Runiverse magazine of the Ministry of Public Education. “magazine of the Ministry of Public Education. Review is our work. monthly magazine of the Yaroslavl provincial department of public education and the provincial union of educators October, provincial publication

  • 1. Highest commands.
    • 1. February 1, 1877. On the establishment of the second St. Petersburg six-grade gymnasium, the position of assistant to Clasburg mentors. 5
    • 2. February 14, 1877. On the establishment of a scholarship at the Kazan Women's Gymnasium. 5
    • 3. February 14, 1877. On the establishment of a scholarship at the Penza Women's Gymnasium. 6
    • 4. February 14, 1877. On the establishment of a scholarship at Moscow University. 6
    • 5. February 14, 1877. On the establishment of positions of supernumerary laboratory assistants at the Institute of Agriculture and Forestry in New Alexandria. 6
    • 6. February 22, 1877. About changing paragraphs. 30 of the charter of the Nikolaev Main Astronomical Observatory. 7
    • 7. February 22, 1877. On deferment of military service for students of the Warsaw Veterinary School. 7
    • 8. December 31st, 1876. The highest approved regulations on the temporary commission for the organization and management of the Vilna Public Library with its museum. 8
    • 9. March 1, 1877. On the establishment of the position of inspector of public schools in the Turkestan region. 417
    • 10. March 1, 1877. On the transformation of the Dorpat public school into a four-class city school. 418
    • 11. April 4, 1877. On the establishment of a scholarship at the Siberian University, upon the opening of a new one. 419
    • 12. April 4, 1877. On the establishment of a scholarship at the Kharkov Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium. 419
    • 13. April 22, 1877. On the establishment of a commission for the international exchange of publications on the sciences and arts under the Ministry of Public Education. 420
    • 14. April 26, 1877. On determining the class and rank of the positions of vice-president and permanent secretary of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. 420
  • 2. Highest orders.
    • 1. February 14, 1877 (No. 2). 10
    • 2. April 4, 1877 (No. 3). 421
  • 3. Ministerial orders.
    • 1. February 12, 1877. Charter of the Society of Naturalists, affiliated to Novorossiysk University. 11
    • 2. February 19, 1877. Charter of the Moscow Archaeological Society, which is under the August patronage of His Imperial Highness the Sovereign Grand Duke and Heir Tsarevich. 15
    • 3. March 12, 1877. Rules on Nikolai Petrovich Skarennikov scholarships established at the Imperial Moscow University. 24
    • 4. March 19, 1876. Rules on scholarships and benefits for students of the Faculty of History and Philology of the Imperial Moscow University for the capital bequeathed by the Revel Birger Vnukovsky. 24
    • 5. April 7, 1877. Regulations on the scholarship of the Riga merchant, Ermolai Savich Popov at the Riga Women's Lomonosov Gymnasium. 25
    • 6. April 7, 1877. Rules on the scholarship of Rear Admiral Ivan Nikolaevich Izylmetyev at the Imperial St. Petersburg University. 26
    • 7. March 12, 1877. Charter of the Society of Doctors, affiliated to the Imperial Kazan University. 423
    • 8. April 6, 1877. Regulations on two scholarships at the Vitebsk gymnasium named after a former student of the same gymnasium, Sergei Aglamazov. 427
    • 9. April 7, 1877. Regulations on scholarships named after His Eminence Philotheus, Metropolitan of Kyiv and Galicia, at the Tversky: provincial gymnasium, real school and Mariinsky girls' gymnasium. 428
    • 10. April 16, 1877. Circular proposal Messrs. trustees of educational districts on the introduction of the German-Russian dictionary of Makarov, Engelhardt and Schaefer into educational institutions. 429
    • 11. May 5, 1877. Regulations on scholarships at the Kharkov Women's Gymnasium named after T. L. Sieber. 429
  • 4. Orders of the Minister of Public Education.
    • 1. February 26, 1877 (No. 2). 27
    • 2. March 12, 1877 (No. 3). 430
  • 5. Definitions of the Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Public Education.
    • 1. About the book: “European classics in Russian translation,” edited by Peter Weinberg. 30
    • 2. About the publication of A. Ilyin’s cartographic establishment: “Map of Australia (New Holland).” Compiled by N. Eaulbars. 30
    • 3. About the publications of A. Ilyin’s cartographic institution: 30
      • a) "Detailed atlas of all parts of 60 to 75 illuminated maps, 20 to 25 issues of three cards." 30
      • b) "Ethnographic map of Europe according to Rittich and the latest information." 30
      • c) "Ethnographic map of the Caucasus region." Compiled by Rittich. 30
      • d) "Table depicting the types and tribes of the globe." 30
    • 4. About the book: “History of Mathematical Sciences”, Dr. Heinrich Suter. Translated by Anton Manuilov. 31
    • 5. About the book: “School of elementary drawing with an initial explanation of geometric shapes. Compiled by Yaroslav Nemets. 31
    • 6. About the book: "Grammaire francaise elementaire a l"usage des ciasses interieures et moyenues des etablissements d"education". Par A. Challandes. 31
    • 7. About the book: "Historical review of textbooks of general and Russian geography, published from the time of Peter the Great to 1876." Compiled by L. Vesin. 31
    • 8. About the book: "Nature. Popular natural history collection." 31
    • 9. About the book: "Old Slavonic grammar. Textbook for gymnasiums." Compiled by M. Kolosov. 31
    • 10. About the book: "Textbook of Geography. Europe in physical, political and ethnographic terms." Compiled by A. Lutomsky. 31
    • 11. About the book: "Complete German-Russian dictionary." Compiled by N. P. Makarov, A. N. Engelhardt and V. V. Scheerer. 32
    • 12. About the book: "Perspective drawing of geometric shapes." Compiled by Yaroslav Nemets. 32
    • 13. About the book: "A practical guide to learning the German language." Compiled according to the method of Ahn, Steinhauer. 32
    • 14. About the book: "Motherland. A collection for class reading, with exercises in analysis, oral and written presentation. In three parts. A course for preparatory and four lower grades." Compiled by A. Radonezhsky. 432
    • 15. About the book: "Initial foundations of rectilinear trigonometry." 433
    • 16. About the essay: “A short essay on Greek antiquities.” Strashkevich. 433
    • 17. About the book: "Textbook of the theory of poetry." Compiled by I. Belorussov. 433
    • 18. About the publication: “Review of the development of the main branches of industry and trade in Russia over the last twenty years, in graphic tables.” Compiled by D. Timiryazev. 433
    • 19. About the book: "Turkish, Persian, Kyrgyz and Uzbek grammar." Compiled by Mikhail Terentyev. 433
  • 6. Definitions of a special department of the scientific committee of the Ministry of Public Education.
    • 1. About the book entitled: “School and the state. Mandatory education in Russia (Historical sketch).” S. Miropolsky. 32
    • 2. About the book entitled: “Teaching writing in elementary school. A methodological guide for teachers’ seminaries, teachers and leaders of pedagogical courses.” Compiled by S. Miropolsky. 32
    • 3. About the book entitled: “Lessons of Russian spelling.” Compiled by F. Pucikovic. 33
    • 4. About the brochure entitled: “A simple and cheap way to make geometric models for lower schools.” Compiled by M. Serebrovsky. 33
    • 5. About the book entitled: "A Brief Russian History in Stories." Compiled by S. Rozhdestvensky. 433
    • 6. About the book entitled: “Russian history for folk and other elementary schools.” Compiled by F. Pucikovic. 434
    • 7. Official notices. 33
    • 7. Official notices. 434
    • 8. About the competition for the Peter the Great Prize. 437
  • 7. Department of Sciences.
    • 1. About the time of the surrender of the Kremlin to the Russian Poles in 1612. Compiled by A. Kondratiev. 37
    • 2. The conversion of all Rus' to Christianity by Vladimir and the complete establishment of the Christian faith in it under his successors. E. Golubinsky. 62
    • 3. Slavs on the northern Black Sea coast. N. Lambina. 474
    • 4. Experiments on the history of the development of Christian legend. A. Veselovsky. 112
    • 5. Philosophical principles of integral knowledge. V. Solovyova. 439
    • 6. About the ancient culture of the Western Finns according to their language. 500
    • 7. Russian-Byzantine passages. V. Vasilievsky. 523
    • 8. Ravenna and its antiquities. O.S. 570
  • 8. Critical and bibliographic notes.
    • 1. Traces of Russian influence on the Old Nol writing. Article by V.V. Makushev in the Slavic Collection. S. Ptashitsky. 162
    • 2. Stories for children from natural history, A. Ishimova. 198
    • 3. Mr. Kolosov’s opinion about the time of writing the manuscript of the Tale of Igor’s Campaign. E. Barsova. 199
    • 4. News of foreign literature. 205
  • 9. Department of Pedagogy.
    • 235
    • 1. Technical schools in Europe. A. Gezena. 589
  • 10. Modern chronicle.
    • 1. Regarding calibration tests from mathematics at the Institute of Railway Engineers. 273
    • 2. Pedagogical correspondence. G. Sh. 288
    • 3. On the activities of the Imperial Russian Archaeological Society in 1876. 303
    • 307
    • 4. News about the activities and condition of our educational institutions: 696
      • a) universities. 307
      • a) universities. 696
      • b) lower schools. 713
    • 5. General statutes of Italian universities. 635
    • 6. Russian Philological Seminary at the University of Leipzig from 1873 to 1877. 677
    • 7. Letter from Paris. L. L-ra. 724
  • 11. Department of classical philology.
    • 1. On the meaning and use of Latin and Greek vocabulary in Germany. V. Gringmut. 325
    • 2. Critical notes on Virgil based on the Prague manuscript. I. Meyer. 340
    • 3. On the issue of teaching ancient languages ​​in gymnasiums. A. G-sky. 355
    • 4. Claudii Claudiani Carmina. L. Mueller. 373
    • 5. Regarding Pind. Nem. II 6 - 12. E. Verta. 376
    • 6. Lunch at Nazidien's. V. Sakharov. 731
    • 7. Quaeritur de eo quod est "nauci facere" et sim. L. Mueller. 754
  • 12. Bibliography.
    • 1. Handbuch des Stils fur die Schuler oberer Gymnasialklassen von Dr. Rudolf Bouterwek. K. Tressa. 758
  • Department 1.
  • Government orders
    • Highest Commands
      • 1. October 27, 1863. On the establishment of directorates of public schools in the northwestern provinces 5
      • 2. December 24th. On strengthening the means of inspection of educational institutions of the Ministry of Public Education and increasing the content of district inspectors....
      • 3. December 13th. On approval of the charter of the Narva Archaeological Society 439
      • 4. January 3, 1864. On approval of the charter of the Russian ethnological society 442
      • 5. February 4th. On the transformation of the district schools of Kholmogorsky, Shenkursky and Mezensky and the parish school of Pinezhsky and on the establishment of a women's parish school in Kem 839
      • 6. February 10th. On increasing the salaries of some officials of the Vilna educational district and on the extension of Art. of the Constitution to this district. about the servant according to definition from the government 844
    • Highest orders
      • November 30, 1863 No. 40 13
      • December 24th No. 41 450
      • January 1, 1864 No. 1; January 13th No. 2 and No. 3 451
      • January 31st No. 4 and 5 845
    • Highest awards 452
    • Ministerial orders
      • 1. December 16, 1863. About the pharmacy management of the University of St. Vladimir 14
      • 2. December 16th. On permission to admit 2nd year students of the law department of the Richelieu Lyceum to the final test from the 3rd and 3rd years at the end of this academic year 15
    • Orders of the Minister of Public Education
      • December 16, 1863 No. 35 458
      • December 27th No. 36 459
      • December 31st No. 37 460
      • January 11, 1864 No. 1 461
      • January 20th No. 2; February 1st No. 3 846
      • February 8th No. 4 847
    • Extracts from the journals of the Council of the Minister of Public Education 15
      • About the Department of Pedagogy.....
      • On new forms of annual reports for educational districts and universities 462
      • On the introduction of teaching shorthand.....
      • About pedagogical leadership.....
      • About tests for academic degrees.....
    • About the books reviewed by the scientific committee of the Ministry of Public Education
      • Scherr's General History of Literature 18
      • Belokha, textbook of geography of the Russian Empire, second edition....
      • Gillard, geometric drawings 875
      • Mirsky Herald, a magazine published under the editorship of Geyort 875
      • Weekly newspaper published in St. Petersburg "Sunday Leisure" 876
      • Textbook of the German language, Leonhardt 876
      • "Family Evenings", a magazine for children 877
    • Elementary District Regulations
      • About tuition fees in educational institutions of the Odessa educational district 18
      • On tuition fees in secondary and lower institutions of the Moscow educational district 19
      • About tuition fees in educational institutions of the Kazan educational district 877
  • Department 2
    • Official articles and news
      • Educational and literary works of persons serving in the department of the Ministry of Public Education 23
    • Extracting from the reports of persons sent abroad to prepare for a professorship
      • 1. Candidate V. Sergeevich 63
      • 2. Doctor of Medicine V.M.Stadion 72
      • 3. Candidate A. Ilyin 87
      • 4. Candidate O. Paulson 89
      • 5. Senior teacher A. Mirotvortsev 92
      • 6. Magister Tikhanovich 2nd 94
      • 7. Candidate A. Wessel 99
      • 8. Candidate Lev Mozdalevsky 101
      • 9. Candidate A. Novoselov 122
      • 10. Candidate M. Avenarius 134
      • 11. Candidate Rights Arnold Dumagievsky 137
      • 12. Leopold Bernevich 140
      • 13. Adjutant A. Korkina 143
      • 14. Candidate Garnich-Garnitsky 147
      • 15. V. Imshenetsky 148
      • 16. Master Konstantin N 495
      • 17. Vasily Vasilievsky assigned to the ministry 537
      • 18. Collegiate assessor L. Schwartz 575
      • 19. Master of Botany J. Waltz 580
      • 20. Candidate Veryago 581
      • 21. V. Modestov assigned to the ministry 582
      • 22. Master Bugaev 586
      • 23. Master of Moscow University V. Gerye 591
      • 24. Candidate S. Fortunatov 602
      • 25. V. Vlasyeva 605
      • 26. Candidate Yakovlev 606
      • 27. Senior teacher Alexander Ionin 607
      • 28. Candidate Joseph Shikhovsky 611
      • 29. Senior teacher A. Chistyakov 613
      • 30. Candidate Daniel Delarue 618
      • 31. Candidate Lev Zhdanovich 619
      • 32. Candidate Dmitry Lebedev.....
      • 33. Candidate A. Kopylov 630
      • 34. Candidate M. Stefanovcha 635
      • 35. Candidate V. Lebedev 639
      • 36. Candidate Mikhail Volsky 647
      • 37. Candidate A. Veselovsky 879
      • 38. Candidate I. Melnikov 885
      • 39. Student Mikhail Vladislavlev 887
      • 40. Candidate I. Tagantsov 897
      • 41. Candidate Seraphim Avtokratov 901
      • 42. Doctor Zarubin 904
      • 43. Doctor of Medicine A. Babukhina......
      • 44. Candidate A. Passover 947
      • 45. Candidate Peter Alekstiev 957
      • 46. ​​Candidate A. Yanovich 959
      • 151
      • Materials for the history and statistics of our gymnasiums 673
      • Materials for the history and statistics of our gymnasiums 979
      • Annual report of the Imperial Vilna Medical Society for 1863 194
      • About the awards awarded by the Council of the University of Dorpat for essays on problems proposed by the Council 197
      • On the opening of parallel departments at gymnasiums of the Kazan educational district 197
      • About the opening of the Kerch gymnasium 197
      • About persons sent abroad by the Ministry of Public Education to prepare for the title of professors and teachers from 1808 to 1860 653
      • About the scientific works of Dr. Nikolai Zalessky 709
      • Regarding the new regulations on tests for the title of a valid student and for academic degrees 961
  • Department 3
    • Pedagogy and didactics
      • Schools and public education in the Chernigov province 199
      • Student corporations in Germany 293
      • German universities in the development of their historical and modern life 314
      • 713
      • Historical account of the development of the main German school at the Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. Peter 1091
  • Department 4
    • Science
      • Solving inequalities of the first degree 741
      • Copyright and counterfeiting 1135
      • Folk historical tales 1163
  • Department 5
    • Criticism and bibliography
      • Regarding the program of teaching Latin in pro-gymnasiums and gymnasiums 333
  • Some thoughts on comments made on the draft program for teaching ancient languages 755
    • Berlin universities, regarding Banning's essay 770
  • Department 6
    • News and mixture
      • Library of Göttngen, Bonn and Brussels 351
      • About calendar reform 358
      • More about the calendar reform.....
      • On the admission of students to the naval cadet corps in 1864 1195
    • Internal review
      • A report on the activities of the St. Petersburg Pedagogical Assembly and its branches for 1862 - 1863 and a brief historical note on the formation of the assembly and its meetings for 1859 - 1862 371
      • 359
    • Meeting of the Imperial Academy of Sciences 795
      • New acquisition of the Imperial Public Library 411
      • On the current situation of Russian buildings erected in Jerusalem to improve the life of Orthodox worshipers 412
      • Minutes of meetings of the St. Petersburg Pedagogical Assembly: November 16, December 7 and December 21, 1863 and January 4, 1864 791
      • Report on the II Department of the Imperial Academy of Sciences for 1863, read at its public meeting on December 29 by ordinary academician Nikitenko 800
      • Imperial Public Library 810
      • Number of students and scholarship holders of St. Petersburg University 811
      • A brief report for 1862 on the establishment, in accordance with the Highest regulations of the Siberian Committee, approved on the 19th day of March 1859, in Novo-Arkhangelsk, at the expense of the Russian-American company, a general colonial school 814
      • Report of the Pavlograd School and Public Library for 1863 817
    • Foreign chronicle. France
      • More about teaching modern history in lyceums 421
      • The original teachers of the deaf and dumb 426
      • Transformation in the management of the Natural History Museum 819
      • Regarding the debate in the French legislative body on initial training 821
    • Germany
      • Wirtemberg Commission for Public Schools.....
      • Folk schools in Vienna 1209
      • Production of academic degrees at Prussian universities 1212
    • Italy
      • On the current situation of universities and public education in the Italian kingdom......
    • England
      • International education: the establishment of four schools for it and the opinion of English teachers about this project 825
      • Establishment of universities in the Principality of Wales 834
    • Portugal
      • Schools in Portugal 834
    • ads
      • With the highest permission: subscription to the publication of Russian cheap folk books, from the board of the partnership "Public Benefit" 1213
      • L'Architecture Byzantine 1220
    • In a special position
      • Rules on the use of fees for listening to lectures at the University of St. Vladimir......
  • "Journal of the Ministry of Public Education", monthly magazine, organ of the Ministry of Public Education of Russia. Published from 1834 to 1917 in St. Petersburg. The magazine consisted of an official part, where the materials of the ministry were published, and an unofficial part, in which articles on public education, classical philology were published (they were also published separately as “Collection of articles on classical philology”), history, literature, etc. Authors of many scientific articles were written by I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay, F. I. Buslaev, A. N. Veselovsky, and others. In the section of public education, the most valuable scientific articles date back to 1860–61, when the editor of the journal was K. D. Ushinsky. From 1837 (until mid-1855) “J. M.Sc. P." For the first time in Russia, he began to place an “Index of Newly Published Books,” marking the beginning of state bibliographic registration, as well as “News about new noteworthy books, both foreign and published in Russia.” There are summary indexes of the contents of the journal (separately for its official and unofficial parts).


    Journal of the Ministry of Public Education

    Journal of the Ministry of Public Education ( ) - published monthly since 1834. The magazine dates back to 1803 from the publication “Periodic essay on the successes of public education” (St. Petersburg, 1803 - 1819). Then the magazine bore the following names: “Journal of the Department of Public Education” (St. Petersburg, 1821 - 1824), “Journal of the Ministry of Public Education” (St. Petersburg, 1834 - 1917).

    From the very beginning of its activities, the Ministry of Public Education sought to acquire its own periodical. However, long-term stability was not observed here. In 1803-1819. “Periodic essays on the successes of public education” were published in 1821-1824. - “Journal of the Department of Public Education”, in 1825, 1827, 1829. - “Notes published by the Department of Public Education.” Finally, from 1834, the “niche” of the official monthly publication of the MNP was occupied by the “Journal of the Ministry of Public Education”, founded on the initiative of S. S. Uvarov (it remained as such until 1917). The first editor of ZhMNP was K. S. Serbinovich (1834-1856), and his successors were very prominent persons in Russian history: in 1856-1860. A.V. Nikitenko, and then K. D. Ushinsky (1860-1863). Along with the official department “Actions of the Government”, which contained the “highest” decrees, circulars and orders of the Ministry of Public Education and other official materials, the magazine had sections “Literature”, “Sciences and Arts”, “News about scientists and educational institutions in Russia ", "News about foreign scientists and educational institutions", "History of education and civic education" and others. (Orlova, N.E. Russian "Journal of the Ministry of Public Education" in the 30-60s of the 19th century: interest in problems of the formation of the state system of primary education in England / N. E. Orlova // Russian and Slavic studies: Collection of scientific articles. Issue 1 / Editorial board: O. A. Yanovsky et al. - Mn.: BSU, 2004. - pp. 100–104.)

    In addition to the official appointment, it was also the scientific journal of the department humaniora, giving preference to history and literary history.

    From 1860 to 1865 it was exclusively a pedagogical journal; then pedagogy was left only as a special department.

    Since 1872, a department of classical philology was also introduced.

    Editors: A. V. Nikitenko, K. D. Ushinsky, Yu. S. Rekhnevsky, E. M. Feoktistov, A. I. Georgievsky, L. N. Maikov, V. G. Vasilievsky.

    At the beginning of the 20th century, the editor of the magazine was E. L. Radlov (since 1899).

    Indexes to the magazine:

    • 1) to the official part 1803 - 1854 (St. Petersburg, 1856);
    • 2) Galanin, to the unofficial part 1803 - 1853 (St. Petersburg, 1856);
    • 3) to temporary publications of the ministry, from 1803 to June 1864 (St. Petersburg, 1865);
    • 4) Alphabetical 1866 - 1872;
    • 5) Alphabetical 1873 - 1875;
    • 6) Lyashchenko, systematic 1865 - 1893. (attached to 1894).
    • Index of articles published in the unofficial part of 1867 - 1891. (SPb., 1894) and from 1892 - 1900 (ib., 1903).

    Particular mention should be made of the bibliographical supplement to the journal, which was, in fact, a systematic index of all books published in the Russian Empire during the year.

    In the 19th century, it was the first popular science magazine in Russia, in which all Russian scientists were published. The magazine paid attention to the scientific life of the West and the East, introducing its readers to the latest discoveries and the state of education in different countries.

    1279. Herbart, Strumpel and their pedagogical systems. - 1906. Part IV, July. Dept. 3, p. 23–26; August. Dept. 3, p. 165–208.

    1280. [Rec.] T. Lipps. Basics of logic. Per. with him. N. O. Lossky. St. Petersburg, 1902. - 1902. Part 344, November. Dept. 2, p. 218–225.

    ARALOV I. A.
    1281. K. P. Pobedonostsev as a teacher. - 1907. Part XI, October. Dept. 3, p. 152–197.

    Arseniev N. S.
    1282. Platonism of love and beauty in Renaissance literature. - 1913. Part XLIII, January. Pag. 2, p. 23–56; 1913. Part XLIII, February. Pag. 2, p. 232–300.
    1283. Pessimism of Giacomo Leopardi. - 1914. Part L, April. Dept. 2, p. 220–257; part LI, May. Dept. 2, p. 61–101.
    1284. Mysticism and lyrics. - 1917. Part LXIX, June. Dept. 2, p. 251–298.

    1285. Social history of Florence and the political teachings of Machiavelli. - 1911, part XXXI, January. Dept. 2, p. 1–58.

    1286. New epistemological theory of N. O. Lossky. - 1906. Part V, October. Dept. 2, p. 413–441.
    1287. [Rec.] I. Lapshin. Laws of thinking and forms of knowledge. St. Petersburg, 1906. - 1907. Part X, July. Dept. 2, p. 172–188.

    1288. Literary activity of Judaizers. - 1912. Part XXXVIII, March. Dept. 2, p. 106–127.

    1289. Notes on Joachimism. - 1914. Part LIII, October. Dept. 2, p. 242–249. (Notes at Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaya station in the July magazine 1913)
    1290. Social movements as portrayed by medieval historians. - 1917. Part LXIX, May. Dept. 2, p. 67–88.

    BOBROV E. A.
    1291. Scientific and literary activities of prof. V. S. Pecherina. - 1907. Part VIII, April. Dept. 2, p. 313–333.
    1292. Scientific and literary activity of Ivan Alekseevich Khudyakov. - 1908. Part XVI, August. Dept. 2, p. 193–240.

    Bogomolov S. A.
    1293. Arguments of Zeno of Elea in the light of the doctrine of actual infinity. - 1915. Part LVI, April. Dept. 2, p. 289–328.

    1294. [Rec.] S. S. Krassovsky. About languages ​​and morals. About mental sensations associated with articulate sounds. Experience in finding the laws of words. Vol. 1st. St. Petersburg 1906. - 1907. Part VIII, April. Dept. 2. pp. 413–416.

    1295. Ehrenfels' theory of will. - 1907. Part XII, November. Dept. 2, p. 114–133.
    1296. Jean Bodin's teaching on the state and state power. - 1910. Part XXV, January. Dept. 2, p. 57–91.
    1297. A. L. Blok. Obituary. - 1910. Part XXVI, March. Dept. 4, p. 49–55.

    1298. Kant's doctrine of space and time. - 1907. Part X, August. Dept. 2, p. 259–307; part XI, September. Dept. 2, p. 62–121.

    1299. [Rec.] F. Zelinsky. History of ancient culture. Part 1. Moscow, 1915. - 1915. Part LVIII, July. Dept. 2, p. 114–124.

    BUDDHE B. E.
    1300. The doctrine of value in the Ricardo system. - 1914. Part LIV, November. Dept. 2, p. 1–18.

    1301. Professor M. M. Lunin, “Kharkov Granovsky”. To the 100th anniversary of Kharkov University. - 1905. Part 357, February. Dept. 2, p. 321–374.

    1302. On the addition of philosophical criticism by A. I. Vvedensky and I. I. Lapshin. - 1910. Part XXVII, June. Dept. 2, p. 281–297.

    1303. Kant's pedagogy. - 1908. Part XVIII, December. Dept. 3, p. 129–159.

    1304. A few comments on the book by prof. A. I. Vvedensky “Logic as part of the theory of knowledge.” Second edition. - 1913. Part XLVIII, December. Pag. 2, p. 405–413.
    1305. [Rec.] V.I. Picheta. Yuri Krizhanich. St. Petersburg, 1914. 126 pp. - 1914. Part LIX, November. Dept. 2, p. 151–155.

    1306. Third International Philosophical Congress in Heidelberg. - 1909. Part XIX, February. Dept. 4, p. 53–85.
    1307. Imaginary (non-Aristotelian) logic. - 1912. Part XL, August. Dept. 2, p. 207–246.

    1308. A small misunderstanding. - 1917. Part LXX, July–August. Dept. 3, p. 117–120 (about the error in the attribution of articles by V.V. Lesevich and P.L. Lavrov).

    1309. [Rec.] A. P. Nechaev. Modern experimental psychology in its relationship to issues of school education. St. Petersburg, 1901. - 1901. Part 338, December. Dept. 2, p. 444–484.
    1310. [Rec.] G. Chelpanov. Textbook of logic (for gymnasiums and self-education). Kyiv, 1907. - 1908. Part XV, June. Dept. 3, p. 222–240.
    1311. A new and easy proof of philosophical criticism. - 1909. Part XX, March. Dept. 2, p. 122–144.

    1312. Randomness in the historical process and statistical method. - 1913. Part XLVIII, November. Pag. 2, p. 19–44.

    1313. On the issue of “falsification” of the Spiritual Regulations. - 1914. Part LIV, December. Dept. 2, p. 316–330.

    1314. New works on the study of the activities of Ivan Peresvetov. 1) Yu. A. Yavorsky. On the question of Ivashka Peresvetov, a publicist of the 16th century. Kyiv, 1908. 2) V. F. Rzhiga. I. S. Peresvetov, publicist of the 16th century. M., 1908. - 1908. Part XVII, September. Dept. 2, p. 185–192.

    1315. [Rec.] Problems of idealism. Collection of articles ed. P. I. Novgorodtseva. Moscow, 1903. - 1903. Part 350, November. Dept. 2, p. 230–239.

    Voznesenskaya Kh. F.
    1316. Congresses on aesthetic education. - 1914. Part LI, June. Dept. 3, p. 176–198.

    1317. On the sources of Malebranche’s philosophy. - 1904. Part 355, September. Dept. 2, p. 1–66.

    1318. Friend of humanity N. I. Pirogov. - 1909. Part XXI, June. Dept. 3, p. 113–185.
    1319. Friend of the people K. D. Ushinsky. - 1910. Part XXVIII, July. Dept. 3, p. 1–78.
    1320. [Rec.] N. I. Pirogov. Essays. vols. I–II. Ed. Pirogovsky partnership. Kyiv, 1911. - 1912. Part XLI, September. Dept. 3, p. 112–118.

    1321. Psycho-pedagogical significance of the sixth international congress on psychology. - 1909. Part XXIV, December. Dept. 3, p. 222–234.
    1322. Second International Congress on Moral Education. - 1913. Part XLIII, February. Pag. 3, p. 221–249; Part XLIV, March. Pag. 3, p. 36–57.

    VONSIK V. A.
    1324. [Rec.] Ignacy Radlinski. Spinoza. Rzecz historyczno-spoleczna. pp. 290+VIII. Warsaw, 1910. - 1911. Part XXXIV. Dept. 2, p. 146–151.

    1325. Religious views and tolerance of Voltaire. - 1909. Part XXIII, October. Dept. 2, p. 225–289; 1910. Part XXVI, April. Dept. 2, p. 291–350.
    1326. Religious ideas and tolerance of J. J. Rousseau. 1. Rousseau's religious worldview. - 1910. Part XXX, November. Dept. 2, p. 98–145; December. Dept. 2, p. 225–289.

    GESSEN S. I.
    1327. Essays on philosophical pedagogy. Essay 1st. Pedagogy as a science. Preliminary definition of education. - 1919. No. 1, July–August. pp. 143–163.
    1328. [Rec.] Rossel V. F. Development of the education system in the United States. Vladivostok, 1919. - 1919, No. 1, July–August. pp. 314–318.

    1329. The essence and legal nature of church rule. - 1916. Part LXIII, June. Dept. 2, p. 145–183.

    1330. [Rec.] G. Chelpanov. The problem of the perception of space in connection with the doctrine of a prioriity and innateness. Part II. Representation of space from the point of view of epistemology. Kyiv, 1904. - 1904. Part 356, December. Dept. 2, p. 419–434.

    1331. Russian fiction as a factor in moral and aesthetic education in secondary school. - 1915. Part LV, January. Dept. 3, p. 9–31.

    1332. Two beginnings. - 1911. Part XXXIV, August. Dept. 3, p. 154–184 (about the primary source of historical development); Part XXXV, September. Dept. 3, p. 1–35.
    1333. Where does history lead? - 1913. Part XLIV, April. Pag. 2, p. 218–233.

    GORBOV N. M.
    1334. S. A. Rachinsky. Obituary. - 1902. Part 344, December. Dept. 4, p. 67–107.

    GREVES I. M.
    1335. New work on the religious history of medieval Italy in Russian scientific literature. (L.P. Karsavin. Essays on the religious life of Italy in the 12th–13th centuries. St. Petersburg, 1912.) - 1913. Part XLVIII, December. Pag. 2, p. 336–404.

    Gulyaev A. D.
    1336. Ethical teaching in Pascal's Pensées. - 1909. Part XIX, February. Dept. 2, p. 305–378.
    1337. [Rec.] V. N. Ivanovsky. Associationism is psychological and epistemological. Historical-critical research. Kazan, 1909. - 1910. Part XXVI, March. Dept. 2, p. 176–187.

    1338. Personality in modern German pedagogy. - 1911. Part XXXV, October. Part 3, p. 196–237.

    1339. About the best way to unite the religious and educational departments in the matter of caring for primary public education. - 1901. Part 335, June. Dept. 4, p. 41–70.
    1340. About aesthetic education. - 1902. Part 340, March. Dept. 4, p. 1–30.
    1341. The true meaning of subjectivism. - 1904. Part 354, July. Dept. 2, p. 1–17.
    1342. About the philosophy of Berkeley. - 1904. Part 356, November. Dept. 2, p. 114–128.
    1343. Herbert Spencer as a metaphysician. - 1905. Part 358, March. Dept. 2, p. 106–122.
    1344. In defense of realism. - 1905. Part 362, December. Dept. 2, p. 276–309.
    1345. Burning questions of anthropology and ethnography. - 1906. Part IV, July. Dept. 2, p. 113–150.
    1346. About direct knowledge. - 1907. Part VII, February. Dept. 2, p. 317–340.
    1347. About some basic concepts of philosophy. - 1908. Part XVI, July. Dept. 2, p. 78–102.
    1348. On the content of the moral law. - 1908. Part XVIII, December. Dept. 2, p. 300–321; 1909. Part XX, April. Dept. 2, p. 209–226; Part XXI, May. Dept. 2, p. 1–21; Part XXII, July. Dept. 2, p. 72–88; August. Dept. 2, p. 351–367.
    1349. A few remarks about the beginnings of the contradiction. - 1910. Part XXVII, June. Dept. 2, p. 358–372.
    1350. About the aesthetic feeling. - 1910. Part XXX, December. Dept. 2, p. 338–357.
    1351. Pragmatism. - 1911. Part XXXII, April. Dept. 2, p. 250–268.
    1352. Hegel's logic in its historical basis and meaning. - 1912. Part XL, July. Dept. 2, p. 1–42; August. dept. 2, p. 169–206.
    1353. Preface to the Russian translation of Hegel’s “Science of Logic”. - 1914. Part L, April. Dept. 2, p. 201–219.
    1354. Unconditional skepticism as a means of improving philosophy. - 1914. Part LIX, November. Dept. 2, p. 91–110.
    1355. In defense of metaphysics. - Part LVII, June. Dept. 2, p. 331–348.

    1356. On the meaning and method of the history of Russian law. - 1904. Part 353, May. Dept. 2, p. 80–93.

    DEMKOV M. I.
    1357. Materials for the history of Russian pedagogical literature of the 19th century. - 1912. Part XLII, November. Dept. 3, p. 70–112.

    E. A.
    1358. L. Feuerbach as a critic of idealism. - 1906. Part I, February. Dept. 2, p. 247–271.

    1359. Pushkin’s aesthetic theory. - 1908. Part XV, June. Dept. 2, p. 299–322.
    1360. What is “romanticism”? (Count F. de La Barthe. Research in the field of romantic poetics and style. Vol. 1. Romantic poetics in France. Kyiv, 1908.) - 1909. Part XXII, August. Dept. 2, p. 368–395.

    ERSHOV M. N.
    1361. Speculative and mystical elements in the philosophy of Malebranche. - 1915. Part LV, February. Dept. 2, p. 322–329.

    1362. Gogol - preacher and writer. - 1909. Part XXII, August. Dept. 2, p. 314–350; Part XXIII, September. Dept. 2, p. 24–78.

    1363. To the centenary of the Imperial Kazan University (1804–1904). The history of teaching the philosophy of law in connection with the most important data in the external history of the law faculty. - 1903. Part 349, October. Dept. 2, p. 219–303; part 350, November. Dept. 2, p. 41–130; December. Dept. 2, p. 306–369.
    1364. Philosophical systems and economic theories in ancient Rome. - 1907. Part X, August. Dept. 5, p. 404–410; Part XI, September. Dept. 5, p. 411–431.

    1365. Response to criticism of the “new definition of romanticism.” - 1908. Part XVI, August. Dept. 2, p. 442–446.

    1366. Justification of social education. - 1919. No. 1, July–August, p. 164–189.

    1367. Meleager Euripides. - 1901. Part 335, May. Dept. 5, p. 54–59.
    1368. The ancient world and us. - 1903. Part 348, August. Dept. 3, p. 1–45; Part 349, September. Dept. 3, p. 17–47; October. Dept. 3, p. 65–114.

    ZVEREV N. A.
    1369. Gr. L.N. Tolstoy as an artist. - 1916. Part LXI, February. Dept. 3, p. 208–234; Part LXII, March. Dept. 3, p. 1–33.

    1370. About aesthetic education. - 1906. Part II, April. Dept. 3, p. 113–129.
    1371. Plato's social pedagogy. - 1906. Part VI, December. Dept. 3, p. 188–201.

    1372. [Rec.] P. Tannery. The first steps of ancient Greek science. Per. N. N. Polynova, S. I. Tsereteli, E. L. Radlova and G. F. Tsereteli with pred. prof. A. I. Vvedensky. St. Petersburg, 1902. - 1903. Part 349, September. Dept. 2, p. 188–189.

    1373. Patriotic feeling. - 1914. Part LIII, October. Dept. 3, p. 165–212.

    1374. International Philosophical Congress in Paris. - 1901. Part 334, April. Dept. 4, p. 47–85.
    1375. Second International Philosophical Congress in Geneva. - 1905. Part 357, January. Dept. 4, p. 11–38.
    1376. Study on the philosophy of D. Hume. (N. D. Vinogradov. The Philosophy of David Hume. Part I. Theoretical Philosophy of D. Hume. M., 1905.) - 1906. Part V, September. Dept. 2, p. 191–207.
    1377. The subject system in our universities and its application to the philosophical sciences. - 1907. Part XII, November. Dept. 4, p. 1–47.

    1378. [Rec.] L. Gumplowicz. Fundamentals of Sociology. Per. edited by V. M. Gessen. St. Petersburg, 1899. - 1901. Part 338, November. Dept. 2, p. 196–211.

    1379. [Rec.] P. Mindalev. Prayer of Daniil the Imprisoner and monuments associated with him. Kazan, 1914. - 1916. Part LXI, February. Dept. 2, p. 332–359.

    1380. Cult of fetishes, plants and animals in Ancient Greece. - 1912. Part XXXVIII, April. Dept. 5, p. 159–198; Part XL, July. Dept. 5, p. 293–333; Part XLI, September. Dept. 5, p. 412–431; October. Dept. 5, p. 433–465; Part XLII, November. Dept. 5, p. 504–535; December. Dept. 5, p. 537–590; 1913. Part XLIV, March. Dept. 5, p. 101–141; April. Dept. 5, p. 143–172.
    1381. Religious and moral views of Attic orators. - 1915. Part LX, November. Dept. 5, p. 463–489.

    1382. To the critical and bibliographic note of prof. A. I. Sobolevsky about the book by V. N. Malinin “Elder of the Elizarov Monastery Philotheus and his messages.” Kyiv, 1901. - 1902. Part 343, October. Dept. 2, p. 471–479.

    1383. Development of N. I. Pirogov’s worldview. - 1915. Part LX, November. Dept. 3, p. 51–101; December. Dept. 3, p. 129–160.

    1384. Why did the question about the possibility of science arise at the beginning of the 17th century? - 1905. Part 360, July. Dept. 2, p. 41–58.
    1385. [Rec.] Sold by I. S. Cognition and its object. Kharkov, 1913. - 1914. Part LIII, October. Dept. 3, p. 370–387.

    1386. Disagreement in the school of new empiricism on the question of self-evident truths. A. General characteristics of the view of new empiricism on self-evident truths. - 1901. Part 334, April. Dept. 2, p. 389–438; B. Mill's critical empiricism and his struggle against the scientific meaning of the unthinkable. 1901. Part 335, May. Dept. 2, p. 150–169. C. Mill's view of the process of persuasion of self-evident truths. 1901. Part 336, August. Dept. 2, p. 324–367; part 337, September. Dept. 2, p. 91–110. D. Spencer's elevation of the unthinkability of negating a judgment to the level of a criterion of truth. 1902. Part 340, April. Dept. 2, p. 334–354; 1903. Part 345, February. Dept. 2, p. 349–378; part 348, July. Dept. 2, p. 1–33; part 348, August. Dept. 2, p. 415–435; part 450, November. Dept. 2, p. 186–205; 1904. Part 351, February. Dept. 2, p. 373–394; part 356, December. Dept. 2, p. 375–406; 1905. Part 358, April. Dept. 2, p. 358–378; part 361, September. Dept. 2, p. 107–133; October. Dept. 2, p. 318–344; part 362, December. Dept. 2, p. 310–323; 1906. Part III, May. Dept. 2, p. 125–140; part V, September. Dept. 2, p. 75–100; 1907. Part XI, September. Dept. 2, p. 179–205; 1908. Part XVI, August. Dept. 2, p. 333–381; 1910. Part XXV, February. Dept. 2, p. 317–345; Part XXVIII, August. Dept. 2, p. 345–375.
    1387. Disagreements in the school of modern empiricism on the question of self-evident truths. - 1914. Part LIX, November. Dept. 2, p. 134–146.

    1388. [Rec.] I. P. Lyskov. Theory of literature in connection with data from linguistics and psychology. M., 1914, pp. VIII+418. - 1914. Part LI, May. Dept. 3, p. 110–117.

    1389. Speculum perfectionis and its sources. - 1908. Part XVI, July. Dept. 2, p. 103–141; 1909. Part XXI, May. Dept. 2, p. 22–56; 1910. Part XXV, January. Dept. 2, p. 92–120.
    1390. The Roman Church and the Papacy until the half of the 2nd century. - 1910. Part XXX, November. Dept. 2, p. 73–97.
    1391. Mysticism in 13th-century Flemish hagiography. - 1916. Part LXV, September. Dept. 2, p. 1–25.
    1392. [Rec.] A. G. Wulfius. The Waldensian movement in the development of religious individualism. Petrograd, 1916. - 1916. Part LXV, October. Dept. 2, p. 276–320.

    1393. On the relation of Aristotle's Athenian policy to Xenophon. - 1904. Part 353, June. Dept. 5, p. 270–277.

    1394. Thomas Campanella. - 1906. Part V, October. Dept. 2, p. 341–356; 1907. Part VII, January. Dept. 2, p. 110–125; Part IX, May. Dept. 2, p. 109–123; part X, August. Dept. 2, p. 243–258; part XII, December. Dept. 2, p. 259–311.

    1395. “New School” of St. Augustine. - 1912. Part XLI, October. Dept. 3, p. 129–169.

    1396. Dostoevsky’s Raskolnikov as a criminal. - 1913. Part XLIII, January. Pag. 3, p. 82–97.

    1397. Issues of moral education. - 1909. Part XX, April. Dept. 4, p. 49–85.

    1398. From the Romantic era. Construction of the theory of drama in French criticism. - 1901. Part 336, August. Dept. 2, p. 285–323.
    1399. Nikolai Ivanovich Nadezhdin. To the centenary of his birth. - 1905. Part 361, September. Dept. 2, p. 1–41.
    1400. N. I. Nadezhdin and E. V. Sukhovo-Kobylina (Evgenia Tour). - 1906. Part I, February. Dept. 2, p. 272–303.
    1401. [Rec.] M. K. Lemke. Chaadaev and Nadezhdin. - 1906. Part IV, July. Dept. 2, p. 158–162.
    1402. N. I. Nadezhdin - professor at Moscow University. - 1907. Part IX, May. Dept. 2, p. 124–137; June. Dept. 2, p. 281–325; part X, July. Dept. 2, p. 26–71.
    1403. [Rec.] M. Gershenzon. P. Ya. Chaadaev. Life and thinking. St. Petersburg, 1908. - 1908. Part XIV, March. Dept. 2, p. 181–188.
    1404. Redefining Romanticism. A few words about I. I. Zamotin’s dissertation “Romantic Idealism.” St. Petersburg, 1908. - 1908. Part XV, May. Dept. 2, p. 223–229.
    1405. Reply to Zamotin I.I. - 1908. Part XVII, September. Dept. 2, p. 203–205.
    1406. From the era of romanticism. Question about ancient and modern poetry. - 1908. Part XVIII, November. Dept. 2, p. 42–80.
    1407. Dissertation of N. I. Nadezhdin “De polsi romantica”. - 1909. Part XXIII, September. Dept. 2, p. 79–149.
    1408. N.I. Nadezhdin - publisher of “Telescope”. - 1910. Part XXIX, October. Dept. 2, p. 272–360.
    1409. [Rec.] Louis Megron. Romanticism and morals. Translation from French by I. Kh. Publishing house “Modern Problems”. M., 1914. Pp. XI+468. - 1914. Part LIX, November. Dept. 3, p. 109–117.

    1410. On the question of “Logic of Aviosaf”. - 1912. Part XXXIX, May. Dept. 2, p. 114–134.

    1411. V. V. Stasov. Obituary. - 1907. Part VII, January. Dept. 4, p. 51–72.

    1412. [Rec.] L. Couture. Algebra of logic. Per. with additions by Prof. I. Sleshinsky. Odessa, 1909. - 1910. Part XXV, January. Dept. 3, p. 111–115.
    1413. Reply to Professor Sleshinsky. - 1910. Part XXIX, September. Dept. 2, p. 189–199.

    1414. Tactile and tactile-motor perceptions of the blind. - 1908. Part XVIII, November. Dept. 3, p. 34–91; December. Dept. 3, p. 175–192.

    1415. Russian woman depicted by Turgenev. - 1914. Part LII, August. Dept. 3, p. 177–195.

    1417. Subject of psychology according to T. Lipps. - 1910. Part XXV. Dept. 2, p. 121–175.

    1418. [Rec.] Waldenberg. State ideas of Krizanich. Study. St. Petersburg, 1912, p. 343. - 1912. Part XL, August. Dept. 2, p. 324–329.

    1419. [Rec.] Ikonnikov V.S. Maxim the Greek and his time. Ed. 2nd. Kyiv, 1915. - 1915. Part LX, November. Dept. 2, p. 197–199.

    1420. Classification of personalities. - 1915. Part LVII, May. Dept. 3, p. 26–68; June. Dept. 3, p. 168–205; Part LVIII, July. Dept. 3, p. 1–27; Part LVIII, August. Dept. 3, p. 129–189.

    LANZ G.
    1421. The moment of speculative transcendentalism in Plotinus. - 1914. Part XLIX, January. Dept. 2, p. 84–138.

    1422. The main directions in the development of the nomothetic construction of historical knowledge. - 1917. Part LXXII, November–December. Dept. 2, p. 79–111.

    1423. The fate of critical philosophy in England before 1830. - 1902. Part 342, August. Dept. 2, p. 357–392.
    1424. “Patempirism” by Heinrich Gompertz. - 1908. Part XIII, February. Dept. 3, p. 337–363; 1911. Part XXXVI, November. Dept. 2, p. 38–54.
    1425. [Rec.] I. S. Sold. Philosophical propaedeutics. Part II. Logic textbook for secondary schools. Ed. 2nd. - 1910. Part XXIX, September. Dept. 3, p. 92–96.
    1426. The problem of the “alien self” in modern philosophy. - 1909. Part XXII, August. Dept. 2, p. 225–293; 1910. Part XXVIII, August. Dept. 2, p. 209–272; part XXX, September. Dept. 2, p. 1–59.
    1427. Logic of relations and syllogism. (Regarding the book by S.I. Povarnik: “Logic. The General Doctrine of Evidence,” 1915.) - 1916. Part LXV, September. Dept. 2, p. 115–144; Part LXVI, November. Dept. 2, p. 106–132; December. pp. 231–258.

    1428. F. A. Zelenogorsky. Obituary. - 1908. Part XVIII, December. Dept. 4, p. 77–85.

    LYNCH, Arthur.
    1429. New psychology. - 1917. Part LXVII, February. Dept. 3, p. 184–198.

    LOBOV L. P.
    1430. N. I. Nadezhdin in Russian criticism. - 1903. Part 349, September. Dept. 2, p. 29–44.

    LOSKY N. O.
    1431. [Rec.] W. Jerusalem. Einleitung in die Philosophie. Wien u. Leipzig. 1899. - 1901. Part 334, April. Dept. 2, p. 486–488.
    1432. A. A. Kozlov. Obituary. - 1901. Part 334, April. Dept. 4, p. 86–92.
    1433. Is “A New and Easy Proof of Philosophical Criticism” sound? (Regarding the article by A.I. Vvedensky “New and easy proof of philosophical criticism.”) - 1909. Part XXII, July. Dept. 2, p. 178–193.
    1434. [Rec.] Vladimir Karinsky. Speculative knowledge in the philosophical system of Leibniz. St. Petersburg, 1912. Pp. 378+X. - 1913. Part XLIII, February. Pag. 2, p. 341–349.

    1435. Notes on the theoretical philosophy of V. S. Solovyov. - 1909. Part XIX, January. Dept. 2, p. 1–66.
    1436. To the doctrine of statehood and churchliness. - 1913. Part XLIII, January. Pag. 3, p. 27–81; Part XLIII, February. Pag. 3, p. 129–186; Part XLIV, March. Pag. 3, p. 1–36.
    1437. Youth novel by Vl. S. Solovyov in double lighting. - 1914. Part LIII, September. Dept. 3, p. 71–117.
    1438. About Vl. S. Solovyov in his young years. Materials for the biography. I–II. - 1915. Part LVI, March. Dept. 2, p. 1–57; Part LVII, May. Dept. 2, p. 65–129; Part LVIII, July. Dept. 2, p. 27–52; Part LIX, September. Dept. 2, p. 55–86; Part LX, November. Dept. 2, p. 1–36; 1916. Part LXI, January. Dept. 2, p. 24–70; Part LXII, March. Dept. 2, p. 34–80; Part LXIII, May. Dept. 2, p. 32–71; Part LXIV, July. Dept. 2, p. 38–81; Part LXV, September. Dept. 2, p. 25–72; 1917. Part LXVII, January. Dept. 2, p. 1–42; Part LXVIII, March–April. Dept. 2, p. 1–44; Part LXIX, June. Dept. 2, p. 209–247; Part LXXI, September. Dept. 2, p. 1–32; Part LXXII, November–December. Dept. 2, p. 27–60.

    Lyubomudrov S. I.
    1439. Psychology and pedagogy. - 1910. Part XXVIII, August. Dept. 4, p. 65–84.

    MEYER A. A.
    1440. About the book that destroys religion. (About the book by M. Guyot “The Irreligiousness of the Future.”) - 1909. Part XXI, June. Dept. 2, p. 387–405.

    Makarov A. N.
    1441. A. S. Alekseev. Obituary. - 1916. Part LXV, October. Dept. 4, p. 70–80.

    1442. [Rec.] Gustav Le Bon. Psychology of socialism. St. Petersburg, 1908. - 1908. Part XVII, October. Dept. 2, p. 383–398.
    1442a. [Rec.] Milestones. Collection of articles about the Russian intelligentsia. M., 1909. - 1909. Part XXII, August. Dept. 2, p. 423–434.
    1443. [Rec.] Vl. N. Ivanovsky. Associationism is psychological and epistemological. Historical-critical research. Part I. Kazan, 1909. - 1910. Part XXX, November. Dept. 2, p. 213–216.
    1444. [Rec.] N. O. Lossky. Introduction to Philosophy. Part 1. Introduction to the theory of knowledge. St. Petersburg, 1911. - 1912. Part XXXIX, May. Dept. 2, p. 157–163.
    1445. Two teachings about time: Kant and Bergson. - 1913. Part XLVII, October. Pag. 2, p. 323–329.
    1446. Conditions for the possibility of religious faith. - 1916. Part LXIV, August. Dept. 3, p. 190–200.
    1447. Trial and condemnation. - 1917. Part LXIX, June. Dept. 3, p. 127–136.

    MIRTOV D. P.
    1448. Response to the review by T.I. Raynov. - 1915. Part LIX, September. Dept. 2, p. 192–199.

    1449. “Historical Song” by A. N. Radishchev and “Considerations” by Montesquieu. - 1914. Part XLIX, February. Dept. 2, p. 249–265.

    1450. Philosophical and pedagogical thought and school practice in modern Germany. - 1909. Part XIX, February. Dept. 3, p. 173–197.

    1451. Answer from Prof. A. I. Vvedensky. - 1902. Part 339, January. Dept. 2, p. 203–228.

    1452. [Rec.] Dunaev B.I. Pr. Maxim the Greek and the Greek idea in Rus' in the 14th century. M., 1916. - 1917. Part LXXI, September. Dept. 2, p. 113–118.

    1453. [Rec.] Kagarov E. The cult of fetishes, plants and animals in Ancient Greece. St. Petersburg, 1913. - 1914. Part XLIX, February. Dept. 2, p. 387–396.

    NOLDE A. E.
    1454. Review of the scientific legal activities of K. P. Pobedonostsev. Obituary. - 1907. Part X, August. Dept. 4, p. 83–116.

    1455. [Rec.] New Russian work on the history of Buddhism. (I. A. Podgorbunsky. Buddhism, its history and the main provisions of its teachings. Issue 1. Irkutsk, 1900.) - 1902. Part 339, February. pp. 448–452.

    1456. Principles of moral philosophy by M. Guyot. - 1908. Part XVI, July. Dept. 3, p. 65–87.

    PANOV V. A.
    1457. Political ideas of Abbot Mably. - 1911. Part XXXIV, July. Dept. 2, p. 61–78.

    1458. [Rec.] Archive of the Turgenev brothers. Issue 4. The journey of A. I. Turgenev and A. S. Kaisarov through the Slavic lands in 1804. Petrograd, 1915. - 1915. Part LVIII, July. Dept. 2, p. 167–173.

    1459. Answer from prof. I. I. Lapshin. - 1917. Part LXIX, May. Dept. 2, p. 201–206.

    Pogodin A. L.
    1460. Inner speech and its disorders. - 1906. Part VI, November. Dept. 3, p. 25–60.

    1461. On the question of Christianity in Rus' before Vladimir. - 1917. Part LXXI, September. Dept. 2, p. 33–80.

    1462. [Rec.] S. A. Belokurov. Yuri Krizhanich in Russia. According to new documents. M., 1902. - 1904. Part 351, January. Dept. 2, p. 221–231.

    SOLD BY I.S.
    1463. Reply to I. I. Lapshin. - 1911. Part XXXI, January. Dept. 3, p. 100–117.

    PUZINO I. V.
    1464. The meaning of the dialogue by D. Erasmus “Ciceronianus”. - 1913. Part XLVIII, November. Pag. 2, p. 92–103.

    RADLOV E. L.
    1465. [Rec.] Kant’s Briefwechsel. B. I u. II. Berlin, 1900. - 1901. Part 338, November. Dept. 2, p. 224–230.
    1466. [Rec.] Descartes. Metaphysical reflections. Per. V. M. Nevpzhina, ed. and with an article by prof. A. I. Vvedensky: Descartes and irrationalism. Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Philosophical Society. Vol. I. St. Petersburg, 1901. - 1902. Part 340, March. Dept. 2, p. 244–248.
    1467. A. I. Smirnov. Obituary. - 1902. Part 344, November. Dept. 4, p. 44–52.
    1468. [Rec.] Wilhelm Wundt. Introduction to Philosophy. Per. with him. S. S. Steinberg and S. D. Lvov. St. Petersburg, 1902. - 1903. Part 346, March. Dept. 2, p. 178–182.
    1469. [Rec.] Vladimir Sergeevich Solovyov. Collected works. Volume I–VIII. St. Petersburg, 1901–1904. - 1905. Part 359, June. Dept. 2, p. 454–456.
    1470. [Rec.] Julius Baumann. Introduction to pedagogy. Per. with him. Sorgenfrey. St. Petersburg, 1905. - 1905. Part 360, August. Dept. 3, p. 185–187.
    1471. [Rec.] M. Klechkovsky. Modern education and new paths through Elslander. M., 1905. - 1905. Part 361, September. Dept. 3, p. 75–77.
    1472. [Rec.] I. A. Sikorsky. General psychology with physiognomy in an illustrated presentation. Kyiv, 1905. - 1905. Part 361, October. Dept. 2, p. 436–439.
    1473. [Rec.] Oswald Külpe. Contemporary philosophy in Germany. Per. M. Lembark, ed. N. N. Lange. - 1905. Part 362, November. Dept. 3, p. 84–85.
    1474. Prince S. N. Trubetskoy. Obituary. - 1905. Part 362, November. Dept. 4, p. 44–52.
    1475. [Rec.] Z. A. Ragozina. The story of one soul. (Elena Keller.) St. Petersburg. - 1905. Part 362, December. Dept. 3, p. 218–220.
    1476. [Rec.] L. Sacchetti. Aesthetics in a publicly accessible presentation. Volume I St. Petersburg, 1905. - 1906. Part I, January. Dept. 2, p. 120–123.
    1477. [Rec.] G. Chelpanov. Introduction to Philosophy. Kyiv, 1905. - 1906. Part I, February. Dept. 2, p. 366–374.
    1478. [Rec.] V. Munch. Future school. Utopias, ideals, possibilities. Per. from German S. P. Kondratieva. M., 1906. - 1906. Part III, May. Dept. 3, p. 90–95.
    1479. [Rec.] Friedrich Froebel. Essays. T. I. Human education. Per. from German I. D. Gorodetsky. M., 1906. - 1906. Part V, September. Dept. 3, p. 88–90.
    1480. [Rec.] Prof. G. Chelpanov. Textbook of psychology. Vol. I–II. Kyiv, 1906. - 1906. Part V, October. Dept. 3, p. 204–211.
    1481. Eduard Zeller. Obituary. - 1908. Part XV, May. Dept. 4, p. 46–49.
    1482. F. P. Keppen. Obituary. - 1908. Part XVI, July. Dept. 3, p. 31–33.
    1483. [Rec.] M.K. Barsov. A guide to the study of pedagogy. M., 1908. - 1908. Part XVIII, November. Dept. 3, p. 110–114.
    1484. [Rec.] V. S. Serebrenikov. Leibniz and his doctrine of the human soul. St. Petersburg, 1908. - 1908. Part XVIII, December. Dept. 2, p. 407–412.
    1485. [Rec.] V. Larionov. Psychology of eloquence. St. Petersburg - 1909. Part XIX, February. Dept. 3, p. 229–231.
    1486. ​​[Rec.] Rollin. Treatise on Education. Translation by P. D. Pertsov. M., 1908. - 1909. Part XXI, June. Dept. 3, p. 229–230.
    1487. [Rec.] Auerbach. Ectropism or physical theory of life. Translation from German. W. Bickerman. St. Petersburg, 1911. pp. 114. - 1911. Part XXXIV, August. Dept. 3, p. 189–192.
    1488. Prince D. N. Tsertelev. Obituary. (With the publication of letters from E. von Hartmann to D. N. Tsertelev from 1874–1893) - 1911. Part XXXV, October. Dept. 4, p. 88–106.
    1489. Historical and political views of Vl. Solovyov. - 1912. Part XL, August. Dept. 3, p. 196–218.
    1490. [Rec.] James W. The Universe from a Pluralistic Point of View. Translation from English B. Osipova and O. Rumera. “Cosmos”, Moscow, 1912. pp. 235+V. - 1912. Part XLI, September. Dept. 3, p. 118–122.
    1491. [Rec.] Vvedensky Al-dr. I. Psychology without any metaphysics. St. Petersburg, 1914, p. 348. - 1914. Part LIII, October. Dept. 2, p. 333–348.
    1492. [Rec.] Yu. Vereshchagin. Textbook of psychology for gymnasiums and self-education. St. Petersburg, 1907. - 1907. Part XI, September. Dept. 3, p. 104–111.
    1493. Kuno Fischer. Obituary. - 1908. Part XI, October. Dept. 4, p. 70–75.
    1494. [Rec.] N. S. Kartsov. Notes on educational psychology. For parents and students who are beginning to engage in education, with the application of the general fundamentals of preschool education. St. Petersburg, 1907. - 1908. Part XV, June. Dept. 3, p. 240–243.
    1495. The nature of V. S. Solovyov’s creativity. - 1909. Part XXIII, October. Dept. 3, p. 183–198.
    1496. [Rec.] Vl. N. Ivanovsky. Introduction to Philosophy. Part I. Philosophy of theoretical knowledge. Kazan, 1909. - 1909. Part XXIII, October. Dept. 2, p. 453–459.
    1497. Teaching of Vl. Solovyov about free will. - 1911. Part XXXI, February. Dept. 3, p. 154–172.
    1498. [Rec.] A. I. Vvedensky. Logic as part of the theory of knowledge. Second, completely revised edition. St. Petersburg, 1912, pp. XI+510+5. - 1912. Part XXXIX, May. Dept. 2, p. 147–156.
    1499. [Rec.] Book. Evg. Trubetskoy. Worldview Vl. S. Solovyov. Moscow, 1912–1913. Two volumes. - 1913. Part XLVII, September. Pag. 2, p. 177–185.
    1500. [Rec.] Montessori M. Children's Home. Method of scientific pedagogy. Per. from Italian S. G. Zaimovsky. M., 1913, pp. XXVI+339. - 1913. Part XLVII, October. Pag. 2, p. 265–269.
    1501. [Rec.] Ern Vl. Grigory Savvich Skovoroda. Life and teaching. (Russian thinkers.) Book “The Way”. Moscow, 1912, p. 342. - 1913. Part XLVII, October. Pag. 2, p. 261–265.
    1502. [Rec.] Sakulin P. N. From the history of Russian idealism. Prince V.F. Odoevsky. Thinker. Writer. T. 1. Part 1 and 2. M., 1913. - 1913. Part XLVII, October. Pag. 2, p. 380–385.
    1503. [Rec.] Yashchenko A. Russian bibliography on the history of ancient philosophy. Yuryev, 1915. - 1915. Part LIX, October. Dept. 2, p. 409–412.
    1504. [Rec.] Bulgakov S. N. War and Russian self-awareness. Public lecture. M., 1915. - 1915. Part LIX, October. Dept. 3, p. 250–252.
    1505. M. I. Karinsky. Obituary. - 1917. Part LXXI, September. Dept. 4, p. 1–20.
    1506. [Rec.] Rubinstein M. M. History of pedagogical ideas in its main features. Moscow, 1916, pp. VI+267. - 1917. Part LXVIII, March–April. Dept. 3, p. 99–102.
    1507. [Rec.] Blonsky P. P. Course of pedagogy. Moscow, 1916. Pp. VII+286. - 1917. Part LXIX, May. Dept. 3, p. 193–194.
    1508. In memory of V.F. Ern. - 1917. Part LXIX, June. Dept. 4, p. 120–122.

    1509. [Rec.] Louis and Paul Murat. The idea of ​​God according to the modern state of natural sciences. Translated by V. P. Kolodeznikov. St. Petersburg, 1910, p. 332. - 1912. Part XXXIX, June. Dept. 3, p. 233–236.

    1510. Declaration of Rights of 1789 and its sources. - 1914. Part LIX, November. Dept. 2, p. 40–90.

    RAINOV T. ​​I.
    1511. About the philosophical views and pedagogical techniques of A. S. Lappo-Danilevsky. - 1915. Part LVI, March. Dept. 4, p. 44–57.
    1512. [Rec.] D. P. Mirtov. Lotze's teaching about the human spirit and the absolute spirit. St. Petersburg, 1914. - 1915. Part LVI, April. Dept. 2, p. 368–387.
    1513. [Rec.] Questions of the theory and psychology of creativity. Volume IV: language as creativity. (Psychological and social foundations of speech creativity.) The origin of language. - Prof. A. L. Pogodin. Kharkov, 1913, pp. 560. - 1914. Part L, April. Dept. 2, p. 369–380.

    Rozhdestvensky A. A.
    1514. Who was that “one man” about whom Aristotle speaks in Book IV (VI) of his “Politics”. - 1915. Part LIX, October. Dept. 5, p. 451–456.

    Rozhdestvensky S.V.
    1515. [Rec.] N. N. Firsov. Razinovism as a sociological and psychological phenomenon in people's life. St. Petersburg and M. - 1907. Part VIII, March. Dept. 3, p. 91–93.

    1516. The problem of the meaning of life in Vl. Solovyov. - 1919. No. 1, July–August. pp. 91–106.

    1517. The problem of visibility in the light of modern research on thinking. (Visibility or laboratory method?) - 1919. No. 1, July–August. pp. 135–142.
    1518. The problem of the national school. - 1919. No. 1, July–August. pp. 190–195.

    1519. Criticism of the concept of solidarity in the sociology of O. Comte. - 1905. Part 361, September. Dept. 2, p. 94–106.

    1520. Reply to E. L. Radlov. - 1906. Part III, May. Dept. 2, p. 223–229.
    1521. [Rec.] V. A. Savalsky. Fundamentals of the philosophy of law in scientific idealism. Marburg School of Philosophy, Cohen, Natorp, Stammler and others. T. I. M., 1908. - 1909. Part XXI, May. Dept. 2, p. 178–185.

    1522. Regarding the Russian translation of Husserl’s “Logical Investigations”. - 1910. Part XXIX, October. Dept. 2, p. 361–371.

    SEMEKA A. V.
    1523. Russian Rosicrucians and the writings of Empress Catherine II against Freemasonry. - 1902. Part 339, February. Dept. 2, p. 343–400.

    1524. Leibniz's doctrine of free will. - 1906. Part III, June. Dept. 3, p. 356–381.
    1525. The influence of Hobbes' philosophy on Leibniz. - 1907. Part VIII, March. Dept. 2, p. 62–99.
    1526. [Rec.] P. Kudryavtsev. Absolutism and relativism. Experience of historical-critical study of empiricism of modern times in its relation to morality and religion. Vol. 1st. 1908. - 1909. Part XXI, May. Dept. 2, p. 186–188.

    1527. [Rec.] K. Tiander and F. Kartashev. Questions of theory and psychology of creativity. T. II, issue. 1st. (The experience of popularizing “Historical Poetics” by A. N. Veselovsky.) Syncretism in poetry. Drama. Epic. Novel. Lyrics. Ed. B. A. Lezina. St. Petersburg, 1909. - 1910. Part XXV, January. Dept. 2, p. 204–212.

    1528. Philosophical moods and ideas in the Russian novel of the 17th century. - 1905. Part 359, May. Dept. 2, p. 50–100.
    1529. Literary activity of M. V. Lomonosov. - 1911. Part XXXVI, December. Dept. 3, p. 200–217.
    1530. From the history of Russian thought of the 18th century. The ideological content of Russian everyday comedy of the 18th century. - 1917. Part LXVIII, March–April. Dept. 2, p. 78–117.

    1531. Regarding the review of prof. Koyalovich about the book “Algebra of Logic” by Couture. - 1910. Part XXVII, May. Dept. 2, p. 211–220.

    1532. [Rec.] N. A. Vasiliev. About private judgments, about the triangle of opposites, about the law of the excluded fourth. Kazan, 1910. - 1911. Part XXXII, March. Dept. 2, p. 144–154.

    1533. [Rec.] V. Malinin. Elder Philotheus of the Elizarov Monastery and his messages. Kyiv, 1901. - 1901. Part 338, December. Dept. 2, p. 484–490.
    1534. [Rec.] About the heresy of the Judaizers. New materials collected by S. A. Belokurov, S. O. Dolgov, I. E. Evseev and M. M. Sokolov. M., 1902. - 1902. Part 343, October. Dept. 2, p. 433–436.
    1535. [Rec.] Psalter of the Judaizers, translated by Fyodor the Jew. Prepared for publication by M. N. Speransky. M., 1907. - 1907. Part XII, November. Dept. 2, p. 199–202.
    1536. Lomonosov in the history of the Russian language. - 1912. Part XXXVII, January. Dept. 3, p. 50–58.

    1537. “The Philosophy of Raymond Lully” and its author. - 1907. Part X, August. Dept. 2, p. 331–338.

    1538. Causality and expediency in natural science. - 1915. Part LX, November. Dept. 4, p. 1–29.

    1539. [Rec.] M. N. Rozanov. J.-J. Rousseau and the literary movement of the late 18th century. Essays on the history of Rousseauism in the West and in Russia. Volume I. Moscow, 1910. - 1911. Part XXXII, April. Dept. 2, p. 327–346.

    SONNY A.I.
    1540. [Rec.] Thomas More. Utopia. Per. from lat. A. G. Genkel. St. Petersburg, 1903. - 1905. Part 358, April. Dept. 2, p. 380–393.

    1541. On the question of Plato’s ideas. (On the neo-Kantian interpretation of Plato.) - 1915. Part LIX, September. Dept. 5, p. 391–418.

    1542. Free education. - 1915. Part LV, January. Dept. 3, p. 47–93.

    1543. [Rec.] N. Ya. Grot. Philosophy and its general tasks. Collection of articles ed. Moscow Psychological Society. St. Petersburg, 1904. - 1904. Part 354, July. Dept. 2, p. 226–238.
    1544. Origin of the idea of ​​common or universal law. - 1916. Part LXVI, November. Dept. 2, p. 33–57.

    1545. B. N. Chicherin. Obituary. - 1904. Part 352, April. Dept. 4, p. 186–196.

    Struve P. B.
    1546. Studies on the historical phenomenology of price. - 1913. Part XLIV, April. Pag. 2, p. 296–322.

    1547. From the unpublished works of Leibniz. - 1913. Part XLVII, September. Pag. 2, p. 1–35.

    1548. Leibniz and the so-called external history of law. - 1906. Part II, March. Dept. 2, p. 32–66.

    1549. On the history of Russian society in the second half of the 18th century. Mason I. P. Turgenev. - 1914. Part LI, June. Dept. 3, p. 129–175.
    1550. Childhood and youth of N. I. Turgenev. - 1915. Part LVIII, August. Dept. 2, p. 203–262.
    1551. N.I. Turgenev’s academic years in Gottingen. - 1916. Part LXV, September. Dept. 2, p. 72–115; October. Dept. 2, p. 145–186.

    TARLE E. V.
    1552. De cive of Hobbes and its Russian translation. - 1916. Part LXI, February. Dept. 2, p. 388–396.

    1553. The fight against Christianity in science. - 1909. Part XXII, August. Dept. 3, p. 113–132.
    1554. The main question of evolutionism in biology. - 1911. Part XXXIII, June. Dept. 2, p. 163–235.

    1555. About the works of M. V. Lomonosov on Russian history. - 1912. Part XLI, September. Dept. 2, p. 41–64.
    1556. Activities of M. V. Lomonosov in the field of Russian geography. - 1915. Part LV, January. Dept. 2, p. 26–57; Part LVI, April. Dept. 2, p. 264–281.
    1557. About the works of M. V. Lomonosov on Russian statistics. - 1915. Part LV, February. Dept. 2, p. 390–394.

    1558. The psychological process of reading according to the latest experimental research. - 1905. Part 359, June. Dept. 2, p. 266–331.

    1559. [Rec.] N.K. Kozmin. Nikolai Ivanovich Nadezhdin. Life and scientific and literary activity. 1804–1836. St. Petersburg, 1912. - 1913. Part XLVII, September. Pag. 2, p. 136–162.

    1560. From the history of philosophical trends in Russian society of the 18th century. - 1911. Part XXXIII, May. Dept. 2, p. 1–69.

    TURAEV B. A.
    1561. Abyssinian free thinkers of the 17th century. - 1903. Part 350, December. Dept. 2, p. 443–476.

    1562. New work on the history of Russian pedagogy. (About the book by P.F. Kapterev. History of Russian pedagogy. St. Petersburg, 1910.) - 1911. Part XXXIV, July. Dept. 3, p. 53–85.

    1563. Social studies in elementary school. - 1907. Part X, August. Dept. 3, p. 117–136.

    1564. Pedagogical ideas of Maria Montessori and their application in practice. - 1914. Part LII, August. Dept. 3, p. 129–176.

    FORSMAN Y. Yu.
    1565. Goethe and Jacobi. - 1916. Part LXI, February. Dept. 2, p. 297–332; Part LXII, March. Dept. 2, p. 1–34.

    FOKHT K.V.
    1566. [Rec.] Lazan. Development of mathematical initiative. Per. from French P. Tsvetaeva. M., 1908. - 1908. Part XVII, October. Dept. 3, p. 232–238.

    1567. Thoughts on the possibility of “proof” of criticism. (Regarding the book by Prof. A.I. Vvedensky: “Logic as part of the theory of knowledge.”) - 1909. Part XXI, June. Dept. 2, p. 405–413.
    1568. At the origins of the theory of knowledge. Regarding Zeno's arguments against motion. - 1911. Part XXXIV, August. Dept. 2, p. 207–221.

    1569. Temple of Nature. Poem by Erasmus Darwin. (Publication of the translation of the poem and the preface to it.) - 1911. Part XXXII, March. Dept. 2, p. 1–64.

    Tsertelev D. N.
    1570. C. Fourier. - 1901. Part 338, December. Dept. 2, p. 364–420.
    1571. Idea of ​​value. - 1902. Part 343, September. Dept. 2, p. 69–92.

    1572. From the history of Polish idealism. Sigismund Krasinski and his “Prayer Book”. - 1917. Part LXVII, January. Dept. 2, p. 43–83.

    1573. Forgotten works of K. D. Ushinsky. - 1906. Part VI, December. Dept. 3, p. 113–148.

    1574. About the Russian translation of “Utopia” by Thomas More, made in the 18th century. (Regarding the article by Prof. Sonny). - 1905. Part 359, May. Dept. 2, p. 223–224.

    Shvarts A. N.
    1575. [Rec.] Politics of Aristotle. Translation, preface and appendix of the essay “Greek Political Literature and Aristotle’s Politics” by S. V. Zhebelev. St. Petersburg, 1911, pp. XII+465. - 1911. Part XXXV, September. Dept. 2, p. 136–150.
    1576. Aristotle and Thucydides. - 1913. Part XLIII, January. Pag. 2, p. 57–77.

    1577. S. T. Aksakov and his family. - 1904. Part 355, October. Dept. 2, p. 355–418; Part 356, November. Dept. 2, p. 1–66; December. Dept. 2, p. 229–290.

    Shestakov D. B.
    1578. [Rec.] K. S. Laurila. Versuch einer Stellungnahme zu den Hauptfragen der Kunstphilosophie. Helsingfors, 1903. - 1904. Part 356, November. Dept. 2, p. 168–185.

    Shlyapkin I. A.
    1579. [Rec.] Questions of the theory and psychology of creativity. Volume II, no. 2. Ed. B. A. Lezina. St. Petersburg, 1910. - 1910. Part XXVIII, August. Dept. 3, p. 227–228.
    1580. [Rec.] Early Slavophiles A. S. Khomyakov, I. V. Kireevsky, K. S. and I. S. Aksakov. Compiled by N. L. Brodsky. Moscow, 1910. - 1911. Part XXXI, January. Dept. 3, p. 92–94.

    1581. [Rec.] V. Rzhiga. P. S. Peresvetov, publicist of the 16th century. M., 1908, p. 84; Yu. Yavorsky. On the question of Ivashka Peresvetov, a publicist of the 16th century. Kyiv, 1908, p. 28. - 1911. Part XXXII, March. Dept. 2, p. 132–143.

    Shchepkina E. N.
    1582. Female personality in old Russian journalism. - 1912. Part XL, July. Dept. 2, p. 80–119.

    1583. Objectives and formulation of teaching logic in one-year courses. - 1916. Part LXIV, August. Dept. 3, p. 177–190.

    ERN V.F.
    1584. The problem of history. Regarding G. G. Shpet’s dissertation “History as a problem of logic.” - 1917. Part LXIX, June. Dept. 2, p. 314–330.

    1585. Fourth International Congress of Philosophy (Bologna, April 6–11, 1911). - 1912. Part XXXVII, January. Dept. 4, p. 1–34.

    1586. Solovyov’s philosophy of law. - 1912. Part XLII, November. Dept. 2, p. 112–152.

    1587. [Rec.] M. N. Smentsovsky. Likud brothers. - 1906. Part III, June. Dept. 2, p. 452–453.
    1588. [Rec.] Balfour, A. D. Foundations of Faith. Per. from English edited by Vladimir Solovyov. Moscow, 1900. - 1901. Part 335, June. Dept. 2, p. 531–532.
    1589. [Rec.] Kuno Fischer. History of new philosophy. Volume III. Leibniz, his life, writings and teachings. Per. with him. N. N. Polilova. T. VII. Schelling, his life, writings and teachings. Per. N. O. Lossky. St. Petersburg, 1905. - 1905. Part 359, June. Dept. 2, p. 458–459. (Book news.)
    1590. [Rec.] P. I. Lenitsky. Basic questions of philosophy. Kyiv, 1901. - 1902. Part 341, June. Dept. 2, p. 427–428. (Book news.)
    1591. [Rec.] F. Zelinsky. From the life of ideas. St. Petersburg, 1905. - 1905. Part 358, April. Dept. 2, p. 437–442. (Book news.)
    1592. [Rec.] Louis Elbé. La vie future devant la sagesse antique et la science moderne. - 1905. Part 360, August. Dept. 2, p. 485. (Book news.)
    1593. [Rec.] G. Geffding. History of modern philosophy. Essays on the history of philosophy from Kant to the present day. Per. with him. St. Petersburg, 1900. - 1901. Part 336, July. Dept. 2, p. 217–219. (Book news.)
    1594. [Rec.] E. Boutroux. About the randomness of the laws of nature. Per. from French edited by P. P. Sokolova. M., 1900. - 1901. Part 333, January. Dept. 2, p. 283–284. (Book news.)
    1595. [Rec.] B. L. Brasol. Critical edges. St. Petersburg, 1910. - 1909. Part XXIV, December. Dept. 2, p. 487. (Book news.)

      Title page of the magazine. 1834 has been published monthly since 1834. The magazine dates back to 1803 from the publication “Periodic essay on the successes of public education” (St. Petersburg, 1803 ... Wikipedia

      - “JOURNAL OF THE MINISTRY OF PUBLIC EDUCATION” (1834 1917) converted from “Notes of the Department of Public Education”. The magazine, along with official government orders and information about public education, published scientific works... ... Literary encyclopedia

      "JOURNAL OF THE MINISTRY OF PUBLIC EDUCATION"- (ZhMNP), official. publication of the Ministry of Public Education, published in 1834-1917. monthly (a total of 434 parts were published, each including several issues). The Ministry of Public Education began to publish its printed organ based on the Preliminary ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

      Journal of the Ministry of Public Education- Title page of the magazine. 1834 The magazine of the Ministry of Public Education was published monthly since 1834. The magazine dates back to 1803 from the publication “Periodic essay on the successes of public education” (St. Petersburg, 1803-1819). Then the magazine... ... Wikipedia

      Journal of the Ministry of Public Education- (“Journal of the Ministry of Public Education”), a monthly magazine, organ of the Ministry of Public Education of Russia. Published from 1834 to 1917 in St. Petersburg. The magazine consisted of an official part, where materials from the ministry were published, and... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

      "Journal of the Ministry of Public Education"- JOURNAL OF THE MINISTRY OF PUBLIC EDUCATION (1834 1918) monthly. zh., publishing Russian news. and foreign scientists and educational institutions, Art. on the history of enlightenment and education, Art. and reports rus. scientists (A. N. Veselovsky, I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay, ... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

      Journal of the Ministry of Public Education- I has been published monthly since 1834. In addition to its official purpose, it is a scientific journal in the department of humaniora, with preference for history and literary history. In 1860-65 J.M.N.P. was exclusively a pedagogical journal; then… …

      Journal of the Ministry of Public Education (addition to the article)- the editor is E. L. Radlov. Index of articles published in the unofficial part of 1867-1891. (SPb., 1894) and from 1892 to 1900 (ib., 1903) ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

      Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Public Education- According to Art. 17 the current institution of the Ministry of Peoples. education (approved by the Emperor on June 18, 1863), the U. Committee of the Ministry of Public Education has the purpose of considering, on behalf of the minister, a) those entering the ministry ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

      People's Commissariat for Public Education- People's Commissariat of Education (Narkompros) is a state body of the USSR that in the 20s and 30s controlled almost all cultural and humanitarian spheres: education, librarianship, book publishing, museums, theaters and cinemas, clubs, parks... ... Wikipedia


    • Journal of the Ministry of Public Education, P.G. Vinogradov. Journal of the Ministry of Public Education. Sixth Decade. Part CCXLV. 1886. May. Journal of the Ministry of Public Education. Sixth Decade. Part CCXLVII. 1886. August. Magazine... Buy for 1739 UAH (Ukraine only)
    • Journal of the Ministry of Public Education, M. P. Pogodin. Journal of the Ministry of Public Education. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1873 edition (publishing house `St. Petersburg, Balashev Printing House`).…