Vertical tanks for petroleum products. Vertical tanks for petroleum products One hundred vertical steel tanks

The Tank Structures Plant StroyTekhMash designs and manufactures vertical tanks RVS and RVSP with a volume from 100 to 5000 cubic meters. on their own production facilities. We also carry out professional installation, insulation and application of anti-corrosion coating on internal and outer surface vertical tanks type RVS.

Vertical metal cylindrical tanks are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of Safety Rules PB 03-605-03 “Rules for the construction of vertical cylindrical steel tanks for oil and petroleum products” and GOST 31385-2008 and GOST 52910-2008 “Vertical cylindrical steel tanks for oil and petroleum products” .

The StroyTekhMash plant produces metal structures for tanks using the rolling method. The wall and bottom panels are welded on a slipway and twisted into a roll on a rolling machine metal carcass, inside which a spiral staircase is usually placed.


PRODUCTION TIME - 10 working days

Tanks are manufactured in volumes starting from 10 cubic meters. (10 tons) up to 5000 cubic meters. (5000 tons). Construction of vertical tanks with a volume of more than 5000 cubic meters. are produced directly at their location using the sheet-by-sheet assembly method, since transportation is quite expensive and, depending on the distance, can cost more than the tank itself.

In the photo, the vertical tank RVS-2000 consists of two coils and a petal roof.

Characteristics of typical vertical tanks (VTS)


Volume, cubic m

Diameter, mm

Height, mm


walls, mm

Number of belts, pcs.

Weight, kg

Surface area, sq. m.



4 8200

Vertical cylindrical tanks are made of various brands steel depending on the purpose and the liquid being stored. Thus, for oil and petroleum products, vertical tanks are made of black steel grades ST3 and 09G2S. For drinking water, acids and alkalis vertical tanks are made of of stainless steel different varieties, including food grade stainless steel. The thickness of the metal walls for vertical tanks varies depending on their volume, the density of the stored product and the estimated service life, and ranges from 4 mm. up to 12mm. For example, the estimated service life of a vertical tank RVS-400 for light oil products made of black steel grade ST3 with a thickness of 4 mm. is 12 years old. Every additional 2mm of metal thickness on the wall, bottom and roof of the tank adds 5 years to the design life of the tank. Although these indicators are approximate and depend on the quality of maintenance of the vertical tank and its anti-corrosion coating.

Geography of supplies of vertical tanks RVS

To date, the StroyTekhMash Tank Structures Plant has successfully manufactured and installed RVS metal structures in many cities of Russia. This list includes: Moscow, Tver, St. Petersburg, Ryazan, Tula, Kaluga, Smolensk, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Tambov, Belgorod, Saratov, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Ulyanovsk, and other cities and regions of Russia. Thanks to the highly qualified specialists of our company, the quality of manufacturing and installation of vertical RVS tanks remains at a high level.

The photo shows the installation of a vertical tank RVS-1000 in Moscow

Tanks for oil and petroleum products are an indispensable and time-tested method of storing hydrocarbons in oil bases, processing plants, chemical industry enterprises and as a reserve for diesel fuel in boiler houses and power plants.

For the central and southern regions of Russia, tanks are made of steel grade St3ps5, and for the northern regions steel grade 09G2S is used.

The dimensions and weight of a vertical tank depend on both the volume and the thickness of the sheet steel used in their manufacture.

After graduation welding work vertical tanks are primed and coated with anti-corrosion enamel to prevent rust both outside and inside.

As a rule, tanks intended for storing water and diesel fuel are insulated and heated. Insulation is carried out with thermal insulation made of mineral wool 50mm or 100mm thick. and sheathed on top with a galvanized sheet 0.5-1mm thick.

Heating of vertical tanks is carried out either by steam using a pipe coil device at the bottom of the tank, or by an electric heating cable mounted on the outside of the wall.

A special place in our production is occupied by RVS fire tanks designed for fire extinguishing systems in office, public and administrative buildings, shopping and industrial complexes.

installation of RVS-200 for diesel fuel vertical tank RVS-200 installation vertical tank installation work

RVS-400 for the Reutov heating network RVS400 tanks with insulation

Methods for manufacturing RVS tanks

RVS type tanks are manufactured using two methods:

1. Rolling or an industrial manufacturing method involves welding the entire wall and the entire bottom of a vertical tank in the form of a panel spread on a slipway and further winding of this canvas to the reel.

2. The sheet-by-sheet assembly method involves assembling the bottom and wall of the RVS tank at the site of its installation by sequentially building up each sheet of metal gradually from the bottom up. This method is used if the thickness of the metal sheets from which the tank is made exceeds 10 mm, as well as when constructing vertical tanks with a volume of more than 5000 m3

In rare cases, when manufacturing RVS tanks of a non-standard design, a combination of the two methods listed above for manufacturing vertical tanks is used during production.

It is worth noting that roll manufacturing of vertical tanks was developed and implemented in the mid-50s of the 20th century by the Electric Welding Institute named after E.O. Paton. Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. This method was mastered, introduced and put into mass production with subsequent installation in all regions of the Soviet Union. As a rule, the bottom panel is rolled into rolls of the same diameter as the walls, and they are wrapped around the central post that supports the roof of the vertical tank. Manufacturing and RVS in this order is called the industrial method.

Design of vertical tanks

The design and design bureau of the Tank Structures Plant StroyTehMash carries out the design of vertical tanks with a volume of 10 to 5000 m3. Standard designs for vertical tanks of the RVS type have existed since the 1970s and were developed by various design institutes of the USSR. But typical projects do not take into account such nuances as snow load, density of the stored product, seismic activity at the site of future installation, service life and piping of a vertical tank. When designing tanks, the design bureau of the StroyTekhMash Plant takes into account all the above listed nuances, as well as the individual wishes of the Customer.

Installation of vertical tanks

The Tank Structures Plant StroyTekhMash has its own mobile team for the installation of vertical tanks. Installation of RVS tanks is carried out in any month of the year, but at an ambient temperature higher than minus 15C Celsius. This is due to the quality of the applied weld; at ambient temperatures below -15C, the weld hardens too quickly and voids (so-called fistulas) remain in it. Installation work, unwinding the wall and bottom from the reel, is carried out using a crane and hand winches for vertical tank volumes up to 2000 m3, and for larger volumes, tractors are used.


RVS vertical tanks are used at oil terminals, tank farms, oil production and processing enterprises. The purpose of the RVS is the collection, storage and delivery of the product.

RVS tanks can store any light and dark oil products, oil-containing wastewater, liquid mineral fertilizers with a density of no more than 1015 kg/m 3 .

TD SARRZ supplies vertical tanks of the following designs to the site of operation:

  • RVS tanks without pontoon
  • RVSP tanks with pontoon
  • RVSPK tanks with floating roof

All supplied vertical tanks are manufactured according to:

  • GOST 31385-2008 "Vertical cylindrical steel tanks for oil and petroleum products. General technical specifications"
  • STO 0048-2005 "Vertical cylindrical steel tanks for storing liquid products. Design rules"
  • STO-SA-03-002-2009 "Rules for the design, manufacture and installation of vertical cylindrical steel tanks for oil and petroleum products"

Design of vertical tanks for petroleum products

Vertical RVS tanks have a cylindrical wall and flat or conical bottoms with a slope from/towards the center.

To protect the stored product from contamination, as well as to prevent flammable vapors from entering the air, a roof or pontoon is installed on top of the RVS wall. Roofs can be stationary (frame/frameless, spherical/conical) or floating depending on the properties of the oil product, the diameter of the tank and the Customer’s requirements. For example, frameless conical roofs are used on tanks with a diameter of no more than 12.5 m, frameless spherical roofs - up to 25 m, frame conical roofs - on vertical tanks with a diameter of 10-25 m, frame spherical roofs - more than 25 m.

Floating roofs are used for maximum protection environment from harmful fumes and to protect the stored product itself. Depending on climatic operating conditions, namely, on snow loads, a floating roof can have a single-deck or double-deck design.

At the Customer's request, vertical tanks for petroleum products with a fixed roof can be equipped with pontoons- a floating structure, similar to a floating roof. The design of the pontoon must ensure its buoyancy both during unloading and loading operations, and in the event of force majeure. For safe operation, RVSPs must be equipped with a ventilation system.

The thickness of the wall and bottoms depends on the diameter and volume of the tank itself. So, the wall should be 5 mm for a diameter of 16 m, 6 mm - for 16-25 m, 8 mm - for 25-40 m, 10 mm - 40-65 m, 12 mm - more than 65 m. The bottom must be at least 4 mm for RVS with a volume of up to 1000 m 3 and 6 mm for RVS with a volume of more than 2000 m 3.

The grade of steel for the manufacture of RVS is selected and calculated at the design stage and depends on the degree of aggressiveness of petroleum products, the temperature of the stored product and climatic version, as well as the properties of the steel itself (yield strength and impact strength). Roofs and pontoons can also be made of aluminum.

Complete set of vertical tanks for petroleum products

Specialists of TD SARRZ carry out a complete set of RVS tanks with tank-mounted and technological equipment. The selection of equipment is carried out on the basis of a completed Questionnaire, taking into account the basic operating parameters at the facility.

To ensure safe operation of oil tanks, they may include the following equipment (depending on the Customer’s requirements):

  • equipment for draining and loading petroleum products
  • instrumentation for measuring level, temperature and pressure
  • ventilation and breathing equipment
  • sampling devices
  • fire-fighting equipment for extinguishing fires, cooling the temperature of metal structures
  • additional equipment: systems for heating petroleum products, devices for removing deposits and produced water
  • inspection hatches, manhole hatches, skylights
  • staircase and service platform with fencing
  • lightning protection, grounding, static electricity protection

(for more information about tank equipment, see)

Technical characteristics of vertical steel tanks RVS

Parameter name Meaning
1 Volume, m3 100-120000
2 Density of the working product, kg/m 3 up to 1015
3 Working environment temperature, °C -60...+90
4 Wall temperature, °C -65...+180
5 Excess pressure, kPa no more than 2000
6 Relative vacuum in gas space, kPa no more than 250
7 Types of tanks supplied RVS, RVSP, RVSPK
8 Design versions of RVS tanks
  • single-walled
  • double-walled

The construction of RVS-100 m 3 tanks is regulated by GOST 31385-2016 “Vertical cylindrical steel tanks for oil and petroleum products. General technical conditions", which came into force on March 1, 2017. This regulatory document replaced GOST 31385-2008 and was adopted by the national standardization bodies of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan.

In accordance with their nominal volume, RVS-100 m 3 tanks belong to the class of structures KS-2b - tanks with a volume of less than 1000 m 3, which corresponds to hazard class IV.

Areas of application of RVS-100 m 3

Vertical cylindrical tanks RVS-100 m 3 They are primarily used in our country by enterprises of the oil and oil refining industry for the reception, storage and delivery of crude oil and various petroleum products. This is the most practical type of above ground tanks, suitable for:

  • any light and dark petroleum products (gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, bitumen, fuel oil, etc.);
  • various products of the chemical industry (acetones, acids, alcohols, monomers, their cyclic derivatives, ammonia water, etc.);
  • drinking water, as well as for process water fire tanks (fire reserve);
  • liquid food industry products (raw materials for food production, vegetable oils, wine materials, syrups and many other products).

It is possible to construct an RVS-100 m 3 consisting of drainage systems for collecting rainwater or oily wastewater.

Types RVS-100 m 3

Tanks RVS-100m 3, as a rule, are manufactured in two types: with a fixed roof without a pontoon RVS-100 and with a fixed roof with a pontoon RVSP-100. The choice of tank type is carried out on the basis of a table of properties of the stored product - flash point and saturated vapor pressure at the storage temperature specified in the technical specifications.

If tanks without a pontoon are used to store products with a flash point of no higher than 55°C (oil, gasoline, diesel fuel for general purpose diesel engines and stable gas condensate), then it is recommended to be equipped with a light fractions recovery unit (ULF) and a device gas piping(GO).

1 - wall; 2 - bottom; 3 - stationary roof; 4 - breathing valve; 5 - pontoon; 6 - sealing valve; 7 - ventilation opening.

Parameters and technical characteristics of RVS-100 m 3 tanks

  • The inner diameter of the wall is 4.73 m.
  • Wall height - 5.96 m for RVS-100 and 6.0 m for RVSP-100.

These parameters are specified depending on the width and length of the wall sheets and the choice of roll or sheet manufacturing method.

The main design parameters and weight characteristics of the RVS-100 m 3 are given for the most common climatic and technological loads during operation in Russia.

The basic design of the RVS-100 m 3 tank is given for a design with a stationary frameless conical roll-up roof and a ring or shaft ladder at the customer's choice.

Characteristics of RVS-100

Nominal tank volume, m 3 100
Standard service life of the tank, years 30
Density of stored product, t/m3 1,6
Maximum temperature of the stored product, o C 95
Maximum filling height in a tank without pontoon to the full height of the wall
Internal excess pressure (nominal), kPa 5,00
Relative vacuum (nominal), kPa 0,5
Product turnover, cycles per year 200
Design metal temperature, o C -60 and above
Seismicity of the construction area, point until 9
Inner wall diameter, mm 4730
Wall height, mm 6000
Number of belts, pcs 4
Minimum thickness top chord, mm 5
Minimum thickness of the lower belt, mm 5
Allowance for corrosion (specified by the customer), mm 1

Allowance for corrosion (specified by the customer), mm 1
Minimum thickness of the central part, mm
(calculated based on expected operating conditions)

Main structural elements of the RVS-100 m 3 tank

  • wall, including inserts of pipes and hatches,
  • bottom,
  • fixed roof,
  • platforms and fences on the roof, stairs,
  • technological hatches and pipes.


The minimum thickness of wall sheets for RVS-100 is 4 mm. The minimum recommended dimensions of the main wall sheets are 1.5 × 6.0 m.

When designing, it is necessary to take into account the stability of the tank body for an individual combination of loads, including seismic effects, the weight of the stored product, the weight of structures and thermal insulation, excess pressure and the weight of snow cover.

To ensure the strength and stability of tanks during operation, as well as to obtain the required geometric shape During the installation process, stiffening rings are installed on the walls of the tanks.


The bottoms of vertical steel tanks with a volume of 100 m 3 can be designed flat or conical with a slope from the center to the periphery (recommended slope 1:100). At the customer's request, it is possible to produce bottoms with a slope towards the center of the tank.

RVS-100 bottoms are predominantly made in the form of a rolled panel from sheets of the same thickness without ring edges (the presence of sheets of different thicknesses in the rolled bottom panel is not allowed).

The nominal thickness of the sheets of the central part of the bottom or the bottom without edges, minus the allowance for corrosion, should be 4 mm.

Fixed roofs

Vertical tanks with a volume of 100 m3 are usually designed with two types of fixed roofs:

  • frameless conical roof, load bearing capacity which is provided by a conical deck shell;
  • frameless spherical roof, the load-bearing capacity of which is ensured by rolled decking elements forming the surface of a spherical shell;

Frameless roofs can be made from carbon or stainless steel. The use of stationary roofs made of aluminum alloys is allowed.

The nominal thickness of the roof shell is determined by calculations for strength and stability and must be at least 4 mm.

Branch pipes and hatches

The branch pipes in the wall are designed for connecting external and internal pipelines, instrumentation and other devices.

For the manufacture of pipes and hatches, seamless or straight-seam pipes and shells made from rolled sheets are used. Holes in the wall for installing pipes and hatches must be reinforced around the perimeter with sheet overlays.

In the basic configuration, RVS-100 has two product intake and distribution pipes, which are located in close proximity to the bottom in the area of ​​the vertical bend of the wall. Nozzles with a nominal diameter of 50, 80, 100, 150 or 200 mm are recommended.

The manholes in the walls of the RVS-100 are designed for penetration into the tank during installation or for repair work. As a standard, the tank must be equipped with at least two hatches providing access to its bottom. In addition, tanks with a pontoon must also have a manhole at a height that provides access to the pontoon in its repair position. Recommended to use round hatches with diameters of 600 and 800 mm and oval hatches with dimensions of 600×900 mm.

The number, sizes and types of pipes in the roof of the RVS-100 depend on the purpose of the tank and are determined by the customer. For inspection internal space tank, its ventilation during internal work, as well as for various installation purposes, the tank must be equipped with at least two hatches in the roof. Hatches with nominal diameters of 500, 600, 800 and 1000 mm are recommended.


Pontoons are used in storage tanks for easily evaporating products and are designed to reduce losses from evaporation. The pontoon must have supports that allow it to be fixed in two lower positions - working and repair. .

Platforms, passages, stairs, fences

The vertical steel tank must be equipped with platforms and ladders. Tanks with a fixed roof must have a circular platform on the roof or wall, providing access to equipment located along the perimeter of the roof, and a ladder for climbing to the circular platform, as well as, if necessary, additional platforms on the roof and on the wall.

Stairs are used:

  • ring- located along the tank wall
  • mine- free-standing. The height of the RVS-100 wall allows the use of single-flight mine ladders.

To prevent slipping, the steps of stairs should be made of lattice metal.

A shaft ladder with a ring element with a diameter of at least 2.6 m can be used as a frame for wrapping rolled sheets during transportation.

Material version of RVS-100

For the manufacture of RVS metal structures, steels are used that meet the requirements of current standards and specifications, as well as the requirements project documentation.

Structural elements of RVS-100 are divided into the following groups:

  • A (basic structures)— wall, bottom sheets or bottom edges welded to the wall, shells of hatches and pipes in the wall and flanges for them. reinforcing linings, support rings for stationary roofs, stiffening rings, backing plates on the wall for fastening structural elements;
  • B 1 (main structures)- roof frames, frameless roofs;
  • B 2 (main structures)central part bottoms, pontoons, anchors, shells of pipes and hatches on the roof, hatch covers;
  • B (auxiliary structures)- stairs, platforms, passages, fences.

For group A, only calm, completely deoxidized steel is used. For group B, mild or semi-mild steel is used. For auxiliary structures, along with the above steels, taking into account the temperature operating conditions, the use of boiling steel is allowed.

The final choice of steel grades for the main structural elements is made taking into account the guaranteed minimum yield strength, rolled thickness and impact strength.

Equipment RVS-100 m 3

Depending on the characteristics of the stored product, the tank is equipped with equipment for various purposes:

  • ventilation and breathing (valves, pipes),
  • measuring and signaling (various types of level gauges, level sensors, samplers),
  • fire (emergency fire extinguishing system, foam generators, irrigation systems),
  • safety (crackers with control mechanisms)
  • draining/filling devices (receiving and distributing, floating intake devices),
  • other technological equipment(devices for washing out bottom sediments, siphon taps for draining produced water, etc.)

If it is necessary to store products with high viscosity, a heating system (registers and pipelines inside the tank) and thermal insulation can be added.

To improve product safety, recovery units can be used.

Protection of RVS-100 from corrosion

The degree of aggressive environmental influence on the elements of metal structures inside the tank and its external surfaces located in the open air may vary. Therefore, the anti-corrosion protection project for RVS-100 tanks is developed taking into account the design features, expected operating conditions and required service life.

To protect tank metal structures from corrosion, they mainly use paint coatings, as well as systems electrochemical protection using sacrificial or cathodic protection installations. It is possible to use other types of anti-corrosion coatings.

To increase the service life of the tank, an increase in the thickness of the main structural elements (wall, bottom, fixed and floating roofs, pontoons) is used due to allowance for corrosion. The corrosion allowance also varies depending on the aggressiveness of the environment.

Life time protective coatings must be at least 10 years.

1. DEVELOPED BY JSC Central Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research and Design Institute of Construction Metal Structures named after. Melnikov (JSC "TsNIIPSK im. Melnikov")

JSC "Design Institute Neftespetsstroyproekt" (JSC "PI Neftespetsstroyproekt")

FSUE FDI "Fundamentproekt"

2. INTRODUCED by the standard development organizations

3. ADOPTED by the Scientific and Technical Council of the TsNIIPSK named after. Melnikov dated December 23, 2004 with the participation of representatives of standard development organizations

4. INTRODUCED for the first time

5. Development, approval, approval, publication (replication), updating (change or revision) and cancellation of this standard is carried out by the development organizations

This standard was developed in accordance with the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation” No. 184-FZ, Federal Law dated July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” as amended on January 10, 2003 and is intended for design organizations , tank manufacturers and installation organizations.

The standard can be applied by organizations performing tank design work if these organizations have certificates of conformity issued by the Certification Body in the voluntary certification system created by the organizations developing the standard.

Developing organizations do not bear any responsibility for the use of this standard by organizations that do not have certificates of conformity.

The need to develop a standard is dictated by the fact that the experience accumulated by organizations developing the standard, as well as domestic design organizations, is contained in several dozen disparate regulatory documents (SNiP, TU, RD, VSN, departmental rules, etc.), partially outdated and not covering overall problem of reservoir construction.

The main goal of the standard is to create a modern regulatory framework on issues of calculation and design of tanks, as well as increasing their durability.

When designing tanks intended for operation in Russia, it is allowed to use foreign standards along with the development of special technical specifications.

When developing the standard, the following were analyzed and taken into account:

Legislative, legal and normative-technical documentation on issues of ensuring industrial safety, designing the manufacture and installation of tanks;

Practical experience in design, installation and operation of tanks;

Results of tank farm surveys;

Some foreign standards;

Proposals from enterprises, organizations, associations and specialists.

Approved and put into effect: