be less than 1 m in length, and, secondly, to provide condensate receivers and inspection doors there.

The correct chimney for sauna stoves is exclusively vertical. However, it is permissible to lay the pipe at a slight slope, provided that the length of the inclined section is no more than 2 m.

Main stages of calculation

The calculation of the chimney is carried out taking into account such parameters as the power of the connected heating device, shape and others. The optimal height and diameter of the section are calculated based on the SNiP of the stove and chimneys.

Height above roof

To determine the height of the outlet channel of industrial boilers, a special formula is used that describes its relationship with static draft, the average temperature (K) in the pipe and the average outside air temperature in the summer. If necessary, the value obtained from the calculation results is adjusted upward, taking into account the following rule:

When calculating the height, the height of neighboring buildings is also taken into account: in the case of higher ones, the channel is installed above their roofs.

Pipe cross-sectional area

In practice, they usually do without special calculations, based on the following cross-sectional values, depending on the power of the unit:

  • less than 3500 W - 14 ×14 cm;
  • 3500–5200 W - 14×20 cm;
  • 5200–7200 W - 14×27 cm.

The cross-sectional area of ​​the cylindrical channel is assumed to be the same.

If the cross-section is significantly larger than the calculated value, the traction will deteriorate and, as a result, the system will operate unstably. A smaller cross-section leads to poor removal of combustion products, up to the complete cessation of this process.


The choice of material for the design of the smoke exhaust system is based on the type of fuel used for heating. For example, MDS ceramic pipes are best suited for gas equipment, while brick pipes can quickly collapse.

The classic version of the exhaust system is a brick chimney for a metal stove. The brick structure is assembled exactly according to the design, where the laying of each layer of the channel is prescribed separately. In this case, it is necessary to obtain a minimally rough surface from the inside and ensure complete tightness.

Today, stainless steel is most often used. In the design, steel pipes can be: insulated and non-insulated:

  • non-insulated ones are used exclusively for internal installation of stoves and chimneys: they are installed in a special shaft;
  • When installing a pipe outside, it must be insulated to prevent moisture condensation inside the pipe.


For safety reasons, the chimney must be properly insulated, especially if the duct passes through ceilings in the immediate vicinity of flammable materials. based on the type of floor material and pipe temperature. It would be great if the walls and ceiling close to where the structure passes are finished with fireproof material. If this is not the case, then the heated parts are insulated from hazardous materials using sheets of metal and a layer of non-combustible materials.

The part of the pipe going outside must be securely fixed and protected from the wind. They are covered with deflectors on top to protect them from precipitation. Gas boilers are an exception in this matter: the protective cap on the chimney pipe in this case is a violation.

Some information from SNiP used when installing a stove and fireplace chimney

  • Smoke exhaust ducts can also be located on external walls if they are made of non-combustible material, and the heating device is located near the internal ones. In this case, external thermal insulation is required, which will prevent moisture from condensing inside the pipe.
  • The brick channels are complemented by pockets necessary for cleaning. They are covered with bricks (layed on edge) or a door is installed.
  • For roofs made of flammable materials, it is necessary to provide a mesh spark arrester, which is installed along the top of the channel. If the latter is made of brick, then between it and flammable hazardous materials it is necessary to provide a gap of 13 cm, in the case of non-insulated ceramics - 25 cm, and for insulated ones - 13 cm.

  • Installation of stoves and fireplaces using gas fuel has its own characteristics. The connection is made using flexible metal pipes included in the equipment set. A prerequisite is the presence of a vertical section in the system, and the distance between the horizontal axis and the line of the lower level of the pipe must be at least 50 cm. This distance can be reduced, for example, if the ceiling height is less than 270 cm
  • doubled if the heating unit is equipped with a draft stabilizer;
  • up to 15 cm if there is no stabilizer.
  • In a new building, the maximum length of all horizontal sections is more than 3 m, in an old building - up to 6 m. The pipe is installed with a slight slope in the direction of the heating unit. If there are two units operating in the house, then they can be connected to a common outlet channel. They should be spaced less than 75 cm apart from each other.
    • For dense dirt, use a scraper or a stiff brush equipped with a folding handle of sufficient length.
    • When cleaning, soot can get inside the room, so before starting cleaning it is necessary to close the combustion hole from below, and it is advisable to cover upholstered furniture.
    • The deposit of carbon deposits can be significantly alleviated if you use chemical cleaning agents such as “miracle log” during the cleaning process.
    • You can also use folk remedies to remove soot. For example, burning potato peels is quite effective.

    How to assemble stoves with vertical chimneys: video

The efficiency and safety of a stove, fireplace or heating boiler directly depends on how competently the chimney was installed in a private home. If earlier this depended on the professionalism of the stove maker, today it is a matter of wise choice of the owner of the house. Sandwich chimneys, which can be installed independently to any type of heating equipment, are in great demand, and deservedly so. It is important to choose the right pipes and install them, observing all the necessary conditions.

Each type of fuel has its own rules and regulations for smoke removal and installation and repair of heating equipment. They are set out in official documents:

  • SNiP 41-01-2003;
  • NPB 252-98;
  • VDPO.

It is necessary to strictly follow these standards in order to protect the building from fire and the lives of household members from poisoning. During combustion, hot gases, ash and soot are formed, which must be removed through the pipe immediately. If the chimney in a private house is installed improperly, overheating of the walls or ceiling is possible.

The second danger is the entry of carbon monoxide into the room. Carbon monoxide is odorless and colorless. It is heavier than air, so it concentrates closer to the floor. If inhaled, leads to poisoning and death. Formed from a lack of oxygen in the furnace (poor draft). The common name is “silent killer”.

Basic rules for installing a chimney:

  • The stove must stand on a platform independent of the structure. This is necessary so that if the foundation of the house subsides, the heating equipment does not “lead” or be destroyed.
  • Combustible materials of walls, ceilings or roofing must be at a distance of no closer than 38 cm from the wall of the sandwich pipe. The space is filled with a heat insulator. Additionally, wooden structures are insulated with an asbestos or galvanized screen.
  • The fewer turns, the better the traction.
  • A rotation of 90 degrees is replaced by 2 by 45 degrees.
  • The height of the pipe depends on the proximity of the roof ridge when exiting. Near the ridge, the pipe is brought up 50 cm. With a distance to the ridge of 1.5 to 3 m, the pipe is sufficient to reach the ridge. When the distance of the pipe outlet from the ridge is more than 3 m, the calculation of the height of the pipe is based on the ratio of the angle between the horizon of the ridge and the top of the pipe. It should be 10 degrees.

September 23, 2014 Alexei

Any building, be it a wooden house or a brick cottage, needs a heating system. In the past, rooms were heated by stoves that burned coal or wood.

Today, homeowners often prefer gas boilers or furnaces running on fuel oil or diesel fuel. Each heating system, regardless of type, is equipped with a chimney.

In traditional Russian wooden huts, the stove was usually located in the center of the structure, and the smoke exhaust ducts were made of bricks or stone. They were coated with clay on the outside. Today, as in past times, the chimney device still remains relevant. This is explained by the fact that all currently known heating sources, excluding electric ones, require effective removal of gases and smoke generated by burning fuel.

Correct arrangement of chimneys and differences in types

Proper arrangement of the heating system also involves the precise installation of pipes that serve to remove combustion products to the outside. The chimney in a residential private house must be installed in accordance with the developed design documentation.

According to all construction rules, a wooden house must have three chimneys. According to heating system equipment standards, in addition to the chimney, a ventilation pipe and a gas outlet should also be provided.

Watch the video, types of chimney systems:

The ventilation channel is very important for organizing the removal of polluted air from the kitchen, toilet and bathroom. The products of fuel combustion in fireplaces or stoves escape through a chimney installed in a wooden house. A gas outlet is necessary when the building has a gas boiler.

Installation in a wooden house

Its correct installation is based on what heating device will be used in the house. To remove smoke from a conventional stove or fireplace that burns solid fuel, a brick chimney will be quite sufficient. It may look like a traditional mine. Moreover, if the smoke channel turns out to be spacious, then in this case you can also install an iron pipe inside it.

To remove combustion products produced during the operation of a gas boiler, the installation of a chimney in a wooden house is carried out according to a different scheme. This also applies to equipment using diesel fuel. The point is that the gases escaping into the atmosphere are conditioned on the inner walls of the pipe. The resulting moisture comes into contact with the smoke escaping through the channel and turns into aggressive nitric acid, which gradually destroys the integrity of the walls, which will ultimately lead to the chimney in a wooden house being completely or partially destroyed.

Of course, when organizing the removal of gases from heating devices operating on solid fuel, this problem is not so relevant. For other equipment, for example, liquid fuel and gas furnaces, this point is very important, since the gases released during their operation have a lower temperature.

In this situation, a smoke exhaust device for boiler equipment in a house made of timber or wood is made in the form of an ordinary shaft with a ceramic or stainless steel pipe located inside it, as well as a durable polymer. A popular solution to this problem was the installation of a smoke exhaust duct with the colorful name “sandwich”. Let's try to briefly consider what it is and how it differs from ordinary pipes.

Sandwich chimney device

For a wooden building, this system is an ideal option. Such a chimney consists of two pipes of different diameters located one inside the other. A heat insulator is placed between their walls. Such a chimney installed in a wooden house differs from a traditional brick one in a lot of advantages.

Watch the video about the sandwich pipe:

The roof structure, made of wooden materials, even when dried well, seems to play a little over time. Displacements invisible to the eye and seemingly insignificant can lead to the destruction of a brick chimney, even the hardest one. But the sandwich, thanks to its design features, is not afraid of these threats.

And it is not surprising that the chimney in a wooden private house is increasingly being made in exactly this way. All its many advantages include the excellent fire safety of the pipe compared to a brick pipe.

Coaxial chimney in a country house

Conventional chimneys are suitable for the operation of gas heating appliances. In these cases, architects propose using a coaxial system for removing combustion products in wooden houses. It allows, simultaneously with the removal of gases, the intake of fresh air, which is used to support the combustion effect. This system is used in boilers with a closed combustion chamber.

It is characteristic that the installation of a coaxial chimney is possible both vertically and horizontally through the wall. If there is a need to install just such a smoke exhaust duct, then it must be laid along the shortest path from the boiler to the roof or wall.

To prevent debris from getting into the pipe, which can lead to problems with the gas outlet, the outside of the pipe should be properly protected. All structural elements must be firmly connected to each other, and the joints must be carefully taped to prevent gas leakage.

The design of this type of chimney involves fixing the pipe with a fastening perforated metal tape. To ensure that condensate does not accumulate on the walls and can drain from the pipe, it is installed with a slight slope.

Aspects of Proper Installation

For normal operation of heating equipment, it is necessary not only to remove fuel combustion products from it, but also to provide the draft necessary for combustion. To do this, a reaction must be observed in the chimney caused by the temperature difference between the exhaust gas and the outside air.

We watch the video, the rules for arranging a brick chimney:

In this regard, installing a chimney in a private wooden house requires compliance with certain rules and knowledge of small but important nuances. That is why, in past times and today, those stove makers who know how to properly install a chimney are respected. They protected their achievements and nuances in their work from strangers and did not dedicate them to them. Nowadays, information about how to properly install a chimney in a wooden or brick house is no longer a secret and is available to any interested person. Therefore, creating an effectively working smoke exhaust structure is now within the power of many, but it is still better to entrust it to specialists.

The main condition that must be adhered to when constructing a chimney is the correct placement exactly vertically. The maximum permissible deviation is one meter from the vertical axis, which passes through the firebox and the roof of the house. The use of a pipe less than 5 meters in height is strictly prohibited.

The construction of a proper chimney must be carried out in compliance with certain rules. In particular, it is necessary to adhere to a certain height of the pipe protruding above the roof of the building. For example, if a modern wooden house has a flat roof, it should rise above the ceiling by more than half a meter. If the building structure has a ridge, then the chimney installed in a private house should also be 50 centimeters above its level and located at some distance from this building element.

How to pass wooden floors

The installation of a chimney in a wooden house requires compliance with all fire safety rules. They are given special attention when passing through wooden floors. Such places must be protected with sheet steel and thermal insulation.

Currently, it is possible to install a ceiling passage unit in such cases. Made in the form of a sleeve or box, it is mounted to perform certain tasks.

The main ones:

  • Preventing pipe bending
  • Protection of wooden structures from excessive heat and fire

In places where the polyurethane foam comes into contact with the ceiling, non-flammable heat-insulating materials are installed. The installation of a chimney with a passage unit is carried out while maintaining a certain gap between it and the pipe.

We watch the video review and make a passage through the wooden floors:

A hole of the required size is made in the wooden ceiling, in which the polyurethane foam is installed. A chimney pipe is pulled through it. At the final stage, the edges of the edges of the box are tightly closed with a plate of fire-resistant material.

How to equip the system

Installation of pipes in a wooden building is carried out taking into account fire safety standards. To prevent a possible fire, the construction and installation of a chimney made of any material, but most often stainless steel, in the wall requires reinforced insulation.

  1. Non-flammability
  2. Increased strength during operation
  3. Use as a coating for all types of finishing materials

All this ensures the popularity of foam concrete during construction work when a chimney is installed in a wooden private house. In such buildings it is necessary to install separate systems for each firebox separately.

Chimney maintenance

In order for a chimney installed in a wooden house to work properly and efficiently, it must be regularly inspected to check the tightness of the structure at the joints. At least once every six months, soot must be removed from the inner walls of the pipe. A chimney in a private house will perform its functions well if the state of its draft is constantly monitored.

All this work must be carried out in cases where the chimney has not been used for its intended purpose for a long time.

If a leak is detected, this deficiency must be corrected immediately. If a chimney located in a wooden house is partially destroyed, a mandatory overhaul should be carried out.

To ensure a pleasant life in a cottage in winter, eliminating the occurrence of dangerous situations, it is necessary to develop and install a competent heating system. Of all types, gas is the most economical. However, when selecting and installing equipment of this type, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the existing set of rules. Then your stay will be not only comfortable and cost-effective, but also safe. At the same time, it is important to correctly install a chimney for a gas boiler in a private house, because the required heat transfer of the boiler largely depends on its throughput, tightness and safety.

Read in the article:

Chimney for a gas boiler in a private house: purpose, features

When designing heat supply for houses and cottages, you need to wisely choose chimneys for boilers that remove hot air containing harmful substances. The task is important, therefore the following requirements are put forward to such elements of the system:

  • Ensuring sufficient traction.

The main thing is to correctly position and select the diameter of the chimney for the gas boiler.

  • Elimination of deformation and damage under the influence of high temperature of the transported medium.

The temperature is quite high, so the chimney pipe for a gas boiler must be made of heat-resistant material.

  • There should be no change in the properties of the material due to chemical exposure.
  • Suitable shape.

Nowadays, round pipes are more common, since less soot lingers on their walls.

Basic requirements for installing a chimney in a private house

If you install a chimney in a cottage yourself, study and strictly adhere to the rules described in the following regulatory documents:

  • SNIP 40-01-2003.
  • SNIP 42-01-2002.

At the same time, the most important points that must be taken into account when installing a chimney are: correct calculation of the smoke removal system, that is, the height and diameter of the chimney for a gas boiler; selection of pipe material; frequency of service work (cleaning and routine repairs).

In addition, the fire safety regulations clearly define the requirements for the chimney of a gas boiler. Of course, every year they change somewhat, but general provisions can be highlighted:

  • The room in which the gas boiler is located must be sufficiently ventilated, that is, an exhaust ventilation device (mechanical or natural) is necessary. In this case, the chimney is strictly prohibited from being led into an exhaust shaft. Combustion products from several boilers can be discharged into one chimney; the main thing is that the room must be of sufficient volume (height - at least 2 meters, area - 7.5 meters per boiler), and the chimney is strictly prohibited from being blocked by any gratings.
  • Equipment located in different boiler rooms cannot be combined into one chimney. If it is located in the same room, such a device is allowed with two reservations: the boilers must be connected to a chimney located at a distance of more than 100 cm in height from each other; installation of a cutting device is required.
  • It is necessary to comply with fire safety standards when crossing a partition that is susceptible to fire. That is, when crossing wooden partitions, it is necessary to install fireproof cuts. In addition, you need to leave a small distance between the pipeline and flammable materials (for example, insulation) of at least 5 centimeters. Sandwich pipes are excellent for this purpose and do not require additional work in this case. The load-bearing combustible structures must be more than 100 cm from the pipe. This condition is fulfilled by horizontally tapping the channel. The main thing is not to make such a section too long, otherwise the system may not work correctly.
  • It is necessary to comply with fire safety requirements for the construction of combustible floors. Beams and walls located near the chimney must be treated with special fire-retardant solutions, the fire resistance of which is at least 120 minutes.

  • To pass through the roof of the building, a special passage must be installed. In the case of ceramic and sandwich pipes, this is quite simple; the necessary element is included in the standard line of materials.
  • The maximum length of all horizontal sections should be no more than 3 meters.
  • When installing a steel chimney, it is necessary to insulate it, and it is also prohibited to install it with breaks or leaky connections inside the building.

Related article:

As part of this review, we will try to sort it out. How to choose the best option and set priorities for ordinary users, what models exist, how to properly carry out installation on your own.

Features of chimney installation in a private house: calculation of diameter and height, choice of insulating material

How to make a chimney correctly so that it works correctly and for a long time? When installing an exhaust pipe for a gas heating boiler, it is necessary not only to adhere to fire safety rules, but also to make the correct calculations of the height and diameter of the pipe. Since the quality of traction, and therefore the safety of removal of combustion products, depends on these parameters.

If you are not confident in your own abilities, you should entrust this calculation to professionals. However, SNIP contains rules, after carefully studying them, you can calculate the length and diameter of the pipe for a gas boiler yourself.

  • To ensure the necessary draft, it is necessary to install a chimney of at least 5-7 meters.
  • The height of the part of the pipe protruding above the roof depends on the distance from the ridge of the building.

  • It is necessary to take into account the speed and direction of the wind at the point where the pipe exits on the roof, since in some cases it is possible to blow combustion products almost vertically downwards, which will lead to noticeable inconvenience.

Interesting! Some modern gas boilers are equipped with a draft sensor. If it often shows an error, the height of the pipe is not selected correctly, and it is necessary to increase it or move the chimney.

Rules regarding chimney diameter:

  • In most cases, the diameter of the chimney pipe should be equal to the size of the boiler outlet. However, if a very high duct is required, the diameter may need to be increased to prevent unnecessary resistance.

  • Under no circumstances should the channel be narrowed. For example, if the outlet from the boiler is 200 mm, then the pipe must be at least 200 mm.

Important! Ventilation of the boiler room is necessary to prevent the accumulation of gases in the room when the device is turned off. The main thing is to choose the right cross-section of the exhaust duct.

Another important point when installing a gas pipe is its insulation. This must be done to prevent condensation from forming and pouring into the boiler. The main purpose of the insulation is to retain the outside cold, so that when warm air moves inside the pipe, the walls heat up as quickly as possible, and the air does not cool to the “dew point”. You can insulate flues for gas boilers using one of the following methods:

  • Screwing and securing basalt wool onto the pipe using clamps.
  • Covering the surface of the chimney with basalt shells is the best option, as they have the best thermal insulation properties.
  • A brick chimney is usually insulated with cardboard or basalt mats, since in this case this option is the simplest. After installation, the mats are covered with an even layer of plaster.

Choosing a chimney for a gas boiler: materials

If you decide to install a chimney for a gas boiler yourself, first of all you need to choose the material from which it will be made.

Each of the options listed below has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, usually only one of the types is ideal for a particular case:

  • Coaxial.

  • Made from stainless steel.

  • Brick.

  • From asbestos-cement pipes.

So that you can correctly choose what to make a chimney from in a private house, we will analyze each type separately.

Features of coaxial chimneys for gas boilers

A coaxial chimney is one of the types of metal or plastic pipes. It is made in the form of a structure of two pipes of different sizes (the smaller one is inserted into the larger one), and there are jumpers along the entire length that prevent them from touching, in order to achieve maximum efficiency. You can buy a coaxial chimney for a gas boiler at any specialized store, but its cost is quite high, so it is used only in extreme cases.

The principle of air movement through such a pipe is somewhat different from the standard version. The supply air enters the firebox not from the room, but through the outer contour of the pipe, while combustion products are released through the inner contour. Thanks to this device, coaxial chimneys have the following advantages:

The overall heat loss of the building is reduced, because in this case the air to maintain the combustion of the firebox does not come from the room, but is heated by the air removed (recovery principle).

The possibility of a fire in places where the pipe comes into contact with the building structure is reduced due to the isolation of the hot pipe.

High efficiency, due to which a minimum amount of pollution enters the atmosphere.

In this case, only closed-type cameras are used, which are the safest. In addition, the size of such a device is much smaller, which allows you to arrange a boiler room of a minimum area.

This option also has disadvantages:

High price of coaxial chimneys for gas boilers.

Limitation on the length of pipes located horizontally (maximum 2 meters).

Interesting! Such pipes are usually used when using gas boilers without a chimney. Since their installation is the only way to remove heated air without installing a complex chimney system.

Stainless steel chimney: features, advantages and disadvantages

The use of simple stainless steel chimneys for gas boilers is a rather rare case. Since they are susceptible to corrosion, they heat up quickly, which means they are a fire hazard. The only option is to use acid- and heat-resistant metal pipes. They are slightly more expensive, but more reliable and durable. In addition, their thickness does not exceed 0.5-0.6 mm, due to which a chimney made of this material is quite lightweight and can therefore be attached directly to the walls of the building.

The main thing when installing a galvanized chimney is to securely secure the pipe outside the building using an additional supporting structure. If this is not done, a strong gust of wind may simply blow it away.

Advantages of galvanized pipes:

Aesthetically attractive appearance.

Smoothness of the inner surface, due to which less soot settles on it (compared to a brick chimney).

Installation can be done both inside and outside the building. The main thing here is high-quality insulation of the channel.

There is no need to build a foundation for the channel (due to its low weight).

Brick chimney

The most common and reliable way to remove hot air is to install a brick chimney for a gas boiler. The main thing is to correctly calculate its size and location at the building design stage. If a mistake is made and the system does not work correctly, it will be almost impossible to make changes to the design.

Advantages of brick structures:


With proper calculation, the costs of installing this type of chimney will be minimal in comparison with other types.

Heat accumulation ability.

Fire resistance.

Brick does not burn, so even if a fire occurs, the fire will not spread throughout the building.



Heavy weight.

Soot settling on the channel walls due to the roughness of the inner surface.

Lack of resistance to acidic environments.

Structural destruction due to strong temperature changes.

Chimney made of asbestos-cement pipes

Installing a chimney for a gas boiler from asbestos-cement pipes is not very easy to install, but is an inexpensive option. These non-metallic pipes are connected to the boiler using standard fittings. In this case, it is necessary to install a condensate collector in the lower part, and a roof umbrella in the upper part to prevent flooding of the pipe during rain. Such air ducts are installed on special supports made of brick or metal. The main thing is to correctly calculate the load to avoid collapse of the structure.

Most often, a separate chimney of this type is provided for each boiler. The main thing is to insulate the pipelines well so as not to get burned, and to mount the condensate collector in the right place.

How to properly make a chimney for a gas boiler in a private house with your own hands?

Before installing a chimney for a gas boiler, you need to correctly calculate its dimensions and height. Installation must be carried out strictly following the proposed plan. Otherwise, backdraft or rapid destruction of the structure may occur. In addition, it is necessary to decide on the material and location of the structure. After all, the need for insulation and installation features depend on these parameters.

Installation of metal pipes occurs according to the plan below:

  • Preparatory stage.

Includes purchasing the necessary materials and applying markings to the floors of the building in the places where the chimney will pass.

  • Drilling holes for pipes
  • Connecting the boiler to the chimney using an adapter.
  • Extending the pipe to the required length.
  • Installation of passages through ceilings.
  • Strengthening joints with clamps and self-tapping screws.
  • Attaching the pipe to the walls of the building using clamps (step – 2 meters).
  • Installation of a roof umbrella.

  • Chimney insulation.

If the installation is carried out correctly, repairs to the chimney for a gas boiler will need to be carried out after a very long period of time. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, entrust this work to professionals.

Upon completion of installation, the question arises: how to check the draft in the chimney of a gas boiler, and is everything arranged correctly? Indeed, if there is insufficient draft, not only the formation of condensation can occur, but also the flow of gas into the house or the burner extinguishing.

You can check traction in the following ways:

  • Using an anemometer.
  • Holding a piece of paper up to the chimney.

If the draft is insufficient, it is necessary to suspend the operation of the equipment and not turn it on until the errors in the installation of the chimney from the gas boiler are eliminated.

Price table for chimneys for gas boilers

You can buy a chimney for a gas boiler at any specialized store. In this case, the price mainly depends on the pipe material and the number of fittings. Below is a table of average prices for different types of chimneys.


Errors when choosing and installing a chimney for a gas boiler in a private house can lead to an emergency. Therefore, if you are not confident in your calculations, contact a professional.

TypeDiameter, mmLength, mAverage cost, rub.

100 0,75 3200

Stainless steel
120 1 550

From asbestos cement pipe

Heating equipment is installed after completion of construction work. To install a combustion product exhaust system, a chimney is removed through the wall. The design consists of several connected pipes made of steel or other modern materials. Attaching the chimney to the wall with your own hands is not difficult. To do this, you need to understand its structure and follow safety rules.

Chimney design

The optimal pipe length for smoke removal is from 5 to 10 m. If the structure is made shorter than the ridge, there will be poor draft. With a length exceeding 10 m, strong draft will provoke excessive combustion, therefore, fuel consumption will increase.

There is less soot deposited on a smooth inner surface, so a metal pipe is increasingly being used when installing a chimney.

They are gradually being relegated to the background, as they take up space in the room and need to be cleaned more often than chimneys made of modern materials.

When installing a chimney through a wall and then installing it outside the house, you need to install a protective box.

Advantages of external chimney

The chimney outlet through the wall is used in modern construction more often than the construction of brick structures.


  • the external chimney system does not take up space in the house, unlike brick chimneys;
  • can be installed in a long-built house when replacing the system;
  • is the best option for two-story buildings; there is no need to cut holes in the ceilings;
  • does not violate the integrity of the roof;
  • easy and quick installation.

An external smoke exhaust system can be installed both immediately after completion of construction work, and after a long time after the house is put into operation.


Like any type of building structure, an external smoke exhaust system has not only advantages, but also disadvantages:

  • the outer parts of the pipe must be insulated;
  • a chimney mounted through a wall has a lower efficiency than a vertical structure installed through the roof.

It is necessary to think over the location of the chimney structure so that it fits harmoniously into the design of the building.

What you need to know

There are rules that must be followed when installing the system:

  • It is important to correctly calculate the diameter of the pipe. It depends on the boiler power and other parameters. If you purchase a pipe of the wrong (small) cross-section, smoke may occur due to reduced draft. High thrust with an excessively wide pipe will increase fuel consumption.
  • When passing a chimney through a wall, a right angle (90 degrees) must be maintained.

The optimal distance between fasteners is considered to be 60 cm, the maximum step should not exceed 100 cm.

Sandwich pipe for chimney

Sandwich pipes for a chimney are a structure of two pipes nested one inside the other. The gap is filled with heat-insulating material with fire-resistant characteristics. Stone wool is most often used as insulation. The thickness of the layer affects the thermal stability of the entire structure and varies from 3 to 10 cm.

The pipes are made of stainless steel. Galvanized material can only be used when using wall-mounted gas boilers and low-power water heaters.

The thickness of stainless steel varies from 0.5 to 1 mm. The grade of stainless steel is chosen depending on its purpose.

The best option when installing a chimney in a wooden house is to use a sandwich pipe. During operation of the heating boiler, the thermal insulation layer takes on the thermal load from the inner pipe. This prevents excessive overheating of the outer part of the chimney. This reduces the likelihood of a fire.

Stainless steel for sandwich pipes

The table shows the most commonly used stainless steel grades and their characteristics:

Brand AISIApplicationCharacteristics
430 For external casings of sandwich pipesBelongs to economy class. It reacts poorly to elevated temperatures and has sufficient resistance to atmospheric influences.
439 As an air exhaust from gas boilers and solid fuel installations with a power of up to 30 kW.The composition includes titanium, which increases thermal stability and resistance to aggressive environments.
316 The best option for any type of gas boilers.The composition includes molybdenum and nickel, which increase resistance to acids and high temperatures.
304 For boilers of low and medium power.They contain a small amount of nickel and molybdenum. Refers to the economy version of the AISI 316 brand.

Low-cost models are used for the outer casing; more heat-resistant brands are used for the inside of the chimney.

Insulation classification

How does the thickness of thermal insulation material affect the ability to withstand temperature loads:

Only some brands of fireproof can withstand temperatures up to 850 degrees; you need to pay attention to this when purchasing insulation.

How to choose pipe diameter

The internal diameter of the pipe must be the same as the cross-section of the outlet pipe, or wider. If the chimney pipes are wider than the pipe coming out of the boiler, an adapter is installed at the junction.

Dependence of pipe diameter on boiler power:

Chimney installation

Here is information on how to remove a chimney through a wall with your own hands. Installing a chimney through a wall is easy to do with your own hands.

General points

To prevent the insulation from melting, the first part of the chimney must be made in the form of a piece of pipe without a heat-saving layer. The fasteners are installed at a height protected from overheating. From here you can install a sandwich pipe.

Installation is carried out in two ways:

  1. Raise the pipe system in the room closer to the ceiling, then take them out.
  2. The pipes are routed through the wall at the level of the smoke pipe exiting the boiler. In this option, only one connecting elbow is formed. Therefore, traction will be better.

The boiler or stove is installed on a non-combustible base. The wall surface in contact with the boiler must also be insulated. Most often, a sheet of metal is attached to the wall and floor as a base.

Installation technology

Increased requirements are imposed on buildings made of combustible materials. When venting a chimney through a wall in a wooden house, you must take into account all fire safety standards.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a chimney correctly:

  1. For the pipe, a passage is made through the wall in accordance with SNIP standards. The distance from the pipe to a wall built from fire-resistant building materials is at least 25 cm. To a surface made from materials susceptible to combustion - 45 cm. In the second case, it turns out that you need to punch a fairly large hole. To make the hole for the chimney through a wooden wall smaller, the surface is sheathed with metal or other fire-resistant material. Make a hole of 25 cm, since the surface is insulated from fire.
  2. A metal box is mounted into a hole in the wall.
  3. The pipe is passed through a metal box, secured in the middle, and taken out. The pipe must be solid; elements cannot be joined inside the wall, as they will be problematic to maintain.
  4. All free space in the wall is filled with non-flammable thermal insulation material.
  5. The hole on both sides is covered with metal or other heat-resistant raw materials.
  6. A support platform for external pipes is mounted outside, which is held by metal brackets attached to the wall.
  7. An adapter in the form of a tee is installed on the outgoing segment.
  8. The lower part is removable. It functions as a glass to collect condensate. Some models are equipped with a fitting with a tap to which a hose is connected, through which the water accumulated inside is poured out.
  9. A chimney is connected to the upper part, which is brought to the desired height. To prevent debris from getting inside the pipe, a cap is installed on it.

The pipe brought out is secured to the wall using stainless steel clamps.

For more details on how to install a chimney through a wall, watch the video:

When exiting a chimney sandwich pipe through a wooden wall, you must follow safety precautions.

  • To ensure the correct direction of thrust, the joints are insulated with heat-resistant sealants.
  • When a chimney is routed through a wall at the intersection of the pipe and the wall, there is a possibility of ignition as a result of overheating. To prevent fire, it is recommended to increase the thickness of the heat-insulating material at the joints.
  • The pipe is secured to the wall using clamps installed at a distance of no more than 100 cm from each other.

Subject to compliance with all fire safety standards, it is possible to vent the chimney through the wall even in houses made of materials with low resistance to fire and high thermal loads.

Even a beginner in construction can install a chimney through a wall. The best thermal insulation material is stone and basalt wool. It is very important to correctly calculate all parameters, and only then proceed with installation. The safety of the building and its owners depends on compliance with all rules for installing a chimney.