At what height is it better to hang a TV? TV in the kitchen: how to choose the size and where to place it

» you will find recommendations that you should definitely follow when planning to hang the TV panel on the wall. Also in the first part, we touched upon such issues as choosing a place for the TV and types of brackets, without which it is impossible to mount the TV on the wall. Read about how to disguise cables, at what height to hang a TV and how to decorate a TV wall in the second part.

The TV needs cables to work - progress has not yet gone so far as to do without them. At wall method During installation, one of the main problems is hanging cables, spoiling the whole look. How to hide them?

How to hide cables?

If the wall is plasterboard, you can make a cable channel in it. To do this, holes are cut in the wall behind the TV where the cables are routed. The second hole is made at the very bottom of the wall - there the cable will be hidden in the plinth with a cable channel. It's good to cut small holes in plasterboard wall- a matter of a few minutes and almost complete absence of dirt. In this case, the socket can be made directly behind the TV, but it is advisable to do this only if the TV is pulled out from the wall or mounted on a movable bracket. That is, easy access to the outlet must be provided.

We invite you to watch a video on this topic. True, it is in English, but in general everything is clear even without translation.

Another option is to hide cables and wires in a cable channel (box) on top of the wall. Cable channels can be both narrow and wide. It can be painted the same color as the wall - and then it will be practically invisible. However, it can also be made noticeable by painting it in a contrasting color, decorating it with painting, pasting mirror film etc. By using your imagination, the presence of a box on the wall under the TV can be used in an interesting way: the cables will not spoil the view, and the TV wall will have a zest.

TV on the wall: external cable channel

Hidden cable channel

If the wall is concrete, it is hardly advisable to groove it for the sake of an internal cable channel, especially if you are not planning any repairs. Otherwise, of course, you can dabble, especially if you are sure that after the repair you will not change the location of the TV for several years.

If the option with an external cable channel does not suit you, you can consider another idea - make plasterboard construction. It can be a niche, or, conversely, a ledge.

The niche, as already mentioned in the first part of the article “TV on the wall,” must be spacious to ensure high-quality natural ventilation. Cables and wires from the TV are routed through holes located in the side or bottom walls of the niche, and are brought out somewhere on the side of the structure. The idea with a protrusion is better in several respects - firstly, the TV located on external wall ledge, will be well ventilated. Secondly, it will be possible to make shelves on the sides of the ledge.

TV ledge

At what distance should I hang the TV?

The most optimal distance from the viewer to the TV in terms of comfort and safety is 3-4 screen diagonals. That is, if the TV screen is 20 inches, then you need to watch it from a distance of approximately 60-80 inches (1.5-2 meters). This rule must be observed especially if we're talking about about plasma TV. LCD TVs can be viewed from a distance of 2 diagonals, but it is still advisable to maintain a distance of 3-4 diagonals.

When watching TV, it is best to sit so as not to move from the center point of the screen by more than 15-20 degrees, maximum 30 degrees.

TV height

Perfect TV height on the wall— the middle of the screen at eye level. You can often see how high televisions are hung in all sorts of television adaptations. But there the emphasis is often on style, aesthetics, and the effectiveness of the interior, rather than on the comfort and convenience of the residents. We are hang the TV on the wall not only for beauty, but also for your own pleasure. You can hang the TV high where it is rarely watched. For example, in the kitchen they usually don’t watch TV, but only glance at it or just listen while cooking. In the living room, where you watch TV for a long time, you need to position it so that it is as comfortable as possible.

On average, the normal height of a TV is 1 meter from the floor. However, you need to adhere to the rule - the center of the screen is opposite the viewer’s eyes. That is, you need to take into account the height of the chairs - the higher their seats, the higher the TV will hang.

To determine, at what height should you hang the TV? specifically in your interior, you can sit comfortably on the sofa, lean on the back, close your eyes and relax, and then open your eyes and look at the opposite wall, imagining that there is a switched-on TV hanging there. The point where your gaze stops will be the top third of the screen. Accordingly, the middle is slightly lower. If the TV will hang in the bedroom and will be watched mostly while lying down, then you need to hang the TV panel higher. To determine the height, you need to lie on the bed and do the same as described above to determine the height of the TV in the living room.

Is it possible to hang a TV on the wall above the fireplace?

Manufacturers of LCD and plasma TVs It is not recommended to place TV panels near any heating devices, as well as in places where the sun's rays fall most of the day. Therefore, you should not hang a TV above a constantly functioning fireplace. Although, if you really want, you can conduct a small experiment - measure the temperature of the wall above a cold fireplace, then heat it up and after a while measure the wall temperature again. If it does not increase or increases slightly, the TV can be hung.

TV wall: design

The wall next to or on which the TV is placed is usually finished in a special way. There was even such a concept as “design of a TV wall or TV zone.” the main objective- highlight this wall and decorate it so that it does not seem empty.

The most common technique TV wall design- finishing a fragment or the entire wall on which the TV will be located with a different material or the same one, but having a different color: for example, you can paste over the TV wall with darker, lighter or contrasting wallpaper, covered with fabric, paneled or even parquet board, and so on.

The wall under the TV is often highlighted with color or texture (photo source -

Another technique is used - mounting the TV on a panel made of wood or plastic. And, of course, attractive various designs- niches and ledges. In order not to split hairs with finishing and decoration of the wall with TV, you can go the other way - order special furniture for video equipment. For example, a stand or wall-shelf with a spacious niche for a TV.

TV panel

As already mentioned in the first part of the article “”, TV framing is widespread. Another interesting way TV wall decor - hanging a TV and numerous frames with paintings, photographs, etc. on it.

TV on the wall photo

After the apartment renovation is completed, many people begin to arrange things.

The question immediately arises: at what height should I hang the TV? Where is it better to do this - in the living room or bedroom, or maybe in the kitchen?

This item is a very necessary part of the interior and usually most families spend their time in front of the TV. free time. Therefore, you must first decide in which room to put it. To do this, you must first purchase a TV of the desired size and weight from a reputable manufacturer. Only after this can you start choosing a place for him in the apartment - this is done for each room individually.

Another problem is the difference between the way men and women watch TV. The former usually lie or sit on the sofa after dinner in the living room in front of a blue screen. Women often watch television while preparing dinner in the kitchen or sitting on an armchair in the room and reading fashion magazines.

Children love to play with their toys in the nursery while watching their favorite cartoons. Elderly family members usually watch TV from the bed in the bedroom.

Therefore, to choose a location for installing this device, you need to choose a place from where it will be convenient for all family members to watch what is happening on the blue screen. Or (if possible) buy several TVs and install them in different rooms.

At what height should I hang a TV on the wall?

Placing the device in the bedroom

At what height should you hang a TV in the bedroom? It depends on many reasons. The first of these factors depends on the type of bed in the room. If it is low, then you can close your eyes, relax for a certain period, and take the most comfortable position when watching a TV show.

Having opened your eyes, on the opposite wall you can mark approximately the place where your gaze is mainly directed. This is the easiest way to find out where you can mount the device on the wall in the bedroom.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations of doctors, who say that the angle of deviation from the central part of the screen when watching a program should not be more than 30 °. Otherwise, osteochondrosis develops in the neck due to improper placement of the head during prolonged viewing.

To accurately adjust the required deflection angle, it is advisable to use a high-quality bracket when installing the device on the wall in the bedroom, which has the ability to change the angle of inclination of the plane of the television receiver. To do this, the bracket must provide for adjusting the monitor plane both in tilt and with rotating the screen to the right or left.

Placing the device in a common room

At what height should I hang a TV in the living room? Mounting location for TV monitor common room with a large area is chosen so that watching a movie or program is convenient for all family members, since in their free time they usually gather around the TV.

To find a general consensus on this issue, we all need to get together and identify a place on the living room wall where watching programs will be convenient for any family member.

If the room is large, then when people are in armchairs or lying down on sofas, the most advantageous height of the television receiver from the level of the flooring can be a little more than 1 m. It is determined empirically, depending on the average height of all family members.

If you have an ordinary living room from the times of the USSR, installing a TV on the wall should be carried out in such a way that it can be seen from the opposite wall at an angle of no more than 45 °. The height of its suspension can vary from 1.2 to 1.7 m. In this case, the monitor must be fixed at a certain angle to the plane of the stele.

The magnitude of this angle is determined experimentally. To do this, a person sits on the side opposite the TV on a chair or sofa and looks at the screen. If his neck does not get tired after watching a movie for a long time, it means that the correct position of the monitor has been found.

The television receiver itself must be secured in such a way that it cannot slip and cause injury to a person, especially a child. The height of the suspension should be chosen so that children cannot reach the fastenings.

How to place a TV in the kitchen?

In order to do this correctly, you must first measure the distance from the housewife’s workplace to the most likely height point for installing the television monitor.

In this case, you will also have to take into account the total area of ​​​​the kitchen space.

Since a woman is in the kitchen temporarily, for example, when preparing food or while washing clothes (if washing machine installed in this room), then the main concern is the safety of the suspended monitor for others. If there are children in the apartment, then the TV mounting level should be quite high.

Since most kitchens are relatively small in size, the height of the monitor suspension should be at least 1.6 - 1.75 m above the surface of the floor base.

These figures also include the use of special mounting anchors, which are fixed into the wall to the required depth, and a reliable bracket with a variable viewing angle.

Due to small areas modern kitchens in most residential buildings built during the USSR, the above solution can be considered the most correct and provides the necessary security.

But we must not forget that, like any device, the TV heats up, so it cannot be installed in a furniture niche.

This room should be comfortable for every family member to watch. The blue screen in the living room is watched while lying on the sofa, sitting in an armchair, or sitting on the floor. In this case, the diagonal of the device should be taken into account. The larger it is, the lower you need to hang the TV. Optimal height from the floor - 0.7 - 1.35 m.

Advice. There is one simple trick on how to determine a comfortable height for hanging a TV in the living room. You need to seat each family member in the place where they will most often watch the blue screen, and ask them to choose the most convenient point on the wall for viewing. After this, you can choose the average. And everyone at home will be happy.

It is worth not forgetting about the distance between the TV and the viewer in order to keep the eyes of all family members healthy:

  • diagonal 26 inches (“) - 1 – 2 m;
  • 30 - 32″ - 1.1 - 2.3 m;
  • 42″ - 1.6 – 3.2 m;
  • 47″ - 1.8 – 3.6 m;
  • 50″ - 1.9 – 3.9 m;
  • 55″ - 2.1 – 3.9 m;
  • 60″ - 2.3 - 4.6 m;
  • 65″ - 2.6 – 4.9 m.

In the kitchen, a TV is not primarily placed to watch it while eating. the main task A blue screen in this room will prevent the housewife from getting bored while cooking.

When choosing the height at which the TV will be hung on the kitchen wall, you need to take into account the footage of the room. The closer to work surface the device will be located, the higher it needs to be secured. The maximum height for a small kitchen is 1.75 m from the floor. At the same time, the housewife most often works standing in the kitchen, so it is good if the TV is located at eye level, commensurate with the woman’s height.

Sometimes, to save equipment from fumes from cooking food, the TV is hidden in furniture niches. It’s just not recommended to do this. Modern plasmas can overheat and require ventilation, so they need an open space.

Here the height of the TV depends on the height of the bed. When choosing a place for a blue screen, you should lie down, relax and look for the most comfortable point on the wall with your eyes. It is worth installing a TV in this place.

In this case, certain measurements should be made. The angle from the viewing point to the image should be 30° or less. If the angle is greater, it can seriously damage the cervical vertebrae and even lead to osteochondrosis.

It will be good and convenient if the TV in the bedroom is movable, that is, with the help of brackets you can move it higher, lower, right and left.

TV in the nursery

First of all, you should think about whether you really need a TV in the nursery? If the answer is yes, then it’s worth taking care of the child’s safety. The device must be placed at such a height that the baby cannot reach it with his hands and break it or break it.

It is best to mount the TV in the nursery at a height 10-15% higher than the child’s height. It should be taken into account that the baby will grow and the device will need to be lifted.

Attention! When mounting a TV on the wall, it is very important: calculate the weight of the device and select a suitable mount for it, choose a place for it where there will be sufficient ventilation, hide the wires that go to the TV. They should not be tense.

No matter what height and in what room the TV is placed, the main thing is to secure it well. Otherwise, you may lose the blue screen or injure yourself when it falls.

TV on the wall: video

A TV is not the most necessary item in the kitchen, but it is not superfluous either. If there is enough space, it is unlikely to interfere. Some people need TV as a background while cooking, while others are used to combining watching TV with eating. Depending on the purpose for which the device is purchased, the issue of its placement in the kitchen is decided.

TV in the kitchen: size and height of location

The closer the screen is to the main viewer, the smaller its diagonal should be. For example: if a TV located within the work area will be turned on only while cooking, the size of its screen should be very small - from 7 to 15 inches.

If the TV located in the work area will be watched mainly due to dining table, you may prefer a wider screen.

Always measure the distance from the screen to the point from which the TV will be viewed most often. Choose the diagonal accordingly.

An approximate formula to follow: The distance from the screen to the viewer's eyes should be divided by 3 (for people with average or poor vision) or by 4 (for people with excellent vision). The result obtained is the average permissible diagonal size.

Example: If a TV is purchased to watch programs while cooking, and the panel is planned to be hung 2 meters from the work area (from the stove, sink, cutting area), then the desired screen diagonal will be no more than 50-66 cm or 19-25 inches.

The correct height of its location in the kitchen also depends on who will watch TV and under what circumstances.

If you watch TV while standing while cooking, you need to raise the panel higher. If viewing is combined with eating, then the screen should be positioned quite low.

The optimal height for the TV is: the center or top third of the screen is at eye level for the viewer sitting or standing opposite.

If you have to lift your head up to view it, much less throw it back, this is the wrong height! The permissible maximum is the need to slightly raise the chin.

TV in the kitchen: where to place it?

Let's start with the fact that if you will be watching TV while eating, it is not advisable to hang it directly above the table. This location option is only permissible if there are no other possibilities.

There should be no less than 60 cm between the viewer’s eyes and the TV. This is the bare minimum. In this case, the screen size should be no more than 7-8 inches.

Wouldn't it be better to buy a larger TV and hang it at a distance from the dining table? For example, above a cabinet or above a doorway (if the distance from the table to the door is large enough).

Location options

1. Under the upper level of the kitchen unit. You can mount the TV directly to the “apron” or hang it directly to the bottom of the cabinet. There are special brackets for this. In addition, there are small TVs on sale that are already equipped with a top mount.

Design: Svetlana Korevskaya

2. Above work area instead of a kitchen cabinet. This is one of the most convenient plans. By choosing it, you can successfully place even a very large TV panel in the kitchen.

3. In the niche of the kitchen furniture. One of the cabinets or the upper section can be made open, that is, without doors. A small flat-screen TV on a bracket will fit perfectly into this niche.

4. On the facade. If the TV panel is light enough, it is permissible to attach it directly to the door (for example, with screws). Some manufacturers also have built-in models that simply cut into the facade.

5. Near a bar or island. The TV is usually placed on the wall at the end of the stand.

6. In the TV zone. IN large kitchen Most likely, there is room for a separate cabinet or console. The wall behind the TV can be highlighted with decoration or decoration. It is advisable to choose a location for the TV area so that it is convenient to watch TV from both the working and dining parts of the kitchen.

There is no need to be afraid that a TV placed close to hob and car washes will be seriously damaged. There is no need to purchase a moisture-resistant model. TVs, including flat-panel ones, are easy to clean (gently and gently). If you regularly wipe the device, there will be no problems with it.

First of all, you need to choose the exact location for the monitor, which will be away from light sources and sunlight. Experts recommend initially completely furnishing the room, and only then installing the TV. This will greatly facilitate the process of determining its location.

A huge number of TV screens of different diagonals are currently offered on store shelves. Choose best option You can take the size of the room as a basis. Naturally, you shouldn’t hang a TV in a small bedroom. big size. Firstly, it will look awkward and cumbersome. Secondly, looking at a huge screen from a short distance is very inconvenient. The diagonal size determines the height at which the TV will hang.

Typically, the screen is hung at a distance of 1 meter from the floor, while the viewer must be at least 3.4 diagonals of the TV receiver. This arrangement is considered safe for human health. It is extremely important that when viewing the neck and head are not constantly in a tense state.

Basic TV Installation Steps

While sitting at a distance where there will be an area for watching TV shows and movies, you can ask an assistant to hold a piece of paper to the wall. Within a few minutes you should understand how comfortable this arrangement of the TV is. Then marks are made that can be easily removed later.

When choosing a mount, the so-called bracket, it is recommended to take into account the material of which the wall is made. To add completeness, it is better that all the wires are invisible to the human eye. In this case, it is very easy to hide them in the wall if it is built on the basis of plasterboard. This must be done before attaching the TV itself to the wall.

You should carefully read the instructions supplied with the equipment. In some cases, the manufacturer gives recommendations on where to place the TV. There is no need to create a closed space between the wall and the monitor, since in any case the equipment will overheat. The air should circulate well. The significant weight of the TV requires mounting on a wall that can support it.

In an original way To find out the most correct height for placing the TV is as follows: you need to sit down against the wall, close your eyes for a while, and then look at the surface. The area where the gaze stops is the upper third of the screen location.