What happens if you call a bloody mary. How to summon a bloody mary? Preparing for the challenge

Making Bloody Mary yourself at home is not as easy as it seems. The question is how to call Bloody Mary, worries many novice summoners, in particular children. However, few people know who this Bloody Mary is and how such a prank could turn out for its participants.

The story of Bloody Mary has several options and, first of all, the most widespread received among children. However, the motive of this story is always the same and is contained in the archetypes of fairy tales and legends of most peoples of the world.

Bloody Mary represents an unfortunate, innocently murdered girl who takes revenge on everyone who may be in any way connected with her death, even indirectly.

Marie Tudor

One of the most common stories among children is the following story. Once upon a time there lived a little girl with her mother, and this girl drew a ladder on paper. After which, she ran to the kitchen to show the drawing to her mother, but she was dead, and Chinese knives were sticking out of her back.

The girl thought that this was done by the neighbors who constantly mocked her and, taking knives from her mother’s body, she went to take revenge on them. She killed several people, but quite accidentally she was hit by a car, and the child’s corpse was thrown into a well, having first cut off her hands.

After this, the girl’s spirit haunts all those who were involved in the death of her mother, who once hit people with cars or threw them into a well. In addition, it also comes to those who simply draw stairs on paper or on a mirror, while it does not kill the latter, but only scares and warns, leaving bruises and cuts on the body.

Of course, this is a children's story, moreover, combining elements of other popular horror stories. However, there is more reliable events, with which the appearance of the legend of Bloody Mary can be associated.

This story originally appeared and became part of folklore in Great Britain. The name Mary is associated primarily with Mary Tudor, the English queen, who became famous for her irrepressible passion for cutting off the heads of her subjects and, in general, loved capital punishment.

This legend finally took shape in the Victorian era, when Wicca first appeared, and English housewives sought to practice magic. By the way, most children's calls for creatures such as the king of gum or the queen of spades take their origins from this ritual.

How to make Bloody Mary at home

Before you start calling such an otherworldly entity, you should learn more about what it is, and also think about the consequences of such a call. Initially, Bloody Mary was called in order to find out what the betrothed would look like - this has a clear analogy with Old Slavonic Christmas fortune-telling. In the same way, a mirror was used in the ritual.

According to legend, Bloody Mary appeared in the face of the woman calling him instead of her own reflection, but it was forbidden to look at her - she had to look over her left shoulder, behind which the silhouette of her betrothed could be seen. Of course, those who are familiar with magic may have a question - why do you need to look over your left shoulder, because, as you know, the devil sits there. The whole point is that the gaze should be directed towards left side mirrors relative to you, and Mary herself will have this shoulder on her right.

Nowadays, this otherworldly entity is mainly summoned by children for entertainment, and not as a fortune-telling tool, without thinking what will happen if they call Bloody Mary. The fact is that the creatures inhabiting subtle world, very rarely appear in their real guises, and even more so do not like being bothered by various amateurs over all sorts of trifles. Therefore, not only the bloody Queen Mary can appear to the child, but also any other poltergeist who has taken her appearance.

But, due to the popularization of the call of Bloody Mary, it can be said that this entity has acquired very great power, at least due to children’s emotions, therefore, it can really obey the basic rules of the call and methods of expulsion. She does not need to kill her victims, because first of all, such creatures feed on emotions, the strongest of which, after love, is fear.

Conjuring Bloody Mary with a Candle

For this classic English ritual, all you need is a candle and a dark room. You need to light a candle, facing the mirror and holding it in your hands, and say three times:

Bloody Mary come!

After this, you need to peer into your reflection, however, do it in such a way that your gaze is directed as if through it. When you notice that your facial features begin to change and become creepy appearance, slowly, without looking directly into the face of the reflection, move your gaze to the left and wait.

After some time, you will be able to see the face of your future chosen one there. But if you notice that your reflection has begun to perform any actions, or is reaching out to you, the ritual must be completed immediately by saying the banishing phrase three times:

Bloody Mary, go away!

Under no circumstances should you turn on the light or put out a candle. If the candle flame goes out, then Bloody Mary will come out of the mirror and inhabit your body, and if you suddenly turn on the light, then you will lock the spirit inside your house, and it will no longer be able to leave it, turning into an evil poltergeist and preventing you and yours from living loved ones

If the ritual went smoothly, at the end of it you should also send Bloody Mary home, leaving her no chance to become attached to you and your home.

Challenge ritual with mirror and lipstick

Another ritual used by children to titillate involves lipstick, a mirror and a candle. Never agree to replace lipstick with blood - games with mirror magic have almost always been very dangerous in themselves, and blood magic is no less powerful, which can lead to unpredictable consequences.

To summon Bloody Mary, draw a ladder on the mirror using lipstick, go into a dark room, light a candle and say:

Bloody Mary come!

After a while, you will hear the sound of footsteps and be able to see how someone is going down this ladder towards you, trying to get out of the mirror. This means that you have already achieved what you wanted, and it is time to drive away the spirit with the words:

Bloody Mary, go away!

If you don't do this, you can be sent through the looking glass, and the spirit will take your place. In addition, a frequent consequence of such games are bruises, hematomas and even cuts that suddenly appear on the body directly during the ceremony or after it.

If you want to practice summoning otherworldly beings, but don't know how to summon Bloody Mary at school, then this ritual is perfect for you.

Calling Bloody Mary - video and photo evidence

Very often, children like to make videos on how to summon Bloody Mary. However, it should be noted that, like most videos posted on the Internet, this is just an attempt to attract attention and has no correlation with reality. Often children try in this way to arouse envy or respect from classmates or to practice their video blogging skills.

It should be noted that most otherworldly entities do not like it very much when they are trying to be filmed, and all evidence very quickly disappears from public sources in the strangest ways.

But still, this does not apply to photos of someone calling Bloody Mary. If the ritual was carried out correctly, and the photographs were taken using a film camera, after development, you can almost always find a female silhouette dressed in a dress with traces of blood.

Of course, such photographs also very often disappeared, and the photographers themselves very quickly found violent death - most often at the hands of some criminals armed with a knife. Therefore, if you just want to tell your fortune on a guy or get a dose of adrenaline, refrain from using recording devices.

You need to call Bloody Mary carefully. The right approach to call can guarantee you relative safety, but any, even minor, mistake can lead to death or even something worse.

Are you wondering if Bloody Mary is real or just an urban legend? Well, she is real. Or at least it existed. The myth is based on a true story.

According to legend, you must stand in front of the bathroom mirror with one lit candle and say “Bloody Mary” three times. Only the bravest children are able to do this because, as the legend says, by doing so you will summon her spirit.

If you see her ghostly face in the mirror, it can lead to the following terrible consequences:

  1. Your eyes will be torn out and your face will be horribly cut up.
  2. You will be found dead with claw marks all over your body and face.
  3. You will mysteriously disappear from the bathroom and be forever captured by the ghost in the mirror.

You can also go crazy and die on the spot.

The story of this game is based on a mixture of legends and historical facts, which have become the basis for an urban legend over the years.

The most famous story is about Mary Worth, who was a witch who lived hundreds of years ago and practiced black magic. They found out about this and executed her.

Another story is closer to our days: one woman got into a terrible car accident, and her face was horribly disfigured before her death. When she is called, she appears with the same terrible face.

The names “Mary Worth” and “Bloody Mary” are believed to come from historical figures. Mary I, Queen of England, or Mary Tudor, who reigned during the Tudor period, was also commonly known as “Bloody Mary.”

Her nickname, “Bloody Mary,” became attached to her as she brutally executed and burned people at the stake for heresy during her 5-year reign as Queen of England.

She also couldn't have children and had two phantom pregnancies, which is why there is a variation on when to say "I stole your baby."

There is another suggestion that the name “Mary Worth” comes from one of the victims who died during the Salem witch hunt.

Another possible origin for the legend could be Elizabeth Bathory, or Countess Dracula as she is called. She was a Hungarian royal who was rumored to kill young girls and bathe in their blood to preserve her youth and beauty. Of course, her name wasn't Mary, but somehow, the story of this cruel woman was inserted into the legend.

The Japanese have their own version of this legend, called Kushisake-Onna, or Slit Mouth Woman.

How to play Bloody Mary? You need one candle, a brave heart, and a bathroom with a large mirror.

Turn off the lights, light a candle, look at yourself in the mirror, and begin to chant slowly

“Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary.”

And watch what happens...

If nothing happens, try turning around yourself three times and look in the mirror. You can just catch a glimpse of her scary face.

Give it a try, but if you decide to do it, don't blame me if you find yourself trapped in a ghostly underworld with the ghost of Bloody Mary forever!

She lived deep in the forest in tiny house, and sold medicinal herbs. People living in a nearby town called her Bloody Mary, and it was rumored that she was a witch. No one dared to contradict the old hag, fearing that his cows would become thin, his food supplies would rot before the winter began, his children would get fever, or other numerous misfortunes would happen that the evil witch could send to the neighbors.

Then the little girls in the village began to disappear one by one. No one could understand where they had disappeared to. Heartbroken families searched the woods, local buildings, and every home and barn, but there was no sign of the missing girls. A few brave souls even went to Bloody Mary's house to find out if she knew anything about the missing girls, but she denied knowing anything. However, it was noticed that her gaunt appearance had changed. She looked younger and more attractive. The neighbors had suspicions, but there was no evidence that the witch had taken their girls.

Then night came when the miller's daughter got out of bed and went outside, enchanted by a sound that no one else heard. The miller's wife had a toothache, and she was sitting in the kitchen, trying to cure the tooth. medicinal herbs when her daughter left the house. She called her husband and they followed the girl. The miller came out in his nightgown. Together they tried to hold the girl, but she kept breaking away from them and went out of the city.

The desperate cries of the miller and his wife woke up the neighbors. They ran out to help the inconsolable couple. Suddenly the farmer, who had good eyesight, shouted and pointed to a strange light at the edge of the forest. Several townspeople followed him into the field and saw Bloody Mary, standing nearby with a large oak tree, in her hands she held a magic rod, with which she pointed to the miller’s house. She glowed with an unearthly light, saying evil spells over the miller's daughter.

The townspeople grabbed their weapons and pitchforks and ran to the witch. Hearing the noise, Bloody Mary stopped chanting and ran back into the forest. The eagle-eyed farmer loaded the gun with silver bullets in case the witch ever came for his daughter. He took aim and shot at her. The bullet hit Bloody Mary in the thigh and she fell to the ground. The angry townspeople picked her up and carried her to the field, where they lit a large fire and burned her.

As it burned, Bloody Mary shouted a curse to the residents. If someone says her name in front of the mirror, she will send her spirit to take revenge on them for her death. When she died, the villagers went to her house in the woods and found the unmarked graves of the girls she had killed. She used their blood to restore her youth.

From this day forward, anyone foolish enough to say Bloody Mary's name three times in the dark in front of a mirror will summon the vengeful spirit of the witch. They say that she will tear the body into pieces and tear out the soul from the mutilated body. The souls of these unfortunates will experience the same torment that Bloody Mary experienced when she burned at the stake, and they will forever reside in the mirror.

2 methods: Play the game Bloody Mary Night Party

Bloody Mary is a classic horror game, the essence of which is to summon the ghost of Bloody Mary by standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom. All you need for this game is a spare bathroom and a candle. To make the game as impressive as possible, call your friends and play together, then tell each other what you saw in the mirror. Don't forget to turn off the lights!

Play the game

Decide who will summon the ghost of Bloody Mary first. If there are no takers, quickly play a game to see who will go first. For example, you can flip a coin or play rock, paper, scissors. The loser will go to the bathroom first.

Close the door so it is completely dark. Check to see if anyone has followed you. When calling Bloody Mary, you need to stand in front of the mirror alone.

  • Place a candle on the sink in front of the mirror and light it.
  • No free bathroom? Then try summoning Bloody Mary in a regular room where there is a mirror.

"Bloody Mary". Don't close your eyes when you say these words. Speak slowly and clearly so Bloody Mary can hear you. Then wait for her to appear in the mirror.

  • No one knows for sure, but some claim that Bloody Mary looks like a scary old witch.

Rotations will help her appear in the mirror. After you have completed 3 turns, stop and look in the mirror to see if Bloody Mary has appeared. If it's still not there, try turning around yourself three times in a different direction.

Blow out the candle and leave the bathroom. Tell your friends what you saw in the mirror. Then send the next player to summon Bloody Mary!

Bloody Mary Night Party

You should have enough sleeping space for your friends to spend the night. Prepare snacks and wear scary decorations to create a themed atmosphere and mood.

  • Prepare cookies similar in shape to a mirror. You and your friends can draw on it with icing what you saw in the mirror.
  • Hang a black tablecloth on the wall and write “Bloody Mary” on it in red paint.

In the search bar, enter the query “legends for the game Bloody Mary” (without quotes) or find a book with this legend in the library in advance. Read this story out loud to all your friends before you start playing. No one knows for sure, but many people think that Bloody Mary is the ghost of the infamous Queen Mary I.

Find documentaries about Bloody Mary or films that mention the topic. Before playing this game, watch a movie like this with your friends with the lights off.

  • To learn about Queen Mary, watch the movie Penny Dreadful. Bloody Mary".
  • Watch the scary movie Candyman, which takes on the theme of playing Bloody Mary.

After playing Bloody Mary, plan something light and fun. Choose a funny one board game or a comedy film to watch together. You and your friends will probably be a little scared after the game, but these fun, fun activities will help you relax.

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It's easy to invite Bloody Mary to your place, but it can cause serious harm. young wizards. The ritual of calling Mary can be considered the most dangerous, because a terrible entity comes out to meet, which is capable of causing harm. Mary is fueled by human emotions, the stronger your fear, the stronger her power will be over you. You should clearly know how to protect yourself from its effects.

The Legend of Bloody Mary

Once upon a time there lived a girl in distant England. One day she decided to draw a staircase on paper and ran to show her drawing to her mother in the kitchen. But when she came running, she saw her dead, with knives stuck in her back, handles up. The daughter decided that her mother was killed by neighbors who periodically mocked them. Taking the knives out of her mother’s back, the girl set out to take revenge. She managed to kill 6 people, then she ran out onto the road, mad with grief, and was hit by a car. The girl's dead body was thrown into a well, cutting off her arms and legs. After her death, Mary haunts everyone who draws stairs on mirrors and paper. Frightening, it leaves bruises and scratches on the body. Do you still want to call Bloody Mary? Then read on.

How to make Bloody Mary at home

In ancient times, Mary was called by young girls who wanted to meet their future groom. They lit candles and sat down in front of the mirror at midnight; when they saw Bloody Mary, they had to look behind her left shoulder; according to legend, the betrothed would soon appear. Nowadays Mary is called mainly by children for pampering, and the spirits - oh, how they don’t like it! Get ready for the fact that instead of Mary during the ritual, any other entity may fly out and get stuck between two worlds in your apartment. To prevent this from happening, and to prevent ghosts from tormenting you with nightmares every night, perform the rituals with all seriousness.

For a classic ritual, prepare at midnight:

  • A candle and a mirror.
  • Say three times while looking in the mirror: “Bloody Mary, come to me, show me my betrothed!” "

After these words, do not take your eyes off your reflection, looking at it through the candle flame. As soon as the reflection begins to take on a different appearance, look behind your left shoulder and examine the figure that appears for a few seconds, this is your betrothed. It is forbidden to look into the eyes of a spirit; it can move into your body! If the figure of the future groom tries to get out of the mirror (starts gradually approaching), say loudly three times:

  • "Bloody Mary go away!"

Then quickly turn on the light in the room and wait until the vision disappears completely. And only after that blow out the candles. Sprinkle the mirror with holy water and cover it with dark material, hiding it in a secluded place for 3 days.

Summoning Bloody Mary Outside the House

It is better to carry out the ritual in a vacant lot, so that if Mary leaves the stairs, you can quickly escape. We will need:

  • 6 candles.
  • Salt.
  • Red chalk.

At midnight, go to the prepared place, draw a circle around you with white chalk and light candles inside the circle. This will be your protective barrier from otherworldly forces. Behind the circle, draw a ladder with red chalk. And say 3 times:

  • “Bloody Mary come to me, give me the answer!”

Immediately after casting the spell, you will see a young girl walking up the stairs, her clothes covered in blood splatters. Ask her the one question that worries you most. Mary will try to look into your face, look away and wait for an answer. As soon as you hear the answer, immediately say:

  • "Bloody Mary get out!"

After these words, blow out the candles and erase the stairs so that Mary cannot use it to get out into the real world after you leave. Follow all the rules of rituals and do not joke with spirits, the consequences can be unpredictable!!!

How to summon Bloody Mary? This question is often asked by young wizards who have already embarked on the path of magic. But is it worth doing this and what could such a prank turn out to be like for you?

Although it is already the 21st century, people’s belief in the supernatural does not fade away. Since ancient times, people have tried to find the simplest and most effective methods, which would allow them to communicate with entities from other worlds, find out the future, receive necessary knowledge and make your dreams come true.

Thanks to this, today we know the widespread rituals of calling mermaids, fairies, brownies, the Queen of Spades and the Queen of Hearts, the spirits of deceased relatives, and so on.

The ritual of calling Bloody Mary can be classified as quite complex, since in this case it is not a good-natured creature who comes into contact with you, and you need to clearly understand how you can protect yourself from its influence.

But what happens if you call Bloody Mary, and why are such rituals performed? If you believe ancient legends, then it was this spirit that allowed women in ancient times to know exactly what their future husband would look like.

According to this ancient fortune-telling, the spirit appeared before the fortuneteller instead of her own reflection in the mirror. If you looked over this spirit's left shoulder, you could see the face of your betrothed.

Unfortunately, today many children try to call upon this spirit, not knowing or forgetting that it can be dangerous. In addition, it is possible that after Mary, some other entity, evil and insidious, will penetrate into this world through the magical portal that will open when summoned.

It is worth noting that although Bloody Mary is not very difficult to summon and banish, it can cause quite serious damage to an inexperienced magician. Such a creature feeds not on human energy, but on emotions. The stronger they are, the more powerful Mary will become. The main emotion she feeds on is fear. Therefore, the more afraid you are, the more power the spirit will have over you.

Before you begin the summoning ritual, it’s worth figuring out who Bloody Mary is. It should be noted that there are several stories regarding the origin of this spirit.

The first of them says that in ancient times there lived a woman with her daughter. One day a little girl drew a ladder on a piece of paper and then wanted to show it to her mother. However, the girl found her already dead. The woman's back was pierced by several Chinese knives.

The child decided that the murder was committed by their neighbors, who so often bullied the family. After this, the child, seized with anger and a thirst for revenge, took knives from his mother’s body and set off to take revenge. After the girl killed several people, she was shot down by the crew. The body was found by villagers and thrown into a well, after cutting off his hands.

The prototype of Bloody Mary - Marie Tudo

Even after death, the girl continues to pursue everyone who could in any way be involved in the death of her mother, who knocked down a person or threw a child into a well. In addition, Bloody Mary appears to everyone who draws on paper or the mirrors of the stairs. However, it does not kill such people, but only scares them and leaves deep cuts on their bodies.

Although this story is quite common, psychics are skeptical about it. Most of them adhere to a different theory. They believe that during her lifetime, Bloody Mary was Mary I Tudor, who was also called Mary the Catholic or Bloody Mary.

She was the daughter of Henry VIII, Catherine of Aragon and the sister of the future one of the most famous English queens, Elizabeth I.

Mary I Tudor was famous for her cruelty; many people were executed during her reign. It was believed that the woman received pleasure from bringing pain to other people and instilling fear in them.

Although such magic is very unsafe for children, nothing can stop young lovers of the supernatural. In order to protect yourself, first of all remember that you should never use your own blood when performing this ritual.

This can be very dangerous, the consequences can be unpredictable. To carry out the ceremony, arm yourself with lipstick, a mirror and three candles. Stand in a dark corridor (it is best to sit on the floor), place a mirror in front of you, place three candles in a row, light them, then draw a ladder on the mirror. Once this is done, say:

Bloody Mary, appear!

Literally a few seconds after you say these words, the spirit will come to you. Be careful, as he will try in every possible way to go beyond the mirror. As soon as the figure is on the penultimate step, blow out the candles and turn the mirror over.

If you do not do this, the spirit may break out and then drag you into its kingdom. It is possible that the next day you will have bruises or scratches on your body.

This old method, as the legend says, will help you find out who your betrothed is. It is believed that this is one of the most effective fortune telling. It is carried out only in women's days week (Wednesday, Friday or Saturday) at exactly midnight.

You will need to take one mirror and candles. Place the attributes in front of you and, holding a lit candle in your hands, peer at your reflection through the flame. When you tune in to the desired energy wave, say three times:

Bloody Mary, come to me.
Show me my betrothed.

Continue to peer at your reflection and, as soon as you notice that it has begun to change, immediately look behind the left shoulder of the figure that has appeared. Under no circumstances should you look the spirit in the face, as it can move into you.

You only have a few seconds to look at the face of your future groom. If you notice that the spirit is trying to leave the mirror (as soon as it starts moving towards you), say three times:

Bloody Mary, go away!

After this, you must immediately turn on the light and wait until the image of the ghost completely disappears. If you abruptly extinguish the candles in this case, the spirit can get out of the looking glass and enter your world. After this, it will be much more difficult to get rid of him, since you will have to fight the evil poltergeist.

As soon as the spirit disappears, you can put out the candles, rinse the mirror several times with holy water, then wrap it in thick black cloth and leave it in a dark place for 3 days, hide it from prying eyes. It is useless to film such a ritual on video or photo, since the camera will not be able to capture the spirit.

Such a ritual is carried out only in open areas or indoors where no one lives. It is worth noting that it is more suitable for experienced and powerful magicians, and not for young wizards. To carry it out you will need:

  • salt or white chalk;
  • red chalk;
  • 5 candles.

Exactly at midnight, go to the chosen place of the ceremony, using salt or white chalk, draw a circle that will be yours reliable protection. If the ceremony is performed on outdoors Where there is a lot of wind that can blow away the salt, it is better to use chalk.

Inside the circle, place five candles around you and carefully light them. After this, outside the protective dome, draw a large staircase with red chalk. Tell:

Bloody Mary, come to me, give me the answer!

Repeat the spell exactly three times. After this, you will see how a large figure of a woman appears on the drawn stairs. It is possible that her clothes will be spattered with blood.

Important Note: do not look at the woman, as she will constantly try to look into your face. If this happens, she will not leave you alone and will constantly try to take over your body. In this case, it will not be possible to send it back.

When Mary appears, you can ask her one question. In any case, she will be forced to answer until you send her back. Once the answer is received, say:

Bloody Mary, get out!

After this, blow out all the candles one by one from left to right. Once the spirit disappears, you can exit the protective dome. Be sure to erase the drawn staircase, otherwise Mary will be able to use it to get out of her world again.

If you follow all safety rules when performing the Bloody Mary ritual, then you will not be in any danger. If you neglect the spirit or do not protect yourself, the consequences can be unpredictable.

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Do you remember last time we talked about

how to call Slenderman

The ritual of summoning Bloody Mary is very different and will require much more courage from you!

Bloody Mary is the unrepentant spirit of a woman who was famous for her cruelty during her life. It is believed that she took the lives of many people; they say that Mary even killed her own children. For her sins, she was punished to wander forever in the world through the looking glass.

It’s best in the bathroom - there is no direct sunlight, and the tiles on the walls serve as a reflector of magic. In addition, the bathroom always has large mirror, which we will need.

Place a candle in the washbasin and light it. Turn off the lights in the bathroom and close the doors, but don't lock them, keep them ajar so you can quickly escape if something goes wrong.

The spell must be cast in a whisper and repeated many times. Soon you can see in the mirror that a blood-red figure of a woman has appeared behind you. Bloody Mary has come to your call!

If you get too scared or feel in danger, the surest way to protect yourself from Bloody Mary is to scream loudly. Scream as loud as you can, this will definitely scare Mary and she will leave.

After the ritual, do not forget to put out the candle!

For this you will need four people - you can invite your friends who are not afraid to perform this ritual with you. Gather in your room and close the curtains. Sit on the floor in a circle and place a mirror in the center (a makeup mirror or even a powder compact mirror will do). The mirror needs to be covered with black cloth.

Cast the spell one by one, the order of casting should go counterclockwise:

After everyone has cast the spell three times, the last of you must quickly pull the fabric off the mirror. You can carefully look into it - if you did everything correctly and the time of the ritual was favorable, in the mirror you will see a reddish figure standing in the distance. This is Bloody Mary.

But be careful not to touch the mirror, otherwise Mary will grab your hand and drag you through the looking glass!

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How to summon Bloody Mary? This question is often asked by young wizards who have already embarked on the path of magic. But is it worth doing this and what could such a prank turn out to be like for you?

How to summon Bloody Mary?

Although it is already the 21st century, people’s belief in the supernatural does not fade away. Since ancient times, people have tried to find the simplest and most effective methods that would allow them to communicate with entities from other worlds, find out the future, obtain the necessary knowledge and fulfill their dreams.

Thanks to this, today we know common rituals, and, and so on.

The ritual of calling Bloody Mary can be classified as quite complex, since in this case it is not a good-natured creature who comes into contact with you, and you need to clearly understand how you can protect yourself from its influence.

But what happens if you call Bloody Mary, and why are such rituals performed? If you believe ancient legends, then it was this spirit that allowed women in ancient times to know exactly what their future husband would look like.

According to this ancient fortune-telling, the spirit appeared before the fortuneteller instead of her own reflection in the mirror. If you looked over this spirit's left shoulder, you could see the face of your betrothed.

Unfortunately, today many children try to call upon this spirit, not knowing or forgetting that it can be dangerous. In addition, it is possible that after Mary, some other entity, evil and insidious, will penetrate into this world through the magical portal that will open when summoned.

It is worth noting that although Bloody Mary is not very difficult to summon and banish, it can cause quite serious damage to an inexperienced magician. Such a creature feeds not on human energy, but on emotions. The stronger they are, the more powerful Mary will become. The main emotion she feeds on is fear. Therefore, the more afraid you are, the more power the spirit will have over you.

Before you begin the summoning ritual, it’s worth figuring out who Bloody Mary is. It should be noted that there are several stories regarding the origin of this spirit.

The first of them says that in ancient times there lived a woman with her daughter. One day a little girl drew a ladder on a piece of paper and then wanted to show it to her mother. However, the girl found her already dead. The woman's back was pierced by several Chinese knives.

The child decided that the murder was committed by their neighbors, who so often bullied the family. After this, the child, seized with anger and a thirst for revenge, took knives from his mother’s body and set off to take revenge. After the girl killed several people, she was shot down by the crew. The body was found by villagers and thrown into a well, after cutting off his hands.

The prototype of Bloody Mary - Marie Tudo

Even after death, the girl continues to pursue everyone who could in any way be involved in the death of her mother, who knocked down a person or threw a child into a well. In addition, Bloody Mary appears to everyone who draws on paper or the mirrors of the stairs. However, it does not kill such people, but only scares them and leaves deep cuts on their bodies.

Although this story is quite common, psychics are skeptical about it. Most of them adhere to a different theory. They believe that during her lifetime, Bloody Mary was Mary I Tudor, who was also called Mary the Catholic or Bloody Mary.

She was the daughter of Henry VIII, Catherine of Aragon and the sister of the future one of the most famous English queens, Elizabeth I.

Mary I Tudor was famous for her cruelty; many people were executed during her reign. It was believed that the woman received pleasure from bringing pain to other people and instilling fear in them.

Although such magic is very unsafe for children, nothing can stop young lovers of the supernatural. In order to protect yourself, first of all remember that you should never use your own blood when performing this ritual.

This can be very dangerous, the consequences can be unpredictable. To carry out the ceremony, arm yourself with lipstick, a mirror and three candles. Stand in a dark corridor (it is best to sit on the floor), place a mirror in front of you, place three candles in a row, light them, then draw a ladder on the mirror. Once this is done, say:

Bloody Mary, appear!

Literally a few seconds after you say these words, the spirit will come to you. Be careful, as he will try in every possible way to go beyond the mirror. As soon as the figure is on the penultimate step, blow out the candles and turn the mirror over.

If you do not do this, the spirit may break out and then drag you into its kingdom. It is possible that the next day you will have bruises or scratches on your body.

This old method, as the legend says, will help you find out who your betrothed is. It is believed that this is one of the most effective fortune telling. It is held only on women's days of the week (Wednesday, Friday or Saturday) at exactly midnight.

You will need to take one mirror and candles. Place the attributes in front of you and, holding a lit candle in your hands, peer at your reflection through the flame. When you tune in to the desired energy wave, say three times:

Bloody Mary, come to me.
Show me my betrothed.

Continue to peer at your reflection and, as soon as you notice that it has begun to change, immediately look behind the left shoulder of the figure that has appeared. Under no circumstances should you look the spirit in the face, as it can move into you.

You only have a few seconds to look at the face of your future groom. If you notice that the spirit is trying to leave the mirror (as soon as it starts moving towards you), say three times:

Bloody Mary, go away!

After this, you must immediately turn on the light and wait until the image of the ghost completely disappears. If you abruptly extinguish the candles in this case, the spirit can get out of the looking glass and enter your world. After this, it will be much more difficult to get rid of him, since you will have to fight the evil poltergeist.

As soon as the spirit disappears, you can put out the candles, rinse the mirror several times with holy water, then wrap it in thick black cloth and leave it in a dark place for 3 days, hide it from prying eyes. It is useless to film such a ritual on video or photo, since the camera will not be able to capture the spirit.

Such a ritual is carried out only in open areas or indoors where no one lives. It is worth noting that it is more suitable for experienced and powerful magicians, and not for young wizards. To carry it out you will need:

  • salt or white chalk;
  • red chalk;
  • 5 candles.

Exactly at midnight, go to the chosen place of the ceremony, using salt or white chalk, draw a circle that will be your reliable protection. If the ceremony is carried out outdoors, where there is a lot of wind that can blow away the salt, then it is better to use chalk.

Inside the circle, place five candles around you and carefully light them. After this, outside the protective dome, draw a large staircase with red chalk. Tell:

Bloody Mary, come to me, give me the answer!

Repeat the spell exactly three times. After this, you will see how a large figure of a woman appears on the drawn stairs. It is possible that her clothes will be spattered with blood.

Important Note: do not look at the woman, as she will constantly try to look into your face. If this happens, she will not leave you alone and will constantly try to take over your body. In this case, it will not be possible to send it back.

When Mary appears, you can ask her one question. In any case, she will be forced to answer until you send her back. Once the answer is received, say:

Bloody Mary, get out!

After this, blow out all the candles one by one from left to right. Once the spirit disappears, you can exit the protective dome. Be sure to erase the drawn staircase, otherwise Mary will be able to use it to get out of her world again.

If you follow all safety rules when performing the Bloody Mary ritual, then you will not be in any danger. If you neglect the spirit or do not protect yourself, the consequences can be unpredictable.

The chilling story of Bloody Mary leaves those who want to tickle their nerves in peace. Some decide to evoke Mary’s spirit “weakly”, others out of pure curiosity, others want to refute the reality of the horror story from their own experience. The ritual of summoning the spirit of Bloody Mary often becomes a kind of “game” at friendly gatherings of teenagers, but there are also daredevils who perform the ritual alone, in dark room With closed door. Who is Bloody Mary, how can you summon her spirit and how safe is it? Let's find out!

Bloody Mary is known not only among teenagers in America, where the legend originated. The evil lady is also very popular among teenagers in other countries. The prototype of Mary in Russia - Queen of Spades and the ritual of summoning her has similar features.

The main version of the legend originated in Pennsylvania. According to the existing version, Mary is an evil old woman who lived in a hut in the forest. Local residents considered her a witch and, of course, were afraid that the sorceress would cause trouble for the “undesirable.” When little girls started going missing in the area, attempts to find the children were unsuccessful. Residents suspected that a witch was involved in the disappearance. Several brave men went to the evil hag to convict her of kidnapping the girls, but they found no evidence. Then the villagers noticed that the old woman began to look younger before their eyes.

One night the miller's wife couldn't sleep. A woman was making tea in the kitchen and saw through the window how her little daughter left the house and headed into the forest. The frightened mother immediately woke up her husband and neighbors and they began to catch up with the girl. The parents ran after their daughter and screamed, but the girl did not seem to hear them. Then they saw a strange light in the forest. It was Mary, or rather the light from magic wand the witch, which she waved towards the girl with angry cries. The old woman saw a crowd of people approaching and tried to run away into the forest. But the miller had a gun with silver bullets, and he shot the witch in the leg. The witch was captured and burned at the stake. Burning in the fire, the witch uttered a curse that anyone who dared to say her name three times while looking in the mirror would die a painful death. So how? Scary?

Like most legends, the story of Bloody Mary has many variations. According to one of them, Mary is Queen of England Mary I Tudor. The ruler was tough. By order of the queen, over 300 Protestants were burned at the stake. It was rumored that to prolong her youth, she used the blood of little girls.

The second version says that Mary is the unfortunate Mary Worthington. The girl was brutally killed by cutting out her eyes in front of a mirror, and the spirit of the unfortunate woman moved into it. Dying, the girl tried to write the name of the killer on the mirror own blood, but did not have time, and the secret remained unsolved.

You can find a dozen more versions of Mary’s origin, but the fact remains: Bloody Mary is a negative character. Nothing good will come from meeting a ghost.

Bloody Mary Summoning Ritual

Not frightened by Mary's story and want to summon the spirit? Think carefully about the consequences. If the spirit does not come to your call, you will only understand that it is a city horror story. What if you really see an evil ghost? A damaged psyche, nightmares and a feeling of an alien presence are approximate consequences that can be encountered in the future.

If you are not a timid person and are determined to meet the spirit, we will tell you how to summon Bloody Mary. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Wait until late at night. Experienced people recommend performing the ritual exactly at midnight.
  2. Go into the bathroom and stand in front of the mirror.
  3. The light needs to be turned off. Close the door tightly.
  4. The room should be illuminated by candlelight; you can light several candles.
  5. Look at your reflection and, looking into your eyes, say out loud: “Bloody Mary, come!” three times.
  6. As soon as you say the fateful words for the third time, an evil old woman will appear behind your left shoulder.

What does Bloody Mary look like?

Everyone who has seen Bloody Mary describes the ghost differently. It is possible that Mary’s appearance was dictated solely by fantasy. She is usually described as a pale old woman with bloodshot eyes and matted hair. Those who have seen the ghost say that she screams loudly; according to the second version, the old woman whispers words in an unintelligible language.

The ritual of summoning a spirit is extremely simple and does not require special preparations. And now comes the most important part. If you do see an evil ghost, you need to know what to do next. Those who claim to have seen a spirit cannot come to their senses for a long time and overcome the fear of going into the bathroom and looking in the mirror.

Mary's spirit is evil, it is capable of attacking and injuring a person. Lighted candles can protect you from danger. It is believed that the witch is afraid of fire, which caused her death. It doesn’t hurt to read a prayer that protects against evil spirits. You can arm yourself with a felt-tip pen, and if a spirit appears, draw a pictogram on the mirror. Then the spirit will not be able to leave the mirror. The drawing cannot be erased from the mirror for 3 days.

Other ways to summon Bloody Mary

Was the attempt to summon Mary's spirit unsuccessful? Try changing the algorithm a little:

  • Those who are afraid to meet a ghost alone perform the ritual in a group, for example, at school during the day. They say that you can summon a spirit not alone, but always at night.
  • There is a version that Mary does not understand the call in Russian. You can try calling her in the ghost’s native English by saying: “Come, Bloody Mary!”
  • One more tip. Before summoning the ghost, say three times: “I believe in Bloody Mary.”

If Mary did not come when you called, perhaps she will visit you a little later. After all, Mary is alone, and there are thousands of people who want to see her! You won’t be able to get to everyone at once! And for those who are skeptical about summoning a bloody ghost, it is worth remembering that connections with other world may be dangerous. Perhaps summoning a spirit will not bring you injury, but your psyche may suffer when trying to meet a ghost.

Video about how to cause a bloody mary